TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2012 · 2014. 5. 23. · Derek Rydall. Derek is an amazing soul, amazing human...


Transcript of TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2012 · 2014. 5. 23. · Derek Rydall. Derek is an amazing soul, amazing human...


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  • Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 2 of 33 Guest: Derek Rydall Tuesday, October 30, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

    Jennifer: Welcome, everyone, to Healing With The Masters. This is a very special day. We

    are having some fascinating times on our planet right now. And the shows and the season this year is reflecting the wild energies all of us are going through. We are going through a spectacular journey this season. There’s no accidents that are happening in this remarkable year of 2012.

    I do want to remind you that each show of this blessed series is a point of opening.

    Now, the reason I remind you every time is because as I remind your mind how powerful these shows are, it allows your mind to let go and allows the heart to take over and receive the powerful frequencies that you are going to experience tonight, that you experience on each show. Each show is the foundation for the next show. Each one is energized with frequencies that allow you to open to the new capacities that are within you waiting for your discovery. Each show builds upon itself in a synchronistic dance. So our recommendation is to try and catch as many of these shows as you can. And of course a really great way to do that is to purchase and own this particular season of Healing With The Masters. You can do that at:

    healingwiththemasters.com/purcharse And you can own every single one of them. And I’m telling you, man, this season

    is just amazing. Every show is chocked full of high vibrational healing frequencies that are really shifting people. We get thousands of emails from people who are sharing with us what’s been happening to them.

    I also want to share that I am so grateful and honored and so blessed, I really feel

    so blessed, to know that each and every one of you are on this ride with us. And remind you that you are actually a co-creator on this beautiful dance that we are experiencing on each and every show. What comes forth on each show does so from your intention. Each of you are the spark that allows all of us to grow. Isn’t that cool? I also want to mention something about masters. You know, we may think of masters as the remarkable guests that share their knowledge and experience with us each week on Healing With The Masters, but we actually consider you to be the master; each of you in this audience, you the participant. You have everything within you and no one is more uniquely qualified to transform your life than you. In fact, you have within you the master that you are seeking. The master speakers that we bring together in this series allow us to discover the tools and techniques to continue to shift our lives into love and light, and to continue to discover the masters that we are. And in the process we truly make a very big difference on this planet.

    And someone who’s been making a big difference on this planet for a long time is

    Derek Rydall. Derek is an amazing soul, amazing human being. I think he’s a fairy in the energetic sense. He’s got this beautiful, beautiful energy about him that radiates and the passion for this work and the way he wants to change all of us to see our souls blueprint is just an amazing thing to witness. After a life changing brush with death, Derek Rydall tried being a monk, then cloistered himself in his apartment and meditated for several years, emerging to become an integrative therapist, best selling author, and adopt a monk. And that’s another story.

    He is the number one expert on what he calls the Law of Emergence. He has

    trained leaders of Fortune 500 companies, from American Express to Disney, in communication skills; shared the virtual stage with best selling authors and

  • Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 3 of 33 Guest: Derek Rydall Tuesday, October 30, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

    legendary thought leaders such as Michael Beckwith, Gregg Braden, Marcie Shimoff, Jack Canfield, Bruce Lipton, and has coached media professionals including Oscan and Emmy winners, on creating enlightened entertainment. He regularly writes for The Huffington Post, America Online, and annually teaches tens of thousands around the world how to live a prosperous purposeful and unstoppable life. We are so blessed and honored to welcome Derek to tonight’s show. Just know that Derek comes chocked full of codes. That’s what I see anyway. I see it as codes that are offering you an energetic blueprint, so open yourself to feel the energies that Derek is sharing tonight as well as the beautiful words that he will be sharing with you tonight. So open your energy fields to allow that beautiful healing frequency to move in. Welcome, Derek Rydall, to Healing With The Masters. It’s so much fun having you here. I can’t wait to talk to you tonight.

    Derek: It’s an honor and a pleasure to be here, Jennifer, truly. And it’s true. We want to

    listen to the ear behind the ear. We want to listen not just to the words I’m saying, but listen to what I’m listening to. And like you said, those codes that Divine DNA that’s resonating and I’m just really, really honored to be here and to be able to share it with everyone. I can feel the energy. It’s pretty powerful.

    Jennifer: Yes, we have a pretty powerful group here I might add. Derek: Absolutely. Jennifer: A beautiful, powerful group of folks. So Divine DNA, that caught my attention. Tell

    me more. Derek: Well, you know, it took me a while to get that, because I came from a long period

    of time many years ago where I was struggling thinking that my DNA was all messed up. Coming from a bad childhood and I was trying to improve myself and fix myself and get validation for myself and try to get rid of all of the bad parts of myself. This whole struggle drove me ultimately to be addicted to drugs and alcohol, to break up with my fiancé, become alone, broke, living in a one bedroom apartment, living off of Kraft macaroni and cheese. And frankly, ultimately becoming suicidal. This striving to improve myself and fix myself and to achieve something that would ultimately give me this validation. And I remember I ended up in the emergency room after overdosing from alcohol and tied to an IV, and as the monitor was beeping and I was lying in bed thinking and knowing that my mom was coming to pick me up, and I was an adult at this point. And just going, something is wrong with this picture.

    And you know how the universe whispers in your ear and then it taps you lightly on

    the shoulder and then it takes a two-by-four to your head, and you think that’s supposed to be enough, right? And it wasn’t enough for me, unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, because I ultimately had to have a brush with death — near death experience while I was in Jamaica. And really be brought to the absolute edge of my known self. And I won’t go into the whole story but I was caught in a reef under water for along time.

    And I went through all of the things that my mind was trying to figure out how I

    might be rescued, and how I might be saved. Ultimately I was imagining how I might become famous posthumously. Since I wasn’t going to make it, I might as well at least become famous. Even in the last throws of breath, my ego was still

  • Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 4 of 33 Guest: Derek Rydall Tuesday, October 30, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

    seeking its 15 minutes. And ultimately it came to the point where I knew I wasn’t going to be rescued, and I knew I was going to drown. And it’s kind of hard to imagine what’s that like. I mean, I’d gone beyond the bargaining with God. You know, God if you just get me out of this I’ll go to church on Sunday, I promise. It was beyond that kind of bargaining. It was really — there was really nothing left but complete and total surrender, unconditional surrender.

    Derek: And I was caught under water in this intense area that looked like an underground

    tomb out of an Indiana Jones movie, with spiked coral all around me and I just let go. And in that moment of complete surrender, this wave came along and lifted me out of this pocket I had become trapped in. And lifted me and placed me on top of the one spot out of the water that I couldn’t even see from where I was. And I was able to see the labyrinth I had become caught in, and something snapped in that moment of unconditional surrender. My ego was ripped from its moorings. I like to say Humpty Dumpty fell off the wall, and I spent the next year trying to put Humpty Dumpty back together again.

    But I had a glimpse in that moment of surrender of a part of me that had never

    been diminished, had never been damaged, and that did not and could not be improved. It didn’t need to be improved and couldn’t be improved. I didn’t have the language for it, but it was so compelling that as you said in the opening, I was going to become a monk. And that wasn’t quite right for me, so I ultimately cloistered myself in my apartment and I got rid of newspaper, TV, all stimulus except for my spiritual reading and journaling and meditating. And began to reacquaint myself with this dimension of me, this Divine DNA, this soul blueprint, this part of me that was perfect that had never been damaged by any experience I had been through, and this part of me that did not therefore need to be fixed or healed or improved upon. Rather it needed to be discovered, uncovered, excavated, integrated, and allowed for it to emerge.

    And that was really what began my real journey, was I discovered kind of like

    Michelangelo. You know he believed that God had already created all of the masterpieces and he just saw the finished masterpiece in that block of marble and chipped away everything that wasn’t it to set it free. And I really discovered there was already this masterpiece within me and within everyone. This Divine sign that’s already created by the Divine intelligence that cannot be improved upon. And out of that, as I began to get language for that, that’s also where the idea of emergence and the Law of Emergence came from. Because I realize that all of our struggling and all of our striving that I had lived through and that had almost killed me, that most of our struggling and striving to improve or fix or add something or attract something, is the very resistance that is preventing the thing itself from emerging, and it’s keeping us separate from it. At least separate energetically. You can never actually be separate, because it’s who you are — but energetically.

    And when we stop that whole struggle of self-improvement and begin to embrace

    who and what we really are and embrace these parts of us and discover this Divine DNA, it begins to emerge in our life. Again, I use the analogy of the acorn and the oak tree. It begins to emerge organically, you know, the oak is already in the acorn. The acorn doesn’t have to improve itself into oak-hood, or achieve or become worthy of becoming an oak. When the conditions are right, that oak naturally emerges, and that Divine DNA that was always in that acorn. And the same is true for each and every one of us. There’s already a Divine DNA here, a blueprint, and it’s trying to emerge now more than ever it’s trying to emerge and it

  • Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 5 of 33 Guest: Derek Rydall Tuesday, October 30, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

    needs to emerge. There’s an emergency of emergence on the planet right now otherwise called an emergency. And that’s what we’re all feeling. That’s why we’re all on this call right now. We’re feeling this urgency and it’s calling. And I want to make one little quick point and jump back into the questions, but because one of the biggest challenges is because we’ve been taught an outside model of life that we’re separate from this wholeness, separate from this abundance, when in fact it’s already in us trying to come out. We look at these burning desires, these really strong urges, to express or to have more, and we think it’s a clue of something outside that we need to go get, but it’s really a clue of something inside that’s trying to get out.

    Derek: And we are all pregnant, we are all in our third-trimester or ninth pregnancy and

    the baby is kicking, and it feels like urgency. It feels like a burning desire. It feels like a crisis, but it’s really an evolutionary catalyst that’s saying, “You are so much more than you think. There’s such a larger you trying to emerge.” Tap into it; say yes to it.

    Jennifer: Oh, beautiful. Tap into it; say yes to it, and let it out. You said a series of words

    that we are in a place ready to discover, excavate, integrate, and allow to emerge — uncover.

    Derek: Yes. Jennifer: And excavate, integrate, and allow to emerge. So, Derek, do we really need crisis?

    Do we really need to almost die as you did in order to surrender? In order to find that Divine DNA?

    Derek: Well, I would say yes, and no. I would say on one hand it’s not ordained. It’s not

    like the will of God or the will of the Divine universe that love itself is saying you need to struggle and have crisis in order to grow. The infinite intelligence, the love of God, the love of the universe, it only knows love. It only knows peace; it only knows harmony, but it’s infinite. You can’t experience infinity, so there has to be a process whereby infinity unfolds and emerges through you and as you as it says in the Bible, “From glory to greater glory, world without end.” So there has to be a mechanism by which that infinity unfolds through us. And we have a choice. We can do it through a process of direct revelation, direct contact with it, or we can do it through a process of crisis and challenge that forces us to crack open.

    And what happens is there’s different levels of perception. As we tap into and

    unfold more of who we are at a certain point it has a tendency to crystallize. We have a tendency to identify with it and think this is who I am now. This is reality. And as that happens, it’s like it hardens, and it’s like a shell. And in order for the next level of our infinite being to unfold, it has to do what? It has to crack through that shell. And it’s kind of like also in nature there are certain seeds in the forest that actually need a forest fire to create the level of heat that will crack open the shell and allow it to germinate. And even burn down some of the other trees to create more openness in the canopy so that light can get in. Otherwise there will be too much shade and there won’t be enough light to activate the potential within the seed, and it won’t grow. It won’t thrive. And that forest will eventually cease to exist.

    What we’ve learned through self-development, personal development and just our

    human experiences, try to get rid of all of the crisis. Try to avoid them. Pray them

  • Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 6 of 33 Guest: Derek Rydall Tuesday, October 30, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

    away. Affirm them away. And it’s kind of like if that seed could do that it would pray away all of the forest fires. And if it succeeded at that, and it had no forest fires, it might become the envy of all of the seeds who have saved it from a forest fire, but it would ultimately have thwarted that evolutionary process for it to unfold.

    Derek: Now, again, it doesn’t mean that it has to happen that way, but it does seem to be

    part of the evolutionary process. What I’ve discovered is that the only reason it’s a problem, the only reason the crisis is a problem, is because we’ve identified with the acorn shell. We’ve identified with our current identity. And so whenever it has to be shaken up and broken up for the next stage of our being to emerge, because we’ve identified with it, it becomes a painful experience where we have to start having the dying experience. You know, the letting go of stuff.

    Whereas when we start to learn to more and more identify with that part of us that

    is eternal, that is infinite, that is not changing, it’s a qualitative eternal activity of our being. When we start more identifying with that, than we do with the particular form that it’s taking in our life, then as the next stage emerges and breaks through and breaks through and cracks through, we’re able to witness it. We might even notice there’s some upheaval going on, but it doesn’t through us off center and it doesn’t even hurt as much, because we’re not attached. We are living in heaven while incarnated on Earth, and that’s really what the master teachers meant when they said, “Be in the world, but not of it.” You know, kind of like if you’ve ever had the experience of lucid dreaming where you suddenly wake up in the dream and you know it’s a dream now, and you know that you’re safe and sound in bed, but now you can move through that experience and even if you experience pain or challenges or problems, it doesn’t throw you off, because you know who you really are now. You know where you’re actually living from.

    And I would say that when we awaken as individuals in this world, you could say

    we become lucid livers. Where we’re literally living moving through this human experience, but we’re coming from that eternal reality. So yes, crisis is a part of the human experience. You can lessen it to a great degree by not resisting it, not fighting it, not trying to overcome it, but embracing what it brings up and integrating that. And the more you identify with this Divine DNA, or what I call your Soul Purpose Blueprint. The more you identify with that, then you’re able to be much more open and mindful as the next stage unfolds, and it doesn’t create that kind of struggle and stress in your life, because most of our stress is actually the product of the struggle between who you really are and the false ideas you’ve been conditioned to believe about yourself. That’s where most of our stress actually comes from. And so that’s why it behooves us to become so rooted in and identified with and to uncover this Divine DNA of who and what we really are.

    Jennifer: Just beautiful stuff, and I can feel the energy behind your words is also kind of

    penetrating this audience and allowing us to change that perception, because within the change of perception is what you’re talking about is that place of heaven on earth, by just simply perceiving our life is here for us. That the things that are showing up are here to crack us open into our divinity.

    So, Derek, I have a question for you. What does a day in a life look like of

    someone who is living on this planet at this time, literally weathering storms, literally having people who are going through crisis surrounding them? What does a day in a life kind of look like of someone who is living in heaven despite what is happening around them?

  • Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 7 of 33 Guest: Derek Rydall Tuesday, October 30, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

    Derek: Well, it may not look any different to the outside eye. As Jesus said, “Behold the

    Kingdom of heaven is at hand, but having eyes you can’t see it, having ears you can’t hear it.” He was basically saying it has to be spiritually discerned. So we are already living in heaven, living in harmony, living in a sea of love and divinity, but it doesn’t do us any good to know that intellectually. We have to have a practice and a way to start making direct contact with it and to connect with that frequency. You talk about the energies and the frequencies and all of that.

    It’s kind of like right now we’re surrounded. All of us are surrounded by our

    favorite music, but you can’t hear it unless you’re tuned into it with your radio station, because it’s playing at a frequency that your radio is not tuned into right now, even if you don’t have a radio in front of you. When you tune the dial to that frequency where that music is playing, you suddenly have music. And you might be turning into KRICH, you know, KRICH. And suddenly you have this music. You didn’t make the music happen, you just made it welcome. It was already happening. And it wasn’t happening in your future. It wasn’t happening in the distance. It was happening right here and now.

    Again, the distance between where we are and where we want to be is not one of

    time and space; it’s one of frequency. So the same thing is true with the music of our soul, the song of our heart, that rhythm we’re meant to dance to; that transcend dance; that transcend dance music. It’s already playing. And so the day in the life of a person who’s living in that, they have strategies in place. That’s what my work is about. The whole emergineering work about engineering the emergence of your life for the Soul Purpose Blueprint, which is about getting in touch first and foremost with what is that vision for your life that’s trying to emerge in you. That’s really job number one. A person who’s living in heaven, they have a vision for their life. They know what they stand for. They know what they’re standing in. They know who and what they are and why they’re alive. It doesn’t mean it’s some big grandiose thing, but they are connected with that thing that’s trying to emerge through them, that vision.

    And that’s why in Proverbs it says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” It

    didn’t say, where there is no vision the people have a bad day, right? It says, where there’s no vision they die. The culture perishes. A society without vision moves into decadence. We see the signs of that all around us right now. A society that is without vision in a lot of ways, but it’s because it’s calling for a larger vision to emerge now. Those on the line right now are the individuals. And that call we’re feeling in our heart, that urgency, that crisis is all saying there’s a vision trying to emerge.

    So our job number one is asking those kinds of questions and tapping into what is

    the vision of my life. What is trying to emerge through me by means of this condition? Who am I really and why am I alive? It’s like my prayer has always been for the longest time, God more than I want to change, fix, heal, or manipulate anything or anyone, I want to wake up to who and what I really am and why I am alive. More than I want to control, manipulate, or fix anything, I want to wake up to the truth that makes me free. I want to see with Divine eyes. I want to know with the heart of God. I want to feel with the soul of the Spirit. I want to see what is really here.

  • Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 8 of 33 Guest: Derek Rydall Tuesday, October 30, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

    Derek: And that prayer as we pray that in our own words, it pulls us out of the old paradigm of trying to control and manipulate our environment, which we will one day of the other discover is impossible. And instead begin to get in touch with that part of ourselves that has already done the work and is always doing the work. And we’ll become a candidate, we will create the right conditions for that kind of insight, those kind of breakthrough awareness that make us more and more identified with that part of us that is not susceptible to any of the issues of the world and will begin to be born in us as a vision.

    As one of my mentors says, “The pain pushes until the vision pulls.” So a lot of us

    are being pushed by pain, and we have to turn around instead of merely being problem solvers, because that’s what we’ve been taught. Here’s the pain. Here’s the problem. Try to solve it. Use all of these techniques and try to improve it, fix it. And the problem with that is as long as we’re just trying to solve and fix the problem, we’re still at the frequency of the problem. And that’s why Einstein said, “You cannot solve a problem at the level of thinking that created it.” You’re wanting the information on KRICH, but you’re turned into KLACK. And you cannot get the information that exists on the other station as long as you’re turned into the other one; even for all of the good reasons you may have for being tuned into it.

    So a person who’s living in heaven, they are asking those kinds of questions.

    They’re tapping into a vision. That’s number one. And number two, they have a practice and a strategy that begins to lift their vibration on a constant basis to become congruent with that vision. That’s like tuning the radio up the dial. So that means that the average person has a strategy unconsciously where they are reacting to appearances, reacting to the news, reacting to people, and then basing what’s true about them, or what’s possible in their life, based on what they’re seeing and feeling and sensing in the world of appearances. But the world of appearances is just an old frequency. It’s an old idea that’s already come. It’s old, and it’s outmoded. But a person who’s living in heaven, a visionary, they are tuning into the frequencies that is the frequency of the vision that’s trying to emerge.

    So for example if the vision for their life is to be healthy, abundant, to serve others

    in whatever capacity it might look like, they begin to ask; what does it feel like to be living that vision? Who would I be if I were living that vision? And then very strategically through their practices and techniques, meditation, prayer, et cetera, they begin go lift and practice the vibration, the feeling tone that is congruent with that vision. So if the vision is to be abundant, and they would feel a level of trust or security, they start to create strategies in their life and practices so that they can feel more faith filled, more trusting, more secure. Even while the appearances seem to say otherwise. And if they keep doing that, they start to tune it in and tune it in until eventually they’re walking through their day feeling empowered, feeling confident, feeling faithful, even while the appearances still look the same until they hit a new set point.

    And I remember years ago when I first really began doing this work, and I

    remember I was driving along and was doing it for quite a while, several weeks and nothing seemed to be changing. But I was doing it with consistency, which is a key. I was bumping up against a lot of doubt and a lot of fear, but I just keep bringing my attention back to the practice, back to the practice with consistency. And then one day I’m driving down the 405, you know, the busiest freeway in the

  • Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 9 of 33 Guest: Derek Rydall Tuesday, October 30, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

    world, I think, and it was in rush hour traffic, bumper to bumper, and all of a sudden it was like the cosmic tumbler clicked into place. And I was just overcome with a sense of bliss. And I was in heaven, and I felt like one million bucks. I felt like a superstar. And it shook me for a moment. I was like, oh, my God. Why do I feel so good? What happened? Did something good happen today? And I was searching my mind and my car trying to see, did I get some good news? What happened? And nothing good had happened that day. In fact, there had been some challenges and some problems. And I was sitting here in bumper-to-bumper traffic and I looked around and I realized most of these people are in traffic, but I’m in heaven.

    Derek: And I realized a shift had taken place. That’s because I was practicing. I was

    tuning the dial. Within a matter of days as that new set point integrated, then my circumstance, my appearances, that began to catch up with me and all new kinds of opportunities showed up and abundance, and my life was taken to a new level materially speaking. The key is that I didn’t wait for my external world to change before I arrived to that place. I was doing the work to get there energetically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, so that I would create the congruent conditions.

    So that’s what a person who’s living in heaven or any degree of heaven is doing.

    They have a vision. They have a practice. And they have a very specific plan and strategy for activating that and cultivating that and walking in the direction of their vision no matter what the world says, no matter what the world thinks, no matter what is appearing before them. That’s been my experience.

    Jennifer: I have witnessed this over and over and over again. A really great way to flush out

    some of the content from Healing With The Masters is to read autobiographies. Because in there, even if they don’t say it directly, you will get it, the nuance that there is a vision. In 2003 I wrote a declaration that I am an amplifier and a conduit to bring sacred messages to the planet, to create peace on this planet. That’s paraphrased, but that’s essentially my vision. And my life changed dramatically after that. It took me until 2006 to finally quit corporate America and then in 2007 to finally start considering what that vision looks like manifested. But there is no question in my mind that vision actually created the people, the support, the wherewithal within my own being to then create the evidence in my life on how to manifest that. I had no idea what that looked like when I created the declaration, but there’s no question that declaration created some kind of an energetic platform that allowed everything to flow out of it.

    Derek: No doubt about it. What happens, and it’s important for everybody to understand

    this, it’s both an incredible inspirational thing and in a way a cautionary note. Understand the minute you set that intention, Jennifer, your prayer was already answered. I want everybody to understand.

    Jennifer: Oh, there’s no question. I went into poverty and illness after that. Derek: That’s right, that’s right. That’s why I’m going to talk a little bit about the

    cautionary note. Of course, we’re playing a little bit, but understand that the minute you pray, the minute you affirm, the minute you intend, that impulse, that prayer is answered instantly. Here’s what it is, because understand — when you understand that all there really is one life, one power, one presence, one Divine mind, one quantum field, by whatever name you want to call it, there’s this one all loving, all giving, all knowing, whole and complete beingness that’s expressing

  • Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 10 of 33 Guest: Derek Rydall Tuesday, October 30, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

    everywhere in its fullness, and it cannot be hindered, blocked, or denied. And it’s the only thing going on, but it cannot experience itself except through and as you. As I said before, that burning desire is not a sign of something outside you need to go get. It’s a sign of something inside trying to get out. So when you have that desire and you set that intention or say that prayer, whether it’s because your back is against the wall, or because you look out at the world and you get inspired by something, it’s instantly activated within you, because the only reason you have that burning desire is because it’s already in you.

    Derek: It’s like if the acorn could have a desire it looks out at the field of oaks and it says,

    “I want to be bigger. I just feel like there’s a bigger life for me.” Instantly it activates the oak pattern within it and that oak now starts to grow. But if that acorn stays attached to its identity as an acorn and just thinks it’s going to try and become the best nut in the forest, then it’s going to have some problems. Because it’s activated the oak of its being, and now that’s emerging. And so what happens when we’ve been saying these prayers and doing this work, it’s emerging now. I’m telling you it’s emerging. It’s emerging on the planet. That’s why we’re experiencing a lot of this.

    And yet there’s still patterns and parts of us that are holding on to old paradigms,

    old economic paradigms, old parental fantasies, old societal conditioning, old childhood trauma beliefs about what we can and can’t do, can and can’t be. But we’ve activated that dimension of our destiny, and it’s emerging now, and it’s bumping up against the shell of these old identities. And if we keep resisting it and try to maintain and sustain our current life and just fix it and improve it and just kind of make it better and relieve the pain, then we’re just trying to hold that acorn shell together.

    And at the same time we’re praying for more and more, we’re activating more and

    more. And that stress between those two polls creates a crisis in our life. And that’s why also it says in the gospel of Thomas, it says, “If you keep what is within you within you, it will destroy you. But if you let what is within you out, it will save you.” And I’m paraphrasing, but it’s basically saying there’s something trying to come out.

    So what it behooves us to do when we are in those crisis points or when we know

    we have been setting in motion a vision by either having a desire for more, a desire to do more, be more, have more, a prayer, an affirmation. Just know you set it in motion now. Now the work is how can I get in congruence with that? How can I become in integrity with that? How can I start aligning my thoughts, my feelings, my actions, my environment, so that more and more it’s congruent with what I’m praying for, with what I’m affirming, who I’m declaring that I want to be? And that’s where the biggest challenge comes. We’re doing all of this work. We’re wanting to be more abundant, and then we turn on the TV. We listen to how bad the economy is so called, and then we go to work and we commiserate around how there’s not enough work out there and we do all of these different things that keep us out of integrity with what we’ve been praying for, visioning, desiring, or intending.

    And that’s literally like the Zen statement. It’s like we’re trying to ride two horses

    at the same time that are going in opposite directions. Or as the Bible says, “We’re trying to serve two masters.” And if you do that you are a house divided and a house divided cannot stand. It has no structural integrity. So what I teach in

  • Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 11 of 33 Guest: Derek Rydall Tuesday, October 30, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

    works like the Soul Purpose Blueprint and this kind of thing is now more than ever because understand there’s such a level of spiritual energy on the planet right now that there’s a high pattern that’s been activated on the planet. And that’s why you see an escalation of crisis. It’s because there’s all of this larger life trying to press forth, trying to emerge these new more evolved patterns and paradigms. But there’s all of this resistance to it. All of this fear and resistance and there’s a lack of integrity with what’s trying to emerge.

    Derek: It’s creating individual pressure as well. We’re all feeling it, and so now more than

    ever it’s both a cautionary tale in the sense that you really need to do this work. This is the most important thing in your life right now. Knowing who you are and why you’re alive and knowing the vision, this is no longer a nice thing to do because it’s hip and cool in the ‘80s, or anything. This is imperative to the unfolding of your life from this moment forward. But also understand that because of this critical mass of energy that’s being activated, you’re like part of a lottery pool where everybody can be a winner.

    It’s like this energy is giving you such a boost that if you’re wiling to get in

    alignment with it, if you’re willing to say yes to the yes within you, if you’re willing to start moving your life step by step into integrity with what’s really trying to emerge, it’s like “whoosh”. Miracles can happen, quantum shifts can happen, quantum leaps can happen. We are living in the time of miracles if we’re willing to get in alignment with that energy that’s being activated collectively and individually.

    Jennifer: Wow. So much there. There’s a subtlety here of being congruent and yet not

    suppressing. Instead of commiserating around the water fountain at work and talking about lack, there’s an opportunity to, if it comes forth, Derek, is it okay to not judge ourselves and say, “Oh, my God. That must be where I’m at if I’m commiserating.” And to use that moment.

    Derek: Absolutely. You’re so brilliant. You are so brilliant. You’re just tapping into the

    exact next piece of this equation so perfectly. And it’s absolutely right, because that’s one of the other big challenges that’s happened. We think and we’ve been kind of taught and conditioned to believe that the only way to grow is up. The only way to grow spiritually is toward the light. And then understand that’s not how anything grows. If you look at — if you take an oak tree and you take an x-ray of the entire oak from underneath to the top you’ll see that the higher its branches grow, the deeper its roots must grow into the darkness. The deeper the roots the richer the fruits.

    And what we’ve been taught — and if a seed tried the grow the way so many of us

    have been taught, which is to avoid the dark stuff, avoid the bad stuff, affirm over it, pray over it, get rid of it, bury it, heal it, fix it; if a seed tried to do that, it would just grow up toward the light and think all of the positive stuff and eventually, of course, it wouldn’t even get very tall. Then it would just topple over by the slightest little breeze. Or if it tried to do like a seed, like we try to do a lot of times in our work, it’s pray away all of the dirt and all of the bad stuff, that seed would pray away all of the dirt, and then it would be standing triumphant upon the rock and the sun would come out, that thing that’s supposed to activate its potential, and instead it would burn it to a crisp. So the seed is smarter than our egos. It knows to bury itself in the dirt, in the darkness, and turn that not into a grave, but into a womb.

  • Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 12 of 33 Guest: Derek Rydall Tuesday, October 30, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

    Derek: So it’s so important that we understand that absolutely when the crisis comes up,

    or when the issues come up, instead of trying to — let’s say we find out there’s a part of us that’s really scared, instead of trying to affirm I’m not afraid, I’m not afraid, or we’re really sad or we’re feeling really selfish or bad about ourselves, instead to turn to that part of ourselves, and begin to embrace it. And begin to ask those parts of ourselves questions like, “Where did you come from? Where did I create you? When did I first try to reject you?” And you’ll begin to discover there was an experience where maybe you were starting to step out into all of your brilliance and you really wanted what you wanted and you got shamed for that. You got told you were selfish or there were starving kids in China, or nice girls don’t speak like that, or you’re being weird. And you begin to shame that part of you, and you begin to create coping mechanisms to try to be the good girl and boy, the people pleaser, the smart kid, the high achiever, all of these things. But it was a reaction to a part of you that you felt was not worthy. It was bad. It was shameful or scary or dangerous.

    And so when you start to bump up against those in your life later on we keep trying

    more and more techniques to try an override that part of us. But instead if you ask — you start to have a dialogue with this part of you and say, “Where did you come from? Where was that incident?” And then you ask, “How have you been a blessing to me all along, because I’ve been thinking of you as being bad?” You know, this part of me that I think is a loser or a failure or stupid. I’ve been thinking that it was bad, but instead I ask, “How have you been a gift? How have you been a blessing?” Suddenly I’ll begin to realize that it’s because of my rejection of the loser part of me that I strove and developed a lot of really incredible talents and abilities and skills that made me really intelligent and productive. There’s lots of gifts in that.

    And then we ask, “What do you need from me now to feel loved, to feel cherished,

    to feel respected?” So in other words, we’re not asking this part of us that feels bad — we’re not saying, “What do you need from me to change you from being a loser to a winner, or from being scared to being courageous, or from being sad to being happy?” We’re not doing that anymore. That’s a form of metaphysical malpractice. It’s a form of psychic or spiritual abuse. Instead we’re recognizing that these parts of us are like our children that are just crying out. They’re scared. They’re upset, and we begin to embrace them and say, “What do you need to feel loved, to feel respected, to feel supported?” And that part of you will begin to speak to you. And it will begin to stop sabotaging you, because all of our efforts to try and repress those parts of us, they break out in abrogated ways.

    When we repress the selfish part of us and we try to be the really do-gooder and

    the people-pleaser, we notice that people take advantage of us. We start to get resentful. We don’t take care of ourselves, and we start to break down and have all of these problems. When we embrace the selfish part of us, it begins to get reintegrated and it turns into our life not as selfishness, but as deep self-care and self-love, self-acceptance. And it becomes integrated; it becomes another part of our power. When we embrace the angry self, and I see this so often, and of course it seems almost a cliché, that it seems to be even more difficult with women. Because if a woman is angry, she’s labeled in a very negative way. If a man is angry, maybe he’s considered strong, you know, in some cases. But when you embrace the angry self, she turns into your power, she helps you to create healthy boundaries. So all of these parts that we’ve been taught to fix, change, heal, or

  • Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 13 of 33 Guest: Derek Rydall Tuesday, October 30, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

    repress, that we’ve made our enemy, when we love them, when we forgive them, and when we embrace them, they become our ally. In fact, they become some of our greatest allies.

    Derek: As Carl Young said, “My work is not to become good, but to become whole.” And

    that is really what this work is about. It’s not about becoming good, because good is a judgment call. It’s about becoming whole. And then all of this — so much of what we’ve been struggling to achieve in our life, if we just stopped and started embracing and loving all of ourselves, what would begin to emerge in our life? The potential, the insight, the wisdom, the joy and the peace is profound.

    So absolutely while we’re opening up to the great vision of our life, one of the core

    components in cultivating the conditions, the congruent conditions is about embracing all of those parts of us that we’ve been rejecting, or that we have labeled as bad, or that the world might label as bad. It’s a profound practice.

    Jennifer: It’s so beautiful. It’s interesting, Derek, you’re using a lot of the vocabulary that I

    use with my own system of healing called Body Dialoguing. It’s really cool to hear you share it in that way and kind of authenticate how important it is to tap into these aspects of our being that are being called forth through our life’s experiences through the challenges that are showing up. And by having a simple dialogue with them, we can now use them as a point of access to really moving into our divinity. It’s so beautiful. I have a request. And I’m not sure if this is something that you normally would do, but I just felt compelled that beautiful prayer that you say for yourself, is there a process that you can do with us around that prayer so that we can start holding that same vision and energy in our own lives?

    Derek: Absolutely. One thing I was going to do at some point — we could do it. It’s a

    process that’s very popular. The visualization, vibration, radiation process. And it allows us to activate, to get in touch with some aspect of our vision, to activate that quality and to start generating it and radiating it, and then I close it with what I call a quantum prayer, which is purposeful to activate that connection to our Spirit, which is what you’re talking about.

    Jennifer: That sounds awesome. Let’s do it. Derek: It’s an activation process. And one of the reasons, just a little background really

    quickly. I also want to say something. I want people to understand that we’re not working in embracing all of these dark parts of us as a way to our divinity. I want you to know that those dark parts of you are your divinity.

    Jennifer: Thank you for that distinction. I love that, yes. Derek: That’s why it says in the Bible, “The darkness and the light are both alike to thee,

    oh Lord.” It’s saying that from the presence, the Divine Intelligence, it doesn’t see the duality. It only sees the wholeness. And the darkness and the light is all part of the perfect unfolding. Remember, infinity is trying to unfold, and the mechanism for infinity to unfold is it uses the process of duality to — the positive, the negative; the male, the female; the yin, the yang; to activate those potentials into forms, into expressions and experiences. That’s a part of the process.

    So it’s only because we have developed judgment around it all, which creates

    resistance to it, that we experience pain and suffering around it. But when we start

  • Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 14 of 33 Guest: Derek Rydall Tuesday, October 30, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

    to love it and embrace it and forgive it, which is why Jesus said, “Love your enemies.” And he did not mean just people. He said, “Your enemy is in your own household.” He was talking about anything in your mind that you think is bad or wrong. When you love and integrate all of that, you release the charge, the judgment, and you begin to behold the divinity in everything. And then everything begins to conspire for your good. Everything.

    Jennifer: Beautiful. Derek: As it says in the Old Testament, “Man may have meant it for evil, but God means it

    for good.” And so everything right now is conspiring for your freedom, for your awakening, and for your fulfillment, but we can’t experience that divine conspiracy until we come into harmony with it, into integrity with it. And these processes are exactly for that purpose.

    Jennifer: Beautiful. Let’s get into it. And also, I just want to repeat that. Duality activates

    the potential and decorum. That’s good. Man, you’ve got so many great quotes. Wow. We’re going to be quoting you for months. Let’s dive into the practice. I’m really excited about it. Thank you.

    Derek: So just a quick little bit of background on what we’re doing here. Understand the

    Emergence Model, just as the oak tree is already in the acorn, just as that masterpiece was already in the block of marble, the destiny of your life is already in you. Nothing can be added to you. Life doesn’t happen to you, it happens through you. You are a divine power plant. The whole kingdom of heaven, the whole Nirvanic Realm, whatever name you call it, it’s in you. And the only way for you to have and experience more of it is for it to come out of you energetically first and foremost.

    So the process we’re going to do right now is to activate it and begin to radiate it.

    Now, the next piece is to understand that you can only keep what you’re willing to give away, because as you radiate it, you actually are opening up more and more of a space for that to flow through you, and to activate the law of circulation. And so whatever you’re withholding from anyone or anything outside of you, you’re actually withholding from yourself. You’re blocking the circulation. So when you start to activate this within you and then radiate it, and bless everyone and everything and want everyone and everything to have it, that activates and starts to unleash this imprisoned splendor that’s within you.

    And finally you turn it back around to yourself to complete the circuit, which is what

    we’re going to do. And I’m going to do a special blessing for the East Coast of the U.S. and what’s

    going on with the storm, so we’re going to be right now a channel of grace, not just for us, but for the whole planet.

    So just take a moment now and close your eyes. Just ridding on the energy that

    you’ve been feeling activated on this call. And I want you for a moment to open up and ask, what is the highest vision that’s trying to emerge in my life? If I could be or do or have or create or contribute in any way possible, and do it in any way that I truly wanted to, what would that look like?

  • Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 15 of 33 Guest: Derek Rydall Tuesday, October 30, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

    Derek: For a moment we put aside any of the voices of how is that going to work, that’s impossible, you know, how am I going to do that, or it’s too late. We just put aside all of those voices for now. And we just ask, “But what if? What’s my burning desire? If I could truly become and express and contribute, what would that look like?”

    And it could just be having the relationship of your dreams. It could just be helping

    to heal in your family. Or it could be something on a grander scale. But open yourself up to what’s the ultimate vision that I could possibly imagine in this moment. Maybe it’s just qualitatively. It’s just that I know that I want to be of service. I know that I want to be whole and I want to be abundant. And then ask, what would that look like? Step into being that in my life right now.

    Take a deep breath and allow yourself to surrender to this that’s trying to emerge

    in you. Allow yourself to feel what it would feel like to be that person living that ideal life. Activating and contributing in a way that you most desire. And for right now, it does not matter the how or the why or the wherefore. All that matters is what you deeply, deeply desire. Feel what that feels like. See yourself being it, doing it, having it.

    Take a deep breath and allow that feeling to expand in your heart even if it’s just a

    pinprick of light, just a little glow. Take another deep breath, and as you exhale, allow that feeling to expand to fill your chest and see it as a color. Give it a color so you see it expanding. You feel it expanding. You can just imagine it expanding.

    And take another deep breath. As you exhale just letting go of all resistance. You

    feel that energy expanding now to fill your whole body. See that color filling your being. Feel that energy expanding. And if you need to, visualize and tap back into that vision again, you can feel free to do that at any time. Just stay connected to that feeling tone of possibility; that feeling tone of hope; that feeling tone of abundance, of inspiration, of whatever you’ve activated in you so far.

    Now you take another deep breath, as you exhale, you allow it to expand beyond

    your body now. You’re literally enveloped in this field of energy that emanating from within you, from this Divine DNA, this divine blueprint, this divine power generator of your soul. And just notice to whatever degree you’re feeling peace or joy or inspiration, notice that it’s not coming from any circumstance. So any of those beliefs that say that I’m doing this in order to be happy, or I’m trying to get this in order to be peaceful, now you know that’s the wrong order. That the peace, the joy, the bliss, it comes from within. You’re activating it now.

    And now I want you to hold your hands out in front of you. And just imagine the

    earth like a small ball in front of your hands. Take another deep breath, and as you exhale, imagine this energy is expanding from your heart down your arms out of your hands, your palms facing the earth, and it’s radiating to the planet, it’s saturating the planet with this color and this energy. Feel that energy moving through you now.

    I want you to imagine in your minds eye any area in your own life, any person, any

    situation, that you may be holding in prayer, that you may be having challenges with. I want you to imagine right now that, that energy is radiating and saturating that part of your life, that person. See that area or that person covered with this color, radiating with this energy.

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    Derek: Take another deep breath. And as you exhale, feel that now you’ve opened up a

    channel at the top of your head, the crown chakra, and now this energy — Divine energy is pouring through you into your heart, mixing with your energy, through your body, through your hands and radiating to the planet, as you now become a channel of grace. A channel of an energy that’s even bigger than your personality, bigger than what you may have thought you were capable of. Just feel that energy moving through you now.

    And as it does, it begins to break up any old crystallized patterns, old paradigms,

    old beliefs, any pockets of resistance, where you’ve been holding onto limited ideas of what’s possible and who you are. Feel that it’s being dissolved and disintegrated into the flow and the flood of this energy that’s moving through you now dissolving into the light as energy continues to radiate and bless everyone on the planet. And you can focus that energy on the East Coast of the U.S. where the storm is appearing. You can focus it anywhere in the world where you feel there’s a hot spot. And I want you to silently and sacredly say to those places and parts, may every being, every creature, and all of creation be blessed exceedingly and unconditionally without exception. Blessings unto everyone and everything without exception.

    Just continue to speak that and feel that you are now becoming a blessing field.

    And energetically speaking you are right now connected to everyone that is a part of your destiny and everything that is a part of your destiny. And right now energetically you are living your purpose, being a blessing, being a healing influence. Blessing unto every being, every creature, and all of creation. May everyone be liberated. May everyone awaken. Be healed. Be healthy. Be happy. Be whole. Be free. May everyone awaken to their destiny and fulfill it. May everyone have everything they need to bring their gifts to the planet. Just feel that energy coursing through you. Feel how good it feels to be a field of grace.

    And if there’s any pockets of resistance, if there’s any unforgiveness, allow for that

    person or that situation to arise in your minds eye and just see that energy blessing them, saturating them. If any part of you is feeling resistant or afraid, or upset, allow you to see that part of yourself and include them in the field of energy.

    And now I want you to include everybody on this call, everybody that’s a part of

    this community. We’re now all a part of this blessing field. Feel that you are radiating this energy to everyone on this call and everyone now feel that you are receiving it. It’s circulating back around now. And as you feel this, I want you to bring your hands back to your heart and confer this same blessing upon yourself. May I be blessed unconditionally without exception. May I fully awaken. May I fully know who and what I am and why I am alive. May I live my destiny completely. May I be blessed with all of the abundance, the wealth, the health, the happiness, the love, the harmony, that I could ever need, want, hope for and desire.

    And just affirm yourself. Say everything to yourself that you’ve been wanting to

    hear. Fill yourself up now. You’re completing the circuit. Feel how good it feels to just love yourself, to just bless yourself.

    Take a nice deep breath. And as you release, allow yourself to surrender even

    more completely to the field of grace, this field of love and abundance and healing

  • Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 17 of 33 Guest: Derek Rydall Tuesday, October 30, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

    power. And understand that you didn’t make this happen, you made it welcome. You become congruent with it. It’s always here. It’s already here and it’s infinite — the love, the grace is infinite. And as you rest in it now, open back up to some area in your life that you have been struggling with or that you most want to have a manifestation in.

    Derek: As I complete this process with a quantum prayer to activate that deeper

    connection. As I simply know that all that there is, is one life, one power, one presence, it is infinite and omnipresent and omnipotent. There is nothing outside of it or other than it. There’s only this one, all loving, all giving, all powerful, all knowing presence of love that is radiating and individualizing itself, calling itself — everyone on this call, and everyone on this planet, everyone that’s connected to you. There’s only one. And it’s uniquely individualizing all that it is through and as everyone.

    So as I speak this word, I’m no trying to pray for anything. I am praying from the

    wholeness, from abundance. I am praying from joy, from wealth, from health, from an awareness of absolutely knowing with divine authority that right where every individual is on this call, the fullness of divine power is, the fullness of love and wisdom and genius and joy, divine companionship, perfect health and vitality and vigor, unlimited wealth and prosperity, dynamic creativity, brilliance and genius, is right where each individual is in a unique and perfect pattern. And the word that I’m speaking in this collective agreement is activating that Divine DNA like never before now. It’s quickening it into expression. It’s striking that mystic chord of memory and stirring up this divinity now. It’s showing up as new insight, as breakthroughs, as healing, as opportunities, as instantaneous demonstrations otherwise known as miracles. It’s stirring something and knowing a remembrance. We’re knowing who and what we are now like never before and feeling a surge of energy and inspiration. Something is trying to emerge, and we say yes. Say yes to the yes within you now like never before.

    It doesn’t matter if you don’t know what it is. Say yes. More than I want to fix or

    manipulate anything in my life now, I want to wake up to my true divinity and my divine destiny. Say yes to that. More than I want to fix or control or manipulate anyone in my life, I want to see myself and my life the way it really is in the eyes of God. Say yes to that. More than I want to control anything, I want to let this divine soul blueprint, this Divine DNA, this destiny of greatness have its way as me like never before. Make me an instrument of love. Make me an instrument of peace. Make me an instrument of joy and of beauty and of divine healing. I’m ready, I’m wiling, and I’m able. Feel that commitment now. This is what is being activated. And it’s now showing up in each and every individual’s life uniquely as what they need to take that next step.

    This is what I know. This is what I feel. This is what I see, and I give thanks that

    it’s done, that it’s happening, that it’s unfolding now. Thank you life. Thank you Divine Spirit. Thank you infinite loving presence. Something awesome has taken place here. This cosmic activity has been made localized through each and every one of our individualities. And so it is. Amen.

    Jennifer: And so it is. Wow. That was amazing.

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    Derek: It’s a powerful energy in this group. I can just feel it using me as an instrument to really activate more of that. So it’s just really, really a powerful energy in this group.

    Jennifer: Yes, and we created something very special here tonight. I can feel it. Thank you,

    Derek. We are past time. And I have about a dozen more questions for you. We’ll have to do it another time. I’m so grateful. I want to make sure that — I might ask Derek one more question at the end, so hold on folks, and I’m going to give you the phrase that pays. I have seventeen phrases that pay, but the one that I really liked was: Pain pushes until vision holds. Pain pushes until the vision holds. So pain pushes until the vision holds. And the phrase that pays, you actually go to:

    healingwiththemasters.com/contest Scroll down to Derek’s box on the contest page and plug that in. Pain pushes until

    the vision holds. And we have an amazing special offer that Derek created for us. He tapped into this huge powerful audience and he created something for Healing With The Masters that is unique. It’s never been offered before. It’s here for the very first time. And it is a powerful, powerful, powerful program. You can feel the high frequency energy that you experienced here and that beautiful prayer and activation that Derek did with us is a just a tiny, tiny tip, like a toothpick of the iceberg of what is in this powerful program.

    It’s called Your Soul’s Blueprint. It’s going to help you to get really clear on why

    you’re here. If there’s a program out there — so many people have asked me is there a program out there to get my declaration like you did? Yes, this is it. You’re going to get crystal clear on why you’re here. You’re going to discover your unshakable confidence to go forward. Confidence is simply a state of mind and energy frequency. Derek is going to help you discover that frequency that’s already within you, and he’s going to help you unwrap it.

    You’re going to learn a step-by-step plan for achieving what you want. You’re

    going to activate the internal power. Like Derek said, he’s just going to unwrap it. It’s already within you waiting for this program assisting you to be unstoppable.

    So there’s a lot of people that asked about financial. They’re not caused by lack of

    what’s coming to you, but lack of what you’re allowing to come through you. He said this. Life doesn’t happen to you, it happens through you. And you’ve been conditioned to believe you’re not enough, don’t have enough. You need someone or something outside of you to make something complete you. And most relationships are directly related to being disconnected from your souls purpose. So abundance, health, relationships, they’re all related in some way to the sense of this connection and believing something that is false about who you are.

    Derek is here to unravel that. He’s going to allow you to move beyond that job

    that smothers your spirit. To move beyond what you’re really — and move into what you’re really meant to do; to move past doubt; to move past being afraid of what others think of you. And I have to tell you that all of those things: making a living, getting paycheck to paycheck, Derek’s been there. We’ve both been there, and we have moved past them through these kinds of programs. I also want to say that this program is for those who are being called to it. If you are not being called, don’t buy it. We talk about this a lot. We don’t want everyone to buy everything. We just don’t, because that’s not what we’re here for. We’re here for

  • Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 19 of 33 Guest: Derek Rydall Tuesday, October 30, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

    you to expand your life into the light and understand and know the light of who you are. And this program will help you do that. So just know, just know that this is here for you.

    Jennifer: I apologize. My phone is ringing. I forgot to turn it off. Derek: The call is coming. The call is going out to everyone. Jennifer: There you go. Derek: We’re all being called. The question is will you answer the call? And that’s really

    what this is about. Like we were saying before, the crisis, the challenges, these are all evolutionary callings. The question is will we answer them? And one of the unique things, if I could say something about this Jenifer, would that be okay? Would that be okay to say something specific about the program?

    Jennifer: Yes, please. I’m sorry. My answering machine is now speaking very loudly, so go

    for it. Derek: See, she’s answering. She set up a system in her life that she’s automatically

    answering the call. Jennifer: There you go. Derek: And that is really what this system is set up to do. It’s set up to get you into such

    a place of congruence where your life is designed to answer the call automatically, daily, and ongoing. One of the unique things is, I work with thousands of people on tapping into their vision and their purpose. What I discovered is like I said, knowing who and what you are and why you’re alive and knowing this Soul Purpose Blueprint, this Divine DNA, this is not something you just make up. Your vision for your life is not something you make up. It’s something you are made of. It is your very essence.

    So tapping into your soul purpose is not just about how to get a better job, or just

    make more money, though it has a byproduct of that. It’s about tapping into your soul power that makes you unstoppable. It’s about tapping into that level of joy and bliss. I often say to people, “It’s hard to meet your soul mate if you’re not connected to your soul purpose.” Because if you’re not activating that part of your soul, they’re not going to recognize you as easily.

    So I want people to understand the work we’re doing here is not just about like a

    lot of other life purpose programs where it’s just about kind of how to know what job you’re supposed to do in the world. Yes, that is a component of it, and it will guide you to that, but it’s so much more. That’s why it says in Proverbs, “Where there is no vision the people perish.” It doesn’t say, where there is no vision the people don’t get a good nine to five job. So I want people to understand this is really deep. And I also want — what’s unique about this program, what I’ve discovered in working with so many people when they get stuck and they can’t see their vision clearly, or they can’t commit to it fully, there are eight core reasons that block them. And so I take you through step by step those eight core reasons and work through each one of those, what I call the vision blurs or the vision blinders, to remove all of those obstacles to seeing clearly, activating fully, and committing completely to your soul purpose.

  • Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 20 of 33 Guest: Derek Rydall Tuesday, October 30, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

    Derek: And another thing that’s really unique about this work that I’m just really excited

    about, I think you can tell in my voice. Is the Soul Purpose Archetypal Patterns. So many people are struggling to know that — I’m not sure if that’s me, or if I should be going here or there. And when you understand the 12 Soul Purpose Patterns that are very unique and you understand where they fit in your life, then suddenly — I mean, I’ve just been talking about those recently and people are just having amazing ah-hahs. They’re like suddenly realizing, oh, my God. I didn’t think that was me. But all of a sudden when they understand what that pattern really means, they suddenly go, oh, my God, that is me. And they can activate that energy in their life and suddenly their life opens up in ways that they didn’t even know was possible, because they didn’t think that was part of them.

    So you can read over this page and see more about it, but obviously we could do

    another whole call just on that. Jennifer: Yeah, we could. I want to direct people to the page. So it’s: specials.healingwiththemasters.com/derek And it’s a special spelling. D-e-r-e-k. specials.healingwiththemasters.com/Derek So it is really — the other thing folks, is again, it’s never been offered before. It’s a

    brand new program and it’s up to 93 percent off. Derek: Yeah, I got a little crazy. Jennifer: You did go a little crazy. He kept adding stuff and adding stuff, and oh, but if they

    do this, they have to do this. He tapped into how powerful this group is and said, “These guys can handle all of this.” Oh, my God. There’s the Three Soul Purpose Pillars, the three parts of the true vision that must be established. There’s the Seven Soul Purpose Perceptions. The seven windows through which we see life. This stuff is so — I mean, there’s no accident that he hung out in a call by himself for several years listening to the Divine give him this stuff so that he could give it to us. This stuff is amazing.

    And then you can also develop your Quantum Plan, showing you how to create your

    Soul Purpose Compass, Become a One Minute Mystic, have the Greatest Day of Your Life, Design the Year that Changes Everything. Oh, my God. I just got chills on that last one.

    And then on top of that, that’s the program, the Soul Purpose Blueprint. It comes

    with nine sessions plus there’s these amazing bonuses. There’s Private Coaching Client Extras. You get a free coaching audio session. You get a free coaching video training. You get a free visualization-vibration-radiation audio which is what we just did.

    Derek: What we just did, exactly. Jennifer: You’ve got a coaching video training for quantum planning. There’s a free group

    coaching with this. You’ll be part of a dynamic group of kindred spirits. And I’m

  • Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 21 of 33 Guest: Derek Rydall Tuesday, October 30, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

    telling you when you do group work it exponentially increases everything including masterminds. There’s a private Facebook group, if you choose. And then there’s a private session with Derek personally. On top of that, there’s the Law of Emergence home study program. That alone is a $597 value. And it’s yours free as a bonus with this amazing program. Oh, my gosh.

    Jennifer: specials.healingwiththemasters.com/derek On top of that, every single recording is encoded with a healing frequency. It’s an

    intentional healing frequency. So not only are you experiencing these amazing programs, but you’re receiving that healing codes. That’s what I call them. I kind of see them as codes. They’re going to support you in moving through this material. So you get that additional kind of divine energetic support as you move through this amazing material. Again, that’s:

    specials.healingwiththemasters.com/derek Derek, thank you so much for a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful call. I really enjoyed

    our time together here as has our audience. We have hundreds of people commenting on how cool this was. So thank you, thank you, thank you.

    Derek: It’s my honor. It’s really my pleasure. I want to just say one of the reasons why I

    did put all of these things together like this is because — a couple of reasons really quickly. First of all, like with the group, the free group coaching and things like that, I know we’re working through a lot of this material, and I wanted to give people a chance to work with me personally for free. And I work with people on these group calls. Over and over and over again people have major life changing breakthroughs in a matter of minutes. And so I want people to get the chance to know that they do not have to do this alone. That everything they need to really take it to the next level, and really make the next or the last two months of this year, the best two months of their life, because there’s such an energy right now. If we’re willing to get in alignment as I was saying before, I just feel it’s so, so important. So it’s really part of my mission and as it says down here, and as you offer, and as I always offer, it’s totally guaranteed. Try it all out, get on the call, work with me for free, and even still if your life doesn’t radically change, you get your money back.

    Jennifer: 100 percent money back guarantee. Derek: 100 percent. You can try it all. You can get on the group call with me, work with

    me, have a breakthrough, and if for whatever reason you can do that, because I really don’t want there to be any reason why you don’t give yourself the gift of no longer having any reason to not live an extraordinary life. So that was the intention behind designing all of this, which I know is everything that you’re about too, Jennifer. It’s just an honor to be part of this, and I just thank you all for creating this incredible energy field.

    Jennifer: Oh, thank you again, Derek, so much. Again, the phrase that pays is: Pain pushes

    until the vision holds. And you go to: Healingwiththemasters.com/contest And plug that in. Of course, the special offer is:

  • Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 22 of 33 Guest: Derek Rydall Tuesday, October 30, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

    Specials.healingwiththemasters.com/Derek Jennifer: Derek Rydall, this has just been amazing. Thank you so much for joining us and

    thank you for playing with our audience at such a high level and taking us all to a whole new level of possibility. It’s just been amazing.

    Derek: Thank you. God bless everyone. Jennifer: Thanks everyone so much for being part of today’s show. You know, we often

    come to these shows sometimes feeling alone and maybe even isolated, but we always end up a united community, because we are united in our intention and these energy frequencies unite us. We make the difference. You matter. We all matter. I love you so very much, everyone. Until next time, join us on Thursday with Bruce Lipton. It should be a fun show. Love you all very much, and good night. Good night, Derek.

    Derek: Good night. [End of Discussion.]  

  • Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 23 of 33 Guest: Derek Rydall Tuesday, October 30, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

    Volume 10 | September 11 – December 20, 2012






    Jennifer McLean

    Derek Rydall | Featured Guest | Further Information

    World's Leading Expert on Law of Emergence DerekRydall.com

    After a life-changing near-death experience, Derek Rydall seriously considered becoming a monk, then a minister, then cloistered himself in his apartment without TV or news and meditated for several years, finally emerging to become a licensed integrative therapist and adopt a monk (that’s another story). He went on to train top executives in Fortune 500 companies (such as American Express, Disney, Carrier, Hartford Insurance, and CBS) in relationship-building and deeper communication, coach thousands of artists and entertainment professionals on how to create more enlightened entertainment, and has worked with a diverse array of people around the planet, helping them to live a more passionate, purposeful life. As an author, Derek has written two books, the Amazon bestsellers I Could’ve Written a Better Movie Than That! (Michael Wiese, March 2006) and There’s No Business Like Soul Business: A Spiritual Path to Enlightened Screenwriting, Filmmaking, and Performing Arts (Michael Wiese, Feb. 2007), as well as articles for online and offline magazines such as Spirituality & Health, The Writers Store, Inktip, Pen & Quill, Script, and more. As a professional screenwriter, he has sold or been hired to develop over 20 feature film screenplays and a dozen hours of TV (with studios such as Fox, Universal, Sony, MPCA, UA, Disney, Miramax, and indy producers). As an actor, Derek has starred in several films and TV shows. As a spiritual practitioner and teacher, Derek has held leadership positions at Agape International Truth Center, one of the nation’s largest and fastest growing spiritual communities with over 10,000 members and a vast worldwide network. He has been a star speaker at top entertainment expos, led sold-out courses at The Learning Annex, drawn standing-room only crowds at events in the U.S. and abroad, done interviews on numerous radio and TV programs, and continues to coach, motivate, and inspire thousands of individuals through his own communities at EnlightenedEntertainer.com, ScriptwriterCentral.com, and DerekRydall.com. His networks, contacts, and reach is broad and diverse, enabling him to touch tens of thousands with his mission to remind individuals of their true identity, inspire them to fulfill their destiny, actualize the highest potential of entertainment & media, and build a world that works for everyone.


  • Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 24 of 33 Guest: Derek Rydall Tuesday, October 30, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,


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  • Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 25 of 33 Guest: Derek Rydall Tuesday, October 30, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,


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  • Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 26 of 33 Guest: Derek Rydall Tuesday, October 30, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,


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