Transport Policy for people who receive adult Social Care ...

Warwickshire County Council Version: 1.0 Date Issue: September 2017 Review date: Reference: Team: Strategic Commissioning Protective Marking: Warwickshire County Council Transport Policy for people who receive adult Social Care services

Transcript of Transport Policy for people who receive adult Social Care ...

Warwickshire County Council

Version: 1.0 Date Issue: September 2017 Review date: Reference: Team: Strategic Commissioning Protective Marking:

Warwickshire County Council

Transport Policy

for people who receive

adult Social Care services



Introduction Page 3

- Why do we need a transport Policy?

- Who does this Policy affect?

1. The Policy Page 5

2. Principles of providing Transport Page 7

3. Eligibility criteria for Assisted Transport Page 7

4. Assessment of Need Page 10

5. Re-assessment and Review Page 10

6. Charging Adult Social Care Customers for Page 11

Assisted Transport

7. Implementation – What will this policy start? Page 11

8. Appeals and Complaints Procedure Page 12

9. Monitoring and Reviewing the Policy Page 12



Why do we need to have a transport policy?

The reason for having a policy is to provide a fair way of

providing transport for customers. We want to make sure

that people travel as independently and safely as possible.

This policy tells us how transport will be provided for

customers whose care and support needs are being met by

the Council. There will be criteria (this means conditions

which need to be met), which Social Care Workers will use

to decide if a person should be provided with transport as

part of a care and support plan from Warwickshire County


Assisted Transport (transport provided on behalf of the

Council including taxis, minibuses and buses for people

whose care and support needs are met by the Council)

helps people who need support to go out into the

community for services and activities such as:

Day opportunities

Respite care

Leisure services

Employment and training opportunities

Any other activities in the community.


Who does this Policy affect?

This policy will apply to all adults aged 18 years and

over who access care and support provided by Adult

Social Care and/or are receiving direct payments in any of

the following services:

• Older People’s Services

• Physical Disability and Sensory Services

• Mental Health Services

• Learning Disability Services

This policy does not cover travel assistance/support for

customers under the age of 25 who need assistance to

travel to and from education organisations, such as

schools and colleges. This has a separate Education

transport policy.


1. The Policy

Legal framework – (rules set by Government)

The Care Act 2014, guidelines and statutory guidance are

the legal framework set by Government for the

assessment of social care and support needs. The Council

has to use this legal framework when making decisions

about an adult’s social care and support.

There are other laws too (the National Assistance Act

and the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act) which

give local councils a duty to arrange different services

and support to help people. This includes providing or

supporting with different ways of travel, to meet the

needs of people with disabilities.

What the policy will say

Transport will be considered as part of a bigger

assessment of needs based on the national eligibility

criteria (this is a set of conditions that need to be met)

for adults and carers; and the outcomes described in a

Care and Support plan.

Assisted transport (transport provided on behalf of the

Council including taxis, minibuses and buses for people

whose care and support needs are met by the Council)

will only be provided for customers who have had an

assessment which says that the person needs transport

and they do not have any other travel option available to

meet their needs.


The Aims of the Policy

The aim of this policy is to make sure that we have a clear

and reliable way of making sure we meet the needs of

customers in Warwickshire who need transport: these are

people who have been recognised in their care and support

plan to have a transport need and all other suitable

options to meet the needs have been looked at.

Independent travel is encouraged and promoted by using

the different types of transport available, such as public

transport and private or Motability vehicles (Motability is

a scheme in the United Kingdom that enables disabled

people, their families and their carers to lease a new car).

People are also encouraged to walk or use aids to help

them get out and about, either independently or with


This policy will give us more ways of meeting the needs of

customers who need help with transport. We no longer

only have Assisted Transport (transport provided on

behalf or provided by the Council including taxis,

minibuses and buses for people whose care and support

needs are met by the Council) as the only way to provide


During Social Care Assessments and Care and Support

planning, all suitable transport options will be looked at

and Assisted Transport will be offered as a last option,

only if this meets a customer’s needs.


2. Principles of Providing Transport

The following principles (values) will be followed:

Support with transport will only be provided for people

who have had a Care Act Assessment and have support

arranged by the Council and/or a direct payment.

The travel assistance provided will be suitable for the

persons need and will be value for money.

Assisted transport will only be provided to customers

where this is the only suitable option of making sure that

they can safely travel from a service /place /activity

recognised in their Care and Support plan which they

would not otherwise be able to access.

3. Eligibility Criteria for Assisted Transport

All social care services are provided to customers using

the eligibility criteria (this is to make sure people get the

right level of service depending on their needs).

Following a social care assessment, reassessment or

review, the Council will look at all the possible transport

options. If these are felt to be unsuitable, assisted

transport by the Council will be looked at using the

following guidance:-


Assisted Transport may be provided:

If a person needs specialised transport because of health

and safety reasons.

A customer is not able to go to services without

supervision or support.

The lower rate mobility element of Disability Living

Allowance or Personal Independence Payment has already

been used to support the customer’s transport needs to

and from community activities, and the customer has

applied again for a higher rate of benefit.

A customer has no access to transport and unable to move

with the use of assisted mobility (wheelchair/aids) or use

public transport, either independently or with support.

A customer is unable to attend their nearest community

activity including college or a day opportunity because

there are no places available or their cultural needs (a

person’s belief and customs) cannot be met, and all other

options have been looked at. This may be a temporary

service until a suitable place is found nearer to home.

If a customer has a need for assisted transport this does not

automatically mean that they will be escorted (supported by a

person during their journey).

This will be looked at as part of the person’s Assessment and

Support Planning processes. As part of this assessment, social

workers will look at the possible health & safety risks to the

person and other customers.


Transport will not be provided where the following options are


If a customer has been assessed and is able to make

their way safely to their destination:

with or without mobility aids, either independently or

with support from family, friends, support worker,

volunteer etc. to get to a local community activity.

a customer is able to use public transport, voluntary

transport, or similar services either independently or

with support (family, friends, carer, support worker etc.)

to get to and from community activities.

A customer receives the higher rate mobility element of

Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence

Payment, the customer will be required to make use of

this benefit to access transport options.

A customer has access to a private car, including a car

leased through the Motability scheme, then they will be

required to travel to the community activity

independently using this vehicle.

Where a customer uses their own vehicle or Motability

car, no petrol costs or other expenses will be given by

Warwickshire County Council.

If a customer chooses to attend community, social, leisure

or education facilities which are not the nearest available

service to meet their assessed needs, the customer will

be expected to travel independently or meet any

additional cost of transport.

This list does not include all the options. There may be other

reasons which are important to a customer will also be considered

when assessing a person’s needs and will support in looking at



If a person has been assessed and transport is being provided,

this will be recorded and reviewed as part of the person’s annual

care and support plan review.

4. Assessment of Need

Transport will be looked at in the initial assessment of a

customer’s needs and any further reviews and


During a customer’s assessment and review, they will

look at a person’s ‘assets or strengths’ and also look at

any potential to learn road safety and orientation

(direction and location) skills so that they can travel

safely and independently to and from community


The Care and Support plan will make sure skills in this

area are made best use of so that a person is as

independent as possible.

5. Re-assessment & review

All transport arrangements will be reviewed as part of

the reassessment. The criteria (this is a set of

conditions that need to be met) detailed above will

apply. If a customer already receives assisted travel at

the moment this does not mean this service will


It is felt that a person may already be able to, or could

develop the skills to travel independently. An

assessment for independent travel, including an

assessment of risk, will be carried out, and a suitable

transport training package will be put together. This

may be done with the support service provider.


Transitional plans (A plan to help the person to

transfer or move over to the new way of travel) will be

put in place to make sure any risks are managed and

the person is able to attend a service. For example

during the time the customer undertakes a programme

of travel training, if this is an option.

6. Charging Adult Social Care customers for Transport

All assisted transport provided, or arranged, by

Warwickshire County Council has to be charged for.

The charges will be looked at once a year.

A financial assessment will be used to work out the

amount of money a person will have to pay towards

transport costs.

7. Implementation – When will this Policy start?

This policy will start from 1st April 2018 for new


For customers who already receive travel assistance

from the Council this Policy will be looked at when it is

time of their next reassessment or review after 1st

April 2018. A transport assessment will be carried out

as part of a person’s review or reassessment.

For customers who will no longer be able to use the

assisted transport service under this Policy, their

situation will be looked at. A transitional period (the

time before the new way of travelling starts for a

person) of up to one month may be offered to support

them to travel independently or to make other

arrangements following a person’s re-

assessment/annual review.


8. Appeals and Complaints procedure

If a customer is not satisfied with the Council’s

decision about transport or the service provided,

they should speak to the person who assessed them.

If the customer is still not satisfied the customer

may contact the Council’s complaints procedure.

During an investigation into the complaint the person

in charge will look at the policy and how it affects

the customer and look at any special circumstances

that may apply to the customer.

9. Monitoring and Reviewing the Policy

This policy will be reviewed one year after the start

date and then at least every three years. This policy

will also be reviewed following any legislation/policy

changes which may have an effect on this policy.

Further Information

Information in other formats

If this information is difficult to understand, we can

provide it in another format, for example, large print,

audio tape, easy read, or in another language.

Please contact the Interpreting and Translation Unit on

01926 410410