Truc nguyen portfolio

PORT FOLIO Truc Nguyen



Transcript of Truc nguyen portfolio

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Truc Nguyen

Arch 281

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Frank Gehry -------------

Sketch (Up) --------------

Detailed Model -----------

Physical Model -----------

Diagrams -----------------

Photoshop ----------------

Work Cited ----------------








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Frank Gehry is one of the well-known

architects in the world today. After

researching about Frank Gehry he did not

start out with designing buildings/homes

he started his career with designing chairs

then found his love in designing buildings.

First he would do a rough sketch, than

transferred the idea into a digital model to

get all of the details. Afterwards he would

make a 3D model to present his idea and

NV�PU[V�ÄUHS�WYVJLZZ�VM�I\PSKPUN�[OL�HJ[\HS�building. While Frank Gehry is very well


Frank Gehry


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Sketch (Up) When trying to recreate the building mass around

the Kunsthaus Bregenz Museum it was interesting to see

how all the buildings around the museum had so much

detail but the museum itself was quite simple but also

beautiful at the same time. When going into this project

it started to become clear that I could not do anything I

wanted to do because the buildings have already been

designed and built so trying to recreate everything with

L]LY`�KL[HPS�HUK�ÄUKPUN�[OL�YPNO[�ZJHSL�VM�[OL�I\PSKPUNZ�was a challenge. After slowing down I started to design

[OL�ZOHWL�VM�[OL�I\PSKPUN�P[ZLSM�ÄYZ[�HUK�^VYRLK�T`�way up from there.


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Detailed Model While Kunsthaus Bregenz Museum is

so simple the way everything works in the

building is fascinating. When designing

the building itself digitally was not hard

but making sure everything was correct

without having a lot of information was a

challenge. Even though people look at this

building saying it is just a simple square

there are so much going in-between that

I did not even see or understood until

recreating it and appreciating it more.


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Physical Model When you look at the things that goes

on in between the museum. You see how

the building is supported. You would be

enlightened at the thought of details that

goes into the ceiling and lighting functions

of the building that looks so simple.

After going into the process of physically

I\PSKPUN�[OL�TVKLS�P[�ILJVTL�KPѝJ\S[�with getting the dimensions correct and

perfectly changing the dimensions to the

right scale of the model.


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����;OL�ÅVVYZ�HUK�^HSSZ�VM�LHJO�ÅVVY�PU�[OL�2\UZ[OH\Z�)YLNLUa�Museum is a thick slab of

concrete; which is confusing with

[OL�HPYÅV^�MVY�LHJO�ÅVVY��>OLU�looking into the aspect of how

[OL�HPY�NL[Z�ÄS[LY�PU�HUK�V\[�VM�[OL�building was a question most

people asked. Getting the little

KL[HPSZ�VM�L]LY`�PUJO�VM�[OL�ÅVVY�indicated that there were slits in

[OL�ÅVVY�MVY�[OL�HPY�[V�IL�ÄS[LYLK�PU�HUK�V\[�VM�LHJO�ÅVVY�I\[�^OH[�the slits look like itself is the

challenging part.


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Kunsthaus Bregenz Museum is

as simple as it gets with the design

of the building but the building is

always using natural lighting. After

looking into the lighting process of

the building they rely on the sunlight

to brighten up the museum but with

having the natural lighting it gives

a compliment to the art work that

are on display. The natural lighting

gives a warm feeling of being warm

and safe while enjoying what the



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Before doing the sketches of the Kunsthaus

Bregenz Museum making it look alive and realistic

was interesting. After going into Photoshop

and adding in the sky it was a very interesting

experience because even though I knew that the

sky and the building would not exactly look like

the picture it gave me the inspiration to be okay

with it and to go out of my box and have fun with

it. Everything that I did was all put together in

that one picture with learning how to make it look

realistic and pleasant to just the simplest thing of

myself hand sketching it.



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Work CitedLoud, Patricia Cummings and Louis I. Kahn. The Art Museums of Louis I. Kahn.

Duke University Press, 1989

Rybczynski, Witold. “Parametric Design: What’s Gotten Lost Amid the Algorithms.”

Architect. The Journal of American Institute of Architects, 11 July 2013. Web.

31 Aug. 2015.

¸,ѝJPLU[�)\PSKPUN�+LZPNU�c�*HSPMVYUPH�(JHKLT`�VM�:JPLUJLZ�¹�*HSPMVYUPH�(JHKLT`�VM�Sciences. N.p., 2015. Web. 31 Aug. 2015.

Clemence, Paul. “Q&A: Renzo Piano.” Metropolis Magazine. N.p., 31 July 2014.

Web. 31 Aug. 2015.