Transport across capillaries


Transcript of Transport across capillaries

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Transport across capillaries

• The capillary wall separates plasma from interstitial fluid.

• Substance exchange between blood plasma and interstitial fluid is through endothelial wall of the capillaries

• Various substances diffuse into interstitial fluid from blood plasma while others diffuse from interstitial fluid into plasma

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Transport across capillaries

• Examples substances transported from plasma into interstitial fluid include nutrients(glucose, amino acids, fatty acids), electrolytes(Na⁺,K⁺,Cl⁻,Ca²⁺ e.t.c),hormones and gases mainly Oxygen

• Examples of substances transported from interstitial fluid into blood plasma are various metabolic products e.g. water, urea, CO₂ and various electrolytes

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Transport across capillaries

• Capillary wall is a thin membrane made up of endothelial cells

• Substances pass through the junctions between endothelial cells and through fenestrations when they are present.

• Some also pass through the cells by vesicular transport

• The factors other than vesicular transport that are responsible for transport across the capillary wall are diffusion and filtration

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Transport across capillaries

• Diffusion is the movement of substances from higher concentration to lower concentration i.e. down their concentration gradient.

• Filtration is the process by which fluid is forced through a membrane or other barrier because of a difference in pressure on the two sides.

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Forces producing movements of substances between compartments

• There are four forces that influence movement of fluid between plasma and interstitial fluid

(a) Capillary (hydrostatic) pressure (Pc)(b)Interstitial fluid (hydrostatic) pressure(Pi)(c)Plasma oncotic pressure(∏c)(d)Interstitial fluid oncotic pressure(∏i) Oncotic pressure is also called colloid osmotic


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Forces producing movement of substances between compartments

• Capillary (hydrostatic) pressure (Pc) is the pressure of blood fluid against capillary walls

• Capillary pressure tend to force fluid from capillaries into the interstitial spaces

• Interstitial fluid (hydrostatic) pressure(Pi) is of interstitial fluid against capillary wall

• Interstitial fluid pressure tend to force fluid from interstitial spaces into the capillaries

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Forces producing movement of substances between compartments

• Plasma oncotic pressure(∏c) is that force which tends to force water into the plasma by osmosis due to plasma proteins in the plasma

• Interstitial fluid oncotic pressure(∏i) which is due to presence of proteins in interstitium tends to cause osmosis outward through the capillary membrane into interstitium

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Forces producing movement of substances between compartments

• The rate of filtration at any point along a capillary depends on a balance the above forces sometimes called the Starling forces i.e. hydrostatic pressure gradient and osmotic pressure gradient

• The difference between the hydrostatic pressure in the capillary and the hydrostatic pressure of the interstitial fluid is called hydrostatic pressure gradient

• The difference between the colloid osmotic pressure of plasma and colloid osmotic pressure of interstitial fluid is called osmotic pressure gradient

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Forces producing movement of substances between compartments

Fluid movement = k[(Pc– Pi) – (πc– πi)]Where, k= capillary filtration coefficient Pc = capillary hydrostatic pressure Pi = interstitial hydrostatic pressure πc = capillary colloid osmotic pressure πi = interstitial colloid osmotic pressureThe capillary filtration coefficient (k) takes into

account, and is proportional to, the permeability of the capillary wall and the area available for filtration

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Forces producing movement of substances between compartments

• The lymphatic system provides a route for the transport of fluids and protein away from the interstitium

• System of fine lymphatic channels throughout the body passing via lymph nodes to thoracic duct

• Valves ensure one-way flow

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• Defined as increased volume of interstitial fluid in a tissue or organ

• May be localised or generalised (systemic)• Causes of edema include;(i)Raised capillary pressure(ii)Reduced oncotic pressure(iii)Endothelial damage (inflammation)(iv)Impaired lymphatic drainage

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(i)Raised Capillary Pressure

Cardiac failure right ventricular failure - systemic oedema left ventricular failure - pulmonary

oedema congestive cardiac failure - both

Local venous obstruction deep vein thrombosis external compression

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(ii)Reduced oncotic pressure

Renal disease loss of albumin across glomerulus

Hepatic disease inadequate albumin synthesis

Malnutrition inadequate albumin synthesis

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Lymphatic obstraction

Renal disease loss of albumin across glomerulus

Hepatic disease inadequate albumin synthesis

Malnutrition inadequate albumin synthesis

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Ascites and generalized edema

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