T^T?^ te'lil -...

4+» 'V^' 1 '-^.' ^ "- '." '.'.••'- v ~" ••"' J '' Ji--:'>3& i '""'"""' '"' "' '•',- .y".7'»'• .-^M** T^T?^ ""^W-. *^*^^y»%«fe-** : *^' , ^s» *«** '4K- m 'mejis turfjJtHlWB t h a t -r^est/ ai^d richest) . ,, ^mmomil^m^WA' iraO Would say tt^rtMl -""" " ""~ « y . they ore nd\v TQflJMgM assortmeritof . . >• *, h*&Jtm W^^flH*to^Sti^ffi8B! Iwbrfc which will be f p u n e » y ) W M ^ i S D O p s L h e r e t)>e Ladies. c^.SdtA^AP'P^', A ft 'H»Volt of STAPLE BSfeS'W^DMfff^ 1 !^ ft t tW» e\tablishme,n,t at Igwar'f/itelih&itipty ythe'r oonqc'rn Id Oswego county, y<*£mmm\mw a'numbor of. ma&^uqturers, All swt#J»JitfflSi^pAl I A e ' 1 <led, and eboapefthatt, f&JU!$ Jd/GwdSfljigfiW* Wttl'Sqll ' ^ h ^ p ^ ^ A Y t l l ^ aS wealtyayjj, fef*.that,,flji Sugar; a a i M t J g g . » V T ^ fur Ssj y^hio)i'sll.}.ariift beat&Xr^v tlBiigfih taw-ii.' taken to exchange, for,'G^gcja,' j^fc 1 liqftral rt\e.s. #MA •.ffiffliiti: HI Q "~TSKES'ofall-Muds, such, as' KttJAJj^- a .©PJRIfNG^ANU. fall' prices, at teiitwodKS. :GLO#miNG, at lower pSslhanfanTefpiiiiSeisf'VheTO.at , , , ,. ,C&*-VW>oiws & Munnocus. -jg5ocu5_sai^LalMfcjiyi .and SCJIMEK muAWLs,wife»^g|. w & M ; BD0 - C AKPETIN&/MATT1NO and OIL CLOTH, at ,'t'. CltAWFOJlPS .&. MultllQCIi. ' *%- ' "•:•••• i,?' CRAWFORDS & Muimocus,,,. T-)ARASt)tfe,,.of eie>-y s.tyle., at " '. ,JT i 'i..-./ 1 ", eitAWI'OBDS & MUBDOCK. : "^L$CKlS and LoblCI XG GLASSES;, a very large '%J lot, viiry cheap, at CBAWFOMIS & Mtinpot-Bs. •^il ^^^:Mft¥ f[ . of everV'desoft^ffifhi ''Hfr^Sfof^mlirsieis evfefy new style of gottds hi thetltnVujrd; WtU he sbldWy.lovy, Lodie^are iuvvted tp calK ''!*,.''•' . \ ' ' "• 'pj-thof-the r o o w ueretpfor'e \28m3 [SlAmlbi)' Wagtms, jBuggiis-^nd Sleighs-,'. double' and single, iqade of gum! nid'terials and withe besl manner, whicli lie yvill sell'Very low.- Ue.is pre.- pared to ihake to ord.fi.r aii.Y arti^la-in his line of bufii- riess. and warrab{ed to give s.ati.slaction-, ' ItEPAIR- 1NG done oh short nofic'e; An examination of his \tork and prices is solicited: C. C.HARMON. Pulaski, April,20,185*.,...: , 32 •awhiBii «J*s one ofthe<LAB'GJilSffiaatU)es&d(lcted'stoctaflfc OROC^RJES ANb PFtOV'iarON5, ever before offered in this market. T^JjtiUjna; it i)A- neoessary to entunera,1e .articles irt If "stock so large and varied, they would roerejv &av tlfat it consists}<ftf $@*EXEHY 'I'Hllva.USgA.LLVKIil'T TN Tf'lE TUAOE. all of wh|ch is ejitireK tl^y aiyd Iresh, has hecu o-.relullysdeotW. a)ldpi<rcha«^J with cash, a.nd will be suldfor mstt'da. KKi(pi vtii, either by tie 1 | pound ot pacliajie, at prices tliat will very favorably -; TSnipa-reJiJi^i.thHsa'pf a,pj( ptljer hquse in tli^ section of the country.., An.oxuHiinatiqn of'floods and Trifles and a share' of'Vtttrouageis respectfully solicited. .Z^i'tfAKipHt'S PllODrfQIS, LUMBJ5R atid SHTN-GLBij 'd.oiisidered same as casts. '• SELUEI* & STUXMAIVs ' Romcs3Taroh lyl'854. ' My. *T. N. KftLLOGG, lbo'B.end-fiivorifbJv know" in 'this section, (forme"!y witH. Bwsefl &'Leonard) will"ba'foun.d at flis^bove sture, liitppyto wait upon his old frienjs and customers, ... . !$;. ' lt^—_ i^* SM», m * Ajrtists-.' ( P ! nSa»(..^ ,,. B'teavings, cnlof-eriri'&il,' f; ' " <f|}gg|;'' ..^?,fl P'"t« Engm^ft'gfiJ J- .V' <J$4t> Lonoajor ISCr-aowB easlj %g6'Kl!l8tato. • . 5s, ;.'• --y .._. 'Fa^ai;?l550,000. yijo American AyfisSTTfriipn, KvfmM ret- sD^j,tfu)ly at)iioii,i>ge ta-il|,9 (J.j>,izai)d qf tlie Unito4_ .Sljrtes and il\o Carta(^'ibpt^br the pyj-po'so r»f the atfvnnccniflnt and extension of the Pfl'ff .4r^)J,?tnd.wiih'n;vjovp- ofenijblfegr ovefy TaiiiW., ,tlt|Q)iglio»t thS ^rig.tb (in'cl.broadtkflf Iho Vantf tcrbtj&omo poa.aeWd of a .golletjr-.-of pictures rn4'5fy'at-thon!.;ilie"vVoHt of aia.stei> minds, mi firiajly,forths'.pufrjofeO'Df giving' tj'wprtd wide iCJrpulAlfon trt •• ,7 , , . (>:'., . •, Barley's Gr#lP||5^itc <Jt#pa«Jlig*;. ft$hvf have dsiarrrji-n.od.U>.disttibnto.nTOoiig( ^' t-tio. purclinsocS^i'f^bte v)«irk,-Prio«' StliQO, 2Wt^ GIPTOj;>0Ium)tt&.6F-^5©,O00.' '. ".'LijST pi' GuFisi;—^»^W 'iS(a.tuarjr,;f40,0(}p. _„ ,, . W'lSI^S i E w x i j t p r CjJji A, MpNtfflS™ saoit terns, wTthflt t b ^ f t r a w M j a i § | M | W t e f a m tion, wbi6lt, l a)lstlitel/y]lf v - , ''- i ' !it - ««-^»-^-''^ii-->-.i hej-etof '• " " ' ' *' jiukd. ,,, , -».ww.ijra"TOia-7"-« -'iw-™- tha^®rfltraB3fltraf2^|i»|S^^ ted l'ivffii^i( 1 "J il - WusgsJ^elli W«S> taiifeiir' ad qiember •- 1 *'•'• '~" J 1—»us i-is. -u *»._ qidAfn'rld a olieikiiit. and a'lra'velei-. J flte iCiipa'M'an?'la»a» M#&e|4P| qooupteaifjtfianieibiillftnJg. , y-tOVsy. May,.l,-18^;i , .', , ,- ' Ipa^^gjufeg Mthe, mMon I '/iS just rBtprned ft.«g?i^ ew Y 0 !' 11 . with a lafge ^-.isteoUqf liOOTS.«H'OESfar surpassing.ayy ^tWWSriivlQUSTiui'cbasJis and- composed W all tlie .n»bst;bejOtitifill , a»*i:ieaH'»ad fa-vorife styles eyftmt. He .lioS-^nVoonisiaei'afil&vtim'eXn exapiining Aiti-puj:'- .oliitsinl;? and flatters hlnisolf thatft better stock, when tulcSn iplcioim.ection witHibe present Heavy stock of . hjs/owhr m^pj^fabtijre,.. ca.nnot.be found-otito^ New Xoir.k,l':;..i ''".". " . JHSfisiofferihg-.a better and / larger stock of Bqpts & .ghoes.-tlian could Ordinarily lie offoi'ed in a, plme of ,tj)i« size,; but by doiiig so he is offering .inducements . cto_;th.e!]P«ople'Of -Pulaski and all the surrounding w .thai-ijrjH |.etfure. a large trade an,d mutualy beiieh .customers and himself, for people vriH .trade whi they, can,And the greatest? variety ..and, the lowest .e&r That place is Teckhams. Ho keens, as gijeai iviriety as can be found in anj Citj Retail Store and less,th9n city^pnees. -.. A' gooaVShare-df liis w&rk is manufactured "at home" DJ experienced workmen. : • •• V.aJ.o spsraa ui&!DiESs», _Ji,.jyi- PECIU1A JLwopld'respectfuHy pall your at- teulion tp'WJnsTffgnWc^n^oclrof Ladiefribie- iJoots. iSi-Shoos consisting iti part-of .' ' ' .,,. Ladles .fine; Ssktin'l?ranbais Gaiters—a largo lot and great Variety, at-.p,rioesa:(ing.ing from .$1,23 to $2',25, , Ladle's Tuu Cplored Gaiters, " -libeled ..::.• ."'' , "Congress ,- '• ,,...-. . . , " «Kid^Patentand phainelled-leatherBuskins , . AtOTipqs from 00 cents to g 180, " ',. j y a Slippers, ••' '' •- ' Sontag, -Alboni & Jenny Liud Buskins, ••' " '",- •' . •' Boots,. .,-'., ,-K-idyTjatent and Enajnotled-lejyhor' Boots, botl^£(nlc*ah(l front Lace from 9s. to l;is. Sliises Black'and Colored Gaiters—great varidty, \ '. v- • ,Leather Boots and Buskins—''all kinds. ChfldrcSis JSluc-k and Colored Gaiters, ". '*2-^__Fanc.y -Shoes.-"^B^rotees, &c, -ctmsiut'uurbf gOoTn^rentstylte from Is. 0d to 75 qts. Of Ladies, Misses and Childreus' coarse work he has ft large variety. ,'....^ii^TiPSiaiaiJissg-p',-. - • TOM fefilVEj^f^^0%^yttnt.a-splendid-jjroadwayr Button or itidrtop- Congress Gaiter, or a fine Calf or Btioksltin Boot; pr a Kip Root; py a good solid stbga Boot; in short iiny-BootSboe or ©aiter—do you know where to.got it?., jrostrof you do for you have had. them of P'ockbam befope-,--"i'd.t?for the benefit of the uninitiated we: will agairt,call attention to the beauti- ?ul styles unci un|iarajleled assortment of Boots and Shbes'iiow'on exhibition and selling off rapidly at POTTO,;.JM. 6 STONE BLOCK, l'DLASEI. . Gentic$ienr make up your min'cls what you' will have and go there and get it—its there; Atbpng hosts of .btlier boots and shoes we Will tell you of some of the fashionable styles to b,e seen therer— G^niS 'CJlbth atjsi-,Patent Buttbrr GoPgress Gaiiers, ,-..'' a very fashionable.,arid- beauiifutihbig.--for- spriiig.and s'uinnier wear, •"' . Cloth MdPa^tijnfCongress Gaiter wifliout 'Button,' hlacit.,<irabanditan. color, " . Mohterevs, enamelled and . patent wjth ,' Brd,nzo-tops, '' " '. Offfcrd! Ties, 'V EliaipiTIo'djiad patontBorgans, ."'".''','•'. •. * " ' Congress gaiters, " •• - t^H^ ' £ tPp"£j°ngress"and button gaiters " .' .Calf •wiiil.buclt stub-toe boots and brogans, Boys'itoutereys,,; " Bn'abielled (irid patent brogans, Youths, , " " Mofttereys, and a l a r g e st'Ocjc of all kinds o'f bdot3 and shoes, 6oarse.and4he'., Pulaski,-jfay 1, iSa-t: , 185* Fashionable E&tA- 1854 A. H. STEVENS, H AS received from the most .extensive New York dealers •' , ' j " -FASJIKlIiBLE EJ1TS7 - •ttf-tlreliitestsSprfng styles, which, are equtil in qiiali-- ty aiid finish, and will l>o suld as low, as uny tliat can be purchased elsewhere. ])uri"o.g the season, he will keep on hand a ,,, la^ge and.full assortment of ;.' PanUnta,' Leghorn, Strata and Patm Leaf hats, tosetlw-r with every Sjtyle and tiuality of caps, for tne,n and-hoys wear. - - Intending to keep a bErjrfr ancS choice assortment of al! articles in his Hue, lie snlicitH the patronage of citizens "of Pulaski and adjoining towns. Pulaski, April V&, 1854. 8TEARNS' SALOOM. . v - NEXT l>OOtt NORTH OF TflK.POST OTFICR, PULASKI. Open from 7 A . JM. to U P. M. X^SSK OYSTERS* Pickled Clams, Lobsters, (1854- land Tongue, Pies, Cakes, Salad, Fruits of jViTgl^V' all kinds, Figs, Kaisius, Confectionary, oer. Cigars, and in the season, Oranges, Lemons, ^aches, Pears, Berries, Soda "Water, Lemonade, Ice Wm. and the various articles to be hud at^jalqons [the large villages, will be served^ up To- tbtsTJest ntanner at- this establishment. Also ftir salcu-large \ Variety of Toys and Fancy Articles. 'l^ankful for the patronage he has received he sp- liclf^its oontinaaufe, and will spare no effort to sat- isfy customers. " -' L- STEARN.S. Pulaski. Aprill 2,1854. ' . 30 . T ill-'. Subscribers Have |)uri : !msed the Oil Mijl in this %illago, anil will rnapufiirture and £anslaritly have on muid the best quality of ft'iMce^/ OiL, Boiled or Raw, which they yill sell at vvbolesjde or_jatailAt_th«>4ew- .'estpwoes- VnrclmseTs vvlll find it advantageous U> deal wjth thAi, anil thus jirocure a pure article, ra- ther than to bar-chase tlve ndultcratoil Oil* ftum the city. Oil Meal and (3ll "Ciko for.so.lei FLAX SEED ANO-STEM ; _ wanted, for wli\cll the highest price In' basil Will be imiif Opposite StanwLc Jiatt.Qd doarffom, Cimtvl Bridge. W oliavys in Sto'fe 'thelafges't'.stSck,of goods to,, befoundiii-tRiVyis1nJiy,,'",ft!.,vVhicjn we Invite-' the attention of.tho\Vbc)les,a)i tititolid^et; believing we can offer hiduci'iiifents .s'tytarlpr to hiafly .In; •tho &me' trade, axi'ii iinter'ior t'> .npnii..,' J'J,\^,_, .', . 'Our purbhases yVere n^otvly made at rincer ruling -jifeviiriis to "the .late-l-W in all-liihdsof Groceries, vviliich enables us til.flffeJ s^i.p.QrioraiiduceuientS'.to the,, trade. • • ,' . We hbfie' thosb coming-in.town will call and exaru- .o,e our Stock and. Prjfces bo"tp're purchasing elsevvhere. and judge from observation of our clai'ins..upon their confidence and patronaget We liave' and will keep in constant supply a large fltpckof alUhe-.following articles, at whoifcoale aiid retail. Our stock con- sists in pai-tof ,...-, 180huds. &. bbls. Cru'slied. Pitly'ferized, Granulated. Coffee and Krolvn Sugars; 30 hhds. t b b l s . embracing eyiry-vaviot-Ji-of Moltisst- (•s, aiid Syrup. > '• '^-l 12000 gallu. Winter strained .Oil. 250 packages .Te,as, all 1,-Jnds, Old-and Ypung HVson, Imperial. Gunpowder, Tvrankay, "Oolong, and Sou. choni! nini'liTeafs. enihracrng ail sliar'es, 80 hogs CofTe, all sorts. Old and (ji'een Java, Mar. (caibo, lflo, Laguira^ SS.t. Doiningo^Cape, and Bahia. 500 lloxes Window Gliss, sold uUfactory prices. 10 " Cavendith''J'ohaoco—some'superior, 20 bbls. Fine Cut and Snicking Tobacco. . 60 •' Pure Cider Vinegar; 30 doz. Bed Cords and Coils Hope. 75 boxes Excelsior Pearl. Corn and Common Starch. 2800 lbs. pure ground Pepper, Spice, Cinnamon, (.Moves and Kotnicg^i. 2gposs Dunlcee'-s Bakiiig powders. 1000 lbs. superior Carbonated Soda. 200 boxes Sperm add .Muulu\.GandlfiS..-. ISO do Shaving,Toilette,Fancy,Krasive& IlardS'oap. 100oGros»Gates''Mdtch'es.20 kegs Ginger. SOOOlbs-. Ground Coffee, l'bbl. Cloves. ].50liox6sot ltasius. iOOlbs. Qream of .Tartar. Herring. 3?00 Seamless Bans. ' 300 kegs of Kitils. -l)04)oxe*-*f- P-rpes-. :J00 bbls.' S i l t 200 Jiis. fndigOi 40,000 CigaTS.- ,20 boxes Castile'Snap. 3000 lbs. Siljeiratus. fly of all the •t ^^r-The suhsuri'ierS will fhritiih seed and contiiict. fir the crop of nnv numher-iif ac.rcS of flax; olid .wili hire from one to\\vo iiuhdred acres of, land in..good 'ordet for a flax crofi. Rliould the se-i.^Q,h be propitious this will be the must profitable-cfbV) grown. A," H. CO'Lf.ISS. Pulaski. April W. lfet. •_ A_ M, DUNCAN _ EI?O-MlJMOP F ASUX6'lff! .WILLI A M JU'NE ' H AS, receijed n -fims stock of CLOTHS and the -SPUING FASHIONS nhd is now ready to make to Order Uentlemens Gar- ments of nil kinds, in the best stjle. He has rich and Uioujy,-^ well as more cheap Goods. "IJIv.VDY M A I > i : CCOTntKG on hand as usual, and sold lower than at any other Store in to\vu. ,. ..CvTTfXtf attended tons usual.. His old customers, and n<* many nevf ones as want 'Glotliins Olieap are invited to coll. -He contiulies the ready pay system. Pulaski, April 5,1554. 0\) - iii.il '"Hi* 100 quintals Codfish; 6O0 His. €4iistft.-- 00 bbls Pork,. 1200hags I>iary. Skit; WOdox. Brooms'. y0 bags Shot. 18 do'i. Cans Powder. &3~ We have vlso in.itoro alargesu following, articles:— "Epsom and Gladher Salts, Pickles, Putly, Black and Scotch Snutis, Sweet Oil* Maekerel, hard, Starch Pdlish, lirovvn and Linej Twine, Mu->tard, Rice, Oun Caps; Fi^h Hooks A..JMnes, Placer iMuccaroiii. ^ ^ er^^ieeHi, Tapioca, Cimphor, Sal soda, M'hips, Bird seeds. SaltpelejvAUim, Also^_ Almoiidsj_Tilbi'r'ts, BraiilKut-H,-iiiighshrryTtrriu"s7" Pea and Pecan Nuts, Shelled Almonds,' Figs, Prunes. &c,, Fi re' Criekcrs". British Lustre, SIUIB Polish. Blacking and Brushes. Annatio. IIeCker's Farina. Pearl Barley, Chocolate, Cocoa,. Pails. Tubs, Wooiien Howls. Mop Sticks. ' Wash Boards. Clothes.Bitis and Cloiles LineSi Measures and Flour Boxes, Garden Seeds, Humiiiel's Kssej-ic"roJ Cuffce, Foolscap, Letter, Note and WrappiugPaper,Ink". Envelopes. &c.,-ckc. Stone Ware, and many other articles not enumerated. ?3- Of TABI.E"& POCKET CUTLEJlU we have a good supply, direct from the 'Manufacturers, aid Shelf Hardware generally, and at low price, .. KLOUK AS USUAL, Wfe lve<*pa larjre iStocli bfState aiwl tiene»eo.; also, Oliio and Michigan ; aird are at-all times prt*pnreil to fill orders to any atnt>*iiiit iif-uallv called t'urSn thi^ Market, at the very lowest prices. All i:nn rely up<ui having any Orders with \vliic they may fa.Vor u.*-, attended to with proinptnesa nrd fidelity. ?Jg- C?noti„s pMrchased ot tis will he delivered at Ihe Cars or £s hipped i>v Canal I'rce oi* Chan.'e. . ROVE, M a r c h L'Oih l«ot. ••'- UfiW SPEISTG GOODS. A llErtdwdeceiving atthehi VARU5TY STORE ,oneTdoor-?Jortli of the Stone Block, Pulaski, a lafge and fresh aslbrtntent of Spring G(^01)S, adap- ted ;f.o t(ie \vapts of,the inhabitants, ,ofi,this section of the-ooiyitylj. ' " " " . ' ', ". •- Tjreir'Stock embraces all, styles of .'WoDlenS, Flan- nels, "fw.eeds.-eassiniel'es, Broadcloths, Satinets, & c , •—alsoj,.* full supply of Domestic Goods. Tba'LADIES.ivill find an .excelleiit assoHment of Silks, Satln's,'*Ca,mbrfc'9, Ginghams,' Mdlls, Mnslins, XJloves,'Hbsiery,a«a^Bpots, Sliqes, Gaiters, Slips, &c. Dj.sTi.6rt, their'Store is emphattcqlly «• VARIETY STORE; Theyihttve ev^ry-thtti^'.dohsum'ed or used In a Family, and.-as th&yhave.."tafceh extra pains to buy low.'and tb jurdhass gdbd.articles, thdy are con- lident they will bb able to give sa'tuliJJcabn both-as res- .pobts good'sund.pricesi Puloslji; jkay i, 1854. j. ., .- ' ." •''7^-.T~T.--~^--'V- . «• M3^bilxet and Chaff ftittait i ttl'.e i *•-•• THANKFjpt.for libef-ll patron- Sage heretofore bestowed, I would in 1 ^, , -j'fdrm tha public that 1 anV- at the old >&rfd, t'e'RdV tp. supply all who may call', yviiha great Variety ofTbB^l'iraniP. Having, for .tha'pas't'tvVentv '^iglit yittrs been.enjtaged in the abov? businessi I feol •coh'fiaent, witk the facilities possessed/fiball can sup- ply all those In want of good articles, on m.ore reason- tible terms thau A-ny 1 other establishment, in.th'is sec- 'loni ,,;,.>;.- J , , CiEO. GtlRLFJY. _ . • -- Merajtiife. ' ,'. J r p H E subscribers" ijre agS'nls for the Brownville X S^lo¥atea.cOm^ahJ,raittf ;ivil] sell at wholesale or- ^ t a i l a4lo*W> as ctfn be";puVchbsefJ at tfie factory. "6? ,,•.." ,'"AN06T.t & HEMPSTEAb •of every-variety^ fr lowest priceil article * . PAPER HANGINGS -ufsonifci < *ne-lHmretl--d4frerent-fift'-t^rfis,-embraeliigLlhe_ finestand tighest, as well as the cbeapest. LAWYERS AND JUSTICES BLANKS , of all kinds, Pens, Pencils. Arnolds and other Inks, Drawfyig Paper and B lard, Sheet Music, Fishing tackle, Fancy Baskets, and A very large assortment of Fancy Articles, for sale at the verv lowest<prioes.. S. "H. MEACIIAM Pulaski, April 13,1854r t* PtEfets^TCamage Factor^. ' T% L. INGERSOiL, keeps onltandarid manufac- XV« tures to-order qve'r.y.variety of Carriages,. Wag* bnsapd Sleighs^, which he warrants as fecommended, knd vylll sollTjir-as fffirb^rjbl'e'iefhts as can be obtaihea feiseVwherd. "'-..-. • i tifvery Stable^ feiBfelt'& CRANDALL, thankiu i foi past foyor i.. would say to the public tlutt'stil i keep , HOftSES-AND CARRLV.GES TO LET "tit-tlieirstand on Jefferson strne' f / ''K^b^eomittg, why doii't you . '-'".' come along?" t r t O K -WtTRDOCE HAS JUST RECEIVED— J- -Igiistof fiifch's Shoulder Braces; , J. jgwS.Wjtdh's Supporters: laaygegris'tof Fitoltls Medicines of all kinds, Besides;every, other niedi(iibe'.iji.tbe liiibwn vvorld. Caltafidjeeat'-'.;' ..'MiJlfTJO^QE'S Drug Stof.e. ;< ^^^WSiM-^^ 1 »»^0^ along?" 3 " i '' '" cl '"' ' " "" "' lis'whioh laro PULASKI BOOK STOEE." NEW and lari!B»tockj)f Rthool, Jliscellaneoi'is A value, Magazines, &o received as soon as published, aiid Gift to the' PAPER" AN!) CAI!J)S, from, tlie finest Satin a KNOW ALL BEEN", THAT HARM-ON' CRONK s l Groceries and ProvisionSi UGAliS. SIRUPS AKU.ilCLASSES, pices. Fruits, Siler.itns, Starch, Tens, Coffee. Chocolate Codfish, Alaoksrel, Butter and Cheese,. .,-• Pork. Hams, Lard, L ! impand Linseed Oil-i. '1 allow, P.dry. Common and T.'ible Salt, FLOUR by the ban-i 1, ball* or quarter barrel, Sudi anil ("opinion Crackers, wholesale andTettiil, Potatoes and other vegetables, Grass Seedau'l Garden Seeds, and a complete a^ortmc.it of Gro:eries, Provisions, Oonfectiouaries. 'ic. i;c. all of the be*r. onalitv and •lowest prices, at NORTON & FULLERS. Marcb.8,1-J51. ' 25 lOi?>lBg«utbu-s^^#^^,n^"i,^lflP"iflftiJCro- l-to l "" '• "'. ftlny, : -"' ' 100, 10,000'- 1O0-" " " . 'vVc.lisWfj''" ^ -3004 10,000 }pf « " ;. i ^g.l>'tVrfH^v ; -(0Q c /d,rjoo' , QihPainlinrfs q>id-'$£fr&"$jeiel •Briyr'apin.ffs. SO'-jlegbiH Oil Pttin.l,ir(i4s'ip.SlpH'.,?7ouoh,'5>ltOO '"•i'-did gilt traOTM/tste'eia'-ft'^-ft. £ MOO |00- ol6gunt Oil Paantit}^>;2 : J' '3,'' ft -"'aeh, ®S0 •f : •>-• ^ ..<••• ';••- r,^;'. AM$ 0flO stool plate Enpravhitjs-f.b.rilftaritty- opiorod -.'Jn oil,.rioli gilt f'ruiij6s", 3<i x 30in. da'. "SSIO. ••p. -,.-, : , " fs.ofitt iO.OOO, t'lejrartt (jteel plutoE'igrn^ingl, oolordd" i«oil,ot'tho Wdstifligldn fylouumjml, SO x ! f 26. qaeti,'i4,^$40,000 ,. 237,000 stool plate- Entrravinfjs, from 100 dlf- L|" s ft>rent plates, now in pnasbeAion of, and ' owned hy the ArLisIs LJnidtj;-of the ma^lte-t value of, from 50 ct's to 1.00, each, $41,000 IldBl listftta, $84,000. , 1 elngant Dwelling, in 32d s";. in N; Y. city, ' ' !gl^,0/)0 23ibiiiUlinjr lots in 100 nnd 101st s'ts. N. Y. •citj, ctfofr23 it 100 ft. deepj «nel> $1,000' : ; ' , . " , -S23,000 100 Vi]laSitofi 1-fiorrtamrn{f*6aoh 10,000 sq.ft. in tho suburbs ol Ne-w. York iiily, and uoin- maiKlino a magnificent view iif'tho liud- , son River and Lonj Island S'nundi o!w r i, ©500, ' $50,00 J LonnsofCash, $30,000. SO loans nf uash, for 100 yrs each, without in- terest or soonritv, 250 each, $5 OOQ 50 " " " 100 '• 5 000- 100 " ' " " 50 " 5.000 i 250 " " " ' 2 0 " 5,000 ! 2000 " '•. " Sr- ".. 10,000 T h e holder of caoli tiekot is.ontitled, first* to a steel plate eiifrrnvi'no;. (#izc 25 x 30- in.) ol'tlio Great American Historical Work of Art, - - WYoseireh A copy of which may bo seen at tho nfficn of this paper, and .--eoond, to ono of -tlie 230,000 Gi'fte, wliich \Vill bo distributed i>n t h e comply-' lion of the salo of tho tiekols. The piiroliasor of 5 lickett'., on the roeipt of his order, will ho fortvnrdod enrefnlly packed either one copy of the "Wyoirting." nloiriuidy' pa'ltHed in nil colors, or one copy of the "Wyo-. rnirjg," plain, and one enpy of ou'oh of four nth- e.r'engfralings, c-rjiiul to it i">_,yjjjj!'e._iuid U cn- •titbrdTO 5 f,'fftS"."" TTie p u r e h a s e r of more than 5 ticket*, can have (lis. .choice out of iOUdif-v ferent suhjoi'ts.. from steol plirtos owned by the Artistsj 1 Union, eiieh picture heinir in value oqivivalent to the "Wytimtiii."",'' and is entitled ,to otic jrift for each ticket lie holds. A iist of the subjects cuu bo s^eii at tho office ofdhis paper.. Agents, Persons desiring to become Agents fortlie- salo of tickets, by forwardino- (post paid) $1, shall be sent a Gift Ticket a copy of YVyo- tninsr. and a.,naispoetus, co- tainirigJUl .noiiiss. T "BTy ii)for.mnttoii. It is cdnfiiii'iiily believed, that tho tickets will "bo dispoiied ofj by ttio fin t of July, when' the distribution of Gifts \WI| be cntrust.-d to a C'ominitteo aripointed liv the Ti'-kot holdfi.s. The steel plates from which the Engnavino-s .aro p ,: inled. can hi; seen at tho olfic'i of the Artists' Union nnd Cost gil00,000. Hpeeimeiis Tit'tho Oil Pulnii-ii^s and Enjjravinrrs, aro also on view at llie rooms, Rnfereucos', in regard to the property. \V. C Cnrrelt^Esq..Coj.msnlluc.at. Law. 10 Wall Si. N. Y. F . J* Visschor' ik Co- Real fcwito llrokofs. SO- Nassau St., N V Y. Ajl oTfJerj for tickets, ninsl be addressed post-paid, vviih the money enclosed, to J. \V. HOLBROOKE. Wee. ' 505 Broadway, New York. T HIS is ft valuable and^ti-e^lKfil^kriint oxpeo- lorantciunuosed6Tiii"gre';li(»rl#|tWll;"."V : «getab!e. '' - -4fed'?ofhv, M u W e * t y - s p ' ! e d l l y ih"i,hi'gb1yeoii.c''infra.tfed' , , . , _ _ , ., .. remove al.l CukL. Qunglis, Astllnfrt-' B>b^|h1ti^loar ,- nesY-Puin in tlie S i d e ^ HtpwKwfiotjimjSoWh, .Croup, Influenza. OifHwU Breathing tvtftl ^xpedl^riV- asiibrding in direotious, it ubver fails'to' efRioi'^jJvftj',- 'andma-y b'e. taken- with perfect 'tafefy .b? ."yS^n^M-i old,' ' .. . , - '-,"..'• .-,- ,"•- • The Balsam of Fir Paste n,vtiy be.itsed o'tjiflCtitqft: '\YlJen evei- there Uj hoarsonuss, tickl.ltjg \n he yiro.a},. brdiTi'jglntift.' It vtilfroiniivo thahOaW'oness ui-ft very I -Ibw uiuiiite.s.increast! the pioM'rtttid'ficxlbflity .f the,' voice, and assist, in sinftinu or speaking morft-'cleaVlV and distinctly. In Chrjnic Cbutshs, ithas had tlm "effect to relieve « hen many 'popular Cdujh Medi- cines of tlie day have failed, Tlie Balaa.m'of I'.irlias lougbsen knftwn and'justly esteoriied foi-iU s'nlntupy npcraliou in all cuseii.of Luhs Complaint. Sinco it was offered to tliejiublid' in this foi'ui, it has met with a success tar OxccsMing the ex[)eoiation of the 'proprietor; Certificates and testimonies of its benefi'c-inletfectaafe be.ini? constant- ly received, a few of which we lay. before the public: NORTH ADAMS. Dee. 31. 1S.VJ, We. thiTundfTsigned,having made use ofDr.'B^ 'Ifdrman's Balsam of Fir Paste, oumel^es or in our- families, are ol opinion thai it isji Rood medicine ant! well adapted for the relief iirCT'OglSTTIoIds ivnirilie-" various Lung complaints fur.which it is recommen- ded '-JH m iot even tho,.edssr^#«Bh:e JStfxir axe as it av^'V v?HllM*"ifeeht:b to B't 0n1y'r6iniTvB i 'TOe^i8l^g|p5©rS , ]fv I .,-.,,->. -'uardagniit. •'There are itiaby;, p.eirlM^, yiei'roori3titutions,ihat);'|if^ jttt.Miach of -tneKli'ehr E e y S r " '"" " " ' deals iVIth ih that femble';mffij who have so' #fjltJd:,v<R lliink-theinselve^ be¥S not even tho.-e-dsSpjfitW' ease ' • • • ' • ' - • • •'-•-• •' -ho' KEiiu'itD'TnK : itjtoitii5»(ibHft!STi'rOT!0tr..'V' - -~Xbe.deraug8H»nt8 M-the.^^!nsV: lea'diiig--tb-ni<r^- yous diseases, andtbe-iiirn^p^S'htfs'&'ease ifs'ffu iVrasonumorous t h a t U viidu«#ftilWT~»'-CuTumV t- to causes, kB"d*"il' but ' '" h Ivra-.tus 1.. Clj«, v ' II. II. Nichols, FJ..<?ol!rrove, L-M. T.* Ifn'oitibl'ifham, II. v. IV,'"- !'. ' •?'«-•• 7-'H'. ' Jlov. It. t;,iart.oriii W. M. Mitchell, A. .1, Ail,en«. A. II. .Morris, J. K. Koucrs. (,'hnrles .Vluori.- • G e n . Lyman II'Ul. f->.W. MeF.lviivln. VVe„ t|ie uuderw^tiiMl, Pliyiieions. hiving 'been made acquainted with thjs..ar.tii;li'.; usi'il in the mn'na- 1'aetiiv.e oi'Dr. I-'., Nurmau's lialsaxn of Fir'l'aste, would recommend them as a well prop^rioutfd""iuedioi-ne, and adapued for the relief ol t'.ic many and .various complaints of tho .Lhngs, ISTVC llodres. II. P. Phillip--, William II. Tv'er. Elillu S.'IIawkes, 'J. W.Bneklrv. C..U:TION-BF.W..U;i!()I.VC'OIJN^ERFJlTS I fl ,, m ,oalformat;i„n orstrictunrPdiaensesitMs^^.4- Dit. H AS tho largest assojtment of Stoves. Hardware. fans, &c. ever offered for sale in this place.— ' —r- Stoves, Tin and Copper "Ware, E YERX-YJirh-tv of Cook, Parlor nnd Plate Stoves, Russia and Amerrelvn Stoye^Pijiej.. . ' Nails, Glass. Sash, Sap Pans a-nd ^ap Buckets. Farming Utensils of all kinds, Dairy Pans, Pails and Vats, Cbain, W.e-11 and Ciitern Pumps, Eve Troths, Conductors.Leud Pipe, ^ Stove Trimminjrs. ofrron. Tin and Copper. Tin. Copper and Sheet Iron Ware of all kinds always onhitnd, warranted all rigid, and at the lowest price. #SLT Repairing and Jobbing well.and prnnrrAiy- -.ioiie, allow priees. NORTON &.:FL"LLERS. Pulaski'. March «. 185-1. " 2i"r Farmers and Dairymen will do well to give him a c'all before buying elsewhere. His stocU-consistshi partof Stoves, "Pipe and TrijnmingS, „Boes, Shovels, Spades, Forks, Scythes, s Chains, Mill and Circular Saws, Axes, Files, Cistern Slid Well Tumps, Lead Pipe, Straw Cutters, Bias's. Kettles Tin Vitas, Vffts', Rails, Chain Tumps, fin "Ware at retail or wholesale. Pedlers furnished at the 0 lb bill. Also, GOOD FAMILY FLOUR. .9 a § - J o b Work doni! oil short notice Bftd iu the best style. UABJktQff.CStONK. PUlaskk March 1854. ' % H. SPEETCES. FAST OSWEGO, '-'*, • ' ..OSWIBCK) BDOK STOBiEi jS/BtSfiSi -THE Subscriber.having purobased ,1.' £*t^pli.-Pool's Stock of JSooksA Stationary, Hffl^SSifr is prepared to furnish tljjo Public Vith roerjytff&l^eiifij^irrg to tho-traile. ,, •. -'Bla^cT^pksrof^BveTy-vnrtety: Sh^tiormrjrof- ittry quality, afid pricei "Books, new and old ; and all the Annuals, ^brijhJieS apd Pictorials may be.hadby caU- •ing at First tt,nij Bridge. Streets, East'Oswego:' > T ew Yoriyiegtog andLEbiladelphia weeklj tlovvs ; JLTJL l terdeeries and Pro^sions. AYbe found at the Pulaski 8eed7Stot:et aflne assortment of Groceries «ud Provisions, e f f a - cing Teas, Sugars, Coffees, Spices, Fruits,' Fisb,-Nuts, FLOUR AND SALT; ' S.vru'ps and.MolaSfes. Butter-, Clreese; Lardr Soda and common Criiekers} Smoked and Dried Meats, Pota- toes, Sweot Russian Turnips, and a, nil) sto.clt of arti- cles usually kept in stores of the kind'. Purchasers can here find the best articles at tho lowest priae. . Jan, 30. 1854. D. li'. MEACHAM, T/i^r'arjftn , 3"T^miSf'ti;p6'r's7for'sale at reduced prices. 'Carriages, Sleighs and Ciftteft ttimmed dn.short iio- iu8e and Oswego dailies for Also, N e w 'York sale. • "' Mb Ba^M^fid PanwMiU, From Dewltt fit, pavartport's Publishing House, New-York, three tlm'es.'a ^tVeek by Express ' Sehobl Books; a't'Wnblfeyale'rJWs. Law Blanks, •W-all Paper, T<>rfuVhewMh«f bpcis, &c. J®~ Town'Sdpefinten'dena, Sfeacliers, and dealers in School Books, filrnishfea at'Piibligfilers prices. J&&* Prices moderate; and teVm's- Cksb Osvyegq, Sept. 1, f803._J__!R i :m_SPE-NCER 1 ""^"^ulaski Meat Market? T IfE BUbsoHb?r-Would infor'ni b't's-ftieiids thAt he continues his'Markdt in PnltiskL tSIlrffdiniaV be found .FresirBoef.Pnfk, Mntjoh, Pohltry,^«a'ftM>es 'to. oftbe, best quality. Tallojv and BnH^IWWd lt« kfepe fpr 'sale.'bj»lilm at tlfe'lowgst .rnaf.KM*iji?&' IMmnkfiil for th^piiitronage heraiofti^"e>ieli^jjli(Wt hothusts'.bjr fair .leu,l irig' and tin effort 'to saipKjjlll'j Vorh'ersto tnefit its'cbn'tinuance. '' '%«)'.'' SADSApi'.tWitAt.-MHttvirlg-p'rdcur.Sd ft new isSicl'ie^ oelli^tLitttu^UtoJa^ttytag^nftgei^Atw^^M^^' !lti?tm, -, borWiUpk'pajfe thSatfor otl)6rs. or Iot,T)iS^fflPTO5> :!8n^poVn^V''bhrBHsbi.«bttiSVIns.' "'"'""' " . ,(. - " 7 , ./,••., •< NKW_ AltaANUEJlF.N'T IS THE Saddle, harness and Carriage Triia<- miijg'.Basiness.' ^fflSIDNEY Jl. TKCKElt, having purchased the lj|j|j stock and eti*.igtid the Services of D. W. Gaot-T, *if Will conti-uuJ fiianufucturinff'Saddles, Harness. Trunks; Hand Trupira^ j'alices, Carpet Bags and Satchels, of the most appV>yed'Ktyle, and will keep constantly on Landat his ship on tlie south side of the river, and at the brick shop three doors, north- of the Tost, Office, a complete assortment of Conch, Draught, Plain'oxd Fancy IJdrne.ns, pilule of the best materials and by superior 'Work.rnon., tide andln tlie best possible maimer. ' " ' lie has the largest find best aiabrtihent of "Whips inid Lashes tjver offered for sale in this village Tie Will, also keet) Carrina'd Mats, Nets; Florse Blankefs", Sleigh Bells, &c, Mattrassbskeiit^ri hand and made to order; a-fs6 Bridles.Halters, Cafi-iage Trimmings, Saddlers SBL.and'all other-artiolos-^sitally ltept.-in this lino of business. Thread whb1.esa1e.and retail. Particular attention given to' Repairing, Cleaning .and Oiling Harnesses. ' "^ The subscriber has the largest and. oe&stotfc in his lirie ever oifered hi this viljage, whiell be •will sell on the mosi reasonable terms.", Having- been engaged in this bnsjness in this 'village the past 1'5 yeafs, he Is thahllflfl for the liberal patronapfe beStovved. All his former customers and hundreds of now bho%,ar.e invi- ted tocalL all of whom he will serve%o. the best' of •his'uMity. . S. M. fllcifER. " Pulaski. Feh'yl.lWL , . .", 2ff , ~ Port Oiiiafid Stdte. '?f. w. FLiaEit,,'? ;•':,-'-. .. '*^(3o.n h,and atIiis_8torft1i) - ?»'.ifJgtn^o,. one- of IbebesVirasoffeiSfrfs-ot - . G ^ d * b v ^ f f e i w l , i n , U , l ! L » M H "VM° ^ l 2 ^ ' & ' 'klwa^efar^iirjry.Goods,'»AIs5 pilfg jaQ*^$$$naUe&$B%: ^e|pee;{fu%-?bli(;?ted,and nopftte shall'bSspAretrfo r •'-* rpdses. for suilo at tjic Drug ggiie of 1/1884. " - '-*"*«**" B. MAftCmSI'S -CELEBRATED CATHOLICON. For the relief and cure of sufevi up females. Slaud's pre-eminent fir its curative pow- ers in nil the diseases bo- M liich it i; ri-i-oni- uiended, usually en)], eil !•' c ' m a l e Com- plaints" ; of these.-are I'.-ol.ipsus I'te.i orfal- Mrfir uf the womb;— 'Floor /Ulins or whites Chronio Intlamation and rieeraiinn of the Womb; lire' i! en tu I Hemorrhage aj- Hood- iucjpa i.fui.suppress- ed ano lrr"efriniTr~irien- struatiolU, i'c, witnajl 1 h I* i r arrompoivioi: evils, (cancer evcept- ::o.| uu ion ii.r n,MI M^t-ruorif how long standing. •The.„C,ithol'icon far surpasses other remedies, in be- ing certain, ie«s expensive and leaving tliesygt'on in a better contlition. Let nil i'iterest~d call and ob- tain a pamphlet(,-r.ee) coiit.-iningamjde proof,:'rom the most respectablesotu-ee 1 ;. of the henrdieluf re-ollts^pf i[^ me, i-jriethcr with htters Irom highly experiencer] pliysirians who have u:-eil it ip their practice, and sp^ak from their own observations. RKFHRHNII'ISS.—P. IJ. Peckham,-M. D. Utiea. f.. D. Flcmimr, M. I). Hnchester N. Y. M. H. Mills, JI. I), riooiiopt r. \V. W. Reese, M. D. Kew York.— I). Y. I-'oote, itl. D. Syracuse. Prof, niinbor, W D., llaltiinorcMd. .1. C! Orriok. M, I)." Baltimore. W. PrcscQtt. M. I). Cniifoi-d. N. H. .I.T. NewIand'.M. I). 1'ticn, Kev, C. S. Ileird. Glen.n'S|)riiigs, S. C I'am- phlets tQvbe had j-ritis al the store of II, hi. MUKHOCK. Agent', Druggie, Ptilnski. al-in Soitl by W. H. As li Rl'llison. Mexico. U C. I'ot-, 'ti-r. Fulton and bv Drugu'iftM at Phnju.ix. and OsivesoV NOTICE 'l'O.YHK ll.VKORTUNATE FLMALK. 1 i'eel.ita dnty-inoiunbent upon, rny^elf-1^ decbire publicly the grea,t bliis>ing Ilr-Marchisi's^Utor'no Ca- tliolicon, has proved to tne. For two 3 e;i.rs my Imaltli was miserable; I was almost unable i'i walk. Phy. siei.irts pronounced my ease falling of the womb, ex- tensive ulcerations, commencing vlltn fluor nilius.— Thepiiiit-, irritation, pmstrutkui, and the intolerable foetid discharge rotulered liie nlmosit. t\ bunlen. In "this miserable condition, Dr, V. P. Nev, land recryn.- meirded Dr. lMarohiei's Uterine Catludicnn, Aftiir takirig four bottles I, find, myself inperfect health,..— Gratitude for my restoration niakps m,e ardentl.^ oe- tire that all my.sex, alike, unfortunate, may find sure relief front this liiestinnbl'e medicine. ELIZABETH A. NEWIiANI), No. 10 tVest stUtica. The above btatement j know to be trye. . ',, IF. p. NF.wj.ANM'i M, D. Utioa. .1. B. S'nrchisi& Co.,-Proprietors, Central Depot, 304 Broadway, IV- Y. H. Take Notice. JI. MURDOCR has. just received direct frdm _ . the importers, a full assortment of Wines nnd Liquors.for-rtifediclnal and meehadical purposes,which surpasses ^ny ever offered in ->his markfct, among whiclriS' 1 cask pure Port;wlne, 1 3o Maderla Wine, 1 do Sweet Ja>!. 1 cask nyhe. expressly,for cpmrnjiniori service.* It Ol'd (HardBrandy, LdoPale Brandy, ldo T'heex-tratinlbrrcrrinirci^ss-^rf—1+, monic liaiaum i.CFil- Paste, ITus- excited the cupid'ty of some tlislioiu-t aud.irre'ponslblp person* to imitate it. Ask for Dr. Norman's Pulmonic. RaNain of Fir Th'Ste.-nnd take il'iotbor. To avoid deception'cut nut this advertisement and. lake it v\ ith you when yoii go -o purchase. , ' None Kcnhine wilhnnrthe. fac simile of the si'^na. fure of E . Norman on the Outside wrapper. Putupin l.tr^-e. Iioi-cs price 25 efiils.'; . -Lvn.le \'. O^burn. Rochester. K. Y., sole agents for the "United Siau-s t,t;Ncep1 the Kew England State-;,) and the. C.irijidaH, andtonhara aiiorderwnuist-be~»d- dfesse'd', . L. LYNOE'S AN'AL£PT1JIAN COMPOLT D This i* a stlperior 1 tide tor beaotifj iiie", strengthen- intr, HePtoriii^. and Proninfog .the Growth of tlie Hair. Hn'.itinl\ pr. inot.es the. growth of tln}_ Ibtir. but make*, it sMt and jdiable, prevent> its fairing off and liff.mU cffrf''tna! nom-idnnent Uitheroot-s.re.stores It to its naturul i-olor; jircvonls BALIJNP.SS, and from turning p-iiy. and tsso extremely clean, thatits -ap- |iiiealiou isitrual jdeasore. Parents wil) lind it nf great advaataie in CI,)JANI(SG' OIHLDRITN'S UA1R, andcausinf aiiri'ti adhesion. Lyitdtiil' O^b'.irn, Uotdie^ter. N. Y..sole proprietors, and to %\ horn all order-* niiint be ad bested. AOI-.NTS.—Wi U.aui'iown Mereuulile Assoeiatinn. Wii!Inni«r.o«n; Uai.i.'l Gurley. Pand 'Bhuks; 10. V. Rohlnns. W'ashi-i^toniiii": \\ ttrdwell 1 ftitecb. i\; Co.. Manusvilte; II. II. & E. Bto!i-:<»ji. Mexico; f..'L. Ford, Parisbville. II. .M. iVIUKDOt'K, U:ly Drnuui.t, Pulaski. N. Y. sation iu.tho Ilesh, n.umbneira, tOfitidSty^oF-tJtcfSiW,'', muntal liepressi'dn. weakness i)f thy\Wir,,Mffp'riB$t%!i to (novo, faintness afterbxercise", bfolten •elfeAjstid terrifyiogdreamav innRilitj' to remtttn'lb d'jqe?ai'|ce"'l«r position, weakness of tliepi'ticroa'tivo j?i>ga"(lS,r#&'%>! iiicnmpeteuey,nielaricholy, inonomanlii,-fltipriWtWi sinkiii; ' " --- l - ' • -1.--. ions, and all barrenness-MiJitdOHS npt tiruofipd frtite' organio causes buyoml the-roach of rnedioirio. •' ;f Whenever tho organs to be acted uporl'' artj- free. tTiat viil 1 MOSSES, INVtGqRATlI^ EJ,I?tEk V; 5 ... , ill roplaeb weakness >vtil).,»frengtlviii"eife^ity\«it!-' ' oilicieui-y, iivegtilrcrity with tiiVifarm'lifiit- i t4faj , a: , activity.aifd tins not olilji yv'thout'bazard-'^f-re'ao- tioii. but w i t k a bappy-'eflbet oti tliegeuor^'oVifttfe-- ration. ^ s - B e a r in miniTth.^t iil} maia'die*s, vpi}?. '• evel- they .begin, finisluwithUie heftyotls. systeju!, drel that the paValizatioh of themor,ves'oi , imbtibili8§d'R(.ri sation i.s physical deatli. Bear ini roind, lilSo, tji'itrii'.- -every kind of uenjons disease thi Ellxer Cordibl'is'fi... only reliable pno^fatuir|kh(jym,' .- -:• MJ^JK;'»*•'• r MF.RU AN MKIHClJIAb Of I,.—prs'Oitt- While hdi-ing fur-suit water.sotlie tinie >inee,ne;ir Hurkjiville, Ke-,:tiieky, tint \vorkmen em- ployed hai!n„ r reiched fl-e deptii of 1,^5 feet, were ast mi--bed Indnd that 'ihev luul arrived at n cavity in which the instrument refused.ra-rporiHirni its..ollice Preheat.!)' a'liiptid id' a dark <rreen crtior besnn to ex- uilc from the orifo-e. and on withdrawing the aui;er it r.'nein a;jet, wit)i-ti;c-meaili«4Jt. loreer-to-rtheheiglrr of more tioiu 20 feet. An analysis ol tlie liquid deci- ded it to be a ini^t vol:ui!eoi!,";tti,l possessing pro^ier- tie-s of a hi^Iily ihed'eal iiatioe'. "' .To 5'hysitriaiis. . Prnfessnpiillilk r. a^Orman plvv^iciiln and cherntst of-^reat.ability, of!!.ochi"<tr:\ s-:;,s: I do herebv ccrtrrVthat lloo/e analvsod the eele- li.-.ited Amerirnn Oil. a-td liml that it coi.t.'iitis White Yellow mid Brown JS'aptba, po-,«e.-:^ing rare niodieal properties. It alr,o eoi.tains .Stiiphut-i-t of C.lrbon ore! a Bal-rim of soft Un,-dn. lv''-'jii7C,arlinnat'e of 'Iron, Kali Aluneoii Silicic .Acid. A qihaithm. Carbon-. 1 further stuti: that I know the pri.pertj.es ofthc hitu- ineu- oil* which are found in thUc-'untry. and in Asia Africa. Cc-maui. fr n re and Tntly. and that this A- uierienF- <ii) emlevee-ii rare qua!itn-s which are not f nnd in the tumid',cms oils!',nnd in this otaavy otlfei ci.Miutrie.s. Tcou-i le.r tlie Air.erirdn Oil novel, and de.ervine the attention of the curinus and the scien- tific: ft b , beje-ed ;i vitlUiUifcraodiwits, and of great value to its proprietors. t t LKWIS (}. MILLER,. M. !>.: \ . Praciicfil and Analvtieal.Clieir'ist'. Re'diesler, K. V. For the cur'iol' Lijnsr Diiea-es^Liver flohiplaibt-. J'-ui^bs, Uy^pep.hi. Piles, U-hebf: atism, t^titnneeiH Affections, iind all Jnliameeit'-iy fJiseases. anil -IVIOMI used ovfeinallyi neverIniiiol curinir linrns. Wealds, t'-nts iir-niKps^ Spj'-a-m*-,. Cmiee r-^+Tirniwn.-ocrT.- - - Q3' Fiir/ul' I'livt.ieti'arsuncl di'eeft. n-.sne p.HnphleU. ITIS.N.'iTI'KK'S OWN KKM|<?T>T. Priee, One Hollar per B'ttle : -Mx IIottten for Five Dollar, TL"l"l'l.K& MOSF.S. Auburn, N. Y.. General Ar/ents I'm JVoiv York. Michigan, nnd Canada West. Fur Sale in Pulaski hy II .IV.', IMurdock. Jones it AleCorty: in Mexico le/'Rfll.ison &. Brothers; in h'n.n.- dv (Y.-ek b\ I'ohbinss?; .^er^eaul, ami County jMi':*- eb iot s eenerallv'. 4 s-P!MULAn¥''r;;iAT'Kk'i 1 AJri.s »o KE?Af»tbJfi.' Its lorce is nover'e!xpiit)d,ed,'as is tibe case With erf©!* alcoholic prepdrations. ajiii all other gioJlaist'i, •' •Tiei effect of these is brief, and it may •vvoll'rij'o's'aitf'.i' hltn wbn takes them, ' the last state' of/tttatinil'n,' in wor«e than tho first.' But the Elt-tir is atf exMliraV t vVitlibittadriivvdiaek—safe in its Qpe>Stio^'ttqr'peui'i>. in its linptiy iiitluonce Upon th^«brY'es,-thbiWin,d,(fi»'J the eritifepfgauizatiori j it frill also reu.idve rjeprils. - ioiin. exoitctnetit, li- tendenW to blUsli, 'sloepjetafki^, dislflre or^ueiety,..iucapaciiry\fiu;"al.^dyjis biiwiuess.'' / . , t , o s $ O F .MEMUfJT', 7 ' . . . i .'•'; confdsion". giddiness, iwsh'.oi! blli.od,to.the,TH9Bd. tr.e'- oncboly. moQtui) debility,; hysterfe.. 'feretchedm ->• thoughts ot selWostrucfin'n, fear qf insanity,' b a' ehondriasiu, dyspepsia. gWloral'profifiMveion, irrita: '•- ty. nervousness, inability toisJe«>l';dUq'ii's|isincid«i.i ' !i|y. , .... „, .... ,.,_ romAlos..deojiy;of'tlip , propi[gajift|,rSi'flt?SSmi.ui:u^ uuia, vagirottrrow/.^ajgitii'tioh ^fjtholMrtsJi ev, cobstipbti'on. etc., froni wlfttibVekTbtiS'strtipsinf; i - is. if there is any reli.ijicatd be placed on,|iiju>'aji4«s . timony, absolutely infallible. ' ,, •,.''. ,>»''','" "' A CHEAT MEDlCtNK'Fbit JEfatEfJ, ..-•.-" ' The unparalleled uffepts of this great.restotialfve'/j-: all comf-laints incident tojeuiales^mark.a naw ef'n-'»f " the annuls of .niedicuin. ,T"ud35ai«fs of ;.stim,ul.e>o':; have been niventod-^-tiiiinsaiids df, 5fi*(^br(lnt8' ner.- rocteil—all purporting to bo'Specifled ill the v(i»ii5i,s, diseases ai.ijl..derangein«i)t8 to wliicbxiiii >1«H f » f .-f rr "< .• '..... . -puuibtwif \viOTan.^frd^&Iier"iiiiJ)le7. Ths-.CesoIt fcfcS ' heretofore been, uniform. 'These. po6(jhi(n|, huvvir. deed itiipejled amornentoiy.'vivdoky^q the- lieiry^Usi " -systeih, a transient amldeltreive Vigor tpt(iB,rtyu3vj2i,r "' but this Hash ofrisllefhasbeen s'ueeeoded-by a, dicprSt:- ' sion and prostration'greater'tlian before, audtteepd- ha3.t'oo Often h.eeu.utterlv to piir.tilyzetlto-tecppelatl^c . ixnv.er of thti nerves atit) tlie vital orgajtiiaatiiin, .'ii.vvi hnally to destroy the.-uiiliamiy.patient.. Bu,!>n'f ,'» - MO.J.tSJi>'!fs.y.i.ttOiiATiN(>F.L-(XIJt',. i.i' ,...",' " '•- is presented usa bheiioiuonn- in the materia ;i)iu,xi«!i-' hirherto unjieard of—n stimulant without a reat,^!,^.' - The herb whiclfcionmr its inaiiri;igr'edient, liassfaif ' Imittan by allthe- gr«at mod-ionl ,'and pliatiituaifiiSi- ad Encourage Your Own. T H b snhsei iber- Have tbii 'day entered ipln ei'pnTlnersb'p rnif would trive hulieeto the citizen* of Pulaski unci vicinity, ihntihe)' Me now pfe|Wled ill llie 1!KD MILL lo uo Ml kind* of milling business in Ihe ntoM Miperinr ronnnert Thev liave rw entlv liitfil up and have niuy niut" nttitrnneol K. T 'llttller's Pateid foriable iMilfs, and have at'tiched lo it two new -bolts, and they can assure iliei'r"r-uMoiiieiR ttiai they can make bekler Fjionr proirnee a belter vicld ['torn the sa.m^ qtlanlity id giaiu, ;ni J ( rind 1,'tslcr llian niiy-olhel mill in-ithi'- "-eeli-in ol the eonrily. They ibtelid "okeerrSl Imrnl at all times, flottr nJ-'-a surjerl'o',- juJtlitv.nnd pledge ihcinselve* to sell as cfielrfjjir fheppei iban can \nt bonriiit'ln 0---weg,o.i...A 11 pet- sot.- ijib'if '-te-l. we would Invite to dall'flnd ex- limine;!he quality ol'iiur work.'nrtd lem'imf-pHet"-, as we iurenri lo nnido all atUletfery.pers'bri' selling Flour in Ibis seel ion -tif the c.on>ty:.' ' YVe shall adhere stricily to the;'lfe'hdy-t*ny sys- tem, end shall make ml extra cliaVglfefoi'losses and bad del is. PORTER- 'fcTOHiN'SON. _Pnjnslti. Mayj fi. 1B53. ' , " . , Money S'avfed '$ Etome."" T I-IF. suhscnHi'r baying purchased the storfc Grist Mill in Pl|Iaf<ki,'and having bad 17 'yfnrs expericnw in the'-millln? busines-, would give tioliceio the Wlizefi's of Pli'laskl nndvieinr- Iv, lbar he is pot to be undersold ror ot tdone.in good work. As heli'ns not a pariner lo divide •piofits w,ilh.,.!lhd asf-licdnes not have to pay 1(1 p e r c e n t . inl'St'efti fur monev to p trchasehls stork ol grain vviJh, lipvinca larsrC sioelt of the best" gualitv tt'bl.te '"Uehignn wheat on hand, nrftffiU'ri ehaseVl 'Qt_a lojver rtile than thai ol'nnj" I nei^h, borgi, he caulrsfut-e Ibe piihliq 'hrtt the Sione Mil will be.the plai.etoiave Iheirmoney, asihey tvi'l get l'itO'lbs.of FJotir lor a barrel, and .wnrrbntei! ol'i'hs bjsr quality/ "^ilsp, Mciri and Shorts a'ftd iPIonrlcepT consiantlf pi) Iianfl,-if.yv&(;q*.ei|»d.-. fast efn-oigsh Id *sdpfily or-r calh^., A l i o , m wjlf be-an-iiand to do Oustorii OrfrtcHngiu a BlovtjnM, peat"f'tt=t'tiner,nrid warrnnlad ftHi ,, *ti fall fhorti'O ises. for sislo at (Jic 3i)rugW0& oi! \i*L ,' T A»' GL.O'ffe .SEBDreiM^^S 0 ^^ "3ffi$' 1>. W$tWi -> " ••' ' " : '•' \f_\ •fb$>i6,b*eif«i*'helrf.fte'rpiitrfrtgfhf gr,feij¥n«, «Ifew-i-lirtdhcrastrUtlyiWith'. Rt?,nlb/ ? i" " ' HIKMW'H- \m oiil instilutioiiS of Fkt.-ope to bo in llys respect SKI gfa. eris. ]>r,.Alore, whose name is an uoriispiit'edi0.y.t\b' by in sciences discovered Ihe production in 4,ri}i?|ftv, where his Mteuflnri iva-i exulted by the woild'eiStjif') Iiivigoralliuj e,fr#its it producedtipon tfm nnti.K#j«kr. fact the wonderful power of endurance,, the cSpp'tMV ' less vigor exhibited b j the Arab, of h'otll' sel<3Si..t"fr. tlii-rro^r^^ptr{.frtnragc5", is 'altilbu.tabIu:,to46533jI? ' this vitaiiy.pip btrb. ^ .' .-,' N An appeal is rtl-iiie ?h * \ , .,'"'',"•'•., Hviriiv ivoiu't dp s,ifi$8fe,i ! --'*i!<^ ; ' 1 '' '•" whosufi'ers Ironi.yonkness, dcr.in^teiaVijtMervousi.- ?/ .tremors, pain-- in the bauk, or ,any O.tlfeuj ? .rl'j;sori7 , uheiherprtadicr to her sexf w^ftta^utt'lbdlb'tb' »w ,°?— tocivet!ijltiyJg:'i-!lihig^D"ig^^|t^l#-- - - JBAKUiEi) uisegajsssS*, Ll'i TTr others. Will Ond flfis cor'diid aii!e,Vtb,Sy have used.* bottle or tw.i. n thorough, regohbttitb'rbf the syst' :.-• ' In nil direct'ens are to belmlhdutbe imppy parent! •••> health; offspi iue, WT.O ivotrljr.'fiOtliuy'e been so,bu,t.ft;r this evi rapr linan lire}3{i.\;tvfiujiJ,.^ And it is equally pft. tcnt P-r the many di>ea?|s j'di Which it is recorhnieuJ ee. 't'hoiisauds of young iiioti uf ve heen rentorxd kv usinj; it, and not in a.single' iestanoe has it :t'aiffiii. w •benefit them. <1 ) ,',.. • , ' . , * -•,',»' I'tiisqii's.bt' r'Ai.t; COMI'LESION, ' .,..'.!•£•'"' orcohaiimpl)#li'(ihi'{«kfi!'"fei,h.ied by the use.of e, bat- tle or two,tobi<lAiii-a,nd vigor, chaintingtlie'sifi^-froi- n pale. yBUuti'.aiokiy color, to a lieaqtifql lblfid em.,. plexiou. . ' • " r*" ...y • 1 ' +o Tire Mi»fi'j'm,ifH. , . ..,,\'.i; . These aresymie of the siul and melanoholb}^j|&it!! >. firudiioejl bj g early habits . ( voi;th, viz •• .weaUVpas/ F the baMi'&nil hm.ti«, pain HID the bead,diiibios3;iif>iiijj|i.. loss of iniiseular pi.HIT. palpitatioo of tl|trhenrlj,^f} ,•' sppsjfl, iiKrvntis jiTi'r.ihttity, ilerunpemelifjof, tRtsd/mffi.-" ttviS fi'mettolis. teneriil debility, symtoinsofCoillfSi' tipaj. &.o. . - „. '•.. ',..,- i,^.V" ' ; Mentally, to? f<nrful effects oh tbo mijid arpa^inpti/o lie divided* Lose of 1110(111 ry,' cnijfiiuion.'otf"ul"i,u..,. denn.s-,i.,n of spirits, evil fui;ebijdbigr^n'*i5!Se'fi»>wf"i-'- andb'tv self rffttrtiitlovo "f. Rd'iWnh^^piTpljVSfcr iiiesoiieof the evils produced., ,A;ll tjwis aftl'cti.'-}.- IH.IOIlK CONTKdlPl.A'riNtl jtUttflAOE, V > ,-• should reflect that, a sound tuidd ahd hoiif rerr/f\'o "' ibost noee.ssarv requisites to.pi'obplte 00nnubial':li(|p- piness ; indeed. withimttheWi'th-e" journey tlrf*mpri life becomes a weary pilgrimttjte, the OrospeefbiWrriv diirkftiis ilte.viovv; t)i«j. mind heoorVies nhmlaiviJ •with oespair. and fllleri tlrlif* the tnelh-Hc1iq#''ijJ«ifi«e. tion that the haippiilessof another be>otijmS8&Mft;t>e with your bwii. ' " - *• ---"-^--''/.;.•« p$te'.$ '• 7. , RAJTEN-rs ANB ntMltblAWr.'?^ >V>' " Are lift on miajed with respect, to.the eftifa'p'irid t,«i ces of disease* In their sons and wnrVls/'Mffw "Aft i do they asorifio to othor.causfis -oMyaB'ti'i^oTi** fraroB..ixtiao.y.fjBadnesspa1nitatiOfi.>f tlie'doai't, '}«„• , gesfion, dorangerdent of ttipH(^otis'syt|t.ejii„'coi'4,J' sJunptom« bid ieating ertnsiitiijilll'fihj -iyhW' the trdti ( > teat they have heorr'immi)Sr|i|ffi«"Mr if^ (! , w^of^- alluring pradtico tlestrqoi)iv||§{p¥rnltid,a^fod i }'' ' fitfutqj |le pasted over tlfe'crfS »?HiEfii^rwi&wfe» q. H, Rlurb, ri|0W«le' ' CAUTfoN EJC'TIU,—Al°o 'observe a. •Ei;5m%hi<iMfe», With the'pr Jflrlttorft vVritten.M^nfltur^oiteie^rifflju. ine boti^o of I)r. l*|orse's Invimlratiitg/eoftbrffeii i\WM .'^..BT^jite-feit wfiiobtffiorltivffi**'-*" ^'i»!»^6 . ,;m~ Thecordial.i^piiiBp'.'Bifflil.y.ffi'iotoii •plliPbottles. Prlce^Srl.per-hjlt'flfi; t « « . m W tor |i2 f tip. C. H. Jl#G,J^^|feT,(>K « 6 f d % DrogristSfa/inugliwiflire tjii'|t| wm mm fciV-S** •ill m :m> m m -&m w&fgmmu&Hmr*-*"''' te'lil m •' "im

Transcript of T^T?^ te'lil -...


' V ^ ' 1 ' - ^ . ' • ^

"- ' . " '.'.••'-v~" ••"' J ' ' Ji--:'>3&i'""'"""' ' " ' " ' ' • ' , - . y " . 7 ' » ' •

.-^M** T^T?^

"" W-.

* ^ * ^ ^ y » % « f e - * * : * ^ ' , ^ s » * « * *


'mejis turfjJtHlWB that -r^est/ ai^d richest)

. ,, mmomil^m^WA' • i r a O Would say tt^rtMl - " " " " ""~ « y . they ore nd\v TQflJMgM

assortmeritof . . >• *, h*&Jtm

W ^ ^ f l H * t o ^ S t i ^ f f i 8 B ! • Iwbrfc which will be f p u n e » y ) W M ^ i S D O p s L h e r e t)>e Ladies. c ^ . S d t A ^ A P ' P ^ ' , A ft'H»Volt of STAPLE B S f e S ' W ^ D M f f f ^ 1 ! ^ ftt tW» e\tablishme,n,t at Igwar'f/itelih&itipty ythe'r oonqc'rn Id Oswego county, y<*£mmm\mw a'numbor of. ma&^uqturers, All

swt#J»JitfflSi^pAlIAe'1<led, and eboapefthatt, f&JU!$

Jd/GwdSfljigfiW* Wttl'Sqll ' ^ h ^ p ^ ^ A Y t l l ^ a S

wealtyayjj, fef*.that,,flji Sugar; a a i M t J g g . » V T ^ fur Ssj y^hio)i'sll.}.ariift beat&Xr^v tlBiigfih taw-ii.'

taken to exchange, for,'G^gcja,' j fc1 liqftral rt\e.s.

# M A

•.ffiffliiti: HI

Q" ~ T S K E S ' o f a l l - M u d s , such, as ' KttJAJj^-


fall' prices, at teiitwodKS.

: G L O # m i N G , at lower pSs lhanfanTefp i i i iSe i s f 'VheTO.a t , , „ , , . ,C&*-VW>oiws & Munnocus.

- j g5ocu5_sa i^La lMfc j iy i .and SCJIMEK

muAWLs,wife»^g|.w & M;BD0-C

A K P E T I N & / M A T T 1 N O and OIL CLOTH, at , ' t ' . CltAWFOJlPS .&. MultllQCIi. '

*%- ' "•:•••• i , ? ' CRAWFORDS & Muimocus,,,.

T-)ARASt)tfe,,.of eie>-y s.tyle., at " '. ,JT i ' i . . - . / 1 " , eitAWI'OBDS & MUBDOCK. •

: " ^ L $ C K l S and LoblCI XG GLASSES;, a very large '%J lot, viiry cheap, at CBAWFOMIS & Mtinpot-Bs.

• il ^^^:Mft¥f[.

of everV'desoft^ffifhi ' 'Hfr^Sfof^mlirsieis evfefy new style of gottds hi thetltnVujrd; WtU he sbldWy.lovy, Lodie^are iuvvted tp calK ' ' ! * , . ' ' • ' . \ ' '

"• 'pj-thof-the r o o w ueretpfor'e


[SlAmlbi)' Wagtms, jBuggiis-^nd Sleighs-,'. double' and single, iqade of gum! nid'terials and w i t h e besl manner, whicli lie yvill sell'Very low.- Ue.is pre.-pared to ihake to ord.fi.r aii.Y arti^la-in his line of bufii-riess. and warrab{ed to give s.ati.slaction-, ' I t E P A I R -1NG done oh short nofic'e; An examination of his \tork and prices is solicited: C. C . H A R M O N .

Pulaski, April,20,185*.,.. .: , 32

•awhiBii «J*s

one ofthe<LAB'GJilSffiaatU)es&d(lcted'stoctaflfc

O R O C ^ R J E S A N b P F t O V ' i a r O N 5 , ever before offered in this market. T^JjtiUjna; it i)A-neoessary to entunera,1e .articles irt If "stock so large and varied, they would roerejv &av tlfat i t consists}<ftf $@*EXEHY ' I 'Hl lva .USgA.LLVKIi l 'T TN Tf'lE TUAOE. all of wh|ch is ejitireK tl^y aiyd Iresh, has hecu o-.relullysdeotW. a)ldpi<rcha«^J with cash, a.nd will be suldfor mstt'da. KKi(pi vtii, either by t i e

1 | pound ot pacliajie, at prices tliat will very favorably -; TSnipa-reJiJi^i.thHsa'pf a,pj( ptljer hquse in tli^ section

of the country.., An.oxuHiinatiqn of'floods and Trifles and a share' of'Vtttrouageis respectfully solicited.

. Z ^ i ' t f A K i p H t ' S PllODrfQIS, LUMBJ5R atid SHTN-GLBij 'd.oiisidered same as casts.

'• SELUEI* & STUXMAIVs ' Romcs3Taroh lyl'854. •' My. *T. N. KftLLOGG, lbo'B.end-fiivorifbJv know" in 'this section, (forme"!y witH. Bwsefl &'Leonard) will"ba'foun.d a t fl is^bove sture, liitppyto wait upon his old frienjs and customers, ... . !$;.

' lt^—_ i ^ *



* Ajrtists-.'(P!nSa»(..^ , , .

B'teavings, cnlof-eriri'&il,' f; ' " <f|}gg|; ' ' ..^?,fl P'"t« Engm^ft'gfiJ J- .V' <J$4t> Lonoajor ISCr-aowB easlj %g6'Kl!l8tato. • . 5s, ;.'•

- - y .._. 'Fa^ai;?l550,000. yijo American AyfisSTTfriipn, KvfmM ret-

sD^j,tfu)ly at)iioii,i>ge ta-il|,9 (J.j>,izai)d qf tlie Unito4_ .Sljrtes and il\o Car ta(^ ' ibpt^br the pyj-po'so r»f the atfvnnccniflnt and extension of the Pfl'ff .4r^)J,?tnd.wiih'n;vjovp- ofenijblfegr ovefy TaiiiW., ,tlt|Q)iglio»t thS rig.tb (in'cl.broadtkflf Iho Vantf tcrbtj&omo poa.aeWd of a .golletjr-.-of pictures rn4'5fy'at-thon!.;ilie"vVoHt of aia.stei> minds, mi firiajly, for ths'.pufrjofeO'Df giving' tj'wprtd wide iCJrpulAlfon trt • •• ,7 , , . (>:'., . • ,

Barley's Gr#lP||5^itc <Jt#pa«Jlig*;. ft$hvf have dsiarrrji-n.od.U>.disttibnto.nTOoiig(

^' t-tio. purclinsocS^i'f^bte v)«irk,-Prio«' StliQO, 2Wt^ GIPTOj;>0Ium)tt&.6F-^5©,O00.' '. ".'LijST pi' GuFisi;—^»^W 'iS(a.tuarjr,;f40,0(}p.

_„ , , . W'lSI^S

i E w x i j t p r CjJji

A, MpNtfflS™


terns, wTthflt t b ^ f t r a w M j a i § | M | W t e f a m tion, wbi6lt, la)lstlitel/y]lfv- , ' '- i '!it- ««-^»-^-' '^ii-->-.i hej-etof '• " " ' ' *' j iukd . ,,, , -».ww.ijra"TOia-7"-« • - ' i w - ™ -t h a ^ ® r f l t r a B 3 f l t r a f 2 ^ | i » | S ^ ^ ted l'ivffii^i(1"Jil- WusgsJ^elli W«S> taiifeiir' ad qiember •-1 *'•'• ' ~ " J 1—»us i-is. -u *»._ qidAfn'rld a olieikiiit. and a'lra'velei-. Jflte iCiipa'M'an?'la»a»

M # & e | 4 P |

qooupteaifjtfianieibiillftnJg. • , y-tOVsy. May,.l,-18^;i , .', , ,-

' Ipa^^gjufeg Mthe, mMon I '/iS jus t rBtprned ft .«g?i^e w Y0!'11. with a lafge

^ - . i s t e o U q f l i O O T S . « H ' O E S f a r surpassing.ayy ^tWWSriivlQUSTiui'cbasJis and- composed W all • tlie .n»bst;bejOtitifill,a»*i:ieaH'»ad fa-vorife styles eyftmt. He .lioS-^nVoonisiaei'afil&vtim'eXn exapiining Aiti-puj:'-.oliitsinl;? and flatters hlnisolf thatft better stock, when tulcSn iplcioim.ection witHibe present Heavy stock of

. hjs/owhr m^pj^fabtijre,.. ca.nnot.be found-otito^ New

Xoir.k,l':;..i ' ' " . " . " • . • JHSfisiofferihg-.a better and / larger stock of Bqpts & .ghoes.-tlian could Ordinarily lie offoi'ed in a, plme of ,tj)i« size,; but by doiiig so he is offering .inducements .cto_;th.e!]P«ople'Of -Pulaski and all the surrounding w .thai-ijrjH |.etfure. a large trade an,d mutualy beiieh .customers and himself, for people vriH .trade whi they, can,And the greatest? variety ..and, the lowest .e&r That place is Teckhams. Ho keens, as gijeai iviriety as can be found in an j Cit j Retail Store and less,th9n city^pnees. -.. A' gooaVShare-df liis w&rk is manufactured "at home" DJ experienced workmen.

• : • •• V.aJ.o spsraa ui&!DiESs», _Ji,.jyi- PECIU1A JLwopld'respectfuHy pall your at-• teulion tp'WJnsTffgnWc^n^oclrof Ladiefribie- iJoots.

iSi-Shoos consisting iti part-of .' ' ' .,,. Ladles .fine; Ssktin'l?ranbais Gaiters—a largo lot and

great Variety, at-.p,rioesa:(ing.ing from .$1,23 to $2',25, , Ladle's Tuu Cplored Gaiters,

" -libeled . . : : . • ." ' ' , "Congress ,- • '• , , . . . - . . . ,

" «Kid^Patentand phainelled-leatherBuskins , . AtOTipqs from 00 cents to g 180,

" ',. j y a Slippers, ••''' •-' Sontag, -Alboni & Jenny Liud Buskins, ••' " '",- •' . •' Boots,.

. ,- ' . , ,-K-idyTjatent and Enajnotled-lejyhor' Boots, botl^£(nlc*ah(l front Lace from 9s. to l;is.

Sliises Black'and Colored Gaiters—great varidty, \ ' . v- • ,Leather Boots and Buskins—''all kinds.

ChfldrcSis JSluc-k and Colored Gaiters, ". • '*2-^__Fanc.y -Shoes.-"^B^rotees, & c ,

-ctmsiut'uurbf gOoTn^rentstylte from Is. 0d to 75 qts. Of Ladies, Misses and Childreus' coarse work he

has ft large variety.

,'....^ii^TiPSiaiaiJissg-p',-. - • T O M fefilVEj^f^^0%^yttnt.a-splendid-jjroadwayr Button or itidrtop- Congress Gaiter, or a fine Calf or Btioksltin Boot; pr a Kip Root; py a good solid stbga Boot; in short iiny-BootSboe or ©aiter—do you know where to.got it?., jrostrof you do for you have had. them of P'ockbam befope-,--"i'd.t?for the benefit of the uninitiated we: will agairt,call attention to the beauti-?ul styles unci un|iarajleled assortment of Boots and Shbes'iiow'on exhibition and selling off rapidly at

POTTO,;.JM. 6 STONE BLOCK, l'DLASEI. . Gentic$ienr make up your min'cls what you' will have and go there and get it—its there; Atbpng hosts of

.btlier boots and shoes we Will tell you of some of the fashionable styles to b,e seen therer—

G^niS 'CJlbth atjsi-,Patent Buttbrr GoPgress Gaiiers, ,-..'' a very fashionable.,arid- beauiifutihbig.--for-

spriiig.and s'uinnier wear, •"' . Cloth MdPa^tijnfCongress Gaiter wifliout

'Button,' hlacit.,<irabanditan. color, " . Mohterevs, enamelled and . patent wjth

,' Brd,nzo-tops, ' ' " ' . Offfcrd! Ties,

'V EliaipiTIo'djiad patontBorgans, . " ' " . ' ' ' , ' • ' . •. * " ' Congress gaiters,

" •• - • t ^ H ^ '£ tPp"£j°ngress"and button gaiters " .' .Calf •wiiil.buclt stub-toe boots and brogans,

Boys'itoutereys,,; " Bn'abielled (irid patent brogans,

Youths, , " " • Mofttereys,

and a large st'Ocjc of all kinds o'f bdot3 and shoes, 6oarse.and4he'., Pulaski,-jfay 1, iSa-t: ,

185* Fashionable E&tA- 1854 A. H. STEVENS,

HAS received from the most .extensive New York dealers •' , ' •

j " - F A S J I K l I i B L E EJ1TS7 -•ttf-tlreliitestsSprfng styles, which, are equtil in qiiali--ty aiid finish, and will l>o suld as low, as uny tliat can be purchased elsewhere.

])uri"o.g the season, he will keep on hand a , , ,la^ge and.full assortment of ;.'

PanUnta,' Leghorn, Strata and Patm Leaf hats, tosetlw-r with every Sjtyle and tiuality of caps, for tne,n and-hoys wear. - -

Intending to keep a bErjrfr ancS choice assortment of al! articles in his Hue, lie snlicitH the patronage of citizens "of Pulaski and adjoining towns.

Pulaski, April V&, 1854.

8 T E A R N S ' S A L O O M . . v -

NEXT l>OOt t NORTH OF T f l K . P O S T O T F I C R , P U L A S K I . Open from 7 A. JM. to U P. M.

X ^ S S K OYSTERS* Pickled Clams, Lobsters, ( 1 8 5 4 - land Tongue, Pies, Cakes, Salad, Fruits of jViTgl^V' all kinds, Figs , Kaisius, Confectionary,

oer. Cigars, and in the season, Oranges, Lemons, ^aches, Pears, Berries, Soda "Water, Lemonade, Ice W m . and the various articles to be hud at^jalqons [ the large villages, will be served^ up To- tbtsTJest

ntanner at- this establishment. Also ftir salcu-large \ Variety of Toys and Fancy Articles. 'l^ankful for the patronage he has received he sp-

liclf^its oontinaaufe, and will spare no effort to sat­isfy customers. " -' L- STEARN.S.

Pulaski. Apr i l l 2,1854. ' . 30 .

T ill-'. Subscribers Have |)uri:!msed the Oil Mijl in this %illago, anil will rnapufiirture and £anslaritly

have on muid the best quality of

ft'iMce^/ OiL, Boiled or Raw, which they yill sell at vvbolesjde or_jatailAt_th«>4ew-

.'estpwoes- VnrclmseTs vvlll find it advantageous U> deal wjth thAi, anil thus jirocure a pure article, ra­ther than to bar-chase tlve ndultcratoil Oil* ftum the city. Oi l Meal and (3ll "Ciko for.so.lei

FLAX SEED A N O - S T E M ; _ wanted, for wli\cll the highest price In' basil Will be imiif

Opposite StanwLc Jiatt.Qd doarffom, Cimtvl Bridge.

W oliavys in Sto'fe 'thelafges't'.stSck,of goods to,, befoundiii-tRiVyis1nJiy,,'",ft!.,vVhicjn we Invite-'

the attention of.tho\Vbc)les,a)i tititolid^et; believing we can offer hiduci'iiifents .s'tytarlpr to hiafly .In; •tho &me' trade, axi'ii iinter'ior t'> .npnii..,' J'J,\^,_, .', .

'Our purbhases yVere n^otvly made at r ince r ruling -jifeviiriis to "the .late-l-W in all-liihdsof Groceries, vviliich enables us til.flffeJ s^i.p.QrioraiiduceuientS'.to the,, t r a d e . • • • , ' .

We hbfie' thosb coming-in .town will call and exaru-.o,e our Stock and. Prjfces bo"tp're purchasing elsevvhere. and judge from observation of our clai'ins..upon their confidence and patronaget We liave' and will keep in constant supply a large fltpckof alUhe-.following articles, a t whoifcoale aiid retail. Our stock con­sists in pai-tof , . . . - , 180huds. &. bbls. Cru'slied. Pitly'ferized, Granulated.

Coffee and Krolvn Sugars; 30 hhds. t b b l s . embracing eyiry-vaviot-Ji-of Moltisst-

(•s, aiid Syrup. > '• '^-l 12000 gallu. Winter strained .Oil. 250 packages .Te,as, all 1,-Jnds, Old-and Ypung HVson, Imperial. Gunpowder, Tvrankay, "Oolong, and Sou.

choni! nini'liTeafs. enihracrng ail sliar'es, 80 hogs CofTe, all sorts. Old and (ji'een Java , Mar. (caibo, lflo, Laguira^ SS.t. Doiningo^Cape, and Bahia. 500 lloxes Window Gliss, sold uUfactory prices.

10 " Cavendith''J'ohaoco—some'superior, 20 bbls. Fine Cut and Snicking Tobacco. . 60 •' Pure Cider Vinegar; 30 doz. Bed Cords and Coils Hope. 75 boxes Excelsior Pearl . Corn and Common Starch.

2800 lbs. pure ground Pepper, Spice, Cinnamon, (.Moves and Kotnicg^i.

2gposs Dunlcee'-s Bakiiig powders. 1000 lbs. superior Carbonated Soda. 200 boxes Sperm add .Muulu\.GandlfiS..-. ISO do Shaving,Toilette,Fancy,Krasive& IlardS'oap. 100oGros»Gates''Mdtch'es.20 kegs Ginger. SOOOlbs-. Ground Coffee, l 'bbl. Cloves. ].50liox6sot ltasius. iOOlbs. Qream of .Tartar.

Herring. 3?00 Seamless Bans. ' 300 kegs of Kitils. -l)04)oxe*-*f- P-rpes-. — :J00 bbls.' S i l t 200 Jiis. fndigOi • 40,000 CigaTS.-,20 boxes Castile'Snap. 3000 lbs. Siljeiratus.

fly of all the


^ ^ r - T h e suhsuri'ierS will fhritiih seed and contiiict. fir the crop of nnv numher-iif ac.rcS of flax; olid .wili hire from one to\\vo iiuhdred acres of, land in..good 'ordet for a flax crofi. Rliould the se-i. Q,h be propitious this will be the must profitable-cfbV) grown.

„ A," H. CO'Lf.ISS. Pulaski. April W. l f e t . •_ A_ M, DUNCAN _

E I ? O - M l J M O P F ASUX6'lff! . W I L L I A M J U ' N E '

HAS, receijed n -fims stock of CLOTHS and the

-SPUING FASHIONS nhd is now ready to make to Order Uentlemens Gar­ments of nil kinds, in the best stjle. He has rich and Uioujy,-^ well as more cheap Goods.

"IJIv.VDY M A I > i : C C O T n t K G on hand as usual, and sold lower than at any other Store in to\vu.

,. ..CvTTfXtf attended t o n s usual.. His old customers, and n<* many nevf ones as want

'Glotliins Olieap are invited to coll. -He contiulies the ready pay system.

Pulaski, April 5,1554.

0\) - i i i . i l '"Hi*

100 quintals Codfish; 6O0 His. €4iistft.--00 bbls Pork,. 1200hags I>iary. Skit; WOdox. Brooms'. y0 bags Shot. 18 do'i. Cans Powder.

&3~ We have vlso in.itoro a largesu following, articles:— "Epsom and Gladher Salts, Pickles, Pu t ly , Black and Scotch Snutis, Sweet Oil* Maekerel, hard, Starch Pdlish, lirovvn and Line j Twine, Mu->tard, Rice, Oun Caps; Fi^h Hooks A..JMnes, Placer iMuccaroiii. ^^er^^ieeHi, Tapioca, Cimphor, Sal soda, M'hips, Bird seeds. SaltpelejvAUim, Also^_ Almoiidsj_Tilbi'r'ts, BraiilKut-H,-iiiighshrryTtrriu"s7" Pea and Pecan Nuts, Shelled Almonds,' Figs, Prunes. &c, , Fi re' Criekcrs". British Lustre, SIUIB Polish. Blacking and Brushes. Annatio. IIeCker's Farina. Pearl Barley, Chocolate, Cocoa,. Pails. Tubs, Wooiien Howls. Mop Sticks. ' Wash Boards. Clothes.Bitis and Cloiles LineSi Measures and Flour Boxes, Garden Seeds, Humiiiel's Kssej-ic"roJ Cuffce, Foolscap, Letter, Note and WrappiugPaper,Ink". Envelopes. &c.,-ckc. Stone Ware, and many other articles not enumerated.

?3- Of TABI.E"& POCKET CUTLEJlU we have a good supply, direct from the 'Manufacturers, aid Shelf Hardware generally, and at low price, ..

K L O U K A S U S U A L , Wfe lve<*pa larjre iStocli b f S t a t e aiwl t i ene»eo . ; also,

Ol i io and M i c h i g a n ; aird are at-al l t i m e s prt*pnreil to • fill o r d e r s to any atnt>*iiiit iif-uallv ca l l ed t'urSn thi^

M a r k e t , a t t h e very lowes t p r i c e s . All i:nn re ly up<ui h a v i n g any O r d e r s w i t h \vliic they m a y fa.Vor u.*-, a t t e n d e d to w i t h pro inptnesa n r d fidelity.

?Jg- C?noti„s pMrchased ot tis will he de l i ve r ed a t Ihe C a r s o r £s h ipped i>v C a n a l I ' rce oi* C h a n . ' e . .

R O V E , M a r c h L'Oih l « o t .


Al lErtdwdeceiving a t theh i VARU5TY STORE ,oneTdoor-?Jortli of the Stone Block, Pulaski, a

lafge and fresh aslbrtntent of Spring G(^01)S, adap­ted ;f.o t(ie \vapts of,the inhabitants, ,ofi,this section of the-ooiyitylj. ' " " " . ' ', ". •-

Tjreir'Stock embraces all, styles of .'WoDlenS, F lan­nels, "fw.eeds.-eassiniel'es, Broadcloths, Satinets, & c , •— alsoj,.* full supply of Domestic Goods.

Tba'LADIES.ivill find an .excelleiit assoHment of Silks, Satln's,'*Ca,mbrfc'9, Ginghams,' Mdlls, Mnslins, XJloves,'Hbsiery,a«a^Bpots, Sliqes, Gaiters, Slips, &c.

Dj.sTi.6rt, their'Store is emphattcqlly «• VARIETY S T O R E ; Theyihttve ev^ry-thtti^'.dohsum'ed or used In a Family, and.-as th&yhave.."tafceh extra pains to buy low.'and tb jurdhass gdbd.articles, thdy are con-lident they will bb able to give sa'tuliJJcabn both-as res-.pobts good'sund.pricesi Puloslji; jkay i , 1854. j .

., . - ' ." •''—7^-.T~T.--~^--'V- . « •

M3^bilxet a n d Chaff ftittait ittl ' .e i *•- • • THANKFjpt.for libef-ll patron-

Sage heretofore bestowed, I would in1

^ , , - j ' fd rm tha public that 1 anV- at the old >&rfd, t'e'RdV tp. supply all who may call', yviiha great Variety ofTbB^l'iraniP. Having, for .tha'pas't'tvVentv '^iglit yittrs been.enjtaged in the abov? businessi I feol •coh'fiaent, witk the facilities possessed/fiball can sup­p l y all those In want of good articles, on m.ore reason-tible terms thau A-ny1 other establishment, in.th'is sec-

' l o n i , , ; , . > ; . - J , , CiEO. GtlRLFJY.

_ . • -- Merajtiife. ' ,'. J r p H E subscribers" ijre agS'nls for the Brownville X S^lo¥atea.cOm^ahJ,raittf ;ivil] sell at wholesale or-

^ t a i l a4lo*W> as ctfn be";puVchbsefJ at tfie factory. "6? , , • . . " , ' " A N 0 6 T . t & HEMPSTEAb

•of every-variety^ fr lowest priceil article *

. P A P E R H A N G I N G S -ufsonifci < *ne-lHmretl--d4frerent-fift'-t^rfis,-embraeliigLlhe_ finestand tighest, as well as the cbeapest.

L A W Y E R S AND J U S T I C E S BLANKS , of all kinds, Pens, Pencils. Arnolds and other Inks, Drawfyig Paper and B lard, Sheet Music, Fishing tackle, Fancy Baskets, a n d A very large assortment of Fancy Articles, for sale a t the verv lowest<prioes..

S. "H. MEACIIAM Pulaski, April 13,1854r •

t* PtEfets^TCamage Factor^. ' T% L. INGERSOiL, keeps onl tandarid manufac-XV« tures to-order qve'r.y.variety of Carriages,. Wag* bnsapd Sleighs^, which he warrants as fecommended, knd vylll sollTjir-as fffirb^rjbl'e'iefhts as can be obtaihea feiseVwherd. " ' - . . - . • i

tifvery Stable^ feiBfelt'& CRANDALL, thankiu i foi past foyor i.. would say to the public tlutt'stil i keep , HOftSES-AND CARRLV.GES TO L E T

"tit-tlieirstand on Jefferson strne'f/

' ' K ^ b ^ e o m i t t g , why doii't you . '-'".' come along?"

t r t O K -WtTRDOCE HAS J U S T RECEIVED— J- -Igiistof fiifch's Shoulder Braces;

, J . jgwS.Wjtdh's Supporters: laaygegris'tof Fitoltls Medicines of all kinds,

Besides;every, other niedi(iibe'.iji.tbe liiibwn vvorld. Ca l t a f id j eea t ' - ' . ; ' ..'MiJlfTJO^QE'S Drug Stof.e. ;<

^^^WSiM-^^1 »»^0^ along?" 3" i ' ' '"cl '"' ' " "" "' lis'whioh

l a ro

PULASKI BOOK STOEE." N E W and lari!B»tockj)f Rthool, Jliscellaneoi'is A

value, Magazines, &o received as soon as published,

aiid Gift to the' PAPER" AN!) CAI!J)S,

from, tlie finest Satin a


sl Groceries and ProvisionSi

U G A l i S . S I R U P S A K U . i l C L A S S E S , p ices . F r u i t s , S i l e r . i t n s , S t a r ch , T e n s , Coffee. Choco la t e

Codfish, Alaoksrel , B u t t e r a n d C h e e s e , . .,-• P o r k . H a m s , L a r d ,

L ! i m p a n d Linseed Oil-i. '1 a l l o w , P . d r y . C o m m o n and T.'ible S a l t ,

F L O U R by the ban-i 1, ball* or q u a r t e r ba r re l , S u d i anil ("opinion Cracke r s , who le sa l e andTet t i i l ,

P o t a t o e s and o t h e r vegetables , G r a s s S e e d a u ' l Garden Seeds,

and a c o m p l e t e a ^ o r t m c . i t of G r o : e r i e s , P rov i s ions , Oonfec t iouar ies . ' i c . i ; c . all of the be*r. ona l i tv and •lowest p r ices , a t N O R T O N & F U L L E R S .

Marcb .8 ,1 - J51 . ' 25

lOi?>lBg«utbu-s^^#^^,n^"i,^lflP"iflftiJCro-l-to l "" '• "'. ftlny, : -"' ' 100, 10,000'-1O0-" " " . 'vVc.lisWfj''" ^ -3004 10,000 }pf « " ;. i g.l>'tVrfH v ; -(0Qc/d,rjoo' ,QihPainlinrfs q>id-'$£fr&"$jeiel •Briyr'apin.ffs. SO'-jlegbiH Oil Pttin.l,ir(i4s'ip.SlpH'.,?7ouoh,'5>ltOO '"•i'-did gilt traOTM/tste'eia'-ft'^-ft. £ MOO |00- ol6gunt Oil Paantit}^>;2:J' '3,'' ft -"'aeh, ®S0 •f: •>-• ^ ..<••• ';••- r , ^ ; ' . AM$ 0flO stool plate Enpravhitjs-f.b.rilftaritty- opiorod

-.'Jn oil,.rioli gilt f'ruiij6s", 3<i x 30in. da'. "SSIO. ••p. • • -,.-, : , " fs.ofitt iO.OOO, t'lejrartt (jteel p l u t o E ' i g r n ^ i n g l , oolordd"

i « o i l , o t ' t h o Wdstifligldn fylouumjml, SO x ! f 26. qae t i , ' i4 ,^$40,000

, . 237,000 stool plate- Entrravinfjs, from 100 dlf-L | " s ft>rent plates, now in pnasbeAion of, and

' owned hy the ArLisIs LJnidtj;-of the ma^lte-t value of, from 50 ct's to 1.00, e a c h , $41 ,000

IldBl listftta, $ 8 4 , 0 0 0 . , 1 elngant Dwel l ing , in 32d s";. in N ; Y. c i ty ,

' • ' !gl^,0/)0 23ibiiiUlinjr lots in 100 nnd 101st s'ts. N . Y.

•ci t j , ctfofr23 it 100 ft. deepj «nel> $1,000' : ; ' , • . " , -S23,000 100 Vi]laSitofi1-fiorrtamrn{f*6aoh 10,000 s q . f t .

in tho suburbs ol Ne-w. York i i i ly , and uoin-maiKlino a magnificent view iif 'tho l i u d - , son River and L o n j Island S'nundi o!wri, ©500, ' $50,00 J

L o n n s o f C a s h , $30 ,000 . SO loans nf uash , for 100 yrs e a c h , without in­

te res t or soonritv, 250 each, $ 5 OOQ 5 0 " " " 100 '• 5 0 0 0 -100 " ' " " 50 " 5.000

i 2 5 0 " " " ' 2 0 " 5,000 ! 2 0 0 0 " '•. " Sr- ".. 10,000

T h e holder of caoli t iekot is.ontit led, first* to a s tee l plate eiifrrnvi'no;. (#izc 25 x 30- in.) ol ' t l io • Great Amer i can Historical W o r k of Ar t ,

- - WYoseireh A copy of which may bo seen at tho nfficn of

t h i s paper, and .--eoond, to ono of -tlie 230,000 Gi'fte, wliich \Vill bo dis t r ibuted i>n the comply-' l ion of the salo of tho t iekols .

T h e piiroliasor of 5 lickett'., on the roeipt of h is order, will ho fortvnrdod enrefnlly packed e i ther one copy of t h e " W y o i r t i n g . " nloiriuidy' pa'ltHed in nil colors , or one copy of the " W y o - . rnirjg," plain, and one enpy of ou'oh of four nth-e.r 'engfralings, c-rjiiul to it i">_,yjjjj!'e._iuid U cn-•titbrdTO 5 f,'fftS"."" TTie purehaser of more than 5 ticket*, can have (lis. .choice out of iOUdif-v ferent suhjoi'ts.. from steol plirtos owned by the Artistsj1 Union, eiieh picture heinir in value oqivivalent to the "Wytimtiii."",'' and is enti t led

, to otic jrift for each t icket lie ho lds . A iist of t h e subjects cuu bo s^eii at tho office o fdh is paper . .

Agents , Pe r sons des i r ing to become A g e n t s fortlie- salo of t i cke t s , by forwardino- (post paid) $ 1 , shall be sent a Gift T icke t a copy of YVyo-tninsr. and a. ,naispoetus, co- tainirigJUl .noiiiss.T

"BTy ii)for.mnttoii. It is cdnfiiii'iiily believed, t h a t tho t i c k e t s

will "bo dispoiied ofj by ttio fin t of July, when' t h e distribution of Gif ts \WI| be cntrust.-d to a C'ominitteo aripointed liv the Ti ' -kot holdfi.s.

T h e steel plates from which the Engnavino-s .aro p , : inled. can hi; seen at tho olfic'i of the Ar t i s t s ' Union nnd Cost gi l00,000. Hpeeimeiis Tit'tho Oil Pulnii-ii^s and Enjjravinrrs, aro also on view at llie rooms ,

Rnfereucos', in r e g a r d to t h e proper ty . \ V . C Cnrrel t^Esq. .Coj .msnl luc.at . L a w . 10

W a l l S i . N . Y. F . J* Visschor ' ik Co- R e a l fcwito llrokofs. SO- Nassau St . , N V Y .

Ajl oTfJerj for t i cke t s , ninsl be addressed post-paid, vviih the money enclosed, to

J . \V. H O L B R O O K E . Wee. ' 505 Broadway, N e w York.

THIS is ft valuable and^t i -e^ lKf i l^kr i in t oxpeo-lorantciunuosed6Tiii"gre';li(»rl#|tWll;"."V:«getab!e.

' ' - -4fed'?ofhv, M u W e * t y - s p ' ! e d l l y ih"i,hi'gb1yeoii.c''infra.tfed' , , . , _ _ , ., . . remove al.l CukL. Qunglis, Astllnfrt-' B>b^ |h1t i^ loar ,-nesY-Puin in tlie S i d e ^ H t p w K w f i o t j i m j S o W h , .Croup, Influenza. OifHwU Breathing tvtftl ^xpedl^riV-

asiibrding in direotious, it ubver fails'to' efRioi'^jJvftj',-'andma-y b'e. taken- with perfect 'tafefy .b? ."yS^n^M-i

o l d , ' ' . . . , - ' - , " . . ' • . - , - ,"•- • • The Balsam of Fir Paste n,vtiy be.itsed o'tjiflCtitqft:

'\YlJen evei- there Uj hoarsonuss, tickl.ltjg \n he yiro.a},. brdiTi'jglntift.' It vtilfroiniivo thahOaW'oness ui-ft very I -Ibw uiuiiite.s.increast! the pioM'rtttid'ficxlbflity . f the,' voice, and assist, in sinftinu or speaking morft-'cleaVlV and distinctly. In Chrjnic Cbutshs, i t ha s had tlm "effect to relieve « hen many 'popular Cdujh Medi­cines of tlie day have failed,

Tlie Balaa.m'of I'.irlias lougbsen knftwn and'justly esteoriied foi-iU s'nlntupy npcraliou in all cuseii.of Luhs Complaint. Sinco it was offered to tliejiublid' in this foi'ui, it has met with a success tar OxccsMing the ex[)eoiation of the 'proprietor; Certificates and testimonies of its bene fi'c-inl etfectaafe be.ini? constant­ly received, a few of which we lay. before the public:

NORTH ADAMS. Dee. 31. 1S.VJ, We. thiTundfTsigned,having made use o f D r . ' B ^

'Ifdrman's Balsam of Fir Paste, oumel^es or in our-families, are ol opinion thai it isji Rood medicine ant! well adapted for the relief iirCT'OglSTTIoIds ivnirilie-" various Lung complaints fur.which it is recommen­ded



iot even t h o , . e d s s r ^ # « B h : e JStfxir axe as it av^ 'V v?HllM*"ifeeht:b to B't 0n1y'r6iniTvBi'TOe^i8l^g|p5©rS,]fv I

.,-.,,->. -'uardagniit. •'There are itiaby;, p.eirlM^,

yiei'roori3titutions,ihat);'|if^ jttt.Miach of -tneKli'ehr E e y S r " '"" " " ' deals iVIth ih

that femble';mffij who have so' #fjltJd:,v<R lliink-theinselve^ b e ¥ S not even tho.-e-dsSpjfitW' ease ' • • • ' • ' - • • •'-•-• •' -ho'

KEiiu'itD'TnK:itjtoitii5»(ibHft!STi'rOT!0tr..'V' - -~Xbe.deraug8H»nt8 M-the.^^!nsV:lea'diiig--tb-ni<r^-yous diseases, and tbe - i i i rn^p^S 'h t f s '& 'ease ifs'ffu iVrasonumorous t h a t U viidu«#ftilWT~»'-CuTumV t-

to causes, kB"d*"il' but ' ' "


Ivra-.tus 1.. Cl j« , v ' II. II. Nichols, FJ..<?ol!rrove, L - M . T.* Ifn'oitibl'ifham, II. v . IV,'"- !'. ' •?'«-•• 7-'H'.

' Jlov. It. t;,iart.oriii W. M. Mitchell, A. .1, Ail,en«. A. II. .Morris, J. K. Koucrs. (,'hnrles .Vluori.-

• G e n . Lyman II'Ul. f->.W. MeF.lviivln. VVe„ t|ie uuderw^tiiMl, Pliyiieions. • hiving 'been

made acquainted with thjs..ar.tii;li'.; usi'il in the mn'na-1'aetiiv.e oi'Dr. I-'., Nurmau's lialsaxn of Fir'l'aste, would recommend them as a well prop^rioutfd""iuedioi-ne, and adapued for the relief ol t'.ic many and .various complaints of tho .Lhngs,

ISTVC llodres. II. P . Phillip--, William II. Tv 'er . Elillu S.'IIawkes,

' J . W.Bneklrv. C..U:TION-BF.W..U;i!()I.VC'OIJN^ERFJlTS I f l , , m ,oalformat;i„n o r s t r i c t u n r P d i a e n s e s i t M s ^ ^ . 4 -


HAS tho largest assojtment of Stoves. Hardware. f a n s , &c. ever offered for sale in this place.— ' —r-

Stoves, Tin and Copper "Ware, EYERX-YJirh-tv of Cook, Parlor nnd Plate Stoves,

Russia and Amerrelvn Stoye^Pijiej.. . ' Nails, Glass. Sash,

Sap Pans a-nd ^ap Buckets. Farming Utensils of all kinds,

Dairy Pans, Pails and Vats, Cbain, W.e-11 and Ciitern Pumps,

Eve Troths, Conductors.Leud Pipe, • ^ Stove Trimminjrs. ofrron. Tin and Copper. Tin. Copper and Sheet Iron Ware of all kinds always onhitnd, warranted all rigid, and at the lowest price.

#SLT Repairing and Jobbing well.and prnnrrAiy--.ioiie, al low priees. NORTON &.:FL"LLERS.

Pulaski'. March «. 185-1. " 2i"r

Farmers and Dairymen will do well to give him a c'all before buying elsewhere. His stocU-consistshi par tof

Stoves, "Pipe and TrijnmingS, „Boes, Shovels, Spades, Forks, Scythes, s

Chains, Mill and Circular Saws, Axes, Files, • Cistern Slid Well Tumps, Lead Pipe,

Straw Cutters, Bias's. Kettles Tin Vitas, Vffts', Rails, Chain Tumps,

fin "Ware at retail or wholesale. Pedlers furnished at the 0 lb bill. Also, G O O D FAMILY FLOUR. .9 a § - J o b Work doni! oil short notice Bftd iu the best style. UABJktQff.CStONK.

PUlaskk March 1854.

' % H. SPEETCES. FAST OSWEGO, '-'*, • '

..OSWIBCK) BDOK S T O B i E i jS/BtSfiSi -THE Subscriber.having purobased ,1.'

£ * t ^ p l i . - P o o l ' s Stock of JSooksA Stationary, Hffl^SSifr is prepared to furnish tljjo Public Vith roerjytff&l^eiifij^irrg to tho-traile. ,, •. -'Bla^cT^pksrof^BveTy-vnrtety: Sh^tiormrjrof- ittry

quality, afid pricei "Books, new and old ; and all the Annuals, ^brijhJieS apd Pictorials may be.hadby caU-•ing at Fi rs t tt,nij Bridge. Streets, East'Oswego:'

>Tew Yoriyiegtog andLEbiladelphia weeklj tlovvs ;


terdeeries and Pro^sions. A Y b e found at the Pulaski 8eed7Stot:et aflne assortment of Groceries «ud Provisions, e f f a ­

cing Teas, Sugars, Coffees, Spices, Fruits,' Fisb,-Nuts,

FLOUR AND SALT; ' S.vru'ps and.MolaSfes. Butter-, Clreese; Lardr Soda and common Criiekers} Smoked and Dried Meats, Pota­toes, Sweot Russian Turnips, and a, nil) sto.clt of arti­cles usually kept in stores of the kind'. Purchasers can here find the best articles at tho lowest priae. .

Jan, 30. 1854. D. li'. MEACHAM,

T/i^r'arjftn,3"T^miSf'ti;p6'r's7for'sale at reduced prices. 'Carriages, Sleighs and Ciftteft ttimmed dn.short iio-iu8e and Oswego dailies for Also, N e w 'York

sale. • "'

Mb Ba^M^fid PanwMiU, From Dewltt fit, pavartport's Publishing House,

New-York, three tlm'es.'a tVeek by Express ' Sehobl Books; a't'Wnblfeyale'rJWs. Law Blanks, •W-all Paper , T<>rfuVhewMh«f bpcis, &c.

J®~ Town'Sdpefinten'dena, Sfeacliers, and dealers in School Books, filrnishfea at'Piibligfilers prices.

J&&* Prices moderate; and teVm's- Cksb Osvyegq, Sept. 1, f803._J__!R i :m_SPE-NCER 1

""^"^ulaski Meat Market? •

TIfE BUbsoHb?r-Would infor'ni b't's-ftieiids thAt he continues his'Markdt in PnltiskL tSIlrffdiniaV be

found .FresirBoef.Pnfk, Mntjoh, Pohltry,^«a'ftM>es ' t o . o f t b e , best quality. Tallojv and BnH^IWWd lt« kfepe fpr 'sale.'bj»lilm a t tlfe'lowgst .rnaf.KM*iji?&' IMmnkfiil for th^piiitronage heraiofti^"e>ieli^jjli(Wt hothusts'.bjr fair .leu,l irig' and tin effort 'to saipKjjlll'j Vorh'ersto tnefit its'cbn'tinuance. '' '%«) ' . ' '

SADSApi'.tWitAt.-MHttvirlg-p'rdcur.Sd ft new isSicl'ie^ „ o e l l i ^ t L i t t t u ^ U t o J a ^ t t y t a g ^ n f t g e i ^ A t w ^ ^ M ^ ^ ' !lti?tm, - , borWiUpk'pajfe thSatfor otl)6rs. or Iot,T)iS^fflPTO5> :!8n^poVn^V''bhrBHsbi.«bttiSVIns.' "'"'""' " . ,(. - " 7 , . / , • • . , •<


Saddle, harness and Carriage Triia<-miijg'.Basiness.'

^ f f l S I D N E Y Jl . TKCKElt , having purchased the lj|j|j stock and eti*.igtid the Services of D. W. Gaot-T,

*if Will conti-uuJ fiianufucturinff'Saddles, Harness. Trunks; Hand Trupira^ j'alices, Carpet Bags and Satchels, of the most appV>yed'Ktyle, and will keep constantly on Landat his ship on tlie south side of the river, and at the brick shop three doors, north- of the Tost, Office, a complete assortment of Conch, Draught, Plain'oxd Fancy IJdrne.ns, pilule of the best materials and by superior 'Work.rnon.,

tide andln tlie best possible maimer. ' " ' lie has the largest find best aiabrtihent of "Whips

inid Lashes tjver offered for sale in this village Tie Will, also keet) Carrina'd Mats, Nets; Florse Blankefs", Sleigh Bells, &c, • Mattrassbskeiit^ri hand and made to order; a-fs6 Bridles.Halters, Cafi-iage Trimmings, Saddlers SBL.and'all other-artiolos-^sitally ltept.-in this lino of business. Thread whb1.esa1e.and retail.

Particular attention given to' Repairing, Cleaning .and Oiling Harnesses. ' "

The subscriber has the largest and. oe&stotfc in his lirie ever oifered hi this viljage, whiell be •will sell on the mosi reasonable terms.", Having- been engaged in this bnsjness in this 'village the past 1'5 yeafs, he Is thahllflfl for the liberal patronapfe beStovved. All his former customers and hundreds of now bho%,ar.e invi­ted tocalL all of whom he will serve%o. the best' of •his'uMity. . S. M. fllcifER. " Pulaski. F e h ' y l . l W L , • . .", 2ff ,

~ Por t Oiiiafid Stdte. '?f. w. FLiaEit,,'? ;•':,-'-. ..

' * ^ ( 3 o . n h,and atIiis_8torft1i)-?»'.ifJgtn^o,. one- of IbebesVirasoffeiSfrfs-ot - . G ^ d * b v ^ f f e i w l , i n , U , l ! L » M H " V M ° ^ l 2 ^ ' & '

'klwa^efar^iirjry.Goods,'»AIs5 pilfg jaQ*^$$$naUe&$B%:

^e|pee;{fu%-?bli(;?ted,and nopf t te shall'bSspAretrfo

r •'-* rpdses. for suilo at tjic Drug ggiie of 1/1884. " - ' - * " * « * * "


For the relief and cure of sufevi up females. Slaud's pre-eminent

fir its curative pow­ers in nil the diseases bo- M liich it i; ri-i-oni-uiended, usually en)], eil !•' c 'mal e C o m ­plaints" ; of these.-are I'.-ol.ipsus I'te.i orfal-Mrfir uf the womb;— 'Floor /Ulins or whites Chronio Intlamation and rieeraiinn of the Womb; lire' i! en tu I Hemorrhage aj- Hood-i u c j p a i.fui.suppress-ed ano lrr"efriniTr~irien-struatiolU, i ' c , witnajl 1 h I* i r arrompoivioi: evils, (cancer evcept-

::o.| uu ion ii.r n,MI M^t-ruorif how long standing. •The.„C,ithol'icon far surpasses other remedies, in be­

ing certain, ie«s expensive and leaving tliesygt'on in a better contlition. Let nil i'iterest~d call and ob­tain a pamphlet(,-r.ee) coiit.-iningamjde proof,:'rom the most respectablesotu-ee1;. of the henrdieluf re-ollts^pf i[^ me, i-jriethcr with ht ters Irom highly experiencer] pliysirians who have u:-eil it ip their practice, and

sp^ak from their own observations. RKFHRHNII'ISS.—P. IJ. Peckham,-M. D. Utiea. f..

D. Flcmimr, M. I). Hnchester N. Y. M. H. Mills, JI. • I), riooiiopt r. \V. W. Reese, M. D. Kew York.— I). Y. I-'oote, itl. D. Syracuse. Prof, niinbor, W D., llaltiinorcMd. .1. C! Orriok. M, I)." Baltimore. W. PrcscQtt. M. I). Cniifoi-d. N. H. .I.T. NewIand'.M. I). 1'ticn, Kev, C. S. Ileird. Glen.n'S|)riiigs, S. C I'am-phlets tQvbe had j-ritis al the store of

II, hi. MUKHOCK. Agent', Druggie, Ptilnski. al-in Soitl by W. H. As l i Rl'llison. Mexico. U C. I'ot-, 'ti-r. Fulton and bv Drugu'iftM at Phnju.ix. and OsivesoV NOTICE 'l 'O.YHK ll.VKORTUNATE FLMALK.

1 i'eel.ita dnty-inoiunbent upon, rny^elf-1^ decbire publicly the grea,t bliis>ing Ilr-Marchisi's^Utor'no Ca-tliolicon, has proved to tne. For two 3 e;i.rs my Imaltli was miserable; I was almost unable i'i walk. Phy. siei.irts pronounced my ease falling of the womb, ex­tensive ulcerations, commencing vlltn fluor nilius.— Thepiiiit-, irritation, pmstrutkui, and the intolerable foetid discharge rotulered liie nlmosit. t\ bunlen. In

"this miserable condition, Dr, V. P . Nev, land recryn.-meirded Dr. lMarohiei's Uterine Catludicnn, Aftiir takirig four bottles I, find, myself inperfect health,..— Gratitude for my restoration niakps m,e ardentl.^ oe-tire that all my.sex, alike, unfortunate, may find sure relief front this liiestinnbl'e medicine. ELIZABETH A. NEWIiANI), No. 10 tVest stUtica.

The above btatement j know to be trye. • . ' , , IF. p . NF.wj.ANM'i M, D. Utioa.

.1. B. S'nrchisi& Co.,-Proprietors, Central Depot, 304 Broadway, IV- Y.

H. Take Notice.

JI. MURDOCR has. just received direct frdm _ . the importers, a full assortment of Wines nnd

Liquors.for-rtifediclnal and meehadical purposes,which surpasses ^ny ever offered in ->his markfct, among whiclriS' 1 cask pure Port;wlne, 1 3o Maderla Wine, 1 do Sweet

Ja>!. 1 cask nyhe. expressly,for cpmrnjiniori service.*

It Ol'd (HardBrandy, LdoPale Brandy, l d o

T'heex-tratinlbrrcrrinirci^ss-^rf—1+, monic liaiaum i.CFil- Paste, ITus- excited the cupid'ty of some tlislioiu-t aud.irre'ponslblp person* to imitate it. Ask for Dr. Norman's Pulmonic. RaNain of Fir Th'Ste.-nnd take il'iotbor. To avoid deception'cut nut this advertisement and. lake it v\ ith you when yoii go -o p u r c h a s e . , '

None Kcnhine wilhnnrthe. fac simile of the si'^na. fure of E . Norman on the Outside wrapper. Putupin l.tr^-e. Iioi-cs price 25 efiils.'; .

-Lvn.le \'. O^burn. Rochester. K. Y., sole agents for the "United Siau-s t,t;Ncep1 the Kew England State-;,) and the. C.irijidaH, and tonha ra aiiorderwnuist-be~»d-dfesse'd', • . L.

L Y N O E ' S A N ' A L £ P T 1 J I A N C O M P O L T D This i* a stlperior 1 t ide tor beaotifj iiie", strengthen-

intr, HePtoriii^. and Proninfog .the Growth of tlie Hair. Hn'.itinl\ pr. inot.es the. growth of tln}_ Ibtir. but make*, it sMt and jdiable, prevent> its fairing off and liff.mU cffrf''tna! nom-idnnent Uitheroot-s.re.stores It to its naturul i-olor; jircvonls BALIJNP.SS, and from turning p-iiy. and t s so extremely clean, that i ts -ap-| i i i e a l iou i s i t r u a l j d e a s o r e . P a r e n t s wil) lind it n f great advaataie in CI,)JANI(SG' OIHLDRITN'S UA1R, andcausinf aiiri'ti adhesion.

Lyitdtiil' O^b'.irn, Uotdie^ter. N. Y..sole proprietors, and to %\ horn all order-* niiint be ad bested.

AOI-.NTS.—Wi U.aui'iown Mereuulile Assoeiatinn. Wii!Inni«r.o«n; Uai.i.'l Gurley. Pand 'Bhuks; 10. V. Rohlnns. W'ashi-i^toniiii": \\ ttrdwell1 ftitecb. i\; Co.. Manusvilte; II. II. & E. Bto!i-:<»ji. Mexico; f..'L. Ford, Parisbville. II. .M. iVIUKDOt'K, U:ly Drnuui.t, Pulaski. N. Y.

sation iu.tho Ilesh, n.umbneira, tOfitidSty^oF-tJtcfSiW,'', muntal liepressi'dn. weakness i)f thy\Wir,,Mffp'riB$t%!i to (novo, faintness afterbxercise", bfolten •elfeAjstid terrifyiogdreamav innRilitj' to remtttn'lb d'jqe?ai'|ce"'l«r position, weakness of tliepi'ticroa'tivo j?i>ga"(lS,r#&'%>! iiicnmpeteuey,nielaricholy, inonomanlii,-fltipriWtWi sinkiii; ' " - - - l - ' • - 1 . - - .

ions, and all barrenness-MiJitdOHS npt tiruofipd frtite' organio causes buyoml the-roach of rnedioirio. •' ;f

Whenever tho organs to be acted uporl'' artj- free.


viil 1 MOSSES, INVtGqRATlI^ EJ,I?tEk V; 5 . . . ,

ill roplaeb weakness >vtil).,»frengtlviii"eife^ity\«it!-' ' oilicieui-y, iivegtilrcrity with tiiVifarm'lifiit- it4faj,a:,

activity.aifd tins not olilji yv'thout'bazard-'^f-re'ao-tioii. but w i t k a bappy-'eflbet oti tliegeuor^'oVifttfe--ra t ion. ^ s - B e a r in miniTth.^t iil} maia'die*s, vpi}?. '• evel- they .begin, finisluwithUie heftyotls. systeju!, drel that the paValizatioh of themor,ves'oi,imbtibili8§d'R(.ri sation i.s physical deatli. Bear ini roind, lilSo, tji'itrii'.--every kind of uenjons disease thi Ellxer Cordibl'is'fi... only reliable pno^fatuir|kh(jym,' .- -:• MJ^JK;'»*•'• r •

MF.RU AN M K I H C l J I A b Of I,.—prs'Oitt-While hdi-ing fur-suit water.sotlie tinie

>inee,ne;ir Hurkjiville, Ke-,:tiieky, tint \vorkmen em­ployed hai!n„r reiched fl-e deptii of 1, 5 feet, were ast mi--bed Indnd tha t 'ihev luul arrived at n cavity in which the instrument refused.ra-rporiHirni its..ollice Preheat.!)' a'liiptid id' a dark <rreen crtior besnn to ex-uilc from the orifo-e. and on withdrawing the aui;er it r.'nein a;jet, wit)i-ti;c-meaili«4Jt. loreer-to-rtheheiglrr of more tioiu 20 feet. An analysis ol tlie liquid deci­ded it to be a ini^t vol:ui!eoi!,";tti,l possessing pro^ier-tie-s of a hi^Iily ihed'eal iiatioe'.

"' .To 5'hysitriaiis. . Prnfessnpiillilk r. a^Orman plvv^iciiln and cherntst

of-^reat.ability, of!!.ochi"<tr:\ s-:;,s: I do herebv ccrtrrVthat lloo/e analvsod the eele-

li.-.ited Amerirnn Oil. a-td liml that it coi.t.'iitis White Yellow mid Brown JS'aptba, po-,«e.-:^ing rare niodieal properties. It alr,o eoi.tains .Stiiphut-i-t of C.lrbon ore! a Bal-rim of soft Un,-dn. lv''-'jii7C,arlinnat'e of 'Iron, Kali Aluneoii Silicic .Acid. A qihaithm. Carbon-. 1 further stuti: that I know the pri.pertj.es ofthc hitu-ineu- oil* which are found in thUc-'untry. and in Asia Africa. Cc-maui. f r n re and Tntly. and that this A-uierienF- <ii) emlevee-ii rare qua!itn-s which are not f nnd in the tumid',cms oils!',nnd in this otaavy otlfei ci.Miutrie.s. Tcou-i le.r tlie Air.erirdn Oil novel, and de.ervine the attention of the curinus and the scien­tific: ft b , beje-ed ;i vitlUiUifcraodiwits, and of great value to its proprietors. t t

LKWIS (}. MILLER,. M. !>.: \ . Praciicfil and Analvtieal.Clieir'ist'. Re'diesler, K. V.

For the cur'iol' Lijnsr Diiea-es^Liver flohiplaibt-. J'-ui^bs, Uy^pep.hi. Piles, U-hebf: atism, t^titnneeiH Affections, iind all Jnliameeit'-iy fJiseases. anil -IVIOMI used ovfeinallyi neverIniiiol curinir linrns. Wealds, t'-nts iir-niKps^ Spj'-a-m*-,. Cmiee r-^+Tirniwn.-ocrT.- - -Q3' Fiir/ul ' I'livt.ieti'arsuncl di'eeft. n-.sne p.HnphleU.

ITIS.N.'iTI'KK'S OWN KKM|<?T>T. Pr iee , One Hollar per B't t le : -Mx IIottten for Five

Dollar , TL"l"l'l.K& MOSF.S. Auburn, N. Y.. General

Ar/ents I'm JVoiv York. Michigan, nnd Canada West. Fur Sale in Pulaski hy II .IV.', IMurdock. Jones it

AleCorty: in Mexico le/'Rfll.ison &. Brothers; in h'n.n.-dv (Y.-ek b\ I'ohbinss?; .^er^eaul, ami County jMi':*-eb iot s eenerallv'.

4 s-P!MULAn¥''r;;iAT'Kk'i1AJri.s »o KE?Af»tbJfi.' • Its lorce is nover'e!xpiit)d,ed,'as is tibe case With erf©!* alcoholic prepdrations. ajiii all other gioJlaist'i, •' •Tiei effect of these is brief, and it may •vvoll'rij'o's'aitf'.i' hltn wbn takes them, ' the last state' of/tttatinil'n,' in wor«e than tho first.' But the Elt-tir is atf exMliraV t vVitlibittadriivvdiaek—safe in its Qpe>Stio^'ttqr'peui'i>. in its linptiy iiitluonce Upon th^«brY'es,-thbiWin,d,(fi»'J the eritifepfgauizatiori j it frill also reu.idve rjeprils. -ioiin. exoitctnetit, li- tendenW to blUsli, 'sloepjetafki^, dislflre or^ueiety,..iucapaciiry\fiu;"al.^dyjis biiwiuess.''

/ . , t ,os$ O F .MEMUfJT', 7 ' . . . i .'•'; confdsion". giddiness, iwsh'.oi! blli.od,to.the,TH9Bd. tr.e'-oncboly. moQtui) debility,; hysterfe.. 'feretchedm ->• thoughts ot selWostrucfin'n, fear qf insanity,' b a' ehondriasiu, dyspepsia. gWloral'profifiMveion, irrita: '•-ty. nervousness, inability toisJe«>l';dUq'ii's|isincid«i.i ' !i |y. , . . . . „ , . . . . , . , _ romAlos..deojiy;of'tlip,propi[gajift|,rSi'flt?SSmi.ui:u^ uuia, vagirottrrow/.^ajgitii'tioh ^fj tholMrtsJi ev, cobstipbti'on. etc., froni wlfttibVekTbtiS'strtipsinf; i -is. if there is any reli.ijicatd be placed on,|iiju>'aji4«s . timony, absolutely infallible. ' ,, • , . ' ' . ,>»''','" "'

A CHEAT MEDlCtNK'Fbit J E f a t E f J , . . - • . - " ' T h e unparalleled uffepts of this great.restotialfve'/j-:

all comf-laints incident tojeuiales^mark.a naw ef'n-'»f " the annuls of .niedicuin. ,T"ud35ai«fs of ;.stim,ul.e>o':; have been niventod-^-tiiiinsaiids df, 5fi*(^br(lnt8' ner.-rocteil—all purporting to bo'Specifled ill the v(i»ii5i,s, diseases ai.ijl..derangein«i)t8 to wliicbxiiii >1«Hf»f.-frr"< • .• '..... . -puuibtwif \viOTan.^frd^&Iier"iiiiJ)le7. Ths-.CesoIt fcfcS ' heretofore been, uniform. 'These. po6(jhi(n|, huvvir . deed itiipejled amornentoiy.'vivdoky^q the- lieiry^Usi " -systeih, a transient amldeltreive Vigor tpt(iB,rtyu3vj2i,r "' but this Hash ofrisllefhasbeen s'ueeeoded-by a, dicprSt:- ' sion and prostration'greater'tlian before, a u d t t e e p d -ha3.t'oo Often h.eeu.utterlv to piir.tilyzetlto-tecppelatl^c . ixnv.er of thti nerves atit) tlie vital orgajtiiaatiiin, .'ii.vvi hnally to destroy the.-uiiliamiy.patient.. Bu,!>n'f ,'» -

MO.J.tSJi>'!fs.y.i.ttOiiATiN(>F.L-(XIJt',. i.i' ,...",' " ' • -is presented u s a bheiioiuonn- in the materia ;i)iu,xi«!i-' hirherto unjieard of—n stimulant without a reat,^!,^.' -

The herb whiclfcionmr its inaiiri;igr'edient, liassfaif ' Imittan by allthe- gr«at mod-ionl ,'and pliatiituaifiiSi-ad

Encourage Your Own.

TH b snhsei iber- Have tbii 'day entered ipln ei'pnTlnersb'p rnif would trive hulieeto the

citizen* of Pulaski unci vicinity, ihntihe) ' Me now pfe|Wled ill llie 1!KD M I L L lo uo Ml kind* of mil l ing business in Ihe ntoM Miperinr ronnnert Thev liave rw entlv liitfil up and have niuy niut" n t t i t rnneo l K. T 'llttller's Pateid foriable iMilfs, and have at'tiched lo it two new -bolts, and they can assure iliei'r"r-uMoiiieiR ttiai they can make bekler Fjionr proirnee a belter vicld ['torn the sa.m^ qtlanli ty id giaiu, ;ni J ( rind 1,'tslcr llian niiy-olhel mill in-ithi'- "-eeli-in ol the eonrily. They ibtelid

" o k e e r r S l Imrnl at all times, f lot t r nJ-'-a surjerl'o',-juJtlitv.nnd pledge ihcinselve* to sell as cfielrfjjir fheppei iban can \nt bonriiit 'ln 0---weg,o.i...A 11 pet-sot.- ijib'if '-te-l. we would Invite to dall'flnd ex-limine;!he quality ol'iiur work.'nrtd lem'imf-pHet"-, as we iurenri lo nnido all atUletfery.pers'bri' selling F lour in Ibis seel ion -tif the c.on>ty:.' '

YVe shall adhere stricily to the;'lfe'hdy-t*ny sys­tem, end shall make ml extra cliaVglfefoi'losses and bad del is. PORTER- 'fcTOHiN'SON. _Pn jns l t i . M a y j fi. 1B53. ' , " .

, Money S'avfed '$ Etome.""

T I-IF. suhscnHi'r bay ing purchased the storfc Gr i s t Mill in Pl |Iaf<ki, 'and having bad 17

'yfnrs exper icnw in the'-millln? busines-, would give tioliceio the Wlizefi's of Pli'laskl nndvieinr-Iv, lbar he is pot to be undersold ro r ot tdone.in good work . As heli 'ns not a pariner lo divide •piofits w,ilh.,.!lhd asf-licdnes not have to pay 1(1 percent . inl'St'efti fur monev to p t rchaseh ls stork ol g ra in vviJh, l i p v i n c a larsrC sioelt of the best" gual i tv tt'bl.te '"Uehignn wheat on hand, nrftffiU'ri ehaseVl 'Qt_a lojver rtile than thai o l ' n n j " I nei^h, borgi, he caulrsfut-e Ibe piihliq 'hrtt the Sione Mil will be . the p la i .e to iave Ihei rmoney, a s i h e y tvi'l get l'itO'lbs.of FJotir lor a barrel , and .wnrrbntei! ol'i'hs bjsr quality/ "^ilsp, Mciri and Shorts a'ftd iPIonrlcepT consiant l f pi) Iianfl,-if.yv&(;q*.ei|»d.-. fast efn-oigsh Id *sdpfily or-r calh^., A l i o , m wjlf be-an-iiand to do Oustorii OrfrtcHngiu a BlovtjnM, peat"f'tt=t'tiner,nrid warrnnlad ftHi,,*ti fall fhorti 'O

ises. for sislo at (Jic 3i)rugW0& oi! \i*L • , ' T A » ' GL.O'ffe .SEBDre iM^^S 0 ^^ "3ffi$' 1>. W$tWi

-> " ••' ' " : ' • ' \f_\

•fb$>i6,b*eif«i*'hel rf.fte'r piitrfrtgfhf gr,feij¥n«, «Ifew-i-lirtdhcrastrUtlyiWith'. Rt?,nlb/?i" " ' H I K M W ' H -


oiil instilutioiiS of Fkt.-ope to bo in llys respect SKI gfa. eris. ]>r,.Alore, whose name is an uoriispiit'edi0.y.t\b' by in sciences discovered Ihe production in 4,ri}i?|ftv, where his Mteuflnri iva-i exulted by the woild'eiStjif') Iiivigoralliuj e,fr#its it producedtipon tfm nnti.K#j«kr. fact the wonderful power of endurance,, the cSpp'tMV ' less vigor exhibited b j the Arab, of h'otll' sel<3Si..t"fr. tlii-rro^r^^ptr{.frtnragc5", is 'altilbu.tabIu:,to46533jI? ' this vitaiiy.pip b t rb . ^ . ' .-,'N„

An appeal is rtl-iiie ?h * \ , .,'"'',"•'•., Hviriiv ivoiu ' t dp s,ifi$8fe,i!--'*i!<^;'1'' '•"

whosufi'ers Ironi.yonkness, dcr.in^teiaVijtMervousi.- ?/ .tremors, pain-- in the bauk, or ,any O.tlfeuj?.rl'j;sori7 , uheiherprtadicr to her sexf w^ftta^utt'lbdlb'tb' »w

,°?— tocivet!ij l t iyJg: ' i-!lihig^D"ig^^|t^l#-- - -

JBAKUiEi) uisegajsssS*, Ll'i TTr others. Will Ond flfis cor'diid aii!e,Vtb,Sy have used.* bottle or tw.i. n thorough, regohbttitb'rbf the syst' :.-• ' In nil direct'ens are to belmlhdutbe imppy parent! •••> health; offspi iue, WT.O ivotrljr.'fiOtliuy'e been so,bu,t.ft;r this evi rapr linan lire}3{i.\;tvfiujiJ,. And it is equally pft. tcnt P-r the many di>ea?|s j'di Which it is recorhnieuJ ee. 't'hoiisauds of young iiioti uf ve heen rentorxd kv usinj; it, and not in a.single' iestanoe has it :t'aiffiii. w

•benefit them. <1) ,',.. • , ' . , * - • , ' , » '

I'tiisqii's.bt' r'Ai.t; COMI'LESION, ' .,..'.!•£•'"' orcohaiimpl)#li'(ihi'{«kfi!'"fei,h.ied by the use.of e, bat­tle or two,tobi<lAiii-a,nd vigor, chaintingtlie'sifi^-froi-n pale. yBUuti'.aiokiy color, to a lieaqtifql lblfid em.,. plexiou. . ' • " r*" . . . y •

1 ' +o Tire Mi»fi'j'm,ifH. , . . . , , \ ' . i ; . These aresymie of the siul and melanoholb}^j|&it!! >.

firudiioejl bjg early habits . ( voi;th, viz •• .weaUVpas/ F the baMi'&nil hm.ti«, pain HID the bead,diiibios3;iif>iiijj|i.. loss of iniiseular pi.HIT. palpitatioo of tl|trhenrlj,^f} ,•' sppsjfl, iiKrvntis jiTi'r.ihttity, ilerunpemelifjof, tRtsd/mffi.-" ttviS fi'mettolis. teneriil debility, symtoinsofCoillfSi' • tipaj. &.o. . - „ . ' • . . ',..,- i , ^ . V " ' ; Mentally, to? f<nrful effects oh tbo mijid arpa^inpti/o

lie divided* Lose of 1110(111 ry,' cnijfiiuion.'otf"ul"i,u..,. denn.s-,i.,n of spirits, evil fui;ebijdbigr^n'*i5!Se'fi»>wf"i-'-andb'tv self rffttrtiitlovo "f. Rd'iWnh^^piTpljVSfcr iiiesoiieof the evils produced., ,A;ll tjwis aftl'cti.'-}.-

IH.IOIlK CONTKdlPl .A'r iNtl j t U t t f l A O E , V > ,-•

should reflect that, a sound tuidd ahd hoiif rerr/f\'o " ' ibost noee.ssarv requisites to.pi'obplte 00nnubial':li(|p-piness ; indeed. withimttheWi'th-e" journey tlrf*mpri life becomes a weary pilgrimttjte, the OrospeefbiWrriv diirkftiis ilte.viovv; t)i«j. mind heoorVies nhmlaiviJ •with oespair. and fllleri tlrlif* the tnelh-Hc1iq#''ijJ«ifi«e. • tion t h a t the haippiilessof another be>otijmS8&Mft;t>e with your bwii. ' " - *• ---"-^--''/.;.•« p$te'.$ '• 7 .

, RAJTEN-rs ANB n t M l t b l A W r . ' ? ^ >V>' " Are lift on miajed with respect, to.the eftifa'p'irid t,«i ces of disease* In their sons and wnrVls/'Mffw "Aft i do they asorifio to othor.causfis -oMyaB'ti 'i^oTi** fraroB..ixtiao.y.fjBadnesspa1nitatiOfi.>f tlie'doai't, '}«„• , gesfion, dorangerdent of ttipH(^otis'syt|t.ejii„'coi'4,J' sJunptom« bid ieating ertnsiitiijilll'fihj -iyhW' the t rd t i (> t ea t they have heorr ' immi)Sr|i |ffi«"M r if^ ( ! ,w^of^-alluring pradtico tlestrqoi)iv| |§{p¥rnltid,a^fod i}'' '


|le pasted over tlfe'crfS » ? H i E f i i ^ r w i & w f e »

q. H, Rlurb, r i | 0 W « l e ' ' CAUTfoN EJC'TIU,—Al°o 'observe a . •Ei;5m%hi<iMfe», With the'pr Jflrlttorft vVritten.M^nfltur^oiteie^rifflju. ine boti^o of I)r. l*|orse's Invimlratiitg/eoftbrffeii i\WM

.'^..BT^jite-feit wfiiobtffiorltivffi**'-*" ^ ' i » ! » ^ 6 . ,;m~ Thecordial.i^piiiBp'.'Bifflil.y.ffi'iotoii •plliPbottles. Prlce^Srl.per-hjlt'flfi; t « « . m W

tor |i2ftip. C. H. J l#G,J^^ | feT, (>K « 6 f d % DrogristSfa/inugliwiflire tjii ' | t |

wm mm fciV-S**


m :m>






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