Transcripts - Lesson 3-+Lesson+3.pdf · Lesson 3.2 Val ues Transcripts While your traits were a...

Lesson 3.0 INt r oduct ion Tr anscr ipt s Automation Ninjas - Behaviourally Intelligent Automation - Avatar Lesson 3 Welcome to Step 3! Well done for getting this far! Now is when things start to get pretty amazing. Step 3 is where you hit the psychographics. Psychographics are the study and classification of people according to their attitudes, aspirations, and other psychological criteria. They are the accompaniment to Demographics, and it's what makes this avatar process so powerful. Most avatar processes stop at the demographic phase. The demographics are great for doing things like setting up adverts, but they don't actually tell you anything at all about the behaviour of your ideal customer. While demographics focus on the factual information on your ideal customer, the psychographics focus on the why behind your target audience. Why they do what they do, who they are as an individual, the things that make them tick. What motivates them to take action. They are the magic to super effective marketing. Only it?s not magic, it?s science Pyschographics can be a warren for small business owners to get into, because it really taps into the psychology of behaviour. It can be very confusing choosing where to start and deciding which information is pertinent. And of course, psychographics are hugely powerful, even with only basic understanding and basic application. For this reason there has been a huge surge in armchair psychologists telling businesses what information they should be collecting and why - often with little to no understanding of why the information is important - and how the output should be used to be effective, I studied forensic psychology and the statistics that go behind it - it's armed with that knowledge that I have put together Step 3. Knowledge is power - and I am making that available to you. But with great power comes great responsibility! Always remember that if you are good to your audience, they will be good to you. Make sure you use this responsibly - and be sure to add goodwill to your audience while you convert them - you want raving fans because you understand them. Not an angry mob because you tricked and manipulated them. I'll step down from my soapbox now! Your avatar is starting to take shape - you've got the outline, time to fill that in with all the things that make that person a person, the psychographics. Get your workbook out, head to your next video on traits and let's get you those happy customers with super high conversion rates and super low acquisition costs :)

Transcript of Transcripts - Lesson 3-+Lesson+3.pdf · Lesson 3.2 Val ues Transcripts While your traits were a...

Page 1: Transcripts - Lesson 3-+Lesson+3.pdf · Lesson 3.2 Val ues Transcripts While your traits were a characteristic that your prospect has, values are subjective judgements. Traits are

Lesson 3.0 INt r oduct ion

Tr anscr ipt s

Automation Ninjas - Behaviourally Intelligent Automation - Avatar Lesson 3

Welcome to Step 3! Well done for getting this far! Now is when things start to get pretty amazing.

Step 3 is where you hit the psychographics. Psychographics are the study and classification of people according to their attitudes, aspirations, and other psychological criteria. They are the accompaniment to Demographics, and it 's what makes this avatar process so powerful.

Most avatar processes stop at the demographic phase. The demographics are great for doing things like setting up adverts, but they don't actually tell you anything at all about the behaviour of your ideal customer. While demographics focus on the factual information on your ideal customer, the psychographics focus on the why behind your target audience. Why they do what they do, who they are as an individual, the things that make them tick. What motivates them to take action. They are the magic to super effective marketing. Only it?s not magic, it?s science

Pyschographics can be a warren for small business owners to get into, because it really taps into the psychology of behaviour. It can be very confusing choosing where to start and deciding which information is pertinent.

And of course, psychographics are hugely powerful, even with only basic understanding and basic application. For this reason there has been a huge surge in armchair psychologists telling businesses what information they should be collecting and why - often with litt le to no understanding of why the information is important - and how the output should be used to be effective,

I studied forensic psychology and the statistics that go behind it - it 's armed with that knowledge that I have put together Step 3.

Knowledge is power - and I am making that available to you. But with great power comes great responsibility! Always remember that if you are good to your audience, they will be good to you. Make sure you use this responsibly - and be sure to add goodwill to your audience while you convert them - you want raving fans because you understand them. Not an angry mob because you tricked and manipulated them.

I'll step down from my soapbox now! Your avatar is starting to take shape - you've got the outline, time to fill that in with all the things that make that person a person, the psychographics. Get your workbook out, head to your next video on traits and let's get you those happy customers with super high conversion rates and super low acquisition costs :)

Page 2: Transcripts - Lesson 3-+Lesson+3.pdf · Lesson 3.2 Val ues Transcripts While your traits were a characteristic that your prospect has, values are subjective judgements. Traits are

Lesson 3.1 Tr ait s

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In science language traits refer to a characteristic that is inherited.

Although we are working along the same lines here, we're talking more about traits in the psychological term here: as habitual patterns of behaviour, thought and emotion. It 's an enduring characteristic that makes up personality.

So a trait could be curiosity, For something to be a trait, it needs to be constant (it won't disappear over time) and cause you to act in a certain way. So if one of your traits is curiosity - you're very likely going to read a lot and gather lots of information up.

So why do you need to know this about your for target audience? Well if you know they're curious, you can bet   they will want to consume your content if you pique their curiosity. But you also know that they ENJOY learning new things - it won't be a struggle to get them to complete a course if you keep them engaged.

Don't worry if you have a lot of them - you should aim to have at least 6/7 different traits here. For example our perfect customer has 12... Curiosity, sense of humour, entrepreneurial spirit, diligence, forward thinking, intelligence and ambition are just a few. is a great resource from MIT that helps you get into choosing ones you like!

List them all out in your workbook in section 3.1

Automation Ninjas - Behaviourally Intelligent Automation - Avatar Lesson 3

Page 3: Transcripts - Lesson 3-+Lesson+3.pdf · Lesson 3.2 Val ues Transcripts While your traits were a characteristic that your prospect has, values are subjective judgements. Traits are

Lesson 3.2 Val ues

Tr anscr ipt s

While your traits were a characteristic that your prospect has, values are subjective judgements.

Traits are an externalisation of personality, where as values are an incoming subjective judgement of others personality. They are the principles that are important to the individual.

These are generally traits that your ideal customer holds in high regard. For instance your ideal customer could value curiosity. Curiosity is of course a trait. And one that your ideal customer may very well have, but in this instance we are more interested in that fact that your ideal customer values *curiosity*. Because curiosity is of importance to them, they will seek out others with that trait, They may strive to find a career in which they can be surrounded by other curious people. They will put themselves in situations where they can be curious. And of course, they love to attempt to satisfy that curiosity.

Traits are not always mirrored in values, but they do often go hand in hand. We are attracted to people like us, and our characteristic traits are often what we value in other people.

It helps to think of a dating profile here, what would your ideal customer value in a spouse or partner? What would they require?

Once you have a clear understanding of what your ideal customer values you start to understand the environment you need to create to make them feel comfortable.

Curious people who value curiosity want to be in an environment in which they can learn - they will need lots of information, lots to consume. You will need to keep them stimulated with content.

On the other hand, you may have an ideal customer that values quiescence or passivity. They are not going to want lots of content, and they certainly don't want to be overwhelmed with information.

It helps to think of a dating profile here, what would your ideal customer value in a spouse or partner? What would they require?

Automation Ninjas - Behaviourally Intelligent Automation - Avatar Lesson 3

Page 4: Transcripts - Lesson 3-+Lesson+3.pdf · Lesson 3.2 Val ues Transcripts While your traits were a characteristic that your prospect has, values are subjective judgements. Traits are

Lesson 3.2 Val ues

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Once you have a clear understanding of what your ideal customer values you start to understand the environment you need to create to make them feel comfortable.

Curious people who value curiosity want to be in an environment in which they can learn - they will need lots of information, lots to consume. You will need to keep them stimulated with content.

On the other hand, you may have an ideal customer that values quiescence or passivity. They are not going to want lots of content, and they certainly don't want to be overwhelmed with information.

Head to your workbook now. Think about what your ideal customer would value ? how does that interact with their traits? How does that interact with your solution and the content they like to consume? How does it affect their environment?

Automation Ninjas - Behaviourally Intelligent Automation - Avatar Lesson 3

Page 5: Transcripts - Lesson 3-+Lesson+3.pdf · Lesson 3.2 Val ues Transcripts While your traits were a characteristic that your prospect has, values are subjective judgements. Traits are

Lesson 3.3 Fear s and Fr ust r at ions

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This is as it says on the tin.

What keeps them awake at night? What are they terrified of? What gives them nightmares? What brings them out in cold sweats when they think about it? Those are their fears.

Fear is a very primal emotion to tap into, and therefore very powerful. But people also don't like to talk about fear. So you can speak to fear to get action, but you shouldn't linger on it.

Now for frustration - What major hurdles are they struggling with? What makes them angry? What are they being defeated by?

Frustration has its root with anger. And anger is the companion to fear in primal emotions. Fight or flight. The acute stress response. These are physiological reactions in response to perceived harm or threat to survival. Very Powerful stuff.

They capture attention immediately, but need to be used sparingly. Knowing their fears and frustrations allows you to create powerful headlines, attention grabbers. It allows you to stop behaviour in it 's tracks. But it 's use is double edged.

Remember what I said earlier about armchair psychologists? Well here is a perfect example. I bet a lot of the marketing you read is full of fear triggers... It 's not a good move long term.

The flight or fight response happens in a split second - it floods our system with adrenaline and puts a litt le red filter on everything. In that heightened state we are primed to see almost everything as a threat. And that includes any offers you're about to make.

Evoking a flight or fight reaction puts people in a very aggressive non-receptive state. If you're pushing the buttons we have had evolutionarily designed into us to help us do ANYTHING to survive -   you need to be prepared for a fight, and you better be the bigger stronger fighter. Or if the flight response is triggered - the direction your prospect is going to want to move in is *away* from the threat. And away isn?t really a direction at all.

So why include it in this process? Well you need to be aware of what could push those buttons for your ideal customer.

Automation Ninjas - Behaviourally Intelligent Automation - Avatar Lesson 3

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Lesson 3.3 Fear s and Fr ust r at ions

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This allows you to build a controlled environment if you *are* going to push the big red button. Be careful though - don?t assume behaviour ? the same personas can have dramatically different acute stress responses.

The upside to fear and frustrations is that it also allows you to help them avoid those pains. And that's where the real value in this is. Don't push the big button, understand where the button is, and what it does, and help your ideal customer avoid the button. Show them how you?re helping, and you will have a convert. Do it for the right reasons.

Now you're thinking like a ninja...

Spend some time in section 3.3. Get to know your ideal customers fears and frustrations. If you decide to use this as a trigger ? make sure to plan for behaviour response.

Automation Ninjas - Behaviourally Intelligent Automation - Avatar Lesson 3

Page 7: Transcripts - Lesson 3-+Lesson+3.pdf · Lesson 3.2 Val ues Transcripts While your traits were a characteristic that your prospect has, values are subjective judgements. Traits are

Lesson 3.4 Sophist icat ion

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You are solving for a problem.

Your ideal customer has that problem. You have the solution. But it is likely that your prospects aren't actively looking to you as the solution to the problem, not right away anyway.

First they need to understand that they have a problem (some aren't aware that they have a problem, they merely think it is a state of being). When they are clear on the problem, they need to want a solution. They may very well then begin to research whether there is a solution. And finally - last point in that is finding someone who has the solution.

That is often how organic traffic works, online you may have good seo, and that prospect may find you via searching for solutions. Offline they may speak to a friend who may recommend you as the solution. Lovely organic traffic. You come in at the end of the journey.

But what of advertising? Advertising speeds this process up significantly. Now you can get to your prospect first when they are searching for a solution by using keywords. Even better you can get to them on social media platforms because they have engaged with other things that you know are related to the problem you are solving for (hello associated problems!). And if you're very good with your advertising you can often get to your prospect BEFORE they have full acceptance of their problem.

This is where we need to think of your ideal customer in relation to your products/ solution. Your ideal customer will have a level of sophistication with the problem you are solving for. Where they are at with their sophistication with the problem, relates to how you have to speak to them, how long your sales copy needs to be, what they will sign up for etc.

This is also referred to as their awareness level.

Herein lies the problem. The prospect you are looking at who came in organically, is going to be very clear on the problem. They have done some research and got some advice, and they have come directly to you. They are highly sophisticated at this point. You don't need to show them that there is a problem, and what they can do about it and take them on a journey to prove to them you are the obvious solution. They know that. They know who you are and they are ready. High sophistication

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Lesson 3.4 Sophist icat ion

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But looking at someone you may have advertised to. That person typing in search phrases you have keywords out for - They have some awareness of the problem. They are actively looking for a solution. Partially sophisticated. What they don't know is how you fit into the equation. So your job here is to show them exactly that. But you don't need to explain to them why they have a problem and what the problem is. They know that. Medium sophistication.

Going that one step further - that prospect you got to before they were fully aware of their problem. The one you are advertising to on social media or with banner ads? They don't know who you are, they don't know what solution they want, because they're not even sure there is a problem. This prospect needs the whole shebang. You have a problem - here's why, There are solutions to this problem, and here's why we're the obvious choice. Low sophistication.

So in order to provide the correct information to your prospect so that you smoothly convert them with out any friction, you need to be aware of their sophistication level.

As well as the correct information, you need to provide the correct AMOUNT of information. Since we're debunking some long upheld myths - let 's do one on long form sales copy. Long form sales copy is heralded by some as the ONLY way to do sales copy. You may even have fallen prey to this yourself once or twice. But why? Ask a long form sales fan why, and they'll say it converts better. But they won't be able to give you any stats on it.

Sophistication level dictates type of content needed. But it also dictates length of content required.  

If your prospect has low sophistication: litt le sense of having pain, and no sense of your solution - you need to offer a healthy amount of explanation and story telling in your content. Your videos need to be longer, there needs to be more of them, you need more emails in your sales and nurture funnels.

Moving along the graph at the midpoint where they are starting to feel their own pain,  reflect their need and message heavily on your benefits - how you can fix this.

Automation Ninjas - Behaviourally Intelligent Automation - Avatar Lesson 3

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Lesson 3.4 Sophist icat ion

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When they are looking for solutions, combine assurances and incentives with your benefits - push them a bit, and focus on that pain relief. Less content needed.

If they have a high sophistication level, help them get what they want fast, and stay out of the way. Very litt le content needed.

So you can see from this graph that long form sales copy sits right at the beginning - with low sophistication. There is nothing worse than wanting to buy something and you can't find the buy now button in all the other stuff that has been fluffed up to help the low awareness people. It can break a sale. Long form sales copy assumes low awareness. And not all your prospects are going to have low awareness. Certainly if you use this information in this avatar process you should have more and more prospect with higher sophistication levels.

It 's incredibly important to understand your ideal customer. You are building a journey for them. Make sure you are clear on their sophistication levels so that you send them on the right journey.

Now for your ideal customer, what would their sophistication level be? Would they rank low, medium or high? How would you measure that? For example, where would they be coming from? Would that give you an indication of their awareness?

Remember you are thinking of your ideal customer here, so you can say: I only want prospects with medium sophistication because I want to be the person to swoop in when they have identified their pain. Or even, I want them to have low sophistication because I want to take them on a journey, and I don't want them to be tainted by false information. Or possibly, I don't have the patience for a long journey - I want them to take action now.

This is your IDEAL customer, you are building their journey here. You decide how you want to play.

Pro tip: Don't forget that you can turn less than ideal customers into ideal customers too. This is something to come back to - but you * can* build journeys for that. Also be aware that you can use the sophistication level to repel less than ideal customers too :)

Now make it real and get to your document!

Automation Ninjas - Behaviourally Intelligent Automation - Avatar Lesson 3

Page 10: Transcripts - Lesson 3-+Lesson+3.pdf · Lesson 3.2 Val ues Transcripts While your traits were a characteristic that your prospect has, values are subjective judgements. Traits are

Lesson 3.5 Ident it y and Image

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What does your ideal customer identify as and with? Identity is at the core of our personality - and who we identify with is often what we identify as. This is similar to traits and values, but much bigger picture, and a different use.

In psychology the identity is the conception, qualities, beliefs and expressions that make a person. It is their self-identity - who they are. But it also makes up groups. So traits and values would bundle in with a whole range of different factors to create identity.

As an example one of the aspects I identify as, is a small business owner. And because I identify as a small business owner, I identify with other small business owners. I also identify as an expert in my field, and a scholar - because I understand I need to keep on top of my knowledge to retain my position, So I need to continually work on my identity. But these aspects of my identity mean I identify with others that have small businesses, and others that have a thirst for knowledge.

So while traits and values are used to create tonality and environment that your ideal customer will relish and flourish in - Identity goes deeper. It creates a bond, a relationship.

For instance if your ideal customer identifies as a single mom, she won't be attracted to someone who dislikes children. She will identify with the other single mom who made her business work for her.

Closely linked to this is image. Image is your self concept. While identity is an inner representation of personality, image is the outward portrayal. Image is often reflected in fashion choices. We put on specific clothing to show the outside world who we are at a glance. Some people spend a great deal of time (and money) on their outward appearance. For others it doesn't matter. How people portray their image is also what they are drawn to - fashionistas surround themselves with other fashionistas. We are tribal people.

Understanding the full picture of the identity and image of your ideal customer is the key to determining how they will engage with your brand. Will they want a shiny website with perfect colour schemes? Will it not bother them so much as long as the content is good? Do they want everything to be in it 's place on your website, and your content to not be too far out there? Or do they love puzzle websites with new things to found each time? If you add pop culture references into your content will they get it?

Page 11: Transcripts - Lesson 3-+Lesson+3.pdf · Lesson 3.2 Val ues Transcripts While your traits were a characteristic that your prospect has, values are subjective judgements. Traits are

Lesson 3.5 Ident it y and Image

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When you are clear on the identity and image of your ideal customer you will have the power to create content that they get. You will be able to position the content so that they identify with it. You will be able to make references they understand. You will know that the design of your content is suitable for their consumption. You will insert the correct stories and humour. you will know how they will react to the call to actions you include. And if you put something controversial out there, you know how they will respond. Your ideal customer will feel like you get them in a way none of your competition does. And now you have raving fans, instead of subscribers, being taken on a very specific journey instead of unwilling marketed to.

What does the identity of your ideal persona look like? Who are they? What is their image? Head to section 3.5 and start putting the person into your persona.

Automation Ninjas - Behaviourally Intelligent Automation - Avatar Lesson 3

Page 12: Transcripts - Lesson 3-+Lesson+3.pdf · Lesson 3.2 Val ues Transcripts While your traits were a characteristic that your prospect has, values are subjective judgements. Traits are

Lesson 3.6 Want s and aspir at ions

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We spoke about fear and anger as motivators before, and the caution of using them. Wants and aspirations are the flip side of fear and anger. It 's important to understand when you will use each, and why one set is a much better solution than the other.

Both fear and anger are quick short term motivators. Survival traits to eliminate the immediate threat to health or survival. A surge in adrenaline makes you faster, stronger and feel less pain. This enables you to act quickly. But your vision become tunneled to get you to move forward, ahead, away from the threat. Same thing with your hearing. Your body is filtering out things to help you survive - you become non-receptive to external stimuli that are not part of the threat. This really isn't a great time to be marketed to.

However, fear and anger are great pattern interrupts. And of course, your messaging won't elicit a complete survival response, but it 's important to understand the primal emotions you are trying to invoke.

Now wants and aspirations are a much longer term motivator. Where fear and anger elicit immediate reaction, wants aspirations lay the path to a goal. They give direction. Although longer term, and still powerful motivators ? they do lack the effectiveness at grabbing attention. However the outcome is also much more positive, fear and anger have a reactive outcome. Wants and motivations have a proactive outcome. Wants and aspirations are planned, not primal.

It?s not often that you will see both sets of motivators used on sales pages. Generally they are used as separate strategies ? pull for planned and push for primal. But a much more effective strategy is using the two together. Fear as the pattern interrupt, wants and aspirations as the directional motivator. This is a much healthier way of using the two.

In general you will find that the members of your audience that responded to wants and aspirations as a motivator will have longer customer lifetime values, they will be with you for longer and purchase more from you. Those who responded to fear and anger motivators drop off relatively quickly, and have much lower customer lifetime values.

Automation Ninjas - Behaviourally Intelligent Automation - Avatar Lesson 3

Page 13: Transcripts - Lesson 3-+Lesson+3.pdf · Lesson 3.2 Val ues Transcripts While your traits were a characteristic that your prospect has, values are subjective judgements. Traits are

Lesson 3.6 Want s and aspir at ions

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Armed with that information, what does your ideal customer want? What do they want from life? What do they aspire to be? What do they aspire to have?

What will they be surrounded by when they know they have made it? When their pain is gone, what has replaced it?

These are visualised motivators. These invoke strong emotions of want, and you can mine this hard. In fact, the clearer you get with their wants and aspirations, the more likely they will be to take action and achieve it.

In your workbook, complete section 3.6 on wants and aspirations before moving onto our next video: mistakes.

Pro tip: combine some of your wants with some fears and frustrations for super charged messaging with direction.

Automation Ninjas - Behaviourally Intelligent Automation - Avatar Lesson 3

Page 14: Transcripts - Lesson 3-+Lesson+3.pdf · Lesson 3.2 Val ues Transcripts While your traits were a characteristic that your prospect has, values are subjective judgements. Traits are

Lesson 3.7 Mist akes

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Mistakes are another form of pattern interrupt, and an action spur.

An action spur grabs attention and moves someone to action.

What mistakes is your ideal customer making at this very moment?

Not only can you grab attention with these mistakes - these may be things that you can solve for immediately, giving them a quick win while you move on to the larger problem.

Mistakes are progressive. They make great leadmagnets and headlines, while allowing you to lead your ideal customer onto bigger issues. This is especially fantastic for prospects that have low awareness ? you call pull them along with mistakes, while you introduce the larger problem and position yourself as a solution.

So what mistakes is your prospect making right now at this VERY moment? What sophistication level does that refer to?

Now let?s do the work and head over to 3.7 in your workbook.

Automation Ninjas - Behaviourally Intelligent Automation - Avatar Lesson 3

Page 15: Transcripts - Lesson 3-+Lesson+3.pdf · Lesson 3.2 Val ues Transcripts While your traits were a characteristic that your prospect has, values are subjective judgements. Traits are

Lesson 3.8 Want s Right Now

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Wants follow on very neatly from mistakes.

These are a distillation from wants and desires 2 sections previously. These are the MOST desirous wants. Choose the top 3-5 for this section.

And once you have identified what mistakes they are making, you can merge in their wants, using these desires to motivate directional action.

Alternatively you can use wants themselves as lead magnets and headlines, as they tap directly into a motivator that your ideal customer wants right now. In other words, is the want a positive motivator? Towards something good? Or is it a negative motivator, moving away from something painful? Knowing this allows you to position your solution in different light for different lead magnets.

You can also use these instant desire motivators to lead onto the longer term wants and aspirations.

What does your ideal customer desire the most right here, right now, in the present?

What motivator does this tap into? Is there a pain associated with this want?

Make it real and let?s head over to section 3.8 now

Automation Ninjas - Behaviourally Intelligent Automation - Avatar Lesson 3

Page 16: Transcripts - Lesson 3-+Lesson+3.pdf · Lesson 3.2 Val ues Transcripts While your traits were a characteristic that your prospect has, values are subjective judgements. Traits are

Lesson 3.9 Avoidant s Right Now

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Similar to mistakes and wants, what is your ideal customer currently trying to avoid? These aren't mistakes that they are currently making, but ones that they trying to avoid making for the future. They are trying to do everything they can to not have these "avoidances" happen.

Again you can use these to understand where they currently are, interrupt their thinking, and lead them onto the next part of their journey.

Most prospects are DESPERATE for this to not happen ? so tap into that pain. What things is your prospect trying to avoid right now?

You should have a MINIMUM of 3 here, more is better. But aim for no less than 3. These are powerful motivators, so give some time to section 3.9 and then let?s get to the next 2 videos ? on reverse engineering.

Automation Ninjas - Behaviourally Intelligent Automation - Avatar Lesson 3

Page 17: Transcripts - Lesson 3-+Lesson+3.pdf · Lesson 3.2 Val ues Transcripts While your traits were a characteristic that your prospect has, values are subjective judgements. Traits are

Lesson 3.10 Recognise Agr ee Bel ieve

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These last two points are arguably the most important points in this entire process. You will be able to use the answers to these two questions to reverse engineer ALL your funnels, and ALL of your content. No more guess work. Clearly structured and designed funnels that speak directly your prospects pains. And that is powerful.

So how do we go about doing that?

Well first we need to agree on what level your ideal customer needs to be at before they are ready to buy.

Every prospect needs to have a certain level of knowledge before they are ready to actually commit to buying. And we can break that understanding up into 3 component parts: Recognition, Agreeing, and believing. In order for your prospect to be ready to consider your product as a solution - they need to satisfy each of those 3 component parts.

At its basics: they need to recognise that they have a problem/ a pain. They need to agree that it needs solving. And they need to believe that you can help. This is deeply linked to their awareness level ? but were looking at this from the perspective of purchase now. Where do they have to be to buy?

If any of these steps are missing, your product won't make any sense to them and they won't be able to make the decision to purchase.

For the most part businesses put funnels together with the hope that they will provide enough information for their prospects to make a decision to purchase. No more hoping.

Once you know what your ideal customer needs to recognise, agree and believe before viewing your product, you can take a step back and think about what pain points need to have been addressed in order to get them to that point. And of course, each of your pain points is associated with a specific benefit your solution provides. And every one of those benefits is associated with a feature. Now you have a comprehensive list of what you need to cover in order to get them to the point of having enough information to purchase.

Automation Ninjas - Behaviourally Intelligent Automation - Avatar Lesson 3

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Lesson 3.10 Recognise Agr ee Bel ieve

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That list should tell you exactly how many pain points you need to satisfy - which translates into how many emails you need to write, what content you need to create etc. Congratulations! You've just reverse engineered a behavioural funnel that takes your ideal customer on a very personally relevant journey.

At the end of that journey they will be primed to see your product - and primed for purchase.

So what does your ideal customer need to recognise, agree and believe before you present them your product? Grab your notebook and work it out in 3.10 ? then hit the last video!

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Page 19: Transcripts - Lesson 3-+Lesson+3.pdf · Lesson 3.2 Val ues Transcripts While your traits were a characteristic that your prospect has, values are subjective judgements. Traits are

Lesson 3.11 Real ise Agr ee Bel ieve

Tr anscr ipt s

Now being ready to buy and * understanding why* they are buying are two very different things.

Once you have got your ideal customer to the point of being primed to buy, they will still have litt le niggles. So next we need to determine what your ideal customer needs to * realise* , agree and believe in order to understand why your solution is the obvious solution for them.

The subtle difference here is ?REALISE?. Previously we spoke about recognising that they have a problem, and how you can solve that. But if they still aren?t ready to buy even though they recognise they have a problem ? they haven?t ?realised? what they can do to solve the problem.

This is just building on the previous RAB level. It?s an extra push of information to get full understanding. The realisation is often spurred by quelling objections. So what objections could you help overcome in this last bit of the sale? What final bit of information could you give them as a last push?

Once we have that information we can again link it with the pain points and benefits. And build your list of content again.

Generally this last litt le nudge is what is needed to push people over the edge at the end of a funnel. This information makes for fantastic final sales emails, and cart abandoned emails.

What objections could someone have at this last stage? And what information could you provide them with to get them to * realisation*

Hit your work book up and completed 3.11 ? it?s the last in this section! And then we move onto Individual personas!

Automation Ninjas - Behaviourally Intelligent Automation - Avatar Lesson 3