Tuesday, March 10 th Bell Work: Please pick up your notebooks and King’s Bay Letter Template from...

Tuesday, March 10 th Bell Work : Please pick up your notebooks and King’s Bay Letter Template from the back table. Take a few minutes to copy down the EQ and WOD and then read over the letter. Add your own personal comments to the letter and complete the bottom section. ©2011, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 1

Transcript of Tuesday, March 10 th Bell Work: Please pick up your notebooks and King’s Bay Letter Template from...

Tuesday, March 10th

Bell Work: Please pick up your notebooks and King’s Bay Letter Template from the back table. Take a few minutes to copy down the EQ and WOD and then read over the letter. Add your own personal comments to the letter and complete the bottom section.

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Daily Agenda:

Bell Work: King’s Bay Cleanup

WOD indulgent Video Clip: Feudalism Lecture: Medieval Europe Reflective Summary

Essential Question:

What is the relationship between Manorialism and Feudalism?

Homework: Read review packet and complete reading questions.

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03/10/15 Block 1

Write down 2 sentences using the word indulgent.


Click Word 1st

Chapter 16

The Two Worlds of Christendom

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Essential Questions:

Between 600-1450 CE did Europe undergo a Dark Age, Middle Age, or Medieval Period?

What institutions dominated Europe form 600-1450 CE? Why? What is feudalism? What is Manorialism?

How were the experiences of Eastern and Western Europe alike and different during the Medieval Era?

Medieval Europe

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Europe Reunites

The Frankish kingdom (modern-day France) was first established by Clovis after his conversion to Christianity.

In the 730s, Charles Martel begins the Carolingian Dynasty and drives back the Muslims at the Battle of Tours

768 CE – Charlemagne begins expansion of Frankish kingdom

800 CE – Charlemagne crowned “Holy Roman Emperor”

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Fall of the Carolingian Dynasty

The Norse Invasions A Germanic tribe from

Scandinavia, began a period of exploration, trade, raiding, and settlement from the late 700s until the 1000s.

What would cause a peaceful farming and fishing people to do this?

Primogeniture All inheritance to the first born son.

“To go a-Viking” Raiding and pillaging

Eventually, they assimilated into the cultures they had conquered

What was today’s word of the day?

Power of the Medieval Church:

The most important power in Medieval Europe was the Catholic Church, the one institution that remained throughout the age.

Popes often crowned kings and influenced their rule

The church maintained a hierarchical infrastructure that helped in maintain strong control over the populace

Role of the Church: Why would so many people be drawn to Catholicism? Monasteries offered a refuge from the Feudal system and

provided services to society. Monasteries served as: hospitals, schools, inns, and publication

centers. Investiture Controversy – Pope Gregory vs. Henry IV (Holy

Roman Emperor) in a battle over appointing Bishops. Why would rulers fear a pope? Excommunication denying a follower access to the Holy

Sacraments Interdict denying sacraments to an entire people

Population Growth

Peace Stability More food

Climate change 3 field crop rotation New technology

Wind/air power Iron

Carruca Horse inventions

The population in Europe nearly doubled between 1000CE and 1300CE.


Bread Staple of diet

Vegetables Cheese Fruits Meats Ale and Wine

Water was dirty

Often times bread was dark, hard and heavy because of the ingredients used: barley, wheat, rye, etc.

Revival of Trade

Trade fairs Creation of coins

Money economy Led to the

development of capitalism

Widowed women would take over businesses

Still remember the word of the day?

City Life

Crowded Tall structures Fire risk

Eww! Dirty Smelly Ugly

Industry and Guilds

Business associations Apprentice

First learner Age 10 Not paid

Journeymen Practiced learner Age 15-17 Paid Desire to become Master

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University Latin meaning

“corporation” First university

Bologna, Italy 1158CE

established a charter

Royalty/Popes thought it honorable to start universities

Rise of Universities

Bologna, Italy

Lecture = “to read” Liberal arts

Grammar, logic, math, music, astronomy

Exam when applied for a degree Bachelor’s of Arts (4-6

years) Master’s of Arts (6-10 years) Doctor of Philosophy (10+



As professors read aloud from the textbooks they often added their own commentary about

the work.

Attempted to reconcile faith and reason

Saint Thomas Aquinas Summa Theologica Posed question, offered

opposition, reconciled then offered his explanation


Many Christian philosophers were upset by Aristotle’s works because he arrived at conclusions through

reason and logic not by faith.

Vernacular: language of everyday speech in a region

Troubadour poetry Nobles/Knights Woman made him better

Chanson de geste Heroic epic Song of Roland

Vernacular Literature

11-12th century Two types of roofs:

Long, round stone arch vault (barrel vault)

Cross vault (2 barrel vaults) Features

Roofs were heavy Walls were big and heavy Limited window space

Architecture: Romanesque

Two innovations: Ribbed vault with pointed

arches for a roof Flying buttress (outside

support) Stained glass windows

Architecture: Gothic

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