Trajan Pro Voluta Script Fonts: APOSTOLICFAITH.ORG...

Portland LINK e sanctuary was full on Easter evening as people gathered to celebrate Christ’s resurrection through the musical “Believe,” presented by the combined choirs, orchestra, and soloists, and directed by Gary Riler. e audience was first welcomed by Pastor Dave Lambert, and then the lights dimmed and narrators Jeff Yellott and Delores Mathews described the political situation in Israel leading up to Jesus’ ministry. Video clips showed actors portraying key witnesses to the final week of Jesus’ life, which included Pilate, Caiaphas, Jesus’ mother Mary, omas, and John. e first choir pieces were “Come, Now Is the Time to Worship with Praise Adonai” and “Save Us,” which related the emotions the multitude experienced on Palm Sunday. “Here at Your Table” was a song about the Last Supper and featured Diana Lambert as soloist. Caleb Copko was the soloist in “Love Divine,” which spoke of Jesus’ motivation for laying down His life, in this issue A Resurrection Celebration and Imelda Nedelcu was featured in the “Jesus, Hail the Lamb Medley,” telling of His death. Michael McCarville and Kristi Riler related how Jesus’ death for all mankind was actually a very personal act in “Everything to Me.” e mood changed from somber to triumphant as the choir sang of Christ’s resurrection in “He Lives with Rise Up and Praise Him.” en the narrators gave the conclusion of the program saying, “In less than a month, the disciples were boldly preaching Christ resurrected, fearless in the face of death. . . . e only thing which could explain that phenomenon was belief. You see, it is not enough to simply believe; belief is completed by the decision to follow.” e choir finale was “Worship Celebration” featuring Jillian Luka as soloist as they sang, “ank You for the Cross, Lord,” and “Worthy is the Lamb.” It was a perfect ending to a beautiful Easter concert! APOSTOLICFAITH.ORG Selections from our website and more (Top) Jeff Yellott and Delores Mathews narrate the Easter story. (Bottom) Jillian Luka sings a solo. April 2019

Transcript of Trajan Pro Voluta Script Fonts: APOSTOLICFAITH.ORG...

Portland LINK

1 A Resurrection Celebration

2 Discovering God’s Plan

3 Gallery PICS

4 World Report

5 Praises to the Risen King

6 The Price of Our Salvation

6 On the Spot

The sanctuary was full on Easter evening as people gathered to celebrate Christ’s resurrection through the musical “Believe,” presented by the combined choirs, orchestra, and soloists, and directed by Gary Riler. The audience was first welcomed by Pastor Dave Lambert, and then the lights dimmed and narrators Jeff Yellott and Delores Mathews described the political situation in Israel leading up to Jesus’ ministry. Video clips showed actors portraying key witnesses to the final week of Jesus’ life, which included Pilate, Caiaphas, Jesus’ mother Mary, Thomas, and John.

The first choir pieces were “Come, Now Is the Time to Worship with Praise Adonai” and “Save Us,” which related the emotions the multitude experienced on Palm Sunday. “Here at Your Table” was a song about the Last Supper and featured Diana Lambert as soloist. Caleb Copko was the soloist in “Love Divine,” which spoke of Jesus’ motivation for laying down His life,

i n t h i s i s s u e

Fonts:Voluta ScriptTrajan Pro

A Resurrection Celebrationand Imelda Nedelcu was featured in the “Jesus, Hail the Lamb Medley,” telling of His death. Michael McCarville and Kristi Riler related how Jesus’ death for all mankind was actually a very personal act in “Everything to Me.”

The mood changed from somber to triumphant as the choir sang of Christ’s resurrection in “He Lives with Rise Up and Praise Him.” Then the narrators gave the conclusion of the program saying, “In less than a month, the disciples were boldly preaching Christ resurrected, fearless in the face of death. . . . The only thing which could explain that phenomenon was belief. You see, it is not enough to simply believe; belief is completed by the decision to follow.” The choir finale was “Worship Celebration” featuring Jillian Luka as soloist as they sang, “Thank You for the Cross, Lord,” and “Worthy is the Lamb.” It was a perfect ending to a beautiful Easter concert!

A P O S T O L I C F A I T H . O R G

Selections from our website and more

(Top) Jeff Yellott and Delores Mathews narrate the Easter story. (Bottom) Jillian Luka sings a solo.

April 2019


Discovering God’s PlanJust over one hundred campers

and staff from various Apostolic Faith churches met for the 2019 West Coast Youth Challenge, an annual retreat for single people ranging from high school through about age thirty. This year, the event was held April 5-7. The theme was “The Plan for Your Life– Fully Known,” and the promise from Jeremiah 29:11 was presented in various ways throughout the weekend.

Everyone arrived at Kellogg Spring Camp in Oakland, Oregon, before dinner on Friday evening. The first session of the weekend began shortly after dinner and was presented by the youth challenge coordinators, Andy and Tina Chasteen of Medford, Oregon. After a time of singing, a lesson titled “Fully Known–God’s Plan for Me” illustrated the vital importance of having a life-changing experience at the foot of the Cross. In closing, the campers were challenged to make sure they knew they were saved and that God had full control of their futures, and a time of sweet prayer followed. Later, the campground gymnasium was made available for basketball while snacks and fellowship took place in the cafeteria.

Saturday morning, Terrance and Mieisha Scott from Seattle, Washington, shared their testimonies. Sister Mieisha

purity and let e v e r y o n e know that it is possible to be forgiven if one has sinned in this area.

Following dinner was a youth service, which included singing and a time for testimonies. Peter Sletmoe from Grants Pass, Oregon, gave a message based on Philippians 3:10 and explained that gaining a closer walk with God requires entire consecration. He said the approaching Easter season is a reminder of the example Jesus provided when He willingly laid down His life for all of humanity on the Cross. A time of prayer followed the service. Later on, there was once again an opportunity for campers to enjoy basketball, snacks, and fellowship.

The final session took place on Sunday morning after

breakfast. Pierre and Michelle Hancock of Los Angeles, California, spoke of the critical need for consistent personal devotional times, and gave helpful ideas to increase the impact it has on one’s daily walk with the Lord. A group activity illustrated that everyone can improve in this area. A culminating thought borrowed a line from Brother Terrance Scott’s testimony the previous day: in every area of one’s walk with God—including personal devotions—a single decision can change everything. The session ended with a time of prayer, and everyone left the event feeling challenged to make the choice to be ever more diligent in their walks with God.

told how God had wonderfully saved her from a life of drug addiction. Then Brother Terrance related how God delivered him from the destructive path his life was taking. He emphasized that the entire direction of one’s life can be altered by a single decision, and he challenged the young people to make the choice to serve God. Following these wonderful testimonies, the campers were divided by age into two groups. John Baros of Medford spoke to the high schoolers while Randy Lee, also of Medford, spoke to the older campers. They shared their testimonies and made the point that God can lead people’s lives when they allow Him to do so. They also instructed that entire consecration is a critical ingredient to experiencing the fullness of the Gospel.

After lunch, Harlan and Debbie Lee from Roseburg, Oregon, led a session about how the Bible is the road map to

get through life. Brother Harlan started with a short presentation about the origin and contents of the Bible, which helped to explain why the Apostolic Faith Church uses the King James Version. The conclusion of the lesson was that as a road map through life, the Bible provides answers and direction in times of need. This session was followed by free time during which several campers gathered in the gymnasium for a lively game of “human foosball.”

Later in the afternoon, Brother Andy and Sister Tina led separate sessions for young men and young women where they explained God’s plan for marriage, stressing God’s requirement to lead holy and pure lives. They concluded with a call to

(Above) Terrance Scott shares his testimony with the young people. (Left) An attentive audience.

“ . . . the campers were challenged to make sure they knew they

were saved and that God had full control of their futures.”


Gallery PICSphotos from our events this month


(Clockwise from top left) Bassoonist Carter Luka; Oliver and Elouise Tonning sing; Vickee Martin testifies; Matthew Zagaryuk and Kiera McKay at Sunday school; Russell Mathews holds niece Abby; Hannah and Nora Cook on Palm Sunday; Gary Riler and Jeff Yellott relax after the concert; Elizabeth Buliga tes-tifies; Mason Hoskin with Grandma Terri and Great-grandma Sherry Buckland.

Excerpts from Monday, April 1 John and Rodica Musgrave, Bayo Adeniran, and others from the WECA headquarters, traveled to Abuja, the capital of Nigeria, on Thursday, March 28. Upon arrival, they went to the Jabi church, the Abuja regional headquarters, for a tour. Next, the team visited the Kubwa church in Abuja. In the early evening, the team returned to the Jabi church for an evangelistic service.

On Sunday, the team went to Ikot Enwang for Sunday school and the morning meeting. The morning service featured outstanding music throughout. Brother John said a tremendous altar service followed the meeting.

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Excerpts from Tuesday, April 16 Ryan Erdmann and his daughter, Hannah, along with Joel Andersen and his daughter, Charlet, all of Portland, Oregon, are in Romania primarily to visit our churches in the Pascani region.

They arrived on Thursday, April 11, and were met at the airport by Gheorghei Macovei and Ted Bora. They went immediately to the Bucharest church and joined in the evening service.

The girls provided a beautiful duet of “Amazing Grace,” and much of the congregation sang along. Ryan followed with his testimony and a short exhortation. Then Brother Macovei closed with a few words of encouragement. It was a blessed service, and everyone went to prayer afterward.

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Excerpts from Monday, April 22 Debbie and I enjoyed being at in the Scandinavia camp meeting, which began on Wednesday, April 18, at the Ognatun campground in Norway. The schedule included morning prayer meetings and Bible teachings, afternoon Bible studies and youth activities, and evening church services.

The Easter service began with an orchestra prelude followed by congregational singing, and then the choir (pictured above) sang “Victory in Jesus.” An object lesson was given by Deanna Kinnari. She compared the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly to Jesus’ death and the miracle of His resurrection.

On Monday morning, for the final service of the camp meeting, Brother LeRoy Tonning gave the closing message centered on the themes from the week of faith, hope, and love.

P o s t s F r o m

B r o t h e r

D a r r e l L e e ’ s

J o u r n a l

Read more at Report


From the

Superintendent ’s



When I was young and I got saved, the Lord started calling consecrations out of my life. I remember that the Lord called me to give my parents to Him. I really wanted them to be saved, and I felt like if I could just pray hard enough the Lord would do it, but the Lord asked me to give that to Him, and I did. I knew that He was going to take care of it. My parents are not saved yet but I can see Him working in their lives regularly. I know that He’s talking to them. I’m so thankful for the saints and their miraculous testimonies because it gives me hope and a thrill in my soul that it can happen for my family.

– Natalie Tonning

I had an interesting time at the youth challenge. I really enjoyed it. I was praying when I got home, in my devotions, and God showed me some of the things that He had used to teach me through the d e v o t i o n a l s and sermons. He showed me different things that I need to change in my life. He showed me that “you don’t know where you’re going to be but I’m going to walk you through it.” I’m really thankful that God is there and that means I don’t have to make all these tough decisions by myself.

– Marcus Luka

A couple of weeks ago I was sick. It seemed like every night I was coughing so much and in so much pain, usually crying along with the coughing, and asking the Lord to help me. One night I determined that the next day I would ask the ministers to come pray for me, and the next morning they came. That night, as I was coughing, there was no crying because it was like Jesus was

right next to me! There was such a peace and a calmness, even though my circumstances hadn’t changed a lot yet, there was a huge difference.

– Trina Ruiz

I’m so thankful that over forty years ago I met this loving Savior. He’s been so good to me. He saved my soul, He sanctified me, and filled me with the Holy Spirit and fire. I thank Him so much that He’s able to take care of all the challenges. Jesus is the answer to all the challenges in this world. I’m grateful unto God to be able to be here today. I’m grateful to Him for giving me the hope of Heaven and for giving me a nice family. I praise His holy name.

– Samuel Asaya

I’m so thankful for God’s leading. A year and a half ago I saw a door opening and I thought, God this would be

perfect for me. Everything looked great, but it didn’t end up working out. For a while, I thought, God, what’s going on? This looked like it was perfect. I really had to pray and give that to God. About two weeks after that, God opened up a better opportunity for me. He’s so faithful to do that in my life. He’s faithful to close the doors that need to be closed, and open the doors that He wants opened. I want to stay faithful to Him and let Him continue to lead my life.

– Kayla Ivany

I’m thankful for the day that the Lord spoke to my heart in a way that I couldn’t ignore Him any longer. I would feel the call of God, would hear

the Lord speak to my heart, and t r e m b l e u n d e r conviction, but I didn’t want to give in. I wanted to be a Christian but I also wanted to be like the world. I’m thankful when I got down on my knees and prayed, the Lord came into my heart, and I felt the peace of God flood my soul. It was like liquid being poured in, filling me from my feet to my head. When I got back up it didn’t feel like I was touching the floor.

A lot of water has gone under the bridge since that day—that was back in 1965. I’m thankful that the Lord has brought me through so much, and has set my feet on the solid Rock.

– Butch Carey (pictured)

Earlier today I was talking to a friend and it really hit home with me how faithful God is. All week long, throughout the day, this particular person would pop into my head, so I would pray for her. Then she told me today how she had several things going on and how horrible last week was, but she felt the prayers of the saints. God is so faithful! Also, there have been several times in the last two weeks when somebody has testified and it was just what I needed to hear. It was maybe what I was struggling with and then somebody would testify about having those same questions and challenges and how God answered in His time. Over and over it’s just reinforced in my heart: God cares.

– Jillian Luka

Praises to the Risen King

“I’m really thankful that God is there and that means I don’t

have to make all these tough decisions by myself.”

On the Spot

Marcus Luka: It Is Well.

Josh Piper: As the Deer.

Ryan Parker: Amazing Grace.

Colton McCarville: The Solid Rock.

Mattias Tonning: I Will Praise Him.

Brennan Barrett: Come Thou Fount.

Dee Cummins: Power in the Blood.

Tyler Green: Wonderful Grace of Jesus.

Jaewon Yune: What a Wonderful Name It Is.

Kristi Riler: Jesus Paid it All and What a Day That Will Be.

The Good Friday service was a special time of remembering Christ’s sacrifice, featuring touching music, Scripture readings, a personal testimony, and inspiring message. The service opened with the orchestra playing “Jesus Paid it All” and “What Wondrous Love Is This?” Then Clark Wolfe read Luke 22:7-16, which relates how Jesus celebrated the Passover with His disciples on the eve of His death. Following this, the choir and accompaniment orchestra performed “Here at Your Table” with Diana Lambert as soloist. The song relates the beautiful irony of Jesus serving His servants at the Last Supper.

After prayer, John Musgrave read the account of Jesus praying in Gethsemane from Mark 14:26-36. A male trio sang

Question: What is your favorite

church hymn?


By Henry Parker

Chet King (pictured below) gave the evening message, starting with Matthew 26:40-50. Brother Chet recounted how Jesus suffered alone, giving everything He had to buy our salvation, and closed by encouraging everyone to receive that salvation while the opportunity is still available. The service ended with the hymn “The Old Rugged Cross” and a time of prayer.

“Ten Thousand Angels,” and then Jeff Yellott shared an extended version of his testimony. He told how he was introduced to the Gospel by his godly grandmother, and in his late teens he read some Gospel literature she had given him. After a simple prayer, he felt God come into his life and knew he was washed clean. However, after becoming a young father, he decided to turn away from God. Though he was gone for about ten years, he thought about returning to the Lord daily. Finally, one day he told God he was sorry for having turned away, and God saved him again. Brother Jeff said he is thankful the weight of sin lifted that day, and that in the twenty years since, he has never had a problem that was too big for God to help him get through.

The Price of Our Salvation