Translation 1 Class 4

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  • 7/29/2019 Translation 1 Class 4


    English for Translation 14th Class : March, 17, 2013

    Yanuar Philip Wijaya

    Universitas TerbukaKorea Selatan

    [email protected]


  • 7/29/2019 Translation 1 Class 4


    Module 9 Communication (1)

    English translation to Bahasa Indonesia

    Source: Encyclopedia and Text Book

    Learning Activity 1 (Communication Devices)

    Learning Activity 2 (The Element of Communication)


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    Learning Activity 1Task 1 Model

    A. Photography

    Pictures communicate some ideas better than words do.

    Since the days of cavemen, artists have been drawing

    pictures. But early in the 19th century men tried to invent

    a mechanical way of picturing an object just as it really



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    Listen carefully the sentences from

    Module 9, Learning Activity 1

    Write and translate it.


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    Question 1

    Since the early 19th century, cameras have been used

    to photograph and thereby save the real look of people

    and events.

    (Sejak awal abad ke-19, kamera telah digunakan untuk memfoto

    dan dengan demikian mengabadikan rupa yang sesungguhnya dari

    berbagai orang dan kejadian.)


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    Question 2

    It became possible to see pictures of people and places

    all over the world as well as those taken from a satellite

    showing how the earth looks.

    (Hal ini memungkinkan untuk melihat gambar berbagai orang dan

    tempat di seluruh dunia seperti halnya gambar-gambar yang diambil

    dari sebuah satelit yang mempertunjukkan bagaimana rupa bumi.)


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    Question 3

    In the 1920s scientists began to record sounds on a roll

    of magnetic wire instead of on disks.

    (Pada sekitar tahun 1920, para ilmuwan mulai merekam suarapada sebuah gulungan kabel magnetis alih-alih pada cakram-cakram.)


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    Question 4

    People can save the sound of a babys first words or

    sounds of a family celebrating Christmas, or record a

    historic speech as it is broadcast over television.

    (Orang-orang dapat menyimpan bunyi kata-kata pertama bayi atau

    bunyi-bunyian perayaan Natal keluarga, atau merekam pidato

    sejarah yang disiarkan melalui televisi.)


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    Question 5

    Thousands of years before the telegraph was invented,

    men knew that sound and sight travelled faster than the

    speediest runner or horse.

    (Ribuan tahun sebelum telegraf ditemukan, manusia tahu bahwa

    suara dan penglihatan bergerak lebih cepat daripada pelari atau

    kuda yang paling cepat.)


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    See Paragraph 15 and 16 on Module 9,

    Learning Activity 1


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    Task 15

    The tools for mass communication are sometimes called mass

    media. Printing was the first such tool. With the development of

    printing, more and more books recorded ideas and spread them to

    more and more people. These books planted the seeds of new

    ideas in mens minds. Many people, not just a few, could share

    information. All knowledge, every great idea man has had, is storednow in book, just as food is stored in a deep freeze, ready for

    anyone who wants it.


    Peralatan untuk komunikasi banyak orang terkadang disebut media massa. Alat pertamanya adal

    ah percetakan. Dengan perkembangan percetakan, semakin banyak buku menyimpan gagasan-g

    agasan dan menyebarkannya kepada lebih banyak orang. Buku-buku ini menanamkan benih-benih gagasan baru dalam pikiran orang. Banyak orang bisa berbagi informasi. Semua pengetahuan,

    setiap gagasan besar yang dimiliki manusia, sekarang tersimpan di dalam buku, seperti makanan

    yang disimpan dengan dibekukan, siap tersaji bagi siapapun yang menginginkannya,.

  • 7/29/2019 Translation 1 Class 4


    Task 16

    Modern inventions, mass media, and improved means of

    communication have helped to shrink the world. Distance no

    longer slows down the exchange of information. People can travel to

    the farthest places on the globe in hours. In a matter of minutes

    information and ideas can be exchanged with people living all over

    the world.


    Penemuan-penemuan modern, media massa, dan perkembangan alat-alat komunikasi telah mem

    bantu menyusutkandunia. Jarak tidak lagi memperlambat pertukaran informasi. Orang-orang da

    pat bepergian ke tempat yang paling jauh di dunia ini dalam hitungan jam. Dalam hitungan menit, i

    nformasi dan gagasan dapat dipertukarkan dengan orang-orang yang tinggal di seluruh dunia.

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    Learning Activity 2Task 1 Model

    A. Definition of Communication

    Communication is any process in which people share

    information, ideas, and feelings. It involves not only the

    spoken and written word, but also body language,

    personal mannerisms and style, the physical

    environment-anything that adds meaning to a message.

    To see how the communication process works, consider

    this exchange between Jason and Christine at their tenth

    high school reunion.


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    Listen carefully the sentences from

    Module 9, Learning Activity 1

    Write and translate it.


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    Question 1

    Jason notices that Christine is much prettier than he

    remembered her in high school.

    (Jason memperhatikan bahwa Christine jauh lebih cantik daripada

    yang dia ingat pada saat di SMU dulu.)


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    Question 2

    Christine remembers that Jason used to like to write, so

    she uses that as a conversation opener.

    (Christine ingat bahwa Jason dulu suka menulis, sehingga diamemakai hal tersebut sebagai bahan untuk membuka



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    Question 3

    The communication process is made up of various

    elements: sender-receivers, messages, channels,

    noise, feedback, and setting.

    (Proses komunikasi terdiri dari berbagai unsur: pengirim-penerima,pesan, saluran, suara, umpan balik, dan latar.)


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    Question 4

    People get involved in communication because they

    have information, ideas, and feelings they want to


    (Orang-orang terlibat di dalam komunikasi karena mereka memiliki

    informasi, gagasan, dan perasaan yang mereka ingin bagikan.)


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    Question 5

    This present communication also will influence the

    likelihood of communication in the future.

    (Komunikasi sekarang ini juga akan mempengaruhi kemungkinan

    komunikasi di masa depan.)


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    See Paragraph 11 and 12 on Module 9,

    Learning Activity 2


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    Task 11

    External noise comes from the environment and keeps the message frombeing heard or understood. Your heart-to-heart talk with your roommate can

    be interrupted by a group of people yelling in the hall, a helicopter passing

    overhead, or a power saw outside the window. External noise does not

    always come from sound. You could be standing and talking to someone in

    the hot sun and become so uncomfortable that you cant concentrate.

    Conversation might also falter at a picnic when you discover you are sitting

    on an anthill and ants are crawling all over your blanket.


    Suara eksternal datang dari lingkungan dan menyebabkan pesan tidak dapat didengar atau dipah

    ami. Percakapanmu dari hati ke hati dengan teman sekamarmu dapat diganggu oleh sekelompok

    orang yang berteriak di dalam sebuah aula, sebuah helikopter yang terbang di atas kepala, atau s

    ebuah gergaji mesin di luar jendela. Suara eksternal tidak selalu datang dari bunyi. Kamu bisa saja berdiri dan berbicara dengan seseorang di bawah terik sinar matahari dan begitu tidak nyamann

    ya sehingga kamu tidak dapat berkonsentrasi. Percakapan dapat juga terputus-putus pada saat pi

    knik ketika kamu mendapati bahwa kamu duduk di atas gundukan sarang semut dan semut-semu

    t mulai merayap ke seluruh tikar kamu.

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    Task 12

    Internal noise occurs in the minds of the sender-receivers when theirthoughts or feelings are focused on something other than the

    communication at hand. A student doesnt hear the lecture because he is

    thinking about lunch; a wife cant pay attention to her husband because she

    is thinking about a problem at the office. Internal noise may also stem from

    beliefs or prejudices. Doug, for example, doesnt believe that women should

    be managers, so when his boss asks him to do something, he often misses

    part of her messages.


    Suara internal terjadi di dalam pikiran pengirim-penerima ketika pikiran atau perasaan mereka terf

    okus pada sesuatu yang lain daripada komunikasi yang sedang berlangsung. Seorang siswa tidak

    mendengarkan ceramah karena dia sedang berpikir tentang makan siang; seorang istri tidak dapa

    t memperhatikan suaminya karena dia sedang berpikir tentang sebuah masalah di kantor. Suara internal mungkin juga berasal dari keyakinan atau prasangka. Doug, sebagai contoh, percaya bah

    wa wanita tidak seharusnya menjadi manager, maka ketika atasannya memintanya mengerjakan

    sesuatu, dia seringkali tidak memahami seluruh pesannya.

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    Please read Module 10 before the next class