Tourism English UNIT3 Part I Lecture Time Assigned PARTMODULESCONTENTS STUDIEDPERIODS I On the way...

Tourism English UNIT3
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Transcript of Tourism English UNIT3 Part I Lecture Time Assigned PARTMODULESCONTENTS STUDIEDPERIODS I On the way...

Tourism English


Part I Lecture Time Assigned


I On the way to the

hotel Tour Comment

ary 1

II Reservation Check in 1

III Listening Simulated dialogue 0.5

IV Role play Simulated dialogue 0.5

V    Consolidation

Questions for discussion

1 Role play

Words and expressions

Total Five PartsListening



Learning Objectives

Get to know the tour commentary on the way to the hotel

Be able to book room in advance Be familiar with check in

Teaching Procedure

1.Study the Words and Proper Names 2. Questions for discussion. 3. Study the Language Tips Shown in

This Text

New words and Expressions

Reserve suite single room with bath barbershop

Beauty parlor laundry brand-new pagoda Date back exotic flowers recommend Cancellation rate per night minimum and

maximum Luxurious vacant discount take the room

for a week

(L: Li Ming ,H: Mrs. Hunt) L: ( Counting the tourists) Are all the people here. Mrs. Hunt? H: No, not yet. One lady hasn’t come yet. Ho, there she is. L: ( To Mrs. Hunt) can we go now, can’t we? H: Yes, please. L: ( To all the people in the coach after a while) Welcome, ladies and gentlemen. Allow me to introduce myself. My nam

e is Liming I’m a guide from the Travel Service. Welcome to China. We are glad to have you here. I expect after such a long trip you ’d like a good rest. So we are driving straight to the hotel…

H: Which hotel? L:The East China Hotel. H: I’ve been told that’s a good one. Well , how far is it? L:Quite a way. I’ll take us about thirty minutes. Well, we’ve reserved four suites and eight single rooms for you at the H

otel. It’s one of the best in the city. It has a dining-room, a Chinese restaurant, a bar, a barbershop, a beauty parlor and a laundry service. We hope you’ll have a good time there.

H: That’s great! L:As we go, please enjoy a glimpse of the outskirts and the city. H: This tree-lined road is beautiful, and everything in the fields looks so fresh and green. L:Yes, that’s one of the reasons why the crops are so good in spite of the rather bad weather we’ve had. H: ( Surprised to see so many newly-built two-storied houses dotted about the fields) Look! I wonder whose houses th

ey are. The all look brand-new. L:The are farmers’ houses. H: How splendid! I wonder if could visit some of them. L:Certainly. We’ll include it in your sightseeing program… Please look straight ahead, you can see a pagoda. It dates b

ack to the 10th century. Beside the pagoda there’s an ancient temple…Here’s the famous botanical garden. With exotic flowers and rare trees in great variety.. Now here we’re in the city proper… Here’s the museum, there’s the art gallery, and that’s the exhibition center… the tall building you see over there. Here we are. This is East China Hotel.

Listening and its recording

Dialogue 1 On the way to the hotel

( T: Traveler C: Clerk , P: Page) T:Good afternoon. Is there a vacant room here? C: Wr’re practically full up,, but I’ll see. What do you want, a single room or a double one? T:A single room, preferably with a bath. C: How long do you intend to stay? T:For a week or so. C: You can have a room on the second floor. T:I hope it’s quiet. I hate noise at night. C: I think you’ll find it quiet. It faces the courtyard. T:What ‘s the rate. Please? C: The current rate is $ 50 per night. T:What services come with that? C: A radio, a color television, a telephone and a major international newspaper delivered to your room everyday. T:That sounds good. Well, do you give discount for a week or more? C: Yes, we give 5% discount for one week, 10% for two weeks and over. T:All right, I’ll take the room for a week. C: Will you fill out this form, please? The page will show you up to your room; your luggage will be brought up straight away. T:Can I get dinner here? C: We do serve dinner. We have a choice of three restaurants, we have the Garden Restaurant, which is on the ground floor, which has an a la carte menu and a table d’hôte menu, we have the Steakhouse, which

is for a quick meal, and we also have a disco and cabaret. T:I see. C: I’m afraid I’ll have to ask you for payment in advance with it being an unconfirmed booking. T:So you’d like the whole amount in advance, would you? C: Yes.Is that all right? T:Yes, that’s all right. ( The page takes the traveler to his room) P:This is your room, sir. Is it OK? T:Oh, this’ll do nicely. Is there a bath? P:Yes, right here ( indicates), and that is the door to the lavatory. T:Is there a laundry in the hotel? P:Yes, you just leave your clothes on the bed, and in the morning they’ll be taken away and washed for you. You needn’t even polish your shoes. Before going to bed at night, leave your shoes outside the door of

your room,, and the next morning, you’ll fined them polished. T:That’s nice. P:Anything else, sir? T:No, that’s all, thanks.

Listening and its recording

Dialogue 2 Check in

Listening comprehension far is it? 2.wonder if could visit some of them. 3.Advance reservation. Good morning. Can

I help you? 4. But could you recommend another hotel

that won’t be full up? 5. Do you know the rate per night for a

single with a bath there?


1. You are a tour guide on the way to the Softel hotel. Make a simulated dialogue.

2. You are a tour guide making room reservation for a group of 12 .Make a simulated dialogue with the receptionist.

Part VI: Homework

1.Review the dialogues 2.Preview next unit 3. Make simulated dialogues . 4. Extensive reading .

Have a nice class!

Thank You !