Trajan Pro Voluta Script Fonts: APOSTOLICFAITH.ORG Portland...

Portland LINK Promotion Sunday is a fun time to be in Sunday school, and this year it took place on September 8 for most students, and on September 15 for the Beginners. e departments looked especially nice with some fresh decorations, and teachers brought farewell gifts for their old classes and special treats for the new ones. It was an exciting time for students and teachers alike. After general assembly on September 8, students had time to say goodbye to their former teachers and then they were off to find out who their new teachers and classmates would be for the coming year. A big change this year is a shift in the grades for the Junior and Primary Departments—the Juniors will now be fifth through eighth grades, and Primaries will be first in this issue Modifications and Promotions through fourth. Consequently, the student population in the Junior Department did not change this year (no new incoming students and no one promoted), though everyone was moved to a new class. In the Primary Department, no students were promoted to the Juniors but they did gain fourteen new first graders. In addition, a few new teachers were also welcomed. e following Sunday, September 15, was when the Beginner students changed to their new classes. As the Sunday school departments embark on this new school year, let’s remember to keep them in our prayers. May the lessons taught every week stick with the students and have a life-changing effect on each one! APOSTOLICFAITH.ORG Selections from our website and more (Top) Nikita Jones’ class, anxious to learn. (Bottom) 2nd graders Grace Hinkle, Oliver Tonning, Nolan Sletmoe, and Evelyn Oilar. “A big change this year is a shift in the grades for the Junior and Primary Departments—the Juniors will now be fifth through eighth grades, and Primaries will be first through fourth.” September 2019

Transcript of Trajan Pro Voluta Script Fonts: APOSTOLICFAITH.ORG Portland...

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Portland LINK

1 ModificationsandPromotions

2 WorldReport

3 GalleryPICS

4 MeetMyGrandparents,JimandLorettaLambert

5 ReadtheEndoftheBook!

6 Psalm96:6

6 Focus:PersonalBibleStudy

Promotion Sunday is a fun time to be in Sunday school, and this year it took place on September 8 for most students, and on September 15 for the Beginners. The departments looked especially nice with some fresh decorations, and teachers brought farewell gifts for their old classes and special treats for the new ones. It was an exciting time for students and teachers alike.

After general assembly on September 8, students had time to say goodbye to their former teachers and then they were off to find out who their new

teachers and classmates would be for the coming year. A big change this year is a shift in the grades for the Junior and Primary Departments—the Juniors will now be fifth through eighth grades, and Primaries will be first

i n t h i s i s s u e

Fonts:Voluta ScriptTrajan Pro

Modifications and Promotionsthrough fourth. Consequently, the student population in the Junior Department did not change this year (no new incoming students and no one promoted), though everyone was moved to a new class. In the Primary Department, no students were promoted to the Juniors but they did gain fourteen new first graders. In addition, a few new teachers were also welcomed. The following Sunday, September 15, was when the Beginner students changed to their new classes.

As the Sunday school departments embark on this new school year, let’s remember to keep them in our prayers. May the lessons taught every week stick with the students and have a life-changing effect on each one!

A P O S T O L I C F A I T H . O R G

Selections from our website and more

(Top) Nikita Jones’ class, anxious to learn. (Bottom) 2nd graders Grace Hinkle, Oliver Tonning, Nolan Sletmoe, and Evelyn Oilar.

“A big change this year is a shift in the grades for the Junior and

Primary Departments—the Juniors will now be fifth through eighth grades, and Primaries will be first through fourth.”

September 2019

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Excerpts from Friday, August 23 The Angola camp meeting (pictured left) continued on Monday morning with a Bible teaching, which began with the choir singing “Happiness All the Time” and “Since I Found the Lord.” Prior to the message, a quartet of young people sang “Come Holy Spirit” in Portuguese. The tune was well known to our team from Portland (John Musgrave and Erik Calhoun), and coincided perfectly with the teaching. Brother John used text from the first two chapters of Acts to focus on the work of the Holy Spirit throughout one’s life. He pointed out that the Spirit of God convicts of sin, witnesses to one’s heart at justification, is at work when a person is entirely sanctified, and ultimately, fills a sanctified heart, providing power for service. He said we live under the Latter Rain Gospel and God is preparing His Church by way of the Holy Ghost.

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Excerpts from Thursday, August 29 The West and Central Africa (WECA) camp meeting in Lagos, Nigeria, started with the pre-camp ministers’ and workers’ conference held August 1-2. The first Sunday school teachers’ conference was held on Saturday, August 3, while the camp meeting proper started on Sunday, August 4.

Delegates came from all over Nigeria and other countries in WECA including Ghana, the Republic of Benin, Mali, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Niger, Togo, Senegal, Ivory Coast, the Gambia, Cameroon, Burkina Faso, and Gabon. Some countries from the eastern and southern African districts were also represented. They include Zambia, Burundi, Uganda, Botswana, Namibia, and South Africa. Delegates also came from outside Africa including from Austria, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, and Canada.

On Friday, August 23, the ordinances of water baptism, breaking of bread, and washing of the saints’ feet were observed. A total of 841 candidates (352 males and 489 females) were baptized in water.

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Excerpts from Thursday, September 12 The annual Newfoundland youth camp was held from July 22-26 at their favorite location, Coles Pond, Roddickton. They are blessed to have such a peaceful sanctuary where they can get away from many of life’s distractions, disconnect from media, get closer to Christian friends, and most importantly, draw near to God. Words cannot describe all the positive experiences that were gained during this week of retreat.

P o s t s F r o m

B r o t h e r

D a r r e l L e e ’ s

J o u r n a l

Read more at Report


From the

Superintendent ’s


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Gallery PICSphotos from our events this month


(Clockwise from top left) Catey Hinkle and Azaria Charles serve Hunter Cripps; Arthur Ruiz greets with a big smile; Erik Calhoun explains a point; The Thinker: Wesley Barrett; Wayne Butler preaches; Patrick Lee waits patiently; Yvonne Wilson knows how to get kids’ attention; Dan Hoskin with grand-daughter Adaline; Annika Ewers sings.

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My grandpa, Jim Lambert, was born in Mississippi to parents who loved the Lord. He was raised to know the truth, but he did not receive it until shortly after he left the Navy at age twenty-one. He had searched for happiness for a long time before coming to the conclusion that nothing in this world could satisfy. He repented of his sins and dedicated his life to serving God.

My grandma, Loretta (Lesher) Lambert, was born in Portland, Oregon, to parents who also knew the truth and brought her to this church. When she was a young girl about to enter third grade, her mother read her a church tract entitled “The Dying Drummer Boy.” It touched her heart and she asked Jesus to come into her heart and save her.

After my grandparents met, my grandpa couldn’t work up the nerve to ask my grandma on a date, so he had one of his friends ask for him. Her answer was, “Tell him not to be a coward and come ask me out himself.” They were married in Los Angeles, California, in 1963.

One year my grandpa told my grandma he was bringing her a very exotic gift for their anniversary. All day, my grandma thought about what the gift could be. When my grandpa got home

answered for them, but one in particular that I remember took place when I was seven or eight. My grandma had a stroke and wasn’t able to move one side of her body. People prayed and God healed her completely.

Another story I’ve heard my grandparents tell is about a time when their children were small and my grandpa had been injured and wasn’t able to find work. At one point they had only five dollars. They desperately prayed for the next phone call they received to be about work. Right after they prayed, someone called offering my grandpa a job.

My grandparents moved back to Portland in January of this year. My grandpa is enjoying retired life and my grandma enjoys shopping and spending time with her dachshund, Lily.

My grandparents have proved God’s faithfulness in their lives, and I’m so thankful for their example and my godly heritage.

that day, he presented her with two live, baby alligators. Needless to say, that was not the gift my grandma was expecting and the alligators were quickly returned to the pet store.

My grandparents had their first child in 1964, a son named Douglas. Four years later they had another son, David. Their daughter Marla was born in 1969.

In 1970 my grandparents moved their family from Los Angeles to Eureka, California. They only stayed there for one year before continuing north to Vancouver, Washington. While there, the family attended our Portland church. My grandparents spent fourteen years attending the Portland church before moving to Visalia, California, and they attended our Woodlake church.

I’m sure my grandparents have many stories of prayers that the Lord has

By Diana Lambert

(Top) Jim and Loretta Lambert’s wedding day. (Below left) Daughter Marla, Loretta with granddaughter Sarah, Jim, and son Doug Lambert. (Below middle) Diana, Rosie, Dave, and Holly Lambert. (Below right) Farewell party for Jim and Loretta at the Woodlake church.

Meet My Grandparents, Jim and Loretta Lambert


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Christ’s Second Coming

The Rapture of the Church

The Revelation of Christ

Session 8 of the Highlighting our Heritage Series, “Doctrines Part 3,” was led by Cheryl Downey. This covered several end-time events, beginning with Christ’s Second Coming and concluding with Eternal Heaven and Eternal Hell. Sister Cheryl stated that these Bible doctrines are well established in Scripture. She then read the key verse found in Romans 15:4, “For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.” She explained that these doctrines are included in Scripture so we will know them, and to help us remain patient while we wait for them to come to pass.

The Rapture: This event is the time when Jesus will call the Church to meet Him in the clouds—the dead in Christ will be raptured first, and then those who are living and saved will join them in the air. Sister Cheryl said this event will occur before the tribulation begins, and reminded the audience that the Rapture is a “no signs” event, meaning that no other prophetic fulfillment is required to happen before the Rapture, so it could take place at any time.

The Tribulation: The tribulation will take place during the last seven years of human law before Jesus sets up His millennial reign. It will consist of twenty-one judgments: seven seal judgments, seven trumpet judgments, and then seven vial judgments, with each set increasing in intensity. During this time, there will be massive destruction due to the judgments, and up to three-fourths of the earth’s population will be killed. Sister Cheryl went on to describe each of the twenty-one judgments, which will conclude with the Battle of

Armageddon. After Jesus defeats the armies there, Satan will be imprisoned in the bottomless pit for one thousand years. At that time, the Antichrist will be cast into the Lake of Fire, as will the false prophet.

Marriage Supper of the Lamb: This event will take place in Heaven during the tribulation period on earth. It will be a glorious celebration for Jesus (the Bridegroom), and the raptured Church (the Bride).

The Revelation of Christ: At the Battle of Armageddon, Jesus will return with His saints to save Israel and destroy its enemies. His feet will stand upon the Mount of Olives, and the mountain will divide, creating a great valley. This will provide a way of escape for the Jews to flee from their enemies. Then Jesus will defeat the Antichrist and his armies.

The Millennial Reign: After the Battle of Armageddon, Jesus will rule the earth for one thousand years. The saints, in their glorified bodies, will rule with Jesus. The remnant of Jews who survived the tribulation and the Gentiles who did not

take the Antichrist’s mark will enter the millennial reign in their natural bodies. During this time, many aspects of the curse will be reversed, and the earth will be restored to Eden-like conditions.

The Final Rebellion: After one thousand years, Satan will be loosed from the bottomless pit. He will go throughout the world, and convince people to follow him, but fire will come out of Heaven and devour those who are deceived. Satan will then be cast into the Lake of Fire.

The Great White Throne Judgement: This event is only for those who died unsaved. Those souls will be reunited with their bodies, punishment will be declared by God, and they will be cast into Hell (the second death).

Hell: Also called the Lake of Fire, Hell was created for the devil and his angels (demons). All who have rejected God’s offer of salvation and whose names are not written in the Book of Life will go there. It is eternal torment and separation from God. In Hell, there are no more opportunities to repent and be saved.

The New Heaven and New Earth: The Bible doesn’t reveal much about the new earth, but John describes in detail the New Jerusalem that will descend from Heaven. It will be in the shape of a cube, fifteen thousand miles in each direction, and made of all types of precious jewels. Revelation 21 gives a more complete description. Its gates will never be shut. There will be no need of a temple, for the Lord God and the Lamb are the temple of it. There will be no night there, and no need for a sun because the glory of God and the Lamb will provide its light.

Sister Cheryl concluded by saying that the Bible is true; these things will come to pass. The world has entered the last days described in the Bible. So believers must stay ready for Christ’s return and do all they can to encourage the unsaved to yield their lives to God so they can escape the judgments to come.

Read the End of the Book!

“During this time, many aspects of the curse will be reversed,

and the earth will be restored to Eden-like conditions.”

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Focus: Personal Bible StudyAfter taking a few months off for

summer break, youth focus resumed on September 20. As usual, the meeting began with a meal, this time consisting of lasagna, breadsticks (cheesy and non-cheesy), and salad, with frosted pumpkin bars for dessert. Following dinner, everyone gathered for a time of singing several worship songs, including “How Great Is Our God” and “Open the Eyes of My Heart.” After prayer requests, Victoria Heintz led in prayer.

Erik Calhoun led the study portion on the topic of personal Bible study. He started by asking the group how much time they spend on their phones, using social media, or watching television programs. He shared statistics that say the average family spends three hours

said he works on the upcoming Sunday school lesson throughout the week, answering one of the lesson questions per day. Brother Erik then shared more tips: the e-Sword app is an incredible resource that helps readers understand the meaning of Scripture in its original language; audio Bibles can be helpful to auditory learners; and the church provides a daily devotional online and through the church app. He said the Bible has everything a person needs and is worth investing time in.

daily on social media, and a combined eight hours watching television! Brother Erik encouraged everyone to consider how much time they spend studying God’s Word, and to reflect on what that might indicate about their priorities. He reminded the group that there is no relationship more satisfying than a relationship with God, and that the Bible is more interesting and thrilling than any movie or television show could be.

The rest of the session centered on strategies for Bible study. A few shared their personal strategies: one said he is on a reading plan with several friends and they discuss Scripture together; a girl said that she likes to read a Bible commentary to help understand context; another

“Honour and majesty are before him:strength and beauty arein his sanctuary.”(Psalm 96:6)