Tropes - Preliminary Layouts

Tropes kristen ashton



Transcript of Tropes - Preliminary Layouts

  • Tropeskristen ashton

  • ethos: ethical/ credibility/ using a celebrity or someone who knows what they're speaking about to create appeal

    pathos: emotional appeal- sympathy/anger/happiness meaningful language/imagery is used to evoke emotion

    logos: (logic) using theoretical language, statistics, and facts

    rhetoric: effective speech/ science of language-- i see this as eloquence

    antithesis: sharp contrast/ opposition between two things to emphasize meaning/message

    hyperbole: exaggeration not meant to be taken literally but used to get a message across

    irony: expressing meaning by using language that typically signifies the opposite, usually humorous, deliberately contrary to the expected and funny as a result

    metaphor: analogy/comparison/ using an example to explain something/ word or phrase is applied to something in which is not literally applicable// comparing something without using like or as

    metonymy: a substitution of the name of an attribute/ ride- car kicks- shoes replaced with the function/action of the thing

    parody: satire/mockery/ funny imitation

    personification: a person representing or embodying a quality, concept or thing

    pun: words that sound alike with different meanings

    synecdoche: figure of speech in which a part is made to represent the whole of vice versa wheels- car threads- clothes
