Trek to Tokyo Week 3...– On the next 6 pieces of card you need to scribble blue pen on one side,...


Transcript of Trek to Tokyo Week 3...– On the next 6 pieces of card you need to scribble blue pen on one side,...

Page 1: Trek to Tokyo Week 3...– On the next 6 pieces of card you need to scribble blue pen on one side, and then write the following on the other side (1 on each card) Bathroom, Lounge,



W E E K 3

Page 2: Trek to Tokyo Week 3...– On the next 6 pieces of card you need to scribble blue pen on one side, and then write the following on the other side (1 on each card) Bathroom, Lounge,

Bronze certificate for trekking 2,000 milesSilver certificate for trekking 4,000 miles Gold certificate for trekking 6,000 miles 

Don’t worry if you miss a day, you can always double up activities another day, andof course the more active you are, the more miles you can earn and the quicker youwill get to Tokyo.

You can earn a certificate for achieving the following milestones:

We’d love to see what you are up to, so send us photos of you being active and ofyour artistic creations on social media:

Twitter: @HampshireSGOInstagram: hampshiresgosFacebook:  Hampshire SGO

We hope you enjoy the challenge and look forward to seeing your photos!

A note from the Hampshire School Games Organisers:

It’s time for Week 3 of the Trek to Tokyo summer challenge! We hope you’re enjoyingthe challenge so far and are having fun keeping fit and healthy!

This week, we’ve got a Cluedo Wake Up Shake Up activity lined up and don’t forget tokeep sending us photos of your great Olympic Posters – we’re loving your creativity!

Keep totalling up your miles at the end of each week…


M I L E S F O R :



Wake Up Shake Up activity – 40 miles Daily Challenges – 40 milesTen Minute Filler – 40 milesActive 30 minutes or Friday Gym or Dance activity – 60 milesWeekly Cultural Fact Finder or Poster or Maths Challenge – 100 miles

Completing these activities every day will help you meet the recommended dailylevels of physical activity – 60 active minutes!

Page 3: Trek to Tokyo Week 3...– On the next 6 pieces of card you need to scribble blue pen on one side, and then write the following on the other side (1 on each card) Bathroom, Lounge,

CLUEDO - Who stole the Olympic Flag?

Weekly Wake up Shake Up

You can play this by yourself or with your family, to solve the mystery of ‘Who stole the OlympicFlag?’ Before you start, you need 19 pieces of card/paper/cardboard – these will become yourclues.

Who stole the flag? - On 6 pieces of your card you need to scribble red pen on one side, andthen on the other side write a member of your family (1 person on each card) i.e. Mum, Dad,Nan etc, Don’t forget to add your name!How did they get away? - On the next 6 pieces of card you need to scribble green pen on oneside, and then on the other side write the following (1 on each card) Car, Bike, Scooter,Running, Plane and TrainWhere is it hidden? – On the next 6 pieces of card you need to scribble blue pen on one side,and then write the following on the other side (1 on each card) Bathroom, Lounge, Bedroom,Kitchen, Hallway and Garden.Your final piece of card is your ‘note sheet’ –copy the table below (or cut it out) to help yousolve the mystery.

Once you have you cards ready put them in a pile with the colours facing up. Without lookingyou need to remove 1 red, 1 green and 1 blue card from your pile. Put them somewhere safeas they hold the answer to your mystery – you will need to check these once you think youhave the answer.Have a starting marker and leave your note sheet there. Place your remaining coloured cardsat the other end of the space you are using. On ‘go’ you run up to your cards and look at one,you must turn it face down again and run back to tick off what you saw on your note sheet,then go again and keep on going until you solve the mystery. Eventually on you note sheet you will have one person left, one get away method left and onehiding place left and that will solve your mystery. Remember you are only allowed to look at one card at a time, and you must turn it face downagain before you run back. If you turn a card over that you have already seen then you stillhave to run back to the beginning before you can look at another one.Rather than running each time, change the exercise – be creative (skipping, jumps, spiderwalks etc).If you finish before the 20 minutes is up, then have another go, remember to remove 3 cardsfirst!Have a think about the colours on the back of your cards, how could they help you?Good Luck and have Fun!

Who stole it? Get away method? Where it's hidden?


2. Dad






2. Bike

3. Scooter

4. Running

5. Plane

6. Train


2. Lounge

3. Bedroom

4. Kitchen

5. Hallway

6. Garden

Page 4: Trek to Tokyo Week 3...– On the next 6 pieces of card you need to scribble blue pen on one side, and then write the following on the other side (1 on each card) Bathroom, Lounge,

Daily Challenge: Shuttle Runs

Ten Minute FillerSearch around your house or garden and see how many

things you can find in ten minutes that start with the letter: K

Out ofbreath

Move It Monday

Use two markers to make a shuttle run. You'll need a straightline somewhere in your house/garden preferably 5m long. Ifyou don't have space then set up a circle to run aroundinstead.

How many shuttles/loops can you do in 3 minutes?

Increase the time to make it more challenging!

Write down how many milestoward Tokyo you earnt today!

Your choice of active 30 minutes

Active 30 Minutes

Make up acircuit ofactivities

Record your score here:

Heart rateincreases

May be redin the face


Go fora walk

Rideyour bike


1: 2: 3:

Page 5: Trek to Tokyo Week 3...– On the next 6 pieces of card you need to scribble blue pen on one side, and then write the following on the other side (1 on each card) Bathroom, Lounge,

You need a start and finish line, and two items you can stand on i.e. floats,spots, card etc. The space between your start and finish line is a river. Youmust cross without falling in.

You must use your two items to cross. Only your feet and hands can touchyour items, no body part is allowed to touch the river (floor). If you do youneed to start again.

How quickly can you cross? Use smaller items to make it more challenging.

Out ofbreath

Your choice of active 30 minutes

Search around your house or garden and seehow many things you can find in ten minutes

that start with the letter: L

Daily challenge: River Crossing

Try It Tuesday

2:1: 3:

Ten Minute Filler

Active 30 Minutes

Heart rateincreases

May be redin the face


Go fora walk

Rideyour bike


Make up acircuit ofactivities

Today I earnt this manymiles toward Tokyo!

Record your score here:

Page 6: Trek to Tokyo Week 3...– On the next 6 pieces of card you need to scribble blue pen on one side, and then write the following on the other side (1 on each card) Bathroom, Lounge,

How hard do you want to work? You have two options:

1) Speed challenge - Do step-ups for 30 seconds - how manycan you do?2) Endurance challenge - Do step-ups for the whole 5 minutes- how many can you do?

Rules: safety first - your whole foot must go on the step!Try leading with your non-dominant foot.

Daily challenge: Step-Ups

Search around your house or garden and seehow many things you can find in ten minutes that

start with the letter: M

Workout Wednesday

2:1: 3:

Ten Minute Filler

Record your score here:

Active 30 Minutes

Heart rateincreases

May be redin the face


Go fora walk

Rideyour bike


Make up acircuit ofactivities

Out ofbreath

Your choice of active 30 minutes

Today I earnt this manymiles toward Tokyo!

Page 7: Trek to Tokyo Week 3...– On the next 6 pieces of card you need to scribble blue pen on one side, and then write the following on the other side (1 on each card) Bathroom, Lounge,

You need to keep and object in the air for as long as possible.You can use a racket, your hand or a hard book.

You will also need a ball, a balloon or a rolled up piece ofpaper.

Bounce your object as many times as you can withoutdropping it on the floor. How many can you do?

Try using your weaker hand.

Ten Minute FillerSearch around your house or garden andsee how many things you can find in ten

minutes that start with the letter: N

Active 30 Minutes

Today I earnt this manymiles toward Toyko!

Heart rateincreases

May be redin the face


Go fora walk

Rideyour bike


Make up acircuit ofactivities

Out ofbreath

Daily challenge: Tennis Keepie ups

2:1: 3:

Record your score here:

Train it Thursday

Page 8: Trek to Tokyo Week 3...– On the next 6 pieces of card you need to scribble blue pen on one side, and then write the following on the other side (1 on each card) Bathroom, Lounge,

This is an activity to play with your family. Choose your favouritemusic and stand in a circle so you can all see.

Choose someone to start in the middle of the circle. This person hasto make up a dance move. When they have finished, the person nextto them swaps places. They have to start with the first dance moveand then add one of their own.

Keep adding a move every time there is a new person in the middle.As a family, how many dance moves could you remember andperform correctly?

Today I earnt this many milestoward Tokyo!

Select six items to act as markers. Set them out in the gardenor in a room at least 1m apart. Choose someone to time you.

Travel in a figure of eight. How long does it take you to movein and out of the markers and back.

Try this three times and try and beat your score. If you foundthis easy, try balancing something on your head and try again!

Search around your house or garden andsee how many things you can find in ten

minutes that start with the letter: O

Friday Finisher

2:1: 3:

Ten Minute Filler

Record your score here:

Dance Challenge: Add a Move

Daily challenge: Slalom Course

Record your score here:

Page 9: Trek to Tokyo Week 3...– On the next 6 pieces of card you need to scribble blue pen on one side, and then write the following on the other side (1 on each card) Bathroom, Lounge,

Research what the total number of medals (Bronze,Silver and Gold) were won by France at these SummerOlympic Games 1986, 1936, 1964, 1980, 1992, 2016.

 Record your scores on the bar chart to score 100 milesfor this activity towards your Trek to Tokyo tally!

Maths Challenge