Triangulation (Muhammad Salman's Conflicted Copy 2016-04-03)

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  • 8/17/2019 Triangulation (Muhammad Salman's Conflicted Copy 2016-04-03)



    • It is one of the methods of providingcontrol in an area which is to besurveyed

    • It is based on the Trigonometricproposition that if one side andthree angles of a Triangle be

    known, the remaining sides canbe computed b the applicationof !in Rule i.e.

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     These stations form the vertices of a seriesof mutually connected triangles, thecomplete gure called as triangulation

    sstem For checking, last line is measured

    accurately on eld and compared with thecommutated from triangulation, called

    check base Check bases are established regularly in

    series of long triangulation system

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     The triangulation stations at whichazimuth, latitudes and longitudes aremeasured from astronomical

    observations are called azimuth,latitude or longitude stations

     Triangulation system is used to

    establish control points with respectto distances from a reference point,longitudes or latitudes and azimuths

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    TRIANGULATION  The obect of triangulation is to determine the

    relative position of a system of widely separatedpoints on the surface of earth and also theirabsolute positions.

    The relati"e positions are determined in

    terms of a#imuths and line $oining them,absolute position is determined in terms oflatitudes and longitudes and ele"ation abo"e%!L&

     The geodetic points so determined will furnish themost precise controls for a more detailed survey ofthe intervening country

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    The main objective of triangulation is to provide a number of stationswhose relative and absolute positions, horizontal as well as vertical,

    are accurately established. More detailed location or engineering

    survey are then carried out from these stations.

    The triangulation surveys are carried out






    to establish accurate control for plane and geodetic surveys of large areas,

     to establish accurate control for photogrammetric surveys of large areas,

    to assist in the determination of the size and shape of the earth by making observations for

    latitude, longitude

    to determine accurate locations of points in engineering works such as

    (a) !i"ing centre line and abutments of long bridges over largerivers.

    (b) !i"ing centre line, terminal points, and shafts for long tunnels.

    (c) Transferring the control points across wide sea channels, large

    water bodies, etc..

    (d) !inding the direction of the movement of clouds.

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    TRIANGULATION !ethods employed in "eodetic survey to

    establish control are  Triangulation # !ore accurate

    $recise Traversing # %ess accurate but in areas

    where Triangulation is not feasible e&g denselywooded country of very 'at ground

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     A B


    Base Line AB is measured

    Internal angles at A, B , C are measured


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    PRINCIPLE OF TRIANGULATION!igure shows two interconnected triangles ABC and BCD. #ll the angles in

     both the triangles, and the length L of the side AB, have been

    measured.#lso the azimuth ( of AB has been measured at the triangulation

    station A, whose coordinates ( X  A , Y 

     A), are known.

    The objective is to determine the coordinates of the triangulation stations

     B, C , and  D  by the method of triangulation. $et us first calculate the

    lengths of all the lines.

    %y sine rule in∆ ABC , we have

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    'rinciple AB BC

    = CA

    &e havesin '

    sin sin *

     AB  L = l  AB

    or   BC   = l  BC 

    sin '

     L sin

    and CA = l CAsin '

     L sin *

     +ow the side BC being known in ∆ BCD, by sine rule, we have


    sin - sin

     BC CD= 


    &e have  BC   = l 

     BC sin '

     L sin

    or  = l CDCD ? sin ' sin

      L sin sin -

    = l  BDand  BD ??sin ' sin

      L sin sin

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    'rinciple$et us now calculate the azimuths of all the lines.

    #zimuth of AB θ = θ  AB

    #zimuth of AC θ + ∠ = θ  AC 

    #zimuth of BC θ + /0° − ∠* = θ BC 

    #zimuth of BD θ + /0° − (∠* + ∠-) = θ  BD

    #zimuth of CD θ − ∠* + ∠ = θCD

    !rom the known lengths of the sides and the azimuths, coordinates as below.

     +orthing of  AB l  AB cos θ  AB =  L AB1eparture of AB l  AB sin θ  AB=  D AB

      +orthing of AC l  AC cos θ  AC =  L AC  1eparture of  AC l  AC sin θ  AC =  D AC 

     +orthing of  BD l  BD cos θ BD =  L BD

    1eparture of  BD l  BD sin θ BD =  L BD

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     +orthing of  CD l CD cos θCD =  LCD

    1eparture of CD l CD sin θCD =  DCD

    The desired coordinates of the triangulation stations B, C , and D are as follows

    2.3 coordinate of B,  X  B

    =  X  A +  D AB

    43 coordinate of B, Y  B = Y  A +  L AB  X 3coordinate

    of C , X C

    = X  A+  D AC Y 3coordinate of C , Y C

    = Y  A+  L AC  X 3coordinate of D, X  D = X  B + 

     D BD Y 3coordinate of D, Y  D = Y  B +  L BD

    5t would be found that the length of side can be computed more than once

    following different routes, and therefore, to achieve a better accuracy, the

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    T() 'RO*)!!a. )election of suitable points as triangulation

    stations in the area to be surveyedb. !easurement of a *ase %ine

    c. !easurement of all the angles of the triangle andadustment of misclosures

    d. Computations of lengths of other two sides of thetriangle

    e. Computation of coordinates of unknown pointf. Taking one computed side as *ase for the ne+t

    triangle and measurement of all the angles and soon

    g. !easurement of a Check *ase at an interval of ((to -(( m

    h. /etermining 0zimuth at the intervals of -( m byastronomical observations. /etermining of%ongitude and latitude are also necessitated at


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    a. Triangles

    b. 1uadrilaterals

    c. $entagon or 2e+agons

    Chain of braced 3uadrilaterals is the bestfollowed by centered point polygon

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    a. Triangles

    b. 1uadrilaterals

    c. $entagon or 2e+agons

    Chain of braced 3uadrilateralsis the best followed by centered

    point polygon

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    a. )ingle Chained Triangles

    b. /ouble Chain Triangles

    c. *raced 1uadrilaterals

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    d. Centered triangles and polygons

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    .6imple triangles should be preferably e7uilateral.*.%raced 7uadrilaterals should be preferably appro"imate s7uares.

    '.8entered polygons should be regular.

    -.The arrangement should be such that the computations can be done through two

    or more independent routes.

    .The arrangement should be such that at least one route, and preferably tworoutes form well3 conditioned triangles.

    .+o angle of the figure, opposite a known side should be small, whichever end

    of the series is used for computation.

    9.#ngles of simple triangles should not be less than -:, and in the case of

    7uadrilaterals, no angle should be less than '0:. 5n the case of centered

     polygons, no angle should be less than -0:./.The sides of the figures should be of comparable lengths. ;ery long lines and

    very short lines should be avoided.

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    a. $rimary

    4. Initial survey of an area

    . First order standard accuracy

    5. 6ery $recise e3uipments and methodsemployed

    7. %ength of base line -&( km or more andsides 5( to 48( km or more. %onger lengths

    -. Triangle misclosure 49:59

    8. /egree of accuracy is 4 in -((,(((

    ;. Check on base is 4 in -(((

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     Types of frame work for $rimarytriangulation

    a. )eries of connecting chains or "ridiron system.

    b. 0 continuous mesh of triangles orthe central system

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    b. )econdary

    4. *reakdown of primary triangle

    . )econd order accuracy

    5. %ess $recise e3uipments and methodsemployed as compared to $rimary

    7. %ength of base line &- km and sides ? to ;(km.)horter lengths as compared to primary

    -. Triangle misclosure & 59 to ?98. /egree of accuracy is 4 in -(,(((

    ;. Check on base is 4 in 4(,(((

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    c. Tertiary4. Further break down of primary and secondary

    work to provide control for Topographic survey

    . Third order accuracy

    5. %ess $recise e3uipments and methods employedas compared to $rimary

    7. %ength of base line 4&5 km and sides 4.- to 4(km. )maller triangles

    -. Triangle misclosure & 89 to 498. /egree of accuracy is 4 in -(((

    ;. Check on base is 4 in -(((

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    a. 0ccurate measurement of *ase willset the scale

    b. /etermining the 0zimuth will + theorientation

    c. /etermining the %ongitude and%atitude of one of the baseterminals will + the position on theearth@s surface


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    • 0ccuracy is preserved by

    a. Check *ases at intervals of (( to -((mb. 0zimuth is checked at intervals of -(m

    c. =sing well conditioned gures. 0ngle but ane3uilateral triangle is ideal and s3uare e3uilateral is ideal

    d. Fully observing all closed gures

    1  The accuracy of a triangulation system is greatly aAected by thearrangement of triangles in the layout and the magnitude of theangles in individual triangles. The triangles of such a shape, inwhich any error in angular measurement has a minimum eAect

    upon the computed lengths, is known as well-conditionedtriangle.

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    The accuracy of a triangulation system is greatly affected by the

    arrangement of triangles in the layout, and the magnitude of the

    angles in individual triangles. The triangles of such a shape, inwhich any error in angular measurement has a minimum effect upon

    the computed lengths, is known as well-conditioned triangle.

    5n any triangle of a triangulation system, the length of one side is

    generally obtained from computation of the adjacent triangle. Theerror in the other two sides if any, will affect the sides of the

    triangles whose computation is based upon their values. 1ue to

    accumulated errors, entire triangulation system is thus affected


    The best shape of an isoceles triangle is that triangle whose base

    angles are :-' each. =owever, from practical considerations, an

    e7uilateral triangle may be treated as a well3conditional triangle. 5n

    actual practice, the triangles having an angle less than '0: or more

    than *0: should not be considered.

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    a. B+amination of country to be surveyedb. )uitable site for *ase %inec. $ositions for triangulation stations

    d. /etermining

    4. Intervisibility. Clearance re3uired in line of sight for


    e. Information regarding

    4. 0ccess to station.  Transport facilities

    5. )upply of food, water etc7. Camping ground or suitable accommodation

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    !)L)*TION of !TATION!

    4. Intervisible. )hould form well conditioned triangles

    5. )hould be easily accessible

    7. =seful for detail survey

    -. Convenientsuitable length of line ofsight

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    !TATION %AR2!

    4. )hould be permanently marked with copperor bronze tablet on which its name and yearbe stamped

    . It should be referenced with atleast tworeference marks and these reference sketchesshould be giving of station and its location

    5. )hould be set on concrete monument or

    stable rock7. In earth an additional mark be placed about

    5( inches below surface in stone or concrete

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    a. In 'at areas or under peculiarconditions towers may be necessary

    b. Calculation of height of towerneeded for clearance of line of sight

    c. It increases logistic problems

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    *O%'UTATION .A4U!T%)NT!

    • Dbservations are adusted for

    4. Eemoving misclosures

    . Consistency

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    )trength of Figure 

    The strength of figure is a factor to be considered in establishing a triangulation system

    to maintain the computations within a desired degree of precision. It plays also animportant role in deciding the layout of a triangulation system.

    The .!. Coast and "eodetic !ur#eys has de#eloped a con#enient method of

    e#aluating the strength of a triangulation figure. It is based on the fact that

    computations in triangulation in#ol#e use of angles of triangle and length of one

    $nown side. The other two sides are computed by sine law. %or a gi#en change in the

    angles, the sine of small angles change more rapidly than those of large angles. Thissuggests that smaller angles less than &'( should not be used in the computation of

    triangulation. If, due to una#oidable circumstances, angles less than &'( are used,

    then it must be ensured that this is not opposite the side whose length is re)uired to

    be computed for carrying forward the triangulation series.

    The e*pression gi#en by the .!. Coast and "eodetic !ur#eys for e#aluation of the

    strength of figure, is for the s)uare of the probable error (L²)(Si!" pla#e o$ lo%) thatwould occur, if the computations are carried from a $nown side through a single chain

    of triangles after the net has been ad+usted for the side and angle conditions. The

    e*pression for L is

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    )trength of Figure


    ' L> d > R ... (.

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    )trength of Figure

    5n any triangulation system more than one routes are

     possible for various stations. The strength of figure

    decided by the factor  R alone determines the mostappropriate route to adopt the best shaped

    triangulation net route. If the computed value of  R

    is less, the strength of figure is more and vice
