Tracking Ladon Gog the Hebrew Rose

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This paperback is for those who dont like computer-screen reading. However, it does not include maps and other images accessable only from the (free) online version. Internet links active on the webpage merely come underlined here, meaning that their hidden URLs are not identified in the text; but whatever URLs show in the online text do appear here. The online version will see more. I intend to make a section, Additions/Corrections in the Paperbook, which can be accessed from the website: edition was published with Lulu on November 1, 2006. My email address is

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CONTENTS2 Asshur! Gog Bee-Less You 14 Asshur! Guzuntight 24 The Garden of Guti 32 Rome as an Extension of Tyre and Atlantis 45 Gog: A Gorgon Conclusion 55 The Hercules Circle of Gogi 66 The Wolf Peoples 75 Russians Are Manes-ly Because of the Medes 91 Hyper-Gog 100 Roslin and the Rose Line 112 Who's the Wheel Dragon Line? 126 The Goats of Hermes were Goths 142 The Latest Buz on Atlantis 158 Atlantis Founded by Hebrew-Khazars 174 Atlantis Moves to Israel 184 I Taut I Saw a Buzi Cat 193 Twins Found Western Atlantis 202 Checks Cohenside with Stewarts 216 Edom and Avva 231 Cohanim Cats In the Buz-Um of Nahor 243 Sheba and Dedan in Greece 255 My Calydonian Boar Hunt 267 The Golden Apples of Idun 278 Sheba Conquers Kybele 291 Who's the Leda of the Pack? 301 Satan's Via Della Rose 314 Merlin, Priest of Western Atlantis 325 These Butes Were Made for... 341 Half the Dane in Edoni... 355 Half the Dane from the Danann 369 Frankly, Scarlet, You Can Go to Rotterdam 383 Merovingians Are From Po-Land 398 Frogs from the Dragon's Throat 415 Kabala is Babylon the Hor 431 Vere's the Ham? 441 Vere-y Interestink 455 Buzi as a Bee 486 Bias Will Be Boiis 479 Proto-Greeks from Pre-Israelite Israel 493 Where Art Thou, Opis' Stinger of Death? 510 Codes of Arms 520 Beware the Global-Fleece Job 536 The Bij, the Bad Bulls, and the Bolgy 550 Child Sacrifices to the King Bee 559 The Horus-icrucian Rose in Akkadia 577 Veins of Black Cole 590 The Cohens of Ireland 603 From Molech to the Bruce-Stewarts 624 It Was Good Day for Cohen Salian 636 Who Pict Green for Lothian? 649 The Red Irish Hand of Abkhazia 671 Well Albi Damned 682 Molech is Sick, Cat-Scan Reveals


ASSHUR! GOG BEE-LESS YOUWritten June 2006, later than upcoming chapters; due to a new Hebrew theme

Let me tell you a story about the way things went for me recently (2005/6). For various reasons my computer was unable to get online, and eventually the machine crashed altogether due to a critical software problem that wouldn't allow me to make a recovery of the system. The repairman wanted $45 per hour to come in and fix it, with no guarantee that he could. I had decided to spend about a month clearing brush in my forest, and while awaiting a friend from Canada to visit me, I sensed the Spirit telling me to stop working in the forest, but not knowing that it was the Spirit, I continued anyway, until on the 5th day I caught a large and terrible case of poison oak. This reminded me of a situation a few weeks earlier when I sensed my spirit telling me to shave because someone was about to pop in unexpectedly (I hadn't shaved for five days). I did not listen to that small voice because I didn't know it was the Spirit, until five minutes later when someone popped in on me unexpectedly. The next day my friend arrived, the purpose of which was not in our minds to fix my computer, but he being computer smart fixed the problems (it took him two full days). I started taking all of this to mean that I was to get back online to finish my research on the dragon bloodline. After my friend left, I was still scratching my skin off (painfully) due to the poison oak, and so I got cracking on the research rather than continuing the forest clean up. Within a couple of days, I latched onto the Abrahamic Asshurites (Genesis 25), whom I had never before acknowledged although I had read Genesis many times, and I began to sense in my spirit that these peoples could be part of the Germanic bloodline that was sacred to the secret societies under the Rosicrucian banner. On the other hand, I thought the idea to be a little fantastic, and began to conclude that my imagination was simply running away on me. By the third day of research, I had found some convincing evidence, and on the fourth day I found what seemed to me the d to discover. It was merely "Holy Grail" that no one is this, that Abraham's brother, had a son named Buz supUor, years of research, I had traced the dragon bloodline to a2


Bias/Buzas peoples of Greek myth, a peoples that I thought furnished the Merovingian (French) kings, the Stewarts that sat on the British throne, and who knows who else of secret-society importance. I had already published these findings (see "Buzi as a Bee" and "Bias Will Be Boiis"), and I felt that most readers would not be overwhelmingly convinced that I had found something of a key in breaking the roots of Rosicrucian secret societies wide open ... which had been my very task, though not knowing the full value when I started back in 2002. Now that the Da Vinci code has sold 40 million books, etc., I can see why it's important to God to expose Da Vinci and friends as the real con artists whose purpose it has always been to destroy Faith in Christ. On the day that I had gone through the motions of a victory dance, delighted because I felt that finally I was nearing the end of this arduous research project, and because I felt that I had not wasted my time after all, I went to my garden to pull weeds for the purpose of thinking over the importance of Buz, son of Nahor. After being in the garden just a few minutes, I sensed in my spirit that I should stop pulling weeds and continue the writing project instead, but I didn't go in immediately because I didn't know then that it was the Spirit (I typically let the Spirit down like this, and I have prayed repeatedly that He speak louder, with a voice I can differentiate from my own conscience). Just five minutes later, a bumble bee came close, and I waved my hand to get it away, but it came a second time, and I waved my hand a second time, but it came third time more determined, at which point I let it know I meant murderous business if it didn't get lost. As it flew away I watched it, and as I watched one of the largest bees I had ever seen, the bee became super-focused in my mind, at which moment I realized that this little event was sent by God to assure me to include Buz, son of Nahor, in my research. For the Bias/Byzas-line peoples I had identified, a year or two earlier, used bees and honey to symbolize themselves (for example, the Merovingian kings had gold bees buried with them). So here I am on the sixth day, writing to you this story; where the research will lead I do not yet know, but I have a good reason to believe that Buz, son of Nahor, became the bee-people Greeks (i.e. the goddess Melia, and Merope/Merops), the Merovingian Franks (note how "Merop" evokes the king, "Merovi"), and that this is why a Hebrew/Millennial element is found woven into the fabric of Rosicrucianism. A couple of days after the bee incident, I received an email from a part-Hebrew Christian person who had been a member of the Illuminati-related Rosicrucian organization, AMORC. Although we had been engaged daily on my topic of the Buzi and3

the Bute family of royal-Stewart importance, it wasn't until a week later that I realized, after glossing over the emailer's surname several times, that it started with, and had as its root, "Bot." This correspondance with a Bot---- surname just seemed too noncoincidental. I was told that this name was Hungarian, and I know that Hungarians descend from Magyars and Kabars, the latter definitely having Hebrew elements and related to the Hebrewruled Khazars (north-east Caucasia). The Khazars are thought by many to be somehow connected to Rosicrucians/Templars. Long before the Magyars came to Hungary, proto-Hungary was inhabited by Bessi Thracians that I suspected were rooted in Buzi Medes. I had already figured that the Buda portion of BudaPest (twin-city capital of Hungary) was founded either by the Budii or Buzi Medes. Ive yet to find whether these two similar names were the same stalk of peoples, but it seems feasible. Previously, correspondence with another Christian, of the Stewart bloodline (and who suggested that her husband had been murdered by Illuminati agents), had inadvertently led me to the Bute surname of Stewart importance. Upon my developing a Stewart-Bute connection to the Greek god, Butes, I emphasized it as the name to trace across Europe, and Buda of Hungary was in my mind good clue in tracing this bloodline. Ezekiel 38:13 tells that Sheba and Dedan will wonder why Gog has come to Israel, and ask whether or not it's to take a spoil of war there. The mention of these brother-peoples seems pregnant with the purpose of revealing the route of Gog at that time. The problem is, there are two men in the Bible each of whom named two of his sons, Sheba and Dedan, and this has so created a controversy among historians that I sometimes wonder if God didn't want certain truths to remain unknowable. While one pair of Sheba-and-Dedan brothers are widely thought to have formed people groups in Saudi Arabia, the other pair of brothers formed uncertain peoples to the north of Israel. The latter pair were sons of Abraham's son, Jokshan (Genesis 25:3), and I have some reasons to believe that these, too, are tied to the blood roots of secret societies. Genesis 25:3 tells that the Dedanites of Abrahamic blood formed the Asshurites, revealing that a certain descendant of the Dedanites was named "Asshur.". While these Asshurites must be distinguished from those who had earlier named the city of Asshur/Ashur (after which the Assyrians are said to be named), it comes to me with revelatory importance that a Dedanite descendant should furnish his son with a name honoring the capital city of Assyria. It tends to verify what some already believe, that Assyria was a Semite kingdom. It would therefore be likely that


Assyria, prior to the formation of Israelites, was filled with Hebrews. In Ezekiel 27, both sets of Sheba-and-Dedan brothers are mentioned as traders with Tyre. The mention of Dedan in verse 20 is followed by mention of Arabia (v 21), and then by Sheba and his father Raamah in verse 22. Then, in verse 23, Sheba is mentioned again, but this time he is not likely the son of Raamah, for immediately after the mention of this Sheba there is the mention of Asshur, in which case I am confident that this Shebaand-Asshur couplet are descendants of Abraham. As the Muslims consider themselves holy for being descended from Abraham, so also the Asshurites may have viewed themselves, so as to start a cult around the fact. With subsequent generations and predictable rejection from the YHWH-honoring Israelites, the cult may have devolved into the Rosicrucian/Kabala secret society, and perhaps certain descendants of Nahor joined that cult. Both the Asshurites and Buzites were in truth Hebrews, for Abraham's father was a descendant of Eber (Genesis 11:16-26). Sheba and Asshur are mentioned alongside Haran, Canneh, Eden, Chilmad, and Tarshish (still in Ezekiel 27), and this reveals the general location of the Abrahamic brothers. The location of Haran is in modern southeast Turkey a few tens of miles from the Euphrates river. Abraham's family lived in Haran for a time before migrating to Israel. Abraham's brother, Haran, was apparently named after that city, even though Haran lived and died in Ur. This is the first clue that Hebrews in Ur were connected to Hebrews in Haran, what may be extremely important in identifying the historical peoples that they were, perhaps even tied to the dragon bloodline. The question then becomes, did God make the Abrahamic Asshurites into a great nation (i.e. since he promised Abraham to make his seed into many great nations)? When the Assyrians, over a thousand years after Abraham, were sent by God to take the 10 tribes of Israel away into exile, were the invaders in large part descended from the Abrahamic Asshurites? How deep into Assyria had the latter penetrated, if at all? I realize that I'm starting to sound like a proponent of British-Israelism here, and to my own surprise I find myself going down a similar trail no matter how I try to avoid their writings. I Asshur you, I am not attempting to promote their view, nor anyone else's, but am seeking the realities as I alone see them. While many proponents of British-Israelism, for example the late Herbert Armstrong of Plain-Truth-Magazine fame, have taught that Germans descend from Assyrians, and that many of the those Assyrian-come-Germans were Hebrews of the lost ten tribes, who became certain European nations/kingdoms, including5

Britain, I am beginning to see quite differently, that many European nations, especially the Germanics (and including the British), stem from Abrahamic Sheba and Dedan, and Nahorites, not (in particular, anyway) the Israelites that went to exile in Assyria. Its extremely important for British-Israelists to recognize that the non-Israelite Hebrews put forth the seeds of European peoples long before the Assyrian exile of Israelites. Moreover, the Hebrew-based Europeans were also of Aryan blood, and it is one of my tasks in this book to discover which Aryans they had mixed with in Mesopotamia. Long before I had even known that there was a people of Abraham called the Asshurites, I had spent years researching and writing 25 chapters of of this book. Independent of the lines of thought that belong to anyone else, I traced the Germanics back to Armenia, and believing that they were connected to the sun god of Sumer and Akkadia, I yet avoided tracing the Armenians to that sun-god cult via the Assyrians. Why? Because the Armenians were an Aryan-speaking peoples (the politically-correct term is "IndoEuropean"), which connects them to Japheth (son of Noah). Armenians themselves claim to be from Togarmah, son of Gomer, son of Japheth. I resisted to include any Hebrew elements in with the Armenians, until I should find satisfactory evidence for that mix of blood. I ignored those (including British-Israeli proponents) who viewed the Assyrians as stemming from Shem simply because he had a son by the name of "Ashshur." That's jumping to conclusions, for in no way does the Bible make this Ashshur the progenitor of Assyria. Granted, there are two ways that Genesis 10:11 can be, and are, translated: 1) "From that land he [Nimrod] went forth to Ashshur and built Nineveh..."; or, 2) "From that land, Ashshur went forth and built Nineveh..." My Hebrew interlinear (by Jay P. Green, Sr.) uses 1) above, and that translation seems correct be cause no man by the name of Ashshur is mentioned thus far in the Genesis text. A man by that name, he being the son of Shem, is mentioned later, in verse 22. Its possible, since Genesis was written long after Nimrod, that Nimrod did not found the city of Asshur by that name; the human author of Genesis used that name because thats what it was in his day. It's of course possible that the city was founded by Ashshur, son of Shem, and it's interesting that, throughout the Hebrew Bible, Assyria the nation/empire is referred to by exactly the same spelling: "Ashshur." But its also possible that Assyria was named after Asshur, son of Abraham, and I intend to look into that possibility and report my findings to you. Assyrians virtually disappear from historical records for many centuries, and when they re-emerge as the Assyrian empire6

that brought Israel into exile, they were not likely Hamites (as was Nimrod) any longer, at least not the majority. It is predictable that Assyrians would have mixed with Aryan elements in Caucusia and/or Mede regions, and moreover there was significant Semite blood on both the west and south sides of Assyria i.e. so why not also in it? Is it possible that Scandinavians and other Germanic tribes -because they claimed to be of the "Aesir" gods/bloodline -descend from the Abrahamic Asshurites? Did a secret cult of Asshurites become so large and powerful as to contribute to much of Europe? Was the mythical Asgard, depicted with a tree of life as per the Garden of Eden -- which Garden is moreover implied in the Scandinavian phrase, "Golden Apples of Idun" -- a nation of the Abrahamic Asshurites? How else could the Aesir Scandinavians have come to use the Garden of Eden as the bedrock of their pagan religon?PasdfethowabndBilc concepts, who instead worship their ancestors. It's even more interesting that the pre-tribulation rapture was invented by a cult (Catholic Apostolic Church) that held with wild abandon to European-Israelism. It's fine to theorize that many Europeans stem from Hebrew stock, but to attempt to make Europe a twelve-tribe Theocracy in the name of Biblical Israel, as the Catholic Apostolic Church attempted, is Christian lunacy. To their dying days, the twelve apostles of that cult (one for the United States as well) awaited the return of Jesus to rule Israelite Europe as per the Biblical Millennium. Imagine that. I am certain that it was an Illuminati cult of the highest order, unbeknown to its naive membership, of course. Most often, European-Israelism (rejected by mainline Christianity) includes the notion that the Israelite tribe of Dan moved from Greece into the Danube river and then to Denmark, etc., all the while spreading Dan-blood throughout Europe (e.g. to become the Germanic tribes). However, when I noticed the similarity between "Dan" and "Dedan" I immediately pondered whether secret societies, in teaching their Freemason pawns their secrets, have substituted Dan for Dedan in order to have them unwittingly teach a non-truth, in order to deflect the reality from the masses? My feelers tell me that its of prime importance to the secret societies to convince us that they are from Israelites and Levites, and should historians discover that in fact the European Jews are from the non-Israelite, non-Levite blood of Chaldea, the hopes of the secret societies will be dashed for producing their counterfeit Millennium in the nane of Israel and/or Jesus. We must distinguish between Freemasons at large, and those who rule the Freemasonic institutions, for Freemasons are simply7

the lowly pawns knowing not what they are doing on behalf of their masters. Only if they show anti-Christian qualities enough may they be taken from the religious sea into higher circles where the true political agenda becomes known. As always, world rule. One can see how a peoples would like to promote themselves as the Chosen People just for being descended from Abraham. But I say none of all this to say that the descendants of Keturah (Abraham's wife) were Israelites just because they were Abraham's descendants, for Israelites stem from his son, Isaac, not from Keturah's children. However, both Abraham and Nahor were Hebrews since both were descended from Eber, thus making Hebrews out of both the Asshurites and Buzites. In that the Buzites from Nahor are distinct from the Asshurites from Abraham, it implies the formation of two cults, one the Buzi Germanics (Merovingians included), and the other the Aesir Germanics (Swedes included). Obviously, making such a wild claim as this is a hollow bucket without some evidence. The first order of business is to discount the common idea that Sheba and Dedan are found only in Arabia, for Arabia is not part of the dragon bloodline leading from Armenia to the Germanics. I have already mentioned Haran, that this city was mentioned alongside Sheba and Asshur (Ezekiel 27) to show that the pair were to the north of Israel, not in Arabia. Haran was smack between Syria and Assyria, far from Arabia. Along with Haran, Chilmad is also mentioned, and this term may be the same as Kulmadara, a city in Syrian Unqi (i.e. in northwest Syria). Canneh is also mentioned, which may be a city named after the Canaanites (Cana of Galilee?). Tarshish is not only mentioned in this Ezekiel list, but it's also side by side with Sheba and Dedan in Ezekiel 38, reinforcing in my mind that this latter mention (important to endtime prophecy concerning Gog) refers to the Abrahamic pair, for Tarshish is known to refer to Tarsus of ancient Cilicia, now in southern Turkey on the Mediterranean (see map of the Middle East. Click arrow-icon to enlarge). One informative article on the Kittim has this to say: "During the Second Temple period, naming Syria as Asshur is a well known fact..."

As the Assyrian empire had disappeared by the second Temple period, and seeing that the Abrahamic Asshurites are listed in Ezekiel 27 with peoples in and around Syria, one may entertain the possibility that Syria had been commonly called "Asshur" due to the Abrahamic Asshurites. On the other hand, Syrian Asshur may have been from the stalk of Asshur, son of Shem. In fact, Syria was at first known as Aram, and this title is overwhelmingly thought to derive from Aram, son of Shem (Genesis 10:22). It's8

true that Nahor's grandson was named, " Aram," but by the time of his birth, there were already a people called "Arameans." The importance of Nahor in God's plan is underscored where He sent Isaac to obtain his wife from Nahor's bosom, far away in Haran. She was Rebekah, daughter of Bethuel, son of Nahor (Genesis 22:23). Bethuel is said to be an Aramean, but as the Aram of Nahor blood was not likely an adult as yet, Bethuel must have been from the loins of Aram, son of Shem (you can see here that God is keeping the Israelite bloodline fully Semitic). As Nahor was descended from Eber, how did Aramean blood find it's way to his son, Bethuel? The only two choices are that the Aramean blood was in Milcah (Nahor's wife) or in Nahor's mother. When I read Deuteronomy 26:5, where the Israelites are said by God to have Arameans as their "father," I would conclude that Nahor's mother was the one with Aramean blood, for she also bore Abraham (who became the Israelites to which Deuteronomy 26:5 speaks). The point here is to reinforce the location in which Nahor lived, not in Arabia, nor even in the face of Arabia, but in the face of Syria. In fact, and few would contest it, the Genesis account pegs him as living in Haran, or at least nearby. And that's the general vicinity in which I would expect the Buzites, and other family groups from Nahor, to have started out. I had already made a tentative tie between the Greek bee peoples (Buzas/Byzas) and the Buzi tribe of Medes, but now I want to know if the Buzi Medes were not named after Buzites from Nahor. If Buzites moved into Iran/Medea to thereby become the Buzi Mede tribe, then it could easily explain why Rosicrucians/Kabalists were fond of the magic craft, for the Medes were by and large wizards. One other pertinent question is, did the Bute(s) name derive from Bethuel? The gravitation of the Abrahamic Asshurites into Syria (i.e. so as to account for Syria's being called "Asshur") becomes a promising theory, for kin tend to seek out kin when moving about (e.g. as refugees of war). That is, the Asshurites went to live with their Aramean kin. Arameans worshipped Sumerian gods, including Ishtar, and so they, even though they were descendants of Shem, were b no means on God's good side. There is a scripture (Joshua 74:2) implying Nahor's worshiping of other gods as Laban (Nahors grandson) did, but it seems that God chose his bloodline in spite of it. Indeed, for he also sent Jacob to find a wife from Nahor's seed, this time from the two daughters of Laban! And Laban was, like Rebekah, the son of Bethuel the Aramean, so that Laban is likewise called an Aramean (Genesis 25:20). Its possible that Sumeria was named after Shem himself. Its then feasible that the dragon sun god, Ishtar's husband, Dumuzi/Tammuz, was of the Shem bloodline, for Tammuz was9

an extention of the Sumerian sun gods, Enki and Utu. Ur was just a hop from Erech/Uruk, the hometown of Tammuz. Utu (Ishtars brother) and Enki were from the city of Eridu virtually on the outskirts of Ur (see map of the Middle East). Note that a pertinent region in Syria was called, "Unqi," almost the same as " Enki. Terms sacred to Enki and Eridu keep coming up all the way to Greece, and in fact I have tentatively tied the Redones of France (called "Aereda") to Eridu. The Redones were Gauls, and it is common knowledge that Gaul religion ties back to Greece, which in turn is known to tie back to Sumeria. It is thought that the Merovingians were tied closely to the Redones. It's interesting that I had already pegged the Edones of Thrace as playing a significant role in the Redone dragon line. It is a commonly kno n fact that Zeus was connected to Mount Ida of w Crete, and that there was another sacred mountain called by the same name, near the foot of which Troy was built. Not only does "Ida" look as though it may be related to the root of "Edone," but ancient "Bit-Adini", known also as " Beth Eden," was an Aramean countryveaH,dmyhveincluHar.T earlier name of Beth Eden had been "Ashtata," in memory of Ishtar ("Ashtarte" in Syria), I presume, and this connects Beth Eden to Ishtars family roots in Eridu, the latter being very near where the Garden of Eden was thought to be (at the confluence of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers). I hope youre getting my point, that the dragon cult was an Eden cult. And so where Ezekiel 27 lists several Syrian localities/peoples that lived alongside the Abrahamic Sheba and Dedan, "Eden" was one of them, for which reason I would point the finger to Beth Eden in identifying it. One may ask if Dedan doesnt mean of Eden. Although the early people off the south shores of the Black sea were Hatti and Meshech, the Greeks in later times viewed the Black-sea coast as inhabited by "White Syrians." One can only see in this phrase a distinction being made between the darker Syrians nearer to Phoenicia and Israel. That is, the White Syrians were an inter-marriage between the Semite Syrians and certain sons of Japheth that lived near them, especially the Meshech (the major power in the region). The Meshech made up the major part of the Phrygian fold, and while Phrygians are by and large thought to have been descended from the Thracians/Trojans, Scandinavians can be traced to Phrygians (e.g. Odin's wife, "Frigg" ). In the controversial Book of Jasher (which I and many others feel is a fake version of the Biblical Book of Jasher), it reads: "And the sons of Meshech were Dedon, Zaron and Shebashni." One can hardly fail to see the Sheba and Dedan in


those sons. And of course these were not the Arabian Sheba and Dedan. The Book of Jasher also claims to know the sons of Tubal, Magog, and Madai, even though these sons are not listed in the Bible. My opinion is that the writer(s) (probably Kabbalists) of the fake book chose names for those sons that reflected people groups. In other words, the writer(s) viewed the Meshech nation as consisting of peoples from Sheba and Dedan, and therefore created the names, "Dedon and "Shebashni," to act as the sons of Meshech. Job was born in Uz , and there is an Uz who just happens to be the first son of Nahor, the elder brother of Buz. However, there was another Uz, son of Aram. When Satan came to destroy Job's family, it was at the hands of the Sabeans that the first strike came. There is difference of opinion as to who these Sabeans were, some identifying them as the Arabian Sheba/Seba. But because the Buzites (also mentioned in Job) are located by most to the north of Israel, and also due to Uz being identified as Damascus, others do not think that the Sabeans of Arabia are in view here. It is possible, therefore, that these Sabeans were of Abrahamic Sheba. Behold this online statement: "...but the reference in the following verse to the 'merchants of Sheba,' together with Haran, Canneh, Eden Asshur, and Chilmad, who by implication would be Asiatics, is probably a mere dittography, and is rightly omitted in the Septuagint." ) Unbelievable. This controversy was (and still is) so divisive that those who chose to view the Sabeans as the Arabian Sheba, including the Septuagint writers, just ignore that a second Sheba 4verse 27) is included in the Ezekiel list, where it is situated beside ` Asshur and a list of other Asian/Syrian peoples. The core of the controversy concerns the Queen of Sheba, she being a symbol of honor to whatever country she belongs, and of course there are those who wish to view her as being from Arabian Sheba, and those who wish to view her as from Ethiopian Seba (son of Cush), and those who wish to view her as from Abrahamic Sheba. Uz has been located by some (for various reasons that I won't get into here) in Edom, or in the face of Edom, much closer to Arabia. This view better allows the Sabeans of the Job text to be those of Arabia. But as Uz was the son of Aram, the latter being the father of what was later Syria, that southern positioning is unlikely. Moreover, one of Job's friends was a "Shuchiy" (i.e. "Shuhite"), and Strong's dictionary says that this term is from "Shuwach," the very same spelling as a son of Abraham by Keturah. This Shuwach (or "Shuah") was the uncle of the Abrahamic Sheba-and-Dedan brothers.11

It has been suggested by some, and I am in agreement, that the land of Uz spread from Damascus to Edom, the land that belonged collectively to Ammon, Moab and Edom (see map of Israel). Lamentations 4:21 places Edom in the land of Uz, but not the other way around. Put it this way, that peoples in and near Damascus have throughout history considered the city to have been the home of Job. That may not turn out to be true, but it certainly exposes the weight of that opinion. Josephus claimed that Damascus was founded by Uz, son of Aram. It throttled me to find (on day seven of this new HebrewAryan theory) that, in the same sentence, Josephus claimed Armenia as founded by Hul/Ul, Uz's brother. Might Damascus have been founded by the other Uz, the brother of Buz? Even if not, I can still make the point that Nahor's first son was named Uz in honor of Uz, son of Aram. Now Sevan was a region in Armenia (Lake Sevan is still in Armenia), and because a "b" commonly modifies to a "v" (e.g. Negev/Negeb, Tuval/Tubal), "Sheba" is expected to modify to "Sheva/Seva" and other similar terms. Having already connected the Sevan region with the Swedes over a year ago, since the Swedes were known as "Svi/Sviones," I would now claim that Sevan in Armenia was founded by Abraham blood, and that the Swedes descend from that Sheba blood. Note that a major Germanic people whose origins are known only as far back as Sweden were the Suebi (or Suevi). If that doesn't spell "Sheba" all over, what does? I repeated in multiple chapters of this book that the Bia peoples, who are said to have founded Lake Van in Armenia, became a peoples by a similar name in Greece and Europe. I had no idea where that theory was going to lead, and very little solid bases for even holding to the theory. It turned out leading to the Merovingians (progenitors of the Franks) even though I was determined to leave the Merovingians out of my research as much as was possible. Then I came across "Bias" and "Boiis" terms, found in Greek myth/history. But here, merely on day seven of my new Hebrew-Aryan theory, I find that the cousin of Buz may have founded Sevan, wherefore I'm scratching my head asking if Buz might have founded the Bia people. Might "Bia" have originally been "Bias"? Is this not at least a plausibility since a "Nairi" peolswruatLkeVn? As the Buzi Medes were probably sorcerers, as were their neighbors, the Magi Medes, it is perhaps meaningful that Herodotus considered the "Neuri" peoples to have been sorcerers, while others have identified them as Nahorites, an idea I have previously shunned for lack of evidence. The Neuri lived north of Thrace on the Bug river, and some do connect them to the Nairi of12

Lake Van. To substantiate that Nahor left behind a peoples by his own name, there is this statement online: Nahor: The name Nahor, Abrahams brother, has been found in the Mari texts when referring to a city by that name. Mari was on the Euphrates between Erech and Haran, but was also a land in Iran (in Margiana) next to Aria (land of the Aryans). It had been my suspicion that the Roman god, Mars, was a depiction of peoples from Mari, for it is "looked upon as the ancient Paradise, the cradle of the Aryan families of mankind..." I had independently tied the Odin-worshipping Scandinavians to the blue-eyed and blonde "Budini," since that term is essentially equal to "Woten/Voten" (i.e. Odin). I had only found one other person online who took that position, all others seemed stumped or else pointed in general to the Thracians as the ancestors of the Swedes. It was only later when I discovered that, according to Herodotus, the Budini and the Neuri lived in each other's midst. And behold what I found yesterday, day six of my new theory: The 18th century Swedish historian Olof von Dalin wrote that the Neuri were a mixture of Scythians, Greeks and Hebrews who accompanied another race, the Budiner or "Shepherd Scythians", to the Swedish islands around 400 BC, because of pressure from the Macedonians. Hocus Pocus, that came at me like a rabbit out of a hat, grinning. However, one must be wary of the possibility that the author (Von Dalin) may have had a pre-conceived notion that the Neuri were Nahor's offspring, and for that reason alone concluded Hebrew blood as part of the Neuri. Note that it was the Macedonians (i.e. MacEdonians) who chased the two allies to Scandinavia. In the same way that I view both the Edonians and the Budini as terms furnishing, "Odin," I view the two peoples as one, even the same as the Bithynians. In fact, the Bithyni are listed as a Thracian tribe (i.e. as are the Edones). In that case, since I view the Macedonians as Edonians, it would seem that the two were having a family conflict when the one was routed toward Sweden. A larger point is that the peoples of Greece to which I tied the bee/honey symbol had strong connection to Bithynia (details in a coming chapter).



In Norse myth, it is said that a Nor/Nori and Gor founded Norway, and that Nor had a son by the name "Gard," a term evoking the old name of the Kurds, said to have been the same as the Guti peoples of Iran. It therefore seems an easy deduction (as some, though not all, historians believe) that the Guti/Gard became the Getae/Edones of Thrace who in turn became the Goths/Jutes of Scandinavia (that were there called "Eotens/Ytones"). Behold that Gor had two sons, Heiti and Beiti, and these reflect Nahor's first two sons, Uwts and Buwz, (i.e. Uz and Buz). The Hebrew-Bible form of "Uz" is "Uwts," pronounced "oots." The Hebrew-Bible form of "Buz" is "Buwz" (Strong's dictionary #938), pronounced "booz." I don't know why the King James people chose to use "Huz" rather than "Uz" when referring to the son of Nahor (the Biblical word for "Huz" is exactly the same as the one used for "Uz"), but the Huz variation (i.e. "Huwts") nicely reflects "Heiti." Nor's father was tagged, "Thorri," the king of Gotland. That the ruler of Gotland was made the "father" of Nor would imply (if you permit me to conjecture a little to see where it might lead) that the Getae Thracians were in Scandinavia first, before the Neuri arrived with the Budini. But as "Woten/Odin" is furnished by either "Budini" or "Getae/Edone/Eoten," the Budini must have been a branch of Getae. If the Budini were in truth the Buzi Medes, while the Getae were Guti Aryans (in Iran), then it would seem that these peoples were allied all the way back to Aryan lands. The very term, Eden is thus connected to the Guti, wherefore the dragon bloodline is rooted in the Guti, yet the question is, to what extent were the Guti a Hebrew/Semitic bloodline? It would appear that when the Budini and Neuri were chased out of their Bug-river homeland by the Macedonians, the Budini led the Neuri to Budini relatives in Scandinavia, and there the Neuri settled the extreme west (what is now Norway) because there were populations in Sweden already. As proto-Macedonia was conquered by the Dorians, note how the latter peoples reflect "Thorri." This then suggests that Dorians were in Scandinavia first, and that Dorians were part of14

the Getae Thracians. The alternative is that the Getae arrived to Gotland first, and were then replaced by the Dorians arriving later. Let me remind you that none of these "gods" were individuals, but were mere terms specially created to depict real people groups. The fabulous/fantastical stories behind the myths are studded with codes that only the initiated understand, and, to a lesser degree, those of us who have caught on to their methods and craft. Of course, murders of gods represent wars with the murderers being the victors. Marriage between gods must depict alliances, the female partner being the inferior of two parties (since the myths were written by men). Only the chief Scandinavian gods should be connected to the Greek and/or Asian theaters; the other gods would depict people groups in Scandinavia itself. Behold thou, unbelievers. Another son of Nor was said to be "Raum," and to this I'll share that Job's friend, Elihu, was a Buzite Ram (Job 32:2). fromtheusld Germanics were descended largely from the mythical "Hermin" (son of Mannus = "Mennae/Armenia"), and "Hermes" looks like "Armenia." Note that Hermes is alternatively "Thoth," "Tuisto." As Tuisto is theandthefroMuswa mythical father of all Germanics, they all descend from Thoth, who, while commonly known to have been an historical king of Egypt (son of king Menes of Egypt!), was also a king in Sidon. As I had already concluded that the Menes and Thoth (of Egypt) were Aryan Egyptians (from a Greek peoples), so I would hypothesize that the Thoth in Sidon was, not Canaanite/Hamite, but Phoenician... where I define Phoenicians as a Semite-Aryan mix. Greek myth makes the Phoenicians a peoples stemming from Egypt/Libya but descended from the Greek god, Poseidon, wherefore they were Aryan Egyptians. Note how "Sidon" looks like "Sitones," that latter term known to have been a Germanic tribe. And Edones were alternatively, "Sithones." Could it be that Germanic blood passed through Phoenician Sidon? There was a city of Dor in northern Israel in the face of Phoenicia, and its people may have been the Dorians (of Macedonia). My findings were that Trojans, escaping the Trojan war (1200ish BC) as the so-called Sea Peoples, retreated in part to Dor and other Phoenician ports. One can then imagine that the Dorians of Dor, strengthened by Trojans itching for vengeance on Greece, went out and took Greece together for that reason. After some time their influence in some part of the Greek theater diminished, wherefore they were forced into Europe and finally up to Scandinavia. This would have been prior to the arrival of the Neuri in 400 BC...if indeed the Dorians were depicted by "Thorri."


soundlikeMa(),ndthboermsculanGt Edones ("megus" is Greek for "great'). This could explain why, when the Dorians invaded Greece, they started in Macedonia, the Macedonians being their relatives back in Phoenician-ruled Canaan. I dont think its a coincidence that "Dor" and "Megiddo" reflect "Dori" and "Makedoni" so well. It's true that both the inhabitants of Dor and Megiddo (situated beside one another) are said by the Bible to have been Canaanites initially, but this was back in the days of Joshua, some centuries before the Trojan war, and even longer before the Trojans subjugated those maritime cities. Sidon was founded by Sidon, son of Canaan, son of Ham, wherefore I would date the Macedonian Sithones to a period after Sidon was no longer ruled by Hamites. Because it seems obvious that MacEdonains were from the Eden cult, where that was also the dragon cult, Armageddon may have been so named after Megiddo(n) because the armies of end-time Gog will be an extension of that Eden cult. Im suggesting that the Megiddo peoples of the Eden cult (in Mesopotamia) came to rule Sidon as the proto-Macedonians. Strabo supports my case in that he saw the Mygdones (i.e. Macedonians) as Edone Thracians. Modern Macedonians argue that their ancestors stemmed from Thracians and Phrygians. Diodores wrote: "But some historians, and Ephoros is one of them, record that the Daktyloi Idaioi [these were the protoTrojans] were in fact born on the Mt Ide which is in Phrygia and passed over to Europe together with Mygdon; and since they were wizards..." (brackets mine). The Greeks also stemmed from the proto-Trojans mentioned above, for Zeus was the chief Greek god raised at Mount Ida of Crete, the sister-colony of Mount Ida at Troy. The Danes are widely thought to derive in part from Swedes, and my research had, aside from any consideration of the term "Halfdan," previously defined the Danes as half Swedes and half British "Danann." I (and others) identify these Danann as an extension of Greek "Danaans" (not quite the same spelling but16

It is believed that Dor was a colony of Sidon, and recalling that the Edonians were called "Sithones," one might have a mind to identify the Dorians as Edones, an idea supported by those who equate the Dorians with Macedonians (anciently, "Makedoni" i.e. MakEdoni). Joshua 17:11-12 says that the people of Dor remained in their city even after the Joshua-led Israelites conquered them. The same is said of Megiddo in Judges 1:27. Keep in mind that Megiddo

close enough), but more particularly the Danaan branches called "Hercules," he in turn being a descendant of Perseus. I identified Perseus and Hercules as a Greek branch of Gorgons (simply because Perseus gave birth to Gorgphones), and behold that now, day seven of my Buz theory, I learn that Dorians (of Greece) claimed to have descended from Hercules. That's to say that the Scandinavian god, Thorri, if he did depict the Dorians, was a Gorgon peoples. And if I am correct in equating the Gorgons with the Gogi, then Scandinavia was a Gogi settlement. I read that the peoples depicted by Hercules, when escaping war, went into exile among the Dorians. It was upon this Mycenaean escape to Asia Minor (including Cilicia) that the Dorians came and conquered Macedonia and much of the Greek theater, including the Aegean sea otherwise known as the empire of Atlantis. Therefore, Greece was overtaken by a Dorian-Danaan alliance, the same that must later have furnished the Thorri Scandinavians in Gotland and the Danes in Norway. Hercules is known in myth to have contributed to the propping up of Western Atlantis in and around the British Isles. These were the Greek Danaans come British Danann. In a region that I have identified as Erethlyn, Wales, Hercules invaded the monster, Geryon (looks like "Gorgon"). Britannica viewed Erethlyn and Haeredaland in Norway as colonies of the same Vikings, but didn't specify/know which group of Vikings. I had concluded that the British Danaan of Erethlyn settled Haeredaland, and from there mixed with Swedes to become the Danes. That conclusion came before I knew anything about Nahor or the Dorians; the Dorians enter my story only as a result of my equating Nahor with Nor (founder of Norway), and Nor's father/ancestor, Thorri, with the Dori(ans). I would now suggest that the Dorians had come to Britain with/before the Hercules Danaans, and I would peg them as the Fomorians who lived at Tory island. I would moreover suggest that both "Tory" and "Dori" stem from "Taurus," and that Zeus, because the secret societies depicted him as Taurus, depicted these very peoples. The question is, are "Dori/Tory" and "Tyrus" to be somehow equated/connected? It is my belief, as per my previous research, that Rosicrucianism, which practices Hebrew Kabala, was steeped heavily in the Danann. Perseus was placed by one myth in Joppa, a city/region in Mediterranean Israel south of Dor. The mother of Perseus was tagged, "Dana," and she descended from a peoples in Rhodes called "Danaus" (Greek myth tells that Danaus built cities on Rhodes). While in Joppa, and just after killing the Gorgon Medusa, Perseus gave birth to "Gorgophone" when mating with17

Andromeda ("men of Medea," apparently). I expect, therefore, that Joppa, and elsewhere on the Mediterranean coast, was rife with Gorgons, which may have been a point in time prior to the arrival of the Israelites from Egypt. That is, the Israelite tribe of Dan was not there yet. For when the Israelites did come into the Promised Land (with Joshua), they defeated the "king of Dor" (Joshua 12:23), by which I mean to say that the Dorians had already been there. The next statement in Joshua includes "the king of Goyim in Gilgal." Not only is this particular Gilgal near Dor, as Strong's Concordance concurs, but the daughter of Gor (in Scandinavian myth) was tagged, "Goi." Were the Goy in Gilgal the descendants of Nahor, therefore, since I'm theorizing that Gor (brother of Nor) depicts Nahorite blood? Biblically, it's "Nachor," and per chance this became "Nagor in Scandinavia, and was finally corrupted to "Gor." [But I have another theory, to be addressed later, that "Gor" refers to the Horites amongst whom Nahor lived. In that theory, the Horites, Carians, and Curetes are one and the same ... until proven otherwise.] One of the tribes of Greek Dorians was "Hylleis," and so I find that one of the early kings of Gotland (before Thorri) was "Hler." The Biblical Hul, son of Aram, is evoked as well, whom Josephus claimed to be the founder of Armenia. Hler's brother was tagged, "Kari," evoking the Carians of Asia Minor. It's possible that "Gor" also depicts the Carians, the latter tagged "Car" in Greek myth, but in Homer's brief writings on the topic of Dorians we find: "the home of the Asiatic Dorians is simply Caria."

The same website has this to say, equally astounding: In the 5th century Pindar ascribes to Aegimius the institutions of the Peloponnesian Dorians, and describes them as the Dorian folk of Hyilus and Aegimius." The names of those two Dorian tribes is a golden find here on day seven, for on the same day I found that Scandinavian myth claims "Aegir" to be an alternative term for describing Hler. And Hler's/Aegir's good drinking buddy was Thor , and with that comes to mind, once again, the Dorians. Thor was Odin's first son, the mother of whom was Jord, that latter term evoking the Kurti/Kurd branch of Hurrians [probably the Kartli/Kartvelians of Caucasian Georgia]. Thor's brother is "Meili," and this reflects the ancestor of Boeotia (Greek = "Boiotia"), the honey/bee goddess, Melia (that name means "honey"). It is to Boiotia that I traced the Buzi Medes when tracing them to Greece. Moreover, Melia was a princess of Bithynia. I gather from this that the Greek Dorians had allied themselves, and moved to Scandinavia, with some Boiotians and18

Bithynians. The two latter terms almost look identical, and if they became the Boudini north of Thrace, then perhaps also the Bessi tribe of Thracians (see map of Thrace). Thor's other brother is Tyr, and I think that speaks for itself (for Dor was very near Tyre). Tyr, the god of war, is not to be mistaken for the German god of war, Tiwaz, the very spelling of a Luvian god. This suggests that the Germans who first worshiped Tiwaz were from what was later Lydia (near Caria): "In the oldest texts that area was referred to as Luwiya. Much later, this same area came to be known as Lydia..." Lydia, a Trojan ally, and filled with worshipers of Hercules, was smack beside Bithynia. Thus the Asian god Tiwaz was exported to Germanic regions from Asia Minor in the face of Troy, and afterward a peoples honoring Odin (probably the Bithynians) moved in and took over the rule: "It was believed that Tiwaz was the original sky-god and god of war, until Wodan gained in popularity, and inherited many of Tiwaz's roles." The Luwian language was a wide-spread Indo-European one, spreading across Anatolia and into the Middle East, and be cause it comes in Hieroglyphic form as well, it must have been of the very early Japhethites. It's unfortunate and probably erroneous that these Aryans are deemed "Hittites" to this day, for Hittites are Biblically, "children of Heth," he being a son of Canaan (Genesis 10:15). When the Indo-Europeans of Anatolia (Turkey) came to replace the Hatti in their kingdom, surrounding nations continued to call them "Hatti" erroneously, leading historians to view them as the Biblical Hittites... until modern historians learned that their language was Indo-European unlike that of the Canaanites. Therefore, the so-called Hittites of modern documents are not Hittites. These were the worshipers of Tiwaz [I say Hurrians were Horites]. I wonder if Tiwas wasn't Zeus, since the two terms look similar enough. "Zeus" is said to be a variation of Deus = "god", and "Tiwaz" looks as though it could qualify as the same. "ProtoIndo-European deiwos (god of daylight) was the supreme deity of Indo-European pagan pantheon. He was worshipped among Anatolians as well, and was called tiwat (sun god) in Luwian ... " Hunker down, for this is the SUPREME god of ALL Aryans. But look at how "Tiwat/Tiwaz" starts to look like Thoth and/or Tuisto. I can therefore conjecture that the almighty was Thoth in Sidon, Tiwaz/t in Sithone country (i.e. Edonia), and Tuisto in Sitone country.


The Germans called their god of thunder, "Donar," which seems synonymous with "Danir," the alternative of "Vanir" The Gauls I had traced to the Veneti (north Italy) and therefore to Lake Van, wherefore those who interpret Donar and other Dan-like terms as the Israelite tribe of Dan really do need to look at this alternative origin at Armenias Lake Van. From the Veneti stemmed the Vandal Germanics, relatives (or even ancestors) of the Slav Rus. The importance here is that the Neuri peoples are thought by some to be ancestors of the Slavs. Online Encyclopedia: there is much probability in Schafarik's conjecture that the Neuri are nothing but the ancestors of the Slavs." Doesn't it make absolute sense that, if the Neuri were protoSlav Rus, then the Varangian Rus (of Sweden) were also of Neuri. It is solid history that the two Rus peoples (above) allied themselves in Kiev much later (by the ninth century AD), and then went on to become the Moscovite Russians. I've never read anywhere that the Slav Rus stemmed from Sweden, but behold how two of their greatest gods, "Svarog" and evoke "Sviar" and "Sviones," two historical terms "Sventih, for the Swedes. The latter god has the variations, "Svetovid", "Suvid", and "Swietowit" that are essentially, "Swede." This is a super find here on day nine, for I had previously traced the Western Slavs to a mix of Veneti and Rugii Swedes who moved to, and named, the island of Rugen (off Germany). Behold that "The main temple of [the Slav god] Swietowit was located in Arkona on Rugia Island ... today Rgen ... " Then I found that many historians of the past equated the Suevi and the Slavs (Suevi was also "Suebi" and therefore quite possibly derived from "Sheba," Dedan's brother). "Ptolemy (about A.D. 100-178) mentioned in his work, "Geographike hyphegesis", a tribe called... Soubenoi ... [it] refers very probably to the ancestors of the present Slavs ... This theory was accepted b many scholars ... It was first advanced probably in 1679 by H7artknoch who was supported in modern times by many scholars. The opinion once held by some German and many Slavonic scholars that the names Suevi and Slav were the same and that these two peoples were identical... must be rejected." http :// I don't reject it. The names of the Slav gods (mentioned above) act to verify it. As historical records available to the general public (secret societies probably have the rest hidden) can trace the Suebi only as far back as Sweden, I would suggest a tracing further back to Abraham's Sheba."...


It's an awesome concept, that Russians are in-part Hebrews (but not Israelites), and while Russians may be ancestral to Rosicrucians proper, I think that we ought to seek Rosicrucians of end-time importance in another line (i.e. aside from the Russians) coming forth from the Swede line. The Swede line leading to the Merovingian Franks is suspect as only one major branch. I had found that the Merovingians stemmed from a Pomeranian peoples (who depicted themselves with several dragons) in a region of Europe that faces Rugen! The statue of Sweitovik having four faces under one hat was a Hermes temple , and it is well known that Hermes temples were depictions of a penis/bloodline (in this case four bloodlines). The leader of the Vanir gods was initially "Njord," and thanks to an email from Greenway7, I am now able to connect the term quite confidently to Nerthus, the Mother-Earth goddess of the Saxons. Njord married "Skadi," a Scythian peoples, apparently, and Saxons are thought by many to be named after Saka/Scythian. Skadi forsook Nyord to marry "Ull," an Aesir, who may have been Ul (son of Aram), the of Armenia. As Nerthus was probably rooted in the root of our earth, the Aereda peoples = Redones/Ruthenes may apply, especially as Tacitus included the Reudigni as part of the Nerthus-worshiping Saxons. The Scandinavian goddess, Rind, plays very well into the story: "In Gesta Danorum (History of the Danes), Saxo recounted a different version of Balder's death, where Rind was called Rinda or Wrinda, daughter of the King of the Ruthenians." From the Ruthenian/Redones came both the Slav Rus and the Varangian Rus, according to my research. Wrinda may even be a development of Varangian. Because Rind was the sun goddess, she would configure to Rhoda, wife of Helios. I had connected Helios with the city of Verkhana (modern Gorgan) in my previous research (that ended a year ago), and behold what I found on day nine of my Buz theory: Perun is strongly correlated with the near-identical Perkunas/Perkons from Baltic mythology... Perun was the chief god of the Slavs, and as that term was a variation of "Perkunas," note how the latter is essentially identical with "Verkhana" (with a common "v" modification to a "b/p").21

Herodotus claimed that the Neuri changed into wolves once per year, and he may have been referring to an annual wolf-mask celebration unto their family roots. The connection between the Neuri and the Slavs (made by some historians) is just for their common emphasis on wolves/werewolves. As "Verkhana" means "wolf land" ("verk" means "wolf), I had previously traced my socalled "wolf-line peoples" to that Gorgon/Parthian region (south Caspian sea). I will note here that since the city of Verkhana has since become "Gorgan," that the "V" was interchangeable with a "G". Apparently, since Verkhana was also "Hyrcania," a (common) "H" to "G" change to "Gergania," or vice-versa, seems possible enough. Therefore, "Perkunas/Perun" was a Slav god that may be viewed as a G-to-H-to-V-to-P modification, over the centuries, starting with "Gergana." Behold the identity of Perkunas in the following "Paricanians": "In the list of Persian satrapies given by the Greek historian Herodotus, the Paricanians may have been the Hyrcanians."

There you go, all of you historians who do not know the roots of the Slavs in either the Gorgons of the Caspian sea, nor of the Swedes that came forth from those Gorgons. Is it a coincidence that "In Slavic mythology, the world was represented by a sacred tree" (website above) of the same fashion as that in Norse myth? Is it also a coincidence that I had traced the Illuminati eagle to Verkhana, and that I now find the god, Perun, to be depicted on the Slav tree as "an eagle sitting on the top of the tallest branch of the tree"? Perun was depicted with three heads/faces, and this very concept reflects the Gorgon Medusa and other sorcerous terms such as Medea (granddaughter of Helios) and her goddess, Hecate. Perun carries an ax or mace and is the god of thunder, suggesting that he evolved into the European peoples depicted by "Thor." And so look to the Gorgons to be the root of the Dorians, even as the Gorgons can be easily connected to the Taurus symbol. Perun's arch-enemy was Veles, god of the underworld, who connects with the Neuri in that it was to Veles that certain "vucari" (i.e. wolfmen) celebrated the event of "...Velja noc ... Young men, known as koledari or vucari would dress long coats of sheep's wool and don grotesque masks, roaming around villages in groups and raising a lot of noise." The grandson of Veles was "Boyin" (a wizard depicted with wolves and eagles), and he could this depict the founders of Lake Van, whom historians have identified as the "Biaini" (i.e. Bia peoples)? This information leads me to suggest that certain22

Nahorites of the Lake Van region the Nairi became mixed with the Gorgons that founded Verkana, and that the two together were the proto-Rus? I would then identify Veles as Baal/Beles/Belus. Easter, in the form of the Easter-bunny eggs, arose from an event celebrating the oldest Slav god, Rod (god of ancestors). The question is, how is it that Easter eggs have survived to this day in America, unless America is controlled by Rosicrucians tracing their roots to the Slav Rus and Rod ...whose wife was Rozanica ? Russians were only one peoples who came forth from the dragon bloodline. Germanics were others, and North Americans are by and large from the Germanics.



I had been wondering whether or not to share that the Letushites , also sons of Abrahamic Dedan, may have became the Lydians, since in ancient times the country was "Lydus," a perfect match with the root of "Letushite." We may be on the rim of the Holy Grail while discussing Lydia, for many have thought that nation to be the Biblical Gog; my position is that they were a Gogi branch but not necessarily the Gog of Ezekiel 38. In Greek myth, the Lydians were, in my opinion, Apollo's mother, Leto. The first Roman Caesars descended from Lydia; they worshipped both Lydia and Apollo. But how can I even consider that Biblical Gog and/or Satanic Rome come from the loins of Abraham? Only by recognizing that the blood of Abraham plays a small part; the most of it must have been Aryan. The father of the god, Lydus, was Attis, whom I think was Utu of Babylon/Sumer. "Ziusudra," representing a people who worshiped Utu, were inhabitants of Eridu, and came to rule the city after the people who honored Enki had ruled there. Zeus was possibly a peoples (of Thrace and Greece) stemming from "Ziasudra." One website says that the Sanskrit, "udra," means "water", wherefore "Ziasudra" may be an Aryan term, which of course would then mean, "god of the waters." It just so happens that Enki was god of the waters. As it's known that Haran's son, Laban, worshiped carved gods, what gods did he worship if not those of Eridu or Erech? I will repeat here that Haran (Abraham's brother) was in Ur and died there, and that his being given that name shows ties between his family in Ur and the city of Haran. That is, it is possible, if not a concrete-hard fact, that Abraham's family in Ur already had relatives in Haran (before they set out for Canaan), this explaining why they stopped at Haran and lived there a while. Here is what convinces me: "Nanna is a god in Mesopotamian mythology, god of the moon ... His sacred city was Ur...He was named Sin in Babylonia and Assyrian and was also worshipped by them in Harran ... His wife was Ningal ('Great Lady') who bore him Utu 'Sun' and Inana ... The two chief seats of Sin's worship were Ur in the south, and Harran to the north."24

There you have it. Ur and Haran shared many relatives, more than any other two cities among which lived the worshipers of Sin. And as the moon god was otherwise known as "Min," perhaps "Sin" evolved into it. But the moon god was known in many Minvariations (e.g. Mani/Mene), and one can then surmise that the city and people of Mannae (Biblical "Minni"?) was named after him. It just so happens that the "father" of Attis was "Manes," this revealing not only that Lydians descended from Armenia, but the possibility that the Armenians were descended from Sin i.e. peoples of Ur. As Josephus was convinced that Armenia was founded by Arameans, it may have been the Arameans from Ur who developed the dragon cult. In the above quote we see that the so-called "Great Mother" "Ishtar" titlegodes,InacfromSi.Itsadher was Semitic, from the Akkadians. Inana's brother, Utu, was "Shammash" to the Akkadians, and so note that the Semitic/Bible word for "sun" is "shemesh" (Strong's #8122). It's interesting that "Shem" seems to be the root of "shemesh." Indeed, we would expect the Semites to have deified Shem with some term or another. Keep in mind that Aram was the son of Shem. "Ishtar" is said by some to be a variation of "Asshur," and suddenly I see that, if true, it wouldn't be Assyria in view, but the Abrahamic Asshurites ... the brothers of the Letushites. If the latter were the Lydians, then the Lydians become the seed of Abraham...which would then make Lydians Hebrews rather than Arameans (Arameans were not Hebrews). Aram also gave birth to "Mash" (some Bible versions wrongly insert "Meshech"), and as the dragon aspect of the Utu/Shamash sun god was called "mushu/mushus," one can now wonder if Mash was not responsible. Do we see a ShemMash? Moreover, did "Mash" form part of "Dumuzi/Tammuz" ? I trust that online writers have a good reason for not mentioning whether or not "Hurrian" is rooted in "Haran," or whether the two are rooted in yet a third term, but as yet I haven't found that reason. Multiple writers assert only that Haran was a Hurrian city, and perhaps the difficulty lies in the non-Aryan nature of Haran (Hurrians are classified as Aryans). I found this quote online: Originally speakers of Hurrian, [Arameans] early on adopted a form of Akkadian that gave birth to the Aramaic language. And so the Arameans must have gotten very close to some of those gorgeous blue-eyed blondes with beautiful long white toes, and in mating with them they must have produced an Aryan-Semitic mix. Enki of Eridu is depicted as the Biblical God, and is allied to Ziasudra, the latter of whom is depicted as Noah. This supports the25

idea that "Ziasudra" means "god of the waters," in which case one may assume with measurable plausibility that he was a god named by Aryans, since "udra" is Sanskrit while Sanskrit was long ago a sister language to Aryan. Moreover, as the Lithuanian language today is said to be one of the closest to the ancient Aryan, note that "udra" in Lithuanian is an otter (i.e. an aquatic creature). Udra was also an Aryan-family language called "Prakrit," see an "Abraham" in that?) grew out of Prakrit (in Christian centuries) in northern India. According to one website, "Apabhramsa is mentioned as the 'dialect of the Abhiras' and was called 'Abhiri.'"

anditjusohpe languof"Apbhrms(canwe

What's that? A Sanskrit language in India that smacks of Hebrew while apparently being credited to Abraham, which in earlier centuries was called the "Udra" language? Is this evidence that Ziasudra was in part a Hebrew entity ... and/or of the Abrahamic bloodline? Is this why Zeus carries features akin to Noah's (i.e. the true) God? It has been stipulated that Enki's Babylonian version, "Ea," "Yah," because, aside from other istheorgnfBblca reasons, the two terms sound virtually the same. These things are used by non-believing historians to connect the Biblical God to Babylonian/Sumerian myths/tales, by which they mean to assert that the Biblical God was an invention of the Israelites but based on Sumerian concepts. The non-believers need to re-think. The Sumerian myths were not pure inventions, but twisted forms of the truth, acquired from varying (or even conflicting) versions of what Noah's sons passed on to their sons. Wicked sons who, instead of honoring the God of Noah, began to worship themselves and their ancestors were the inventors of the myths. Moreover, they gave honor to the serpent of Eden and to the apple rather than to the God who had created the Garden along with all the Earth and all life within it. The True God saw this dangerous situation and rectified it, calling out a people of His own from that cradle of civilization, and then telling the Truth through their prophets (in the Old Testament), thus acting as a Light for all peoples and nations amid many dark versions of the Truth. Non-believers have yet to realize that God was concerned enough with mankind to set the record straight in spite of his many enemies. It would seem to be fact, from the quote below, that Sumerians of some sort knew about the Garden of Eden even prior to the writing of Genesis, wherefore the history of the event must have been passed down by Noah's sons. I don't know the origin of


the following quote, and it's one of a kind online, but here you have it: "Dumuzi ... also bears the Sumerian title mulu-edin-na "Lord of Edin." As Dumuzi in Uruk was not far from the confluence of the Tigris and Euphrates river, Sumerians of some sort must have known that Eden had been at that confluence. The Garden was/is no longer visible, as it now sits about 3,000 feet below ground level. How do I know? Because crude-oil sources in the region are 3,000 feet deep, give or take some. These sources constitute some of the world's richest supply, predictably in that Eden was prolific in vegetation/forestation. There is no other way for anyone today to know that Eden was at the confluence of the two rivers unless Noah's sons passed it on, for the Garden just isn't there any more, and in fact scientists will tell us that the location where the two rivers meet was under ocean water in the time of Ur and Eridu, since those cities were on the ocean shore at the time of their building. But snow falling on Greenland and Antactica, always freezing and never running back to the oceans, causes sea level to decline gradually century after century: "Today it is known that during the Ubaid period the waters of the world were between 1.5 and 5 metres higher than their current level, with the result that Eridu was a port city..." Prior to the Flood, the Tigris and Euphrates rivers joined at some other location than where they now do, as would be expected since the Flood covered the region with some 3,000 feet of sediment (since turned to hard rock); sedimentary strata are 5,000 feet thick on average in North America, say the geologists. It wasn't an ordinary flood, or even a big one. It was mountain high, not formed from 40 days of rain alone, but, as says the Genesis-6 account, from the waters below the oceans exploding forth through the sea floors... through what are now the so-called "mid-ocean ridges," a poor term indeed to describe what are vast volcanic ranges thousands of miles long. They spewed out water and molten material together, and the cold ocean waters caused the hot rock material to explode into smaller debris. The waters were so dense in this debris that trilobites were covered without hope; then smaller/weaker fish gave up the fight and were covered in strata above the trilobites; then larger fish above the smaller fish; and last of all the creatures living on the continents were also buried. These27

strata, along with their fossils, were formed in the span of a few months, not millions of years. I tell you, that while the Sumerians are gone, it's the unbelievers who are now inventing the tales. My point is that the Hebrews in Sumeria were likely worshiping the gods of the dragon sun, and may even have created those gods, and yet God chose the daughters of Laban -- an idol worshiper himself -- to become the mothers of eight tribes of Israel...Dan not included. Now the modern Hebrews have this ridiculous idea that God doesn't want them to speak the name of God, "YHWH," even though God uses it for Himself and is found almost 7,000 times in the Bible. The King-James translators must have thought along the same lines because they translated it, "LORD." And modern versions follow suit. But how does God feel about His name being wiped out of the Bible? Some Jews use "Lord" as well (Hebrew "Adonai"), and other Jews use Ha Shem, which is supposed to mean, "The Name." Just wonderful, isn't it (I'm being sarcastic)? And so when they pray they say, "Dear heavenly Father, TheName, please accept me as your friend today, O loving TheName..." If I continue like this, I won't have any readers left. Note how Ha Shem evokes Shem, or even the sun god, Shammash. Kabalistic Hebrews (i.e. occult Hebrews) have a large influence in Jewry, and as Rosicrucians creep into Christianity to distort it, so Kabalists creep into synagogues to distort Judaism. All distortions are expected to lean toward the dragon-sun cult, for a man is what he believes, and he teaches what he is As Shammash was Utu in Sumeria, the first point I would make is that the Hebrew, "Ittay," is the English, "Gittite." Guti, therefore? If so, the Couldn'tUhavebsymolft Guti were of the same nation that named Utu, which is a good reason to identify the Aryan Guti with Arameans if indeed Utu derived from Uts, son of Aram. One can speculate that "Utu" was at first "ushus," since that latter version means "snake." Note the Akkadian/Semite term, "mushhushshu," in the following expose by Jeremy Black and Anthony Green: "The snake-dragon (with horns, snake's body and neck, lion's forelegs and bird's hindlegs) is represented from the Akkadian Period down to the Hellenistic Period as a symbol of various gods ... the creature's Akkadian name as mushhushshu, 'furious snake'...

That description is of the very dragon sun god that I have been referring to (see ancient picture). The same article later exposes Dumuzi as having had the title of, "Lord of the Tree of Life." It then introduces his partner-god, "Gizzida," he instead28

being "Lord of the Tree of Truth." The article attempts to connect the dralT sun god to the serpent in Eden in a way that undermines Biblicaaith, but I would have to concur that the connection is a very good theory, though in quite a different way: as in Satan establishing his own, loyal bloodline through which to control the world by anything other than Truth. "Gizzida" certainly qualifies as a possible variation of "Guti." The website also shares an old Ishtar-related poem with she calling out to the following god, asking him to open the gate of the Underworld for her: "NINNGHIZHIDDA! Serpent of the Deep!" One would break that term down to Ninn-Ghizidda, of course ("nin" means "lord"). Later in that poem, the serpent says to her, "Enter Queen of Heaven of the Great Above, that KUR may rejoice, that CUTHA may give praise, that KUTU may smile." Who was Cutha and Kutu, those terms that look so much like "Cotys" (son of Manes and father of Attis i.e. the gods leading to Lydia)? What I found was astounding. In the fraudulent Sixth and Seventh Book of Moses, written by Kabbalists attempting to contort the true books of Moses, we read: "The language and manuscript of this rare and eternal monument of light, and of a higher wisdom, are borrowed from the Cuthans, a tribe of the Samaritans, who were called Cuthim in the Chaldee dialect according to the Talmud, and they were so called in a spirit of derision. They were termed sorcerers, because they taught in Cutha, their original place of abode, and afterward, in Samaria, the Kabala or Higher Magic (Book of Kings). Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar, the chosen arch-priests, are shining lights among the eastern Magicians. They were both kings and teachers - the first Priest-teachers of this glorious knowledge, and from these Samaritan Cuthans - from these omnipotent priests of the fountain of light, who were called Nergal, according to the traditions of Talmud, originated the Gypsies, who, through degeneracy, lost the consecration of their primordial power" (page 82).

This was an astounding find for me, because I had previously traced the dragon bloodline to the Gypsies, and the Gypsies to the god, Hermes. But there you have it from the horse's mouth, that Kabala started among the Cutha of Chaldea. And if that term refers to the Guti, then one must suspect that Hebrews and/or Semites of Chaldee were somehow connected to the Guti. Chaldee was in Babylon, and yet was a Semitic region speaking Aramaic. It is indeed revealing that the Ishtar poem29

should cite the Cuthans as her friends/relatives. But along with Cuthan is "Kutu," and this may be Utu uncorrupted. The website above makes mention of a seven-headed dragon belonging to the Sumerian theater, and there is also a seven-headed dragon in Greece, wherefore one could be led to conclude that the seven-headed dragon in Revelation is an extension of the same. Certainly God may have been making that very connection. The Great Mother (Ishtar) is more than likely the "Babylon the Great, Mother of Abominations" that is depicted as riding on the dragon's back (Revelation 17). The task is to trace these entities to the modern day, and Biblical prophecy is very helpful with this task. On this day eight of the Buz theory I learn that Enki was born of a bull, and this is satisfying because in my writings that ended a year ago, I had traced the dragon bloodline forward to entities using the Taurus symbols, including Zeus, Crete, and the Taurus mountains. Enki is said to be the father of Dumuzi, even though Enki is of Eridu and Dumuzi of Erech. This implies a move of the Eridu family to Erech, which is a significant distance upstream on the Euphrates, en route to Haran. While Inana evolves into the Semitic Ishtar when she moves to Erech, Dumuzi gives way over time to the next god of Erech, Gilgamesh. Note that both he and Dumuzi have a Mash-like ending ... and that "mushushushu" can contain either "Mash" or "Meshech." Gilgamesh had operations in Iran, and so we find that at that time (after 2,000 BC) a Kassite people lived in the Zagros mountains of Iran, the same mountains from which the Guti had originated (i.e. it seems to me that "Kassite" is a version of "Guti"). While the Kassites are thought to be Indo-European, their language was obscured by the fact that "Kassite bureaucracy conducted business in Akkadian." Akkadian was the Semite language of the Guti if Im correct in understanding the kadi of Akkadia as the Guti/Cutha. Moreover, the last handful of Kassite kings were Akkadian, wherefore my impression is that the Aryan blood in the Kassites was partly Aramean and/or Hebrew. The Kassites became worshipers of Marduk even though he was the son of Enki. It even occurs to me now that Kassites became the Khazars (north-west shore of the Caspian sea) who were Aryans and yet, as seems very peculiar for those northern reaches, are known to have been ruled by Hebrews. It's also interesting that the Kassites had a "Khabiri" tribe (see website above), and astounding, not just because that term evokes the Hebrews (anciently, "Abiru"), but because the wicked30

mystery schools of Egypt, overseen by the "Caucones," whom I had pegged as the original Greek-myth writers themselves, were called "Kabeiri" in Greek writings. I had resisted viewing those Kabeiri as Hebrews, until now. Worse, I had suspected that the Gauls (including the Redones) came forth from the Kabeiri, in that the "Galli" cult came forth from the Kabeiri. If that's not bad enough, in the Rhodope mountains of Thrace, the goddess Rhodope had two sons, Hebros and Kikon (same as "Caucones, apparently), as though Kabeiri-related Hebrews and Gogi were intermarried there en route to becoming the Redone Gauls of France ... who then became the Rus(sians). Since the Guti are thought to have been the same as the Kurdi, or at least of the same family, Ill mention that, just as the title of this chapter impies that the Guti were the founders of the Eden cult, so the very word garden may have been the root of Kurdi in recognition of Eden. The Kassites had another tribe called "Kissians," and for what it may be worth, I'll mention the Kittians here in case the two peoples were the same. If true, then the Kassites were of Javan, son of Japheth (Genesis 11:4).


ROME AS AN EXTENTION OF TYRE AND ATLANTISWritten 2002; upcoming chapters, if not in 2006, were written steadily afterward

There was a time when I considered the myths to be the stories of fools, and written for fools. No longer. I now see them as key to understanding the origin, history and Satanic culture of Rosicrucians and other similar societies. Greek myths were encoded historical accounts of Trojan bloodlines, bloodlines still held sacred by modern secret-society members at the helms of Illuminati circles. It is very curious that an abundance of Greek-theater writings of the Trojan-history period, expected by modern historians to exist somewhere, are not available to them. Historians view this situation as a "dark age" within the Troy region. But it seems easier for me to believe that secret societies had pilfered writings, slowly but surely and at every opportunity over the centuries, to keep the world from knowing true Trojan history, than it is for me to believe that the various peoples of the Greek theater went into a long/uneventful drowse wherein they ceased writing for a few centuries. With most writings pilfered, the re-writing of Trojan history is thereby made possible, and we need only to ask what sort of sinister disease of the soul had hold of these secret societies if they needed to go to such lengths, on top of providing the many myths, to hide their heritage. What the myth writers wished to conceal with encoded language has instead been laid wide open in this day of easyinformation access, because wild illustrations in myths are no longer very difficult to decipher with a little Internet digging. I can even see the symbolism in Revelation as God's response to the symbolism in the myths. For example, in the myths the Trojan line is depicted as a dragon in a pool of Ares (at some point prior to 1000 BC). Then, after being killed, the same dragon comes to life again in Caucasia, where it protects the Golden Fleece in a grove of Ares, the god of war sacred to ancient Amazons, a Meshech/Scythian peoples originating in old Aria/Eran i.e. now in Iran. It has become my belief that the Golden Fleece was a depiction of a sacred Trojan bloodline stationed in Phrygia. I, and32

even some Merovingian-related secret societies who hold it dear, call this the "dragon bloodline." Even the prophecies of Daniel concerning the anti-Christ seem to be Written as a reflection of the Trojan dragon line. For example, I learned that the proto-Trojans invented metal, bronze first and later silver and finally iron, the very metals used by Daniel to depict the Medo-Persian, Greek and Roman empires. Although I was able to trace the Trojans back to the Aryans of Aria (in ancient Media), it seemed an open and shut case, in the light of Babylon the Great (i.e. the Harlot of Revelation 17), to associate the bloodline further to the Babylonians and their neighbors, the Sumerians. This association comes to light in the Guti rulers of Sumeria, who were defeated and replaced by a Sumerian family (Ishtar and Tammuz) worshiping a sun god in the form of a sky dragon! The four empires mentioned in Daniel 2 and 7 were probably ruled by one and the same bloodline. I started to view it as a Godsanctioned bloodline to rule the earth continually... until Jesus returns, that is. It's as if He said, "Devil, I'm going to grant you power through men over a global empire, but after that I'll judge you for what you accomplish with that power." I learned that the Greeks were themselves brothers of the Trojans, but prior to making that realization I had already learned that Trojans founded the Romans i.e. that the first Caesars proclaimed themselves to be of Trojan blood. Then I learned that Darius, said in the Bible (Daniel 5:30) to be the first ruler of the Persian empire, was the son of an Aryan (Trojans had stemmed from Aryans). What floored me further was that the same bloodline had been a Gogi one, and that it was indistinguishable from the Rus(sian) nation. The coming chapters will expound on these topics. Plato claimed to have inside information on Atlantis as passed down through his family. As this information included the dating of Atlantis' destruction in roughly 10,000 BC, it seems clear that modern Rosicrucians are tied to Plato's version of the story...and therefore possibly by blood (but if not, then by philosophy) to Plato himself. For, the Rosicrucians also insist that Atlantis existed some 12,000 years ago. Because I am a believer in the literal interpretation of Genesis, I know that Atlantis did not exist 12,000 years ago, and that Plato and friends were feeding humanity a well-calculated falsehood, the only purpose of which was to elevate his/their bloodline to a position of world supremacy. If you have read the previous or subsequent chapters where I show that the dragon bloodline was, in some historical periods, depicted as a wolf-line (from Apollo) and a bee-line, add the following on Plato (not his real name) to your notes: "the ancient Greeks


declared him to be the son of Apollo and told how, in his infancy, bees had settled on his lips..." It's interesting that Plato's information came ultimately from Egyptian priests not much more than seven or eight years after Ezekiel wrote concerning the destruction of Tyre (598BC) in terms suggesting a falling into the sea. Perhaps the Egyptian wizards caught wind of Ezekiel's words against Tyre. Plato's story supposedly comes from a "wise" pro-democracy ruler of Athens named, Solon ("of the sun"), who, according to Plutarch, sailed to Egypt in 590 BC and heard the Atlantis story there, and afterward passed it on until, after more than 200 years, it got to the ears and pen of Plato. Tyre, having been the capital of Eastern Atlantis in that Western Atlantis was a development of Tyrians, caused the Egyptian wizards to sport Ezekiel's words as the submerging of Atlantis. When Solon came along, the story may have been the highlight of an event thrown in his honor. I think Plato was describing Western Europe well enough, in code, as he had heard it from secret-society people(s), but decided to convince his readers that the island/empire no longer existed, except at the bottom of a sea; otherwsie half the world would sail to find it for its vast wealth (that Plato described). He then borrowed language from Ezekiel 26 and 27 to tell of that island's sinking. I cannot determine whether the submerging of Tyre is written by God in literal or symbolic form, but compare with the following words of Plato (4th century BC): "But afterwards there occurred violent earthquakes and floods; and in a single day and night of misfortune all your warlike men in a body sank into the earth, and the island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared in the depths of the sea" (Timaeus). "For so says the Lord YHWH: 'I shall make [Tyre] a ruined city ... when I shall brin the deep upon you and shall cover you with great waters'" fEzekiel 26:1p9). "All [Tyre's] men of war within you, and all your assembly in your midst, shall fall into the heart of the seas, in the day of your ruin. At the sounds of your sailor's cry, the pasture lands will shake" (Ezekiel 27:27-28). There have been historical reports of small islands falling below sea level due to volcanic disasters, but none of these match in size the perimeters of legendary Atlantis. The storyline in too fantastic to be true, as for example when Poseidon had five sets of male twins, consecutively, to form the 10 kings of the empire. To support my contention that Plato was a secret-society man himself,34

he immediately honors Hephaistos (at the start of his story in Critias), the founder of the Kabeiri cult, the cult that I believe was in charge of Greek-myth writing. In ancient times and to this day, the religion of the fallen Atlantean bloodline, which fell in the Trojan war, has included the concept of restoring the Atlantean empire to world rule, and in the interim the bloodline is depicted as being locked in the Underworld (e.g. Osiris, Balder) until a certain hero should come to restore it to golden-age status. It wasn't many centuries ago that a leading Rosicrucian, Francis Bacon, wrote "The New Atlantis. " There were multiple new Troys and new Atlantis' in the west as follow-ups to the original in east. I can understand why Plato would locate a new Atlantis at the opposite end of the Mediterranean, for Trojan bloodlines dispersed upon losing the Trojan war and settled upon various Mediterranean coasts south and west of Italy, and even as far as Britain. Greek myth discloses an important westward bloodline as "Hercules" ...who is made the early symbol of the Holy-Grail line. Mythology named the Strait of Gibraltar after Hercules. About a thousand years ago, Geoffrey of Monmouth, whom I view as a bloodline member, claimed that Britain was settled and named by a "Brutus," a Trojan from Italy, and that he established proto-London literally as "New Troy." Based at first only on the similarity of terms, it seems to me that Tyre was the New Troy/Atlantis prior to the westward expansion. I found that Trojans fleeing the Trojan war had settled Tyre, wherefore it seems apparent that Tyre anbd Troy had been named after the same entity, whatever that entity was. According to historians, Tyre did not become a chief city until after the Trojan war began (in about 1200 BC). It's curious and seemingly pertinent to this personal theory of mine that an ancient king of Tyre is likened to Satan in Ezekiel 28 , while the end-time anti-Christ is also likened to Satan in Isaiah 14. Or, while Satan is depicted in Ezekiel as the ancient ruler of Tyre, he is depicted in Daniel 7 as the ruler of the end-time Roman empire. The Tyre-Rome comparison is again apparent in Ezekiel 27, where the destruction of Tyre is likened particularly to the destruction of Babylon the Great (in Revelation 18). The latter has recently evolved into the European Union and, in our future, is destined to become allied to, and ruled by, Satan/anti-Christ. I had never before been able to understand the significance of the Biblical similarities between Tyre and the European world rule of the anti-Christ. One could get the impression that God himself is attempting to tell us that Europe became an extension of Tyre (and therefore Troy), and will be an extension of Tyre even at the formation and world-rule of the European Union. If it can be shown that Rome was founded by Trojan peoples of Tyre, then the35

questions are, do modern Rosicrucians and similar secret societies view the EU as the New Atlantis, and will the "Image of the Beast" denote Atlantis?? The official website of the European Union is called, "Europa," she being a goddess who mated with the chief Trojan line (i.e. Zeus) itself, and moreover she was a princess of Tyre! And the new Euro (the new European currency) logo was fashioned to look like Poseidon's trident, Poseidon being the father not only of Atlantis, but of the Europa bloodline in Tyre! In choosing a design for the Euro, The eventual winner was a design allegedly created by a team of four experts who have not, however, been officially named." Why can't we know who designed the Euro? Would it tie the design too easily to Rosicrucian societies? It has since become known that the current "boss" of the EU, Javier Solana, had a mother who wrote a large book on the author of "New Atlantis ," Francis Bacon. Britannica says that, "The few Trojan survivors included Aeneas, whose descendants continued to rule the Trojans." "Aeneas" should be understood, not as a man, but as an elite Trojan peoples descended from an earlier peoples termed, "Tros." Likerfugscomnlyd,thersfTojanwught new homeland, and after many failures and troubled times, as Roman myth reveals, the Aeneas branch of Trojans stationed themselves in Libya and there they had a love affair with Dido, a pri