Transmission System Projects - Central Arizona … Transmission System Projects Robert Moody...

1 Transmission System Projects Robert Moody Director, Field Maintenance CAP Transmission Capital Projects 1. Palo Verde to Morgan 500 kV Project Palo Verde to Sun Valley 500 KV Transmission Line Sun Valley Substation 500/230 KV Morgan to Sun Valley 500 KV Transmission Line 2. Hassayampa Tap to Sun Valley to Hassayampa Plant Project Hassayampa Tap 230 KV Switchyard rebuild Hassayampa Plant 230 KV Switchyard modifications Hassayampa Tap 230 KV Transmission Line re-conductor 3. Electrical District (ED2) to Saguaro Transmission Line Project Rebuild ED2 to Saguaro Transmission Line 4. Valencia Substation to Black Mountain Spreader Yard Project Black Mountain to Valencia Substation 115 KV Transmission Line Valencia Substation Upgrades FAP Agenda Number 4.

Transcript of Transmission System Projects - Central Arizona … Transmission System Projects Robert Moody...


Transmission System ProjectsRobert Moody Director, Field Maintenance

CAP Transmission Capital Projects

1. Palo Verde to Morgan 500 kV Project• Palo Verde to Sun Valley 500 KV Transmission Line• Sun Valley Substation 500/230 KV• Morgan to Sun Valley 500 KV Transmission Line

2. Hassayampa Tap to Sun Valley to Hassayampa Plant Project• Hassayampa Tap 230 KV Switchyard rebuild• Hassayampa Plant 230 KV Switchyard modifications• Hassayampa Tap 230 KV Transmission Line re-conductor

3. Electrical District (ED2) to Saguaro Transmission Line Project• Rebuild ED2 to Saguaro Transmission Line

4. Valencia Substation to Black Mountain Spreader Yard Project• Black Mountain to Valencia Substation 115 KV Transmission Line • Valencia Substation Upgrades

FAP Agenda Number 4.


Palo Verde-Morgan 500 kV Project

• Project allows CAP to convey energy directly from NGS toCAP loads without having to contract-and pay-for capacityover other systems since there is a gap in the CAP system.

• Project improves reliability of the CAP transmission system byproviding a shorter direct line to the Hassayampa Pump Plantas well as providing an injection point into the Liberty/ParkerTransmission line which serves the western pump plants.

• Project provides direct link between Arizona’s primary tradinghub, Palo Verde, and Navajo Southern Transmission system.

• Project was approved at the February 7, 2013 CAWCD Boardmeeting for $40,524,300.

• CAWCD is a 10% owner of the project.

Palo Verde to Sun Valley Substation

Palo Verde


Sun Valley



Morgan to Sun Valley Substation

Sun Valley



Sun Valley Substation 500/230 KV


Palo Verde - Sun Valley Transmission Line

Palo Verde to Morgan Project Schedule

Transmission Projects Schedule 2016 2017 2018 2019

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar

ED2 to Sagauro Rebuild Project (610475)

EA Study, Design, Spec

Purchase Equipment (GFE)

Construction Contract

Construction (ED2 to Picacho)

Summer Break

Construction (Picacho to Red Rock)

Summer Break

Construction (Red Rock to Saguaro)


Palo Verde to Morgan Project

Palo Verde to Delany

Delany to to Sun Valley

Sun Valley Substation

Morgan to Sun Valley

Hassayampa Tap Project (610480)




HAT Construction

HAP Construction

Sun Valley to HAP

Sun Valley to HAT


Palo Verde to Morgan Budget

CAP Transmission Projects Through 12/31/2015

2016 Forcast

Remaining Balance

Total Projected

Total Spending Authority Variance $ Variance %

Palo Verde to Morgan 500 KV Transmission Line Project $18,739.6 $1,800.9 $10,099.9 $30,639.5 $29,054.6 ($1,584.9) ‐5.5% A

Hassayampa Tap to Sun Valley to Hassayampa Plant 230 KV $1,363.3 $2,292.7 $9,083.7 $12,739.7 $13,545.5 $805.8 5.9%

Hassayampa Plant Breakers and Switchyard Modifications $0.0 $0.0 $1,000.0 $1,000.0 $2,500.0 $1,500.0 60% B

Transmission Line Rebuild ED2 to Saguaro $5,119.3 $2,280.3 $3,955.6 $11,355.2 $11,015.0 ($340.2) ‐3.1% C

Valencia Substation to Black Mountain Spreader Yard $0.0 $0.0

( A ) The full project variance is due to a change requirement from galvinized to painted steel poles on the on the Morgan to Sun Valley segment of the transmission line and the 

addition of a 500 KV breaker position at Sun Valley Substation. 

( B ) The full project variance is due to recent changes in the project scope and design  

( C )  We current expect this project to complete at or just under budget 

Hassayampa Tap 230 kV Project

• Project necessary to connect Palo Verde - Morgan 500 KVTransmission Line to the existing CAP Transmission System

• Project includes construction of new Hassayampa Tapswitchyard to include more robust protection systems

• Project connects Hassayampa Tap to Sun Valley Substationand re-conductors line. The existing towers are sufficient.

• Project connects Hassayampa Plant to Sun Valley Substation

• Project requires modification of the 230 KV Switchyard atHassayampa Pump Plant

• Project approved at the February 5, 2015, CAWCD Boardmeeting for $14,120,237.

• Western Area Power Administration is the Project Manager


Hassayampa Tap to Sun Valley Locations

Hassayampa Switchyard Modifications


Hassayampa Tap Project Schedule

Transmission Projects Schedule 2016 2017 2018 2019

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar

ED2 to Sagauro Rebuild Project (610475)

EA Study, Design, Spec

Purchase Equipment (GFE)

Construction Contract

Construction (ED2 to Picacho)

Summer Break

Construction (Picacho to Red Rock)

Summer Break

Construction (Red Rock to Saguaro)


Palo Verde to Morgan Project

Palo Verde to Delany

Delany to to Sun Valley

Sun Valley Substation

Morgan to Sun Valley

Hassayampa Tap Project (610480)




HAT Construction

HAP Construction

Sun Valley to HAP

Sun Valley to HAT

Hassayampa Tap Project Budget

CAP Transmission Projects Through 12/31/2015

2016 Forcast

Remaining Balance

Total Projected

Total Spending Authority Variance $ Variance %

Palo Verde to Morgan 500 KV Transmission Line Project $18,739.6 $1,800.9 $10,099.9 $30,639.5 $29,054.6 ($1,584.9) ‐5.5% A

Hassayampa Tap to Sun Valley to Hassayampa Plant 230 KV $1,363.3 $2,292.7 $9,083.7 $12,739.7 $13,545.5 $805.8 5.9%

Hassayampa Plant Breakers and Switchyard Modifications $0.0 $0.0 $1,000.0 $1,000.0 $2,500.0 $1,500.0 60% B

Transmission Line Rebuild ED2 to Saguaro $5,119.3 $2,280.3 $3,955.6 $11,355.2 $11,015.0 ($340.2) ‐3.1% C

Valencia Substation to Black Mountain Spreader Yard $0.0 $0.0

( A ) The full project variance is due to a change requirement from galvinized to painted steel poles on the on the Morgan to Sun Valley segment of the transmission line and the 

addition of a 500 KV breaker position at Sun Valley Substation. 

( B ) The full project variance is due to recent changes in the project scope and design  

( C )  We current expect this project to complete at or just under budget 


ED2 to Saguaro Rebuild Project

• ED2 to Saguaro serves Brady, Picacho, Red Rock. The line was built in 1984 and has experienced numerous age and reliability issues costing over $750,000 over the past 5 years.

• Project replaces 35.6 miles of conductor and 400 wood poles with 252 steel poles

• Construction begins in Q4 2016 and is scheduled to complete in Q1 2019.

• Project approved at the May 2, 2013, CAWCD Board meeting for $11,785,000

• Western Area Power Administration is the project manager

ED2 to Saguaro Rebuild Project


ED2 to Saguaro Rebuild Project

ED2 to Saguaro (Laydown Yard)


ED2 to Saguaro (Steel Poles)

ED2 to Saguaro Project Schedule

Transmission Projects Schedule 2016 2017 2018 2019

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar

ED2 to Sagauro Rebuild Project (610475)

EA Study, Design, Spec

Purchase Equipment (GFE)

Construction Contract

Construction (ED2 to Picacho)

Summer Break

Construction (Picacho to Red Rock)

Summer Break

Construction (Red Rock to Saguaro)


Palo Verde to Morgan Project

Palo Verde to Delany

Delany to to Sun Valley

Sun Valley Substation

Morgan to Sun Valley

Hassayampa Tap Project (610480)




HAT Construction

HAP Construction

Sun Valley to HAP

Sun Valley to HAT


ED2 to Saguaro Project Budget

CAP Transmission Projects Through 12/31/2015

2016 Forcast

Remaining Balance

Total Projected

Total Spending Authority Variance $ Variance %

Palo Verde to Morgan 500 KV Transmission Line Project $18,739.6 $1,800.9 $10,099.9 $30,639.5 $29,054.6 ($1,584.9) ‐5.5% A

Hassayampa Tap to Sun Valley to Hassayampa Plant 230 KV $1,363.3 $2,292.7 $9,083.7 $12,739.7 $13,545.5 $805.8 5.9%

Hassayampa Plant Breakers and Switchyard Modifications $0.0 $0.0 $1,000.0 $1,000.0 $2,500.0 $1,500.0 60% B

Transmission Line Rebuild ED2 to Saguaro $5,119.3 $2,280.3 $3,955.6 $11,355.2 $11,015.0 ($340.2) ‐3.1% C

Valencia Substation to Black Mountain Spreader Yard $0.0 $0.0

( A ) The full project variance is due to a change requirement from galvinized to painted steel poles on the on the Morgan to Sun Valley segment of the transmission line and the 

addition of a 500 KV breaker position at Sun Valley Substation. 

( B ) The full project variance is due to recent changes in the project scope and design  

( C )  We current expect this project to complete at or just under budget 

Valencia to Black Mountain Spreader Yard

• Provides for construction of a 2.7 mile 115 KV transmissionline from Arizona Electric Power Cooperative’s (AEPCO)Valencia Substation to CAP Black Mountain Spreader Yard.

• Improves reliability of the CAP transmission system byproviding a secondary 115 KV loop feed to the Tucson Bpumping plants from the Valencia Substation.

• Project eliminates need to address the .7 mile gap in theRattlesnake to Del Bac Transmission Line and eliminates theneed for Del Bac Switchyard.

• Project was approved at the August 4, 2016 Board meetingfor $1,785,000 and AEPCO will serve as the project manager.


Valencia to Black Mountain Spreader Yard

Valencia to Black Mountain Spreader Yard


Valencia to Black Mountain Project Budget
