Trumpet Call, 6-14-15

8/21/2019 Trumpet Call, 6-14-15 1/4 East Stroudsburg United Methodist Church  The Trumpet Call Pastor s Corner  First, a word from our Vision Team:  The Vision Team needs your prayers. One effective way to pray is through using scripture to guide and focus our requests, which builds our faith, for we can know we are asking according to God's will. Over the coming weeks, the Vision Team will  provide scriptures to help focus our prayers, which will empower the team as it finalizes the direction for our  Sunday  morning worship. We ask that the following verse be the focus of our first week of prayer:  "And He made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ." (Ephesians 1:9)  It is through prayer by the power of the Holy Spirit that the team will be able to discern God's good and perfect will for our church. Prayer is our  power source, so please pray for the Vision Team and our whole church, that God will direct our steps as we seek to serve Him.  Our Vision Team seeks to hear your hearts about our Sunday morning schedule while at the same time discerning the will of God for us. We are offering listening sessions to the congregation (please see the important announcement at the top right of p. 3), and the purpose of the listening sessions is to gain valuable insight about how potential changes in our Sunday morning schedule will impact our current members, non-members, and visitors from our community. These listening sessions are vitally important as the Vision Team seeks to understand both the will of the Lord and the guidance of God s people. We hope and pray you will sign up either on Sunday morning or through our Facebook page, and please know your contributions to the discussion will be highly valued! What a joy it was to welcome eighteen young people into membership in our church last Sunday (please see photo and story at the bottom of p. 3)! It was a great joy to work with them to plan the service, and Scott and I appreciate all the hard work they put into their confirmation experience. Their mentors worked hard, too, to ask them the right questions. We know they will continue to help keep them connected to our church and to growing as disciples of Jesus Christ. This Sunday, June 14, I will preach about stewardship from the scriptural vantage point of God as our generous provider. On June 28, will begin a six week sermon series entitled, Modern Family.We will look at all aspects of family life from a biblical point of view, beginning with how much families have changed in the last generation and the impact this has on church life. I invite each of you to send me questions about family life, or family stories you wouldnt mind me sharing with the congregation. In the meantime, you will be blessed to have Scott as your preacher on Father s Day, June 21. See you on Sunday!  Blessings, Pastor Jim Our Vision:  To challenge and encourage every- one in our congregation to know and follow Christ by:   Growing as disciples through Christs teachings  Connecting with one another in Christian community  Serving Christ by serving others   Praising God as we worship Christ  Sunday Services 8:30 a.m. Traditional 9:45 a.m. Contemporary 11:00 a.m. Traditional East Stroudsburg United  Methodist Church  83 S. Courtland St. East Stroudsburg, PA 18301 (570) 4213280  [email protected]  

Transcript of Trumpet Call, 6-14-15

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East Stroudsburg 

United Methodist Church 

The Trumpet Call

Pastor ’s Corner  

First, a word from our Vision Team: The Vision Team needs your prayers. One effectiveway to pray is through using scripture to guide andfocus our requests, which builds our faith, for wecan know we are asking according to God's will.Over the coming weeks, the Vision Team will

 provide scriptures to help focus our prayers, whichwill empower the team as it finalizes the direction

for our  Sunday  morning worship. We ask that the following verse be thefocus of our first week of prayer: 

"And He made known to us the mystery of his will according to

his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ." (Ephesians 1:9) 

It is through prayer by the power of the Holy Spirit that the team will beable to discern God's good and perfect will for our church. Prayer is our

 power source, so please pray for the Vision Team and our wholechurch, that God will direct our steps as we seek to serve Him. 

Our Vision Team seeks to hear your hearts about our Sunday morningschedule while at the same time discerning the will of God for us. Weare offering listening sessions to the congregation (please see theimportant announcement at the top right of p. 3), and the purpose ofthe listening sessions is to gain valuable insight about how potentialchanges in our Sunday morning schedule will impact our currentmembers, non-members, and visitors from our community. Theselistening sessions are vitally important as the Vision Team seeks tounderstand both the will of the Lord and the guidance of God ’s people.We hope and pray you will sign up either on Sunday morning orthrough our Facebook page, and please know your contributions to thediscussion will be highly valued!

What a joy it was to welcome eighteen young people into membershipin our church last Sunday (please see photo and story at the bottom ofp. 3)! It was a great joy to work with them to plan the service, and Scottand I appreciate all the hard work they put into their confirmationexperience. Their mentors worked hard, too, to ask them the rightquestions. We know they will continue to help keep them connected to

our church and to growing as disciples of Jesus Christ.

This Sunday, June 14, I will preach about stewardship from thescriptural vantage point of God as our generous provider. On June 28, will begin a six week sermon series entitled, “Modern Family.” We willlook at all aspects of family life from a biblical point of view, beginningwith how much families have changed in the last generation and theimpact this has on church life. I invite each of you to send me questionsabout family life, or family stories you wouldn’t mind me sharing withthe congregation. In the meantime, you will be blessed to have Scott asyour preacher on Father ’s Day, June 21. See you on Sunday! 

Blessings, Pastor Jim

Our Vision: 

To challenge and encourage every-one in our congregation to knowand follow Christ by: 

Growing as disciples through

Christ’s teachings 

Connecting with one another inChristian community 

Serving Christ by serving others 

Praising God as we worship Christ  

Sunday Services 

8:30 a.m. Traditional 

9:45 a.m. Contemporary 

11:00 a.m. Traditional 

East Stroudsburg United  

Methodist Church 

83 S. Courtland St. 

East Stroudsburg, PA 18301 

(570) 421- 3280  

[email protected]  

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June 14 Concert, 3:00 p.m. 

You are invited to a very special concertin our Sanctuary today. This is a greatopportunity to bring your friends, neigh-bors, and family members this afternoon.

Our guestsare the Back Family – 

Greg, Carlena, andGregory – in musicaltheater, with our Andy,Joe, Doug, and Paul-ine in light classic,sacred, and otherstyles. Benefit offeringfor Family Promise.

Please support this outreach in prayer and with yourpresence to welcome visitors at the program andreception.

Relay for Life 

Thanks to all of our church volunteerswho supported the American CancerSociety’s Relay for Life this weekend!There were many signed up to walk

and to help in many different areas. 




June 29 – July3 

9:00 a.m. to Noon 

Sign up to be aparticipant orvolunteer by goingto  Donations for snacks, decorations, curriculum and otherodds and ends always make our Vacation Bible School

much more fantastic. Please check the VBS bulletinboard located in Oberholtzer Hall if you are interested indonating to Vacation Bible School. Many of the materianeeded for VBS needed to be bought through the Publiser because of their uniqueness. You can’t buy a befuddin your local store! If you would like to make a monetarydonation to cover the cost of these materials, please droyour monetary donation off in the church office in anenvelope labeled “VBS Monetary Donation” or you canplace it in the offering plate. Bring your other donationseither the church office or drop them off in the bins undethe VBS bulletin board. Please label the items “VBS”.

Email Children’s Ministry Director Pam O’Brien at

[email protected] if you have any questions. 

Summer Block Party Outreach MinistrWe are in need of the following donations: Containers of Ketchup, Mustard,BBQ Sauce & Relish 

Paper Plates & Napkins—Casesof Water and/or Soda. 

Or, sign up to bring a side dishor dessert on a designatedThursday- Contact Scott Kuhnle(610) 368-1240. AND… WENEED YOU! Show up andenjoy the food and fellowshipevery Thursday in June and July from 6:30-8:30 p.m

Stephen Ministry can be awonderful outreach of Christ’slove to ESUMC members and tothe community. James 2 tells us,“Faith by itself, if it is not accom-panied by action, is dead.” We

need to be “doers of the Word,not just hearers.” We can knockon the door of an unchurched per-son and say, “Jesus loves you.”and he or she might listen. If we

meet his or her needs for care during a difficult timeand let that person experience God’s love and for-giveness working through a Stephen Minister, he orshe will listen. For more information about StephenMinistry, contact Peggy Strack, 570-421-3280, ext.1023. 

Beverly Beck continues her rehab at a newlocation. Cards and notes may be sent to her at:


Edgehill Nursing and Rehab Center  146 Edge Hill Road 

Glenside, Pa. 19038  A panoramic view of our first Block Party on June 4

Photo courtesy of Ann Sowers

Outreach Opportunities 

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Positions Available at ESUMC! We are in need of a Facilities Manager toworking 20 hours per week at the churchdoing a variety of repair work, maintenance,supervision of cleaning staff, and ordering ofsupplies. The interested applicant musthave a working understanding of physicalplant operation and management. In addi-

tion to knowledge about operations, the indi-vidual must also be able to lift and carry 50 pounds. Position tostart as soon as possible. 

We are in need of a Weekday Sexton. This is a 21 hour perweek position which will start at the beginning of July.Duties of this position include: 

  Check facilities at beginning and end of shift and stocksupplies as needed. 

  Maintain cleanliness in both buildings. 

  Set up and tear down chairs, tables and equipmentin rooms as requested. 

  Utilize volunteers as needed. 

  Launder Fellowship Hall tablecloths, towels and otheritems weekly or as needed.   Do minor repairs as needed, and alert Maintenance

and Repair Consultant to any larger concernsregarding property or building maintenance.

Finally, we are in need of a Sunday morning Nursery Worker. This person will work each Sunday morning from approximately8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., and occasional special services at oth-er times. Please see Ana Price for more information. 

If interested in any of these positions, please email yourresume to: [email protected]. Detailed jobdescriptions are available on request. 

Don’t Miss Your Chance to Attend aListening Session Regarding Changesto our Sunday Morning Schedule 

Over the next 3 weeks the Vision Team is conducting aseries of listening sessions to hear your ideas andthoughts on Worship at ESUMC. This is your chance to voice anopinion on reshaping worship and strengthening our relationship w

God. Join one of the Mid-Week group sessions or have a One on

One session between services with one of our Vision team membe

Sign-up sheets are in Fellowship Hall or visit the Church Facebooksite and reserve your space. 

Mid-Week Sessions: June 16th  11AM or 6PM 

June 18th 7PM 

June 23rd 10AM or 7PM 

June 26th 3PM 

Can’t make a mid-week session? Grab a 15 minute slot on SundayJune 14 or June 21. 

Your voice is important to us and together we are excited about whour Church is going and what we can do to make this Fall new, excing and fulfilling Worship experience for our congregation and for thcommunity. We invite you to not only share your ideas, thoughts aconcerns but join us throughout June and July in praying for the desion that the Vision team will make. We have convened a discern-ment team chaired by Mike Ragonese and Kurt Visser along with asub set of Vision team members and representatives from each of services to review all the input and make a decision in July. Yourprayers and support will be need in the weeks leading up to that desion and in the time of implementation afterwards.

Here are the members of the Vision team please feel free to reachto any of them with questions or to just share your thoughts at anytime: Richard Mayers, Cathy Saunders, Sandy Olberholtzer, PeggStrack, Homer Lee, Lynn Pappalardo, Jeff Durney, Dave ThompsoLinda Drake, Dana Malefyt, Blanche Jackson , Kurt Visser, BriannaRagonese, and Mike Ragonese. 

The 2015 Confirmation Class, June 7, 2015 

The Confirmation Class posed for a class photo withScott Kuhnle and Pastor Jim immediately following theService of Confirmation on June 7. The youth participain all aspects of both worship services (8:30 and 10:00including music, liturgy, Scripture reading, HolyCommunion, and preaching the Word. Congratulationseach confirmand, and much thanks also to their mento

Sun & Sand: SondaySummer Seekers 

Children in Preschool through 5th gradeare welcome to join us every Sunday dur-ing the summer for this children’s pro-gram. Instruction will take place in a

arge group setting while children seek to find God’s Wondersn the summer season. Pastor Jim will dismiss the childrenfrom the 9:45 a.m. service so they can meet their teachers atthe back of the church. Sonday Summer Seekers is alsoooking for adults to instruct this large group. If you can help

out, please sign up on the sign-up sheets located downstairs

on the table below the television. If you have any questionsregarding Sonday Summer Seekers, please email PamO’Brien at [email protected].

A Note from our Church Bookkeeper  At this time, ESUMC is having our financial accountsreviewed by Riley & Co.  If your group has anaccount that uses the tax ID number of the churchyour account must be included in this review.  Pleasebegin gathering the following information - yourDecember 2013 proof, all deposit records, all receiptsfor all checks written in 2014 to present, your 2014 proof, and allstatements from Dec 2013 to present.  Someone from the financeteam will contact you to set up a meeting for your review.

Thank You, Sue Mertz  

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Staff Contact Information Main Office: 570-421-3280 

Pastor: Jim Todd   [email protected]  1014 

Church Secretary: Maria Ragonese  [email protected]  1010 

Congregational Care: Peggy Strack  [email protected] 1023 

Music & Worship: Andy Waddell [email protected]  1011 

Youth Ministry: Scott Kuhnle [email protected]  1013 

Children’s Ministry: Pam O’Brien  [email protected] 1017 

Technology Support: Michael Corey  [email protected]  1012 

Finances: Sue Mertz  [email protected]  1015 

Financial Secretary: Cyndie Faunce  [email protected]  1025 

Maintenance: Foundations Preschool  [email protected]  1019 

Fellowship Hall Kitchen  1030 

Church (Inside Breezeway)  1031Organist: Pauline Fox  [email protected]  ----

Audio-visuals: Joe Dorsch  [email protected]  ---

Pregnancy Resource CenterBaby Bottle Boomerang 

You can return your baby bottlesto Jill Malefyt or Jenni Poole atthe table in Fellowship Hall onJune 14, 21 or 28. All proceedshelp to support the PregnancyResource Center of the Poconos.

June Dollar Challenger for Pregnancy Resources 

We are looking for lotion,shampoo, bibs, baby wipes,teething rings, etc. Mostitems can be found at Dollar

Tree in the baby aisle.Please help us support thiswonderful organization. 

The Pocono Mission Connexion is holding afund-raising car wash at ESUMC on Saturday,June 27, 9:00 a.m. to Noon. The purpose ofthe car wash is to raise funds for a much need-ed truck at Pocono Plateau. There is no chargeto get your car washed, but donations in any amount will be gladly accept-ed. The participating churches are the following: Analomink UMC, CherryLane UMC, Cherry Valley UMC, East Stroudsburg UMC, Faith UMC, Pop-

ar Valley UMC, Reeders UMC, Stroudsburg UMC, and Wooddale UMC.