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Design and Analysis of Low Noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s

Optical Receivers

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

McGill University, Montréal

September 2002

A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research in partial fulfillment of

the requirements for the degree of Master of Engineering

© YeLu, 2002

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High-speed optical systems are becoming increasingly important due to the

progress of multimedia communications, which requires ever increasing data-transmission

capacity. SONET-based systems at 10 Obis are under commercial development, and it is

likely that systems based on higher SONET hierarchies will soon be required for further

broadband communications networks.

This the sis de scribes a low-noise and low-power Si-bipolar transimpedance

pre amplifier for the front-end of an optical-fibre receiver using a 0.5 )..lm 250Hz self­

aligned double poly silicon bipolar process. Design specifications are met through trade­

offs between input noise current, speed, transimpedance gain, power dissipation,

impedanee matching, and supply voltage. This was achieved by 1) using induetors to

enhance the bandwidth, 2) using a tuned noise-matching network at the input to improve

the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), 3) and using frequency compensation techniques to

improve stability and to further enhance the bandwidth of the pre amplifier.

In this thesis, the design of the amplifier is preceded by an analysis of four

different circuit topologies, with focus on three main design parameters: bandwidth, input­

referred noise, and power dissipation. This is followed by a discussion of the specifie

bipolar transimpedance amplifier (TIA) designed and fabricated, and the integration of an

optoelectronic device model with the pre amplifier for the purpose of testing. Design,

simulation, layout and test data of the preamplifier are presented in detail. The

performance of the TIA is finally discussed based on measurements.


Les systèmes optiques à haute vitesse deviennent de plus en plus

importants à cause de l'évolution des communications multimédias, qui requièrent

une capacité de transmission de données aux niveaux de plus en plus élevés. Les

systèmes basés sur la technologie SONET à 10 Gbitls sont déjà en développement

commerical, et c'est une éventualité que les systèmes basés sur la hierarchie

SONET pour transmissions plus élevés seront requises pour les prochaines

générations de réseaux de communications à large bande.

Cette thèse décrit un préamplificateur de transimpedance silicium­

bipolaire à faible bruit et à faible puissance pour l'ensemble frontal d'un recepteur

fibre-optique, qui utilise un processus bipolaire, auto-aligné, de double poly­

silicium. Les spécifications sont réalisées par la substitution entre l'entrée du

courant de bruit, la vitesse, le gain de transimpedance, la dissipation de puissance,

l'équilibrage d'impedance, et l'alimentation de tension. Ceux-ci sont atteints 1)

en utilisant les bobines d'inductions pour amplifier la largeur de bande 2) en

utilisant un réseau, accordé par le réglage de bruit à l'entrée pour améliorer le

rapport signal-sur-bruit (SIB), et 3) en utilisant les techniques de compensation de

fréquences pour améliorer la stabilité et la largeur de bande du préamplificateur.

Dans cette thèse, le dessin de l'amplificateur a été précédé par une analyse

étendue de quatres topologies de circuits différents, en particulier trois paramètres

de conception principaux: la largeur de bande, l'indication de bruit à l'entrée, et


la dissipation de puissance. Ceci est suivi par une discussion de l'amplificateur

transimpedance bipolaire spécifique qui a été conçu et manufacturé, ainsi que

l'intégration du modèle périphérique opto-électronique avec préamplificateur,

pour raison de vérification. Le dessin, la simulation, la topologie, et les données

de vérification du préamplificateur sont présentées, en détail. Les caractéristiques

de l'amplificateur transimpedance bipolaire sont discutés, basée sur ces résultats.



1 would like to express my sincere appreciation to the many people who have made

my graduate studies possible and who have made it such a rewarding experience. First, 1

would like to thank my supervisor, Prof. Mourad El-Gamal, for his guidance and

encouragement throughout my study at McGill. 1 would also like to thank Prof. Gordon

Roberts, Prof. Nick Rumin, Prof. Ishiang Shih, and Prof. Andrew Kirk, and the many

excellent teachers 1 had through the years.

1 would also like to thank my group members and all the folks of the MACS

laboratory, from whom 1 received a lot of valuable technical help, and with whom 1 had

many interesting discussions. Special thanks go to Michael Venditti, Jean-Philippe

Thibodeau, and Charif Beainy for their support with bonding and for providing guidance

for my test setups and experiments. A thank you also goes to the Canadian

Microelectronics Corporation (CMC) , which supported this research, and to Nortel

Networks for IC fabrication.

Next, 1 would like to thank my family and friends for their understanding and

support during my years in graduate school. A special acknowledgment goes to my

mother and father, who have always encouraged me to do the best. They have always been

there sharing times of trial and times of joy. Finally, without the support and

encouragement of my parents and my lovely daughter, Jing Yuan, this work would not

have been possible.


Table of Contents

Abstract .......................................................................................................... i

Acknowledgements ........................................................................................ ii

List of Figures ................................................................................................ v

List of Tables ............................................................................................... vii

Chapter 1 - Introduction ............................................................................... 1

Chapter 2 - Optical Communications Systems........................................ 4

2.1 - Introduction ......................................................................................................... 4 2.2 - Optical Communication Links ............................................................................. 5

2.2.1 - The Photodetector. ........................................................................ 6

2.2.2 - Receiver Systems ........................................................................... 7

Chapter 3 - Optical Receiver Front-ends Design Considerations ........... 13

3.1 - Introduction ....................................................................................................... 13 3.2 - Technology ........................................................................................................ 13 3.3 - Review of Optical Receiver Frontends Design ................................................. 15

3.3.1 - The Low Impedance Voltage Amplifier. ...................................... 15

3.3.2 - The High Impedance Amplifier ................................................... 16 3.3.3 -3.3.4 -

Transimpedance Amplifie r .......................................................... 18

The Noise-Matched or Resonant Amplifier ................................. 23

Chapter 4 - TIA Design, Fabrication, and Testing .................................. 2S

4.1 - Introduction .............................. ; ........................................................................ 25 4.2 - Optimization of a Bipolar Transimpedance Preamplifier.. ................................ 26

4.2.1 - Transimpedance Amplifier Topologies ....................................... 26

4.2.2 - Circuit Design Considerations ................................................... 27


4.3 - Transimpedance Preamplifier Design ................................................................ 31 4.4 - Performance Analysis ........................................................................................ 33

4.4.1 - Controlling the Frequency Response .......................................... 33

4.4.2 - Noise Considerations .................................................................. 35

4.5 - Prototype Implementation ................................................................................. 40

4.6 - Experimental Results ......................................................................................... 40

4.6.1 - Test Setup .................................................................................... 41

4.6.2 -

4.6.3 -

Measurements ............................................................................. 43

Results ......................................................................................... 49

Chapter 5 - Conclusion ............................................................................... 53

References .................................................................................................... 54


List of Figures

Figure 2.1 Typical optical data link [24] .......................................................................... 6

Figure 2.2 Block diagram of a typical optical receiver [13] ............................................ 8

Figure 3.1 The low impedance voltage amplifier topology [25] .................................... 16 Figure 3.2 The high impedance topology [25]. .............................................................. 17

Figure 3.3 Transimpedance amplifier topology [25]. ..................................................... 19 Figure 3.4 Noise equivalent circuit for the transimpedance amplifier input stage

[25] ....................................................................................................................... 20 Figure 3.5 Noise matched or resonant topology [25] ..................................................... 23 Figure 4.1 Various topologies (a) Single-stage feedback preamplifier, (b) Common­

emitter preamplifier, (c) Cascode pre amplifier, (d) Common-base preamplifier ............................................................................................................ 27

Figure 4.2 Simulated frequency responses with different TIA topologies, (a) Single­feedback stage amplifier, (b) Common-emitter amplifier, (c) Cascode amplifier ................................................................................................................. 30

Figure 4.3 Hspice simulation of the equivalent input noise current for three different TIA's ..................................................................................................................... 31

Figure 4.4 Transimpedance amplifier circuit schematic, showing the bandwidth enhancing inductor (L2) and the frequency compensation capacitance (Cf) ........................................................................................................................ 32

Figure 4.5 Relationship between circuit parameters and preamplifier characteristics [3] .......................................................................................................................... 32

Figure 4.6 (a) Simulated frequency response with different inductive bandwidth enhancement inductors (L2); and (b) frequency response with different compensation capacitances (Cf) ........................................................................... 34

Figure 4.7 Transimpedance amplifier noise equivalent circuit. .................................................................................................................... 35

Figure 4.8 Circuit for input noise tuning for a reactive source ..................................... 36 Figure 4.9 (a) Hspice simulation of equivalent input noise current for different values

of LI, using the noise-matching network. (b) Corresponding frequency response ................................................................................................................ 38


Figure 4.1O(a) Hspice simulations of input refeITed CUITent noise, and (b) frequency response, for different photodiode capacitances (Cpd) ........................................ 39

Figure 4. IIPhotomicrograph of the transimpedance amplifier ..................................... .40

Figure 4. 12System test setup block diagram ................................................................. .41

Figure 4. 13Photo of the test board and bonding diagram .............................................. .43

Figure 4.14A simple on-chip circuit model of PIN photodiode .................................... .44

Figure 4. 15The measured SU and SI2 ......................................................................... .45

Figure 4. 16The measured S21 and S22 ......................................................................... .46

Figure 4.17 (a) A circuit model and (b) the simulated frequency response with aU associated parasitics and passive components on the PCB board ........................ .48

Figure 4.18The measured and simulated input noise CUITent density ............................ 50


List of Tables

Table 2.1 Summary of photodetector characteristics [24-25] ............................................ 10 Table 2.2 Performances of several Si-bipolar preamplifiers ............................................... 11 Table 2.3 Performances of several SiGe HBT preamplifiers .............................................. 12 Table 2.4 Performances of several HBTs and CMOS preamplifiers .................................. 13 Table 4.1 Performance and comparison to other Si-bipolar preamplifiers ......................... 52


Design and Analysis of Law Noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Qptical Receivers

Chapter 1 - Introduction

High-speed optical systems are becoming increasingly important due to the

progress of multimedia communications, which require ever increasing data-transmission

capacity. SONET-based systems at multiGb/s are under commercial development, and it

is likely that systems based on higher SONET hierarchies and speed will be required for

further broadband communications networks. To meet these demands, optical

transmission hardware operating at several gigabits/second has been introduced to

construct larger-capacity networks. In these systems, there is a strong demand for compact

low-cost receivers. Sorne 10 Gb/s and higher optical link systems have already been

reported [1-5], and most of these are intended for use in long haul systems. The Erbium

doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) is a key component in the se systems, enabling high

sensitivity and wide dynamic range. However, EDFA has the drawback of being relatively

expensive [6].

A typical optical network consists of a transmitter, transmission medium or fiber

cable, and receiver. The transmitter consists of an optical emitter and associated CUITent

drive circuitry, while the receiver includes an optical detector and amplifier circuitry.

In spite of significant advances in GaAs MESFET's [6-8], in high electron

mobility transistors (HEMT) , and heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBT) [9-16]

technologies, silicon bipolar technology remains a promising low-cost and high

performance technology for multiGb/s lightwave communication systems [1-5]. HBT's


Design and Analysis of Low Noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Optical Receivers

possess the additional advantages of low base resistance, low emitter junction capacitance,

high injection efficiency, and high transconductance and device capacity. In addition, they

require only modest opticallithographic design rules to realize these performance gains.

Compared to standard digital CMOS technologies [17-18], the advantages of

bipolar transistors are not only their wider bandwidth, but also the process technology

associated with these transistors, which often provides high quality passive components,

such as high quality inductors. CMOS technologies allow higher degrees of integration,

which can deliver more functional blocks in a given size, resulting in a possible single

chip implementation of high level interfaces for optical communication systems.

The silicon bipolar IC technology is a relatively mature technology with proven

low cost and high performance capability. The improvement in speed of silicon bipolar

transistors has been dramatic in recent years. Several technological innovations have

accounted for the performance improvement: self-aligned polysilicon emitter structures,

deep and shallow trench isolation, epitaxial base deposition, and SiGe alloys in the base

[9]. Nortel's NT25 technology is a 0.5!lm 25 GHz fT (40 GHz fmax) self-aligned double

pol Y silicon bipolar process providing designers of high frequency systems with low cost

access to an ultra high speed technology.

The primary objective of the research in this thesis was to analyze, design, and

build a front-end transimpedance pre amplifier of an optical receiver using a state-of-the­

art bipolar process. A bipolar transimpedance preamplifier has been designed, fabricated,

and tested. The design of this amplifier is preceded by an analysis of four different

topologies, and attempts of optimization of three major design parameters: bandwidth,

input-referred noise, and power dissipation.

Due to material incompatibility between the optoelectronic devices and the

circuitry of the optical receivers, commercially available optical receivers often use hybrid

devices or discrete devices on printed circuit boards. In the se products, the photodetector

and the circuitry are made using separate processes, and are then connected by bon ding

wires. This causes unwanted inductance and capacitance parasitics between the


Design and Analysis of Low Noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gbls Optical Receivers

photodetector and the circuitry, degrading the system performance. Sorne researchers have

tried to use the same semiconductor material for the photodetector and the circuitry to get

a fully monolithic device [19]. However, this approach is not always desired as special

fabrication processes are often needed, rather than a standard process, resulting in more

expensive devices.

The ultimate goal of this research was to build a bipolar receiver front-end

supporting 1.3,.unl1.5J!m wavelengths. An on-chip circuit modeling the behavior of a PIN

photodiode is used to simplify electrical testing. For a final implementation, a compound

semiconductor photodetector (such as InGaAslInAIAs Metal-Semiconductor-Metal

(MSM), APD and P-i-N [20-21]) would be integrated with the bipolar amplifier. This

integration leads not only to smaller size, but to better performance by reducing the

parasitics between the photodetector and the amplifier.

This thesis consists of 5 chapters. In Chapter 2, optical communications systems

are briefly introduced. Latest technologies and research trends are presented. In Chapter 3,

existing optical receiver design methods are reviewed and analyzed. In Chapter 4, several

transimpedance amplifier topologies are compared, and design trade-offs are introduced.

The optimization procedure followed for realizing a wide bandwidth optical receiver

pre amplifier in a bipolar technology is described. Considering power dissipation,

operating bandwidth, and sensitivity or input-referred noise level, four transimpedance

amplifier configurations are presented: Common-emitter amplifier (CE), Common-base

amplifier (CB), Cascode amplifier (Cascode), and a single-stage amplifier. The chapter

continues with a discussion of a transimpedance amplifier design for a bipolar technology,

and ends with the integration of an optoelectronic device model with the pre amplifier. The

design, simulation, layout and test of the preamplifier are presented in detail. The

performance of the transimpedance pre amplifier is discussed based on experimental


The final chapter of this the sis is devoted to summarizing the results and

contributions of this research. Future research and possible enhancements are presented.


Design and Analysis of Low noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Optical Receivers

Chapter 2- Optical Communications


2.1 - Introduction

The rapid expansion of data and telecommunication services has led to demand for

low-cost systems with operating frequencies in the hundred-mega-Hertz range up to the

giga-Hertz range. Optical communications systems are best suited to provide the se

services for short and long distances. The search for lower cost has spurred a trend

towards monolithic integration of optical and electronic components, referred to as OEICs

(OptoElectronic Integrated Circuits), to achieve improved functionality and performance

with significant cost reduction [22-23]. OEIC receivers are intended for applications in

two main areas: one is the long-distance transmission of optical signaIs in the

1.3J..lm!1.55J..lm band for telecommunications, the other is for use in optical interconnects.

Interconnects may be operated at either the 1. 3 J..lm, 1.55J..lm or O.8J..lm bands. Here, the

ultimate attenuation and dispersion characteristics of the fiber may not be required,

thereby allowing the use of different wavelengths in deference to other system


ln long distance telecommunication applications, the volume of receivers required

is relatively low, and performance requirements are high. Thus, sensitivity, speed, and

reliability are of primary concem. Low-speed telecommunication applications requiring


Design and Analysis of Low noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Optical Receivers

less sensitivity are appearing in the market, as the fiber network penetrates aIl the way into

homes and businesses to provide broad-band services. Even though the primary

application of optical communications is currently in the long-distance fiber-optic

networks area, multimedia applications such as advanced graphies, audio, video

conferences and other uses are driving the adoption of optical data links for short haul

optical communications.

2.2 - Optical Communication Links

Today's low-loss glass fiber optic cable offers almost unlimited bandwidth and

unique advantages over aIl previously developed transmission media. A typical optical

data link, shown in Fig. 2.1, consists of three components: the transmitter, the

transmission medium, and the receiver [24].

The optical transmitter converts an electrical analog or digital signal into a

corresponding optical signal. The source of the optical signal can be either a light emitting

diode, or a solid state laser diode. The most popular wavelengths of operation for optical

transmitters are 850, 1300, or 1550 nanometers.The fiber optic cable consists of one or

more glass fibers, which act as waveguides for the optical signal. A fiber optic cable is

similar to an electrical cable in its construction, but provides special protection for the

optical fiber within. For systems requiring transmission over distances of many

kilometers, or where two or more fiber optic cables must be joined together, an optical

splice is commonly used. The optical receiver converts the optical signal back into a

replica of the original electrical signal. The detector of the optical signal is either a PIN­

type photodiode or an avalanche-type photodiode.

Among the three components of an optical communications system, the receiver is

the most difficult to design. Even though a complete optical receiver consists of several

functional blocks, our focus in this work is on the front-end of the receiver which includes

the photodetector and the low-noise wide bandwidth amplifier.


Design and Analysis of Law noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Optical Receivers

Laser drive circuitry


Optical fiber

Amplifier and Signal :} Processing

Photodetector "/

Figure 2.1 Typical optical data link [24].

2.2.1 - The Photodetector




At the front-end of the optical receiver, the transmitted lightwave from the fiber­

optic cable shines on the photodetector which then con verts the incident light into an

electrical CUITent. There are three main criteria for selecting a photodetector (PD) for an

optical receiver: wavelength, speed, and responsivity [25].

The wavelength determines the technology used for fabricating the photodetector.

O.85J.1m, 1. 3 J.1m, and 1.55J.1m wavelength photodetectors are widely used for optical

communications. Si or GaAs materials are used for the O.85J.1m wavelength, while InGaAs

or InGaAsP compound semiconductor materials are optimal for 1. 3 J.1m, and 1.55 J.1m

wavelength applications. Long wavelengths (1.3J.1m!1.55J.1m) are used for long-distance

telecommunication applications due to the low loss in the optical fiber, while the short


Design and Analysis of Low noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Optical Receivers

wavelength (0.85Jlm) is used for short-distance applications, since GaAs photodetectors

are less complex to build, and result in lower cost.

The speed of the photodetector is mainly determined by either the photodetector

capacitance or the carrier transit time. Depending on the size and structure of the PD, the

photodetector capacitance varies. There are three different types of photodetectors widely

used: avalanche, Metal-Semiconductor-Metal (MSM), and P-i-N PD's. Photodetectors

should have low capacitance, low dark current, and high sensitivity. MSM PD's have the

lowest capacitance among the three at a given size.

Another important characteristic is the responsivity of the photodetector.

Responsivity determines how much current can be generated when a certain amount of

light shines upon the photodetector. Practical photodetector responsivity varies from 0.5

to 1.2 amp/watt, depending on the material and the fabrication method. Selecting a

photodetector with good responsivity is very important for the overall performance of the

receiver circuitry. Table 2.1 presents a summary of the characteristics of sorne popular


Table 2.1 - Summary of different photodetector characteristics [24-25].

Si Si Ge InGaAs InGaAs


Wavelength range 400-1100 400-1100 800-1650 1100- 1100-

(nm) 1700 1700

Responsivity (A/W) 0.4-0.6 - 0.3-3 0.75-0.95 -

Avalanche gain - 20-400 50-200 - 10-40

Dark-current (nA) 1-10 0.1-1 50-500 0.5-2.0 10-50

Rise times (ns) 0.5-1 0.1-2 0.5-0.8 0.05-0.5 0.1-0.5

Bandwidth (GHz) 0.3-0.7 100-400 2-10 1-2 20-250


Design and Analysis of Low noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Optical Receivers

Si Si Ge InGaAs InGaAs


Bias voltage (V) 5 150-400 20-40 5 20-30

Detector 1-5 1-5 1-5 0.2-2 0.2-2


Once a PD converts the incident light into current signal, an amplifier boosts the

small current input from the photodetector and converts it into a voltage output signal.

Therefore, it is known as a transimpedance amplifier. Sorne characteristic requirements

for these ampli fiers are: low noise, wide bandwidth, wide dynamic range, and high gain.

The choice of the design methodology has a large impact on the performance of these


2.2.2 - Receiver Systems

Future multimedia networks will require high-speed communications systems

even for private networks, such as high speed local area networks (LAN's) and wide area

networks (WAN's). Optical transmission systems operating at several Gb/s will be

introduced into such systems in order to achieve large capacity. For such networks,

however, it is necessary to achieve a compact optical terminal with low power

consumption at low cost. To achieve a compact optical terminal, an optical terminal IC

that fully integrates the desired functions is indispensable. The data rate of several Gb/s is

attractive for LAN's and WAN's because of their connectivity to the trunk line systems in

which synchronous optical network (SONET) or synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH)

schemes are used [13].

An optical communications receiver IC which operates in the giga-Hertz range is

typically composed of four subsystems: a pre amplifier, an automatic gain control

amplifier (AGCA), a phase-Iocked loop (PLL), and a demultiplexer (DEMUX). Fig. 2.2

shows a block diagram of a typical optical system. The input current signal from a

photodiode is transformed into a voltage signal by the pre amplifier, which is then


Design and Analysis of Low noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Optical Receivers

amplified to a fixed value by the AGC circuit. The PLL circuit extracts a clock signal from

the input data, and the DEMUX circuit converts the input seriaI data into an N-bit parallel


Fiber Transmitter

1 r-----------------------~


Optical data input 1 1

Data output

Receiver Part 1 PLL

1 1 L _______________________ ~

L ________________________________ _

Figure 2.2 Block diagram of a typical optical receiver [13].

Several issues need to be addressed when implementing optical terminal IC's: 1)

DC coupling between circuits, 2) integration of aIl functions, including c10ck extraction,

on the same die, 3) reduction in crosstalk between the digital circuits and the analog

circuits, and 4) minimizing power consumption. New technologies which help mitigating

these challenges have been proposed, such as the high fT Silicon-Germanium (SiGe) alloy

base transistors with wide-gap emitters [26-27], or with retrograded Ge profile [28-29].

Furthermore, isolation technologies (such as trench isolation) and bond and etchback

silicon-on-insulator (SOI) substrates can reduce parasitic capacitances.

Since the sensitivity of a receiver is dominated by the noise sources in the front

end (the pre amplifier stage), the major emphasis in this thesis has been on the design of a

low-noise preamplifier. The goal is to maximize the receiver sensitivity while maintaining

a suitable bandwidth. Preamplifiers used in optical fiber communications receivers can be

c1assified into three broad categories: 1) the low impedance voltage amplifier, 2) the high

impedance voltage amplifier, and 3) the transimpedance amplifier. These will be

discussed in detail the following chapter. Tables 2.2-2.4 show the CUITent research status


Design and Analysis of Low noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Optical Receivers

of optical receivers using different technologies. Note that compared to the work in [3],

the noise is much lower. But the gain was limited by the fT of 25GHz, compared to 35GH

in [3]. Finally, the voltage supply in [3] was 5/-3.5V, compared to the work presented

here which is operating from a single supply voltage as low as 2.3V, resulting in lower

power consumpation. A main objective of this work was to achieve the lowest noise and

power possible with the highest speed.

Table 2.2 - Performance of several Si-bipolar preamplifiers.

Maximum data rate 10 10 10/12 13 (Gb/s)

-3 dB Bandwidth 10.5 15.5/11.2 7.8 9.8 (GHz)

Transimpedance 60 52/50 57 56 gain (dBOhmic)

Average input noise 12 - 9/10 10.5

( pAI./Hz )

Maximum input 2.5 1 0.9 -CUITent swing (mA)

Maximum output - 0.3 0.5 -voltage swing (V)

Supply voltage (V) 5/-3.5 5 -6.5 -7

Power dissipation - - 143/215 280 (mW)

Capacitance of 150 100 100 100 photodiode (fF)

fT (GHz) 35 45 23 25

Si-bipolar 0.3 0.8 0.4 0.8 Technology (J.Am)

Design in year 1999 [3] 1992 [4] 1996 [2] 1993 [5]

Circuitry TIA+Limit. Dual- Single- Single-

Amp.+Buffer feedback feedback feedback


Design and Analysis of Low noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Optical Receivers

Table 2.3 - Performance of several SiGe HBT preamplifiers.

Maximum data rate 40 20 204 20 (Gb/s)

-3 dB Bandwidth 35 19 - 19 (GHz)

Transimpedance 48.7 58 65 38 gain (dBOhmic)

Average input noise - 12 6 -(pAl JHz)

Maximum input - 0.25 0.26 4 CUITent swing (mA)

Maximum output - 0.2 0.52 004 voltage swing (V)

Supply voltage (V) 8/-5 -6 -5.2 -5.2

Power dissipation 270 - 600 95 (mW)

fT (GHz) 92 60 60 60

Design in year 1998 [11] 1997 [12] 1996 [13] 1994 [9]

Circuitry CommonBase Single- Single- Dual-

TIA feedback feedback feedback


Design and Analysis of Low noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Optical Receivers

Table 2.4 - Performance of several HBTs and CMOS preamplifiers.

Maximum data rate 40 2.517.5 40 2.4 1/0.6 (Gb/s)

-3 dB Bandwidth 40/39 4.4 38.4 5.9/1.9 -(GHz)

Transimpedance 42/48.5 56 41 59 60 gain (dBOhmic)

Average input noise - - 20.5-24.7 9.75 7

( pAl Jifz)

Supply voltage (V) - 3.3 7.0/4.5 2 5/3.3

Power dissipation - - 300 104 100/26.5 (mW)

Capacitance of pho- 50/100 - 100 300 800 todiode (fF)

fT (GHz) 147-200 150 105-200 - -

Technology (J..lm) InPlInGa InP AIGaAs/ CMOS CMOS

As InGaAs 0.15J..lm 0.7J..lm

Design in year 1999 [14] 1999 [15] 1998 [16] 1998 [17] 1999 [18]


Design and Analysis of Low noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Optical Receivers

Chapter 3- Optical Receiver Front­

ends Design


3.1 - Introduction

In this chapter, research trends and optical receiver design methods are presented

and analyzed.

3.2 - Technology

One of the major goals when designing an optical receiver frontend is to minimize

the noise it generates while amplifying signal. Noise can be reduced by minimizing base

resistance rB and maximizing fT at very low emitter current, as given by the simplified

expression for the minimum noise figure of a bipolar transistor [30]




Design and Analysis of Low noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Optical Receivers


where le is the De emitter cUITent, aa is the common-base CUITent gain, rB is the base

resistance and V T is 25. 8m V at room temperature.

From the perspective of microwave circuit design, both frequency figures of merit­

fT andfmax are important for the optimization of circuit performance. The fT of a bipolar

device is related to its transit time by the simplified expression

where 'tE' 'tB, 'tesL and 'te are the emitter, base, collector space charge layer, and

collector transitlcharging times respectively, and where eTE is the emitter-base junction

capacitance, eTC is the base-collector junction capacitance, 8m is the transconductance,

WB is the effective base-width, DB is the diffusion constant in the base, k is a grading

coefficient (typically between 1 and 5), rc is the collector resistance, eTs is the substrate

capacitance, Xc is the collector depletion width, and l}lim is the saturated carrier velocity.

The key issues for device scaling at high frequencies are the minimization of the

base width without increasing the base resistance, the optimization of the collector and

emitter doping profiles for minimum resistance and capacitance, and the scaling of the

emitter width for reduced power consumption and improved speed.

The maximum oscillation frequency fmax is related to fT by the simplified



where rB is the base resistance and CCB is the base-collector capacitance. An optimum

design typically hasfTandfmax values within roughly a factor of two of each other over a

broad range of collector-base bias conditions. The improvement of silicon bipolar


Design and Analysis of Low noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Optical Receivers

technologies with respect to higher operating speeds often exhibits compromises in the

form of a reduction in the breakdown voltage. This limit is material related, and

consequently is not amenable to improvements in device design or process technology


3.3 - Review of Optical Receiver Frontends Design

An optical receiver frontend can usually be categorized as one of four basic

topologies: 1) Resistor termination with a low-impedance voltage amplifier, 2) a high

impedance amplifier, 3) a transimpedance amplifier, and 4) a noise-matched or resonant

amplifier [31]. Any one of these configurations can be built using contemporary electronic

devices such as bipolar junction transistors, field-effect transistors, or high electron

mobility transistors. The receiver performance that is achieved will depend on the devices

and design techniques used. The main design objective is usually to maximize the receiver

sensitivity while maintaining a suitable bandwidth. The different amplifiers do achieve

these goals in different ways.

3.3.1 - The Low Impedance Voltage Amplifier

A simple optical receiver front-end is illustrated in Fig. 3.1. It consists of a

photodetector, a load resistor, and a low input-impedance voltage amplifier. A bias or load

resistor Rb is used to provide impedance matching to the amplifier input. The values of the

bias resistor in conjunction with the amplifier input capacitance need to be chosen such

that the preamplifier bandwidth be equal to or greater than the signal bandwidth. Although

low-impedance preamplifiers can operate over a wide frequency range, they do not

provide a high receiver sensitivity, because only a small voltage swing can be developed

across the amplifier input terminaIs. This limits their use to special short distance

applications where high sensitivity is not a major concem [24].


Design and Analysis of Low noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Optical Receivers

Received Light Signal




Figure 3.1 The low impedance voltage amplifier topology [25].

3.3.2 - The High Impedance Amplifier

In the high impedance amplifier topology, the main design goal is to reduce aIl

sources of noise to an absolute minimum. This is accomplished by i) reducing the input

capacitance through the selection of low-capacitance, high-frequency devices, ii) by

selecting a detector with low dark cUITent, iii) and by minimizing the thermal noise

contributed by the input biasing resistor. The thermal noise can be reduced by using a high

impedance amplifier together with a large photodetector bias resistor Rb' Since the input

high impedance produces a large input Re time constant, the front-end bandwidth is

usually lower than the signal bandwidth. Thus, the input signal is integrated, and

equalization techniques must be employed after the amplifier to compensate for this. Fig

3.2 illustrates a typical high impedance amplifier setup.

The equalizer after the amplifier ensures extending the receiver bandwidth to the

desired range. In many cases, the equalizer takes the form of a simple differentiator, or

high-pass filter, which attenuates the low frequency components of the signal and restores

a fIat transfer function to the system. This requirement adds complexity to the receiver

design due to the additional constraint of matching the poles of the amplifier response to

the zeros of the equalizer. Since the total input capacitance depends on the parasitic

capacitances, which is often hard to predict or model, it is very difficult to accurately


Design and Analysis of Low noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Optical Receivers

compensate for the pales of the amplifier. Ta still achieve a fast frequency response, it is

important ta reduce the input capacitance as much as possible through the selection of a

high-speed optoelectronic device with low capacitance.

Received Light Signal



Equalizer Vout

Figure 3.2 The high impedance topology [25].

To avoid using an equalizer, a low value of resistor can be used instead. This leads

ta the low-impedance type amplifier discussed earlier. The latter has a very broad

bandwidth and a good dynamic range at the cast of high noise level.

From Fig. 3.1 and 3.2, the overall gain of the system can be described by


where A( (ù) is the gain of the amplifier, Rb is the bias resistor, and Ct is the total input

capacitance inc1uding the photodiode capacitance (Cpd)' the setup parasitic capacitance

(Cpara)' and the input capacitance (Cin) of the amplifier. Thus

A(w)= (3.6)


Design and Analysis of Low noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Optical Receivers

C - C +C +C. t - pd para zn (3.7)


The transfer function in Eq. (3.5) has two poles. Typically the dominant pole of the

transfer function is the one due to the input capacitance (l/CtRb).

Another drawback of using a large Rb lies in the resulting limited dynamic range.

The loss of dynamic range occurs because the accumulation of charges on the input

capacitance over a number of input pulses results in an input DC offset. The reduction of

dynamic range depends on the amount of integration.

In many cases, the input capacitance is mostly dominated by that of the

photodetector. However, as photodetectors with very low capacitances are developed,

other capacitance sources such as pad capacitances or input transistor capacitances could

become dominant. In either case, the total input capacitance is constrained by the device

selection. Thus, changing the resistor value of Rb is the only option left to change the RC

time constant. To get a wider bandwidth, the value of Rb is forced to be low. However, a

low resistance value would affect the sensitivity of the amplifier due to its higher thermal

noise contribution.

3.3.3 - Transimpedance Amplifier

The transimpedance amplifier topology is discussed next. It is a popular approach

to avoid the dynamic range limitations discussed above. This configuration provides a

compromise between the low- and high-impedance configurations, resulting in a relatively

wide bandwidth, a reasonable dynamic range, and a good noise level. It is designed to take

advantage of negative feedback so that the amplifier bandwidth is extended to the desired

value while reducing the effect of noise.


Design and Analysis of Low noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Optical Receivers

An amplifier architecture that provides a good compromise between the low noise

characteristics of the high impedance topology and the wideband nature of the low

impedance voltage amplifier topology is the transimpedance amplifier shown in Fig. 3.3.

The amplifier utilizes shunt feedback around an inverting amplifier - a technique that is

known to stabilize the amplifier's transimpedance. As with any feedback amplifier, one

must be careful to avoid excessive phase-shifts within the loop formed by the feedback

resistor and the voltage amplifier. In general, at least a 45 degree phase-margin and a 6 dB

gain margin are needed to assure adequate stability.


Received light signal

~ hotodi de


Figure 3.3 Transimpedance amplifier topology [25].

From Fig. 3.3, the overall transimpedance gain for this circuit is


There are two distinct advantages of using a negative feedback circuit. First, in the

limit of a large gain A in Eq. (3.9), the transimpedance gain is set by the value of the

feedback resistor, not by the amplifier gain. This reduces the sensitivity of the front-end to

variations in the amplifier gain. Second, the effective input Re time constant at the input

is reduced by a factor of (A + 1).

The -3dB bandwidth of the TIA is given by


Design and Analysis of Law noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Optical Receivers

_A(w)+l fl-3dB = 2nR in Ct '


where Rin is the total input resistance of the input amplifier. If the bias resistor Rb in the

low/high impedance amplifier topology is of the same order of magnitude of the feedback

resistor, this results in an upper -3 dB frequency for the transimpedance amplifier which is

A times larger than the cutoff frequency of the open-Ioop case. However, the maximum-3

dB bandwidth is limited by A(w) from Eq. (3.10), since A(w) itself is frequency

dependent. Therefore, feedback type ampli fiers may not be a good choice when the

system bandwidth requirement approaches the limits of the circuit technology used.

To estimate the dynamic range and sensitivity of an amplifier, careful noise

analysis is performed [32]. Fig. 3.4 depicts the noise equivalent circuit for a typical

transimpedance amplifier input stage. Is is the signal current generated from the

photodetector, Cpd is the capacitance associated with the photodetector, and Rfrepresents

a feedback resistor.


1 ·2 1 2 l pd ----- Cpdl "* i a

1 1



·2 l f


Noiseless amplifier

Transimpedance amplifier

Figure 3.4 Noise equivalent circuit for the transimpedance amplifier input stage [25].

Noise can come from three components: the noise generator, i2p d is due to the dark

current flowing in the photodetector, ?f is due to the thermal noise associated with the


Design and Analysis of Low noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Optical Receivers

feedback resistor, i2 a and i a characterize the various noise sources in the amplifier,

assuming the amplifier is noise free.

Noise sources associated with subsequent portions of the amplifier are assumed to

be small, and are thus neglected. The spectral density for each noise source is as follows



:2 _ 4kT Af lf- R L.l ,

f (3.12)


"2 ( 1 ) v a = 4kT r b 1 + 2-- 8f , gml


where 8fis the noise bandwidth, rhl is the base resistance of the input transistor, and gml

is its transconductance, q is the electron charge, k is the Boltzman constant, T is the

absolute temperature, lhl and IcJ are the base and collector currents of the input transistor,

and ~ is the transistor current gain. For low noise performance, Rfshould be appropriately

chosen, and rhl should be minimized.

Eq. (3.11) is the noise spectral density caused by the dark current, ldark' in the

photodetector. Eq. (3.12) is due to the thermal noise from either the biasing resistor Rh, or

the feedback resistor, Rf Eq. (3.13) is the shot noise in the base and collector current

caused by carriers random motion in the input transistor. Finally, Eq. (3.14) is the series

noise term due to the base spreading resistance thermal noise and the emitter resistance

thermal noise. The total noise power spectral density at the input node is given by


Design and Analysis of Low noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Optical Receivers


where lin is the admittance at the input node given by


where Ct is the sum of aIl the capacitances connected to the input node. The total output

noise is obtained by integrating the product of the input total noise spectral density by the

power of the system transfer function, over a given noise frequency bandwidth. In

practice, the transfer function has a flat response over the frequency range of interest.

Therefore, the total output noise power would simply be the product of the transfer

function, spectral density, and bandwidth.

The noise of a high-impedance topology would be the same as that of a feedback

amplifier if Rf = Rb' The noise performance of the feedback amplifier is not as good as

that achieved by the high-impedance amplifier because, in practice, the amplifier gain is

finite and the actual transfer function is composed of two or more poles. For a finite open­

loop gain, increasing the feedback resistance in order to reduce the noise tends to make the

pole locations complex and, under sorne conditions, can make the amplifier bec orne


In summary, the benefits of a transimpedance amplifier are as follows: 1) It has a

wide dynamic range compared to the high impedance amplifier. 2) UsuaIly, little or no

equalization is required because the sum of Rin and the feedback resistor Rf is usually

smaIl, which means that the time constant of the detector is also small. 3) The output

resistance is smaIl, so the amplifier is less susceptible to picked up noise, crosstalk,

electromagnetic interference (EMI), etc. 4) The transfer characteristic of the amplifier is

set by the feedback resistor. Therefore, the overall amplifier is very easily controlled. 5)

Although the transimpedance amplifier is in fact less sensitive than the high impedance


Design and Analysis of Low noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Optical Receivers

amplifier, the difference is only in the order of 2-3 dB for most practical wideband designs

[24]. ·2 1 f


... 1/ ·2 ~ 1 a

Noiseless amplifier

Photodiode small signal circuit

Impedance matching network

Transimpedance amplifier

Figure 3.5 Noise matched or resonant topology [25].

3.3.4 - The Noise-Matched or Resonant Amplifier

Noise matching techniques allow us to significantly reduce the influence of the

input capacitance. This is often the preferred approach for designing receivers with multi­

GHz bandwidths; Noise matching makes use of conventional microwave low noise design

techniques, and can be performed using commercially available computer aided

microwave design software. A noise-matched architecture is in sorne sense the most

general case of a receiver topology, including high impedance and transimpedance

amplifiers. The design principles are based on low noise microwave amplifier design

techniques, that can be applied to both resonant narrow-band [34] and broadband receiver

designs. Figure 3.5 shows the equivalent input model of a noise matched or resonant



Design and Analysis of Law noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Optical Receivers

The overall noise performance of an optical receiver is generally a strong function

of the photodetector's impedance. The basic principle behind the noise-matched topology

is the use of an impedance matching network, located between the photodetector and the

first amplifier stage, which con verts the highly capacitive source to an impedance that

results in a better noise match for the input transistor. Such noise-matching networks are

based on the noise figure concept, in conjunction with the broadband matching theory


A limited number of noise-matching network topologies, usually inductive series,

parallel, and T-network types, have been used in optical receiver designs. The choice of a

parallel or series inductance is also influenced by the relative size of the voltage and

current noise sources, and by the ratio of the detector capacitance to the input capacitance.

In general, when the photodetector capacitance is less than or equal to the amplifier's

input capacitance, series tuning is used to advantage. When the detector capacitance is

large it emphasizes the voltage noise, and a parallel inductor is then preferred.

The benefits obtained with noise matching are not without limits. As with any

broadband impedance matching, there are fundamentallimits on the amount of power that

can be transferred without loss from a reactive source, such as a photodiode, to a reactive

load, such as an amplifier. The constraints associated with this give the bounds for lossless

matching using a passive network consisting of inductors, capacitors, and transformers.

Among the different configurations discussed in this chapter, the transimpedance

configuration was chosen and used for the implementation of a bipolar amplifier as

detailed in the following chapter.


Design and Analysis of Low noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Optical Receivers

Chapter 4 - TIA Design, Fabrication,

and Testing

4.1 - Introduction

A low-noise, low power Si-bipolar transimpedance pre amplifier for optical-fibre

receivers is presented in this chapter. Design specifications are met in the form of trade­

offs between input noise cUITent, speed, transimpedance gain, power dissipation,

impedance matching, and supply voltage. This goal was achieved by 1) using integrated

inductors to enhance the bandwidth, 2) using a tuned noise-matching network at the input

to improve the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), 3) and using frequency compensation

techniques to improve stability, and to further enhance the bandwidth of the preamplifier.

In a lightwave system, the receiver, composed of a photodetector and preamplifier,

converts light pulses into usable voltage signaIs. To achieve high quality voltage signaIs,

the preamplifier should have high sensitivity, low noise, and large dynamic range. The

input to the preamplifier is a CUITent obtained from a photodiode that is connected to the

amplifier using a very short bondwire. PIN photodiodes are commonly used, since their

bandwidths are much higher than those of avalanche photodiodes (APD's). The output of

the amplifier usually drives a 50 Ohm transmission line, requiring proper on-chip

termination to reduce reflections. Since the input to the amplifier is in CUITent format, and


Design and Analysis of Low noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Optical Receivers

the output needs to be in voltage format, a transimpedance preamplifier structure is

commonly used.

Several transimpedance amplifier topologies are compared, and design trade-offs

are introduced. The optimization procedure followed to realize a wide-bandwidth optical

receiver pre amplifier in a bipolar technology is described. Considering power dissipation,

operating bandwidth, and sensitivity (or input referred noise level). Four configurations

are discussed: The common-emitter amplifier (CE), the common-base amplifier (CB), the

cascode transimpedance amplifier, and the single-stage amplifier. This is followed by a

discussion of the transimpedance amplifier implemented, and then the integration of an

optoelectronic device model with the pre amplifier prototype. The design, simulation,

layout and test of the preamplifier are presented in detail. The performance of the TIA is

discussed based on measurements.

4.2 - Optimization of a Bipolar Transimpedance Preampl ifier

4.2.1 - Transimpedance Amplifier Topologies

There are four topologies suitable for the design of transimpedance amplifiers. The

first topology is the single stage transimpedance feedback amplifier (Fig.4.1(a». This

circuit is not commonly used with Si bipolar transistors because it results in a very low

bias voltage between the collector and the base, reducing the speed of the transistor. The

second topology is the commonly used common emitter/common collector (CE)

configuration (Fig.4.1(b». It exhibits the lowest input current noise compared to other

topologies. However, it is limited by the Miller capacitance of the input transistor. To

eliminate the Miller capacitance, and extend the bandwidth, a third topology which

inc1udes a cascode device to the input transistor can be used (Fig.4.1(c». However, the

cascode connection adds an extra transistor to the feedback loop, resulting in addition al

poles and poor noise performance. Recently, a fourth topology based on a common-base

structure has been reported [11] (Fig.4.1(d». It was shown to be more robust and stable


Design and Analysis of Low noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Optical Receivers

than the CE topology. The main drawbacks of this structure are both the addition al

elements required, and its higher power consumption.

4.2.2 - Circuit Design Considerations

To decide on the most appropriate topology to use, simulations using SPICE were

performed. AlI the transistor bias currents were the same, and the stages were similarly

loaded so that a fair comparison could be made from simulation. The intent was to

investigate the inherent performance of the different topologies under roughly equal



Vou! \r-f-----f~D




Figure 4.1 Various topologies (a) Single-stage feedback preamplifier, (b) Common-emitter preamplifier, (c) Cas code preamplifier, (d) Common-base preamplifier.


Design and Analysis of Low noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Optical Receivers

The stability, bandwidth, noise, and transimpedance are aU dependent on the

values chosen for the feedback resistor Rf the total input capacitance Ct. and the load

resistor Re' The latter is the most critical component in setting the open loop gain of the

amplifier. The combination of Re. Ct and Rf determines the stability of the amplifier. The

noise of the amplifier in the high speed regime of interest is determined primarily by the

Johnson noise from Rf and the coUector bias CUITent. Earlier research showed that an

optimum bias point exists for obtaining a minimum input noise. For practical high

bandwidth applications, the best bias point is not necessarily at the point where minimum

input noise is obtained. For transistors, high speed operation is often obtained with 1-2mA

of collector CUITent. High speed operation at the optimum bias CUITent for low noise

operation could be maintained by selecting proper transistor sizes, smaller at low

frequencies and larger at high frequencies, in order to achieve the optimum CUITent density

and maintain high speed transistor operation.

Simulations allowed the comparison of the various amplifier topologies in terms of

their transimpedances, stability, and noise performances. Fig 4.2 shows the bandwidth as a

function of the transimpedance obtained for three of the topologies in Figure 4.1 (a-c). The

three topologies can operate at the same frequency. They are more comparable than the

common-base preamplifier in Fig. 4.1 (d). Their frequency responses are dependent on the

values of the collector resistors which, in conjunction with the feedback resistors, set the

open loop gains of the feedback amplifiers. The feedback resistor is chosen such that an

overshoot of less than 10% is obtained in the frequency response. This amount of

overshoot is the limit in practical applications.

The general operation of the circuits can be analyzed as follows: The

transimpedance is set principally by Rf as long as sufficient gain is supplied by RC' Simple

feedback theory gives the bandwidth (BW) and transimpedance (ZT) of this pre amplifier,



Design and Analysis of Low noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Optical Receivers


where A is the open loop gain of the amplifier. As the collector resistor is increased, the

open loop gain rises, increasing both the bandwidth and the transimpedance; but this also

results in a lower phase margin for the amplifier, reducing s tabi lit y and increasing

overshoot. As A is increased, the frequency at which instability occurs is reduced. This is

particularly evident for the common-emitter topologies.

The single-stage feedback pre amplifier is very stable over a wide range of

feedback resistor values. This is important for monolithic implementations, because the

stability becomes insensitive to process variations. The disadvantage of the single-stage

feedback topology is its poor noise performance compared to a common-emitter

pre amplifier at equivalent bandwidth. Examples of noise responses as a function of

frequency are shown in Fig. 4.3. These graphs can be analyzed as follows: The open loop

gain Ais roughly proportional to gmRc in the common-emitter amplifier, and to gmR!lRf

in the single-stage feedback amplifier. The latter lower open loop gain, for the same

magnitude of noise generation, results in a higher Zr and consequently a lower input

refeITed noise CUITent for the common-emitter preamplifier. The higher stability of the

single-stage feedback amplifier might be prefeITed despite its poor noise performance,

depending on the application. For the cascode amplifier, it decreases the Miller

capacitance, but adds an extra transistor to the feedback loop, resulting in additional poles

and possible poor noise performance.


Design and Analysis of Low noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Optical Receivers

E ..c o m -0

Q) u c o

-0 Q) 0...

E Ul C o L f-

,.-.., u E

..c 0 m -0 ---Q)

u c 0

-0 Q)


E Ul c n

,.-.., u E

..c 0 m -0 ---Q) u c 0

-0 Q) 0...

E Ul c ..,



















AC Response

dB20(mog(VF( vout/In)))


\ ~

10M 100M 1G 10G 100G Freouencv (Hz)

C; G nÎ n"'IG n -_. t; n!: 1.i (~r -r i/:1, sc h f: rr'G1.1 C

AC Response

dB20( mog (VF( vout/In)))


\ '\ \

AC Response

dB20( mog(VF( vout/In)))

1\ \


'" \

Figure 4.2 Simulated frequency responses with different TIA topologies, (a) Single-feed­back stage amplifier, (b) Common-emitter amplifier, (c) Cascode amplifier.


Design and Analysis of Low noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Optical Receivers

TIANoise X 10-11


Commolemittet TIA 0.5'-----'------L----'-----...L---'-----L------.J

o 2 Il

Frequency (Hz)

11) 12 14

x 10·

Figure 4.3 Hspice simulation of the equivalent input noise current for three different TIA's.

4.3 - Transimpedance Preamplifier Design

In this section, a pre amplifier based on a common-emiUer configuration, combined

with a feedback resistance (Ri and a frequency compensation capacitance (Cf) is designed

(Fig.4.4). A combination of a resistive (Re) and an inductive (L2) load is used to achieve

low noise and high bandwidth, under a low single supply voltage of 2.3 V. Compared to

an active load, resistive loading only contributes with thermal noise. The compensation

capacitance Cfis used to control the peaking in the frequency response, and to improve the

stability of the preamplifier. The buffer stage (Q3 and Re3) causes small capacitive loading

to the TIA, and does not decrease the bandwidth and it adds slight noise to the output.

Finally, this design operates from a single 2.3 V supply voltage to minimize power, a

highly desirable feature in today's communication systems.


Design and Analysis of Low noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Optical Receivers

1 14 =8nH


Figure 4.4 Transimpedance amplifier circuit schematic, showing the bandwidth enhancing inductor (L2) and the frequency compensation capacitance (C,).

To achieve high speed operation with low noise and a good eye-opening, the

design should be carefully optimized. The relationship between the circuit parameters and

the pre amplifier characteristics is shown below [3].

Circuit parameters Preamplifier characteristics

Feedback resistance (Rf) --...... ~ Bandwidth

Load resistance (RL ) Input noise CUITent density

Peaking capacitance (Cf) L-_~ Transimpedance fluctuation

Figure 4.5 Relationship between circuit parameters and preamplifier characteristics [3].

Optimization involving varying individual transistor sizes and bias points to

ensure maximum operating speed, while maximizing the stability margin was performed.

The optimization of transistor sizes is constrained between using small devices with large

base resistances, and using larger devices with increasing parasitic capacitances. Aiso

considered was the effect of the bond wire inductances and the package parasitics on the

circuit performance and stability.


Design and Analysis of Low noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Optical Receivers

4.4 - Performance Analysis

4.4.1 - Controlling the Frequency Response

To improve the frequency response and lower the noise, inductors and frequency

compensation techniques are used. Inductive load L 2 is used to increase the bandwidth of

the circuit [35]. This inductor L2 in series with the load resistance Re alters the frequency

response of the amplifier. This technique, called shunt peaking, enhances the response

compared to that of a single pole to one with two poles and a zero. The poles may or may

not be complex. The zero is determined solely by the L 21Re time constant and is primarily

responsible for the bandwidth enhancement. The input inductor LI improves the signal-to­

noise ratio (SNR), when connected between the photodetector and the pre amplifier input.

It also enhances the bandwidth of the amplifier. A bondwire inductor for LI would exhibit

a higher quality factor (Q) than an on-chip spiral inductor. Peaking effects could occur due

to the feedback loop. If the c1osed-Ioop response of the transimpedance stage peaks

significantly in the frequency domain, this translates into ringing in the time response, and

can result in higher noise. Thus, the compensation capacitance Cf is used to control

peaking in the frequency response and to improve the stability and bandwidth of the

pre amplifier.

For the preamplifier circuit in Fig. 4.4, the transimpedance gain is approximately

given by


where A(s) is the open-Ioop voltage gain, and Ct is the total input capacitance inc1uding

the photodiode capacitance (Cpd), the setup parasitic capacitance (Cpara)' and the input

capacitance (qn) of the amplifier. Therefore

Ct = C d+ C + C .. P para ln (4.4)


Design and Analysis of Low noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Optical Receivers

The -3dB bandwidth of the TIA is given by


Fig. 4.6 shows the frequency response with different inductive bandwidth enhancement

inductors (L2), and compensation capacitances (Cf).


Design and Analysis of Low noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Optical Receivers

..-.. u E 60

...c 0 m -0 40 '--"

Q) u c 0

20 -0 Q) 0...


0.0 C 0 L


,--... u

E 50 L 0 40 m


-----Q) 30 u c

20 0 --0 Q)

0... 10 E en 0.0 c 0 L


AC Response

\1: 12="12n";/vout 12="4n";!vout

6.: 12="8n";!vout 0: 12="0";!vout

li ~ J~ ~ - - , ,

~ 100M 1G 10G

Frequency (Hz)


AC Response


6.' cap="150f";/vout cap=" 100f";/vout

0: cap="250f";/vout 0: cap="50f";!vout

--= 1---r-~~ - 1\

~ \ \ \

100M 1G 10G 100G Frequency (Hz)


Figure 4.6 (a) Simulated frequency response with different inductive bandwidth enhance­ment inductors (L2); and (b) frequency response with different compensation capacitances



Design and Analysis of Low noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Optical Receivers

4.4.2 - Noise Considerations

The noise performance of an entire optical receiver is primarily determined by the

front-end circuitry. The other performance parameters of stability, bandwidth, noise, and

transimpedance depend mostly on the values chosen for the feedback resistor Rf' the total

input capacitance Ct' and the collector resistor Re. Resistor Re is the most critical

parameter in setting the open loop gain of the amplifier. The combination of Re. Ct' and Rf

determines the stability of the system. The output noise is determined primarily by the

thermal noise from Rf and the collector bias current of input transistor QI. To illustrate the

procedure for noise analysis of the transimpedance amplifier in Fig.4.4, we use the noise

equivalent circuit illustrated in Fig. 4.7.

Figure 4.7 Transimpedance amplifier noise equivalent circuit.

Neglecting the correlation between the noise sources, and ignoring the capacitive

shunting from Ci' which will reduce the thermal noise current from Rf at high frequency,

the input equivalent noise currents of the circuits in Figures 4.4 and 4.7 are given by


where !lf is the noise bandwidth, and I~n' ~n and ~n are noise sources. The latter are

given by


Design and Analysis of Low noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Optical Receivers


-2 cl ( 1 J lan = 2q lb! + 1~12 fl.j

where rb1 is the base resistance of the input transistor, and gmi is its transconductance, lb]

and IcJ are the base and collector currents of the input transistor, and ~ is the transistor

current gain. For low noise performance, Rf should be appropriately chosen, and rb]

should be minimized.

Also, to minimize noise, the design of an input noise-matching network can be

used. Noise matching techniques can significantly reduce the influence of the input node

capacitance. We used a single inductor LI as a tuned noise-matching network to simplify

the design. This inductance is implemented using a bonding wire. Fig. 4.8 shows the

concept of noise reduction for a reactive source through input tuning.

where Isignal V 2

LI --. n


--2 .. --2 .. inoise ineq

Cpd •

Figure 4.8 Circuit for input noise tuning for a reactive source.

The type of reactance to be applied at the amplifier input depends on the nature of

the signal source and on the dominant noise sources. For a capacitive current signal source

lin' an inductance LI in series with the amplifier affects the input SNR. For a series

inductance, the signal current at the input would be


Design and Analysis of Low noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Optical Receivers

1 J. 1 = J. , sIgna zn 2

1 + S LI Cpd

and the total noise current at the input would be

:-222 -.2-( 2 '1 2 .2 V- nS Cpd + l neq 1 + S LI Cpd) l noise= ------2----2---­

(1 +S L 1Cpd )



From equation (4.8) and (4.9), and assuming for simplicity that vn and inoise are

not correlated, the input signal-to-noise power ratio (SNR) will be

J. 2 (SNR) _ zn

input - - -- 2' 222.2 ( 2 '1

V- nS Cpd + l neq 1 + S LI Cpd)


v2 = V2 + V2 n an fs' (4.11)

whereas the SNR without the inductance would have been

l: (SNR). t =

znpu 2S2C2 .2 V;; pd+ l neq

zn (4.12)

The inductance cancels the source reactance at the resonant frequency, and

modifies a formerly white input equivalent current noise into one with a spectrum

proportional to II-w2L j Cpdl, disappearing totally at the resonant frequency. The

improvement in the SNR is inversely proportional to the bandwidth as shown in Fig. 4.9

for different L j values.

By selecting an appropriate matching network, it is possible to significantly reduce

the effect of the (Cpd) photodiode capacitance on the overall noise performance of the

receiver. Fig. 4.10 shows the effect of different Cpd values on the input referred current


Design and Analysis of Low noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Optical Receivers

noise and on the frequency response. Overall optimization was performed for the whole

circuit in order to meet the noise performance and other electrical criteria simultaneously.

--. u E 50

...c 0 40 m

"D '--"

ru 30 u c 20 0

"D ru 0... 10 E (f]

0.0 c 0 l-


X 10-11

,-... 14

~ "-'<"(



è 10

..... <'-l

~ 8

..... 6 s::

~ 4 () :O~5nH V V>

2 ..... 0 s:: ~ 0

0.. s:: ..... -2

0.4 0.6 0.8 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8

Frequency (Hz)


AC Response

1:::..: 11 ="3.5n";/vout 6.: 11="1.5n";/vout

0: 11 ="2.5n";/vout 0: 11="500p";/vout

ft -1- I)~

"''''' ~ '\ h

~ \ ~ ~ 1\

100M 1G 10G Frequency (Hz)



Figure 4.9 (a) Hspice simulation of equivalent input noise current for different values of L1•

using the noise-matching network. (b) Corresponding frequency response.


Design and Analysis of Low noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Optical Receivers


0 ...... Cf)

r::: a.>

'1:j .... r::: ~ ::l u a.> Cf) ...... 0 r:::

,.-., u

E 50 ...c 0 40 m v '--"

Q) 30

u c

20 0 v Q)

0... 10 E en

0.0 c 0 l- 100M






Frequency (Hz)


AC Response

cp= " 100f" ;/vout o· cp="250f";/vout 0: cp="50f";/vout

---v r-,.~ ,


i"i \\\ i\\\\ \~ 1\\

\\~~ 1\\ 1\

1G 10G 100G Frequency (Hz)


Figure 4.10 (a) Hspice simulations of input referred current noise, and (b) frequency response, for different photodiode capacitances (Cpd).


Design and Analysis of Low noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Optical Receivers

4.5 - Prototype Implementation

The photomicrograph of the transimpedance amplifier is shown in Fig. 4.11. The

circuit is fabricated in a 0.5 !lm 25 GHz self-aligned double pol y silicon bipolar process.

The chip area is 1.2 x 1.0 mm2, and is dominated by the passive components. An on-chip

circuit modeling the behavior of a PIN photodiode is used to simplify electrical testing.

Several substrate contacts to ground were placed around aIl transistors ta minimize noise.

Figure 4.11 Photomicrograph of the transimpedance amplifier.

4.6 - Experimental Results

Following the design and fabrication of the experimental prototype chip, the

transimpedance amplifier has been characterized for its performance. The key

performance measures for the TIA are its frequency response and noise. In this section, a

detailed description of the test setup is provided, and the performance of the preamplifier

is discussed.


Design and Analysis of Low noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Optical Receivers

4.6.1 - Test Setup

In order to achieve a good performance, a proper test setup for the device is

required. Figure 4.12 de scribes the configuration used for test purposes. The PCB setup

should be in accordance with good RF practices. This includes a low inductance ground

plane with via holes for RF grounding of external components. Circuit traces should be

made as short as possible, particularly at the photodetector TIA interface.

Power supply Vcc and ground should be bypassed as close to the chip as possible

with capacitors of good RF quality (low inductance). This is essential for good high

frequency low noise performance. This will also serve to prevent oscillations. A low

inductance ground plane with many via holes should be made available for proper power

supply bypassing.

In practice, it is important to choose a photodetector that has low capacitance, and

to ensure that the capacitance between the photodetector and the TIA is kept as low as

possible. Excess capacitance will limit the bandwidth and degrade the sensitivity of the

device. The capacitance of the photodetector should not exceed O.5pF in Fig. 4.lOa. Most

optical receivers use either a PIN or avalanche photodiode, with only a small reverse

voltage (1.5Volt), and are less expensive than the avalanche APD. While APDs require

large reverse voltages (>30 volts), they offer the advantage of high gain. This is useful in

long distance telecommunication systems where sensitivity is a key concern.


Received Signal


lin t



>---1 E----o Vout

Figure 4.12 System test setup block diagram.


Design and Analysis of Low noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Optical Receivers

The increase of the communication speeds up ta 10 Obis mandates high quality

packaging. For this work, a chip-on-board packaging approach is used. With this method,

the bare die is directly attached to the PC board with sorne conductive expoxy (for thermal

and electrical conductivity). Bondwires are placed between the bonding pads on the chip

and the gold-plated bondwire landing areas on the circuit board. The gold plating is

necessary for the bondwire to properly adhere to the landing area. These bondwire landing

areas on the board are designed to match the pitch on the IC, in order to avoid angled


The die is located in the centre of the PCB (Fig. 4.13). Directly under the die is a

gold-plated die attach area which is shorted to ground. This allows a direct connection

between the Si substrate and the board ground, and a single ground is used on the test

board to minimize the impedance. The 2-layer test board was constructed using the

standard FR4 material. The top layer is mainly used for signaIs, whereas the bottom layer

is used to common board ground. The thickness of the substrate is 20 mils.

ln order to attach a bare die on the test board, the die should have no backside

metallization and must be mounted with epoxy. A thermally conductive, silver filled

epoxy should be used. It is also important that the epoxy retains good mechanical

properties at temperatures as high as 200°C. This cures at 125°C for 45 minutes. The die

should be cleaned with a solvent for proper bonding. The die should be pressed onto the

mounting epoxy by applying pressure from the side of the die, not to the top of die. AIso,

at least 3 corners of the die should be surrounded by epoxy, and the epoxy should not

come more than half way up the side of the die.

The photo of the test board and bonding diagram is shown in Figure 4.13. AlI

discrete passive components used on the PCB board should have good RF qualities. The

signal lines between components should be kept as short as possible, since any addition al

capacitance will degrade the bandwidth and sensitivity performance of the device.


Design and Analysis of Law noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Optical Receivers

Figure 4.13 Photo of the test board and bonding diagram.

4.6.2 - Measurements

As shown in Fig 4.13, the input was applied using on-chip probing, while the

output was done through SMA connectors on the PCB.

The transimpedance is defined as the output voltage (Vout) divided by the input

CUITent (lin)' If a photodetector is used at the input of the TIA, the CUITent (lin) is generated

by applying a light signal to the photodetector, and the output voltage (Vout) is then

measured. In this design, an on-chip circuit modeling the behavior of a PIN photodiode is


Design and Analysis of Low noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Optical Receivers

used to simplify electrical testing. The schematic diagram of this circuit is shown in Fig.

4.14. The AC transimpedance can be calculated with the foIlowing equation:


The bandwidth can be determined by measuring the transimpedance gain of the

device with a Vector Network Analyzer (VNA). The bandwidth specified is the 3 dB

bandwidth, measured in a 50 Ohm system.

The transimpedance was computed from the S-parameters measured using the

VNA (Fig.4.15 and Fig.4.16). An estimated 0.20 pF parasitic capacitance in the

photodiode in front of the pre amplifier was considered in the transimpedance calculation.

This indicated that a transimpedance of 43 dB Ohms and a bandwidth of 7.6 GHz were

obtained. S22 is -8 dB over a frequency range of less than 7.6 GHz. Figure 4.17 shows a

circuit model including aIl parasitics, aIl the passive components on the PCB board, along

with the resulting simulations of frequency response. This compares weIl to the measured

frequency response of the transimpedance amplifier shown in Fig. 4.16.


1 ~ Cpd=150rn

: 1 :

1 1 1 1


Figure 4.14 A simple on-chip circuit model of PIN photodiode.


Design and Analysis of Low noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Optical Receivers

Figure 4.15 The measured input reflection 511 and reverse transmission 512.


Design and Analysis of Low noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Optical Receivers

... ". 1.


; i ; .l.l .~


Figure 4.16 The measured forward transmission S21 and output reflection S22.


Design and Analysis of Low noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Optical Receivers

13 u 14 hw1 • 3800u

~ hw1 • 3000u o.

IN pr"mp_mod~FOUT vout

r 50 e 601 ~

R21 C 601 c 601 r." Cli

C22 Cl. e 2001

r l0 c=&II1

J C = lp "601 c-6B1 '19 R6

Cl) l tr r·" r tr=100t .

v2=6 _ .

vl=' .,w Il


Figure 4.17 (a) A circuit mode!.


Design and Analysis of Low noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Optical Receivers

,..., .~

70 v; dB20(mog(Vout/lin)) .r: 0

ID '0 50 '-" v u C a

30 '0 V a. .~ ~ 10 c 0 .. r-

-20 A: dB20(mog(Vout;Yin))

al ~ -30 .~ ~ -40 v ~ -50

.... 0 > -60

c 120m ~ J 0 80.0m >


.~ 40.0m 0


v Cl a 0.00 :!: 0 > ,..., 500u 4 ...., 400u ... c ~ 300u c J U

J a.



-: /Vout


1; /lin

.5 100u lM

A: \1.56038G -212839) 8: 8.04032G 39.6039)


/' f--"


/ /



delta: (~19.936~ 66.8818) slope: 139.368n

AC Response


1\ .....,

r- "'\ ,-v




100M lG 10G 100G Frequency (Hz)


Figure 4.17 (a) A circuit model and (b) the simulated frequency response with ail associated para­sitics and passive components on the PCB board.


Design and Analysis of Low noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Optical Receivers

Figure 4.18 shows the measured input referred noise current versus frequency.

This parameter is directly related to the sensitivity of the device. It is defined as the output

noise voltage (with no input signal), divided by the AC transimpedance. The device

sensitivity can then be ca1culated as follows:

{(6500 X finnoise)}

Sensitivity = lOLog R ' [dBm] (4.14)

where finnoise is the input referred noise current, and R is the responsivity of the


As discussed in Chapter 4, noise-matching techniques can significantly reduce the

influence of the input node capacitance. We used a single inductor as a tuned noise­

matching network to improve the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of this design. This

inductance is implemented using a bonding wires. Uncertainties in the bonding process,

including height, distance, and the straightness of the bond wire, cause the actual

inductance value (approximately 3.5 nR) to vary from the expected design value (2.5 nR).

Compared to measurement and simulation results, the measured noise and bandwidth are

very close to the simulation results under the approximation of a 3.5 nR for the input

bonding wire. In practice, challenges remain in the need to control the uncertainty in bond

wire inductances, and to improve the IC packaging.

4.6.3 - Results

Measurements were performed on 3 samples. They aIl exhibit very similar

performance. Table 4.1 summarizes the TIA performance and compares it to several state­

of-the-art designs. Note in particular the low noise and the low power consumption of the

design presented.


Design and Analysis of Low noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Optical Receivers


~ " ~ --~ .... . -(l)

~ .g .... c Q.)

1: B ~ .-0 C .... = ~ -

;Jo; 1[fl1






.. r '. 2


-2 - •


................ .... :- ................... ~ .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .............. .. -:- .................. ~ ................ .. , "

, , ............ .. -,- .................. r .................... , ................ .. -,- ................... ,. .............. ..

- •

-' • 0,6

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,

- ,.' -,

• - • -0,6 U! 1.4 1.6

Frequency (Hz)

L __ ,_

1.8 2 x 11)'0

Figure 4.18 The measured and simulated input noise current density.


Design and Analysis of Low noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Optical Receivers

Table 4.1 - Performance and comparison to other Si-bipolar preamplifiers.

Design in [4] [3] [2] [5] This Work

fT (GHz) 45 35 23 25 25

-3 dB Bandwidth 15.5 10.5 7.8 8.1 7.6 (GHz)

Transimpedance gain 52 60 57 56 43 (dBOhmic)

Average input noise NA 12 9 10.5 8

( pAl JiTz) Supply voltage (V) 5 5/-3.5 -6.5 -7 2.3

Power dissipation NA NA 143 280 9 (mW)

Capacitance of pho- 100 150 100 100 200 todiode (fF)

Si-bipolar technol- 0.8 0.3 0.4 0.8 0.5 ogy (!-lm)

For a transimpedance preamplifier used in an optical frontend, the input referred

noise, bandwidth, and the sensitivity of the device are also affected by the photodiode

capacitance. The sensitivity can be improved by reducing the detector capacitance. The

responsivity of the photodiode can also affect the sensitivity. The sensitivity is inversely

proportional to the responsivity. It is important to note that there will be a trade-off

between sensitivity and optical overload when determining the optimal responsivity for

the photodiode. In sorne case, it is important to use a lowpass filter at the output of the

device for applications where the sensitivity is critical. The filter will help reduce the noise

and improve the overaH system sensitivity by attenuating the out of band noise.

At high frequency, oscillation is a serious problem. One of the most common

causes of transimpedance amplifier oscillation is poor RF grounding on the hybrid circuit.

AH ground wire bonds should be kept as short as possible, and when feasible, via holes

should be used as close to the device as possible. The back side of the device should be


Design and Analysis of Low noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Optical Receivers

mounted to a ground plane. While the device will generally work if the back side is at a

negative dc voltage, the chances of oscillation are significantly increased.

If the frequency response of the device has peaking and resonance, the most likely

cause is long bond wires, particularly for the bypass capacitors connections. Excess

inductance here has been seen to cause low frequency resonance. It is especially important

that the input impedance of the subsequent stages be matched as close to 50 ohms as

possible, particularly for the higher bit rate devices.

Bondwires have been the standard connection method between integrated circuits

and the outside world for decades. The parasitic inductance associated with bondwires has

been a source of problems in IC technology, especially for high speed and high frequency

IC's. However, one can use bondwires to create a high quality inductor. Bondwire

inductors exhibit a higher quality factor (Q) than on-chip spiral inductors. This improves

the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the transimpedance amplifier when connected between

the photodetector and the pre amplifier input as a tuned noise-matching network. The

parasitic capacitance for this structure of bondwires is dominated by the bonding pads.

Uncertainties in the bonding process include height, distance and straightness of the

bondwires. The actual inductance value will vary from the design value. Since each wire

is individually bonded, the matching between a pair of bondwires is also poor. But

bondwires can be very weIl controlled with modern equipment.


Design and Analysis of Low noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Optical Receivers

Chapter 5 - Conclusion

This thesis proposes a transimpedance amplifier design based on the synthesis of

optimum noise-matching networks, using an on-chip inductor for bandwidth extension,

combined with frequency compensation techniques. A qualitative study of the various

trade-offs involved in the design process, as weIl as many of the design challenges, have

been discussed.

The thesis also explores the performance limits of the proposed design based on

the noise matching networks. The analysis suggests trade-offs between input noise

current, speed, transimpedance gain, power dissipation, impedance matching, and supply

voltage. By carefully adjusting the bonding wire lengths, the test chip reached 7.6 GHz,

8 pAl JïiZ average input noise at 43 dB Ohmic transimpedance gain. This demonstrates

how careful optimization can be used to push the performance limits of low cost Si­

bipolar processes to achieve gigabits/second data rates.

The specifie research contribution of this work includes 1) using inductors to

enhance the bandwidth, 2) using a tuned noise-matching network at the input to improve

the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and 3) using frequency compensation techniques to

improve stability, and to further enhance the bandwidth of the pre amplifier. An interesting

continuation of this work would be to control and optimize the parasitie inductance

uncertainties resulting from the bonding process, e.g., height, distance, and the


Design and Analysis of Low noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Optical Receivers

straightness of the bondwires. Nowsdays bondwires can be very weIl controlled with modern



Design and Analysis of Low Noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gbls Qptical Receivers










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Design and Analysis of Low Noise Transimpedance Amplifiers for 10 Gb/s Optical Receivers

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