Try Some 1 HE LEOPARD THUULER Liver 11/Geneva NY Daily...

, .. •. t. Try Some Of •nrClri»tm»«rhotot •UM TO FIT you perfectly end artistically. TO BE 8URE! W e make them AFTER Christmas tee* in fast all the year round. Priest a Juttle. Sad Fleer le.Senectgt G^EVA DAILY TIMES. TUFSDAY* DECEMbfiK 30, l«u. —^Ww—m— ii .mi n'hiii i mi » • •'• i " » • ' • •• n in ' Pure ^je^sy^ee^e^r^S) ^FW ASs*e^%ev Flour 1 HE LEOPARD THUULER Claimed to Be the King of Beasts. The Experieice «f •• Aihul Tniier-What Is Says •a the Snbj ct •a. Both wer* loose in the cage. They both epraag at tha nana lima. They ton*ht a*d bit eaeb other, but Fnee waa qnicker and Puss wai bat- ter. The cheetah went with the rent. She had a hole* la bar wipdpipe where Pass* teeth weat. and her body waa all torn fin by daws. Pus* wa* al aort beatea to death by u* again, hot aha wtmM aot let go oatll tha •fh| was *vpr. "The leo»MiTd la klnw." I * * • « » af SahMk 10 lbs 30c. Cor. Exchange and mm BaVaBBMBaBBTaTflBaBBMnRBTSBalBalBaBaB Kennedy & Kennedt; FUNERAI DIRECTORS. 453 /lain Street Ne»ba«a{ £»«%» - stance.. Big Sale of Clothing TO ORDER CHEAPER IrlAfN y> ADY-flAUE All Work Done Inside 6UOARHAN & HOLZ, XCHANGB ST. Froaa the Upari islands af myth- ology, the abode of Eolua, tha rale* •t the wiada, aad the scene of hia aaeetinf with Ulyeaea, to the Lipari Island of to-day. is a very far try ladeed. There are no hotels, and the islands are almost unknown to tour- iate. while the 13,000 inhabitants era almost ia a atate of primitive aad patriarchal simplicity. They tender their service* voluntarily as guide* and refuae payment, regarding til visitors as their guests. The don- key ia the only means of locomotion. Hnrnr* sre unknown te the The Northwest Indians as Lewis and Clark Found Them Jo j*» >ndo« Mail. Ohifer A»»le». Ginger apple* are almost aa good at ginger pear*. A recipe that ia well rec- ommended reqnirea two pounds of quartered apples (skins.and core* re- moved, of course), which have lain i> the sun for about ten hours to harden a Ittfle. B61F Fvfo jmunoVofiugar with one aad a half pints of water and one ounce of ginger root, until it makes a rich sirup. Skim out the ginger, put in the apple* and cook gently until trans- parent. Skim the fruit into cans, boil •Perhaps the nee » the kiag at said Sir. Herman Bogec. tha araiaer and authority on wild thing*, ***-e-r-h-e-p-* not. I am not afraid af the lion; 1 rule him eaaibjr. "Be doe* just exactly aa 1 toll htm, grumbling a little sometime*. When ha ia told to ait on his neat lie eita and doca not move. But the leopard —that ia diiferent. He doca aa 1 tell him when 1 am watching him. J Sup- uncha i nod, t wjould TBOt ear* to turn my back to him. Some- times even when my eye ia upon him he makes trouble for me. Watch the dogs; they pay no attention to the Hon, but when the leopard ia un- chained-tAey^aTe-aTwayirwalsshln^-^ watching for him to make trouble." Mr. Boger knows animals well. He has taken them fresh from the jun- gle. It is his fad to make the lions of Africa, the tigera of Bengal, and the shifty polar beara so docile that they will obey his slightest wlrpper. Those animals that have not been taught the lore of the jungle aad have not felt the freedom of the hunt are not interesting to him. He wants only the wild ones that are always long- ing for freedom and always full of their native ferocity with all nthara-L^ P-'lt JlltO_a but bim. That* why he loves Pua» i ,t -~ Bo8toB Burfger. best of all. She is the leopard. When, she en- ters the cage she is always in a bad h u m o r . .--,-.- "T" UCH a* Eva Emery Dye giva* as ia "The Conquest," that story of the Lewie and Clark expedition ra- ce at ly published by A. C. MeOlurg a Co., Chicago, there M nothing of greater Intereat than the inaight into the habits of the northwest Indians. For almost a cen- tnry the line of civilization and settle- meat ha* bee a advancing Into and through the great stretch of territory first explored by Capte. Lewie aad Clark aad their little army of brave men. At almost every stag* of this new development have the white set- tlers met violent opposition from the red men. Through the accounts of the | Indian wart_that- have followed w* h*v* learned much of IadMan savagery and Indian nature, but none of these have carried ua back to the days when the emissariee of the "Great Father" at Washington penetrated the Indian country for the first time, and carried with them a message of peace and good will to the warring tribe*. Ia down the sirup until it will about till them, fill up aad seal at if canned fruit. ^—Detroit Free Press. Malta* Cheese. Mix with nearly half a U'.T^*-- P ° . ? . l ue, A"J^ e - a Pthpr_haa .given | ^ u *a"' T<fus""no£so mucEa novel or a romance, but a narrative carefully compiled from the fragmentary bits of history that 6he has gathered by diligent search, and from these, by permission of the publisher*, we make the follow- mg extracts that touch upon Indian » character and traits as found by the little band of explorers. pound of pounded loaf augar, the juice of three lemons, two tableepoor.fuls of white wine and a quart of cream; beat it with a whisk till quite thick, which may be in half an hour; put a bit of mut-lin into a hair sieve, and pour in the cream. In 12 hours turn it out. and garnish it with flowera. It may "fit tf>i?r Siviiq Htr4*iT* Store." and Stove Hardware^ We bare a complete line of Hcatfagafid Cooking Stove* | and can «ave you money s i every purchase. Seeond-Hand Store* We have a number of good bargains in second-hand cook- ing and heating; stotrea. Pint come, first served* A. HAWKINS, 22 CASTLE Sf. DON'T ~ " F0RGET THV WE HAVE THE BEST FACILITIES FOR CLEANINO CARPETS KW0 CURTAINS WE YEAR 'ROUND BYsgea c*ll, »m4 eeJ/rers prosjpffy ffait •$ hr'liumiry. "She never forget* she- has teeth and claws. Now and then she uses them. Would you like to hear her s t o r y T "The lion is called the king of recasts. I think my Puss can kill any lion. She has not done so yet. Per- haps it is because no one has give* her the chance. She haa killed other FOBBCL03r/aB i-DPRKMK OtitfRT.) ONTARIO COOSTT. / R.(JAkOUNE BLACK •gainst OlORGE H. HUTCHIK80U and others. retreated up the Plana, th* Chsrean* hid In the ee£ar-curtal**t rsra—a* *a tha Black Hill*. "Mere pulaaant than th* *Hx Nation* *f tha Iroquois, th* Blouv Confederacy doml- nat«4 from th* Red BJv*r ef th* North to the Ked River *f Texas. Wilder than the Comanehes they rode, mora cunning la thtft than th* Crows, more bloodthirsty than tha Blacktcet. On ta* red man's tripls pic* (or war-horse*, scalps and wtre*-th* Bleu* were pirate* af th* streams and deapot* *f tha prairie. "With Doiiest aa Interpreter Captain U * i i delivered the usual ap**eh. and pre- sented naxa, medal* ana <hl«(s' dre**. a richly laced coat, cocked hat and red feather. Th* caranonlous Indiana with- drew t* eos*l**r a *mtatrt*aTirwer: "Th* a*xt morning: asaln tha chief* as- sembled solemnly a*ated In a row with •nonnous p**o*-pip** ef red atone and stem* a yard long, all pointing- toward the ..ate intended for J |@raTa^^^EITSl Liver Diseases JAUNDICE Dr.JOSBPMENK'S Gesuiae Dyaaaiksod Wmmber Homeopathic ^M m 9 Preparation %M af Cure* die mt *>* Itror. artwla aad by heavy. daH. kaavUy hasten. " 'Har "Even th* stole Sioux eeuld net refrain from an ejaculation of admiration a* th*r naif rou, pip* In hand, to gaae In aw* and wonder aa th* white r hie fa entered the council. No aach trader* ever cam* up the Missouri, noeuch i-piendld apparatlonn as th* Red Head Chief and his brother, pink ana whit* a* tha ros*s on tha river aoblag- palas. ef eawg/.ateddx IM. buiewi atattaa, a«*a*a, btuar ittaa, aaa*w akbu paUsw •ysbaUa, la ease* with llgbl sstorsd stools aad I ososttpaaoa ass Ma at ta i If tb*mlsfevati I f aver trembls fell*** sa atsaat af 1 grippe us* N a §1 ta altsraattoa TO T SiSa«wa»t 'feael MEDICWI Ca, Oaan City. tag. Captain Z>ewl» habitually wer* hi* sun- ny hair in a queue; to-day it was loosened Into a waving cataract, and Clark, slipping off his eelekln bag. let his red locks tall, a strange and wondrous symbol. No such red and goldt had ever been seen In the In- dian country. With pale berrlea they \ siained their porcupine quills, with nchre painted the buffalo lodge*, with vermil- ion rouged then* faces, but nana like thess growing on th* beads of men! » It was on May 14,1804, that the boats containing the sxpedStton left the win- ter camp on the bank ot the Mississippi opposite the mouth of the Missouri. It was in August that the representa- tives of the Otoes tribe were received in council at Council Bluffs, and of this meeting Miss Dye gives us the follow- " . . /'Ten days later preparations Were madte to meet the Otoes at Council Bluffs. On a cottonwood pole the flag-was A great feast was ready, wr.erfaTHr off, Droulilard and Crusatte xtereseen ap- proaching with their friends. "•Bsefra," went the blunderbuss, an«J tha eouncll smoke arose underan awning mad* •f th* malns&Jl of the bateau. Everyman of th* expediUon paraded In his boat uni- form. ^tewhr talked six Clark talked AlTthe chief* expressed satisfaction In th* "Seating themselves with all #u* dignity. Lewis and Clark scarce lifted their eyes from the ground as the Grand Chief W'eu- cha extended his decorated pipe in silence. A full hour elapsed before Weucha, slip- ping his rob* to glv* full play to his arm. arose before them. /''I see before m* my Great Father's two sonif. We very poor. We no powder, ball, knives. Our women and» children at the village no clothes. I wl:-h my brother* would giv* something to tho^e poor peo- pl*. - " 'I went to th* English, they gave me a medal and clothes. 1 went to th* Scanleh. they gave me a medal. Now you give me a medal and eTothes. Still we are poor. I w:*h you would give me something for our eeiuaw*.' 'Then other chiefs spoke. 'Very poor. Have~plty on u*. Send ue trader*. W* wnnt powder and ball.* "Deadly as wer* th* Sioux arrows—one twang of their bowstring could pie re* a burfalo—ye-'i a better weapon has croseed <•»'>'"*'» i' N • « lltiS<O.M> k K A-H*a*r Tsa. •Xpelsure place to live ia. Mr. Wabash—Indeed, it la! Jarst think! We have to pay^for a iiceaat every tim* w« get marriedlr-Y*akeaa Statesman. -Bat- Harr a*v r-*. hxhingtem any aaawered Mis. Cayenaex the idea ^that his viewa are origjaag is exclusively hia owi."-Washme-tea* Star. ***• PUSS AND HRfl MASTER. (L<*op«rd Never Forget* That She T**tk *#.d Claws j Ma* animals. One day when I waa train- ing her ht my quarters aha Jumped at me and my OennajL„hosrhciuadi came to help. What could they do? She seized one by the throat, fa a minute he was dead. She turned to the other, who had been biting her. In miranatice of a Jadgaent of f*r*elfiettre ftnd •ale. rasde and entered m ths «br>ve entitled ac ton, bea'ingd«te the :0th da; of December 19'2, and ent*r-*>d In 'h* Count? < lerk's Offl< e o the County of Ooiarloon the 22' day of Decern ber, 1W1,1, the nnderstgnsi reter** in said judg ment ", wlli a 11 at public auction, at th* front door of the City Botldlnir, in the t lty of Ge-neva. Count/ of Ontario and St«te of New Tor . mi the l :th itay of Junmrr, iW'., at *en e'elo^k In the fo r eoooa ef that day the followlug de*erlbed pfentise*: ' r,i TR*T TB CT oa reseat, OP n u n i!hmt§ la th>? oily of Qineet, Coaoty of Ontario asd •tit* of Nsw'Tork, bonndSd and desciibed as fnllewai «e>asa*B*lwg ** t s * esumwe^t ceffttrt v of Is ds sitnate na th* north at<*e ot Joha rtree-t reeeetiy osuveyed by Hel» n M Ket^ogc tn o-** Kirem« rlee and running thence north along the we*tbr>aodief**ld giMefTlcWB Unfl ninety*ix f*et;th«ne*sv*tBrly along th* no th line of said glmmerle*'! lead more or I*#s*o lands of b. L thence northerly slon* set'1 Bow* 1 * wet lit* Kty feet tn lands ef en* Hleker: theno* westerly aloag *«i 1 Rtnkvy's south Hoe Bfty feet to the Bortbeeat corner ef l«nds of one Seller- aey; thence fontk along said McKerasy* east Ha* aboatonehnsdred and forty-aix fact to the north line of John •»'**». the*"* easterly along th* serth Haeei Job* ate*el Sa*J roar f*n mors or ISM to the pi c* of begincing Be'ng the ssaae pttatlici eonveysd by Rale* M.g«nogg to the said George B. Ho'ohlnsen by deeddated JBIT ff., ISSS. at.d n c . i J e d l a OKV arte Cenatrcierra Office Angus* l, \tm. tn Lib* ISO of deed* at page Sjff. Dated ltd «ar ef December, t*B2. •»•*•«• C*avs*tloeaiJ. Mother—If I were a girl sgaia I wouldn't marry the best man living. Daughter=-I don't inlendJto marry the best man, alive or dead; I'm got aa to uuirry the hridegroom.~(>»rB«l Widow. X Betvecw* Frl****. Edyth-~If you were in my place would .you accept Tom's proposal? M Byrne—Sure. Why, if I had bee* in .your place I would have accepted him last week when be* proposed te me.—Chicago Daily News. I hear that yen are building a [house. I* that right?" Ye*. I eoaldn't build an old y*u knew." <:hic«f«. American. jTh* fxid* J. G. FA*WILL, . Plaintiff's Atiy. » *a*e*ja^fbaer4j|« u a. BoaKiVB\ Beleree Y. so,-.!'- 2*aB>jaal6- 'T^pioi^sorTHSBnATgorBEWYoa*: sv THI OR4CB os Gon rmmn ABB l s n r*w»Kirr: To Robert ?. Bldredge •« admlntst-stor of the estate of Margaret Hal', decessed, with the will 'annexe*!. Snins flotttneTlsnd, M.ttte Terry, ] She was too quick for him. and in a I Mars 'ret Acamb, ftaott MoCnrdy, Fred McCordy, m o m e n t h e r t e e t h were in h i s t h r o a t . ! 'aniei tart Mc, 'urdy, Alle* Cowans, Ella Hoath, I best her with bars—big iron bars [ Matilda Boaner, EI:* M B*rr*< her T Msrgsret —but what did she care? She would , '- >»• "tarn, Fred Fhinips, Rachall Miller, 0 »r* hav* killed othara had they bee» lBCDtt - J * net Matatda,--Ca»*ie»-«*Btrr w,i- i.-_a_ . »„«^ «— *L J|loob S e o | t j, hn aVaa there. She w^ufd have kilied'meha* ""**?«< *«** *»•». TMB LBWIS AND CLAHK 6X*>BBlTION ON TUB U*>**B MISSOUBI ehange of government. They remembered to th*lr Oreat Bather, thel president, and asked for BaedlaUetr^bas tatan irtlorF^ iw*en them and th* Omaha* " 'What I* tH* SAuse of your warf " 'We hav* no horse*,' answered the childlike Oto*s. 'W* borrow their horses. Then they scarp us. W* fear th* Pawnee. also. vary hungry, come to their village when they are hunting, take a lit- ti* corn.' "The captain* could scarcely repree* a nor yet * tear. Theft*? repriealsr midnight burnings and slaughter, this was the retgn Immemorial in this land of an- archy in vain th* jtrtbez might plant— never could they reap. 'We poor Indian,' was the universal lament, "Severely solemn. J>«wls and Clark hung 4oue pries*, th*** problem* changed Ia- The book gives us an insight into the character of different tribes of the Sioux, but, passing these, we come to the fabled Msnrlans- the Maadana whom story telle u* were the de- scendant* of Walsh settlers who came to America ip_,1170*. loug_b*.foraAh* Idaye of Columbus. It wss with trie Mandana that the exploring party lattAt their winter home. On* ineidan* of the winter life is related B« followp: 'Busy every day now -wer* Lewis and Bat a* Orator. "1 hope you never talk buck wheat aatighty boys call you bad Barnes?" "No, nis'aiB. I'm a little tonga*> tied. I alwaya hit 'em with i —Cleveland IMaia Dealer. e*tt* atlerhtt o say .hot for Ssratcaea,Bralaat.Cnl* Waatdg, Coras, Bora Feet aad atia? I luloU, Baaklaa't Arnica galea kt >*^t ia the world. Sam* for BBIBB, -icald*. Bail*. Ulcer*. Skin Eru^lea* tad^HrHtta It oarti or no pay. Oau> -toe at W. H Partridge. drag ttara . , Afc . . ^ _ , *_™^4 C< ark making up th«4rT*port* and draw- m* & a4# o a t h * neck of « e h chief, and gave , R of hB couritry . ahah^ka, Big him a paper wUh greetings from Thoma* \ ^ nit# ^ ^ and fe€lD< , d tn#nv K , with the iron bars. Jt was the tigei I Clwlea^ow, James»eot>, WimtHl Scott wn- next. He waa a big wild tiger, juat [hamBrett, Bd**rd *>oU,Fe*nor R*nd*II,7aaet from Bengal, where he had b e e n ; Pe-it. Marw-ri't r.. Morrlain. Hester Roae, Bobort trapped, lie did not like things as I anstt, Walhw-cott, Horace V.ak. Joha Voak. they were in the caga He would t •how his temper at me. though be ( GENEVA STEAM LAUNDRY '. i. SrfWg, fop, 5!f EKhtteeSf. __ tw. * did not try to jump oa me. He did not. like the other animals. He caused me much trouble because he waa al- ; way* trying to fight. He attacked Paaa la Berlin at the Bunch circus It was la the ring, where all could see. N>. tt MnOoinell. J wet** Voak two children <vf Mar* Baaford, deeeaeed, a niece of *4td deed est, whose m*nn are an known, Goorg* Has in* Jr »"1 O J.fiimnunn R me, sad w> all «th «Wt AFKuiT ffsin de«deBt. twine nln»epr.fR*idd«-cnd,n»oT their repr*»*ntatlv*w whc*en*ir.<i and places of rpatd ac* are «n kuowa, whe are iaterre»ed, •* nredl era, aext t kin, leg it***, oeoth -rwl^e, In ta* estate of Jan {stSBl Reed, laee of the kown of seaoes i* On MnAMOWOMEl. * u ikeewl a # aaia* aJ K Pua* waa watching him. A* ha *•*« G™ 0 *. *• *., deceased, greeting: jumped upon her she fnmrwwi Aside Y ^ « ^ «eA *f TO* ae.s harehy e^osd panm n.n . 1 , . L r ff a i . . ' . . ••. . aiiyto he *M appvsj la mr r^rrogate's Coor% M. th^e P ?«rf « . 1 . ttl J," Nton^SamMBteelaBT Cnnnry of Osttrln his throat, and a* be roa* on his atiU*nrrogate'.eiSjc« la the « t , «f Geneva In hind lege she dug her claws into his **ia —at* ef Oa*art*,e* sheewb day ef J*»s> cheat and clnng like a bulldog We ary. A ft. IBS*, at fen *vi*ek in the forenoon aaad the bars again, but she paid ae then *'d tn«r*tr» .H*frt teejadletal *sstlcweut attentlow to them. She would not let go. .She hung on with teeth and elaww smti! the tiger gnrglsd and fell aver, <\«*A. Then came the polar hear. He was one of the beef we had- ell bat hia ht* Matin. Ha did •ot like to do an he w»* told. Pus* was ready, when th* time came, fori a frrmrret. The hear thonjfht ft Waat so eaay joat to give thh* little on* a mM- aad Rot Pus* went at the throat again of the **e*a*ts*t Manaret B. sferrl—B, as «d a»lf»»stratorw1*h«he win a*awx«4 of the aswMe o*Js*et*3 B Bead, dieaasat. A -d , be shove asm ad «*• a re la «aa«* are aw* by iiasjaai tn than aad there a ow eaa e why a saoriia not he appot-ite* tn ap- taeagaWsata »>BMSTWI at, en tn* applle*. ef the ptaWonev. m Deaths ILIAN BALM amnusTACMt, lars, "arse Jeff are on with the seals of Lewla and Clark fmpreased with r*d wax and attached with a l.luo ribbon. "'WhXTt yotnook *( these, remember your Oreat Father. Teu are his children. H» >>id« Y n " ,fn p *"*" mm 4 wilie p* one another. In "S60 the Otoe Indians ex- hibited at KebrBska C+ty thnsr lde;nt!cal pap*r», borne for more than haif * ctr.tuty hit*, cam* and helped them. Kagoham! of the Mlnnetarw*. came, and with a eo*j on a robe made a sketch of th* Missouri tha; Clark re-drew, "Hut In the midst of the map-making all the Indian ta.k was of -war « . r ~ qr in all their homeless wanderings, between flat piece* of bark and tic£ with buckskin Ihnngs. , "Then glfta were dietribiifVd and ehlvfe* dreasea. With More han&rnaktngft and booming of cannon, the flotltia i<ali«d away that sultry anc.rnoon 100 years ago. The ___^„____ ••^ly Eased at one another. " Theec ar* the peaomaksra.''" A little further on we find this de- scription of the first meeting of the Americana with the terrible fcioux: T am going tn war npnln«t the finsks* 1» the fiprlna»LAald Kagohaml, "'No,' raid Lewi* 'ihal trill dlspt**** the President He wants you to live In ' 'Suffer me to go to war against th* Blr.ux,' begged another chiel ^*Ko7 answered LCWJL Thee* wars ar* the cause of ail your troubles. If you do not slop ]t the t3reat Father will withdraw hi? protection from you. I at her and bit her, bat at* ta aha had killed him "Ah? hot the cheetah -that waa tfwt; ltvely." and the trainer* eye Ht wa w i t h tBdnimriBBBt. Tsf Cheetah, too. Wpgi JB wmBli aad emitek. And aae, thta - eetah, was aot afraid. Taey aaar- *"*T^7^ while we war* playlrr ia V**w- • • • Ttr.W. I and two. J. D RAl •Ban a* takiaw far relevs Boat wavtlead "•What river 1* thla DorlonT' Captaia Lewis had thrown op«n his Infantry uni- form to catch the rooting gust down a su- rer rift In tha shore, '* Tetlt* Kivlsre de* Blous Oo to D*s Moines country. Pas* tr* u Lake at ta Spirit, full of lstand*. I/ead to Dog Plain. Prairie dn Chlen. four days from te Omaha country. Dee Stonx—' "Dorlen drew bis forefinger geroes hie throat and lepeees into sltenra. They were htg peopl*. he would net traduce th*m Rut his lleteeers underslood—the Bicui wer* 'cnt-throala' this was their name among the trtbes, "The ssyaaeu tfetxatad. Be* DtanxT I* Btocx Rsuvag<. he keel de voyageur *n t e a ! dHr hair!' "Ths Klnux. the terrible 81*ux. were ring Indians, ever on th* BBOVP raiding hack and torth. reetle** and onsleeplng Almost to Athabasca 1 hair traveisee kMked *p the j - •erninur duet, their Bog trains dragged ITMI th* plain* of Manitoba On the fla« •••chesra* they piteh»d their leather tents . nd chased th* buffalo, around lake Win- "Ire* 'hey sealpetf the Chippewa* 1 At i*> •wH* of Bt AfKheny they spread the?r neh- !ng nets, and at Niagara Fan* the old I French Jesuit* found thsin. "NOW »hay wer* stealing horsee. far h'<rsee, down the Mississippi ihey murdered th* Tilinois For horse*, tha Mandaa oa the tparr Mlssearl beard aad trembled. Th* Blows! the shewir Ths Pooea Baled :* hH amd hot on th* mebrar*. I^ok on the: many nauons whom war hair denroyed.' contlnuesd I^wis. Think of your poverty andJ miKortune*. If you wish te be happy, cuStlvste peace and friendship Then you wlli hav* horse*. Then you will, grow strong.' " 'Havd you spoken thus t<i all the tr!b»>*?* inquired Kagohami. " *W* hav*.' ' 'And did they open their ear*? " They did.' v " \ l » av ? Tt h0 «*» eneugh.' reflectad aa«o- narhT. "T wL: no* go to war. I will advise my nation to remain at home until we see whether tre_8nake Indians deslr* pa*re ' "On* night th* hunters cam* in with the report, 'A troop of whenning Bloux have captured our horwes and taken our knives "!t wss midnight, but Lewla immediately routed up th* men and set out with M>vol- 4 Theaeaad Dollar's Worth ef A. H Tnnrnes a wall known •oeratort of Baffalo,*TD,, writes, •* •BT* bteaaf£ieted with kidney aatt •ladder I re a bis for yeara, pesetas; gravel ar atone* with sgeraoiatiag T«fB. 1 got ao rtlirf frefg atedlciata ntil I began taking Folay*t Cidaag tar*, then the result w*g snrprtMag \ few dote* started tha brick east ike fine ••one* and now I h a v e a*> >aln serosa my kirln«ya and I fatl lib* k new aita, U htg dens mt a $1BB earth of geod. W. W. Htvilaad A *—* Send-oa. The foUowing l+^l!Ni^lnisl SfnIJy wa* given to an illiterate serv "Thih is to certify that th* ha* besB in ray eserrice fe>r our yea*, ttyg 11 mr.nthe, Dnrlng that time 1 aoor; temperate, at her work; attca- me, to herself; prr>mpL at excuse*; ^tili^ftis* t/n>urfJ4 L eiii n a imiiauiiiaaty * »»»»•* *S|*"^ (wjfiaijui|4 TifUfjar -- brnVrVftrCas^ ! a it h f ni, to-thc pedleeman; and h nnegt. •vhen everylhdng was* under lock a*r M Ttt'rsite, \«l Seeded, The "Hggregstion" wat abe>ut to start cat it* temr of or.e- ktandg whrn a yrrrmg rnon appear tiBTf nskeri for an rngagementi "V.hat'i. your line?" inquired the m»n»g*r, replied the applicant. "No» m<rde*i." rettuned the tger brusquely. "It's my custom do that act myself on salary day." Chicago Post. Tail* A Dwadiy Attack •af? wife wa* go til that good ahyat Han* were enable to help bar," wrtaaa af. M. Aaasto, of Wiachester, lad.. | "has was maple ft*tv eared ay Dr. unteers ^ n the track "of t"he ggaratd'ia. I fttaa^e B*w Life KU*. »* ThtT work Biott* 1ft v a n Th* hoartfng freehoot»r* I _ , • . - •- - u - ^ A . n s Haw* fteAwKle. had eseapedi with th. horte* beyond n<- 9 v- I w7*«dafB la stoaaoh and Hear tronblt* •»7- I Onr« conetinattoa. sieJt TTs ar* mrry ws did not kill the white BBSWT^WB* IB* WBHTferrT back kart Th^y ar* bad modidn* scalp ja* Aaide from the detailed which the the interesting story of a, achievement, come these teaches of In dim character snrl Inn an traits to | give na an Insight into the red men who eauaed ua great trouble ia the years that folrowed. Doseaa of anch incidents are related, aad ia fact ths whale of tha iaterastlag with that* *rarm** ifttr Mt _ 1 i WW Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

Transcript of Try Some 1 HE LEOPARD THUULER Liver 11/Geneva NY Daily...

Page 1: Try Some 1 HE LEOPARD THUULER Liver 11/Geneva NY Daily Times...t. Try Some Of •nrClri»tm»«rhotot •UM TO FIT you perfectly end artistically.

, ; . . • . t .

Try Some Of •nrClri»tm»«rhotot

• U M TO FIT you perfectly end artistically.

TO BE 8URE! We make them AFTER Christmas tee* in fast all the year round.

Priest a Juttle. Sad Fleer le.Senectgt

G^EVA DAILY TIMES. TUFSDAY* DECEMbfiK 30, l«u. — ^ W w — m — ii .mi n'hiii i mi » • • •'• i " » • ' • •• • n in ' •


je^sy^ee^e r S) ^FW ASs*e^%ev



Claimed to Be the King of Beasts.

The Experieice «f •• Aihul Tniier-What Is Says

•a the Snbj ct

• a . B o t h w e r * loose in the cage . They both e p r a a g at tha n a n a lima. They ton*ht a*d bit eaeb other, but Fnee waa qnicker and Puss w a i bat­ter. T h e c h e e t a h went wi th the rent. She had a hole* l a bar wipdpipe where Pass* t e e t h w e a t . and her body waa al l torn fin b y d a w s . P u s * wa* al a o r t b e a t e a t o death by u* again, ho t aha wtmM a o t let g o oat l l tha • f h | w a s *vpr.

"The leo»MiTd la klnw."

I * * • « » af SahMk

10 lbs 30c.

Cor. Exchange and



Kennedy & Kennedt; FUNERAI DIRECTORS.

453 /lain Street Ne»ba«a{ £»«%» -


Big Sale of Clothing — TO ORDER

CHEAPER IrlAfN y> ADY-flAUE All Work Done Inside


Froaa t h e U p a r i is lands af myth­o logy , t h e a b o d e of Eolua, tha ra le* •t t h e wiada, a a d the scene of hia aaeet inf w i t h Ulyeaea, t o the Lipari Island of to-day. is a very f a r t r y ladeed. There are no hote l s , and the is lands a r e a l m o s t unknown t o tour-iate. whi l e t h e 13,000 inhabitants e r a a lmos t i a a a t a t e of primitive a a d patriarchal s implici ty . T h e y tender their service* voluntari ly a s guide* and refuae payment , regarding t i l visitors a s t h e i r guests . The don­key ia t h e on ly means of locomotion. Hnrnr* s r e u n k n o w n te t h e

The Northwest Indians as Lewis and Clark Found Them Jo j*»

>ndo« Mail.

O h i f e r A»»le». Ginger apple* are a lmost aa good a t

g inger pear*. A recipe t h a t ia wel l rec­ommended reqnirea t w o pounds o f quartered apples ( sk ins .and core* re­moved, of c o u r s e ) , which have lain i> the sun f o r a b o u t ten hours to harden a Ittfle. B61F Fvfo jmunoVof iugar with one aad a half p ints of water and one ounce of g i n g e r root , unt i l i t makes a rich sirup. Sk im out the ginger, put in the apple* and cook gent ly until trans­parent. Skim t h e fruit i n t o cans, boil

•Perhaps t h e n e e » t h e k i a g a t said Sir. Herman Bogec . tha

araiaer and author i ty on wi ld thing*,

***-e-r-h-e-p-* not . I a m n o t afra id a f t h e l ion; 1 rule h im eaaibjr.

" B e doe* jus t exact ly aa 1 toll htm, g r u m b l i n g a l i t t l e somet ime* . W h e n ha ia to ld t o ait on his neat lie eita a n d doca no t move. But t h e leopard — t h a t ia di i ferent. H e doca aa 1 te l l h i m w h e n 1 a m watch ing h im. J Sup-

unchai nod, t wjould TBOt e a r * t o turn m y back t o h im. Some­t i m e s even when my e y e ia upon him h e m a k e s trouble for me. W a t c h the d o g s ; they pay no a t t e n t i o n t o the Hon, but w h e n the l e o p a r d ia un­chained- tAey^aTe-aTwayirwalssh ln^-^ w a t c h i n g for him t o m a k e trouble ."

Mr. Boger knows a n i m a l s well . H e h a s t a k e n t hem fresh from the jun­gle . I t is his fad t o m a k e t h e l ions of Africa, t h e t igera of Bengal , and the s h i f t y polar beara s o doci le tha t t h e y wil l obey his s l i g h t e s t w lrpper . T h o s e animals that have not been t a u g h t the lore of the jung le aad have n o t f e l t t h e freedom of t h e h u n t are n o t i n t e r e s t i n g to him. He w a n t s only t h e wi ld ones that are a l w a y s long­i n g f o r freedom and a l w a y s full of the ir nat ive ferocity wi th all n t h a r a - L ^ P-'lt JlltO_a b u t b im. T h a t * w h y h e loves Pua» i , t - ~ B o 8 t o B Burfger. b e s t of all .

She is t h e leopard. When, s h e en­t e r s t h e c a g e she is a l w a y s in a bad h u m o r . .--,-.-


UCH a* Eva Emery Dye giva* as ia "The Conquest ," t h a t s tory of the Lewie and Clark expedit ion ra­ce at ly published by A. C. MeOlurg a Co., Chicago,

there M nothing of grea ter Intereat than the inaight into the habits of the n o r t h w e s t Indians. For a lmos t a cen-tnry the line of civilization and se t t l e -m e a t ha* bee a advancing Into and through the great s tretch of terr i tory first explored by Capte. Lewie aad Clark aad their l i t t le army of brave men. At a lmost every s t a g * of t h i s n e w development have t h e white s e t ­t l ers met violent opposition from the red men. Through the accounts of the

| Indian wart_that - have fol lowed w * h*v* learned much of IadMan savagery and Indian nature, but none of t h e s e have carried ua back to the days w h e n the emissar iee of the "Great Fa ther" a t Washington penetrated the Indian country for the first t ime, and carried wi th them a message of peace a n d good wil l t o the warring tribe*. I a

down the s i r u p until i t wil l about till them, fill u p a a d seal a t if canned fruit.

^—Detroit F r e e Press .

Mal ta* Cheese . Mix with near ly half a

U'.T^*-- P° .? . l u e , A"J^ e - a Pthpr_haa .given | ^ u * a " ' T<fus""no£so mucEa novel or a romance, but a narrative carefully compiled f rom the fragmentary b i t s of h i s tory t h a t 6he has gathered by di l igent search, and from these, by permiss ion of t h e publisher*, we make t h e fol low-m g e x t r a c t s tha t touch upon Indian

» character and trai ts as found by the l i t t l e band of explorers .

pound of pounded loaf augar, the juice of three lemons, t w o tableepoor.fuls of whi te wine and a quart of cream; beat i t with a whisk til l quite thick, which may be in hal f an hour; put a bit of mut-lin in to a hair sieve, and pour in the cream. In 12 hours turn it out. and garnish it with flowera. It may

" f i t tf>i?r Siviiq Htr4*iT* Store."


Stove Hardware^

We bare a complete line of Hcatfagafid Cooking Stove* | and can «ave you money s i every purchase.

Seeond-Hand Store* We have a number of good

bargains in second-hand cook­ing and heating; stotrea. Pint come, first served*


DON'T ~ "



BYsgea c*ll, »m4 eeJ/rers prosjpffy ffait •$ hr'liumiry.

"She never forget* she- has t e e t h and c l a w s . N o w and then s h e u s e s t h e m . Would you like t o hear her s t o r y T

"The l ion i s called t h e k i n g of recasts. I think my Puss can kill any l ion. She h a s not done s o y e t . Per­haps i t i s because n o one h a s g i v e * her t h e chance. She haa killed o t h e r

F O B B C L 0 3 r / a B SAJ.f i i-DPRKMK OtitfRT.)


R.(JAkOUNE BLACK •gainst

OlORGE H. HUTCHIK80U and others.

retreated up the Plana, th* Chsrean* hid In the ee£ar-curtal**t rsra—a* *a tha Black Hill*.

"Mere pulaaant than th* *Hx Nation* *f tha Iroquois, th* Blouv Confederacy doml-nat«4 from th* Red BJv*r ef th* North to the Ked River *f Texas. Wilder than the Comanehes they rode, mora cunning la thtft than th* Crows, more bloodthirsty than tha Blacktcet. On ta* red man's tripls pic* (or war-horse*, scalps and wtre*-th* Bleu* were pirate* af th* streams and deapot* *f tha prairie.

"With Doiiest aa Interpreter Captain U * i i delivered the usual ap**eh. and pre­sented naxa, medal* ana <hl«(s' dre**. a richly laced coat, cocked hat and red feather. Th* caranonlous Indiana with-drew t* eos*l**r a *mtatrt*aTirwer:

"Th* a*xt morning: asaln tha chief* as­sembled solemnly a*ated In a row with •nonnous p**o*-pip** ef red atone and stem* a yard long, all pointing- toward the . .a te intended for J


Liver Diseases JAUNDICE

Dr.JOSBPMENK'S Gesuiae Dyaaaiksod Wmmber

Homeopathic ^M m9 Preparation %M af

Cure* die mt *>* Itror. artwla aad by heavy. daH. kaavUy

hasten. " 'Har "Even th* stole Sioux eeuld net refrain

from an ejaculation of admiration a* th*r naif rou, pip* In hand, to gaae In aw* and wonder aa th* white r hie fa entered the council. No aach trader* ever cam* up the Missouri, noeuch i-piendld apparatlonn as th* Red Head Chief and his brother, pink ana whit* a* tha ros*s on tha river

aoblag- palas.

ef eawg/.ateddx I M . buiewi atattaa, a«*a*a, btuar ittaa, aaa*w akbu paUsw •ysbaUa,

la ease* with llgbl sstorsd stools aad I ososttpaaoa ass Ma at ta i

If tb*mlsfevati I f aver trembls fell*** sa atsaat af 1

grippe us* Na §1 ta altsraattoa


' feael

MEDICWI Ca, Oaan City. tag.

Captain Z>ewl» habitually wer* hi* sun­ny hair in a queue; to-day it was loosened Into a waving cataract, and Clark, slipping off his eelekln bag. let his red locks tall, a strange and wondrous symbol. No such red and goldt had ever been seen In the In­dian country. With pale berrlea they

\ siained their porcupine quills, with nchre painted the buffalo lodge*, with vermil­ion rouged then* faces, but nana like thess growing on th* beads of men! »

I t w a s on May 14,1804, t h a t the b o a t s conta in ing the sxpedStton left the win­ter camp on the bank ot t h e Mississippi oppos i te the mouth of the Missouri. I t w a s in A u g u s t that the representa­t ives of the Otoes tribe were received in council at Council Bluffs, and of th i s m e e t i n g Miss D y e gives us the fol low-

" . . / 'Ten days later preparations Were madte to meet the Otoes at Council Bluffs. On a cottonwood pole the flag-was

A great feast was ready, wr.erfaTHr off, Droulilard and Crusatte xtereseen ap­proaching with their friends.

"•Bsefra," went the blunderbuss, an«J tha eouncll smoke arose underan awning mad* •f th* malns&Jl of the bateau. Everyman of th* expediUon paraded In his boat uni­form. ^ t e w h r talked

six Clark talked AlTthe

chief* expressed satisfaction In th*

"Seating themselves with all #u* dignity. Lewis and Clark scarce lifted their eyes from the ground as the Grand Chief W'eu-cha extended his decorated pipe in silence. A full hour elapsed before Weucha, slip­ping his rob* to glv* full play to his arm. arose before them. / ' ' I see before m* my Great Father's

two sonif. We very poor. We no powder, ball, knives. Our women and» children at the village no clothes. I wl:-h my brother* would giv* something to tho^e poor peo-pl*. -

" 'I went to th* English, they gave me a medal and clothes. 1 went to th* Scanleh. they gave me a medal. Now you give me a medal and eTothes. Still we are poor. I w:*h you would give me something for our eeiuaw*.'

'Then other chiefs spoke. 'Very poor. Have~plty on u*. Send ue trader*. W* wnnt powder and ball.*

"Deadly as wer* th* Sioux arrows—one twang of their bowstring could pie re* a burfalo—ye-'i a better weapon has croseed

< • » ' > ' " * ' » i ' N • « l l t i S < O . M > k K

A-H*a*r Tsa .

•Xpelsure place to live ia. Mr. Wabash—Indeed, it la! Jarst

th ink! We have t o pay^for a i iceaat every t im* w« g e t marriedlr-Y*akeaa S t a t e s m a n .

-Bat - H a r r a*v r-*.

hxhingtem any

aaawered Mis . Cayenaex the idea ^that his viewa are origjaag

is exclusively hia owi ."-Washme-tea* Star. * * * •

PUSS AND HRfl MASTER. (L<*op«rd Never Forget* That She

T**tk *#.d Claws j Ma*

a n i m a l s . One d a y w h e n I waa train­i n g her ht m y quar ters aha Jumped a t m e and my OennajL„hosrhciuadi c a m e t o help . What could t h e y d o ? She se ized one by t h e t hroa t , fa a m i n u t e h e w a s dead. She t u r n e d t o t h e o ther , w h o had been b i t ing her .

In mi ran atice of a Jadgaent of f*r*elfiettre ftnd •ale. rasde and entered m ths «br>ve entitled ac ton, bea'ingd«te the :0th da; of December 19'2, and ent*r-*>d In 'h* Count? < lerk's Offl< e o the County of Ooiarloon the 22' day of Decern ber, 1W1,1, the nnderstgnsi reter** in said judg ment ", wlli a 11 at public auction, at th* front door of the City Botldlnir, in the t lty of Ge-neva. Count/ of Ontario and St«te of New Tor . mi the l :th itay of Junmrr, iW'., at *en e'elo^k In the foreoooa ef that day the followlug de*erlbed pfentise*:

' r,i TR*T TB CT oa reseat, OP n u n i!hmt§ la th>? oily of Qineet, Coaoty of Ontario asd •tit* of Nsw'Tork, bonndSd and desciibed as fnllewai «e>asa*B*lwg ** t s * esumwe^t ceffttrt v

of Is ds sitnate na th* north at<*e ot Joha rtree-t reeeetiy osuveyed by Hel» n M Ket^ogc tn o-** Kirem« rlee and running thence north along the we*tbr>aodief**ld giMefTlcWB Unfl ninety*ix f*et;th«ne*sv*tBrly along th* no th line of said glmmerle*'! lead more or I*#s*o lands of b. L

thence northerly slon* set'1 Bow*1* wet lit* Kty feet tn lands ef en* Hleker: theno* westerly aloag *«i 1 Rtnkvy's south Hoe Bfty feet to the Bortbeeat corner ef l«nds of one Seller-aey; thence fontk along said McKerasy* east Ha* aboatonehnsdred and forty-aix fact to the north line of John •»'**». the*"* easterly along th* serth Haeei Job* ate*el Sa*J • roar f*n mors or ISM to the pi c* of begincing

Be'ng the ssaae pttatlici eonveysd by Rale* M.g«nogg to the said George B. Ho'ohlnsen by deeddated JBIT ff., ISSS. at.d nc.iJed la OKV arte Cenatrcierra Office Angus* l, \tm. tn Lib* ISO of deed* at page Sjff.

Dated ltd «ar ef December, t*B2.

•»•*•«• C*avs* t loea iJ . Mother—If I were a girl sga ia I

wouldn't marry the best man living. Daughter=- I don't inlendJto marry

the best man, alive or dead; I'm got a a to uuirry the hridegroom.~(>»rB«l Widow.

X Betvecw* Frl****. Edyth-~If you were in my place

would .you accept Tom's proposal? M Byrne—Sure. Why, if I had bee*

in .your place I would have accepted him last week when be* proposed t e me.—Chicago Daily News.

I hear t h a t yen are building a [house . I* t h a t r ight?"

Ye*. I eoaldn't build an old y*u knew." <:hic«f«. American.

jTh* f x i d *

J. G. FA*WILL, . Plaintiff's Atiy.

» *a*e*ja^fbaer4j|«

u a. BoaKiVB\


Y. so,-.!'- 2*aB>jaal6-

'T^pioi sorTHSBnATgorBEWYoa*: sv THI OR4CB os Gon rmmn ABB l s n r*w»Kirr: To Robert ?. Bldredge •« admlntst-stor of the estate of Margaret Hal', decessed, with the will

'annexe*!. Snins flotttneTlsnd, M.ttte Terry, ] She w a s t o o quick for h im. and in a I Mars 'ret Acamb, ftaott MoCnrdy, Fred McCordy,

m o m e n t her t e e t h were in h i s t h r o a t . ! 'aniei tart Mc, 'urdy, Alle* Cowans, Ella Hoath, I b e s t her wi th bars—big i ron bars [ Matilda Boaner, EI:* M B*rr*< herT Msrgsret — b u t w h a t did s h e c a r e ? S h e would , '- >»• "tarn, Fred Fhinips, Rachall Miller, 0 »r* h a v * k i l l ed othara had t h e y bee» l B C D t t - J * n e t Matatda,--Ca»*ie»-«*Btrr w,i-

i.-_a_. »„«^ «—*L J | l o o b S e o | t j , h n

aVaa t h e r e . S h e w^ufd have k i l i e d ' m e h a * ""**?«< *«** *»•».


ehange of government. They remembered to th*lr Oreat Bather, t h e l president, and asked for BaedlaUetr^bas tatan i r t l o r F ^ iw*en them and th* Omaha*

" 'What I* tH* SAuse of your warf " 'We hav* no horse*,' answered the

childlike Oto*s. 'W* borrow their horses. Then they scarp us. W* fear th* Pawnee. also. W« vary hungry, come to their village when they are hunting, take a lit-ti* corn.'

"The captain* could scarcely repree* a nor yet * tear. Theft*? repriealsr

midnight burnings and slaughter, this was the retgn Immemorial in this land of an­archy in vain th* jtrtbez might plant— never could they reap. 'We poor Indian,' was the universal lament,

"Severely solemn. J>«wls and Clark hung

4oue pries*, th*** problem* changed Ia-

The book g i v e s us an ins ight into the character of dif ferent tribes of the Sioux, but, p a s s i n g these , w e c o m e t o the fabled Msnrlans- the Maadana whom story telle u* were the de­scendant* of Walsh se t t l ers w h o c a m e t o America ip_,1170*. loug_b*.foraAh*

Idaye of Columbus. It w s s with trie Mandana that the exploring party lattAt their w i n t e r home . On* ineidan* of the winter l ife is re lated B« followp:

'Busy every day now -wer* Lewis and

Bat a* Orator. "1 hope you never talk buck wheat

aat ighty boys call you bad Barnes?" "No, nis'aiB. I'm a l i t t le tonga*>

t ied. I a lwaya hit 'em with i —Cleveland IMaia Dealer.

e * t t * atlerhtt

o say .hot for Ssratcaea,Bralaat.Cnl* Waatdg, Coras, Bora Fee t aad atia?

I l u l o U , Baaklaa ' t Arnica g a l e a kt >* t i a the world. Sam* for B B I B B ,

-icald*. Bail*. Ulcer*. Skin E r u ^ l e a * tad^HrHtta I t o a r t i or n o pay. Oau> -toe at W. H Partr idge . drag ttara

. , Afc . . ^ _ , * _ ™ ^ 4 C< ark making up th«4rT*port* and draw-m*&a4# o a t h * neck of « e h chief, and gave , R of h B c o u r i t r y . ahah^ka, Big him a paper wUh greetings from Thoma* \ ^ n i t # ^ ^ a n d fe€lD<,d t n # n v K ,

w i t h t h e iron bars. J t w a s the t i g e i I Clwlea^ow, James»eot>, WimtHl Scott wn-n e x t . H e waa a big wild t iger , juat [hamBrett, Bd**rd *>oU,Fe*nor R*nd*II,7aaet f rom Bengal , where he had been ; Pe-it. Marw-ri't r.. Morrlain. Hester Roae, Bobort t rapped , l i e did not l ike t h i n g s as I anstt, Walhw-cott, Horace V.ak. Joha Voak. t h e y w e r e in t h e c a g a H e would t • h o w h i s t e m p e r at me. t h o u g h be (


5!f EKhtteeSf. _ _ tw. *

did n o t t ry t o jump o a me . H e did not. l ike the o ther animals . H e caused m e much trouble because he waa al-

; w a y * t r y i n g t o fight. He a t tacked Paaa l a Berl in a t the Bunch c i rcus I t w a s la t h e ring, where all could see .

N>. tt MnOoinell. J wet** Voak two children <vf Mar* Baaford, deeeaeed, a niece of *4td deed est, whose m*nn are an known, Goorg* Has in* Jr »"1 O J.fiimnunn R me, sad w> all «th «Wt AFKuiT ffsin de«deBt. twine nln»epr.fR*idd«-cnd,n»oT their repr*»*ntatlv*w whc*en*ir.<i and places of rpatd ac* are «n kuowa, whe are iaterre»ed, •* nredl era, aext t kin, leg it***, oeoth -rwl e, In ta* estate of Jan

{stSBl Reed, laee of the kown of seaoes i* On


* u i k e e w l a # aaia* a J

K Pua* waa watching him. A* ha *•*« G™0*. *• *., deceased, greeting: jumped upon her she fnmrwwi Aside Y ^ « ^ «eA *f TO* ae.s harehy e osd panm n . n . 1 , . L r . « f f a i . . ' . . ••. . aiiyto he *M appvsj la mr r^rrogate's Coor% M . t h ^ e P ? « r f « . 1 . t t l J ," Nton^SamMBtee laBT Cnnnry of Osttrln his throat , and a* be roa* on his atiU*nrrogate'.eiSjc« la the « t , «f Geneva In hind l ege she dug her c l a w s i n t o h i s **ia —at* ef Oa*art*,e* sheewb day ef J*»s> cheat and c l n n g like a bul ldog We ary. A ft. IBS*, at fen *vi*ek in the forenoon aaad t h e bars again, but s h e paid a e then *'d tn«r*tr» .H*frt teejadletal *sstlcweut at tent low t o them. She would not let g o . .She h u n g on with t ee th a n d elaww smti! the t iger g n r g l s d and fe l l aver, <\«*A. Then came the polar hear. He w a s one o f the beef we had- e l l b a t hia h t * M a t i n . H a did • o t l ike to do an he w » * to ld . P u s * w a s ready, when t h * t ime came, for i a frrmrret. The hear thonjfht f t W a a t s o eaay joa t to give thh* l i t t l e o n * a mM- a a d Rot P u s * w e n t a t the t h r o a t a g a i n

of the **e*a*ts*t Manaret B. sferrl—B, as «d a»lf»»stratorw1*h«he win a*awx«4 of the aswMe o*Js*et*3 B Bead, dieaasat.

A -d , be shove asm ad « * • a re la «aa«* are aw* by iiasjaai tn than aad there a ow eaa e why a

saoriia not he appot-ite* tn ap-taeagaWsata »>BMSTWI at, en tn* applle*.

ef the ptaWonev.


Deaths I L I A N B A L M


lars, "arse

Jeff are on with the seals of Lewla and Clark fmpreased with r*d wax and attached with a l.luo ribbon.

"'WhXTt yotnook *( these, remember your Oreat Father. Teu are his children. H» >>id« Yn" , f n p *"*" mm4 wi l ie p* one another. In "S60 the Otoe Indians ex­hibited at KebrBska C+ty thnsr lde;nt!cal pap*r», borne for more than haif * ctr.tuty

hit*, cam* and helped them. Kagoham! of the Mlnnetarw*. came, and with a eo*j on a robe made a sketch of th* Missouri tha; Clark re-drew, —

"Hut In the midst of the map-making all the Indian ta.k was of -war « . r ~qr

in all their homeless wanderings, between flat piece* of bark and tic£ with buckskin Ihnngs. ,

"Then glfta were dietribiifVd and ehlvfe* dreasea. With More han&rnaktngft and booming of cannon, the flotltia i<ali«d away that sultry anc.rnoon 100 years ago. The _ _ _ ^ „ _ _ _ _

••^ly Eased at one another. • " Theec ar* the peaomaksra.''"

A l i t t le further on we find this de­scription of the first mee t ing of the Americana with t h e terrible fcioux:

T am going tn war npnln«t the finsks* 1» the fiprlna»LAald Kagohaml,

"'No,' raid Lewi* 'ihal trill dlspt**** the President He wants you to live In

' 'Suffer me to go to war against th* Blr.ux,' begged another chiel

^*Ko7 answered LCWJL Thee* wars ar* the cause of ail your troubles. If you do not slop ]t the t3reat Father will withdraw hi? protection from you.

I a t h e r and bi t her, ba t at* t a aha had kil led him

"Ah? hot the cheetah - that waa tfwt; ltvely." and the t r a i n e r * e y e Ht wa w i t h tBdnimriBBBt. T s f Cheetah, t o o . Wpgi JB wmBli a a d emitek. And aae, thta -

e e t a h , w a s a o t afraid. T a e y a a a r - * " * T ^ 7 ^ whi l e w e war* p l a y l r r ia V**w- • • • Ttr .W.

I and two. J. D RAl

•Ban a* takiaw far relevs Boat


"•What river 1* th la DorlonT' Captaia Lewis had thrown op«n his Infantry uni­form to catch the rooting gust down a su­rer rift In tha shore,

'* Tetlt* Kivlsre de* Blous Oo to D*s Moines country. Pas* tr* u Lake at ta Spirit, full of lstand*. I/ead to Dog Plain. Prairie dn Chlen. four days from te Omaha country. Dee Stonx—'

"Dorlen drew bis forefinger geroes hie throat and lepeees into sltenra. They were htg peopl*. he would net traduce th*m Rut his lleteeers underslood—the Bicui wer* 'cnt-throala' this was their name among the trtbes,

"The s syaaeu tfetxatad. Be* DtanxT I* Btocx Rsuvag<. he keel de voyageur *n t e a ! dHr hair!'

"Ths Klnux. the terrible 81*ux. were ring Indians, ever on th* BBOVP raiding hack and torth. reetle** and onsleeplng Almost to Athabasca 1 hair traveisee kMked *p the j -•erninur duet, their Bog trains dragged I T M I th* plain* of Manitoba On the fla« •••chesra* they piteh»d their leather tents . nd chased th* buffalo, around l a k e Win-"Ire* 'hey sealpetf the Chippewa*1 At i*> •wH* of Bt AfKheny they spread the?r neh-!ng nets, and at Niagara Fan* the old

I French Jesuit* found thsin. "NOW »hay wer* stealing horsee. far

h'<rsee, down the Mississippi ihey murdered th* Tilinois For horse*, tha Mandaa oa the tparr Mlssearl beard aad trembled. T h * Blows! the shewir Ths Pooea Baled :* hH amd hot on th* mebrar*.

I^ok on the: many nauons whom war hair denroyed.' contlnuesd I^wis. Think of your poverty andJ miKortune*. If you wish te be happy, cuStlvste peace and friendship Then you wlli hav* horse*. Then you will, grow strong.'

" 'Havd you spoken thus t<i all the tr!b»>*?* inquired Kagohami.

" *W* hav*.' ' 'And did they open their ear*?

" They did.' v " \ l»a v?T t

h 0«*» eneugh.' reflectad aa«o-narhT. "T wL: no* go to war. I will advise my nation to remain at home until we see whether tre_8nake Indians deslr* pa*re '

"On* night th* hunters cam* in with the report, 'A troop of whenning Bloux have captured our horwes and taken our knives

"!t wss midnight, but Lewla immediately routed up th* men and set out with M>vol-

4 T h e a e a a d Dollar's W o r t h e f A. H Tnnrnes a wall known

•oeratort of Baffalo,*TD,, writes , • * •BT* b t e a a f £ i e t e d w i t h kidney aatt •ladder I re a bis for yeara, pesetas;

gravel ar atone* wi th sgeraoiat iag T«fB. 1 g o t a o rt l ir f frefg atedlciata

nt i l I began taking Folay*t C idaag tar*, then the result w*g snrprtMag \ f e w dote* started tha brick e a s t ike fine ••one* and now I have a*> >aln serosa m y kirln«ya and I fatl l ib* k n e w ai ta , U htg dens m t a $1BB e a r t h of geod. W. W. H t v i l a a d

A *—* S e n d - o a . The foUowing l+^l!Ni^lnisl

SfnIJy wa*

given t o an il l iterate serv

"Thih is to certify that th* ha* besB i n ray eserrice fe>r our yea*, ttyg 11 mr.nthe, Dnrlng that time 1

aoor; temperate , at her work; at tca­m e , to herself; prr>mpL at excuse*; ^ t i l i ^ f t i s * t / n > u r f J 4 L ei i i n a i m i i a u i i i a a t y * »»»»•* *S|*"^ (wjf iaijui |4 TifUfjar -- b r n V r V f t r C a s ^

! a it h f ni, to - thc pedleeman; and h nnegt. •vhen everylhdng was* under lock

a*rM Ttt'rsite, \ « l Seeded ,

The "Hggregstion" wat abe>ut to s t a r t cat it* temr of or.e-ktandg whrn a yrrrmg rnon appear tiBTf nskeri f o r an rngagementi

"V.hat'i. your line?" inquired the


replied the applicant. "No» m<rde*i." rettuned the

t g e r brusquely. "It's my custom do that ac t myse l f on salary day." Chicago Post.

Tail* A Dwadiy Attack • a f ? w i f e wa* go til that good ahyat

Han* were enable to help b a r , " wrtaaa af. M. Aaasto, of Wiachester, l ad . .

| "has was m a p l e ft*tv eared ay Dr.

unteers ^ n the track "of t"he ggaratd'ia. I fttaa^e B * w Life K U * . »* ThtT work Biott* 1ft v a n Th* hoartfng freehoot»r* I _ , • . - • - - u - ^ A . n s Haw* fteAwKle. had eseapedi with th. horte* beyond n<-9v- I w7*«dafB la s t o a a o h and Hear t ronbl t* •»7- I Onr« conetinattoa. sieJt

TTs ar* mrry ws did not kill the white BBSWT^WB* IB* WBHTferrT back kart Th^y ar* bad modidn* scalp j a *

Aaide f rom the detai led which the the in teres t ing story of a, achievement, c o m e these t eaches of In d i m character snrl Inn an traits t o

| give na an Insight into the red men w h o eauaed ua g r e a t trouble ia the years that folrowed. Doseaa of anch incidents are related, aad ia fact t h s whale of t h a i a t e r a s t l a g

wi th that*

*rarm** ifttr Mt _

1 i W W

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