Trapper second year GDD

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Transcript of Trapper second year GDD

  • 8/9/2019 Trapper second year GDD


    Game Design Portfolio Damien Dixon 08005438

    CM0565 Designing Game Mechanics 1 15/01/2010


    A Clichd and comic tale following the adventures of renowned monster hunter

    Clovis D. Vandertrap and his womanising sidekickAn inanimate rabbits foot

    named William.

    Playstation 3

  • 8/9/2019 Trapper second year GDD


    Game Design Portfolio Damien Dixon 08005438

    CM0565 Designing Game Mechanics 2 15/01/2010

    Table of Contents1.0 Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 3

    1.1 Key themes/ ambience/ attitude ................................................................................................. 3

    1.2 Game Story outline ....................................................................................................................... 3

    1.3 Overall Game flow ........................................................................................................................ 41.4 World ............................................................................................................................................ 4

    1.5 Non player characters ................................................................................................................... 5

    1.6 Time and space ............................................................................................................................. 5

    2.0 Interface ............................................................................................................................................ 6

    2.1 Camera .......................................................................................................................................... 6

    2.2 Game Interface ............................................................................................................................. 7

    2.3 Menu Screen ................................................................................................................................. 7

    2.4 Select menu .................................................................................................................................. 8

    2.5 Controls ......................................................................................................................................... 9

    2.6 Player Feedback ............................................................................................................................ 9

    3.0 Player Statistics and abilities ........................................................................................................... 10

    3.1 The player character: .................................................................................................................. 10

    3.2 Character Statistics: .................................................................................................................... 10

    3.3 Player Abilities ............................................................................................................................. 12

    4.0 Monetary system ............................................................................................................................ 13

    4.1 How to get money ....................................................................................................................... 13

    4.2 What to spend money on ........................................................................................................... 13

    4.3 Warehouse system...................................................................................................................... 13

    4.4 Inventory system ......................................................................................................................... 135.0 Experience and character progression ........................................................................................... 14

    6.0 Combat system ............................................................................................................................... 16

    6.1 Melee Attacks ............................................................................................................................. 16

    6.2 Ranged attacks ............................................................................................................................ 17

    6.3 Combos ....................................................................................................................................... 17

    6.4 Traps and Status effects .............................................................................................................. 18

    7.0 Items ............................................................................................................................................... 19

    7.1 Healing pills ................................................................................................................................. 19

    7.2 Trap components ........................................................................................................................ 20

    7.3 Weapons ..................................................................................................................................... 20

    7.4 Armor .......................................................................................................................................... 22

    7.5 Enhancement Materials .............................................................................................................. 23

    7.6 Misc Items ................................................................................................................................... 23

    8.0 Enhancement system ...................................................................................................................... 24

    9.0 Demon Power and Trap system (magic) ......................................................................................... 25

    10.0 Missions ........................................................................................................................................ 27

    11.0 Enemies ......................................................................................................................................... 29

    12.0 Area Specifics: ............................................................................................................................... 31

  • 8/9/2019 Trapper second year GDD


    Game Design Portfolio Damien Dixon 08005438

    CM0565 Designing Game Mechanics 3 15/01/2010

    1.0 Overview

    1.1 Key themes/ ambience/ attitude

    The game is a clichd comic adventure for the Playstation 3 console, this will be reflected upon

    visual style of the game keeping it very cartoon like. The intended demographic will be 12+ to allow

    for some adult humour which the game will feature heavily, not unfamiliar to that of Jak II (2003).

    1.2 Game Story outline

    Orphaned as a boy and taken in by the Holy Order, Clovis D.Vandertrap remembers little of his

    family, all that ties him to them is his fathers surname and chest of possessions given to him by his

    mentor, Bascom Wallace. Bascom tells Clovis that his father was once the best monster hunter in

    existence and because of this he must strive to be better and stronger in order to seek revenge.

    When reading through his fathers journal one afternoon Clovis notices a passage aimed specifically

    at him which states that a friend lies within a false bottom of the chest. After some examination

    Clovis managed to unlock the false bottom to find nothing but a rabbits foot necklace. Equipping the

    necklace he instantly starts to hear a voice in his head, the voice explains that his name is William an

    ancient roman general and demon hunter who shaped his father into the best hunter to have

    existed. After Telling Clovis that his father was murdered by an almost omnipotent demon named

    Etrigan, he explains that he himself was his fathers insurance policy and has been instructed to train

    Clovis and prepare him to face Etrigan.

    After Completing his first mission for the Holy Order Clovis is aged 18, the youngest certified

    monster hunter of all time. He is now able to accept missions from the Holy Order and other various

    sources. Monsters are running rife and the task of tracking seven of the most powerful falls to Clovis,

    who is prepared to do anything for information regarding Etrigan.

    Against advice from William who claims he isnt ready, Clovis heads off in search of The Mummy.

    After wading through its lackeys like cannon fodder an arrogant Clovis finally comes face to face with

    Mummy itself, although he soon finds out that this is a different enemy entirely. On the precipice of

    defeat, about to be struck down, Clovis consumed by searing anger reaches for The

    instantly combusts and is blown to pieces.

    Afterwards William explains that Clovis has Etrigans blood within him as it was secretly fed to him

    and a number of children by the demon himself as a child. William and his father didnt know how

    this would affect Clovis, now they do ... Clovis is half Demon.

    After hunting down the 5 remaining monsters and gaining strength as he goes Clovis is now stronger

    than ever, with Demon Powers and The Holy Order at his disposal he hunts down the final piece of

    the puzzle, A rogue hunter named Dr. Millard Rush. After discovering his demonic blood can be used

    against him Clovis decides to train himself resist holy magic, doing this earns him the attention of

    other hunters and angelic like creatures. Now as well as having hell spawn, demons and monsters to

    contend with he also has the forces of good in his way... deciding that he is too close to his target to

    be deterred he continues by any means necessary.

    Coming face to face with Etrigan, Clovis discovers that he isnt a demon at all and actually a castdown angel who drinks demon blood to remain hidden. This makes Clovis some kind unnatural

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    Game Design Portfolio Damien Dixon 08005438

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    abomination to both sides, a risk. After Killing Etrigan, content with his act of deicide Clovis retires to

    try and live a life without being hunted... at least for a little while.

    1.3 Overall Game flow

    The game will be compartmentalised in chapters which will slowly edge you towards your overall

    goal. There will be a main objective to complete in each chapter but also side quests, essentially the

    game is free roaming but with a head objective required to complete each chapter and advance the


    The missions will insure that the player will have raised at least 5 levels every two chapters. Learning

    a trap in-between and cumulating on Clovis learning a new Demon power at the end of every second

    chapter. Overall the game will have ten chapters eight of them ending in a boss fight.

    Boss fights in order:

    The Mummy

    Nosferatu Dr. Jekyl Jack the Ripper Frankensteins Monster (Skin) Dracula Dr. Millard Rush (Rogue Holy Order) Etrigan (Final boss)

    Abilities in accordance with story

    Chapter Demon power Trap Combo

    1 1

    2 1 1

    3 1

    4 1 1

    5 1 1

    6 1

    7 1 1

    8 1 1

    9 110 1 1

    1.4 World

    The world of Trapper is loosely based on the 18th

    century, somewhat Van Hellsing-esque, plagued

    with monsters ghosts and a whole host of supernatural goings on. All in all there are 6 different cities

    to visit and explore, each with their own feel and very own classic villain. From 18th

    century England

    to Transylvania the player hunt monsters and complete missions to further his goal. Travel from

    location to location will be done using a quick travel where the player can select the desired location

    from the world map.

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    Game Design Portfolio Damien Dixon 08005438

    CM0565 Designing Game Mechanics 5 15/01/2010

    1.5 Non player characters

    Bascom Wallace:

    An older hunter and Clovis mentor and guardian, you have known Bascom from an early age andcare for him deeply. Hes obsessed with modifying his equipment for no other reason than that he

    can; refusing to explain the thought process behind these modifications he makes a joke out of it.

    From time to time he will relay missions to be completed for The Holy Order.

    The Blacksmiths:

    Found within every port of call The Blacksmiths run a successful equipment enhancement business.

    For a reasonable price they will enhance your equipment with any stones you have found. You can

    access the enhancement window by initiating dialog with this character.

    The General Dealer:

    Usually found in possession of pills, weapons, armor and if asked nicely a number of trap

    components such as blood vials and rock salt. Everything you need can be bought from these dealers

    which can be found in every town city and village.


    An ancient roman general and demon hunter whose soul is trapped in an inanimate rabbits foot.

    Constantly sarcastic, womanising and doubtful its lucky that the only person to hear him is Clovis,

    although he does have his uses. As an ex demon hunter and roman general he has skills to teach

    Clovis as he progresses.

    1.6 Time and space

    The use of time and space in Trapper is centred on combat only:


    Space within the game is measured in meters and applied in many abilities such as rangedattacks and demon powers.

    Time in trapper is measured in seconds, the grand pentacle trap paralyses for a duration of12 seconds and a purple pill has a cool down of 60 seconds.

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    Game Design Portfolio Damien Dixon 08005438

    CM0565 Designing Game Mechanics 6 15/01/2010

    2.0 Interface

    2.1 Camera

    The majority of the game will stick to an over the shoulder 3rd

    person perspective as shown below.

    However when there are special skill to be applied, such as a devil trap or AoE attack the camera will

    switch to an isometric view enabling you to quickly decide where to place it.

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    Game Design Portfolio Damien Dixon 08005438

    CM0565 Designing Game Mechanics 7 15/01/2010

    2.2 Game Interface

    The interface will somewhat follow the traditional adventure RPG structure. Split into two simple


    Avatar: Shows the players avatar (Clovis) which will show different levels of injury in relationto the health bar.

    Health Bar: Anytime the player takes damage from melee combat, explosions, or magic, thehealth bar depletes and the screen darkens in relation to amount of health remaining.

    Demon power: When the player uses any demon power DP is deducted from this bar, muchlike mana.

    Mini map: Used to navigate different areas. Points of interest are marked with differenticons.

    Skill Bar: This shows the currently assigned skills and powers plus their corresponding d-padbuttons.

    XP bar: Shows the amount of XP required for the player to reach the next level

    2.3 Menu Screen

    The screen you are first presented with, the left analog stick will be used to navigate and the square

    button to select your choices.

    Resume: this enables you to resume your last saved game. New Game: Selecting this starts a new game. Load game: Brings you to a selection of previously saved games. Options: Opens the options screen where you can set game parameters. Credits: Rolls the games credits.



    Health Bar

    Demon power

    Skill bar

    X bar


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  • 8/9/2019 Trapper second year GDD


    Game Design Portfolio Damien Dixon 08005438

    CM0565 Designing Game Mechanics 9 15/01/2010

    2.5 Controls

    The control system will allow for seamless interaction between Ranged, Melee and Magic type

    combat. Enabling the player to integrate the three into combo attacks.

    2.6 Player FeedbackFeedback will be given in several different ways, visual, auditory and vibrational.

    Auditory feedback:

    Low on mana: When Clovis is low on mana and does not have enough to use the desireddemon power he will inform the player in a sarcastic and funny manner.

    Near death: when Clovis is badly injured either he or William will let the player know. Blocking an attack: When a player blocks an attack you will hear *ting* deflection noise. Type of attack: Different types of attack will have different noises, if the player hears the

    swish of an arrow they know they are being attacked at range.

    Visual feedback:

    Avatar/screen feedback: As the health bar depletes the avatar will appear more injured andthe screen will darken to give the illusion of fainting.

    Target: A circle around the enemys feet will show who the player is targeting. Block: If an attack is successfully blocked, a flash of sparks from the melee weapon will show


    Knockback: if they player is hit with a particularly damaging attack, they will suffer aknockback effect.

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    Game Design Portfolio Damien Dixon 08005438

    CM0565 Designing Game Mechanics 10 15/01/2010

    Vibrational feedback:

    Charge attack: When the player uses a charge attack the controller will go through stages ofvibration. When this is at its strongest, the attack is fully charged.

    Knockback: When the players suffers an attack that causes knockback, the controller willvibrate violently.

    Demon Powers: When certain powerful demon powers are used, the controller will vibratein relation to their effect.

    Combos: When combos are activated the controller will vibrate in accordance to their effect.

    3.0 Player Statistics and abilities

    3.1 The player character:

    The protagonist of Trapper is renowned monster hunter Clovis D.Vandertrap, Trapper to his friendsand enemies. The history of Trapper is a murky one with many grey areas. He is unexplainably able

    to use what seems like Magic , yet these powers have been shunned as demonic by the Holy Order.

    To a lot of the people he encounters, Trapper appears to be on the verge of sanity, constantly talking

    to himself. In reality he is completely sane and conversing with his sidekick William A womanising

    but brilliant demon hunter and ancient Roman general, whose soul has been trapped in an

    inanimate rabbits foot. Only the bearer can hear William, and that bearer happens to be Clovis.


    As a boy Clovis was a perfectly normal child, his father on the other hand... not so much. A Paragon

    of his kind Halvar Vandertrap was the best monster hunter in existence, until he bit off more than

    even he could chew. He had learned that most powerful of demons, Etrigan, had been feeding

    selected children his blood while they slept and Clovis was one of them. Not long after this discovery

    Clovis came home one day to find his family had been murdered, he was immediately taken into

    care by Bascom Wallace of the Holy Order and gifted with a chest that his father left for him.

    Through the Holy Order Clovis was trained to be the monster hunter he is today.

    3.2 Character Statistics:

    There will be 4 primary modifiable character statistics that are used within Trapper.

    Strength measures the character's physical prowess, and directly affects the damage a character

    deals in physical combat. It also contributes to the accuracy of melee attacks.

    Increases damage from all weapons except ranged. Increases attack score in melee combat by 0.5 for each point purchased. Increases physical resistance by 0.5 for each point purchased. Prerequisite for weapon talents and higher-level armor and weapons.

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    Game Design Portfolio Damien Dixon 08005438

    CM0565 Designing Game Mechanics 11 15/01/2010

    Willpower represents health and resilience. Higher willpower directly increases the amount of

    damage a character can take before falling on the battlefield. Willpower also represents a

    character's determination and mental fortitude. With a high willpower, the character can use demon

    powers more frequently.

    Increases health by 5 for each point purchased. Increases physical resistance by 0.5 for each point purchased. Increases DP by 5 for each point purchased. Prerequisite for many Demon powers. Contributes to mental resistance.

    Intelligence represent the characters ability to memorise and research different devil . A higher

    intelligence will lead to more devil traps being memorised before a mission.

    Increases amount of devil traps memorised by 0.2 for each point purchased. Prerequisite for and devil traps.

    Agilityis a measure of reflexes, and balance. Higher agility improves the characters chances to hit,

    makes the character more likely to dodge incoming blows, and contributes to the damage dealt by

    ranged weapons such as crossbows.

    Increases attack score in melee combat by 0.5 for each point purchased. Increases attack score in ranged combat by 1 for each point purchased. Increases armor rating by 0.5 for each point purchased. Increases physical resistance by 0.5 for each point purchased. Prerequisite for ranged weapons.

    Secondary stats are calculated based on equipment and primary stats.

    Armor Rating represents how hard the character is to hit. This number is determined by armor

    worn and the characters agility score.

    Attack Score represents the roll modifier when attempting to hit a target.

    Ex. (d20+ attack score) vs. (d20+ armor rating)

    Physical resistance represents the roll modifier when trying to resist an enemy skill that may result

    in knockback or knockdown.

    Ex. (d20+ strength) vs. (d20+ Physical resistance)
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    Game Design Portfolio Damien Dixon 08005438

    CM0565 Designing Game Mechanics 12 15/01/2010

    3.3 Player Abilities

    The player has many abilities for combat and exploration, including some context sensitive actions.

    Running: The player can run instead of walking by pressing in the R3 button to togglebetween running and walking.

    Blocking: The player can attempt to block by holding the X button, this will give the player a+5 modifier to his armor rating.

    Evade: While blocking the player can move the analogue stick in any direction to perform aquick dodge, this increases the players +5 blocking modifier to +8. This takes time to recover


    Melee attack: The player can use the square and triangle buttons to initiate a melee attack,there are two types of attack, fast attacks which do less damage and strong attacks which

    are slow but do heavy damage.

    Ranged attacks: The player can use ranged weapons to attack enemies from afar, L1 is usedto aim and R1 used to fire the weapon.

    Demon power/traps: Clovis can use his demon powers or devil traps by pressing theassigned d-pad buttons.

    Lock on: The player can lock on to an enemy to make combat easier by using the R1 buttonwhile not aiming a ranged weapon.

    Context sensitive actions: throughout missions the player will be required to open doors,examine and climb etc. This can be done when a context sensitive action appears on the

    screen, they can be activated by pressing the X button.

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    Game Design Portfolio Damien Dixon 08005438

    CM0565 Designing Game Mechanics 13 15/01/2010

    4.0 Monetary system

    The monetary system in Trapper is simple, it is based around copper, silver gold and platinum.

    100 copper = 1 silver. 100 silver = 1 gold. 100 gold = 1 platinum.

    This is a universal currency within the game and can be used anywhere to purchase weapons,

    potions etc.

    4.1 How to get money

    A lot of the players money will come from completing missions for the Holy order. As well as

    completing side quests for various NPCs, another source of income is selling equipment collected

    while carrying out these missions to a broker

    4.2 What to spend money on

    Primarily there are five different ways to spend your money in trapper, each of these benefiting the

    player character in one way or another.

    Weapons. Armor. Accessories. Potions. Items.

    4.3 Warehouse system

    Within Trapper there is a warehouse system so the player can store items he is not able to use yet,

    or craft items he does not have room for.

    Space: the warehouse system will have 50 storage slots, items take up one slot andduplicate items can be stacked.

    Cost: it costs 1 silver to store an item, which is paid when the item is taken out of thewarehouse.

    4.4 Inventory system

    The inventory systemworks just like the warehouse system but without the cost. There are 50

    square inventory slots for the player to use, duplicate items can be stacked.

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    Game Design Portfolio Damien Dixon 08005438

    CM0565 Designing Game Mechanics 14 15/01/2010

    5.0 Experience and character progression

    Clovis grows in strength as he gains experience during his quest to exact revenge upon Etrigan.

    Experience can be gained from completing missions and turning them in to the mission giver.

    Experience will not be given for killing monsters enabling the player to choose how he completes the

    mission objectives.

    As Clovis gains experience, he will level up, gaining additional combos, demon powers and stat

    points. In addition, he will be able to wield more powerful weapons and wear higher quality armor.

    The maximum level in game is 25 and the player will receive 3 stat points every level to spend on

    strength, willpower, intelligence and agility.

    The player will have a total of 75 stat points to spend. There are 7 combo points to spend from level 1-25. The player will gain 4 devil traps and 5 demon powers from level 1-25.

    Level Experience Ability Combo point

    1 1 1

    2 2001

    3 4401

    4 7401 1

    5 11001 1 dp

    6 14901

    7 19401 1 trap

    8 24401 1

    9 29901

    10 35901 1dp

    11 42401

    12 49401 1

    13 56901

    14 64901 1 trap

    15 73401 1dp

    16 82401 1

    17 91901

    18 101901

    19 112401

    20 123401 1dp 1

    21 134901 1 trap

    22 146901

    23 159401

    24 172401 1

    25 185901 1 trap 1 dp

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    Game Design Portfolio Damien Dixon 08005438

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    The graph shows the exponential curve of the experience system. This curve insures that the player

    is constantly challenged throughout the game. The first 7 levels are all within 20k experience; these

    can be considered the tutorial levels where the player is still learning.

    After that levels per 20k experience decrease to 3 between levels 7 and 16 this can be considered

    mid game where the player character will have access to mid game items and skills. From that pointonward the player will receive 2 levels per 20k until level 24 and 25 which are the hardest to obtain

    but unlock the best abilities.













    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

    Level and experience curve

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    Game Design Portfolio Damien Dixon 08005438

    CM0565 Designing Game Mechanics 16 15/01/2010

    6.0 Combat systemThe combat system in Trapper incorporates seamless interaction between Ranged, Melee and Magic

    type combat. Enabling the player to integrate the three into combo attacks.

    6.1 Melee Attacks

    The chance to hit an enemy is centred on d20 dice rolls, the attack score of the player and the armor

    rating of the enemy. These formulas also apply for when the player character is being attacked. For


    Action Light Melee Attack

    Type Melee

    Target Enemy

    Success (d20+attack score) vs. (d20+armor rating)

    DP cost 0

    Range Touch

    Effect (Strength + weapon damage) damage to target

    Notes This is a fast melee attack, to determine how much damage is dealt use the weapon

    damage (ex. 11.90) and add your strength.

    Action Heavy Melee Attack

    Type Melee

    Target Enemy

    Success (d20+attack score) vs. (d20+armor rating)

    DP cost 0

    Range Touch

    Effect (Strength +( weapon damage + 100%)) damage to target

    Notes This is a heavy melee attack, to determine how much damage is dealt use the

    weapon damage (ex. 11.90), double it and then add your strength.

    A successful light melee attack would be (19+22) vs. (11+25) the amount of damage the monster

    would receive depends on the weapon and strength so (41+11.90) would mean that the monster

    would take 53 damage. If this were a successful heavy attack the weapon damage would be doubled

    and the monster would take 67 damage.

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    Game Design Portfolio Damien Dixon 08005438

    CM0565 Designing Game Mechanics 17 15/01/2010

    6.2 Ranged attacks

    Work in a similar way but takes the current distance of the enemy from the player into

    consideration. For example:

    Action Shoot

    Type Ranged attack

    Target Enemy

    Success (d20+attack score) vs. (d20+armor rating + range)

    DP cost 0

    Range Any

    Effect (Agility + ranged weapon damage) damage to target

    Notes This is a standard ranged attack. It works much like a melee attack but with a range


    This attack works the same as a melee attack but uses agility for the damage modifier and suffers a

    range penalty of 5 for every 10 meters. If an enemy is 30 meters away the formula would read

    (d20+attack score) vs. (d20+armor rating + 10).

    6.3 Combos

    These are activated by using attacks in succession and add modifiers to damage or status if

    executed correctly. For example:

    Action Demon Fire combo

    Type Demon power attack

    Target Enemy

    Success AutomaticDP cost 30

    Range 1 meter

    Effect (Willpower + power damage + (strength/2)) fire damage to target

    Notes The Demon Fire combo is activated by inputting 2 light attacks, 2 heavy attacks and

    then activating the power Demon Fire. This combo effectively adds half your strength

    modifier to the Demon Fire attack. Has no effect on fire based creatures but has a

    50% damage modifier when used against ice based creatures.

    This combo lets the player add half their strength modifier to an otherwise willpower governed

    attack. The first 4 attacks are counted as melee attacks and are a prerequisite to activating the

    combo. After these attacks the player character fires an explosive fireball at point blank range which

    cannot be dodged.

    The damage is calculated as above, for example (32 + 15 + (41/2)) with these stats the Demon Fire

    combo would equate to 67 fire damage. If this combo were used against an ice type creature the

    damage would equate to 100.

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    Game Design Portfolio Damien Dixon 08005438

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    6.4 Traps and Status effects

    These are the tricks of the trade used by the holy order, Items are required to use them and they

    are drawn on the floor in the form Devil trap. They often have status and holding effects and can be

    combined with other traps or demon powers for surprising results

    Action Devil trap Grand Pentacle

    Type Trap

    Target Enemy

    Success (Willpower + intelligence) vs. Physical resistance

    Item cost 1 bag of salt (requires certain items present in inventory)

    Range Any

    Effect If an enemy activated the trap it is paralysed for 12 seconds.

    Notes The grand pentacle is a trap designed to paralyse the enemy. It is activated when an

    enemy steps onto the trap.

    If an explosive demon power is cast within the trap, the effect becomes AoE within

    20 meters.

    Paralyse: This renders the victim completely helpless and unable to move for theduration unless they resist due to a physical resistance check.

    Blocking: if blocking is occurring armor receives a +5 boost. Hexed: This gives the victim a -25% penalty to their attack bonus and also increases

    the modifier of elemental attacks against them by +25%.

    Weakened: This halves the strength modifier when using melee attacks. Poisoned: Depending on the strength of the poison the victim will take damage

    every 5 seconds. This can be resisted (intelligence vs. Physical resistance). Stunned: The enemy is stunned for 3 seconds, unable to act. This can be resisted

    with a physical resistance check (Str vs. Physical resistance).

    Knockback: The victim is knocked back interrupting their action. Resisted using aphysical resistance check (Str vs. Physical resistance).

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    7.0 Items

    7.1 Healing pills

    While Clovis is not in combat his health regenerates slowly, but for when the enemy has gained the

    upper hand in a battle the Holy Order has developed magic pills that magically knit open wounds

    and mend fractured bones instantly. There are many different kinds of pills; they vary from instant

    and prolonged healing effects to antidotes for almost any poison.

    When the player decides to use a pill it will take 2 second for the avatar to reach into his pouch and

    the consume the pill.


    Name Purple Health pill

    Cooldown 60 seconds

    Price 50 silverEffect The purple health pill

    regains 10% of Max HP

    every 5 seconds for 25


    Name Green Health pill

    Cooldown 120 seconds

    Price 2 Gold

    Effect The green health rids

    the player of mostweakening effects,

    including Poison and

    Hexes. Does not work

    for paralysis.


    Name Red Health pill

    Cooldown 60 seconds

    Price 1 goldEffect The red health pill is a

    potent instant healing

    pill. It instantly recovers

    50% of the players Max


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    Game Design Portfolio Damien Dixon 08005438

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    7.2 Trap components

    The Holy Order in their centuries of fighting monsters and demons have developed their own kind of

    magic. Strongly based on the occult most of these involve drawing symbols with various materials

    that arent demon or monster friendly. They range from vials of blood to bags of salt, and even holy



    Name Rock Salt

    Cooldown 0

    Price 50 silver per bag

    Effect Rock Salt is used in a lot of

    situations while battling

    Ghosts and Demons. Its

    most useful application is

    the Grand Pentacle devils

    trap which paralyses the


    7.3 Weapons

    There are two basic types of weapons within Trapper, melee weapons and ranged weapons.

    Melee weapon types:

    Sword Normal attack speed (Medium Damage) Hammer Slow attack speed (High Damage) Axe Normal/slow attack speed (Normal / High Damage) Rapier Fast/Normal attack speed (Low/High Damage) Dagger Very fast attack speed (Low Damage)

    Ranged weapon types:

    Crossbow slow/ one shot reload (High Damage) Gun slow/ 6 barrel reload (Medium Damage)

    Name Blood Vial

    Cooldown 0

    Price 50 silver per vial

    Effect Blood vials are used in the

    high end devils traps. It is

    mostly used to draw traps

    that banish demonic


    Name Liquid Silver

    Cooldown 0

    Price 5 gold per vial

    Effect Liquid Silver is an

    expensive but necessary

    component in traps that

    deal with vampires andthe like. Usually used in

    weakening and damage

    over time traps.

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    Game Design Portfolio Damien Dixon 08005438

    CM0565 Designing Game Mechanics 21 15/01/2010


    Name Broad Sword

    Type Melee, Sword

    Prereq. Lvl.7 18 str

    Damage 8.40Effects 10% chance of causing


    The broad sword: A general two-edged blade popular from the 6th century onward. Ranging in

    length from 30" to 42" in length and weights around 1.3kg, they were the pinnacle of medieval

    European sword technology. An agile fighting weapon capable of delivering dismembering cuts

    without being slow or clumsy.

    Bascoms Revolver:This is a 6 chamber revolver once used by Bascom of the Holy Order. It has a

    distinct bronze finish with two barrels which fire simultaneously; because of this it requires reloading

    every three shots. The double barrel feature gives it a chance to stun the enemy, years of care andmodification from Bascom has made it easier to use giving a +3 bonus to agility. When Clovis asked

    about his double barrel modification he replied I put a gun on my gun, so I can shoot while I shoot.

    The Skin Hammer: Wielded by Frankensteins monster who had taken the Skin for his own. The

    hammer is a heavy melee weapon covered in badly stitched skin harvested from his victims, because

    of its size it grants +10 physical resistance and a 15% chance of stunning the enemy.

    Name Bascoms Revolver

    Type Ranged, Gun

    Prereq. Lvl.16 26 Agility

    Damage 13

    Effect +3 Agility and 5%

    chance of stunning the


    Name Skin Hammer

    Type Melee, Hammer

    Prereq. Lvl.15 32 strength

    Damage 16.40

    Effect Grants +10 Physical

    resistance and a 15%

    chance of stunning the


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    Game Design Portfolio Damien Dixon 08005438

    CM0565 Designing Game Mechanics 22 15/01/2010

    7.4 Armor

    There are 4 areas where the player can equip armor in trapper.

    Head Hands Torso Feet

    For each area you can equip armor which will add to the overall armor rating of the character, if a

    matching suit is equipped the player receives extra bonuses.


    Hunters Hat: A hat given to hunters from the Holy Order after completion of their first official

    mission. If worn with the hunters Jacket, boots and gloves the player receives a +10 attack score


    Armored Duster: A leather duster jacket with chainmail in the seams, it looks like a normal Jacket

    but is extremely heavy. The weight of the jacket adds to the players physical resistance, making him

    harder to knockdown and stun.

    Bascoms Trapper gloves: A pair of armoured gloves used by Bascom of the Holy Order. Renowned

    for modifying his equipment these gloves can half the time it takes to use Devils traps due to the

    dispenser built into the wrist. When Clovis asked about his glove modification he replied I put a

    glove on my glove, so I can draw while I draw.

    Name Hunters Hat

    Type Armor, Head

    Prereq. Lvl.5Armor +3

    Effect +1 agility

    Name Armored Duster

    Type Armor, TorsoPrereq. Lvl.10 22 str

    Armor +8

    Effect +5 Physical resistance

    Name Bascoms Trapper gloves

    Type Armor, Hands

    Prereq. Lvl.16 20 int

    Armor +6

    Effect Halves time taken to draw

    Devils traps.

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    Game Design Portfolio Damien Dixon 08005438

    CM0565 Designing Game Mechanics 23 15/01/2010

    7.5 Enhancement Materials

    Throughout Trapper the player will come across stones which can be used to enhance his equipment

    at any blacksmith in the game world. There are three grades of stones:

    Flawed Stones. Clear Stones. Flawless Stones.


    7.6 Misc Items

    These items are useless to the player but NPCs throughout the game buy them for a price, or

    request them in their missions. They can be sold to a vendor Ex. Ectoplasm sells for 10 silver.

    Name Flawed Fire stone

    Type Enhancement stone

    Prereq. N/A

    Effect Socketing this stone into

    your weapon will give you

    +2 fire damage to yourattacks. If used with armor

    it will grant 4% fire


    Name Flawless Poison Stone

    Type Enhancement stone

    Prereq. N/A

    Effect Socketing this stone into

    your weapon will give you

    a 20% chance to poisonyour enemy. If used with

    armor it will grant 20%

    Poison resistance.

    Name Flawed Grey stone

    Type Enhancement stone

    Prereq. N/A

    Effect Socketing this stone into

    your armor will grant +2 to

    physical resistance.

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    Game Design Portfolio Damien Dixon 08005438

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    8.0 Enhancement system

    The enhancement system within trapper is centred around stones that can be socketed into your

    weapons and armor. Once these stones are part of the weapon they exhibit special qualities such as

    a burning blade that would inflict fire damage. There are three grades of stones within Trapper:

    Flawed stones. Clear stones. Flawless stones.

    Each weapon within the game has 2 enhancement slots which can each be filled with one stone.

    Armor on the other hand only has 1 enhancement slot which can be filled, this is due to the fact you

    can wear more pieces of armor than you can wield weapons.

    The weapons are enhanced by taking them to a blacksmith NPC, he will then present you with theenhancement screen where you place your stones and weapon. Once you have placed the desired

    stone in the slot you press confirm and your weapon/armor has been enhanced.

    There is a cost associated with enhancing your weapons however, the price is directly related to the

    quality of weapon you want enhanced, and the quality of stones you wish to use. The levelrequirement of the equipment you want upgraded directly effects the cost. Enhancing a sword with

    a level requirement of 20 using one flawless stone would cost 35 gold.


    Flawed 5 gold Clear - 10 gold Flawless 15 gold Level req. 1 level = 1 gold (level 20 sword = 20 gold)


    Stone Stone




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    Game Design Portfolio Damien Dixon 08005438

    CM0565 Designing Game Mechanics 25 15/01/2010

    9.0 Demon Power and Trap system (magic)

    Magic in Trapper relies on Clovis Demon Powers which stem from him being fed demon blood as a

    child, and the Holy Orders Devils traps which stem from centuries ofoccult research. Each are

    governed by a different skill, and each has their own requirement system.

    Demon Powers require energy which is governed by Willpower. Devils traps have an intelligence requirement and need item components such as Rock Salt.

    The system will have an elemental circle of four as shown below. Each element will have a weakness

    and strength. For example fire is strong against water but weak against wind. This weakness is

    shown by enhancing the damage of said strengths by 50% and reducing the damage dealt by 50% if

    the element is weak.


    Fire cast against water = +50% Fire cast against wind = -50%


    Action Demon Fire

    Type Demon power -Fire

    Target Enemy

    Damage 30

    DP cost 30

    Range 15 meters

    Effect (Willpower + damage) fire damage to target

    Notes Demon fire is a magical attack in which Clovis uses sheer willpower and the

    demon blood within him to summon an explosive ball of flame to his palm.

    Can be combined with Grand Pentacle Trap.

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    Game Design Portfolio Damien Dixon 08005438

    CM0565 Designing Game Mechanics 26 15/01/2010

    Action Demon Blood Control

    Type Demon Power - Water

    Target Enemy

    Damage 10 every 5 seconds Can be interrupted.

    DP cost 50

    Range 10 metersEffect Target held until it passes a resis. check (Willpower +Str) vs. Physical resis.

    Notes A power often used by demons to paralyse their target. It allows for direct

    control of the blood within the enemy, paralysing them and inflicting

    damage over time until it is interrupted by an attack or the target passes a

    resistance check. Can be combined with the Grand Excelsior to banish a

    demon instantly.

    Action Grand Excelsior Devils Trap

    Type Devils Trap - Earth

    Target EnemyDamage 0

    Item 1 Vial of blood

    Range Touch

    Effect Target is unable to leave the circle for 10 seconds and becomes hexed.

    Notes This trap is learned early on within the holy Order, using blood they are

    able to trap an enemy within its borders. This trap is especially effective

    against demons, if a demon is caught in the trap and then subjected to

    demon blood control they are destroyed instantly.

    There are 5 demon powers and 4 traps which are unlocked at key points within the game. However

    these powers can be combined by casting them on or within traps for a completely different effect.

    When this happens both the power and the trap are consumed.

    Example: Demon fire + Grand Pentacle Trap = paralysis to all enemies within 20 meters.

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    Game Design Portfolio Damien Dixon 08005438

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    Mission NPC Jimmy Gough

    Experience 700

    Reward Werewolf pelt boots 5 gold

    Objectives Head to the forest. Kill 5 werewolves for their pelts Defeat werewolf ringleader


    Jimmy is a business man, leather tanner by trade. Like any business man he needs to transport his

    goods to make a profit, after explaining to you that werewolves have been attacking trade caravans

    on his route, he offers you the job of exterminating them. Willing to pay you 5 gold and make you a

    nice pair of werewolf skin boots with the pelts collected.

    Mission NPC Bascom WallaceExperience 10000

    Reward Demon power, new trap, Vampire hunters

    sword 100 gold

    Objectives Head to Transylvania Follow up leads on Dracula Kill Dracula

    Description Storyline quest

    Bascom Wallace of the Holy Order tasked with giving you the orders he could not fulfil himself. TheOrder has heard of a possible lead involving Etrigan in Transylvania. It is believed that an ancient

    vampire known as Dracula may hold a clue to his whereabouts; you are to travel to Transylvania and

    follow up this lead, helping the towns people while you are there. If you complete your task return

    to Order headquarters for reassignment.

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    Game Design Portfolio Damien Dixon 08005438

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    11.0 Enemies

    The enemies within Trapper are mostly supernatural in origin, from ghosts and demons to vampires

    and werewolves. They are all weak or strong to certain attacks and elements, whether its a ghost

    weak to fire or a vampire being strong against melee attacks.


    Mob/ele Werewolf N/A

    Weapon Claws 10 Damage

    Armor rating 27.5

    Strength 30

    Agility 25

    Willpower 30

    Intelligence 20


    The werewolf is a fierce creature, which was once human, suffering from an irreversible curse very

    few werewolves ever retain their humanity. Werewolves are weak to silver and constantly

    regenerate at a rate for 10% max hp every 10 seconds.

    Mob/ele Ghost - Wind

    Weapon Wind Magic

    Armor rating 30

    Strength 15

    Agility 15

    Willpower 50

    Intelligence 15


    A ghost is a spirit that has not been able to move on and over time has become filled with hatred

    lashing out at the living. Ghosts are weak to earth powers and are incorporeal which means that

    melee attack against them have a 50% chance of failure.

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    Game Design Portfolio Damien Dixon 08005438

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    Mob/ele Shapeshifter - water

    Weapon Bone Dagger 12.0 dmg

    Armor rating 27.5

    Strength 50

    Agility 46

    Willpower 30

    Intelligence 25


    The Shape shifter is victim to a genetic disorder, not necessarily hostile and can be reasoned with.

    Enemy shape shifters make for a dangerous enemy however, able to take almost any shape you

    need a keen eye to spot a shifter when he doesnt want to be seen. Shape shifters are weak to fire

    powers and can be completely invisible until they initiate the first attack.

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    Game Design Portfolio Damien Dixon 08005438

    12.0 Area Specifics:

    Location: Small town of Maldon outside Transylvania

    Enemies present: Roaming werewolves in surrounding forests.


    2. General dealer with limited supply available. 5. Blacksmith

    Quests: being the starting area in Transylvania there are three quests.

    1. Jimmy Gough To skin a wolf located next to general dealer. 3. Marla Singer A haunting in Maldon located in town centre. 4. Mayor Maldon Investigate disappearance located in town hall.