Traditional Dance in Malaysia Sabah

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Also known as “Negeri Di Bawah Bayu” is the second biggest country in Malaysia.The mount of Kinabalu is the highest in Malaysia.Has 32 ethnic races, 55 languages, 100 dialects.80 of dances that has their own cultures, traditions and custom.

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One of the best known traditional dances in Sabah, and throughout Malaysia.Belongs to kadazan –dusun ethnic group, particularly the Dusun Lotud group from Tuaran district.Performed at many functions and gatherings, such as thanksgiving and weddings.

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Used in traditional ceremonies, honoring the spirits and to cure illness.Form as a couple of birds flying together.Soft and slow movement rhythm.Male and female will face each other, move their feet in small movements.The dancer will extend their arms gracefully like a bird spreading their wings to fly.

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DALING-DALINGAlso known as Pangalay or Mengalai.Danced by people region Bajau and Suluk.Most distinctively Asian of all the Southern Philippine dances.In its original form, combined Arabic belly dancing and the Indian dances.Complete with long artificial finger nails and golden head gear accompanied with “Daling-daling” song which is a love story.

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Nowadays danced with a faster tempo but less swings, called “Igal-igal” by the Bajau from Semporna District.Performed during weddings or other festive events.Male is called Pengasik and features more martial movement.Female is called Pengiluk, sometimes use bamboo castanets as subtitutes for long fingernails.Popular among peoples of Mindanao, Sulu and Sabah called Pakiring.

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DANSADance of the Cocos Islanders in Sabah from Lahad Datu district on the east coast of Sabah.Performed by three couples during weddings and often-festive occasions.There is much feet stomping.Music is provided by a couple of violins called biola.The tops of the costumes is Scottish Highlanders with frilled shirts and scarves.

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The women wear these over batik sarongs.Men wear songkok and sarong batik putih with heavy shoes.

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MAGUNATIPIts origin in Philippines, famously known as the Bamboo dance.Native dance of the Murut.Magunatip comes from the word “apit” means to be caught between two sticks.Performed by men end women of the Kwijau community in Keningau.The dance starts slowly and tempo gradually increases to display the skill of the dancers.

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Creates excitement and bring life to many celebrations.The 2 bamboo poles usually 6 feet long and held by 2 dancers.Used gong and bamboo as a musical instruments.

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LIMBAIDance of Bajau from Kota Belud, Sabah.3 or 4 couples dressed in traditional Bajau costumes.The women wear the gold ornate sarimpak headpiece, circle each other with the men standing behind them.The music is called bertitik.The instruments consists of a kulintangan, gongs and gandang.Performed during weddings and other social occasions.

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CONCLUSIONDance as the identity of Sabah.Rich multi culture diversity of rituals, songs and exhibition.Must be maintane for the next generations.

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