Transitioning into product management

Transitioning into Product Management Ankur Sharma

Transcript of Transitioning into product management

Transitioning into Product Management

Ankur Sharma


About me

Director - Products

11+ years of building & scaling products from scratch

Help startups on growth, platform issues and product.



What am I covering today?

What is Product Management?

Skills required for effective PM

Common Mistakes PMs make

Growth Progression as PM

Day in a life of PM

Fast track your PM learning

Sources to Read & Follow


What Product Management is not?

Product Management is not Project Management

Product Management is not requirements gathering

Product Management is not a conventional Manager

Product Management is not Marketing

Product Management is not Deep Visual Design


What is Product Management?


So, what does a Product Manager do?

Help team (and company) ship the right product to users and deliver measurable benefits to org



Skills required for effective PM

Self Starter / Task Master

User Empathy

Ability to prioritise

Communication Skills

Ability to evolve

Understands tricky balance between getting it right & getting it out the door


Common mistakes PMs make

Fool themselves into thinking they are the customer

Leverage their position (“Because I said so” never works)

Don’t say no to stakeholders

Don’t over-communicate

Worry about winning the battles (and losing wars)


Common mistakes PMs make

Don’t eat the dog food

Invent new behaviors

Build for all

Build everything in one go

Stop talking to their users

Lose sight of their key metric or goal


Growth Progression as PM

Pretty much every PM starts as an individual contributor

Typical PM hierarchy looks like:


A typical day in a life of PM


Atypical Day in a life of PM

Atypical Day:

Customer Day

Data Day

UX Brainstorming Day

Strategy / Roadmap Day


Fast Track your PM learning

1. Find a Mentor

2. Read (a lot)

3. Explore: Go to meetups4. Talk to Product Managers5. Write blog to verbalise thoughts on product &

services interaction


Sources to Read & Follow



Enterprise vs Consumer Product Management

Enterprise Consumer

Everything flows from the business model & buyers

Everything flows from Users

Sales/Subscription Matters Scale/Virality Matters

Customer ≠ User Every customer is a user

Reliability > Usability User Experience is King

Longer sales & dev cycles Cycles usually < 6 months


Startup vs Big Companies Product Management

Startups Big Companies

Biggest Challenge: Resources Biggest Challenge: Prioritisation

Build for growth Build for Scale

Ad-hoc requirements run the project (Formal) Processes run the project

Roadmap ~ 3-6 months Roadmap = 1-2 Years

Focus on new features Focus on later stages of product lifecycle

Product Vision = Founder(s)’ Vision Requirements are derived from competitive analysis and white spaces