TOWN TALK . Mr . and Mrs. Stanley Friedbcrg, of Erwin t Street , spent Sunday visiting with ' friend s in Elmhurst. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lantis , ol Brooklyn , spent lust week end here with Mrs. Lantis ' parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Maynard Lcdniun. ' •Mark: Redlein , of Old Broadway Ave- nue^' fell while at work on. Wednesday and 'broke liis leg. HR is- confined at home and his leg w ill bc an a cast for six wyeeks. -. .Mrs. Lillian Brownlce , of Greene Ayenue , left on Tuesday for Newfound- land; Pa. where she wns to spend two days before going to Fredonia. N . Y. to ' -vlsi t Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Van Scliaick. She will be away for about KTdays. Mrs. Irving Spaulding and her chil- dren ,. Gall and Bruce , arrived on Mon- day from Nashua , N. H. to visit-at-the . * home of Mrs. Spaulding ' s parents , Mr. arid Mrs. Henry Locker. Mrs. Spauld- - ing returned home yesterday, accom- panied by Mrs. N. P . Hoycr , who wiil remain witli her for tlie week end. Gail and Bruce will reniaiai with their grandparents for two wceis. , ¦ Mrs. George Walker , who arri ved early this summer to visit it 'the home of her uncle and aunt , Mr. and Mrs. . John R.. ' Van Wagoner , had just about completed her arrangements to return to-Tokyo , Japan , when she received a telephone call from her h usband say- ing, that he is returning home . He is expected to arrive on August 25tli , coming by -water . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cooper and Mrs. Gcoige Wolf left on Wednesday to attend llie American Legion con- vention in Syracuse. They exnoct to return on Sunday.. Mr.s. Robert Burt arrived on . Mon- day to mnkc her home with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. ¦John T- Harris . ¦ '>¦{ Greeley Avenue, - while •• her ' - ' ¦ husband , ' Lt. Burt , ls on overseas uuty . Mrs . Clia.rlcs Clark and her son, Charles, of Brook Street , arrived home on Tuesdny . after a two weeks Prcsque Isle, Maine, with Mr. Clark who was on a business trip. . - - *. . -. , . Mrs. Wnrren Becbo and her soils, David and Donald , pf Case Court , are .spending two weexs at Water. Island nnd Mr. Beebe is commuting .with . Arthur Mnlacli and John LcnYbeck , whose wives and families arc also spending their vacations there. The Mother' s Club ol the Congre- gational Church held a picnic at Heck- scher State Park ori Monday. Those attending were Mrs. Arthur Moves nnd her children. Lorraine ij nd Vickie, MrsJ Williain . Watt and her- children , Bea- trice and Billy, and .'her .mother s -Mrs. . Margaret Christie, of St. Albans , Mrs . Edward Doll and her :, children , Dru. Ann and Chuckle , Mrs. Harvey De- Vries and Jacqueline arid Virginia , Mrs . Joseph Fctlelcm and'Ricky and Terry, Mrs. Howard Can vet and Brook and Diane and Sue Palmer , Mrs - . William Ayres and Billy and Bobby and Mrs. Edgar Hunter and Roxanne and Edgar , Mrs. Frank Mottl and Bonnie and Bobby. . . j The Rey. John Traynor , ^ of.St. i' ow- rence ' s ' R . ' C. ' Cliurch, " was tliis " moiiFh' s winner qf the Savings* Bond from the South Shore Motors. Mrs. Harriet Cambern , who makes her home with Mrs. Gertrude Griffiths , of Foster Avenue , will cel ebrate her 9Gth birthday next Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Campbell Jr., of Columbus , O., arrived yesterday to spend two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Campbell , of Greene Avenue. Mrs. MTa rgarct Christi e, of St. Al- bans , is -visiting this week with her son-in-law. and daughter , Mr. and Mrs. William Watt , . of Greeley Avenue. Mrs. A. Stuart Holmes, of Hampton . Street , with Mrs . Helen Conklin , of. Riverhead and Mrs. Sylvia Heberl, ' . of Babylon , attended a dinner for Mrs., Ida -,Gi'ccn , the president of the rRe- , bekah assembly of the State of New' York and all the district deputies , of. the metropolitan area * at the Claridge Hotel in New York last evening. The Mother ' s Circle of the Metho- ' dist Church held a picnic supper at Heckscher State Park"* on . Saturday. ' . . Those present were Mr. and Mrs . Ed-J wa rd Milko and children , Lee, . Cafof- and Janice , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Web- ber and Cnppy, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Tucker and Kenneth , Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Strickland and children , Jrinfy find Larry. Mr. and MTS. Willinm Wntt and children , Beatrice and Blll .iMrs); Margaret Ch ristie , Mr. and Mrs. Robert Abcrnathy and Donna. . " '¦ ¦ _ - . The first paper in Milwaukee ivas the Advertiser which started in 1836. I ; ' j §% I mw Him CLUB $$*?$ iA^^S I ' * pr1ce for Sanforized , bar- | REG . T.2S. Hurry for bolh al lh. ' fj f^ ' '^: * S I^^^P 1 - i tacked blues. UVi-17. I price of a polo " Washfasf polos , A \ ^w £ E^^^V^- Jft ^ * __ _ _j 6la I6. Durene SocKs , 7to n. V " .\jfjf r I ^^ g|^| | ' Sliirfs Shorts H 1 / 1 \ ^ .. . .. . iii Bamma-mai- * ^^ p _^g_^m^ S I A i^ > jk \\ K ^S 1 «*«* WB * UB«^*^^ p m^^^ $$AM - ' ' W , I: \l 1 3 ' or I I^^O" " Tots ' Corduroy Overall 1 ^^^^ M j m .Undershirts , Sizes 38-44. i //^^ ^^ ^^^^>< wear welf Rich colors , . 2-4 |||| | M -^WmlM ' ' W f v Women' s Bayo» Slip 5 1 W% m. M$ MM&M m$mf | ^^^Pj; cv *V. ' I ? ,RS l QUM,T ^" 60 GAUGE $1BP i ^^Si : : | ; ' g ^g^' tM 1 Fu " fash!on ^ ! Twicc as i ll / ' 4 V I ^ asfi c cto Seat I I ^^ ^ 11111 H sna 9-resistant as lower , j | | | | ' / f > ' j£A ^ v $&, A* •¦ ' m J **&%l 11' I N0T ' iS 0 nlV ¦ 1 9aUSe - TheyVe a " "'"' SB - AA^ty/ //' 1 ion! you " can Za H -I * I' ' - . w l5 de " ier - Bt, yi 8,/i - |0,/ » W M .ktkAk' ' \, ;L *& H wi,h a damp cloth-S iH ' M 1 Embroidered lacv rayons >n | | | | 'LJ^J^f ^ g T St J MM H- white . pink . blue. 32 10 44. | pAIR Ot_LY Hi ^^^^ V' ' " | HP p— KM ¦MIMMMmWIW^IMJMtMICTOTl.W 11 U \ .. » L-Jc I ' ' . .. AA , , , , : g vTrainihg' Pants 1 I Men' s Handker«s m ^^jj j^ | ' ^ ger e e Fabrics . - . 1 Wi. .hkk ^ ,„ rf|.|< 1, targe wbitc collons j^^ W , ; . ; , ..,,. * | M ' , kniiflal for comfort, i^ffl 1 B , J with colored initial i |p W _\__ g tz<)i : ' ta< _ron \ri- ' ^M 1 Dainty ra on for ^ * P While. Sizes 2 lo 6.^ H^ : in come . |^ m eoh In j eK- ' coff' ij B . ,. - I ¦ making slips , nighl- 1 H ; : ' ' fp- : ' - . . ' S p r, for H- j: ' H ^ I f if Or ^^ a ¦ style, Pink ,, blue ' , -^ H ' | gowns. Choice of y || f H M J I while, maize. 5-7, M | assorted lengths. ^ b l P^s Slatli So*s I ' > - m YdS ' ^^Rfl^ |, spon co..ons ( toy "H | Misses ' Crew Socb M B vm ! ^«a$ t 1" S prS . | | I ribbed mercerized WUIMIW5 | HOSfcC CBlftlftB r ^^^^y C0,,on T9 /rs I ^^| iSlii^ I rT^^S^Sl^*^^^r P, i4 - ' <*> J, « " » "" ' ' ' Bffl silKi^^ ^^$itA~ >i? 1 Is k\ I « " $ ' Mimm^A mm ^ % - Spedak > s ffl ,^^»v %£s i In i ly, I * I b\' t >., ' \. . \ _ i. j '* ,.,. , ^ S 'W V . J ^ *. - i, JL~~JL~~ * '¦^¦" - •-'•" '' ram ^^^^^^ SW , ^ H fi' AI ' \> _ i- i ' " *'! m B ' n\i f*BBAB ^ r vm \ff & w ^BSSHwhw i i^A kf i kvjd i ^/ S I H I BW- S" filEvV W l ^ wfcSLTiHraK I I i n *h *w _ m , THURS. - fRI^ AUG. 10 -11 . I ° m * « " I . . . i j 8ff i2 * jjl | I 'i- STOIt i: OPEN lVltl , & ,SA'i\ EVIiNINGti . ' lINTIMI O'CtOOK . ff l i ]> Wo '^ l fleecy Coflons I r»i r . wm \\- * .:. * . - . ¦ , ¦ -r——— v - . . - , .. _ l A '' ' " '"' , '"" «¦ I yo!"l! S ' A °" •"'"" H \ FRL - ' SAt; : AUG. ll vl2 * I Slf^« R J™°°°^Mf| » I- 8TOK.I3 OPKN KATHltDAY KYENINfS HlNTII, II O'CLOCK I' f oni e nylons. ^ Aslof ll*) I ^S A A^ ^A L^P ^M IBk I Ar- ¦ . A A f. ' - MM> iS^l ^ Mi* " l Special Values in Both Stores fw*»»«- ^1_H^M 1^« P ¦ B^MSBlMBgMgSiyiM^iMi^IlPI^ ; l ¦ - ' '! ' , '^ . ' M" A ' ' f . p., k) \: * NO JOB TOa ep^TOOvS p , ' I ¦>¦ ' Wlietlie ' r you\iiiieii ' flfi^.iJ . -.-wiijIclln^jrivjtations or Aj ^^^S^Sf eif ca. P- ^ .a ": ' several thousand letterheads ,' r«ly on " our cratts- * y?^ ' ¦S'Pv^Sr « " : S' men to .produce ,a job .that will please you In ' ¦ - IWMBSS ^ * CT : : K* apiiearaiice and in cost! ^ >S&^SS^Q^^^ 1 jj FOR ' ' OFFICE EFFICIENCY ^ AA A A - |- . ¦ I Tcnr office runs -smopthl y yli*" , - ^stationery and CT jS^Blf-i- * f i- $,. , ' - priiitcd forms ' lire cleiir and easy to use; tiet - f&iivirf ^ ' .l "^^ ' 1 " . | ' us help you plan printed matter to lit , your . t^S^^^fells t-^ M * = " . ¦ '§. ' . . individual needs , ¦Consult us n»w! ¦ = ^a^^^^^F^V* .* . - , 1 - . * . ' ¦ ;(¦ ' ¦ DISTINCTIVE BRIDAL INVITATIONS ¦ ¦ ^'r r 'fl|' : ;1* ' ' Z.} " nHhtt . l invimaihs wil . h ^ m ' . ' Ar I willio-ut the hi Rli cost of '' cngravi ' ng. Only quality ' ' f /A* / j i ^ ?M i^ \ M '¦ |, nuilccials are used , anil delivery is. rapid, Why r ^^^^3^^sA% il * ¦ 3 not cousul t us now! * . - , . . ' '{- .. -/- ¦ '^f' V- ' 0^' ;- * v . 1 ¦ ; * * ' ¦ tb ® FOR THE ' PROFESSIONAL- - MAN , . ¦ ¦ = . ' ¦ ^'^¦|| iii A For truly dlstiniiulslicd slatloiicry^liuslfless caril^ ' Z- -T . ZA: ilg>||| t lil ' !, '• ' A prescription blanks, etc.. call-iis now. Our cra f ts- , ' Jnf ' i^ A^^A t I : & ' •£ " " a men will create printed mailer , eminently suited. ftfll il^^r^ .li. .. .. ll, i-: ¦ ' a " to yoiir ncetls. . ; " ( * iwwfe^SSS' l. ''' a " ' ¦ ' ' ' ' ¦ Jt ® FOR ALL BUSINESS FORMS /- '^ l^^ : |;^ g . ;. , * ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ "' S3 ' ¦ ' ¦ * . ' ¦ S> . , * - * - , , ' 'I I , ' . •- , > ' l ' l . . ' . ' , 1 'y. . <- iV- .. 'S. * . - - . ¦ -t i- . l ' ¦'; '• ' .- ¦ ¦ )9 « a ; - Lel us ' *, assist you Jii;:iilnijhin/fj .yo l ur jiri ntcd Citisl r '/ ' .. ' . ' ' *. ' . .; * . . | . .' g, '- ncss forms. Our I OIIB experience ' and ' extensive " r i -| "5T fc*W/? ; > ' S 1^.^ >I' ' ¦ ' ' I '' . - ¦¦ ciiulpmcnt will iiiwluce cnicleut, low cost, iiriatcd ' . 1-^J^ISBlMetgEntnin | - ' ¦ |l mailer. . - ' Coiwull us today! ' : . ; ' hffl A,- ¦»* yHf£i':gja?^ ga) . - | ;.; ' ¦ :|- DISTINCTIVE STATIONERY : IJ:aSlttS! | f ' a . !.;. ' ' - -WJietlicr for pcrsomal, professioiniil at- , coiiimfcr<ilal ¦> ' 'V ' * 11 ' " ' ¦ ' * ¦ " . I' use , stationery ilesUcncd anil executed liy us will /\p i^WMK!_ fir ' : ' : |' be rciiclvcd ravnraldy by yon and by corre- . ' .^ ^WSj/Sml m ' ¦ ' ffl* sjionacnls, Cnii u= MOW ! '' K ^: ArA^^zp \ ' Rf ;p'« FAST EFFICIENT SERVBCE / ¦ ^^: "'^* i || ' ". * | ; ' - , We kno " w' " niiil wlieii you orilcr prl . nlcil ' : ' matteri* - - -HffSfflMffllll^ ¦; I' ' 5'". . you want delivery IIH .soon lis possible. That Is - iSt ttSoSH ^ I* * R' - ' ; §•' ' why we' ve nrninii(.«i for riiiilil prhitliiR and rapld .; *. ; . ^^ flra^l i WBSkA 3 ' n ' , >!* ' , " ilcllvcry on ajl .. .aritcra. Call, us! A ¦ ¦ .vsSSSSa^^SPffp .A ,Er ' ¦J. - - ' ' ^ . -y^ s^^s^- ' " lt *J ; - . " '" : '*^ '{ | OUR REPRESENTATIVE Will dtXDLr TALK OVER 1' 1 YOUR PRINTING PROBLEMS WITI T I YOU; I; i ' i. "' 'I tS' v ' ,; ' ^ffwwaw^^ wT -ii nn i ,-' , 1 .I - 1 :, 'ii riii 'i Ui... M «asag<aiSaaggf tt-st ^^ Cl ; $y i y i : yyy i kT ptiA: < : :AA A ; ; -^. -^ :::> ' :•* , J, . ¦ ¦ ' , . ¦ * ; ' . : * ¦ -. ¦ . ' , ¦ ' ' , '¦ ¦;. . ¦ ¦¦ "¦ ' ¦ - : . ' - ' '" :* . . " , '""" ¦¦ "™ * * ., ' '

Transcript of TOWN TALK -...

Page 1: TOWN TALK - · TOWN TALK. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Friedbcrg, of Erwin t Street, spent Sunday

T O W N T A L K. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Friedbcrg, ofErwin t Street, spent Sunday visitingwith ' friend s in Elmhurst.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lantis, olBrooklyn , spent lust week end herewith Mrs. Lantis' parents, Mr. andMrs. J. Maynard Lcdniun.' •Mark: Redlein, of Old Broadway Ave-

nue^' fell while at work on. Wednesdayand 'broke liis leg. HR is- confined athome and his leg will bc an a cast forsix wyeeks.

-..Mrs. Lillian Brownlce, of GreeneAyenue, left on Tuesday for Newfound-land; Pa. where she wns to spend twodays before going to Fredonia. N.'-vlsit Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. VanScliaick. She will be away for aboutKTdays.

Mrs. Irving Spaulding and her chil-dren ,. Gall and Bruce, arrived on Mon-day from Nashua , N. H. to visit-at-the

.* home of Mrs. Spaulding's parents , Mr.arid Mrs. Henry Locker. Mrs. Spauld-

- ing returned home yesterday, accom-panied by Mrs. N. P. Hoycr , who wiilremain witli her for tlie week end.Gail and Bruce will reniaiai with theirgrandparents for two wceis. , ¦

• Mrs. George Walker , who arri vedearly this summer to visit it 'the homeof her uncle and aunt , Mr. and Mrs.

. John R..' Van Wagoner , had just aboutcompleted her arrangements to returnto-Tokyo, Japan , when she received atelephone call from her h usband say-ing, that he is returning home. He isexpected to arrive on August 25tli,coming by -water.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cooper andMrs. Gcoige Wolf left on Wednesdayto attend llie American Legion con-vention in Syracuse. They exnoct toreturn on Sunday..

Mr.s. Robert Burt arrived on .Mon-day to mnkc her home with her par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. ¦John T- Harr is .¦ '>¦{Greeley Avenue, - while •• her '-'¦ husband,'Lt. Burt , ls on overseas uuty .

Mrs. Clia.rlcs Clark and her son,Charles, of Brook Street, arrived homeon Tuesdny . after a two weeks trip.toPrcsque Isle, Maine, with Mr. Clarkwho was on a business trip. . - - *..-.,.

Mrs. Wnrren Becbo and her soils,David and Donald , pf Case Court , are

.spending two weexs at Water. Islandnnd Mr. Beebe is commuting .with .Arthur Mnlacli and John LcnYbeck,whose wives and families arc alsospending their vacations there.

The Mother's Club ol the Congre-gational Church held a picnic at Heck-scher State Park ori Monday. Thoseattending were Mrs. Arthur Moves nndher children. Lorraine ijnd Vickie, MrsJWilliain .Watt and her- children , Bea-trice and Billy, and .'her .mothers-Mrs..Margaret Christie, of St. Albans, Mrs.Edward Doll and her :, children , Dru.Ann and Chuckle, Mrs. Harvey De-Vries and Jacqueline arid Virginia , Mrs.Joseph Fctlelcm and'Ricky and Terry,Mrs. Howard Can vet and Brook andDiane and Sue Palmer, Mrs-. WilliamAyres and Billy and Bobby and Mrs.Edgar Hunter and Roxanne and Edgar,Mrs. Frank Mottl and Bonnie andBobby. . .

j The Rey. John Traynor , ^of.St. i'ow-

rence's'R.' C. 'Cliurch," was tliis"moiiFh'swinner qf the Savings* Bond from theSouth Shore Motors.

Mrs. Harriet Cambern , who makesher home with Mrs. Gertrude Griffiths ,of Foster Avenue, will celebrate • her9Gth birthday next Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Campbell Jr.,of Columbus, O., arrived yesterday tospend two weeks with Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Campbell , of Greene Avenue.

Mrs. MTargarct Christie, of St. Al-bans , is -visiting this week with herson-in-law. and daughter , Mr. and Mrs.William Watt , .of Greeley Avenue. •

Mrs. A. Stuart Holmes, of Hampton.Street , with Mrs. Helen Conklin , of.Riverhead and Mrs. Sylvia Heberl,'. ofBabylon , attended a dinner for Mrs.,Ida -,Gi'ccn, the president of the rRe- ,bekah assembly of the State of New'York and all the district deputies , of.the metropolitan area * at the ClaridgeHotel in New York last evening.

The Mother's Circle of the Metho-'dist Church held a picnic supper atHeckscher State Park"* on .Saturday.'..Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Ed-Jward Milko and children , Lee, . Cafof-and Janice, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Web-ber and Cnppy, Mr. and Mrs. WalterTucker and Kenneth , Mr. and Mrs.Jerry Strickland and children , Jrinfyfind Larry. Mr. and MTS. Willinm Wnttand children , Beatrice and Blll.iMrs);Margaret Christie, Mr. and Mrs. RobertAbcrnathy and Donna. ." '¦¦_ -.

The first paper in Milwaukee ivas theAdvertiser which started in 1836. I

; ' j§% I mw Him CLUB $$*?$ iA^^S I

'* pr1ce for Sanforized , bar- |

REG. T.2S. Hurry for bolh al lh. '

f j f ^''^ :

* S

I^^^P 1-i tacked blues. UVi-17. I price of a polo " Washfasf polos, A \ ^w £ E^^^V^-Jft^


___ _j 6la I6. Durene SocKs, 7to n. V"

.\jfjfr I ^ g| | |

' Sliirfs Shorts H 1 / 1„ \ ^ ... ... iii Bamma-mai-* p _^g_^m^ S

I A i ^ >j k\\ K ^S 1 «*«*


p m^ ^$$AM - ' 'W,

I: \l 13 'or ™ I I^ O" " Tots' Corduroy Overall 1 ^ ^ M j

m .Undershir ts , Sizes 38-44. i / /^ ^^^^^^^>< wear welf Rich colors,. 2-4 ||||| M -^WmlM'

' Wf v

Women's Bayo» Slip51 W% m. M$ MM&M m$mf | ^^^Pj;cv*V. ' I ?,RSlQUM,T^"

60 GAUGE $1BP i ^ Si: :|;'

g ^g ' tM 1 Fu" fash!on ! Twicc as il l / ' 4 V I ^asfic cto Seat I

I ^

^11111 H sna9-resistant

as lower , j|||| ' / f

>'j £A v $&, A* •¦' m J **&%l 11'

I N0T '

iS 0nlV ¦ 1 9aUSe- TheyVe a" "'"' SB -AA^ty/ // ' 1 ion! you

" can Za H -I *

I' ' - . w l5 de"ier- Bt,yi 8,/i-|0,/» WM .ktkAk'' \, ;L *& H wi,h a damp cloth-S iH '

M1 Embroidered lacv rayons >n

| ||| 'LJ^J^f g TStJ M MH- white. pink . blue. 32 10 44. | p A I R Ot_LY Hi^^^^V''

" | H P


\ .. » L-Jc I ' ' . .. AA , , , , : g vTrainihg'Pants 1I Men's Handker«s m ^ jjj | ' geree Fabrics . -. 1 Wi. .hkk ,„ rf|. |<1 , targe wbitc collons j ^ ^ W •• , ;. ;, . . , , .

* | M ', kniiflal for comfort, i^ffl 1

B ,J with colored initial i |p

W _\__ gtz<)i:'ta<_ron \ri- ' ^M 1 Dainty ra on for * P While. Sizes 2

lo 6.^ H^ :

|» in come . |

m eoh In j eK-'coff ' ij B ., . - I ¦ making slips, nighl- 1 H ; : '' f p -:' - . .' S p r, f o r H- j :


I f if Or

^ ^ a ¦

style, Pink,, blue', - H ' • | gowns. Choice of y || f H

M J I while, maize. 5-7, M | assorted lengths. b l

P s Slatli So*s I ' > - m„ YdS' ^ Rfl

|, spon co..ons( toy "H | Misses' Crew Socb M B vm! ^«a$t

1" S p rS. || I ribbed mercerized /¦ WUIMIW5 | HOSfcC CBlftlftBr ^^^^y


T9/rs I ^^| iSlii IrT^ S Sl * ^ r

P,i4 -' <*> J, « " » "" ' ' 'BfflsilKi^ ^$itA~ >i? 1 Is k\ I « " $'Mimm A mm

% - Spedak > sffl ,^ »v %£s

i In i ly,

I * Ib\'t >.,' \..\_ i. j '*,.,. , ^ S'WV .J ^ *. - i, JL~~JL~~* '¦ ¦"-•-'•"''ram ^^^^^^SW, H fi'AI ' \> _ i- i '" *' ! m

B' n\i f*BBAB ^ r vm\ff & w ^BSSHwhw i i^A kf i kvj d i^/ SI HI BW- S" f i l E v V W l ^wfcSLTiHraK I I i n *h h»*w _ m

, THURS. - fRI^ AUG. 10 -11 „ . I °m* «" I . .. i j 8ff i2 *j j l |I 'i- STOIt i: OPEN lVltl, & ,SA'i\ EVIiNINGti .'lINTIMI O'CtOOK . f f l i '° ] >Wo' l fleecy Coflons I r»i r . wm\ \- * . : . *. - .¦ , ¦ -r——— v- . . -, .. _l A '''" '"', ™ '""«¦ I yo!"l! S 'A°" •"'"" H

\ FRL - 'SAt;: AUG. ll vl2 * I Slf « RJ™°°°^Mf|»

I- 8TOK.I3 OPKN KATHltDAY KYENINfS HlNTII , II O'CLOCK I ' f onie nylons. ^Aslof ll *) I ^S A A A L^P ^M IBkI Ar- ¦ . A A f . '- MM>iS l^Mi*"l Special Values in Both Stores fw*»»«- ^1_H^M1« P

¦ B^MSBlMBgMgSiyiM^iMi^IlPI^

•; l ¦ - ' '! ', '^ . ' M "A ' ' f . p . ,

k) \: * NO JOB TOa ep^TOOvS p, '• I ¦>¦ ' Wlietlie'r you\iiiieii ' flfi^ .iJ.-.-wiijIclln j rivjtations or

Aj ^^^S^Sf eif ca. P - ^. a ":' several thousand letterheads,' r«ly on "our cratts- *y ?^ •'¦S'Pv^Sr « ": S' • men to .produce ,a job .that will please you In /»'¦-IWMBSS^* CT

:: K* apiiearaiice — and in cost! ^>S&^SS^Q^^ 1

j j ;¦ • FOR''OFFICE EFFICIENCY AAAA- |- .¦ I Tcnr office runs -smopthly yli*",- ^stationery and CT

jS ^Blf-i- *f i -$,. , ' - priiitcd forms ' lire cleiir and easy to use; tiet - f&iivirf ^'.l "^^ ' 1 ". | ' us help you plan printed matter to lit , your . t^S^^^fells t-^ M *=". ¦ ' § . ' . . individual needs, ¦Consult us n»w! ¦=^a^^^^^F^V*.*.-, 1 - .* .• '¦

;(¦ '¦• DISTINCTIVE BRIDAL INVITATIONS ¦ ¦ 'r r'fl|':; 1 * ' ' Z.} "nHhtt.l invimaihs wil.h^ m '. 'ArI willio-ut the hi Rli cost of ''cngravi'ng. Only quality ' ' f /A*/j i ^ ?M i^ \ M '¦|, nuilccials are used, anil delivery is. rapid, Why r^^^^3^^sA% il *

¦ 3 not cousul t us now! * . - , . . ' '{- .. -/- ¦'^f'V - '0 ';-*v . 1 ¦;* * '¦

tb ® FOR THE ' PROFESSIONAL- - MAN , . ¦ ¦=. ' ¦^' ¦||

i i i A For truly dlstiniiulslicd slatloiicry^liuslfless caril^ ' Z - -T . ZA: ilg>||| t ?« lil' !,' • •'• A prescription blanks, etc.. call-iis now. Our cra f ts- , • ' Jnf ' i A^^At I : & '• £ ""a men will create printed mailer, eminently suited. ftfll il^ r .li.

.. .. l l, i-: ¦'a " to yoiir ncetls. . ; " ( * iwwfe^SSS'l . ''' a " '¦'• ''• '

¦ Jt ® FOR ALL BUSINESS FORMS /- ' l ^:|;

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