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CTS Live Training Webinar Script

July 14th, 2015

How To Monetize The CTS Opportunity

o One of the things I see that continues to astound me is that so many members really don’t seem to grasp the extraordinary opportunity that CTS presents them with. And others simply don’t understand how to “monetize” this program. The first step is truly understanding and embracing the incredible opportunity that CTS provides to each one of us. But the “all-important” next step is actually converting that opportunity into a steady stream of financial freedom Currency. This is where we all want to get to, so that’s precisely what we’ll explore with you here this evening. Make sure you take lots of notes tonight.

Emerson Quote

o Let’s begin with one of my favorite quotes by Emerson. He said, “The only

person you are destined to become is the person you DECIDE to be.” Now there’s a “wakeup call.” We talked about this on our last Webinar, when we said you’re only a DECISION and a COMMITMENT away from your goals. This is a fundamental truism we all must accept if we ever intend to achieve anywhere near our full potential. So before we get too far into our session tonight, you each have a decision to make.

Develop And Execute A Plan

o You can aimlessly listen to our material and take no action, and as a result you’ll experience no improvement whatsoever, or you can formulate and execute a PLAN to use this information beginning the moment this Webinar is over. This is a CHOICE each of you must make, and probably most of you will take the easy route and do very little. Again, that’s your choice. But the reality is that your financial future may very well depend upon this decision, so I encourage you not to take it lightly.


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Wisdom From Jim Rohn

o Here’s something very critical that I learned many years ago from one of my strongest mentors, Jim Rohn, and Jeff Olson referred to this as well in his fabulous book, “The Slight Edge.” Here’s the powerful lesson I’m referring to.

o “It doesn’t matter how good the information is, unless the recipient has a

mechanism in place that will allow them to APPLY that information in a timely and useful manner, it will be of very little value to them.” Let me repeat that, and I highly recommend that each one of you write this down. “It doesn’t matter how good the information is, unless the recipient has a mechanism in place that will allow them to APPLY that information in a timely and useful manner, it will be of very little value to them.” That is powerful stuff.

Corporate Training Was Meaningful For Me

o Back when I was in the Corporate world, the top Sales people would regularly attend several days of “highly charged” training at an off-site location. These sessions were spaced throughout the year, and in many cases they were held at rather exotic locations, which was a nice perk. You got to go to a neat place at the Companies expense, and I always appreciated that. And my main mission at these events wasn’t to party with my buddies, but to learn and grow myself and my business.

I Developed A Training Tool

o It was back in the mid eighties that I developed a planning tool that I used to ensure I maximized my time at these training sessions. I literally laid out a plan on how I would record and use all of the good information I would be absorbing, and specifically how I would integrate these new ideas into my future actions as soon as I got back into the field. This tool consisted of a series of forms I could simply fill in for each segment of training I received. Each form had a space for several ideas, and then a spot right underneath where I could brainstorm specifically how I would utilize that information in


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my daily activities.

I Reported My Results

o A big part of this process was creating a report to my immediate manager outlining what I had learned during the trip, and how I would utilize this new knowledge to increase business. I was well aware of the expense my company endured to send us on these little “junkets,” and it wasn’t cheap. So I voluntarily provided a detailed report that was submitted the first morning upon my return. Since I was preparing that report daily during my training, that was no big deal. I also made sure I sent a copy of that report to HIS manager as well. I just wanted them to know that their money was well spent, and much to my astonishment the company was so impressed with what I sent, that a year later that report became mandatory for every sales rep that attended one of those training sessions. When word leaked out that this was originally my idea, I wasn’t too popular with “the boys” for a while. Welcome to life in the Corporate World, where sharing productive ideas gets you into hot water.

This Tool Became A Report

o When I began working from home full time in 1994 and I began attending several seminars that I was paying for, I revised this tool into a report on “How To Profit From Seminars.” I was astounded at how few people really got long-term value from these events, when all it took was a little planning and dedication. I ended up selling that report very profitably throughout the nineties, and I think I still might have a copy of that lying around somewhere. But here’s the “meat” of what was contained in that report, and it’s what each of you needs to do to create a “mechanism” for you to create value from this information you’ll learn here this evening.

How To Use This Information

o So the first thing we’ll give you tonight is a PLAN that you can use to maximize the information you’ll be receiving here this evening. And you can use this as a template that you can reuse for ANY training event you attend


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in the future. Of course we’ve created a “Notes” document that you can download when this training is archived, so you won’t forget any of the steps.

First Create A Summary

o The first thing I always do is to create a SUMMARY of the most important concepts I get from any training. I usually put these is a “Bullet List” as that’s very easy for me to refer back to. You can handwrite this, you can type and print it out, or you can store it digitally, whichever method serves you best. These days, since I always have an electronic device with me, I prefer the “digital” experience. The reason I want this list recorded digitally is that it is always with me. That means I can constantly refer to that list whenever I have a few minutes of “downtime” to ensure I’m actually ACTING on these new concepts. Re-reading a list is a great reminder, which most of us need.

Develop An Action Plan

o The next step is for me to create an “Action Plan,” which highlights specifically how I will incorporate each of these ideas into my “daily disciplines.” This is a key step, so I’ll spend some time here. I really need to think about the best way I can benefit from this information and what the most effective implementation of this new knowledge will be. Remember, there is no power at all in knowledge, there is only power in knowledge that is APPLIED in a timely and useful manner. That’s why this step is so important, and it’s the one that the masses rarely take.


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Begin With One Concept, Then Add More

o It’s important not to bite off more than you can realistically chew here. If you come up with 2, 3 or 4 ideas you really want to use, start adding ONE of those at first. Work with that for a while, then when you have that one mastered bring in another, then another. This way you won’t be overwhelmed trying to make too many new things work, as when that happens nothing gets improved.

Monitor Your Results And Adjust

o At the end of each week make sure you monitor how things are going and how effectively you are implementing this new information. If things need to be tweaked a bit, as is usually the case, then make the necessary adjustments to your actions. It’s important to continuously monitor your results, as that’s the only way you can prevent those “peaks and valleys” in performance. The most consistent producers eliminate those by simply monitoring how they’re doing on a weekly basis and making any necessary adjustments to ensure they’re getting maximum productivity for their efforts. That’s a great habit for you to get into.

Keep On Keeping ON

o Then, simply keep on doing what you’ve been doing, as you gradually incorporate more new techniques that you’ve learned. But whatever you do, don’t stop here. Keep using this methodology with every Training you attend, and particularly the content from the CTS Training Center. If you commit to doing this, you’ll be absolutely amazed at the results.

The Power Of CTS

o Now, let’s take a close-up look at the power each of us has with this remarkable opportunity at CTS. This is something we always teach right in week 1 of our 6WAC. We always want to ensure these participants clearly understand what is available to them. Regardless of your experience with


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the Cash Tracking System to date, you REALLY need to get “up close and personal” with the potential you have here.

You Can Create $10,500 At Will

o Here’s what you have available to you. You have the ability to generate $10,500 anytime you want. Yes, you do. You have the power, the resources, the ability, right in front of you, to create $10,000 dollar bills literally whenever you want. That’s what the CTS opportunity offers you. Can you imagine actually being able to do that? Well, you can.

Look What Others Have Done

o Now before you think I’ve lost my marbles or something, lets look at what some members have accomplished with CTS. We’ve had some members here that have generated over SIX new Platinum members in a single MONTH. Do that math. That’s generating one $10,000 bill every 5 days or so. We have lots of members that consistently create 4 Platinum Pledges each month. That’s generating one $10,000 dollar bill every week. And with either of the CTS Elite entry options, those members are generating residuals of $3,000 and $4,000 after that, and MANY members generate SEVERAL of those EVERY SINGLE MONTH, in addition to the initial pledges! How’s THAT for powerful? Doesn’t that sound like “Financial Freedom” money? Even if you’re not participating at Elite right now, that’s a great goal for you. Remember, when I started Elite didn’t even exist, and I got qualified AND received $17,500 in my very first month with CTS. And that’s a lot easier to accomplish today.

You Have A Cash Generating Machine

o But for right now, it’s IMPERATIVE that you believe in what you have. And what you have is a CA$H GENERATING MACHINE at your disposal! And best of all, it’s at your command. You can “fire it up” to generate CA$H whenever you want. All you have to do is consistently FEED it, and it’ll keep producing for you.


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Consistently FEED It

o What do you feed your CA$H Generating Machine? Simple. Just feed it sound strategies, you feed it a good work ethic, you feed it lots of Cash Generating Activity. Learn to do that consistently and to do it well, and you’ll be astonished as to how faithfully your CA$H Generating Machine will produce for you. That’s what all the big producers here at CTS do. So now that you know what you REALLY do have here at CTS, let’s focus on how you turn this into Financial Freedom CA$H.

Initial Pledges From New Members

o Everything begins with generating initial pledges with new members, and the more new members you attract, the more CA$H you’ll eventually receive. This is the “foundation” upon which you can build a lifetime of financial freedom. The better you get at this, the stronger the foundation you’ll build, and the faster you’ll become financially free. This is always the “starting place” with CTS, but it really is the very beginning.

Access The Training Center Resources

o We have a wealth of information on how to attract new members in the Training Center, and most of this resides under the “Prospecting” menu. If you have not availed yourself of these tools, I highly recommend you do that immediately. And with your new “Training Tool” in place that we reviewed earlier, you’ll really be able to create a concrete plan that will allow you to maximize all of the training you absorb.

Learn, Do, Reflect, Adjust & Repeat

o Once you’ve selected your Lead Generation options, get out there and contact prospects. This is a Learn, Do, Reflect, Adjust and Repeat process. You learn through the CTS Training Center how to find prospects and bring them through our “Process”, then you simply begin calling those prospects. At the end of each week, review your progress and reflect on what’s working and what’s not. Make any adjustments necessary, and repeat that process


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again. Learn, Do Reflect, and Adjust. Just keep doing that, and you’re bound to attain the success you seek.

Success Breeds Success

o As you continue this process, you will begin gaining some new members, and that means some CA$H in your pocket. That’s always a good thing, but that’s just the beginning. One thing you’ll find is that success breeds more success. Once you become successful in bringing a few new members on board, everything changes. You’ll have a lot more confidence in your ability to do it again, and in the program itself. Things will begin to change for you.

Keep Creating New Receiving Lines

o Duplicating that success will begin to create multiple Receiving Lines, and that’s when the MAGIC happens. That’s when we get into the most exciting and powerful part of CTS.

Residual Cash Flow

o Our next source of cash flow is RESIDUAL cash flow. Let’s define exactly what we mean when we talk about “Residual” and “Recurring” Cash Flow so you can get a good understanding of these terms. No doubt you’ve heard us use these terms many times on our CTS Elite Webinars. Let’s begin with “Residual” Cash Flow.

1-Up Pledges From Qualifiers

o The term “Residual” Cash Flow is used to describe the 1-up pledges you receive from qualifiers as you grow your organization after you’re qualified to receive CASH. This usually occurs with the second person that joins CTS with you, as no receiving lines are created for you until your second person, even at the Elite levels. That’s where “Residual” Cash Flow is generated, from your Receiving Lines, and it’s the most powerful source of Cash Flow at your disposal. Since this is one of the simplest yet least understood concepts of our program, I want to begin with a review of how receiving lines work.


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You Can Receive Cash To Infinity

o Basically, receiving lines allow you to receive CASH to “Infinity” by simply inviting one person that is placed on your receiving line, and whenever a new member joins that receiving line, the CASH generated when their first person joins is sent directly to you. Sounds great doesn’t it? Imagine, getting emails saying, “You’ve Got Cash,” when sometimes you didn’t even know this was coming? That’s what “Receiving Lines” can do for you, so it’s critical you understand exactly how this happens.

Who Gets The Receiving Lines?

o Let’s say you’re just getting started at $6,500 and you invited your first person. You received $3,500, $3,000 goes to your inviter, but that new person is on your INVITER’S $ 3,000 receiving line, since that was your qualifier at the $3,000 level. Remember, no receiving lines are created at the $500, $1,000 or $2,000 levels at CTS Gold, since new members joining at $6,500 receive an automatic qualification at those three lower levels. In fact, at EVERY entry option at CTS, the receiving line ALWAYS stays with the Inviter with the first person that joins, presuming he or she is qualified to receive Cash. The easiest way to remember that concept is that the person that gets the CASH gets the Receiving Line. ALWAYS!

Your FIRST Receiving Line

o OK, you’re qualified, great. Now you invite Joe, who joins at $6,500 just like you did. This is where the fun begins. Joe sends his $6,500 directly to you, AND Joe is placed on YOUR $3,000 Receiving Line. It’s your first one, congratulations. So let’s explore just how this “Receiving Line” continues to produce CASH for you. The first thing you want to do with Joe is to ensure he gets setup properly and quickly, and that he accesses the CTS Training Center, just like you did. You just accepted $6,500 from Joe, and by accepting that pledge you are thereby OBLIGATED to provide any and all assistance Joe needs to get started on the right foot. Remember, this is all new to him, so he’ll depend on YOU for some direction.


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Your First 1-Up Pledge

o With a little help and guidance from you, Joe invites his first person @ $6,500, Betty. He’s thrilled, as he just received $3,500, and you received $3,000, as Betty is Joe’s qualifier at the $3,000 level. Joe probably did most of the work in finding Betty and bringing her through the process, but YOU received $3,000. That’s your first taste of “Residual” Cash Flow. But here’s what makes this system so fabulous.

Betty Replaces Joe

o Joe is now qualified to receive CASH at the $3,000 level, but Betty isn’t, so she now REPLACES Joe on your $3,000 Receiving Line. Since Joe is now qualified to receive CASH, anyone he invites into the program from this moment forward will be placed on HIS receiving lines, but Betty was his qualifier, so she stays right there with you. So here’s what happens now.

More 1-Ups To You

o Betty invites Charlie. Charlie sends $3,000 to you (more residual Cash Flow), and he replaces Betty on that Receiving Line. Charlie invites Debbie, who sends $3,000 to you (more residual Cash Flow), and she replaces Charlie on your $3,000 receiving line. This process continues until someone joins that receiving line that doesn’t do anything, and then the receiving line stops. But until then, it’s “Magic.”

You Received $15,500

o Let’s take a closer look at just what happened here with this receiving line. In our short little example if we add all this up, you received a total of $15,500 Cash sent right to your door from that Receiving Line, and that doesn’t include the $3,500 you received when your qualifier joined at Gold. That $15,500 began basically with you inviting ONE person, Joe, and simply helping him get started. That’s a lot of money from inviting just one person, or IS IT?

They Can Go Much Deeper10

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o Depending on how much you’re willing to work with your people, receiving lines can go a lot deeper that this. A lot deeper. I had one that actually went 22 levels deep @ $3,500. Do the math with that one. That Receiving Line generated $77,000 for me, and it all began by me inviting just 1 person. That’s a lot of Residual Cash Flow.

There’s Strength In Numbers

o But here’s where it really get’s exciting. You don’t just have ONE Receiving Line. While all this is excitement is happening on your 1st receiving line, you’re still out there inviting new people into CTS and creating MORE receiving lines, which will produce MORE Residual Cash Flow to you if you’ll simply help those people get started properly. Have you ever heard the expression, there’s “strength in numbers?” Well, that’s absolutely true when it comes to Receiving Lines. The more the better, as long as you continue to support your people, and we’ll give you some suggestions on how to do that effectively a little later on.

Recurring Cash Flow

o This is where “Recurring” Cash Flow will likely kick in, so let’s define that right now. Recurring Cash Flow is the Cash you receive from Members Upgrading and getting qualifiers at their new levels of participation.

Platinum Is King

o Here’s the fundamental rule of maximizing Recurring Cash Flow. The higher the level that you become qualified at, the more Recurring Cash Flow you’ll receive. And at CTS, Platinum is King. Once you’re participating and qualified at Platinum, you’ll have the opportunity to generate the most Recurring Cash Flow possible. And in our example you’ve already generated well over $15,000 here, no doubt you have upgraded to Platinum and to continue with this example, let’s presume you now have your qualifier at the $4,000 level as well.

Harry Joins At $3,500


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o You’re next new member is Harry, and he joins at the $3,500. Wow, you’re at the top of the heap at Platinum and someone joins way down at $3,500. What a disappointment. Not really. First, you receive $3,500 from Harry, and he’s placed on your $500, $1,000 and $2,000 receiving lines. Your only role now is to help Harry get started generating some CASH as quickly as possible. If you do that, you’ll receive some nice “Residual” Cash Flow from your new receiving lines created with Harry, but here’s something that frequently happens with members participating at the lower levels of CTS, and it may very well happen with Harry.

You Just Hit The Mother Lode

o Harry invites someone that joins at Platinum, and since this is Harry’s qualifier, you’ve just hit the mother lode of Residual Cash Flow. All of that CASH goes directly to you, and that’s $10,500. Plus, that new member is placed on YOUR $4,000 receiving line. Remember, new Platinum members get automatic qualifiers at all levels below $4,000, so that’s the only Receiving Line that’s generated here. But you get the same benefit as if you invited this person yourself, but you didn’t have to find this person, or bring them through the process at all. You may have helped, but the majority of the work with this new member was likely done by Harry. How good is that?

Harry Invites Someone At $6,500

o Harry is now qualified at $3,500, and he now finds someone that joins at $6,500. Harry receives $3,500, but YOU receive $3,000 and that new member is placed on your $3,000 Receiving line. Wow, another $3,000 direct to your door AND a new member on your Receiving Line when someone else did most of the work. Remember, Harry still isn’t PARTICIPATING at the $3,000 level, so that pledge doesn’t count for him. So as a result of all this CASH passing up to you, Harry decides to take some action. Any idea what that might be?

Harry Upgrades To $3,500


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o That’s right, Harry upgrades to the $3,000 level, and that pledge went directly to you. Again, no extra effort was required to generate this $3,000 to you. All you did was what you always do; you helped your new member get into a Cash Generating Position. But something else happens here that’s really important. Harry still needs to get QUALIFIED at the $3,000 level, and that pledge will go to you as well. How good is that?

He Still Needs A Qualifier

o This is a CRITICAL concept for you to understand, since it’s the “Heart” of “Recurring” Cash Flow. When Harry upgrades, he’ll still need a “Qualifier” at his new level or levels of participation. Now, some of you might be thinking, “Wait a minute, how can that be? What about those Automatic Qualifiers that members get at the Elite levels?” And here’s the “Critical Concept.”

Automatic Qualifiers Don’t Apply

o Automatic Qualifiers at Elite ONLY apply to members that join CTS at one of the Elite levels from the outset, they NEVER apply to upgrades! That’s why so many new members choose to join at an Elite Level in the beginning, so they can take advantage of those qualifiers to help them get into a “Positive Cash Position” as quickly as possible.

Key Points About Upgrades

o So here are the key points to remember when thinking about “Recurring Cash Flow.”


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You Receive The Pledge Plus A Qualifier

o When members from your organization upgrade to ANY new level or levels of participation, you not only receive the upgraded pledge, but you’ll also receive a 1-up pledge at that new level when they get their first person joining. Providing of course that you’re qualified to receive CASH at that level.

Rollup From Members At Lower Levels

o Whenever anyone in your organization invites someone that joins at a level HIGHER than the highest level THEY are participating at, the “higher level” CASH flows up directly to you. This happens a lot with members joining at $3,500 and they invite members that choose to join at one of the Elite levels. The $3,000 and $4,000 pledges generated in those situations go directly to you, again presuming you’re qualified to receive CASH at those levels. Which is why we mentioned earlier that Platinum is KING when it comes to Recurring Cash Flow. Once you’re qualified at Platinum, that will allow you to receive the maximum amount of upgrades, qualifiers and referred Cash. It’s the “place to be” at CTS.

How Does This Help ME?

o I’m sure one question that many of you have is, “Well this all sounds great,

but I’m still trying to get qualified. How does this help me? Good question, and here’s the answer.

Catch The Vision

o What we have outlined for you tonight is something that is available to every single member of CTS, and it’s imperative that you catch the “vision” of what’s available to you here. This is exactly what every successful member of CTS enjoys, and they consistently receive that “Residual” and “Recurring” Cash Flow on a regular basis. Let me ask you something.


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Convey This Vision To Prospects

o When you were listening to those Cash Flow examples, did you get a bit excited? Did you begin to think that, “Wow, if I could just learn to make that happen, it would sure solve a lot of problems for me?” I’ll bet many of you did. And if you convey this vision to prospects with excitement, they can’t HELP but get excited. That’s why it’s so important for you to understand what’s available to you, so you can share this with prospects and let them get excited about CTS. Because when prospects get excited, we have a special name for them. They’re called, New Members! Let the Cash Flow begin.

Get Serious And Stay Focused

o Being successful with generating these Cash Flow streams means that you need to get serious with your CTS activity, and to focus on the most important things in front of you right now. If you’re not qualified yet, your immediate goal isn’t to generate 6 Figures of Cash Flow, it’s to get yourself qualified. You need to stay focused on that ONE GOAL, and get speaking with enough prospects to get that immediate goal accomplished as soon as possible.

It’s A Step-by-step Process

o Remember, this is a step-by-step process. You can’t take step 3 until you’ve taken steps 1 and 2. Yes, step 3 may be really exciting, but you must focus on the most important tasks and goals that you need to accomplish right now. And if that’s getting qualified, that’s what you focus on. All of your efforts right now are directed to the accomplishment of your immediate goal, and you absolutely cannot allow yourself to become discouraged if it takes you a bit longer than you’d hoped. Remember, you’re never beaten until you quit. You CAN do this, and you WILL, if you’ll just keep at it.


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Develop A Sense Of Urgency

o The fastest way to improve your results is to develop a “Sense of Urgency” in everything you do. Is it taking you “Forever” to get setup? Why? This should happen literally within a few days, and the “Getting Started” training modules in the CTS Training Center will help you. But unless you approach your setup with a sense of urgency, it can take weeks not days. In my organization, I want my people out making contacts within a few days of joining, which means that their Landing Page must be setup, they must have made some Lead Generation choices and gotten those setup as well. I know this can be done within a few days, because my people get it done all the time. It really is a matter of the urgency you apply to that process getting done.

Improve Your Process

o The most productive thing you can do for yourself at CTS is to improve your process, and I constantly work on this with my people every single day. The better you get at making that Initial Contact, the more people you’ll actually get to visit your site. The better you get at the Follow-up, the more prospects you’ll get attending the Q&A calls. Reviewing the “Interview Techniques” and the “Information Process” training modules under the “Prospecting” menu will really help you with those areas. The better you get at taking prospects off the Q&A calls and then utilizing the fabulous resources we have to help you “move them forward,” the more members you’ll get joining with you. And yes, it really is that simple.

Consistent Work And Evaluation

o But this will take diligent and consistent EFFORT on your part, and it’s not something that you do once and forget it. Being good at anything requires consistent work and constant evaluation of your methods and process. Tweaks need to be made all the time by learning new things from these sessions and from our fabulous CTS Training Center. Some great knowledge


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is always right at your fingertips, but it has absolutely no value to you until it’s assimilated and acted upon.

Action Is Contagious

o And just like enthusiasm, action is contagious. That’s why members in my group all seem to be highly motivated to succeed and they possess a very high level of urgency in their actions. They see that from me all the time, so it’s something they model. Not only will modeling these actions cause you to be more successful with CTS, but it will certainly “rub off” on YOUR new members as well. Remember, the best way to show new members how to be successful is to simply attain that yourself, and all they need to do now is to do what you do. Example is always the best teacher.

Work With Your People

o To really capitalize on consistently generating “Residual” and “Recurring” Cash Flow, it’s critical that you work with everyone that you personally invite into CTS, and everyone from whom you accept a pledge. And I don’t mean just spending 5 minutes with them and showing them where the Training Center is.

Important Training Modules

o We have a great training module in the Training Center called “Working With Members,” and you can find that under the “Productivity Tools” menu. Reviewing that one is a “must.” There’s another great one there that will help you immensely, and that’s called “Move People To Action.” If you get stuck at not being able to move people forward to joining, that’s a great training to solve that problem. Again, this is priceless knowledge that’s available to every single member of CTS, but it’s absolutely worthless unless you assimilate this knowledge and act on it with excitement and enthusiasm. We can’t do that for you.


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Have Your New Members Set Goals

o The first thing I do with my new members is have them identify some goals for their first 30, 60 and 90 days with CTS. It’s a fact you can’t hit a target you don’t have, so this is always the very first thing I do with all of my new members. They write down those goals and email them to me. We work with those goals a lot during their first month, so I make sure we both have them handy. This is a very important step in the success of new members. Remember, THEIR success equals YOUR success.

Monitor Their Progress

o Next, I monitor their progress to ensure they get setup properly, and that they maintain enough “Cash Generating” activity to be able to attain the goals they set. This means connecting with them every 2 days or so in their first two weeks, and guiding them. If this seems like a lot of work, but it really isn’t if you take the time to organize yourself properly, and it’s a key strategy to ensure success of my new members.

Use A Conferencing Line

o I use a conferencing system where I can work with multiple new members at a time, and most members really seem to love that concept. Working in a “team” environment is fun and it provides a very important supportive mechanism for them. And it’s great for me, because it allows me to be much more productive, as we review our goals and activities together, which creates very positive dialogue and interesting suggestions come out of those “brainstorming” sessions. It’s really a neat tool, and anyone can get that conferencing line free at www.FreeConferenceCallHD.com.

Focus On THEIR Success

o And finally, as we have repeated many times before, if you place your focus simply on helping your people become successful, you can receive more CA$H here than you’ll ever spend. As we hope you now realize, the real “Financial Freedom” money at CTS is generated with Residual and Recurring


Page 19: Web viewBut the “all-important” next step is actually converting that opportunity into a steady stream of financial freedom ... When word leaked ... your fingertips,

Cash Flow, and that only happens in organizations that are groomed that way from the beginning. So no matter where you are in your CTS journey at this point, I really urge each of you to apply what you learned here tonight in this training. Each of you has the potential to attain whatever goal you set, and there’s no better vehicle on the planet to get you there than CTS.