TTU Curriculum Committee Tennessee Technological University · TTU Curriculum Committee Tennessee...

TTU Curriculum Committee Tennessee Technological University The University Curriculum Committee met April 19 at 3:00 p.m. in the Deans Conference Room, Derryberry Hall. Members Present Dr. Marvin Barker Dr. Marketta Laurila Dr. Rita Barnes Dr. Roy Loutzenheiser Dr. Dan Combs Ms. Beth Mannle Dr. Corinne Darvennes Dr. Allan Mills Ms. Edith Duvier Ms. Deanna Nipp-Kientz Dr. Kurt Eisen Dr. Stephen Parke Dr. Susan Elkins Dr. Larry Peach Dr. Ahmed Elsawy Dr. Jeff Roberts Ms. Julie Galloway Dr. Stephen Robinson Ms. Yvonne Gribble Dr. Mark Stephens Mr. Bobby Hodum Dr. Doug Talbert Dr. Darrell Hoy Ms. Janet Whiteaker Dr. Pat Jordan Ms. Jerri Winningham Prof. Ted LaBar Mr. Brent Stephens Members Absent Dr. Sue Bailey Dr. Michael Rohr Mr. Ward Doubet Dr. Gretta Stanger Dr. Wade Faw Ms. Veronica Whittington Dr. Darrell Garber Mr. Robert McKinney Dr. Sheila Green Ms. Sara Pierce Dr. Bob Niebuhr Ms. Kassi Scott Dr. Francis Otuonye Mr. Kevin Timmons Dr. Gary Pickett Ms. Amy Warren Official Representatives Dr. Donald Visco for Dr. Arce MAJ Ron Pepin for LTC Dunham Dr. Linda Null for Dean Armistead Dr. Evan Hart for Dr. Harrison Dr. David Crouse for Dr. Boles Dr. Daniel Badoe for Dr. Huddleston Guests Ms. Dixie Ashburn Dr. Sandy Smith Ms. Denise Hensley SUMMARY OF PROCEEDINGS I. Approval of agenda as revised II. Approval of February 15 minutes

Transcript of TTU Curriculum Committee Tennessee Technological University · TTU Curriculum Committee Tennessee...

TTU Curriculum Committee

Tennessee Technological University

The University Curriculum Committee met April 19 at 3:00 p.m. in the Deans Conference Room, Derryberry Hall.

Members Present Dr. Marvin Barker Dr. Marketta Laurila Dr. Rita Barnes Dr. Roy Loutzenheiser Dr. Dan Combs Ms. Beth Mannle Dr. Corinne Darvennes Dr. Allan Mills Ms. Edith Duvier Ms. Deanna Nipp-Kientz Dr. Kurt Eisen Dr. Stephen Parke Dr. Susan Elkins Dr. Larry Peach Dr. Ahmed Elsawy Dr. Jeff Roberts Ms. Julie Galloway Dr. Stephen Robinson Ms. Yvonne Gribble Dr. Mark Stephens Mr. Bobby Hodum Dr. Doug Talbert Dr. Darrell Hoy Ms. Janet Whiteaker Dr. Pat Jordan Ms. Jerri Winningham Prof. Ted LaBar Mr. Brent Stephens Members Absent Dr. Sue Bailey Dr. Michael Rohr Mr. Ward Doubet Dr. Gretta Stanger Dr. Wade Faw Ms. Veronica Whittington Dr. Darrell Garber Mr. Robert McKinney Dr. Sheila Green Ms. Sara Pierce Dr. Bob Niebuhr Ms. Kassi Scott Dr. Francis Otuonye Mr. Kevin Timmons Dr. Gary Pickett Ms. Amy Warren Official Representatives Dr. Donald Visco for Dr. Arce MAJ Ron Pepin for LTC Dunham Dr. Linda Null for Dean Armistead Dr. Evan Hart for Dr. Harrison Dr. David Crouse for Dr. Boles Dr. Daniel Badoe for Dr. Huddleston Guests Ms. Dixie Ashburn Dr. Sandy Smith Ms. Denise Hensley SUMMARY OF PROCEEDINGS

I. Approval of agenda as revised II. Approval of February 15 minutes

III. Information Only - TTU General Education Credit for Courses Transferred from UT System

IV. Approval of minor addition to TTU General Education Committee procedures

V. Approval of course and curriculum additions, deletions, and changes from the Department of Music and Art

VI. Approval of course and curriculum additions, deletions, and changes from the Department of Curriculum and Instruction

VII. Approval of course additions, deletions and curriculum changes from the Department of Biology

VIII. Approval of course addition and curriculum changes from the Department of Chemistry

IX. Approval of course and curriculum changes from the Department of Earth Sciences

X. Approval of course addition, course and curriculum changes from the Department of Chemical Engineering

XI. Approval of course changes from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

XII. Approval of course addition and curriculum change from the Department of Mechanical Engineering

XIII. Approval of curriculum changes from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

XIV. Approval of curriculum changes from the Pre-Professional Health Sciences Program

XV. Approval of course addition from the Department of Exercise Science, Physical Education and Wellness

XVI. Approval of course and curriculum changes from the Department of Computer Science

XVII. Approval of course additions from the Department of History XVIII. Election of 2007-2008 Chairperson XIX. Approval of curriculum change from the Department of Foreign


Approval of Agenda

Dr. Talbert moved to approve the agenda as submitted. The motion was seconded by Dr. Robinson and carried.

Approval of minutes

Dr. Eisen moved to approve the February 15 minutes as submitted. The motion was seconded by Dr. Jordan and carried.

TTU General Education Credit for Courses Transferred from UT System - Information Only

Dr. Stephens, speaking on Dean Armistead's behalf, presented the following for information purposes only:

TTU General Education Credit for Courses Transferred from the UT system (UT-Knoxville, UT-Chattanooga, and UT-Martin)

1. Students who have completed all General Education requirements on a UT-System campus will be considered to have completed all General Education Requirements at TTU, with two exceptions:

a. Any of these students (except those majoring in Engineering) who have not completed two semesters of college-level U.S. History will, by state law, be required to complete that requirement before graduation from TTU.

b. These students must take any TTU General Education courses that are required for progression in their major programs.

2. Students who have not completed all General Education requirements on a UT-system campus, but who have taken one or more courses in the General Education program there, will be given TTU General Education credit as follows:

a. Courses and General Education categories that are clearly equivalent* to

their TTU counterparts will be treated by Records as TTU courses and categories, and given the appropriate credit.

b. Courses that are clearly equivalent* to TTU General Education courses, but whose General Education categories are not matched at TTU, will be assigned appropriate TTU categories by Records, after consultation with the TTU General Education Committee chairperson, and given the appropriate credit.

c. Courses that are not clearly equivalent* to TTU General Education courses, but which fulfill General Education requirements on the UT campus, will be assigned the appropriate TTU category by Records, after consultation with the TTU General Education Committee chairperson, and given the appropriate credit.

2. Courses that are not taken for General Education credit on a UT-system campus can be given TTU General Education credit only through use of the established “Undergraduate Course Substitution Form.” See

* As indicated by course title and/or description.

Approval of Minor Addition to TTU General Education Committee Procedures

In a memorandum dated April 10, 2007, approval was requested for the following:

Procedure addition: The words "or Associate Dean" have been added to section D.1. in the first sentence.

Procedures of the TTU General Education Committee

Rev. 4-10-07

A. Name

The TTU General Education Committee (TTUGEC)

B. Place in the TTU Committee Structure

The TTUGEC reports directly to the Provost, as mandated by the Tennessee Board of Regents, but also serves as a subcommittee of the TTU Curriculum Committee.

C. Purposes

1. Monitor all courses within the General Education Program, ensuring that

they satisfy the goals and measurable outcomes for each category established by the General Education requirements.

2. Evaluate and approve or disapprove all courses submitted for inclusion in the TTU General Education Program.

3. Develop appropriate procedures, forms, and policies relating to the TTU General Education Program.

4. Resolve Program issues as they arise.

5. Assist the campus curriculum committee in assuring all general education requirements are met for all degree programs.

6. Work with the TBR and TTU’s Provost to develop and administer assessment methods for the General Education Program.

D. Membership

1. Representation. The Dean or Associate Dean of the College of Arts &

Sciences chairs and serves as a permanent member of the Committee. Other members include:

a. One tenured or tenure-track faculty representative from each of the six areas of the Program: Communications, Mathematics, Natural Science, Social/Behavioral Science, History, and Humanities/Fine Arts.

b. One representative from any college or stand-alone school not already represented by a member in one of the above categories.

c. Three additional members, drawn from the TTU faculty or administrative staff, as at-large representatives.

2. Method of appointment. Members will be appointed by the President

upon recommendations from the Provost/ Vice President based on recommendations by the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.

3. Terms. Members will serve three-year, renewable terms, staggered so that a third of the Committee is replaced or renewed each year.

4. List of Members. The Chair of the TTUGEC will keep on file a current membership list indicating the unit affiliation and term of each member.

Process for appointments. Each April, the Chair of the TTUGEC will send to the Provost a list of recommended appointments to fill vacancies left by members

whose terms are about to expire. The Provost forwards the list,

Motion. Dr. Stephens moved to approve the procedure addition. The motion was seconded by Dr. Loutzenheiser and carried.

Approval of Course and Curriculum Additions, Deletions and Changes from the Department of Music and Art

In five memorandums, the following were requested for approval:

Memorandum dated March 27, 2007 - Music

Course Deletions: MUED 3120 MUED 3820

Course Additions: MUED 3130. Materials and Methods in Instrumental Music, Grades 7-12. Lec. 3. Credit 3. Prerequisite: MUS 2130, 2140, Harmony/AT/Piano Exam; MUED 1820 with a grade of "B"; pass PPST. Corequisite: MUED 3830. Intended for the instrumental music education major, this course will explore a variety of materials, methods, and techniques which can be used to build and maintain successful school band and orchestra programs.

MUED 3140. Materials and Methods in Vocal Music, Grades 7-12. Lec. 3, Credit 3. Prerequisite: MUS 2130, 2140, Harmony/AT Piano Exam; MUED 1820 with a grade of "B"; pass PPST. Corequisite: MUED 3840. Intended for the vocal/general music education major, this course is directed towards developing a working knowledge of teaching strategies necessary for successful choral/general music programs.

MUED 3830. Practicum in Music Education II, Instrumental. Credit 1. Prerequisite: MUS 2130, 2140, Harmony/AT/Piano Exam; MUED 1820 with a grade of "B"; pass PPST; MUED 3620. Corequisite: MUED 3130. Instrumental music education majors will have the opportunity to translate theory into practice through guided work experiences in the public schools.

MUED 3840. Practicum in Music Education II, Vocal. Credit 1. Prerequisite: MUS 2130, 2140, Harmony/AT/Piano Exam; MUED 1820 with a grade of "B"; pass PPST; MUED 3620. Corequisite: MUED 3140. Intended for the vocal/general music education major, this course provides the student with practical teaching experience in secondary choral/general music classes.

Motion. Prof. LaBar moved to approve the changes effective Fall 2007. The motion was seconded by Dr. Peach and carried.

Memorandum dated April 17, 2007 - BFA degree, all concentrations

Curriculum Changes: FROM: a. MATH 1130 College Algebra (B.F.A. Art Education concentration) and b. MATH 1010 Introduction to Contemporary Mathematical Ideas (B.F.A. Clay, Fibers, Glass, Metals, Painting, and Wood concentrations)

TO: Any mathematics course included on the list of General Education Core requirements. (Excluding Math 1410)

FROM: SPCH 2410 Introduction to Speech Communication (B.F.A, all concentrations)

TO: SPCH 2410 Introduction to Speech Communication Lec. 3, Cr. 3 or PC 2500 Communicating in the Professions Lec. 3, Cr. 3

FROM: ART 3200 Art Applications I Lec. 1, Studio 1, Cr. 2 Introduction to materials and methods of teaching art in Grades K-6.

TO: ART 3200 Art Applications I Lec. 1, Studio 1, Cr. 2 Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Education Program. Introduction to materials and methods of teaching art in Grades K-6.

Motion. Prof. LaBar moved to approve the changes effective Fall 2007. The motion was seconded by Dr. Eisen and carried.

Memorandum dated January 20, 2007 - Music

Pertains to the MUIN concentration within the Bachelor of Music degree only.

Curriculum Addition: To the list of Techniques Classes for MUIN (Music Education-Instrumental), please add the following option for Piano and Guitar majors only:

MUS 1081 Improvisation I Lab. 2, Cr. 1

Curriculum Changes: FROM: MATH 1130 College Algebra (B.M., all concentrations)

TO: Any mathematics course included on the list of General Education Core requirements. (Excluding MATH 1410)

FROM: SPCH 2410 Introduction to Speech Communication (B.M., all concentrations)

TO: SPCH 2410 Introduction to Speech Communication Lec. 3, Cr. 3 OR PC

2500 Communicating in the Professions Lec. 3, Cr. 3

FROM: MUS 3530 Music Applications Lec. 3, Cr. 3 Course content is directed toward the music education needs of prospective elementary classroom teachers.

TO: MUS 3530 Music Applications Lec. 3, Cr. 3 Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Education program. Course content is directed toward the music education needs of prospective elementary classroom teachers.

Motion. Mr. LaBar moved to approve the changes effective Fall 2007. The motion was seconded by Dr. Eisen and carried.

Memorandum dated December 21, 2006 - Changes to Music Minor

Curriculum Changes:

FROM: MUS 1120 Harmony I Cr. 3 MUS 3010 Music History I Cr. 3 MUS 3020 Music History II Cr. 3 MUS Applied Study Cr. 2

MUS Ensemble Cr. 2 MUS Electives Cr. 2 Cr. 15 TO: MUS 1030 Music Appreciation Cr. 3 MUS 1120 Harmony I Cr. 3 MUS 3010 Music History I1 Cr. 3 MUS 3020 Music History II1 Cr. 3 MUS Applied Study 2 Cr. 2

MUS Ensemble Cr. 1 Cr. 15 1 Prerequisite: MUS 1030 2 Two semesters required

Motion. Prof. LaBar moved to approve the changes effective Fall 2007. The motion was seconded by Dr. Mills and carried.

Memorandum dated April 17, 2007 - Program Changes - B.F.A. in Art Education

Curriculum Additions: ART 2320 Drawing II Studio 6, Cr. 3 ART 3130 Twentieth Century Art Lec. 3, Cr. 3

Curriculum Changes: 1. Increase Primary Emphasis from 17 credit hours to 21 credit hours

2. FROM: ART 3130, 3150, 3160, 4100, or 4170 Cr. 6 TO: ART 3150, 3160, 4100, or 4170 Cr. 6

Motion. Prof. LaBar moved to approve the changes effective Fall 2007. The motion was seconded by Dr. Laurila and carried. The changes will need to be forwarded on to the TBR for approval.

Approval of Course and Curriculum Additions, Deletions, and Changes from the Department of Curriculum and Instruction

In thirteen memorandums, the following were requested for approval:

Memorandum dated April 11, 2007

Course Addition: READ 3311. Literacy I. Lec. 7. Credit 7. Prerequisites: Full admission to the Teacher Education Program. This course is an integration of concepts fundamental to the development of literacy from birth through middle grades. It includes a study of children's literature, language development and communication skills, language arts, and the assessment and selection of appropriate instructional strategies based upon student need. Literacy I is designed specifically for the following majors: MDSE (K-6), MDS-ESL and CFS-ECSP.

Motion. Dr. Peach moved to approve the addition effective Fall 2007. The motion was seconded by Ms. Mannle and carried.

Memorandum dated April 11, 2007

Course Addition: READ 3312. Literacy II. Lec. 5. Credit 5. Prerequisites: Full admission to the Teacher Education Program. This course is an integration of concepts fundamental to the development of literacy from birth through middle grades. It includes a study of language development and communication skills, language arts, content area reading, and the assessment and selection of appropriate instructional strategies based upon student need. Literacy II is designed specifically for the following majors: MDSM (Middle School) and SPED.

Motion. Dr. Peach moved to approve the addition effective Fall 2007. The motion was seconded by Ms. Mannle and carried.

Memorandum dated April 11, 2007

Curriculum Change: FROM: CFS (HEC) 2200. Development of Young Children: Conception to Age 9. Lec. 3. Credit 3. Corequisite: CFS 2210. Basic principles and theories of early childhood development, with emphasis on factors influencing typical developmentally appropriate practices and being at-risk.

TO: CFS (HEC) 2200. Development of Young Children: Conception to Age 9 Lec. 3. Lab. 1. Credit 3. Basic principles and theories of early childhood development, with emphasis on factors influencing typical development, the importance of developmentally appropriate practices, identification of at-risk populations, and understanding basic special needs principles and laws. Candidates will complete approximately 8-10 hours of observation.

Motion. Dr. Peach moved to approve the change effective Fall 2007. The motion was seconded by Ms. Mannle and carried.

Memorandum dated April 5, 2007 - Program Changes in Special Education: Modified (SPE/SPEM K-12)

Curriculum Addition: Literacy II 5 Sem. Hrs.

Curriculum Deletions: (First Semester Freshmen Year) Electives 2 Cr. Hrs.

READ 3301 Teaching of Reading 3 Sem. Hrs.

Curriculum Changes: FROM: MUAR 2500 Arts & Ideas or ART 1030 Art Applications or MUS 1030 Music Applications Cr. 3

TO: ART 1030 Art Applications or MUS 1030 Music Applications Cr. 3

FROM: SPCH 2410 Fund. Public Speak. Cr. 3

TO: SPCH 2410 Fund. Public Speak or PC 2500 Communicating in the Profession Cr. 3

FROM: (Move From Second Semester Junior Year) EXPW 2430 1st Aid/Safety (CPR) and SPCH 2410 Fund. Public Speak or PC 2500 Communicating in the Profession

TO: (Move to First Term Senior Year) EXPW 2430 1st Aid/Safety (CPR) and SPCH 2410 Fund. Public Speak or PC 2500 Communicating in the Profession

FROM: (Move from First Semester Senior Year) FOED 3810 Field Experience

TO: (Move to Second Semester Junior Year) FOED 3810 Field Experience

Memorandum dated April 5, 2007 - Program Changes - Child and Family Studies (ECSE)

Curriculum Additions: (First Semester Junior Year) Electives 3 Cr. Hrs.

Literacy I 7 Cr. Hrs.

Curriculum Deletions: (First Semester Freshmen Year) Elective 1 Cr. Hr.

CFS 2210 Field Exp: Young Children 1 Cr. Hr.

LSCI 4500 Children's Literature 3 Cr. Hrs.

READ 3300 Teaching of Reading 3 Cr. Hrs.

ECED 4250 Language Art 2 Cr. Hrs.

Curriculum Changes: FROM: (Second Semester Freshmen Year) GEOG 1120 Human Geography 3 Cr. Hrs.

TO: (Second Semester Sophomore Year) GEOG 1120 Human Geography 3 Cr. Hrs.

FROM: (Second Semester Sophomore Year) FOED 3010 Integ. Instr. Tech 3 Cr. Hrs.

TO: (Second Semester Junior Year) FOED 3010 Integ. Instr. Tech 3 Cr. Hrs.

FROM: MUAR 2500 or MUS 1030 or Art 1030 3 Cr. Hrs.

TO: MUS 1030 or ART 1030 3 Cr. Hrs.

FROM: SPCH 2410 Fund Public Speak 3 Cr. Hrs.

TO: SPCH 2410 Fund Public Speak or PC 2500 Communicating in the Profession 3 Cr. Hrs.

Motion. Dr. Peach moved to approve the changes effective Fall 2007. The motion was seconded by Ms. Mannle and carried.

Memorandum dated January 6, 2007

Course Addition: ELED 2100. Problem Solving for Technological Literacy. Lec. 3. Credit 3. Prerequisites: FOED 2011 and FOED 1822 or 1820. Course is designed to provide opportunities for preservice K-6 teachers to explore problems that arise naturally in the world and to develop their critical thinking and problem solving skills. This course will focus on the development of technological literacy among future educators. This course will encourage teachers to capitalize on students' natural curiosity about the world and how it works. Education and Engineering faculty will work in collaboration to develop and facilitate real-world problem solving experiences designed to develop a more technologically literate citizenry.

Motion. Dr. Peach moved to approve the addition effective Fall 2007. The motion was seconded by Ms. Mannle and carried.

Memorandum dated April 5, 2007 - Program Changes - Multidisciplinary Studies - English as a Second Language (ESL)

Curriculum Additions: Literacy I 7 Cr. Hrs.

Electives (First Semester Senior Year) 3 Cr. Hrs.

Curriculum Deletions: ELED/ECED 4250 Language 2 Cr. Hrs.

LSCI 4500 Children's Literature 3 Cr. Hrs.

READ 3300 or 3301 Teaching of Reading 3 Cr. Hrs.

READ 4310 Read/Write Strategies K-8 2 Cr. Hrs.

Curriculum Changes: FROM: SPCH 2410 Fund. Public Speak 3 Cr. Hrs.

TO: SPCH 2410 Fund. Public Speak or PC 2500 Communicating in the Profession 3 Cr. Hrs.

FROM: MUAR 2500 Arts & Ideas or ART 1030 Art Applications or MUS 1030 Music Applications 3 Cr. Hrs.

TO: ART 1030 Art Applications or MUS 1030 Music Applications 3 Cr. Hrs.

Motion. Dr. Peach moved to approve the changes effective Fall 2007. The motion was seconded by Ms. Mannle and carried.

Memorandum dated April 5, 2007 - New Program - Multidisciplinary Studies (MDS/MDSE K-6)

Freshman Year

1st Semester 2nd Semester Course Hrs. Gr. Sub.

Filed Course Hrs. Gr. Sub.


BIOL 1310 Concepts Biol/Env

3 CHEM 1310 Concepts of Chem.


ENGL 1010 Writing I 3 ENGL 1020 Writing II 3

FOED 2 011 Intro. to Tchg. ]

2 GEOG 1120 Human Geography


FOED 1822/20 Fld Exp/Orient]

1 HIST 2020 American History II


HIST 2010 American History I

3 MATH 1420 Surv. Elem. Math


MATH 1410 Surv. Elem. Math I



Praxis I (PPST)


Or SAT Score 1020)

Sophomore Year

1st Semester 2nd Semester Course Hrs. Gr. Sub. Course Hrs. Gr. Sub.

Filed Filed

CFS 2200 Dev. Young Children

3 EDPY 2200 Educ. Psychology


ELED 2100 Prob. Solv/Tech. Lit

3 ENGL 2130 American Literature


ENGL 2230 Or 2330 3 ART 1030 Or MUS 1030


GEOL 1310 Concepts of Geol.

3 PHYS 1310 Concepts of Physics


SOC 1010 Intro. to Soc. 3 SPCH 2410 Fund of Pub. Speak


Or SOC/ANTH 1100 Or PC 2500


Apply for Upper Division

Extra or Elective Courses

Hrs. Gr.

Note: A bracket “]” indicates the courses are co-requisites.

Junior Year

1st Semester 2nd Semester Course Hrs. Gr. Sub.

Filed Course Hrs. Gr. Sub.


FOED 3810] Field Experience

2 CUED 4150] Middle Level Curr


Literacy I Integrated Block

7 ELED 3140 ] Tchg. Soc. Studies


Language Dev.; Children’s Lit;

ELED 3150 ] Tchg. Math


Tchg. Rdg.; Diag. Tchg. Rdg

FOED 3800 ] Field Experience


FOED 3010 Integ. Instruc. Tech

3 ELED 4140 ] Sci. for Elem. Tch


ESLP 4100 Mat/Meth for ESL

3 EXPW 3510 PE Skills K-8


CUED 4850 Sp.Top. In Content




Apply for graduation

TESTS/APPLICATIONS Apply for student teaching

Praxis II (Codes 10011,


Senior Year

1st Semester 2nd Semester Course Hrs. Gr. Sub.

Filed Course Hrs. Gr. Sub.


ART 3200 Art Applications

2 ELED 4870 Student Teaching


CFS 3600 Fam/Com/Prof Part

2 ELED 4880 Student Teaching


ECSP 4100 Dev. App. Pract. K-4

3 ELED 4890 Sem: Educ & Soc.


EDPY 3300 Eval. & Guidance


MUS 3530 Music Applications

3 Note: Must provide evidence

SPED 3000 Pers w/Dis in Cls

3 of first aid/safety/CPR

training as prerequisite for

student teaching


College Base Exam

Praxis II (Code 10014)

Praxis II PLT K-6 (Code 30522)

Motion. Dr. Peach moved to approve the new program effective Fall 2007. The motion was seconded by Ms. Mannle. This program needs to be added to the Academic Inventory.

Memorandum dated April 5, 2007 - Program Changes - Multidisciplinary Studies - Middle School (MDSMS 4-8)

Curriculum Additions: Literacy II 5 Cr. Hrs.

LSCI 4570 Books and Related Materials Adol & Adults 3 Cr. Hrs.

Electives 2 Cr. Hrs.

Curriculum Deletions: ELED 4250 Language 2 Cr. Hrs.

LSCI 4500 Children's Literature 3 Cr. Hrs.

READ 3301 Teaching of Reading 3 Cr. Hrs.

READ 4310 Read/Write Strategies K-8 2 Cr. Hrs.

Curriculum Changes: FROM: SPCH 2410 Fund. Public Speak 3 Cr. Hrs.

TO: SPCH 2410 Fund. Public Speak or PC 2500 Communicating in the Profession 3 Cr. Hrs.

FROM: MUAR 2500 Arts & Ideas or ART 1030 Art Applications or MUS 1030 Music Applications 3 Cr. Hrs.

TO: ART 1030 Art Applications or MUS 1030 Music Applications 3 Cr. Hrs.

Motion. Dr. Peach moved to approve the changes effective Fall 2007. The motion was seconded by Ms. Mannle and carried. These changes need to be added to the Academic Inventory.

Memorandum dated April 5, 2007 - Program Changes - Secondary Education Science - Chemistry (SEED/SCCH), Earth & Space Science (SEED/SCEA) and Biology (SEED/SCBI)

Curriculum Additions: BIOL 1010 Intro to BIOL 1 4 Cr. Hrs.

BIOL 1020 Intro to BIOL II 4 Cr. Hrs.

Curriculum Deletions: BIOL 1110 General Zoology 4 Cr. Hrs.

BIOL 1120 General Botany 4 Cr. Hrs.

Curriculum Changes: FROM: SPCH 2410 Fund. Public Speak 3 Cr. Hrs.

TO: SPCH 2410 Fund. Public Speak or PC 2500 Communicating in the Profession 3 Cr. Hrs.

FROM: MUAR 2500 Arts & Ideas or ART 1030 Art Applications or MUS 1030 Music Applications 3 Cr. Hrs.

TO: ART 1030 Art Applications or MUS 1030 Music Applications 3 Cr. Hrs.

Motion. Dr. Peach moved to approve the changes effective Fall 2007. The motion was seconded by Ms. Mannle and carried.

Memorandum dated April 5, 2007 - Program Changes in Secondary Education Science - Physics (SEED/SCPH)

Curriculum Additions: BIOL 1010 Intro to BIOL 1 4 Cr. Hrs.

Curriculum Deletions: BIOL 1110 General Botany 4 Cr. Hrs.

Curriculum Changes: FROM: SPCH 2410 Introduction to Speech Communication 3 Cr. Hrs.

TO: SPCH 2410 Introduction to Speech Communication or PC 2500 Communicating in the Professions 3 Cr. Hrs.

FROM: MUAR 2500 Arts & Ideas or ART 1030 Art Applications of MUS 1030 Music Applications 3 Cr. Hrs.

TO: ART 1030 Art Applications or MUS 1030 Music Applications 3 Cr. Hrs.

Motion. Dr. Peach moved to approve the changes effective Fall 2007. The motion was seconded by Ms. Mannle and carried.

Memorandum dated April 5, 2007 - Program Changes - Secondary Education - English (SEEN) and Speech Communication and Theatre (SEST)

Curriculum Changes: FROM: MATH 1010 Int. Cont. Math 3 Cr. Hrs.

TO: MATH 1010 Int. Cont. Math or any approved general education math class 3 Cr. Hrs.

FROM: SPCH 2410 Introduction to Speech Communication 3 Cr. Hrs.

TO: SPCH 2410 Introduction to Speech Communication or PC 2500 Communicating in the Profession 3 Cr. Hrs.

Memorandum dated April 5, 2007 - Program Changes - Secondary Education French (SEED/FREN 7-12)

Curriculum Deletion: FREN 4910 or Minicourses 1 Cr. Hr.

Curriculum Changes: FROM: (First Semester Senior Year) Electives 1 Cr. Hr.

TO: (First Semester Senior Year) Electives 2 Cr. Hrs.

FROM: MUAR 2500 Arts & Ideas or Art 1030 Art Applications or MUS 1030 Music Applications 3 Cr. Hrs.

TO: ART 1030 Art Applications or MUS 1030 Music Applications 3 Cr. Hrs.

Motion. Dr. Peach moved to approve the changes effective Fall 2007. The motion was seconded by Ms. Mannle and carried.

Approval of Course Additions, Deletion and Curriculum Changes from the Department of Biology

Dr. Roberts took over the chair for Dr. Combs to present the Biology proposals.

Memorandum dated March 28, 2007

Course Additions:

BIOL (WFS) 2991-2992-2993-2994. Topics. Credit 1-2-3-4. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor and departmental chairperson. Focused study equivalent to one, two, three, or four credit hours on a special topic in the life sciences or wildlife/fisheries sciences under faculty supervision and approval of the department chairperson. Course may be repeated until a maximum of 12 hours of combined credit in BIOL (WFS) 299- Topics or BIOL (WFS) 499- (599-) Advanced Topics courses are earned.

BIOL (WFS) 4991-4992-4993-4994 (5991-5992-5993-5994). Advanced Topics. Credit 1-2-3-4. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor and departmental chairperson. Focused study equivalent to one, two, three, or four credit hours on an advanced topic in the life sciences or wildlife/fisheries sciences under faculty supervision and approval of the department chairperson. Course may be repeated until a maximum of 12 hours of combined credit in BIOL (WFS) 299- Topics or BIOL (WFS) 499- (599-) Advanced Topics courses are earned.

Course Deletion:

BIOL (WFS) 4990 (5990). Topics. Credit 1-4. Prerequisite: Consent of the departmental chairperson. Special study in an approved field under the supervision of a member of the biology faculty as approved by the department chairperson.

Motion. Dr. Combs moved to approve the additions and deletion effective Fall 2007. The motion was seconded by Dr. Mills and carried.

Memorandum dated March 22, 2007

Course Addition: BIOL 1050. Principles of Biology. Lec. 3, Credit 3. A basic foundation in biological principles common to all organisms, with an emphasis on molecules, cells, metabolism, genetics, reproduction, evolution, and speciation.

Curriculum Changes: The proposed approach to adding the new course, BIOL 1050, to all Biology and WFS curricula as a requirement is to remove an equivalent amount (3 hrs) of general elective credit from each curriculum. This approach is justified because the current curricula have anywhere from 6 to 21 general elective credit hours, leaving sufficient room to remove 3 hours from each. (Curricula tables on file in Office of Assoc. Vice President for Academic Affairs)

Motion. Dr. Combs moved to approve the addition and changes effective Fall 2007. The motion was seconded by Ms. Mannle and carried.

The chair position was returned to Dr. Combs.

Approval of Course Addition and Curriculum Changes from the Department of Chemistry

In a memorandum dated February 27, 2007, approval was requested for the following:

Course Addition: CHEM 4410 (5440). Forensic Chemistry. Lec. 3. Lab. 1. Credit 4. Prerequisites: CHEM 1110, 1120, 3010, 3020, 3410. This course will

examine the application of chemical concepts and methods to the analysis of crime scene evidence.

Curriculum Changes - Applied Chemistry (CHMN) concentration: MATH requirement FROM: MATH 1130 College Algebra Cr. 3 and MATH 1830 Concepts of Calculus Cr. 3

TO: MATH 1530 Elementary Probability and Statistics Cr. 3 and MATH 1910 Calculus I Cr. 4

BIOL requirement FROM: BIOL 1110 General Zoology Cr. 4 and BIOL 2140 Cell Biology Cr. 4

TO: BIOL 1110 General Zoology Cr. 4 and BIOL 1120 General Botany Cr. 4

Creation of new options under the Applied Chemistry concentration We propose the formation of six options within the Applied Chemistry (CHMN) concentration that would entail the changes in "chemistry electives" and "directed technical requirements" listed below:

The proposed options are: Business Chemistry Environmental Chemistry Forensic Chemistry Health Sciences Industrial Chemistry Chemistry

1. Change in advanced chemistry courses: From: 9 hours of chemistry electives as approved by the chemistry advisor To: The following option-dependent requirements:

Business Chemistry – 9 hours of advanced chemistry approved by the chemistry advisor

Environmental Chemistry – CHEM 4710 and 4720 plus 3 hrs of advanced chemistry approved by the chemistry advisor

Forensic Chemistry – CHEM 4410, 4610 and 4650. Health Sciences – CHEM 4610 and 4620 plus 3 hrs of advanced

chemistry approved by the chemistry advisor Industrial Chemistry – CHEM 4210, 4520, and 4710.

Chemistry - 9 hours of advanced chemistry approved by the chemistry advisor

2. Change in directed technical requirements:

From: For pre-Health Science students Technical Requirements should include courses recommended or required by the intended professional school. Current requirements include courses from the following list: BIOL 2010, 2020, 3230, 3810, 4040, ECON 2010, MATH 1530, but specific requirements for each school vary. The student should consult the Pre-Professional Health Sciences advisors for current information. Students pursuing a career outside the health sciences should work out a program of supporting

coursework with the approval of the chemistry advisor. To: The following option-dependent requirements:

Business Chemistry – ACCT 3720, BMGT 3510, FIN 3210, MKT 3400 plus 3 hours chosen from DS 3620 or LAW 3810

Environmental Chemistry – BIOL 3130 plus 12 hours chosen from AGRN 3230, 4220, BIOL 4130, 4840, GEOL 4100, 4650, 4711.

Forensic Chemistry – CJ 2660, 4250, BIOL 3330, 3810, 4150.

Health Sciences – BIOL 2010, 2020, 3230 plus 3 hours chosen from BIOL 3810, 4040, 4060, 4150

Industrial Chemistry – COOP 2010, 2020, 2030, CSC 1100, MIT 1110, PC 3250 plus 3 hours chosen from ACCT 3720, COOP 4010, 4020, 4030, ENGR 1110

Students pursuing a career outside the defined options should work out a program of at least 14 hours of complementary coursework with the approval of the chemistry advisor.

3. Social Science General Education restrictions

Within certain options, students should use the following general education courses to satisfy prerequisites for technical requirements.

Business Chemistry – Social Science requirement must be ECON 2010 and 2020

Forensic Chemistry – Social Science requirement must include SOC 1010

The options and a brief description of their intent follows:

Business Chemistry – This option is intended for those who are more interested in the business side of the chemical industry or in a management career in a technical industry. The non-chemistry component of this option includes most, if not all, of the coursework necessary to enter the +1 MBA program offered by the TTU College of Business.

Environmental Chemistry – Chemistry plays a central role in all environmental issues. No student can be considered prepared to contribute to this field without a solid background in chemistry. However, most students interested in the study of environmental science typically do not possess the mathematics and “hard science” interest needed to pursue the Environmental Chemistry option found under the more rigorous ACS Chemistry concentration. This option incorporates a significant amount of supporting coursework in contributing sciences, such as biology, agriculture, and geology, but with a more approachable contribution from mathematics, physics and chemistry.

Forensic Chemistry– Forensic science is an interdisciplinary field incorporating aspects of chemistry, biology, and physics. While it is certainly an area of current

popular interest, it has long been a career pathway for chemistry graduates, whose curricula fit these demands particularly well. This option combines the essential elements of chemistry with supporting coursework in biology and criminal justice. It also includes a new advanced chemistry course in forensic chemistry.

Health Sciences - This option provides a four-year content degree in chemistry for students who have pursued non-degree curricula in pre-medicine, pre-dentistry, pre-pharmacy, pre-optometry and other related pre-health programs. Supporting coursework in biology is chosen from those courses required or encouraged by professional schools.

Industrial Chemistry – This option is intended for students who wish to pursue a technical career in a chemistry-related industry. Many companies seek employees with a chemical background but do not need the rigorous training found in the ACS Chemistry concentration. An integral part of this program is a minimum of one year of cooperative employment experience.

Chemistry – This option maintains the flexibility of the current program, allowing adaptation to new areas of interest as they develop.

Motion. Dr. Crouse, representing Dr. Boles, moved to approve the changes effective Fall 2007. The motion was seconded by Dr. Eisen and carried.

Approval of Course and Curriculum Changes from the Department of Earth Sciences

In two memorandum, the following was requested for approval:

Memorandum dated March 27, 2007

Course Changes: FROM: GEOL 1045 Earth Environment, Resources, and Society Lec. 3, Lab. 2, Cr. 4 Prerequisite: GEOL 1040. Application of physical geology principles to geologic hazards, environmental pollution and land/resource use.

TO: GEOL 1045 Earth Environment, Resources, and Society Lec. 3, Lab. 2, Cr. 4 Application of physical geology principles to geologic hazards, environmental pollution and land/resource use.

FROM: GEOL 4930 and GEOL 4931. Senior Thesis. Credit 3. TO: GEOL (GEOG) and GEOL (GEOG) 4931. Senior Thesis. Credit 3.

FROM: GEOL (GEOG) 4410 (5410) Remote Sensing. Lec. 2, Lab. 2, Cr. 3 Prerequisites: GEOL 2300 and GEOL 3230

TO: GEOL (GEOG) 4410 (5410) Remote Sensing. Lec. 2, Lab. 2, Cr. 3 Prerequisites: GEOL 2500 and GEOL 3230

FROM: GEOL (GEOG) 4150 (5150) Geomorphology Lec. 3, Lab. 2, Cr. 4 Prerequisites: GEOL 1040 and 2300

TO: GEOL (GEOG) 4150 (5150) Geomorphology Lec. 3, Lab. 2, Cr. 4 Prerequisites: GEOL 1040 and 2500

FROM: GEOL 4110 Sedimentation and Stratigraphy Lec. 3, Lab. 2, Cr. 4 Prerequisites: GEOL 1040 and GEOL 2300

TO: GEOL 4110 Sedimentation and Stratigraphy Lec. 3, Lab. 2, Cr. 4 Prerequisites: GEOL 1040 and GEOL 2500

FROM: GEOL 3830 Field Geology Cr. 4 Prerequisites: GEOL 1040 and GEOL 2300

TO: GEOL 3830 Field Geology Cr.4 Prerequisites: GEOL 1040 and GEOL 2500

FROM: GEOG 4510 (5510) Theory of GIS 1 Lec. 3, Cr. 3 Prerequisites: GEOL 2300 and/or 4410 (5410) are recommended.

TO: GEOG 4510 (5510) Theory of GIS 1 Lec. 3, Cr. 3 Prerequisites: GEOL 2500 and/or 4410 (5410) are recommended.

FROM: GEOL (GEOG) 4711 (5710) Hydrogeology Lec. 3, Lab. 2, Cr. 4

TO: GEOL (GEOG) 4711 (5711) Hydrogeology Lec. 3, Lab. 2, Cr. 4

Curriculum Changes: Add GEOL 2500 (Geologic Fundamentals, credit 3) to the geoscience curriculum-all three concentrations (Geology, Environmental Geology, and GIS). This course replaces GEOL 2300 (Computer Techniques in Geology, credit 3) which was deleted earlier from the curriculum.

Motion. Dr. Hart, representing Dr. Harrison, moved to approve the changes effective Summer 2007. The motion was seconded by Dr. Crouse and carried.

Memorandum dated March 28, 2007

Curriculum Changes: FROM: BIOL 2130 General Ecology Lec. 3, Lab. 3, Cr. 4

TO: BIOL 3130 General Ecology Lec. 3, Lab. 3, Cr. 4

Our current geoscience curriculum contains BIOL 2130 as a core requirement option for all concentrations (Geology, Environmental Geology, and GIS). However, this course was eliminated and replaced with BIOL 3130. We propose to replace BIOL 2130 with BIOL 3130.

Motion. Dr. Hart moved to approve the change effective Summer 2007. The motion was seconded by Dr. Roberts and carried.

Approval of Course Addition, Changes and Curriculum Changes from the Department of Chemical Engineering

In a memorandum dated March 27, 2007, approval was requested for the following:

Course Addition: CHE 3021 Separations and Solution Thermodynamics Lec. 3, Lab. 2, Cr. 4 Prerequisite: CHE 3010 or equivalent. Analysis and prediction of mixture properties at equilibrium in single and multiple phases. Lab is focused on solution thermodynamic topics and industrially-relevant separation processes.

Course Changes: FROM:

CHE 2510: Computer Applications in Chemical Engineering. Lab. 2. Cr 1. Prerequisite: ENGR 1120. Software to be used in subsequent Chemical Engineering courses will be introduced in this course.


CHE 1510. Computer Applications in Chemical Engineering. Lab. 2. Cr 1. Co-requisite: ENGR 1120 or consent of instructor. Software to be used in subsequent Chemical Engineering courses will be introduced in this course.


CHE 2011. Chemical and Biological Engineering Process Analysis. Lec. 3, Lab 2, Credit 4. Prerequisites: ENGR 1120, CHEM 1120, MATH 1910. Quantitative descriptions of chemical and biological engineering systems. Conservation of mass and energy for single and multi-process units as well as for reactive and non-reactive systems. Lab introduces report writing and basic measurement techniques


CHE 2011. Chemical and Biological Engineering Process Analysis. Lec. 3. Lab. 2. Credit 4. Prerequisites: ENGR 1120, CHEM 1120, MATH 1910. Quantitative descriptions of chemical and biological engineering systems. Conservation of mass for single and multi-process units as well as for reactive and non-reactive systems. Lab introduces report writing, basic measurement techniques and applications of mass conservation equations.


CHE 3010. Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 1. Lec. 3., Credit 3. Prerequisites: CHEM 1120, MATH 1910 First, Second and Third Laws of Thermodynamics. Single-and multi-phase systems, analysis of flow processes and energy systems.


CHE 3010. Thermodynamics of Chemical Processes. Lec. 3., Credit 3. Prerequisites: CHEM 1120, MATH 1910 Application of the 1st and 2nd Laws of Thermodynamics to the analysis of single and multi-phase processes for both closed and open systems.


CHE 3111. Chemical Engineering Momentum and Energy Transport Processes. Lec. 3., Lab 2, Credit 4. Prerequisites: MATH 2110. Momentum and energy conservation principles. Design and operation of systems for heat transfer and momentum transfer with applications to heat exchangers, motion of fluid and solid particles. Lab is centered around heat and momentum transfer experiments.


CHE 3111. Transfer Science I: Conduction, Radiation, and Diffusion Lec. 3. Lab. 2 Credit 4 Co-requisites: CHE 2011, MATH 2110. Energy and mass conservation principles. Experimental studies of heat and diffusive mass transfer. Design and operation of systems for heat and mass transfer with applications to heat exchange and diffusive motion.


CHE 3121. Chemical Engineering Separation Processes. Lec. 3. Lab 2, Credit 4. Prerequisite: CHE 2011. Mass and energy conservation principles. Design, and operation of equipment for the separation and purification of materials; emphasizes distillation, liquid-liquid extraction and filtration. Lab is centered around single and multi-phase separation experiments.


CHE 3121. Transfer Science II: Fluid Mechanics Lec. 3. Lab. 2 Credit 4

Prerequisites: CHE 2011, CHE 3111. Theory of mass and momentum conservation principles. Experimental studies of fluid mechanics. Design and operation of systems involving fluids with application to fluid flow and fluid property measurements.


CHE 4131 (5131). Chemical Engineering Mass Transport Processes. Lec. 3. Lab 2, Credit 4. Prerequisite: CHE 2011. Mass conservation principles and its mathematical description. Micro and macro-transport equations. Design and operation of equipment for the separation and purification of materials. Lab is centered around these mass transfer operations.


CHE 4131 (5131) Transfer Science III: Diffusion and Diffusive-Convective Mass Transfer Lec. 3. Lab 2 Credit 4

Prerequisites: CHE 2011, CHE 3111, CHE 3121 Mathematical description of diffusion and diffusive-convective mass transfer. Mass transfer with reaction. Dimensional Analysis. Mass transfer in one and two-dimensions in Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical coordinates. Integrated labs demonstrating the concept of diffusion, computational experiments and demonstrating the effect of geometry, flow etc. on mass transfer.


CHE 4330 (5330). Polymer Chemistry and Processing Technology. Lec. 3. Credit 3. Prerequisite: CHEM 3020, CHEM 3520. Preparation, properties, and processing of organic and inorganic polymers.


CHE 4330 (5330) Polymer Engineering. Lec. 3. Credit 3. Prerequisites: CHEM 3020 or consent of instructor. Polymerization kinetics for key commercial polymers, structure/property relationships and characterization of key polymers, processing fundamentals, fundamentals of formulation of polymer composites and blends (nanocomposites, biopolymers.)


CHE 4910. Chemical Engineering Seminar. Lec. 1. Credit 1. Prerequisite: Senior standing in Chemical Engineering. Presentation and discussion of topics of interest to students in Chemical Engineering.


CHE 4910. Professionalism and Ethics in Chemical Engineering. Lec. 1. Credit 1. Prerequisite: Senior standing in Chemical Engineering. Presentation and discussion of topics relevant to the ethics and professional behavior in the chemical engineering profession, including professional licensure.


CHE 4911. Chemical Engineering Seminar for the BS-MS Fast Track. Lec. 1. Credit 1. Prerequisite: Students approved for BS-MS Fast-Track. Research methodology, ethics and preparing for graduate studies in Chemical Engineering.


CHE 4911. Professionalism and Ethics in Chemical Engineering – BS/MS Fast Track Students Lec. 1. Credit 1. Prerequisite: Students approved for BS-MS Fast-Track. Presentation and discussion of topics relevant to the ethics and professional behavior in the chemical engineering profession, including professional licensure. Research methodology and graduate studies preparation is also discussed.

Curriculum Changes:

1. Add CHE 1510 to the second semester, Freshman year.

2. Remove CHE 2510 from the curriculum

3. Add in CHE 3021, remove CHE 3020

4. Remove CHE 1010 from 128-hour curriculum.

See attached curriculum sheet for more details.

Note that the CHE 1010 course has been removed from the 128-hour curriculum. However, this course does satisfy the UNIV 1020 First Year Connections requirement. Chemical Engineering students will be encouraged to take the CHE 1010 course offering to fulfill their UNIV 1020 requirement.

Motion. Dr. Visco, representing Dr. Arce, moved to approve the changes

effective Fall 2007. The motion was seconded by Dr. Elsawy and carried.

Approval of Course Change from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

In a memorandum dated March 23, 2007, approval was requested for the following:

Course Change: FROM: CEE 4990 Special Problems Cr. 1 to 4 per semester. Maximum 18 Prerequisite: Approval of Departmental Chairperson. Current topics in the student's area of interest. May not be repeated to improve a grade.

TO: CEE 4990 (5990) Special Problems Cr. 1 to 4 per semester Prerequisite: Approval of Departmental Chairperson. Current topics in civil engineering. May be not be repeated to improve a grade.

Motion. Dr. Badoe, representing Dr. Huddleston, moved to approve the change effective Fall 2007. The motion was seconded by Dr. Elsawy and carried.

Approval of Curriculum Changes from the Department of Mechanical Engineering

In a memorandum dated April 19, 2007, approval was requested for the following:

Curriculum Changes: Removal of ENGR 1210 Introduction to Engineering (1 cr. hr) as a requirement for M.E. majors

Move ENGR 1020 Connections to Engineering and Technology ( 1 cr. hr) "into" the 128 cr. hr. requirement for M.E. majors.

Motion. Dr. Hoy moved to approve the changes effective Fall 2007. The motion was seconded by Dr. Darvennes and carried.

Approval of New Courses from the Department of Mechanical Engineering

In a memorandum dated April 19, 2007, approval was requested for the following:

Course Additions: ME 3023. Measurements in Mechanical Systems. Lec. 2. Lab. 2. Credit 3. Prerequisites: ECE 3810, ECE 3860; Corequisite: CEE 3110. Principles of measurement and calibration; basic instrumentation and measurement techniques in mechanical systems. [ Required Course]

ME 2001. Elementary Mechanical Engineering Analysis. Lec. 2. Credit 2. Prerequisites: ENGR 1120, MATH 1910. An introduction to mechanical engineering analysis through the study of numerical methods and matrix algebra and the use of modern numerical computing tools for problem solving.

Motion. Dr. Hoy moved to approve the additions effective Fall 2007. The motion was seconded by Dr. Darvennes and carried.

Approval of Curriculum Changes from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

In a memorandum dated March 3, 2007, approval was requested for the following:

Curriculum Changes: ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 1. Removal of ENGR 1210 Introduction to Engineering (1 cr. hr) as a requirement for EE majors. 2. Move ENGR 1020 Connections to Engineering and Technology (1 cr. hr) "into" the 128 cr-hr requirement for EE majors.

COMPUTER ENGINEERING 1. Removal of ENGR 1210 Introduction to Engineering (1 cr. hr) as a requirement for CMPE majors. 2. Move ENGR 1020 Connections to Engineering and Technology (1 cr hr) "into" the 128 cr-hr requirement for CMPE majors.

Motion. Dr. Parke moved to approve the changes effective Fall 2007. The motion was seconded by Dr. Talbert and carried.

Approval of Curriculum Changes from the Pre-Professional Health Science Program

In a memorandum dated March 29, approval was requested for the following:

Curriculum Changes: Pre-Dental Hygiene Freshman Year FROM: CHEM 1010 Lec. 3, Lab. 3, Cr. 4

TO: CHEM 1010 or CHEM 1110 Lec, 3, Lab. 3, Cr. 4

FROM: CHEM 1020 Lec, 3, Lab. 3, Cr. 8

TO: CHEM 1020 or CHEM 1120 Lec. 3, Lab. 3, Cr. 4

DELETE: PSY 2050 or 3200 Lec. 3, Cr. 6

FROM: Electives Lec. 3, Cr. 3

TO: Electives Lec. 6, Cr. 6

Sophomore Year ADD: Social Sciences Lec. 6, Cr. 6

FROM: ENGL 2230 or 2330 Lec. 3, Cr. 3 and ENGL 2130 Lec. 3, Cr. 3

TO: ENGL 2130 or 2230 or 2330 Lec. 3, Cr. 3

DELETE: Sociology Elective Lec. 3, Cr. 3

FROM: Electives Lec. 10, Cr. 10

TO: Electives Lec. 6, Cr. 6

Pre-Dental/Pre-Medical Freshman Year FROM: BIOL 2140 Lec. 4, Lab. 2, Cr. 4

TO: BIOL 1120 Lec. 4, Lab. 2, Cr. 4

DELETE: MATH 1130 Lec. 3, Cr. 3

DELETE: MATH 1830 Lec. 3, Cr. 3

FROM: Electives Lec. 3, Cr. 3

TO: Electives Lec. 9, Cr. 9

Sophomore Year FROM: ENGL 2230 or 2330 Lec. 3, Cr. 3 and ENGL 2130 Lec. 3, Cr. 3

TO: ENGL 2130 or 2230 or 2330 Lec. 3, Cr. 3

FROM: Electives Lec. 10, Cr. 10

TO: Electives Lec. 13, Cr. 13

Junior Year

ADD: CHEM 4610, 4620 Lec. 6, Cr. 6

ADD: Biology Elective Lec. 3, Lab. 2, Cr. 4

ADD: Electives Lec. 18, Cr. 18

Pre-Health Information Management Freshman Year DELETE: BIOL 1110 Lec. 3, Lab. 2, Cr. 4

DELETE: BIOL 1120 Lec. 3, Lab. 2, Cr. 4

DELETE: PSY 2010 Lec. 3, Cr.3

MOVE: Social Science Lec. 6, Cr. 6 From Junior Year to Freshman Year

FROM: Electives Lec. 9, Cr. 9

TO: Electives Lec. 15, Cr. 15

Sophomore Year DELETE: PSY 2050 or 3200 Lec. 3, Cr. 3

Junior Year DELETE: SPCH 2410 Lec. 3, Cr. 3

DELETE: Business Approved Courses Lec. 9, Cr. 9

FROM: Electives Lec. 9, Cr. 9

TO: Electives Lec. 24, Cr. 24

Pre-Medical Technology Freshman Year FROM: BIOL 2140 Lec. 4, Lab. 2, Cr. 4

TO: BIOL 1120 Lec. 4, Lab. 2, Cr. 4

Sophomore Year FROM: CHEM 3010 and 3020 Lec. 6, Lab. 6, Cr. 8

TO: CHEM 3010 and 3020 Lec. 6, Lab. 6, Cr. 8 or CHEM 3005 and 4500 Lec. 6, Lab. 3, Cr. 7

FROM: ENGL 2230 or 2330 Lec. 3, Cr. 3 and ENGL 2130 Lec. 3, Cr. 3

TO: ENGL 2130 or 2230 or 2330 Lec. 3, Cr. 3

FROM: Electives Lec. 12, Cr. 12

TO: Electives Lec. 15, Cr. 15

Pre-Occupational Therapy Freshman Year FROM: BIOL 2140 Lec. 4, Lab. 2, Cr. 4

TO: BIOL 1120 Lec. 4, Lab 2, Cr. 4

ADD: Humanities Lec. 6, Cr. 6

DELETE: Electives Lec. 7, Cr. 7

Sophomore Year FROM: ENGL 2230 or 2330 Lec. 3, Cr. 3 and ENGL 2130 Lec. 3, Cr. 3

TO: ENGL 2130 or 2230 or 2330 Lec. 3, Cr. 3

Junior Year ADD: CSC 1100 Lec. 3, Cr. 3

ADD: MATH 1530 or PSY 3010 Lec. 3, Cr. 3

ADD: ANTH 1100 Lec. 3, Cr. 3

ADD: Social Sciences Lec. 3, Cr. 3

ADD: Electives Lec. 18, Cr. 18

Pre-Optometry Freshman Year FROM: BIOL 2140 Lec. 4, Lab. 2, Cr. 4

TO: BIOL 1120 Lec. 4, Lab. 2, Cr. 4

Sophomore Year FROM: ENGL 2230 or 2330 Lec. 3, Cr. 3 and ENGL 2130 Lec. 3, Cr. 3

TO: ENGL 2130 or 2230 or 2330 Lec. 3, Cr. 3

FROM: Electives Lec. 6, Cr. 6

TO: Electives Lec. 9, Cr. 9

Junior Year ADD: BIOL 3140 Lec. 3, Lab. 2, Cr. 4

FROM: Electives Lec. 12, Cr. 12

TO: Electives Lec. 3, Cr. 3

Pre-Pharmacy Freshman Year FROM: BIOL 2140 Lec. 4, Lab. 2, Cr. 4

TO: BIOL 1120 Lec. 4, Lab. 2, Cr. 4

FROM: MATH 1830 Lec. 3, Cr. 3

TO: MATH 1910 Lec. 4, Cr. 4

DELETE: Electives Lec. 4, Cr. 4

Sophomore Year FROM: ENGL 2230 or 2330 Lec. 3, Cr. 3 and ENGL 2130 Lec. 3, Cr. 3

TO: ENGL 2130 or 2230 or 2330 Lec. 3, Cr. 3

DELETE: PHYS 2020 Lec. 3, Lab. 3, Cr. 4

ADD: Electives Lec. 9, Cr. 9

Junior Year FROM: Humanities Lec. 6 Cr. 6

TO: Humanities Lec. 3, Cr. 3

ADD: Electives Lec. 3, Cr. 3

Pre-Physical Therapy Freshman Year FROM: MATH 1710 Lec. 3, Cr. 3

TO: MATH 1130 or 1710 Lec. 3, Cr. 3

DELETE: MATH 1720 Lec. 3, Cr. 3

Sophomore Year FROM: ENGL 2230 or 2330 Lec. 3, Cr. 3 and ENGL 2130 Lec. 3, Cr. 3

TO: ENGL 2130 or 2230 or 2330 Lec. 3, Cr. 3

ADD: Electives Lec. 6, Cr. 6

Junior Year FROM: MATH 1530 Lec. 3, Cr. 3

TO: MATH 1530 or PSY 3010 Lec. 3, Cr. 3

FROM: Social Science Lec. 9, Cr. 9

TO: Social Science Lec. 6, Cr. 6

FROM: Electives Lec. 16, Cr. 16

TO: Electives Lec. 19, Cr. 19

Motion. Dr. Crouse moved to approve the changes. The motion was seconded by Dr. Elsawy and carried.

Approval of Course Addition and Curriculum Change from the Department of Exercise Science, Physical Education and Wellness

In a memorandum dated April 11, 2007, approval was requested for the following:

Addition: EXPW 4080 Coaching Track and Field Cr. 1

Curriculum Change

EXPW 4080 Coaching Track and Field added as a choice in the coaching concentration election list.

Motion. Dr. Jordan moved to approve the addition effective Fall 2007. The motion was seconded by Ms. Mannle and carried.

Approval of Curriculum Changes from the Department of Computer Science

In a memorandum dated March 29, 2007, approval was requested for the following:

Changes: FROM: CSC 2001 Concepts in Computer Science Lec. 3 Cr. 3 Prerequisite: None. Fundamental concepts of computing and overview of computer science as a discipline. Historical and social context of computing, including ethical issues. The class will include the initiation of a portfolio that students will use to document learned skills and completed projects throughout their undergraduate experience.

TO: CSC 2001 Introduction to Computer Science Lec. 3, Cr. 3 Prerequisite: None. Fundamental concepts of computing, problem solving, and algorithm development with an introduction to computer programming.

FROM: CSC 2030 Practical and Professional Issues in Computer Science Le.c 1, Lab. 1, Cr. 1 Prerequisites: CSC 2020, 2021. Required for all computer science majors, including transfer students. Written, oral and audio-visual communication in computer science; presentation techniques, report preparation and technical correspondence. Social, ethical and career aspects of computing.

TO: CSC 3030 Practical and Professional Issues in Computer Science Lec. 1, Lab. 1, Cr. 1 Prerequisites: CSC 2020, 2021, junior status. Required for all computer science majors, including transfer students. Written, oral and audio-visual communication in computer science; presentation techniques, report preparation and technical correspondence. Social, ethical and career aspects of computing.

Motion. Dr. Talbert moved to approve the changes effective Fall 2007. The motion was seconded by Dr. Elsawy and carried.

FROM: CSC 3500 Systems Programming Laboratory Lec. 1, Lab. 1, Cr. 1 Prerequisites: CSC 2020, CSC 2021. Introduction to the facilities, tools and development procedures in an environment designed for systems programming.

TO: CSC 2500 Unix Laboratory Lec. 1, Lab. 1, Cr. 1 Prerequisites: CSC 2020, CSC 2021. Introduction to the facilities, tools and development procedures in an environment designed for systems programming.

Motion. Dr. Talbert moved to approve the change effective Fall 2007. The motion was seconded by Dr. Elsawy and carried.

Renumber: CSC 2900, 2901, 2902 To: CSC 2901, 2902, 2903

FROM: CSC 3020 Prerequisites: CSC 2010 or ENGR 1120, MATH 1920

TO: CSC 3020 Prerequisites: CSC 2010 and 2011 or ENGR 1120, MATH 1920

FROM: CSC 2710 Prerequisites: CSC 2020, CSC 2021; Co-requisites: CSC 1610

TO: CSC 2710 Prerequisite: CSC 1610; Co-requisites: CSC 2020, CSC 2021

FROM: CSC 4710 (5710) Design and Development of Human and Web Interfaces. Lec. 3, Cr. 3 Prerequisites: CSC 3700. A course in human-computer interaction design and user interface development. It will expose students to tools, techniques and ideas for designing effective human computer interfaces. Graduate students will be required to do additional work on their projects (more functionality) and/or answer additional questions on tests and quizzes.

TO: CSC 4710 (5710) Design and Development of Human and Web Interfaces. Lec. 3, Cr. 3 Prerequisites: CSC 3700. A course in human-computer interaction design and user interface development. It will expose students to tools, techniques and ideas for designing effective human computer interfaces.

FROM: CSC 4240/5240 Prerequisites: CSC 2710, 3400

TO: CSC 4240/5240 Prerequisites: CSC 2400, 2710

Change of required courses for CSSC concentration: Remove CSC 3310 (computer Logic and Sequential Design) and CSC 3400 (Distributed and Net-Centric Computing) as required classes and add CSC 4100 (Operating Systems) and CSC 4320 (Computer Architecture) as required classes.

Change CSC upper division requirements FROM: Two 4000-level computer science classes with at least one chosen from 4010, 4100, 4240, 4320, 4400, and 4450 plus one 3000- or 4000-level computer science class.

TO: One class chosen from CSC 4010, CSC 4240, CSC 4400, and CSC 4450 plus two 3000- or 4000-level computer science classes.

Motion. Dr. Talbert moved to approve the changes effective Fall 2007. The motion was seconded by Dr. Elsawy and carried.

FROM: CSC 1070 Elementary Programming Lec. 3, Cr. 3 Prerequisite: MATH 1010 or equivalent. Introduction to programming including loops, arrays and applications in various disciplines. (For CSIN option and non-computer science majors only.)

TO: CSC 1070 Elementary Programming Lec. 3, Cr. 3 Prerequisite: MATH 1010 or equivalent. Introduction to programming including loops, arrays and applications in various disciplines. (For CSIT option and non-computer science majors only.)

FROM: CSC 1100 Introduction to Computing Lec. 3, Cr. 3 Prerequisite: MATH 1010 or equivalent. Credit cannot be obtained for CSC 1100 in addition to credit for either DS 2810 or FOED 3240. Use of software for word processing, spreadsheets, database, etc., on a personal computer; organization of computer hardware. (For CSIN option and non-computer science majors only.)

TO: CSC 1100 Introduction to Computing Lec. 3, Cr. 3 Prerequisite: MATH 1010 or equivalent. Credit cannot be obtained for CSC 1100 in addition to credit for either DS 2810 or FOED 3240. Use of software for word processing, spreadsheets, database, etc., on a personal computer; organization of computer hardware. (For CSIT option and non-computer science majors only.)

Motion. Dr. Talbert moved to approve the change effective Fall 2007. The motion was seconded by Ms. Galloway and carried.

FROM: CSC 3550 Systems Programming Lec. 3, Cr. 3 Prerequisites: CSC

2300 and/or CSC 3500. Corequisite: CSC 3410. Design of systems software; implementation of program development tools; development of a systems software package.

TO: CSC 3550 Systems Programming Lec. 3, Cr. 3 Prerequisites: CSC 2500. Design of systems software; implementation of program development tools; development of a systems software package.

FROM: CSC 4100 (5100) Operating Systems Lec. 3, Cr. 3 Prerequisites: CSC 3400 and either CSC 3410 or ECE 3120. A historical perspective of operating systems; overview of modern systems; processor, storage and process management; virtual memory; deadlocks; concurrent processing and programming; protection; case studies.

TO: CSC 4100 (5100) Operating Systems Lec. 3, Cr. 3 Prerequisites: CSC 2300 and either CSC 3410 or ECE 3120. A historical perspective of operating systems; overview of modern systems; processor, storage and process management; virtual memory; deadlocks; concurrent processing and programming; protection; case studies.

FROM: CSC 4200 (5200) Computer Networks Lec. 3, Cr. 3 Prerequisites: CSC 2710, 3400. Data communications and computer networks; network models and protocols; local area networks; data security.

TO: CSC 4200 (5200) Computer Networks Lec. 3, Cr. 3 Prerequisites: CSC 2300, CSC 2400, and CSC 2710. Data communications and computer networks; network models and protocols; local area networks; data security.

FROM: CSC 4320 (5320) Computer Architecture Lec. 3, Cr. 3 Prerequisites: CSC 3310, CSC 3410 or equivalent. Computer systems, the CPU, the control unit, microprogramming, parallel organization, RISC architectures.

TO: CSC 4320 (5320) Computer Architecture Lec. 3, Cr. 3 Prerequisites: CSC 3410 or equivalent. Computer Systems, the CPU, the control unit, microprogramming, parallel organization, RISC architectures.

Change number of elective in CSSC and CSIT concentrations to maintain total requirement of 120 hours. FROM: CSSC: 9 hours CSIT: 6-7 hours

TO: CSSC: 7 hours CSIT: 5-6 hours

New CSSC Program of Study

Freshman Year sem Sophomore Year sem

hrs hrs

CSC 1020

First-Year Connections

1 CSC 2020 Data Structures & Programming Techniques


CSC 1610

Discrete Structures for Computer Science

3 CSC 2021

Data Structures & Programming Techniques Laboratory


CSC 2001

Concepts in Computer Science

3 CSC 2300 C/C++ in Unix 3

CSC 2010

Introduction to Computer Science

3 CSC 2400 Design of Algorithms 3

CSC 2011

Introduction to Computer Science Laboratory

1 CSC 2500 Unix Laboratory 1

MATH 1910 Calculus I 4 CSC 2710 Foundations of

Computer Science 3

MATH 1920 Calculus II 4 SPCH 2410 or PC 2500 3

Humanities/Fine Arts Elective1 3 MATH 2010

Elementary Matrix Algebra


Social/Behavioral Science Elective1

3 MATH 2011

Matrix Algebra Computer Lab


ENGL 1010 Writing I 3 First Science Sequence1 8

ENGL 1020 Writing II 3 Humanities/Fine Arts Elective1 3

Total 31 Total 31

Junior Year sem hrs Senior Year

sem hrs

CSC 3030

Practical & Professional Issues in Computer Science

1 CSC 4100 Operating Systems 3

CSC 3410

Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming

3 CSC 4300

Database Management Systems


CSC 3700

Software Analysis and Design

3 CSC 4320 Computer Architecture 3

CSC Upper Division Elective3 3 CSC 4950 Capstone Project 3

MATH 3470

Introductory Probability and Statistics

3 CSC Upper Division Elective 3

HIST 2010 American History I 3 CSC Advanced Core4 3

HIST 2020 American History II 3 Social/Behavioral Science Elective1 3

Humanities/Fine Arts Elective1 3 Electives 7

Second Science Sequence2 8

Total 30 Total 28

1 See TBR General Education Core Requirements. 2 Take at least one science sequence from BIOL 1110-1120; CHEM 1110-1120; GEOL 1040-1045; or PHYS 2110-2120 and 2111-2121 (laboratories for 2110-2120). 3 Take any additional 3000- or 4000-level CSC course. 4 Select from one of the following: CSC 4010, CSC 4240, CSC 4400, and CSC 4450.

New CSIT Program of Study

Freshman Year sem hrs Sophomore Year

sem hrs

CSC 1020

First-Year Connections

1 CSC 2010

Introduction to Computer Science


CSC 1070

Elementary Programming

3 CSC 2011

Introduction to Computer Science Laboratory


CSC 1100 or DS 2810 3 CSC 2020

Data Structures & Programming Techniques


CSC 1610

Discrete Structures for Computer Science

3 CSC 2021

Data Structures & Programming Techniques Laboratory


CSC 2001

Concepts in Computer Science

3 CSC 2500 Unix Laboratory 1

MATH 1630; AND MATH 1830 or 1910

6-7 HIST 2010 American History I 3

SOC 1010

Introduction to Sociology

3 HIST 2020 American History II 3

Humanites/Fine Arts Elective1 3 Humanites/Fine Arts Elective1 6

ENGL 1010 Writing I 3 PC 2500 Communicating in the

Professions 3

ENGL 1020 Writing II 3 ACCT

2110 Principles of Financial Accounting


Social/Behavorial Science Elective1


Total 30-31 Total 30

Junior Year sem hrs Senior Year

sem hrs

CSC 3030

Practical & Professional Issues in Computer Science

1 DS 3860 Business Database Management


CSC 3340

Deterministic Computer Models

3 DS 4260 Network Security and Forensics


DS 3830 or CSC 3620 3 CSC 4575

Information Assurance and Security


PHYS 2010

Algebra-based Physics I

4 CSC 4951

Web Design Capstone Project Course


PHYS 2020

Algebra-based Physics II

4 CSC Upper Division Elective2 6

PC 3500

Web Site Construction/The Rhetoric of Internet Publishing

3 ECE 3835

Computers and Peripherals


BMGT 3510

Management and Organization Behavior

3 SOC 3730

Technology and Society


DS 3841 Management Information Systems

3 Electives 5-6

MATH 3070 Statistical Methods I 3

MATH 3080

Statistical Methods II


Total 30 Total 29-30

1 See TBR General Education Core Requirements. 2 Take any additional

3000- or 4000-level CSC course.

Motion. Dr. Talbert moved to approve the changes effective Fall 2007. The motion was seconded by Dr. Elsawy and carried.

Approval of Course Additions and Deletion from the Department of History

In a two memorandums dated February 5, 2007, approval was requested for the following:

Addition: HIST 1066 First Year Connections Lec. 1, Cr. 1 This course is designed to provide the students an enlarged perspective with which to succeed as history majors at Tennessee Technological.

Motion. Dr. Roberts moved to approve the addition effective Fall 2007. The motion was seconded by Ms. Mannle and carried.

Addition: HIST 3410 Introduction to Historical Methods Lec. 3, Cr. 3 An introduction to historical writing, research, criticism, methodology and related technical skills.

Deletion: HIST 2410 Introduction to Historical Methods Lec. 3, Cr. 3

Motion. Dr. Roberts moved to approve the addition and deletion effective Fall 2008. The motion was seconded by Dr. Laurila and carried.

Election of 2007-2008 Chairperson

The election committee was comprised of Dr. Peach, Ms. Galloway, and Dr. Roberts, serving as chair.

Dr. Roberts nominated Dr. Allan Mills to serve as the 2007-08 chairperson. A motion was made to close nominations and to elect Dr. Mills by acclamation. Dr. Eisen seconded the motion and the motion carried.

Approval of Course Change from the Department of Foreign Languages

In a memorandum dated April 13, 2007, approval was requested for the following:

Change: FROM: FLST 1010-1020 Elementary Foreign Language Study I & II Lec. 3, Cr. 3 Prerequisite: FLST 1010 or equivalent is prerequisite to 1020. Essentials of the language, developing listening and reading comprehension, oral

and written communication, and cultural understanding. The language offered may change. Course may be repeated if the language is different.

TO: FLST 1011-1012-1013 and FLST 1021-1022-1023 Elementary Foreign Language Study I Cr. 1-2-3 Prerequisite: FLST 1013 or equivalent is prerequisite to 1021. Essentials of the language, developing listening and reading comprehension, oral and written communication, and cultural understanding. Course may be repeated if the language is different.

Motion. Dr. Laurila moved to approve the change effective immediately. The motion was seconded by Dr. Eisen and carried.

The meeting adjourned at 4:20 p.m.