Transcripts: Session Session 1 Christian...

FREE SESSION SESSIONS THAT SELL—THE CLIENT SIGN UP SYSTEM, VERSION 7.0 Copyright 2005-2013 Future Force, Inc. And Christian Mickelsen All rights Reserved. Transcripts: Session 1 Christian Mickelsen, Session Leader Christian: Welcome, this is Christian Mickelsen and tonight’s session is called Get a Rush of New, High Paying, Fun to Work With, Long-Term Clients to Hire You This Month with Free Sessions That Sell. Now, I’ll just tell you a quick piece about me. My name is Christian Mickelson and I’ve been coaching for nine years. Actually, I was able to get coaching clients my very first month of coaching. I got 6 clients my very first month as a coach using the strategies that you’re going to learn here tonight, but only they were so underdeveloped at the time, I only did probably 20% of what you guys are going to learn here. And since then, I’ve shared these strategies and honed them and refined them over the years and about 3 years ago, I started sharing these and some other strategies with coaches that had hired me to help them grow their coaching business. What happened was 4 out of 5 of them grew their business to six figures within eighteen months and one of them did so within 90 days. I realize that these strategies that you’re going to learn here, as well as some of the other things that I teach, are really instrumental in being able to grow a coaching business, get coaching clients and have a thriving coaching business in the fastest amount of time possible. So what is Free Sessions That Sell? It’s a way to get a rush of clients in the next 30 to 60 days. It’s also a gimmick and a trick that works very well to get clients. And, it’s a very essential piece – even the cornerstone I would say – of long-term, highly successful coaching. Now the reason why I say it’s a gimmick or a trick that works very well is because it’s something that you can do to get a quick rush of clients, but it’s not the end-all-be-all of business development. It’s one piece. It may well be the #1 most important piece, but there’s a whole lot more to learn about growing your coaching business so this is one very focused aspect of it. It’s something that you can do to get a quick rush of clients as you’re building your business overall. It’s something that’s going to be very essential so I don’t want to down play it by calling it a gimmick or a trick because it really can be and should be a cornerstone to a long-term, highly successful business, but also there is some novelty to how fast it can work. So, I want to just also check-in with you guys. You don’t have to say this now but I just want to acknowledge that I know that everybody on this call is probably in different places in your business. Some of you may already have an e-mail list of prospective coaching clients. Some of you may have a clear specific target market and some of you may not. You may already be networking, giving presentations, writing articles or doing other things to grow your business and some of you may not. Where you are on the path will determine how you use what I’ll be sharing tonight and over the course of this Free Sessions That Sell program. Now, if you’re just starting out brand new and don’t know anything about marketing, don’t have a target market yet and you’re green as can be, that's OK. This is still going to be tremendously helpful to you. I know people who have learned the Free Sessions That Sell process and got some people to just practice it with them and had people that they practiced it with hire them right on the spot. So even without a huge network or

Transcript of Transcripts: Session Session 1 Christian...

Page 1: Transcripts: Session Session 1 Christian Mickelsen, Session Leader Christian: Welcome, this is Christian Mickelsen and tonight’s


Copyright 2005-2013 Future Force, Inc. And Christian Mickelsen All rights Reserved.

Transcripts: Session 1 Christian Mickelsen, Session Leader Christian: Welcome, this is Christian Mickelsen and tonight’s session is called Get a Rush of New,

High Paying, Fun to Work With, Long-Term Clients to Hire You This Month with Free Sessions That Sell.

Now, I’ll just tell you a quick piece about me. My name is Christian Mickelson and I’ve been coaching for nine years. Actually, I was able to get coaching clients my very first month of coaching. I got 6 clients my very first month as a coach using the strategies that you’re going to learn here tonight, but only they were so underdeveloped at the time, I only did probably 20% of what you guys are going to learn here. And since then, I’ve shared these strategies and honed them and refined them over the years and about 3 years ago, I started sharing these and some other strategies with coaches that had hired me to help them grow their coaching business. What happened was 4 out of 5 of them grew their business to six figures within eighteen months and one of them did so within 90 days. I realize that these strategies that you’re going to learn here, as well as some of the other things that I teach, are really instrumental in being able to grow a coaching business, get coaching clients and have a thriving coaching business in the fastest amount of time possible. So what is Free Sessions That Sell? It’s a way to get a rush of clients in the next 30 to 60 days. It’s also a gimmick and a trick that works very well to get clients. And, it’s a very essential piece – even the cornerstone I would say – of long-term, highly successful coaching. Now the reason why I say it’s a gimmick or a trick that works very well is because it’s something that you can do to get a quick rush of clients, but it’s not the end-all-be-all of business development. It’s one piece. It may well be the #1 most important piece, but there’s a whole lot more to learn about growing your coaching business so this is one very focused aspect of it. It’s something that you can do to get a quick rush of clients as you’re building your business overall. It’s something that’s going to be very essential so I don’t want to down play it by calling it a gimmick or a trick because it really can be and should be a cornerstone to a long-term, highly successful business, but also there is some novelty to how fast it can work. So, I want to just also check-in with you guys. You don’t have to say this now but I just want to acknowledge that I know that everybody on this call is probably in different places in your business. Some of you may already have an e-mail list of prospective coaching clients. Some of you may have a clear specific target market and some of you may not. You may already be networking, giving presentations, writing articles or doing other things to grow your business and some of you may not. Where you are on the path will determine how you use what I’ll be sharing tonight and over the course of this Free Sessions That Sell program. Now, if you’re just starting out brand new and don’t know anything about marketing, don’t have a target market yet and you’re green as can be, that's OK. This is still going to be tremendously helpful to you. I know people who have learned the Free Sessions That Sell process and got some people to just practice it with them and had people that they practiced it with hire them right on the spot. So even without a huge network or

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Copyright 2005-2013 Future Force, Inc. And Christian Mickelsen All rights Reserved.

marketing or all sorts of stuff, if you just know people that can practice it with you or might be interested in making some changes in their life, you can actually make a free session offer and take them through Free Sessions That Sell and get yourself a small handful of clients. Now on the flipside, if you have been marketing for years, you’ve got a clear target market and you’ve got an e-mail list of 5000+ people then you’ll be able to get potentially a huge flood of clients in the next 30 days. You actually might want to use some of this cautiously and I’ll share why in just a little bit. So wherever you are in your business building path, this is going to be fantastic for you. If you are new to the whole business building side of things, this is the #1 place I would recommend that you start right here with this program. You may then want further marketing training and my suggestion for you would be my program called Client Attraction and Money Making Mastery which you can find online at So in this program you are going to learn how to entice and attract potential clients with powerful free session offers, eliminate doubts and fears about yourself and coaching so you can enroll clients more easily, more consistently and for higher fees. You’re going to master the process for enrolling clients that creates massive value for the potential client while making it crystal clear why hiring you is extremely important to their long-term success. Basically what that means is you’re going to master the Free Sessions That Sell process which will get more people hiring you and creating more value for people. You’re going to become very comfortable discussing fees, asking for the business, overcoming objections and being rejected. Now I don’t really believe that you can be rejected but if you have a fear of rejection, we will work together and I’ll do my best to help you overcome that over these five sessions that we’ll be doing together. Specifically in tonight’s session, we’ll discover the most common and costly mistakes coaches make with their free session offers, how to entice and attract potential clients with your free session offers, how to write compelling short copy that you can use in e-mails, at networking events and at live presentations to get a flood of introductory session requests. And you’ll also learn when and how to prescreen potential clients so that they don’t waste your time. Now, this isn’t very important if you’re new and you haven’t been marketing very long. But this becomes critical as you grow your day-to-day base of potential clients and you grow your e-mail list of potential clients. You’re going to want to be careful and pre-screen people and I’ll show you exactly how you can do that on this call.

So why the free session offer? It’s so critical to creating a client rush. Well, I want to share a story. I just taught a class called How to Create a Rush of High Paying Clients to Hire You This Month and on that call first of all, #1 I shared the free session offer process and the person who was a co-facilitator of the call (she was the host of the call and I was the guest speaker) took what she learned and she immediately applied it and got 70 introductory coaching session requests. Now, how many of those potential clients are going to actually end up hiring her? I do not know. I do know she’s already gotten two clients out of it. Also, I took her through the Free Sessions that Sell process, which we’ll be going more into in future sessions, to role play it just so people could learn and get kind of an idea of what the Free Sessions That Sell process looks like. She actually ended up hiring me to work with her. I’m going to be going more in depth on this than I ever have anywhere else so if you’ve read my free special report on how to get people lined up to have a free session with you, there’s actually more to it and you’ll be learning that tonight.

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Copyright 2005-2013 Future Force, Inc. And Christian Mickelsen All rights Reserved.

Also, the more intro sessions that you have with people, the more clients you’ll get. The more demand there is for your introductory session, the higher the fee that you can command. Again, part of it is confidence, part of it is if you have 70 people wanting to work with you, and you only want maybe 10 more clients right now, then what do you do? Well, you can just keep raising your fees higher and higher and higher as you fill up your client load. One of the things that I did a few years back is I made a free session offer and I raised my fee to a fee that I thought was crazy for me. I raised my fee to $1,297 a month. And after I did 3 intro sessions, I had 3 people hire me at $1,297 a month – about $1,300 a month. And I only wanted 6 clients at the time so now out of 6, I had already filled up with 3 so then I raised my rate to $1,497 a month. I had another intro session and lo and behold, I got hired at $1,497 a month. So I raised it up again and I got hired at $1,797 a month. And now my fee is at $2,497 a month and I still get hired at $2,497 a month so the more demand there is for your intro session, the higher the fee that you can command. So the next thing I want to do is I want to cover the most common and costly mistakes that coaches make with their introductory coaching sessions. The first one is posting your free session on your website. This is a big mistake and I’ll explain why in a second. I’m going to show you some random websites that I pulled up. I randomly just typed in some URLs so I apologize to anyone who I wind up talking about here. Hopefully no one ends up minding but I could catch some flack for this. But I just typed in random websites and I just did “coach” and then put in different first person names because I think that’s the fastest way to get some random coaching websites. So, one of them I’m showing right now says “I invite you to accept my gift of a 40-minute coaching session without obligation.” Now, we as coaches know what coaching is so when we hear a coaching session at no obligation we might think “Oh, good. I can go get some coaching. I’m struggling with something. I need some coaching to help me.” We know this. But if you are single and you’re trying to get into a relationship and you come to this website, there’s really nothing in here that says “I’m going to help you with your relationship.” You offer this “gift of a 40-minute coaching session without obligation” and as soon as you say the word ‘obligation’ I start to feel obligated. And when you say you’re going to offer it without obligation, it makes me feel like this website, either doesn’t get a lot of traffic and maybe you’re not that successful because otherwise why would you offer it to everybody that could ever come to your website? Or if you’re offering it to everybody that could ever come onto your website then you must be trying to sell me something, especially when you say ‘without obligation.’ It definitely tells me you’re going to try to sell me something. So, let’s go to another here: “Sign up for your free newsletter and receive a complimentary coaching session.” If I don’t know what coaching is yet, and I don’t know what it’s going to do for me, why do I want it? Ever thought of that? Here’s another one: “Getting started. The first step is to contact us to schedule a complimentary 30-minute initial telephone session. If you are in the Seattle, Washington area, it may also be possible to meet at your office or nearby coffee shop.” Again, why would I want to do this session? What is it going to do for me? Who is this session for? Why are you giving it to everybody? These are the types of questions that people are going to be unconsciously asking. Here’s another one: “Are you ready to check out life coaching? Then I invite you to contact me to schedule a complimentary 45-minute coaching and information session. Let’s see where we could go together.” Again, not very clear. What is coaching? I don’t know.

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Copyright 2005-2013 Future Force, Inc. And Christian Mickelsen All rights Reserved.

“For a free 20-minute consultation, send an e-mail to xxxxxxx with ‘Mentor Coaching’ in the subject line. We’ll determine the format and/or group placement that best serves you including referral to other mentor coaches is possible.” That’s somebody who must coach other coaches. A lot of people seem to do that. Here’s another mistake that a lot of coaches make is that they put their coaching fees right on their website. If you’re a coach and you know what most coaches charge, you might come here and say “Wow! $297 a month for coaching. Sounds like a good deal.” But if you have no idea what coaching is and what it’s going to do for you, then putting those fees on there is crazy. So those are just a few examples of some of the mistakes that coaches make. I’m going to actually go into more depth on those right now.

So posting your free session offer on your website is a mistake because it kind of waters down the value and it makes people suspicious. And also, another mistake that these people make with free sessions is that they would just kind of wait for the phone to ring. They put it up on their website and they just kind of sit back and wonder why people aren’t calling them. They might be going to networking events, they may be giving presentations. I knew someone who gave 50 presentations in a year and wasn’t getting coaching clients and I was like “Holy cow! What is going on there?” Well, they’re waiting for the phone to ring. We don’t want to wait for the phone to ring. We want to make the phone ring. We want to get people calling us. We want to get people into intro sessions. Waiting for the phone to ring is a big mistake. Not being clear about the value that people will get from your intro session is another big mistake. Posting your fees on your website is another big mistake also because no one really gets what coaching is or what it will do for them until they actually go through the Free Sessions That Sell process. Here are the 7 elements of an enticing free session offer. This is what we want to do instead:

1) We want to write some deep connection copy. We want to connect with people on a deep level, OK? Now, even though I’m mentioning this first and even though this is going to be the first thing that people might read, this is going to be what I’m going to teach last because until you have all the other stuff in place, it wouldn’t actually make sense to write that. So, I teach it last but it would be actually the first part that people would see.

2) A name for the free session.

3) A bold list of benefits.

4) A reason why.

5) Scarcity.

6) A checklist.

7) A questionnaire.

These are the 7 elements of an enticing free session offer. So the first thing you want to do is name your free session. You want to name it something that’s concrete, that’s tangible, that’s visceral and not theoretical. ‘Best Life’ is kind of theoretical. It’s kind of ephemeral. It’s kind of amorphous. These are words for things that are not tangible, not concrete, not gut level, gut wrenching instantly “I want

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Copyright 2005-2013 Future Force, Inc. And Christian Mickelsen All rights Reserved.

that!” We want things that are visceral. Visceral means you feel it inside. It causes an emotional reaction for you. Theoretical things are things like “Find your true spirit life path.” Do people really want their true spirit life path? Maybe, but what more people might want or would hit people more viscerally would be something like a Land Your Dream Job Coaching Session or Get Hired Now Coaching Session. I’ll share some examples that are more concrete. We want to be results-oriented in naming our session. We want to be problem or solution oriented. So here’s an example of a problem-oriented one for women that are single and wanting to find a great man. How about a 25-Minute Stop Attracting Bad Boys Coaching Session? Now, I don’t know if that’s really going to appeal to women or not. I’m not a relationship coach and I’m not a woman, but I just wanted to give an example of something that would be problem-oriented. Stop Dating Jerks Coaching Session or something like that. That might be a little over-the-top perhaps, but that’s the problem-oriented one – talking about things that aren’t working. Here are some other types of examples Find Your Soul Mate Coaching Session.’ For women that’s probably more appealing than for men. Men might not be using the word ‘soul mate.’ Again, we want to get in the mind of your prospective client. Let’s see here: Relationship Rescue Coaching Session. These are all relationship-oriented ones. Relationship Rescue might be for couples that are in a relationship where things are going wrong. Again, that’s problem and solution oriented. “Rescue” implies problem and solution. How about: 25-Minute Grow Your Business Coaching Session or 25-Minute Land Your Dream Job Coaching Session? I’m going to open the line up for questions in case people have questions.

OK, any questions about naming your coaching sessions? XXXX: Yeah, Christian, I’ve got a question. Christian: Ok XXXX: Which do you find appeals better? Problem-oriented names or benefit-oriented names?

Which do you use the most? Christian: I probably use benefit-oriented ones the most. I think problem-oriented are really

powerful too because pain drives people more than pleasure. So, that’s something to keep in mind. In the deep connection copy, you can actually talk about the pains and problems that people are having and then have this be the solution. In the deep connection copy, you could talk about “Are you miserable at your job? Do you feel like just another cog in the wheel? Do you have little responsibility? Does it feel like you’re not making much of a difference? Do you wake up dreading work everyday? Well then how about Land Your Dream Job or Discover Your Dream Job Coaching Sessions?” I tend to do a little bit more solution-oriented titles but I definitely want to make sure that we mention some problem and pain in there somewhere. Is that clear?

XXXX: Yeah, thanks. Christian: I wanted to give both options just so that your mind can be open to more different

possibilities. Let’s see, any more questions? XXXX: I have a question Christian. It seems like I’m promising something than I cannot deliver

by saying “25-Minute Land Your Dream Job.” Christian: I’ll bet they’re not going to get it at the end of the session, huh?

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Copyright 2005-2013 Future Force, Inc. And Christian Mickelsen All rights Reserved.

XXXX: Yeah (laughs) Christian: That’s good, I’m glad you brought that up. I think there’s a lot of people who feel the

same way. I’m going to mute the line again because it is a little bit fuzzy and I’m going to answer you and then I’ll unmute it again in a second.

That’s great that you brought that up. Even though it’s a Land Your Dream Job Coaching Session, that’s the topic of the conversation. Or a Find Your Soul Mate Coaching Session. There’s an endless number of things. Whatever your topic is, let’s say you’re a weight loss coach. You could say Ideal Weight Now Coaching Session. People aren’t necessarily expecting that all of a sudden they’re going to have their dream job by the time they leave the session. I mean, they know there’s more to it, but I think one of the things that will help is #1, the next piece that we’re going into is actually telling people what they will get from that session and then #2 is even though that’s the topic of the session, just to realize that this is the first step on their path to getting what it is that they want. This is the first step to landing their dream job or finding their soul mate or getting in great shape. This is the first step and that’s why you call it that. So, I’m going to check back in here.

Did that take a little bit of the edge off for you? XXXX: Yes. Yes, I do understand now. Thank you. Christian: You’re welcome. Do you still feel any inner resistance to that or do you feel comfortable

going at it and creating a great name? XXXX: I feel more comfortable now because I know that that’s the end result that we’re looking

for and this is the first step. We’re going to plant the seed to get the results. Now I know why we are naming the coaching sessions because it gives more focus.

Christian: So the next thing we want to do is we want to create a bulleted list of benefits. And I

want everybody to take notes here because you’re actually going to do this. I don’t just want you to talk about it. I don’t want you to just learn it. I want you to do it.

If you want to get clients then you’ve got to take action. Action is the key to success. So you can even take a moment right now and start brainstorming a list of names for your session. Feel free to do it while I’m teaching. Turn off the TV, get away from e-mails, stay focused on the training. Here is my bulleted list of benefits that I promise to people when they have a session with me. Now, you can actually use all of these bullet points. You don’t have to write new copy. You can actually steal my copy! Steal it and make it your own and then make a free session offer and get people to have a session with you!

I’ll put something like ‘”During this 25-Minute Grow Your Business Now Coaching Session, we will work together to…

● Clarify your vision for x. (When I say ‘x’ you put in whatever result you coach people on. If it’s weight loss: ‘for your ideal body.’ If it’s relationships: ‘for your ideal relationship.’ If it’s business: ‘clarify your vision for your perfect business.’ Or something like that. That’s what ‘x’ means.)

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Copyright 2005-2013 Future Force, Inc. And Christian Mickelsen All rights Reserved.

● Create key milestone objectives.

(What are key milestone objectives? I heard once that great showmanship is one of two things. It’s either taking something hard and making it look easy or taking something easy and making it look hard. The reason I bring that up is because when it comes to this bulleted list of benefits, I want to make something easy seem sophisticated and like “Wow! That could be really valuable.” So when I’m writing it as marketing, I want it to come across as really valuable and helpful. And then as I’m telling you what it is, I want to make it crazy simple and very easy. Creating key milestone objectives really just means what are some things along the way that are going to have to happen in order for you to get there? If you want to be at your ideal weight, what are some milestone objectives? Key milestone objectives could just be short term goals. If you want to have a full coaching practice or full load of clients, what are some key milestone objectives? Maybe it’s getting yourself to a point where you’re getting 10 free session requests a month or maybe it’s getting your first client or achieving $3,000 a month in coaching revenue or $5,000. You can kind of just break it into key milestone objectives. It’s not that hard. It’s pretty simple. When they’re talking about what their goals are anyway, they’re already talking about some of their milestone objectives. They might talk about “Well, I gotta get my website done.” Well, that’s kind of a milestone objective on the path to having a successful coaching business that people want. If it’s weight loss then maybe a milestone objective would be to fit into some older clothes that they wore maybe not when they were at their ideal weight but maybe when they weighed a little bit less. Maybe the first goal is “Let’s get you into your favorite clothes that you haven’t worn in a while.” The next key milestone objective might be to weigh a certain weight or things like that. I think you guys get the idea on that. It’s pretty simple. But it looks good. It’s a free session offer that will help you clarify your vision for your business’ success and we’re going to create key milestone objectives.) ● Develop a 3-stage action plan. ● Uncover hidden challenges that might be sabotaging your success. (That’s my #1 favorite one that’s on the list.) You’ll leave the session with renewed energy and motivation to achieve your ideal weight or to achieve whatever it is that you’re trying to achieve.” (Again, that’s what that ‘x’ stands for.)

Alright so, I want everyone on here to create your free session offer, not necessarily right when we’re talking, although you’re welcome to work on it while we’re talking. Name your session and you’ll create a bulleted list of benefits. If you have any questions about the bulleted list of benefits, you can ask them now. Any questions about the bulleted list of benefits?

XXXX: Christian this is Judy. Christian: Hi Judy!

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Copyright 2005-2013 Future Force, Inc. And Christian Mickelsen All rights Reserved.

XXXX: Hi. The one thing that concerns me, and I know this has been in there from the

beginning, but the develop a 3-stage action plan… Christian: Yes. XXXX: I find that really hard to put in there and I’ve stopped saying that because the time is

really short and I don’t think that’s really true. Christian: Ah, yes. The 3-stage action plan is not always something that I do. It’s not always

something that I promise. But if I’m going to make a free session offer, I will put it in there because I want as many people as possible to be interested to have the sessions with me. But when you put this in there it means you’re going to spend more time with someone. So it might turn your 25-minute session into a 35-minute session. Is that okay with me? Yes. Is that okay with the potential client? Yes. But I don’t always put it in there.

If I’m just talking to a potential client and they’re getting in touch with me and they’re like “Hey, I’d like to work with you. I’ve heard great things about you. XXXX is working with you and his business is taking off. He already told me how much you charged and I’m a little nervous about it but I trust that you can really help me out a lot and I’d love to talk to you.” If that happens, I don’t bother with that. At this stage, I haven’t created a free session offer and sent it out in I think about a year and a half. I may at some point again, but for my one-on-one coaching I don’t know if I’ll ever do it again. It’s only because I’m at a point in my business where I’m not really hungry for clients. I’m not out pounding the pavement to grow my coaching business and generate a lot more coaching revenue and really amp up my coaching business. So, I’m not in that place right now. But if I were and I did want to get as many intro sessions lined up as possible, I would definitely put this in there and I would be willing to take a little bit more time to take people through it. Thank you for asking Judy and thank you for mentioning that. That is an optional one so you can take it or leave it.

So the next piece you want to put in here is the reason why. The reason why is basically a reason for offering the session right now. So instead of putting it on your website, you’re going to want to make it an offer that you give to people in a timely fashion. You’re going to want to do it via your e-mail, you’re going to want to make your free session offer maybe at a networking event or make a free session offer during a presentation you’re giving and you’re going to want to give a reason why you’re offering it right now. The reason why is important because it takes away some of the skepticism. You could say “Hey, I’m offering this because of this” or “I’m offering this because of that” or for example, “To help set off the new year right.” You know, 2 or 3 years ago, I think it was the beginning of 2007, may have been the last time I offered a free session. I called it A New Year Business Building and Goal Setting Session because I know at the beginning of the year people are a lot more interested in setting goals and getting clear on their vision and all that stuff. So I made it timely. My small business coaching company is called Small Biz U so I said “Help start the new year off right. Small Biz U is offering a special 25-minute business planning and goal setting session.” I gave a reason for it, you know “to help start off the new year right.” You can come up with any reason why, you know “In honor of Independence Day” or “To really celebrate entrepreneurism and the spirit of freedom and free enterprise that we are so blessed with here in America, we’re offering a special 25-Minute Business Freedom Coaching Session where we will work together to help you……..”

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Copyright 2005-2013 Future Force, Inc. And Christian Mickelsen All rights Reserved.

You can pick any reason but come up with a reason. The reason why is that it’s an important thing. I’ll give you one more example. This is something I would do if I was giving a presentation. I would say “In order to help as many of you as I can to implement what you just learned, I’m offering a special 25-Minute (let’s say you’re a relationship coach and you just gave a talk on improving your flirting skills for women, or getting your man to commit) "Catch Him and Keep Him Coaching Session” or something like that. Those are ways to create the reason why. The real reason why is because you want to work with more clients and to help more people. By creating a reason why that is timely or that has to do with something, it just takes the edge off and makes people understand this is something special and this isn’t something that happens all the time. There’s a reason for this.

Alright so the next piece is scarcity. Now, as coaches I think we all can relate to the idea that we want to live in abundance – we do live in abundance. I think anything other than abundance is lack of within the mind as opposed to lack within reality. But that’s, you know, more coaching mindset sort of stuff. And as much as I like to live in abundance, as a human being, it’s hard not to be drawn in by things that are rare.

So make your intro session rare. Make it scarce. Make it more valuable. You can do that by saying things like “For the next 7 days we’re offering this coaching session” or “For the next 10 people that reply to this e-mail” or “I can’t work with everyone in the audience, but I’ll do my best to get to as many of you as I can and I’ll take you on a first come, first served basis.” Now if you’re talking to a room of 40 people and you say that, people are going to be like “Wow!” Especially if you do all the other stuff to describe the benefits of this coaching session and say something like that. A lot of people are going to be really interested to have that introductory coaching session with you. So, let’s see, any questions about scarcity?

XXXX: Christian? Christian: Yes. XXXX: It’s Cindy. Christian: Yes, Cindy. XXXX: What do you do about sort of fudging that line? For example I gave a free session the

other day and he sort of had to get his money issues together and I told him that he had until 3:00 to complete the transaction.

Christian: OK, so that’s a little bit of a different question. XXXX: I don’t think so. The whole question of, you know, how hard and fast could you be with

what they say? I’m mean, obviously you can say the next 10 people that reply to this e-mail, but you want to work with 20. Do you let 20 come in?

Christian: Ok, I think I hear what you’re saying. So the question is if you say 10 and then take 20.

You know, how much of this is just marketing manipulation and how much of it is true and what’s the right, honest, high integrity way to do this? Well, you know I’m not really one to make up fake for fake’s sake so I don’t really like the idea of saying 10 and then taking

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20. On the flipside, if you really want 20 clients right now or if you really want to do 20, sometimes it can be better to say 10 than to say 20.

Think of it this way, you know if it’s during the month of July that you’re offering a financial freedom in honor of Independence Day and “Celebrating our freedom, we’re offering a Financial Freedom Coaching Session for the first 20 people who reply within the next 48 hours.” Well, if people reply after 48 hours, might you take it? Yeah, maybe. But if you were to say that,think about it. If 50 people reply, how many people can you actually have an intro session with over the next two weeks, during the rest of the month of July or whatever? Can you actually get more than 20 people in anyway? Maybe, but probably not. You have to really find what’s right for you. I go back and forth on this sort of thing. I do my best to be absolutely as truthful as possible. I don’t want to be really gimmicky and I don’t want to make up fake scarcity. I try as best I can and as much as I can to make real reasons for scarcity. Make real reasons why people should do it now. Now, the real answer to that is that’s something you really need to sit with within yourself. Look for what’s true for you. Look what feels right for you. Ultimately if you’re able to help more people and people are happy to get your help, maybe that’s okay, that’s really more of a personal decision. On the flipside, your initial question was like telling them they had until 3:00. I’ll teach you how to actually do that in the Free Sessions That Sell process on the next couple of calls in terms of getting people to decide right on the spot. I’ll share with you guys some techniques for that. We’ll talk about that a little bit more later. Was that a good answer for you Cindy?

XXXX: Yeah, that works well Christian. Thank you. Christian: So the next piece of the free session offer is a checklist. A checklist makes the value of a

session more clear, more tangible, more obvious and more personal to the potential client. “Check off the area that you need the most help with.” You know, this would be an example for business owners:

□ sales □ marketing □ leadership □ attracting and keeping great talent □ profitability.

So if you had a checklist here and you could have people check off the areas that they most need help with, does that mean that you’re going to solve all those problems for them in that coaching session? Of course not! But it’s going to help them see “Oh, this is why I need help.” It’s just a pointer to help them see why they need help and to give them an idea of the sorts of things that you can help them with. Now if you’re not a business coach, which I know most of the people on this call probably aren’t, I know we have several health coaches, you could say “Check off the areas that is the biggest problem area for you for your health right now:” and you could put

□ losing weight and keeping it off □ joint issues □ energy

Or whatever if you’re just an overall health coach.

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If you’re a weight loss coach, you could put

□ discipline □ sticking to diets □ emotional eating □ problem foods like chocolate.

Things like that. You can create your own checklist on that. Now again, it doesn’t mean you’re going to solve all those problems for them in that coaching session but it makes it clear for them the kind of things you can help with and makes it clear where they need help and why they need help. That’s the checklist. Can everybody on here create your checklist? I believe you can.

OK, the next part of the free session offer is the questionnaire. Now, this is optional. You don’t need to put a questionnaire and the checklist is optional too. You don’t need the checklist if you’re going to verbally give the free session offer. If you’re at a networking event or you’re giving a presentation then you wouldn’t say and do the checklist. But if it’s written, like if it’s via e-mail and you’re sending out this free session offer via e-mail, then it would be a good idea to do the checklist. But you don’t necessarily need to do the questionnaire. The questionnaire is more of a tool to pre-qualify people.

Now here’s my feeling about prequalifying people. Depending on where you are in your coaching business development and depending on your client load, you’re going to want to decide about prequalifying people. If you’re brand new to coaching and if you’re just starting out, if you have zero paying clients or two paying clients, then my feeling is the only qualifications the people need to have is that they can fog up a mirror (laughs) basically meaning that they’re alive and they have a credit card, meaning that they could pay you. That’s really it. Now if you’re a seasoned coach and you’ve got a decent number of coaching clients already but now you want to start generating higher coaching fees and you still would like some more clients but you don’t want to waste time with people who don’t hire you, then you want to prequalify people.

Now the reason why you don’t want to prequalify people very much if you don’t have a lot of clients yet is because the Free Sessions That Sell system is so powerful, it can take people who have never heard of coaching, don’t even really think that they have any big goals in their life and you could actually create clients out of thin air. Now if you prequalified them, you would miss out on those people. So when you prequalify people, you eliminate a lot of people who maybe could have hired you. You also eliminate far more people who you would have had to have a free session with that wouldn’t have ended up hiring you. It’s really a time management strategy. It’s a way to save time. So, here’s some examples about your questionnaire. You could put something like “Tell us about yourself: What were your sales for 2007?” Now that’s if you’re coaching business owners as a way to pre-qualify them. You could ask the, about their sales. You can ask about their goals. How long have they had this goal? And this is good no matter what type of people you coach. If you coach people on health, on relationships on anything, “How motivated are you to achieve your goals on a scale of zero to 10?” The reason that’s good is because if you get somebody who says “Well, I’m at a 2” they’re not that motivated to achieve their goals. The likelihood that they’re going to hire you is a lot lower. If they said on a scale of zero to 10 that they were a 10, then the likelihood of them hiring you is a lot higher. Does it absolutely mean they’re going to hire you? Of course not. But it increases the odds. So those are some different types of questions you could put on a questionnaire to help pre-qualify people.

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There are more ways to pre-qualify people. You could just only offer a free session with people who have bought the program of yours in the past. Now not all coaches have products or programs, but some of you do and many of you will at some point. And that could be a really great way to pre-qualify people. You can only offer that session to people who have purchased something from you so that you’re not sending it to your entire e-mail list. Another way to pre-qualify people is to charge a fee for your introductory coaching session. You can charge something like $97 as a good starting fee. One of my clients was a coach and charged $500 for his intro session. I don’t know if he always did or if he still does, but I know he has. He’s had many people take him up on that? Tell you what, if people pay $500 for your intro coaching session, how likely are they to hire you after that. I would say pretty likely. Now that doesn’t mean that everybody should go into that mode. I’ve never charged for an intro session and I don’t know if I ever will. I may at some point but I never have so far. Another way to pre-qualify people is what I mentioned at the beginning about the mistake of posting your fees on your website. If people know what your coaching fees are and then you offer an intro coaching session or people request an intro coaching session, people kind of get the idea of what it’s going to cost and they’re a little bit more likely to take you up on an intro session offer if they already see what your coaching fees are. Now generally I don’t like that. I don’t do it and I don’t recommend it because people don’t really know the value of coaching until you take them through the Free Sessions That Sell process. But nonetheless, it is a way you can pre-qualify people.

Somebody asked, “Do you have statistics on how many free session offers you need to send in order to close 10 clients? For example do I need to send out 100 e-mails to potentially get 10 closes?” That’s a really great question. The answer is I have no idea and the reason I have no idea is because statistically, if you send a free session offer to an e-mail list of 2,000 people, you’ll probably get about 30 or more people taking you up on it. Maybe even 40 or 50 or 60 or even 100. I had an e-mail list of 500 people, actually it was less than 500 – it was 450 or 460 something people. I made a free session offer and I got 60 people to have a free session with me. Now I sent that free session offer out 3 times over the course of the week so I didn’t just make that free session offer once. I made that free session offer and then I reminded people about the free session offer and then I said “Last chance to get this free session.” I had 60 people have a free session with me and out of those 60 people who had a free session with me, 40 people signed up for my group coaching program. Now at the time I wasn’t even taking on more coaching clients. I was only enrolling people into my group coaching program so that’s a pretty high conversion rate. I don’t know what’s going to happen for you. It really depends on a couple of things. It depends on how big your e-mail list is. How connected do the people on your e-mail list feel to you? If they feel very connected to you because you share really high quality content to your e-mail list on a regular basis, if you’re sending them e-mails at least once a week and each e-mail is very valuable to them and they know you, they respect you, they trust you, and you make a free session offer, your response rate is going to be pretty high. On the flipside if you have a smaller e-mail list and you e-mail them hardly ever if ever, and then all of a sudden you send out a free session offer, the response is going to be less. Also, depending on if you prequalify people. If you had 10 people pay for an introductory coaching session, I would imagine 8 or even 10 out of 10 people are going to

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hire you. So it really depends on so many different factors. It’s impossible for me to say what’s going to happen for you. Another factor is how comfortable you are with it and how confident you feel in yourself and in your ability to help clients produce results. There are so many variables that it would be really hard to say what it’s going to take for you to get 10 clients but these are the things too that’s going to help you get there in the shortest amount of time possible. I hope that answers your question.

So the last piece which is the first part of your free session offer if you’re going to send it out via e-mail is the deep connection copy. Now in the Client Attraction and Money Making Mastery and in my Top Coach Mastermind Group Coaching program, we really spend a lot of time talking about deep connection copy. I’m not going to spend that much time talking about it right now, but I do just want to give you an example of it. There’s so much to learn but just knowing how to do it is really pointing you in the right direction. I’ll give you some examples of some deep connection copy.

Deep connection copy talks about the problem and what it’s like to be going through their problem. It introduces and sets up the free session offer and it shows that you are there to help them. This is from Cindy. Now this is not a traditional free session offer the way that I would recommend it but if you can see this here I’ll read it. Cindy made this free session offer and basically she just said

“I created open office hours where anybody could call in from 9:00 to 12:00.”

It sounds like something she’s probably been offering for a while. I also want to tell everybody something that I know happened, and that is that Cindy got at least one coaching client from doing this and I think they signed up for 6 months. They may have even paid in advance for all 6 months. I’m not sure if that was the case or not. This is the e-mail that Cindy sent out. So she had these open office hours and the subject line basically would say if it was sent to me specifically “Christian, I won’t mind if you take advantage of me.” That’s a pretty interesting subject line which I’ve seen before Cindy. I know Cindy borrowed this from an e-mail I’ve sent out. It says

“A lot of people don’t want to call during in open office hours because they feel like they’ll be taking advantage of me since I’m not charging you to talk. They’re worried that if they call me, I’ll put the hard sell on them. I have two things to say about that. First, if you’ve been waking up at 2 a.m. with that tight feeling in your chest and you don’t know who to turn to, you really need to give me a try.”

OK, Boom! That is some of that deep connecting copy. You’re connecting with their pain. You’re talking about what it is that they’re going through. Waking up at 2 a.m. with a tight feeling in your chest – WOW! That’s me! If you’re going through that, all of a sudden you’re like “Holy cow! How does she know that? How did she know I’m going through this?”

“I’ll give you my undivided attention, ask a few questions and provide my expert and honest opinion. That’s it. Second, I put my money where my mouth is by not charging for this call for an important reason. I know you’re going to be so blown away by the time we spend together that you’re going to love it and ask for more. But if you want to just soak up all you can get in 20 minutes, that’s fine with me. It’s a risk I’m willing to take because my goal is for you to get so much

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value from our time together that you’ll think of me in the future or send your friends to me. And, I get jazzed just working with you no matter what.”

What else Cindy did here is she gave a great reason why. This is a great reason why. She put in there that the reason why is because she wants you to get so much value from your time together that even if you don’t sign up for coaching right now, that you’ll think of her in the future or that you’ll send your friends to her and that she didn’t just love it, it’s something she’s passionate about. That is a great example of a reason why.

“If I feel you need more, I’ll ask you if you’d like to hear about my services and I guarantee that if I’m not the right person, I’ll point you toward some other resources and I have a ton of them. If you decide to work with me, I want you to be 1,000% sure that I’m the right person. If nothing else, you’ll have a rock solid direction for what to do next because we’ll focus on the issue that’s most important to your financial success. So go ahead and take advantage of me. Open office hours are tomorrow. I really hope you don’t miss out. You can talk to me for as long as 20 minutes. If you don’t get through, please keep trying. Sorry no voicemails please. Warmly, Cindy.”

I like the signature. So there’s a lot of good things in there, but what’s missing is a name for the coaching session and a bulleted list of benefits. Those are the main things. I think if you were to name it and create a bulleted list of benefits and maybe again instead of having the open office hours, you could make it like a thing that you’re offering for the next 20 people who reply within the next 28 hours, I think you’ll get a better response to that than just having open office hours. Why? Well, not everybody is available from 9 to noon pacific time. Some people are at work or they can’t call at that time. So to be able to schedule it within their own time is better and then you might miss some people who call you while you’re talking to someone else. I think that approach is going to be even better.

Next I’m going to show you an example of a free session offer I made at the end of 2006 or beginning of 2007. So everybody should be able to see this Red Hot Free Session Offer. So basically what it said was: “Personalized business advice from Small Biz U.” Now if I were doing this today, I would probably come up with a little bit better of a subject line. And then it says “Hi Christian. If you’d like to get your business set and on track for 2007 and if you’d like to get personalized expert and business marketing advice from the coaches of Small Biz U, then you’re in luck. During the month of January, we’re offering a special zero cost Business Breakthrough Planning and Goal Setting Session for a limited number of business owners. Here’s the scoop. You can get a personal session one-on-one with one of our business advisors where you will work together to clarify your vision for 2007, identify key strategic milestone objectives, uncover hidden challenges and blind spots that could be sabotaging your success, create a 3-stage long-term plan and a next step action plan. Leave the session renewed, inspired and re-energized about your business and how your business can bring you everything your heart desires. If you’d like to be one of the few business owners to have one of these special sessions, please click ‘reply’ and fill in the answers to the questions below. Please tell us about yourself.” And then it’s the questionnaire: “Check off the areas that you most want help with right now.” And there’s the checklist. And then of course telling people what’s going to happen after you click ‘reply.’

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“Send your answers and one of our coaches will get back to you by the end of the week to set up your business breakthrough planning and goal setting session. If you have any questions about this or if there’s anything else we can do to serve you or support you in any way, please let me know. Christian Mickelsen.” So there is the free session offer. This is the connection copy. I basically used the timeliness of people’s need for wanting to get their business set and on track for the year. Like I said, I sent this out at the end of 2006 in order to get people on track for 2007. So right at the end of the year and other folks at the beginning of the year that’s a time where people want to set goals and create plans so use that. Now if this wasn’t a beginning of the year session, I might do a Skyrocket Your Profitability Coaching Session and I would talk about “Hey! Are your sales decent but your profitability and cash flow sucks?” or “Are they just not where you want them to be? Do you struggle to make payroll? Do you go through this? Do you go through that?” Talk about some of the pains and frustrations and worries that people have in this area to make it more of a deep connection copy. So right here I would call it connection copy. I wouldn’t say it was deep connection and I’m kind of evaluating my own free session offer. And then there is a bulleted list of benefits. Those are pretty enticing. Can you see how this is much different than just putting something up on your website that says “I offer a complimentary coaching session. It’s 40 minutes.” What are you going to do with me for 40 minutes? Do I really want to take up 40 minutes of my time? Are you going to be selling me something? Why are you offering this to me? What’s the catch? What’s the value? Am I even going to get anything out of this? Do you see how far we’ve come here? Now it’s a real, tangible, solid, valuable, exciting and enticing thing. This is something that someone created recently, not this one that we’re looking at, but someone followed this formula and created a free session offer and she just got 70 intro sessions so it works. It’s going to work for you and I look forward to watching you do it. So I’m going to go ahead and open up the line and see if anyone has questions via the phone now.

XXXX: Hey Christian? Christian: Yes XXXX: It’s Brad. How are you doing? Christian: Good Brad. It’s good to hear your voice. XXXX: Same here. I’m a little confused. This is an e-mail not a sales letter? Christian: Yes. This is short copy that you would send out via e-mail. So, I know that you have an

amazing home page for your website, right? Let me pull up your website right now because I think you have great short copy and you have a great deep connecting copy and I’m going to give everybody the task of how this all works. So this something that we’re not going into depth on in this program but this is something that works with people. In my group coaching program we’ve been working on creating this short copy which is basically the home page copy that gets people to want to get on your e-mail list.

So first of all, the headline is good because it tells you exactly what you’re there for. So this is a little extra lesson for those of you in Free Sessions That Sell. It’s not necessarily really part of the Free Sessions That Sell process but “You’re about to discover secrets that are making top investors wealthy even in today’s real estate market with practically

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zero risk.” If you’re interested in real estate investing and you come to this website, you know you’re in the right place immediately. There’s benefits here right away. This is not a free session offer, this is short copy. So what happens is, and this is what I recommend everyone create at some point: you create a website that you write short copy. Now this short copy is actually pretty long and I think I may have suggested some things to shorten it up a little bit. Once people get to your website and they subscribe which I’m going to do right now, you don’t make a free session offer on your website, you offer something else that will get people on to your e-mail list and then what you want is to have a way for people to be able to actually read that free session offer or whatever it is that you’re giving away. Now that I’m on your e-mail list after a fair amount of time you can either set up your auto responder to automatically send me a free session offer or you can periodically, you know every quarter or every month or however often you decide to. You can offer a free session to the people who are on your e-mail list. So since I know Brad and Michelle don’t necessarily have much of an e-mail list yet, making a free session offer at this point might be a little premature. So what you probably would want to do is get your offer that’s already on your website for the 5 Real Estate Investing Secrets That Most People Wish They Knew to Build Fast Wealth in Today’s Market, in front of as many people as possible. So if you’ve met a lot of people who are interested in real estate investing, then you want to e-mail them and say “Hey, I just wrote this special report on ________, I’ve learned a lot of things and we met here, there or the other place. If this sounds like something you might be interested in, I’d love to have you on my list and then I’ll send you some other articles on some real estate investing secrets that I’ve learned over the last few years.” And build that relationship. Then after you have 30 or more people on your e-mail list, and then I would make that free session offer. Does that clarify things for you?

XXXX: Yes, absolutely. Christian: Yeah, the reason I pulled this up Brad is because I wanted to again mention that you had

some really good connector copy when you talk about “Have you dreamed about creating wealth for you and your family? If so, this may be the most important letter you read. Every day you hear that the real estate market has hit rock bottom and prices of homes are falling.” Here’s a good connector copy where you feel a deep connection, “You may be thinking to yourself ‘I can’t be a real estate investor. I have screwed up credit. I don’t know a thing about investing. My family and friends will think I’ve lost my mind. What if I make a mistake? I have a full time job, where am I going to find the time?’” You’re already getting into their mind and thinking about what it is that they’re thinking and then you talk about, “Well, I used to have those same doubts and they almost caused me to abandon my dream of becoming an investor. I remember when my husband and I first thought about becoming real estate investors. I was scared and we did not know how to invest and that we’d lose the little money we had saved. I made up my mind to ignore my self doubts and made the decision to follow my dream.”

So that’s the connector copy. Deep connection. You want to connect with people’s pain. I wanted to just give that as an example and show how this whole thing works to make the free session offer. So hopefully that is clear for everybody. Is that clear?

XXXX: Yes. Christian: OK. Now that the line is open, I’d like to make this a little bit more back and forth and I’ll

do some coaching with a few of you guys either on helping you come up with a name for your site or any questions that you have. We’re going to open it up. So, if I ask you a

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question and it’s a yes or no question, then actually play along with me and say “yes”. So, was this clear? Yes or yes?

XXXX: Yes! Christian: If it wasn’t clear, you can say so. Feel free to ask me to clarify questions. I want to open

this up. We’re going to go back. I’m going to jump back over the power point here. We’ll take questions and then we’ll do some coaching on free session offers. Alright, does anybody want some help on creating a good name for your free session offer?

XXXX: I do! I do! Christian: OK, great – who is this? XXXX: Debbie. Christian: So yes, tell us who you coach and what you coach them on. XXXX: I coach women on how to get their finances un-screwed up so that they can get ready for

their retirement. Christian: Great. Good. So you could call it a 25-Minute Retirement Readiness Coaching Session.

You could call it a Financial Freedom Coaching Session. You could call it Debt Elimination or Debt Free Coaching Session. Triple Your Savings Coaching Session.

Something to keep in mind is that even though the problem is debt for many people and that’s where a pain point is, getting rid of debt isn’t necessarily enticing. It may be a pain and it may be something people want to get out of, but more importantly, people want either financial freedom or more money or perhaps to be in a better place for their retirement. So even though the pain point might be debt and you might have strategies to help people get out of debt, if you start talking about the bigger picture of people wanting more money and helping them see how they can create more money and that creating more money is one thing that can also help them eliminate debt and then by of course eliminating debt it can help them have more money. If you start going a little bit bigger picture, and I’m not saying that you aren’t, but I just know based on some of the things you’ve worked on in the past that that’s been some of your focus, you really kind of telescope out to some of the bigger picture stuff. Obviously, many people have heard of Harv Eker who teaches the Millionaire Mind Seminar and has a book I think with the same name.

XXXX: Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. Christian: Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, yeah! So that guy definitely has a millionaire mind

because he’s making a lot of money teaching people how to have a millionaire mind. So that tells me there’s a lot of interest and a lot of people who are willing to spend money to become millionaires or to have a better financial situation. Those are just some thoughts for you. That was beyond just the name of the session but even more to your niche or target market ideas too.

XXXX: OK, thanks Christian. I appreciate it. Christian: You’re welcome. Someone else? XXXX: I’d like to have an opportunity.

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Christian: OK, who is that? XXXX: Judy. Christian: Alright, Judy. Who do you coach and what do you coach them on? XXXX: I coach executives and I coach them on on-boring skills when they move into a new role.

So, but it’s primarily for executives from VP level and above. Christian: OK, so now that might be jargon that they get and they understand and they’re with you

on that and maybe that’s enticing to them that “on-boarding” talk, but to me it’s not very visceral. So let’s get clearer on the problems. What is the problem they have with settling in?

XXXX: Well, they have generally really big jobs they’ve got to demonstrate their skills very

quickly. And they don’t have their corporate network that they had before. So, they’re in a brand new environment, they don’t know who to trust, they have to assess what’s going on in the company accurately really quickly and they have to be able to accomplish. 67% of executives fail that come from outside companies.

Christian: Yeah, I’ve heard that the most successful CEOs come from within the company. XXXX: That’s right, so what I’m offering is to assist them in the reduction of that. Well, that’s a

negative thing, but…. Christian: No, that’s fine. What is it that they’re worried about? What is their fear? XXXX: Uh, failing. Christian: Failing, OK. Failing how? Failing publicly? Failing to win people over to their ideas?

Failing how? XXXX: I think likely failing to accomplish the goals that they set out as quickly as they can. Christian: I hear that, I hear that. I don’t know, my marketing mind just starts running here, but if

you could pick one thing is it getting everybody on their team? Is it to win everybody over to their vision? Is it setting up the new vision for the company that they’re moving into? Is it getting everyone onto their team? Let’s get a little bit more specific if we can.

XXXX: Right. Those are all the kinds of things I put on the checklist that I was going through.

That’s one large part – making sure that you have the right team. Christian: Yeah. XXXX: To accomplish your goals. Christian: Yeah. Again, if I was working with small business owners I could focus on business

growth, business profitability, I could talk about marketing, I could talk about team building. I could talk about all sorts of things and the truth is that you could take any one of those things and turn it into a free session offer. So if we go back to the checklist, we go: sales, marketing, leadership.

I could take each one of those and make it a free session offer. I could offer a 25-Minute Sales Surge Coaching Session. I could offer a 25-Minute Marketing Mastery Coaching

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Session. So each of those can be it’s own free session offer and it’s great to have several different offers so that you can keep making free session offers. Some people might see the Sales Surge Coaching Session and be like “I don’t like sales. I don’t want to deal with sales. I’ve got sales people. That’s not that interesting to me.” But if you offer a Marketing Makeover Coaching Session or a Marketing Mastery Coaching Session, some other people are going to be interested in that that weren’t interested in the first thing. So any of those pain points you can focus on for a free session offer. If you wanted to be general it could be an Executive Success Coaching Session. You could make it a Success Inevitability Coaching Session and you could talk about how to make your success in your new executive role inevitable. How to eliminate the biggest problems of failure that most new executives coming in face. So you can be a little bit general like that or you can talk about it as a Legendary Leadership Coaching Session.

XXXX: Right. OK, that’s great. Thank you. Christian: You’re welcome. Great! Someone else? XXXX: This is Bonnie. Christian: Hi Bonnie. You coach sales professionals? XXXX: Yes. Christian: And you coach them to grow their sales, yes? XXXX: Yes. Christian: Well, do you have some ideas you want to run by me or do you want me to come up with

ideas? XXXX: Come up with ideas – that would be great. Christian: OK. Sales Surge was something I mentioned earlier. Maybe a Get More Clients

Coaching Session. Close More Clients Coaching Session. You could do a Sales Productivity Coaching Session. You could do a Master Your Sales Fears Coaching Session or Sales Fear Mastery Coaching Session. So those are some ideas. Is that helpful?

XXXX: I’ll play around with it. Christian: OK, great. Post those on the forum and I’ll take a look at them. XXXX: OK, thank you. Christian: You’re welcome. Who’s next? XXXX: This is Sandy. This is Charles. Christian: We’ll do Sandy first and then Charles. Sandy? XXXX: Yes.

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Christian: Who do you coach? XXXX: I’m an inner confidence coach so I coach women who don’t really trust or believe in

themselves and they let their fears of what they really think get in their way. Christian: OK, great. As your coach right now, I would say that we would want to pick a target

market. Who are some people who have confidence issues? What are the top situations that people are struggling with confidence issues? Is it confidence in their marriage? Is it confidence in speaking up at work? Is it confidence in selling? I would pick one target market.

Now, you could be very successful already and doing well and great. That’s more from a marketing standpoint because I feel like the more clear and specific your target market is, the easier it is for people to find you and the more immediately they realize that when they come to your website that they’re exactly where they need to be. It’s a lot easier for people to feel like “Oh, I don’t feel confident in my sales” than it is for them to just be like “I need confidence.” It usually shows up in some way in their life and the more you can pick one thing and really talk to them, the better your marketing will be. Let’s just go ahead and take what we’ve got right here with just confidence in general and you know, you could have a 25-Minute Skyrocket Your Confidence Coaching Session. You could have an Eliminate the Sources of Lack of Confidence. You could do a Speak Your Mind Coaching Session or Speak Your Mind With Confidence Coaching Session. Those are some ideas for you. Are those helpful at all?

XXXX: Yes, thank you. Christian: You’re welcome. Charles? XXXX: Yes. Christian: OK, who do you coach? XXXX: I’m just starting just on the website and I’m going to work with seniors who have felt like

they’ve waited too long and they’ve got that sinking feeling that you know that maybe it’s too late to achieve what they’ve always wanted to do, especially to build a business.

Christian: OK, there you go – build a business. So, the idea of helping someone build a business is

you know, I like that. That’s even more specific than just kind of a general feel like life’s passed you by. Helping seniors build a business - I think is a great thing. I think there are a lot of great businesses that seniors can build and I think you could help a lot of people. So how about a Business Start-Up Coaching Session would be one, or Find the Right Business For You Coaching Session. Or an Ideal Business Opportunity Coaching Session.

XXXX: Is there any way to make it more specific like Seniors Second Life Coaching Session or

Seniors Finally Started or something? Christian: You don’t need to do that because by the time they’ve gotten to your website, by the time

they’ve gotten to your e-mail list, by the time they are attending a presentation that you’re giving, they already know that that’s them. You don’t need to put all of that in your session name.

XXXX: OK. Christian: OK, so just really the result is the main thing that you want to focus on.

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XXXX: OK, great. Thanks. Christian: You’re welcome.