Tris Follow Up Teachers 2009

“The Organ Ladies”™ Refresher & FollowUp Assignment

Transcript of Tris Follow Up Teachers 2009

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“The Organ Ladies”™Refresher & Follow‐Up Assignment

Presentation Notes
Your organ lady would like you to help out the Choice & Consequence organization with an evaluation of “The Real Inside Story” human organ presentation. Please think about the presentation as the teacher reviews the following pictures with you.
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Big Tobacco Youth Marketing Tactics

Presentation Notes
Supposedly, the tobacco companies made these for adults to roll their own cigars. Teens are using these to roll marijuana cigars.
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More packaging

Presentation Notes
The tobacco companies make the packages to look pleasant to target youth. They don’t care how the nicotine gets in to your body, they just want it there before you turn 21 years old because you are more likely to be addicted then because of your immature brain and liver tissue.
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Egg Cooking in Vodka

Presentation Notes
Your brain and liver tissue are immature protein similar to the egg white cooking in vodka until they mature somewhere between the ages of 21-25 years old. Immature protein = easy addiction to all kinds of substances and even gambling!
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Blood Vessel Shrinkage

Normal size aorta Aorta size after smoking cigarette

Aorta size after cigar or marijuana

Presentation Notes
ALL blood vessels shrink when you use tobacco or marijuana. Left funnel is depicting a normal aorta. The middle funnel shows how much the aorta shrinks from normal for two hours after you smoke a cigarette. The right funnel shows how much the aorta shrinks from normal for two hours after you smoke a cigar or use marijuana. All of the blood that was flowing through the normal aorta will have to fit through the shrunken blood vessels for up to two hours after you smoke. Your heart rate can go up to 50 beats per minute faster with tobacco and up to 90 beats a minute faster after smoking a cigar or marijuana. Your heart is just a muscle. Overworking the heart can cause the heart walls to thicken. It is meant to work hard when you exercise, but a couple of minutes after you stop exercising your blood pressure and heart rate drop back to normal.
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Tar Jar

Presentation Notes
This quart of tar shows how much tar your lungs will have to remove if you smoke a pack a day for one year. The brooms (cilia fibers) in the lungs that sweep the tar and toxins out are killed or paralyzed when people smoke ANYTHING. That is why smokers get tar and toxins packed in to their lungs. The good news is that they grow back after you quit smoking and can start sweeping the junk out of your lungs again.
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Chew or Spit Tobacco

Presentation Notes
Some people think that chewing tobacco is a safe alternative to smoking. They are wrong! Chew can cause cancer, gum tissue deterioration, and tooth loss.
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Healthy Lung Lobe

Presentation Notes
This is one of the five lung lobes of an adult male non-smoker. BEAUTIFUL!
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Marijuana Lung Lobe

Early Emphysema


Presentation Notes
One adult male lung lobe of a marijuana smoker. He was a vegetarian, did not smoke tobacco or drink alcohol, was a runner and a body builder. He told himself it was okay to smoke marijuana. It doesn’t matter what you light on fire and suck in to your lungs! Every time you light something on fire and then suck it in to your lungs, you pop air sacs (alveoli) and deposit cancer causing toxins and tar in to your lung tissue. Air pollution and coughing hard can pop your air sacs, but the number one way to get to emphysema is to smoke anything.
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Tobacco Smoker’s Lung Lobes



Rib cage indentions in tumor

Presentation Notes
Left lung tissue has been taken over by a large cancer tumor. The right side is end stage emphysema from smoking tobacco.
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Healthy Human Heart


Perfect fist size human heart

Presentation Notes
Healthy, and normal human heart with the aorta coming off the top of the heart.
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Inside Healthy Heart

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Heart of Tobacco & Marijuana Smoker

Thickening of the heart walls

Presentation Notes
This is congestive heart failure, a thickening of the walls of the heart from overworking the heart by smoking marijuana and cigarettes. The thick walls prevent the heart from pumping effectively, causing the blood to back up in the heart to the lungs and then the rest of the body. People say they feel like they are drowning when this happens. It can take many years of discomfort to die from this.
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Smoker’s Aorta

Chunky junk Lining the Wall 

of the Aorta

Presentation Notes
The aorta should be smooth sleek and stretchy like a rubber band. Smokers get the chunky junk (atherosclerosis) because when they light something on fire and suck it in to their lungs, carbon monoxide is formed. Carbon monoxide makes the red blood cells sticky so when plaque and cholesterol are laid down in a smaoker’s blood vessels it is laid down chunky and jagged. When your aorta (all blood vessels) shrink, now you have blood moving with increased pressure and heart rate through the vessel right past the chunky junk. If it breaks a piece off and it goes to your brain you can have a stroke. If it goes to your heart, you can have a heart attack. That is why people who smoke get more strokes and heart attacks.
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Excess Body Fat‐ Obesity Kidney 

Normal Kidneys Kidney Cancer of Smoker

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Obese Stomach

Presentation Notes
The stomach is supposed to be a fist to a fist and a half or two in size. This one is from an obese young male and is about four times too big. Good nutrition and getting enough exercise are other choices we can make that are important to our overall mind, body, spirit health.
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Healthy Liver & Gall Bladder

Gall Bladder

Presentation Notes
The gall bladder holds bile, a fluid that squirts out in to the small intestine to break down fat molecules when we eat french fries, cheeseburgers, and other fatty foods. The liver is where almost everything we put in our bodies is broken down and sent out in to the blood stream.
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Liver Cancer of Smoker


Presentation Notes
Smoking something doesn’t just affect the lungs. All of our body parts are connected.
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Inhalant Abuse Liver

Presentation Notes
When you use inhalants, the toxins go in to your lungs and knock the oxygen right off your red blood cells, resulting in oxygen deprivation to various parts of the body. When the brain doesn’t get enough oxygen, brain cells die. Even sniffing Sharpie Pens, whiteout, and glue can cause brain damage. We are not talking about the non-toxic markers or simply catching a whiff of the odor while you are using one of these things. Putting it up to your nose and sniffing it until you get a high whoozy feeling can cause brain damage. The really cool thing is that if you stop today and never do it again, you have an incredible opportunity to heal any damage that may have occurred because your brain and liver are still under so much development until sometime between the ages of 21-25 years old. Remember the egg white cooking in vodka?
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Cirrhosis of the Liver‐Alcoholism

Presentation Notes
One out of 4 kids in the USA is being raised in an alcoholic or alcohol abusing home. If your family has a history of alcohol, tobacco and other drug addiction, you may be at an increased risk for the development of an addiction yourself, making it more important than ever to think twice before you choose to use. If this is a problem in your family, you need to know that, you are not alone, you have nothing to be ashamed of, and you can get help by letting your school counselor or another adult you trust know how you are feeling.
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Smokers Brain at Eye Level

Cancer Tumor


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Healthy Adult Brain

Presentation Notes
Remember, you have immature brain and liver tissue until you are between the ages of 21 & 25. Alcohol, tobacco and other drug use can lead to easier addiction because of it. If you stop doing harmful things today, you have an incredible chance to heal yourself, and ensure a happier healthy life for yourself, your children, and grandchildren… There is a difference between pleasure and happiness. We may feel a great deal of pleasure eating chocolate or using drugs. But, we must ask ourselves, will it bring me happiness in my life. Only you choose how your life turns out.
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Letter Assignment• Have you seen the “organ lady” before?

• Did you put on gloves and touch the organs or just look?

• Are there alcohol, tobacco or other drug problems in your family or friends?

• How did this impact you?

• What will you do with the information you learned?

• What choices could you make in your life to make your life better?

Presentation Notes
Please be thoughtful in your answers. We need your honest help to evaluate “The Real Inside Story” program and are interested to hear what you have to say. Please do not put your last name on your paper. We read every letter sent to us. We cannot respond to individual letters.