Tropical Financial Statement Information Session 2013-2014 · Samantha Cieslar What’s new in the...

Tropical Financial Statement Information Session 2013-2014

Transcript of Tropical Financial Statement Information Session 2013-2014 · Samantha Cieslar What’s new in the...

Tropical Financial


Information Session


Welcome & Overview

• Aims of the workshop

• Department/Legislative changes

• Tropical Financial Statements 2013-14

• Accounting Standards Update

• Queensland Audit Office

• State Valuation Service

• Evaluation and Close 3:30pm

Aims of the Workshop • Share knowledge and experience

• Develop understanding of changes in AASBs, legislation & Tropical

• Explore solutions, processes and answers to issues raised.

• Learn about emerging issues from the Queensland Audit Office

Samantha Cieslar

What’s new in the Department

Legislative changes….

Tropical Financial Statements 2013-14

Australian Accounting Standard update

What’s New in the Department

Department of Local Government, Community Recovery and Resilience

Director-General Craig Evans

Legislative Changes….

National Competition Policy

New thresholds

CCC threshold increased

Audit Committees

• All Councils from 1 July 2014

• Requirements for an audit committee


Tropical Illustrative Financial Statements 2013-14

What is Tropical? • Example

• For Queensland councils

• Produced by Department

• Reviewed by QAO

• Not mandatory

• Does not cover every scenario

How should Tropical be used? • Reference guide or input model?

• Remember,

they are

your financial


So what has changed?

AASB Requirements

• Note 1G disclosures updated

- Effect of AASB 13

- Accounting Standards

issued but not yet adopted

• New Note 19 Fair Value

Enhanced disclosure

• Controlled but not consolidated

• Changed formats

• Minor fixes

• Order for annual report

Carbon Pricing

Summary of changes

• Highlighted in Orange

• Note 1

• Note 19

• Controlled but not consolidated

• Minor fixes

Financial statements 2013-14



Australian Accounting Standards Update

Why Comply?

• Local Government Regulation 2012

• Council’s annual general purpose financial statement must comply with:

– Australian Accounting Standards

– Statements of Accounting Concepts

– Interpretations

– Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements

What are Australian Accounting Standards?

• Issued by the Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB)

• Continually updated by issuing amendments or revised and new standards

• Changes have specified application date

Why So Many Changes? • Harmonisation with International Accounting

Standards Board (IASB) + International Financial Reporting Standards Interpretations Committee (IFRSIC)

• Convergence between IASB/IFRSIC & US Financial Accounting Standards Board (US FASB)

• Pressure from G20 post Global Financial Crisis

• Harmonisation between Australia (AASB) & New Zealand (NZ ASB)

2013-14 IMPACTS

2013-14 - Major Changes Standard Change In Tropical


AASB 13 Fair Value Measurement


AASB 1053 Application of Tiers of Australian Accounting Standards

Introduces tiers with reduced disclosure requirements applicable to tier 2. Local Governments are tier 1 (full IFRS still required)

Revised AASB 119 Employee Benefits

Short-term/long-term benefits, defined benefit plans, termination payments





AASB 13 Fair Value Measurement effective from reporting periods beginning on or after

1 January 2013

• New definition

• Measurement guidance

• New disclosures

Fair value - price received to

sell asset, or paid to transfer

liability, in orderly transaction

between market participants

at measurement date (“exit


Valuation Methods

• Market approaches • Income approaches • Cost approaches

MUST maximise use of observable inputs,

minimise use of unobservable inputs

Assume transaction to sell asset/transfer liability occurs in the principal market for asset/liability

where no principal market, use the most advantageous market

Fair Value

Exclude transaction costs

Include necessary transport costs

Non-Financial Assets

Assume highest & best use

by market participant that

is physically possible,

legally permissible

& financially feasible

May differ from current entity use


• Assume remains outstanding

after transfer & market

participant would fulfil


• Fair value of liability to reflect

non-performance risk

Fair Value Hierarchy

Classify inputs

Unadjusted quoted market prices for identical assets/liabilities in active markets

Other inputs directly or indirectly observable in market

Inputs not observable in market

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Fair Value Hierarchy

Categorise valuation

Based on lowest level input significant to entire fair value measurement

• Eg. Estimate of useful life = level 3 input

Valuation Level 2 input

Level 3


Category Level 3


Depends upon

• Measured @ FV vs Disclosed @ FV

• Recurring vs non-recurring

• Categorisation in FV hierarchy

• Must disclose policy for

transfer between levels

BEYOND 2013-14 …

Future changes - remember to …

• Identify & disclose material expected impacts for YOUR Council (AASB 108.30)

• Watch out for new/amended standards/interpretations issued between March 2014 & issue of financial statements

AASB 9 Financial Instruments

Assets after initial recognition – amortised cost or fair value

Consolidation/ Joint arrangements/ Associates

AASB 10 Consolidated Financial Statements

Investor controls investee when investor exposed, or has rights, to variable returns from involvement with investee & has ability to affect those returns through power over investee

AASB 11 Joint Arrangements • “Joint operation” (direct interest in assets/liabilities)

– account for share of assets/liabilities/revenue /expenses in own books according to relevant standards etc

• “Joint venture” (interest in net assets) – equity accounting as per revised AASB 128

• Accounting for both associates & “joint ventures” in revised AASB 128 -only equity accounting

AASB 12 Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities

Contains disclosure requirements:

• Subsidiaries

• Joint arrangements

• Associates

• Unconsolidated structured entities


On the horizon…..

Related Parties

AASB ED 214 Extending Related Party Disclosures to the Not-for-Profit

Public Sector • Councils no longer be exempt from AASB 124 Related Party

Disclosures disclosures concerning:

– key management personnel remuneration – including Councillors, CEOs, Senior Management??

– transactions with other related parties (inc. family members)

• Amendment expected by March 2014 to apply for 2014/15?

Income from transactions of NFP entities

• ED expected by

June 2014

• Will this replace

AASB 1004????

AASB ED 222 Revenue from Contracts with Customers

• Replaces AASB 111 Construction Contracts, AASB 118 Revenue, Interpretation 13 Customer Loyalty Programmes, Interpretation 15 Agreements for the Construction of Real Estate, Interpretation 18 Transfers of Assets from Customers & Interpretation 131 Revenue – Barter Transactions Involving Advertising Services

Where to find accounting standards


• Current year version:


Keeping up to date

• councils responsible for keeping up to date

• time savers

– review accounting firm websites

for quick summaries

– if topic looks relevant, read

“main features” section of

standard first

Useful websites • Australian accounting standards • Departmental bulletins

lg/local-government-bulletins.html • PriceWaterhouse Coopers • Deloitte

• Queensland Treasury (applicable to State Government, not local government)

Department of Local Government, Community Recovery and Resilience

Po Box 15009

City East QLD 4002

Samantha Cieslar

Phone: 3452 6721

Email: [email protected]

