Transcription of DNA & Central Dogma

ST. MARY'S SCHOOL BAHUAKBARPUR, ROHTAK NAME OF THE TEACHER - REGIN BABU CLASS- XII SUBJECT BIOLOGY MOLECULAR BASIS OF INHERITANCE The Central Dogma The central dogma of molecular biology describes the two-step process, transcription and translation, by which the information in genes flows into proteins: DNA → RNA → protein. Transcription of DNA & Central Dogma The discovery of DNA was one of the most significant findings in the field of science. Today, deeper insight into the DNA structure has unravelled answers to questions that have been around for eons. The Central dogma explains how the DNA codes for the proteins which proceed in three stages, namely, replication, transcription and translation. Once DNA replicates its two strands, the information is copied into RNA by the process called transcription. Le t’s learn more about the process of transcription. Table of Contents Definition Explanation RNA Polymerase Stages Initiation Elongation Termination Processing Transcription Definition

Transcript of Transcription of DNA & Central Dogma

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The Central Dogma

The central dogma of molecular biology describes the two-step process, transcription and translation, by which the information in genes flows into proteins: DNA → RNA → protein.

Transcription of DNA & Central Dogma

The discovery of DNA was one of the most significant findings in the field of science. Today,

deeper insight into the DNA structure has unravelled answers to questions that have been

around for eons.

The Central dogma explains how the DNA codes for the proteins which proceed in three

stages, namely, replication, transcription and translation. Once DNA replicates its two

strands, the information is copied into RNA by the process called transcription. Let’s learn

more about the process of transcription.

Table of Contents



RNA Polymerase






Transcription Definition

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“Transcription is the first step of gene expression that involves the formation of

RNA molecucle from DNA.”

What is Transcription?

It is one of the first processes in gene expression. The genetic information flows from DNA to

protein and this flow of information takes place in a sequential process of transcription and

translation. Only one strand of DNA is copied during the process of transcription known as the

template strand and the RNA formed is called the mRNA.

The main motive of transcription is to make a copy of RNA from the DNA sequence. The

RNA transcript carries the information used to encode a protein.

RNA Polymerase

In molecular biology, RNA polymerase (abbreviated RNAP or RNApol, and officially DNA-directed RNA polymerase), is an enzyme that synthesizes RNA from a DNA template.

Using the enzyme helicase, RNAP locally opens the double-stranded DNA so that one strand of the exposed nucleotides can be used as a template for the synthesis of RNA, a process called transcription. A transcription factor and its associated transcription mediator complex must be attached to a DNA binding site called a promoter region before RNAP can initiate the DNA unwinding at that position. RNAP not only initiates RNA transcription, it also guides the nucleotides into position, facilitates attachment and elongation, has intrinsic proofreading and replacement capabilities, and termination recognition capability. In eukaryotes, RNAP can build chains as long as 2.4 million nucleotides.

RNAP produces RNA that, functionally, is either for protein coding, i.e. messenger RNA (mRNA); or non-coding (so-called "RNA genes"). At least four functional types of RNA genes exist:

1. transfer RNA (tRNA) — transfers specific amino acids to growing polypeptide chains at the ribosomal site of protein synthesis during translation;

2. ribosomal RNA (rRNA) — incorporates into ribosomes;

3. micro RNA (miRNA) — regulates gene activity; and,

4. catalytic RNA (ribozyme) — functions as an enzymatically active RNA molecule.

5. The 2006 Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to Roger D. Kornberg for creating detailed molecular images of RNA polymerase during various stages of the transcription process.[3]

In most prokaryotes, a single RNA polymerase species transcribes all types of RNA. RNA polymerase "core" from E. coli consists of five subunits: two alpha (α) subunits of 36 kDa, a beta (β) subunit of 150 kDa, a beta prime subunit (β′) of 155 kDa, and a small omega (ω) subunit. A sigma (σ) factor binds to the core, forming the holoenzyme. After transcription starts, the factor can unbind and let the core enzyme proceed with its work. The core RNA polymerase complex forms a "crab claw" or "clamp-jaw" structure with an internal channel running along the full length. Eukaryotic and archaeal RNA polymerases have a similar core structure and work in a similar manner, although they have many extra subunits.

All RNAPs contain metal cofactors, in particular zinc and magnesium cations which aid in the transcription process.

The RNA polymerase is the main enzyme involved in transcription. It uses single-strand DNA

to synthesize a complementary RNA strand. The DNA-dependent RNA polymerase binds to

the promoter and catalyses the polymerization in the 5’ to 3’ direction on the template strand.

Once it reaches the terminator sequence, the process terminates and the newly synthesised

RNA strand is released.

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Transcription Unit is a stretch of a DNA transcribed into an RNA molecule. Its function is to

encode at least one gene. Suppose if gene encodes protein than mRNA is produced by

transcription. A protein encoded by the DNA transcription unit may comprise a coding

sequence. Compared to DNA replication, transcription has a lower copying fidelity.

Stages of Transcription

Transcription proceeds in enzymatically catalysed steps i.e.

1. Initiation

2. Elongation

3. Termination


RNA polymerase attaches to the DNA molecule and moves along the DNA strand until it

recognises a promoter sequence. These are known as the transcription start sites. The DNA

double helix then unwinds and all the bases on each of the DNA strands are exposed. This

acts as a template for a new mRNA strand.


Ribonucleotides are added to the template strand that enables the growth of mRNA growth.


RNA polymerase encounters a terminator sequence and the transcription stops. RNA

polymerase then releases the DNA template.

Prokaryotic Transcription

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Both prokaryotes and eukaryotes perform fundamentally the same process of transcription, with the important difference of the membrane-bound nucleus in eukaryotes. With the genes bound in the nucleus, transcription occurs in the nucleus of the cell and the mRNA transcript must be transported to the cytoplasm. In prokaryotes, which lack membrane-bound nuclei and other organelles, transcription occurs in the cytoplasm of the cell.


RNA Polymerase is the enzyme that produces the mRNA molecule (just like DNA

polymerase produced a new DNA molecule during DNA replication). Prokaryotes use the same RNA polymerase to transcribe all of their genes. In E. coli, the polymerase is composed of five polypeptide subunits. These subunits assemble every time a gene is transcribed, and they disassemble once transcription is complete. Each subunit has a unique role (which you do not need to memorize). The polymerase comprised of all five subunits is called the holoenzyme.


Transcription in prokaryotes (and in eukaryotes) requires the DNA double helix to partially unwind in the region of mRNA synthesis. The region of unwinding is called a transcription bubble. The DNA sequence onto which the proteins and enzymes involved in transcription bind to initiate the process is called a promoter. In most

cases, promoters exist upstream of the genes they regulate. The specific sequence of a promoter is very important because it determines whether the corresponding gene is transcribed all of the time, some of the time, or hardly at all. The structure and function of a prokaryotic promoter is relatively simple (Figure 1). One important sequence in the prokaryotic promoter is located 10 bases before the transcription start site (-10) and is commonly called the TATA box.

Figure 1 The general structure of a prokaryotic


To begin transcription, the RNA polymerase holoenzyme assembles at the promoter. The dissociation of σ allows the core enzyme to proceed along the DNA template, synthesizing mRNA by adding RNA nucleotides according to the base pairing rules, similar to the way a new DNA molecule is produced during DNA replication. Only one of the two DNA strands is transcribed. The transcribed strand of DNA is called the template strand because it is the template for mRNA production. The mRNA

product is complementary to the template strand and is almost identical to the other DNA strand, called the non-template strand, with the exception that RNA contains

a uracil (U) in place of the thymine (T) found in DNA. Like DNA polymerase, RNA polymerase adds new nucleotides onto the 3′-OH group of the previous nucleotide. This means that the growing mRNA strand is being synthesized in the 5′ to 3′

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direction. Because DNA is anti-parallel, this means that the RNA polymerase is moving in the 3′ to 5′ direction down the template strand (Figure 2).


As elongation proceeds, the DNA is continuously unwound ahead of the core enzyme as the hydrogen bonds that connect the complementary base pairs in the DNA double helix are broken (Figure 2). The DNA is rewound behind the core enzyme as the hydrogen bonds are reformed. The base pairing between DNA and RNA is not stable enough to maintain the stability of the mRNA synthesis components. Instead, the RNA polymerase acts as a stable linker between the DNA template and the newly forming RNA strand to ensure that elongation is not interrupted prematurely.

Figure 2 During elongation, RNA polymerase

tracks along the DNA template, synthesizes mRNA in the 5′ to 3′ direction, and unwinds then

rewinds the DNA as it is read.


Once a gene is transcribed, the RNA polymerase needs to be instructed to dissociate from the DNA template and liberate the newly made mRNA. Depending on the gene being transcribed, there are two kinds of termination signals. One is protein-based and the other is RNA-based. Both termination signals rely on specific sequences of DNA near the end of the gene that cause the polymerase to release the mRNA.

In a prokaryotic cell, by the time transcription ends, the transcript would already have been used to begin making copies of the encoded protein because the processes of transcription and translation can occur at the same time since both occur in the cytoplasm (Figure 3). In contrast, transcription and translation cannot occur simultaneously in eukaryotic cells since transcription occurs inside the nucleus and translation occurs outside in the cytoplasm.

Figure 3: Multiple polymerases can transcribe

a single bacterial gene while numerous ribosomes concurrently translate the mRNA

transcripts into polypeptides. In this way, a specific protein can rapidly reach a high

concentration in the bacterial cell.

Eukaryotic Transcription Transcription is the process by which the information in a strand of

DNA is copied into a new molecule of RNA.

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It is the first step of gene expression, in which a particular segment of DNA is copied into RNA (especially mRNA) by the enzyme RNA


It results in a complementary, antiparallel RNA strand called a

primary transcript.

Transcription in Eukaryotes Transcription occurs in eukaryotes in a way that is similar to prokaryotes

with reference to the basic steps involved. However, some major

differences between them include:

Initiation is more complex. Termination does not involve stem-loop structures.

Transcription is carried out by three enzymes (RNA polymerases I,

II and III).

The regulation of transcription is more extensive than prokaryotes.

Enzyme(s) Involved in

Eukaryotic Transcription Unlike prokaryotes where all RNA is synthesized by a single RNA polymerase, the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell has three RNA polymerases

responsible for transcribing different types of RNA.

RNA polymerase I (RNA Pol I) is located in the nucleolus and

transcribes the 28S, 18S, and 5.8S rRNA genes. RNA polymerase II (RNA Pol II) is located in the nucleoplasm

and transcribes protein-coding genes, to yield pre-mRNA, and also

the genes encoding small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs) involved in

rRNA processing and small nuclear RNAs (snRNAs) involved in mRNA processing, except for U6 snRNA.

RNA polymerase III (RNA Pol III) is also located in the

nucleoplasm. It transcribes the genes for tRNA, 5S rRNA, U6 snRNA,

and the 7S RNA associated with the signal recognition particle (SRP)

involved in the translocation of proteins across the endoplasmic reticulum membrane.

Each of the three eukaryotic RNA polymerases contains 12 or more

subunits and so these are large complex enzymes.

The genes encoding some of the subunits of each eukaryotic enzyme show DNA sequence similarities to genes encoding subunits

of the core enzyme of E. coli RNA polymerase.

However, four to seven other subunits of each eukaryotic RNA

polymerase are unique in that they show no similarity either with bacterial RNA polymerase subunits or with the subunits of other

eukaryotic RNA polymerases.

Features of Eukaryotic Transcription Transcription in eukaryotes occurs within the nucleus and mRNA

moves out of the nucleus into the cytoplasm for translation.

The initiation of RNA synthesis by RNA polymerase is directed by the presence of a promoter site on the 5’ side of the transcriptional

start site.

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The RNA polymerase transcribes one strand, the antisense (-) strand, of the DNA template.

RNA synthesis does not require a primer. RNA synthesis occurs in the 5’ → 3’ direction with the RNA

polymerase catalyzing a nucleophilic attack by the 3-OH of the growing RNA chain on the alpha-phosphorus atom on an incoming

ribonucleoside 5-triphosphate.

mRNA in eukaryotes is processed from the primary RNA transcript,

a process called maturation.

Process of Eukaryotic Transcription The basic mechanism of RNA synthesis by these eukaryotic RNA polymerases can be divided into the following phases:

Initiation Phase

During initiation, RNA polymerase recognizes a specific site on the

DNA, upstream from the gene that will be transcribed, called

a promoter site and then unwinds the DNA locally. Most promoter sites for RNA polymerase II include a highly

conserved sequence located about 25–35 bp upstream (i.e. to the 5

side) of the start site which has the consensus TATA(A/T)A(A/T) and

is called the TATA box.

Since the start site is denoted as position +1, the TATA box position is said to be located at about position -25.

The TATA box sequence resembles the -10 sequence in prokaryotes

(TATAAT) except that it is located further upstream.

Both elements have essentially the same function, namely recognition by the RNA polymerase in order to position the enzyme

at the correct location to initiate transcription.

The sequence around the TATA box is also important in that it

influences the efficiency of initiation. Transcription is also regulated by upstream control elements that lie 5′ to the TATA box.

Some eukaryotic protein-coding genes lack a TATA box and have an

initiator element instead, centered around the transcriptional

initiation site. In order to initiate transcription, RNA polymerase II requires the

assistance of several other proteins or protein complexes, called

general (or basal) transcription factors, which must assemble into a

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complex on the promoter in order for RNA polymerase to bind and start transcription.

These all have the generic name of TFII (for Transcription Factor for

RNA polymerase II).

The first event in initiation is the binding of the transcription factor IID (TFIID) protein complex to the TATA box via one its subunits

called TBP (TATA box binding protein).

As soon as the TFIID complex has bound, TFIIA binds and stabilizes

the TFIID-TATA box interaction. Next, TFIIB binds to TFIID. However, TFIIB can also bind to RNA polymerase II and so acts as a

bridging protein. Thus,

RNA polymerase II, which has already complexed with TFIIF, now

binds. This is followed by the binding of TFIIE and H. This final protein

complex contains at least 40 polypeptides and is called

the transcription initiation complex.

Those protein-coding genes that have an initiator element instead

of a TATA box appear to need another protein(s) that binds to the initiator element.

The other transcription factors then bind to form the transcription

initiation complex in a similar manner to that described above for

genes possessing a TATA box promoter.

Elongation Phase TFIIH has two functions:

1. It is a helicase, which means that it can use ATP to unwind the DNA

helix, allowing transcription to begin.

2. In addition, it phosphorylates RNA polymerase II which causes this enzyme to change its conformation and dissociate from other

proteins in the initiation complex.

The key phosphorylation occurs on a long C-terminal tail called the

C-terminal domain (CTD) of the RNA polymerase II molecule. Interestingly, only RNA polymerase II that has a non-

phosphorylated CTD can initiate transcription but only an RNA

polymerase II with a phosphorylated CTD can elongate RNA.

RNA polymerase II now starts moving along the DNA template,

synthesizing RNA, that is, the process enters the elongation phase. RNA synthesis occurs in the 5’ → 3’ direction with the RNA

polymerase catalyzing a nucleophilic attack by the 3-OH of the

growing RNA chain on the alpha-phosphorus atom on an incoming

ribonucleoside 5-triphosphate. The RNA molecule made from a protein-coding gene by RNA

polymerase II is called a primary transcript.

Termination Phase

Elongation of the RNA chain continues until termination occurs. Unlike RNA polymerase in prokaryotes, RNA polymerase II does not

terminate transcription at a specific site but rather transcription can

stop at varying distances downstream of the gene.

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RNA genes transcribed by RNA Polymerse II lack any specific signals or sequences that direct RNA Polymerase II to terminate at specific


RNA Polymerase II can continue to transcribe RNA anywhere from a

few bp to thousands of bp past the actual end of the gene. The transcript is cleaved at an internal site before RNA Polymerase

II finishes transcribing. This releases the upstream portion of the

transcript, which will serve as the initial RNA prior to further

processing (the pre-mRNA in the case of protein-encoding genes.) This cleavage site is considered the “end” of the gene. The

remainder of the transcript is digested by a 5′-exonuclease (called

Xrn2 in humans) while it is still being transcribed by the RNA

Polymerase II. When the 5′-exonulease “catches up” to RNA Polymerase II by

digesting away all the overhanging RNA, it helps disengage the

polymerase from its DNA template strand, finally terminating that

round of transcription.

RNA processing The primary eukaryotic mRNA transcript is much longer and localised into

the nucleus, when it is also called heterogenous nuclear RNA (hnRNA) or

pre- mRNA.

It undergoes various processing steps to change into a mature RNA: Cleavage

Larger RNA precursors are cleaved to form smaller RNAs.

Primary transcript is cleaved by ribonuclease-P (an RNA enzyme) to

form 5-7 tRNA precursors. Capping and Tailing

Initially at the 5′ end a cap (consisting of 7-methyl guanosine or 7

mG) and a tail of poly A at the 3′ end are added.

The cap is a chemically modified molecule of guanosine triphosphate

(GTP). Splicing

The eukaryotic primary mRNAs are made up of two types of

segments; non-coding introns and the coding exons.

The introns are removed by a process called RNA splicing where ATP is used to cut the RNA, releasing the introns and joining two

adjacent exons to produce mature mRNA.

Nucleotide Modifications

They are most common in tRNA-methylation (e.g., methyl cytosine, methyl guanosine), deamination (e.g., inosine from adenine),

dihydrouracil, pseudouracil, etc.

Post-transcription processing is required to convert primary transcript into

functional RNAs.

Significance Transcription of DNA is the method for regulating gene expression. It occurs in preparation for and is necessary for protein translation.