TRIMIT Newsletter | December 2009

TRIMIT News December 2009 TRIMIT A/S - Steen Wæver Poulsen + 45 6018 44 88 - [email protected] More Business - Less Resources Welcome to this edition of the TRIMIT Newsletter – the last one in 2009. Looking back at the 18 months that has passed since we decided to take TRIMIT international, it has been even more exciting than we had ever dared to imagine. Especially 2009 has been a year filled with excitement. Despite the extremely difficult business environ- ment, we have added many new partners internationally, we have won the first customers via our new part- ners and we have travelled the world to meet with partners and custom- ers. Status, as we are about to enter 2010, is that we have more than 20 international partners and together we are set on a mission; to make TRIMIT the preferred solution world- wide within our verticals. During the past two months we have been very happy to see that a number of part- ners that previously sold a competing fashion solution now see the poten- tial in TRIMIT Fashion and is enter- ing into partnerships with us instead. So you probably understand why we cannot wait to get 2010 started, and we look forward to celebrating lots of successes with our partner network in 2010! In 2010, you will hear these 3 sen- tences echo, when talking to us. The first one relates to the fact that our partnership should Secure the Busi- ness for you as a TRIMIT partner, for TRIMIT customers and for TRIMIT itself through the offering of a stand- ard, industry-driven solution for 4 ver- ticals. The second one, Partnership made Easy demonstrates our part- ner’s ability to focus on taking TRIMIT to market while letting us do all mar- keting material, branding, shadow project management and all the other things we offer our partners. Last but certainly not least we will spend a lot of energy on branding TRIMIT as The Solution for the Future, a fact that both partners and customers benefit from. Our objective for 2010 is to see 2% of all Dynamics NAV licenses sold, be- ing sold with TRIMIT on top and more than 10 % new certified for Microsoft Dynamics users on TRIMIT. This will put us and our partner network in a class of our own, and after analyzing the market we feel confident that this is an achievable goal. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our partners for your dedicated effort during one of the toughest business years ever, and we wish all of you a Nice Holiday Season and a Happy New Year.


Looking back at the 18 months that has passed since we decided to take TRIMIT international, it has been even more exciting than we had ever dared to imagine. In the newsletter we will give an account of what we went through in 2009, and take a look ahead on what’s to come in 2010. Furthermore, we will introduce our two new partners and three new colleagues and we, have some brand new marketing material to offer you. You can also read an update from our participation in Directions, TX, where TRIMIT was a proud sponsor and finally you can take a look at the open invitation to come and meet us at Directions EMEA in Prague, May 19-21.

Transcript of TRIMIT Newsletter | December 2009

Page 1: TRIMIT Newsletter | December 2009

TRIMIT News December 2009

TRIMIT A/S - Steen Wæver Poulsen+ 45 6018 44 88 - [email protected]

More Business - Less Resources

Welcome to this edition of the TRIMIT Newsletter – the last one in 2009.Looking back at the 18 months that has passed since we decided to take TRIMIT international, it has been even more exciting than we had ever dared to imagine.

Especially 2009 has been a year filled with excitement. Despite the extremely difficult business environ-ment, we have added many new partners internationally, we have won the first customers via our new part-ners and we have travelled the world to meet with partners and custom-ers. Status, as we are about to enter 2010, is that we have more than 20 international partners and together we are set on a mission; to make TRIMIT the preferred solution world-wide within our verticals. During the past two months we have been very happy to see that a number of part-ners that previously sold a competing fashion solution now see the poten-tial in TRIMIT Fashion and is enter-ing into partnerships with us instead. So you probably understand why we cannot wait to get 2010 started, and we look forward to celebrating lots of successes with our partner network in 2010!

In 2010, you will hear these 3 sen-tences echo, when talking to us. The first one relates to the fact that our

partnership should Secure the Busi-ness for you as a TRIMIT partner, for TRIMIT customers and for TRIMIT itself through the offering of a stand-ard, industry-driven solution for 4 ver-ticals. The second one, Partnership made Easy demonstrates our part-ner’s ability to focus on taking TRIMIT to market while letting us do all mar-keting material, branding, shadow project management and all the other things we offer our partners. Last but certainly not least we will spend a lot of energy on branding TRIMIT as The Solution for the Future, a fact that both partners and customers benefit from.

Our objective for 2010 is to see 2% of all Dynamics NAV licenses sold, be-ing sold with TRIMIT on top and more than 10 % new certified for Microsoft Dynamics users on TRIMIT. This will put us and our partner network in a class of our own, and after analyzing the market we feel confident that this is an achievable goal.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our partners for your dedicated effort during one of the toughest business years ever, and we wish all of you a Nice Holiday Season and a Happy New Year.

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TRIMIT has partnered up with HSG Hanse Solution GmbH and is very excited about this very first partner in Germany.

Since 2004 HSG Hanse Solution has implemented ERP solutions based on Microsoft Dynamics NAV and plan-ning solutions. HSG Hanse Solution is operating Germany wide, supply-ing software and high quality services to customers in the fashion industry.Director of HSG Hanse Solution

HSG Hanse Solution Signs Partner Deal with TRIMITChristopher Hähne is looking forward to capture Germany with what he calls: “… a very strong and industry fo-cused solution”. Furthermore, he accentuates that he finds TRIMIT’s focus on innovation very impor-tant and has great expectations to the partnership with TRIMIT “We appreciate especially that TRIMIT supplies the latest Microsoft tech-nology and is focused to continue doing so in the future”.

“ArcherPoint is undoubtedly a very strong partner, whom we ex-pect very much of, their vast expe-rience brings TRIMIT a huge step closer to our new company objec-tive - that more than 2% of all new Dynamics NAV customers in 2010 has a TRIMIT add-on”.

“In the increasingly competitive ERP market, ArcherPoint has been looking for ways in which we can better stand out and offer a more vertical product to potential cus-tomers. TRIMIT’s solution lets us better approach our prospects with an out of the box solution, minimizing cost for implementa-tion and it helps us get a competi-tive advantage in the market”.

TRIMIT COO Steen Wæver Poulsen has great expectations to the partner-ship with ArcherPoint:

Director of Archer-Point Tommy Mad-sen is confident that TRIMIT is exactly the solution they have been looking for:

TRIMIT was looking for more resel-lers in the United States in order to be able to meet the continuously grow-ing demand, while ArcherPoint was searching for a more vertical product for their customers.This mutual search has now result-ed in a strong partnership between TRIMIT and ArcherPoint.


ArcherPoint enters into a Partnership with TRIMIT

Steen Wæver Poulsen

Tommy Madsen

We see TRIMIT as a very reliable partner who will support us and our customers with delivering and employing latest technology ERP solutions”.

TRIMIT COO Steen Wæver Poulsen is pleased to welcome the first Ger-man partner to TRIMIT and is look-ing forward to a strong partnership, where HSG Hanse Solution will play an important part in positioning TRIMIT as the Solution for the Future in Germany.

“2010 will be a very exciting year, where TRIMIT will make a huge effort to continuously being per-ceived as The Solution for the Future, HSG Hanse Solution will play a very important part in doing so all over Germany”.

TRIMIT COO Steen Wæver Poulsen and owners of HSG Hanse Solution Christopher Hähne & Sven Grage have just signed the partner agreement.

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November 18th Jeroen Vroemen joined TRIMIT as Partner Manager.With his more than 12 years of ex-perience within the IT industry, Jeroen will be another key player on TRIMIT’s very strong International Partner Management Team. TRIMIT

Jeroen Vroemen joins TRIMIT as Partner Managerwill benefit from Jeroen’s past 7 years experiences, working with enterprise solutions for companies such as SAP and recently for Pebblestone Fashion International.

TRIMIT’s COO Steen Wæver Poulsen is excited to have Jeroen on his team and is confident that he will play a vital part in accomplishing TRIMIT’s vision:

“Our vision is to be the world lead-ing Independent Software Vendor (ISV) based on Microsoft Dynam-ics NAV. Furthermore, in 2010 we expect that more than 2% of all new Microsoft Dynamics NAV end-users will have decided to add the TRIMIT software to their solution. With Jeroen’s qualifications and

experiences TRIMIT is already a huge step closer to accomplishing this vision”.

Having just been part of Pebblestone Fashion International, Jeroen was well aware of the other players on the market, and he was not in doubt of, where he wanted to be in the future:

“after seeing TRIMIT entering the international scene it became clear to me that this company was the company for the future. TRIMIT was not only market leader on NAV, but the entire package around the product is very professional. All different areas from marketing to market positioning are undoubt-edly the best I have ever seen.”

December 15th Kitty Bisseling be-came part of TRIMIT’s International Partner Support.

Having worked exclusively with IT for the fashion industry for more than ten years in four different companies Kitty brings an extensive amount of valuable experience and knowledge into TRIMIT.

Kitty has worked as a consultant for both end-users and partners all over Europe, and is very excited that she is now part of TRIMIT’s International Partner Support and, in virtue of this, she continuously has the opportunity to work with her passion - Fashion IT:

“Hearing the investments that TRIMIT wants to make for the

TRIMIT COO Steen Wæver Poulsen wel-comes Kitty Bisseling to TRIMIT.She will be part of the International Partner Sup-

port, where she will be able to extend her passion for Fashion IT.

Kitty Bisseling joins TRIMITfuture, convinced me that TRIMIT is the right company for me to extend my passion for Fashion IT from now on, and I am very happy becoming part of such an innovat-ing company”.

TRIMIT COO Steen Wæver Poulsen, is very happy to have Kitty onboard:

“We are excited that Kitty joins TRIMIT, as it is extremely impor-tant for us to have the very best vertical experts in TRIMIT”.

Furthermore, Kitty’s passion for, and experience with fashion IT cor-respond very well with the fact that TRIMIT is now perceived as the fashion solution for the future.

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January 1st Robert Klumpes joins TRIMIT’s International Partner Sup-port.

Originating from a fashion-oriented family for at least four generations Robert Klumpes was more or less born into the fashion industry. With time his interest was focused on the organizational side of the fashion in-dustry, where he has worked interna-tionally as a consultant specialized in ERP applications since 1998.

Robert Klumpes looks forward to join-ing TRIMIT and has great expecta-tions:

“In TRIMIT I see great passion and dedication for the product, com-bined with a very innovative vision. I recognize the potential it has now

We are working very hard on finish-ing a bunch of exciting, new, ready-to-use marketing material for you. As you can see beneath we have just finished another Fashion Case Story Postcard. However, we are also on the verge of releasing a bunch of brand new marketing material concerning Product Configuration & Manufacturing. W e have just finished the beneath Fact Sheet on Product Configuration & Manufacturing, and are at this very moment applying the finishing touches on a brochure and a Case Story within Product Configura-tion & Manufacturing.

We customize all available TRIMIT marketing material by adding your logo and in case of brochures also your text and contact information. Furthermore, we offer TRIMIT mar-keting material in your local lan-guage, just send us the translation and we will send the translated ver-sion to you.

Robert Klumpes joins TRIMITand in the future. I am proud to be a part of TRIMIT and I am confident that this solution will make a dif-ference for the Fashion Industry”.

TRIMIT is industry-driven and be-cause of this Robert Klumpes will spend a lot of time working with prod-uct marketing. TRIMIT COO Steen Wæver elaborates:

“We have an extremely exciting year in front of us, we are continu-ously signing deals with strong partners all over the world. Rob-ert will spend a lot of time work-ing with product marketing and informing all our new and existing partners about the discoveries he makes on market changes”.



TRIMIT Product Configuration reduces the number of BOMs significantly, due to the use of master BOMs and generic item BOMs, making it very simple to create and maintain BOMs. The formula calculator is a tool that con-trols the BOM creation, by using logical expressions for calculating, routing, material- and time consumption, etc. This tool enables you to set up all the necessary condi-tions in order to control what can and cannot be config-ured. This way, your sales persons can only configure what you allow them to, which minimizes errors remark-ably, and by using the configuration all relevant specifi-cations for both production and purchase are generated automatically. This moreover, reduces the bottlenecks that often occur when handling special orders and gives you a very quick turnaround on orders.

TRIMIT Product Configuration combines calculation of actual prices and standard cost prices. The prices are continous all the way from supplier order through BOM to the sales lines, giving all involved employees a com-plete overview over the prices, costs and contribution margins of all products.Furthermore, TRIMIT Product Configuration automati-cally recalculates and deletes orders, which means that


• Onlinecalculationatorderentry

• Handlingofvariantsanddimensions throughouttheentiresolution

• Variantoutcomesdependenton costumer-,country-ofbasicitemdata

• Productconfiguration–controlof individualitemqualitiesattheorder stage

• Optimizationoforderhandlingprocess

• Easycreationandmaintenancevia masters

• Unlimitedvariantsanddimensions.

• PossibilityofDataCapture

• Capacityplanning

• Onlinecontrolofbottlenecksthrough- outorderprocessing

• Automaticcreationofproduction orderswithrelationtocustomer orders

• Combinationofactualcostpricesand standardcostprices

• Searchbasedontechnicalspecifica- tions

• DirectlyintegratedwithMicrosoft DynamicsNAV


cancellation of orders removes all related orders, prices etc. while adjustments of orders lead to an automatic recalculation of everything involved in the order. This way reducing time spent on errors and bottlenecks remarkably.

TRIMIT Production is fully integrated with your entire ERP-system making it possible to calculate cost- and sales prices in the moment of configuration. This im-proves customer service significantly as customers get answers to e.g. price requests instantly.

When working with production of customizable products, creation and handling of BOM (Bill of Material) is often very comprehensive and time consuming. Furthermore, if the BOM is not correct, detailed and updated it will inevitably result in numerous errors in both material consumption and cost calculation.

Bruuns Bazaar Recommends TRIMIT Fashion

TRIMIT Fashion variant control is tailored to meet that exact demand for control of an almost immeasurable variation of products. Teis Bruun, CEO, Bruuns Bazaar

Page 5: TRIMIT Newsletter | December 2009

Bruuns Bazaar Recommends TRIMIT Fashion

TRIMIT Fashion variant control is tailored to meet that exact demand for control of an almost immeasurable variation of products. Teis Bruun, CEO, Bruuns Bazaar

BruunsBazaar | 2, Vognmagergade | 1120 Copenhagen | Denmark |

Sold, im

plemented and supported by C





The words on the front were stated by Teis Bruun, one of the Bruun brothers and owners of Bruuns Bazaar, when asked about their IT system: TRIMIT Fashion on Microsoft Dynamics NAV.

Controls an Immeasurable Amount of Product VariantsBruuns Bazaar sells fashion wear for both men and women, and the products are divided into two brands: ”Bruuns Bazaar” aimed at aged 25+ customers, while ”BZR” is designed for the younger audience and a bit less costly.

Teis and Bjørn Bruun are the names of the two brothers behind the successful fashion company. TRIMIT Fashion has helped Bruuns Bazaar achieve the huge success by meeting some of their chal-lenges. Teis Bruun explains that one of their main challenges was to keep control of the vast amount of product variants:

”We market a lot of products; I guess we have about 20 collec-tions a year, each including about 1000 individual items, which are delivered in four color variants and five size variants. Altogether, this becomes an extremely large item assortment, which calls for a very robust IT-system to manage the entire process in an effective and intelligent way”.

The large amount of product variants, moreover, makes variant control crucial. “TRIMIT’s variant control is made to meet exactly this demand for control of an almost immeasurable variation of products”, says Teis Bruun, who is in charge of the administrative, financial and technological control-tasks in the company, whereas Bjørn Bruun is the creative part of the duo, dealing with the creation, fashion and design tasks.

Offers Crucial KnowledgeFurthermore, it is a huge benefit that TRIMIT Fashion makes it possible to draw reports from the system. This gives us instant knowledge of how sales in a certain geographical region are doing, what the average order (volume) in a given segment is, what the contribution margins of different productions are and much more”, Teis Bruun says, adding: ”A deviation of 1% in the contribution margin of a production can be very influential on the actual income. Thus, it is very valuable for us to be able to monitor the contribution margin in detail and gain knowledge as early as possible.”

Furthermore, Teis Bruun recalls their upgrade to a TRIMIT Fashion on Dynamics NAV: ”We had four very busy weeks that summer, when we converted from the old system to the new one. But everything went smooth. The TRIMIT partner, had a well prepared plan for the implementation which seemed professional and sharp”.

Helps Bruuns Bazaar Stay Ahead of Competition According to Teis Bruun, intelligent IT is crucial in fashion com-panies’ perpetual strive to be ahead of competition and ensure future growth. In a fast growing business such as Bruuns Bazaar, there are a lot of challenges throughout the organization that would be merely impossible to solve without a flexible and ad-vanced IT system. With the high wages in Denmark, the need for automation of the processes becomes even more necessary.

Geared for 25% growth based on a safe IT platformDuring the last 15 years Bruuns Bazaar has become very well known throughout the world and their ambition is to let the company grow even bigger. Bruuns Bazaar has shops in Copenhagen, Århus, Oslo and Stockholm; sales departments in France, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Holland, Belgium, Great Britain and they are represented in more than 1200 ”selling points” in 25 countries. Yet, the two brothers want to go even further. The goal is increased growth, which they aim to achieve by entering distant markets such as Japan, Korea and China.

About TRIMIT A/S TRIMIT is a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner with both the Micro-soft Business Solutions, and the ISV competency. Our goal is to extend, optimize and improve the use of Microsoft Dynamics NAV in a manufacturing or trading company. This includes a web portal solution with seamless integration to Microsoft Dynamics Nav and a complete CMS (Content Management System)…. Read more at

As mentioned above another Fashion Case Story is now available. The Case Story is about the world renowned Danish fashion designer Bruuns Bazaar.

New Fashion Case Story Post Card

Microsoft has just released their version of the Bruuns Bazaar Case Story…

In just 10 years, the Bruuns broth-ers from Copenhagen have grown their fashion company into a world-renowned business with more than 1,200 selling points in 25 countries. And they’re not stopping there, which is why they selected TRIMIT from Cornator to help them effectively manage and grow their unique, mul-tifaceted, and ever-changing fashion industry business.Bruuns Bazaar chose Certified for Microsoft Dynamics® TRIMIT from

Microsoft Releases TRIMIT Customer Win Story

Cornator because the functional-ity supports their unique and ever-changing requirements driven by the fast-paced fashion industry. Bruuns Bazaar, with 120 employees work-ing at shops and sales departments in Denmark and all across Europe, manages two brands, each aimed at different age groups. Each brand is updated with 20 new collections each year, representing about a thousand items with countless size and style variations. “TRIMIT Fashion’s vari-ant control is tailored to meet exactly this demand for control of an almost immeasurable variation of products,” says Teis Bruun.

Bruuns Bazaar also benefits from TRIMIT’s seamless integration with Microsoft Dynamics NAV, which helps them automate as many processes as possible to closely control the high Danish labor expense. “A deviation of 1 percent in the contribution margin of a production can be very influential on the actual income,” says Bruun. “So, it is very valuable for us to be able to monitor the contribution mar-gin in detail and gain knowledge as early as possible during the process.”

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Beneath you can see and read the brand new TRIMIT Product Configuration Fact Sheet.

New Product Configuration & Manufacturing Fact Sheet



TRIMIT Product Configuration reduces the number of BOMs significantly, due to the use of master BOMs and generic item BOMs, making it very simple to create and maintain BOMs. The formula calculator is a tool that con-trols the BOM creation, by using logical expressions for calculating, routing, material- and time consumption, etc. This tool enables you to set up all the necessary condi-tions in order to control what can and cannot be config-ured. This way, your sales persons can only configure what you allow them to, which minimizes errors remark-ably, and by using the configuration all relevant specifi-cations for both production and purchase are generated automatically. This moreover, reduces the bottlenecks that often occur when handling special orders and gives you a very quick turnaround on orders.

TRIMIT Product Configuration combines calculation of actual prices and standard cost prices. The prices are continous all the way from supplier order through BOM to the sales lines, giving all involved employees a com-plete overview over the prices, costs and contribution margins of all products.Furthermore, TRIMIT Product Configuration automati-cally recalculates and deletes orders, which means that


• Onlinecalculationatorderentry

• Handlingofvariantsanddimensions throughouttheentiresolution

• Variantoutcomesdependenton costumer-,country-ofbasicitemdata

• Productconfiguration–controlof individualitemqualitiesattheorder stage

• Optimizationoforderhandlingprocess

• Easycreationandmaintenancevia masters

• Unlimitedvariantsanddimensions.

• PossibilityofDataCapture

• Capacityplanning

• Onlinecontrolofbottlenecksthrough- outorderprocessing

• Automaticcreationofproduction orderswithrelationtocustomer orders

• Combinationofactualcostpricesand standardcostprices

• Searchbasedontechnicalspecifica- tions

• DirectlyintegratedwithMicrosoft DynamicsNAV


cancellation of orders removes all related orders, prices etc. while adjustments of orders lead to an automatic recalculation of everything involved in the order. This way reducing time spent on errors and bottlenecks remarkably.

TRIMIT Production is fully integrated with your entire ERP-system making it possible to calculate cost- and sales prices in the moment of configuration. This im-proves customer service significantly as customers get answers to e.g. price requests instantly.

When working with production of customizable products, creation and handling of BOM (Bill of Material) is often very comprehensive and time consuming. Furthermore, if the BOM is not correct, detailed and updated it will inevitably result in numerous errors in both material consumption and cost calculation.

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Jesper Bech enjoys a relaxing moment with NAV evangelist Jesper Ræbild from Microsoft

The interest in NAV 2009 RTC client was huge

-November 11-14, 2009, Austin, Texas.

TRIMIT was once again a proud sponsor of Directions, where TRIMIT COO Steen Wæver Poulsen and Head of Product Management Jesper Beck launched TRIMIT’s new company objective.

“Our objective is that more than 2% of all new Dynamics NAV custom-ers in 2010 has a TRIMIT add-on, and that TRIMIT Fashion is conti-nouesly perceived as tomorrow’s fashion solution”, says Steen Wæver Poulsen. Furthermore, he stresses that it is very important for TRIMIT to help secure business for all TRIMIT Partners.

As regards the US, TRIMIT started there in 2001 and now has two very competent, regularly selling part-ners. However, the US market is huge, and therefore, TRIMIT needs more resellers to meet the growing demand. This need for new partners in the US was another reason for TRIMIT’s participation in Directions.

TRIMIT was a Proud Sponsor of DirectionsIt turned out to be a great suc-cess: “we will have a lot of new and exciting resellers in the US, some of these primarily focus on fashion, and they are all ready for tomorrow’s fashion solution”.

Altogether TRIMIT was very satis-fied with their participation in Direc-tions and enjoyed spending time with Microsoft: “Attending these conferences always gives me a good feeling. I enjoy hanging out with our friends at Microsoft and it is very nice to talk to your peers in the market” TRIMIT Head of Pro-duct Management Jesper Bech says, and continues: “It is very nice to hear that what we are doing at TRIMIT, is still consid-ered the benchmark. I know it is going to be even harder to stay at this level, but we are willing to do whatever it takes to make it suc-ceed”.

TRIMIT Participates in Directions EMEA 2010TRIMIT will once again participate in Directions – this time in Directions EMEA 2010.The event will take place May 19-21, 2010 in Prague, Czech Republic.

We will keep you updated with infor-mation on our participation. We look forward to seeing you in Prague!