Tottington High School Tottington High School we are always looking to reward our students for their...

1 Tottington High School Behaviour Management 2017-18 School Mission Statement “We pledge, through respectful relationships, to ensure all members of our community are supported in taking responsibility for their own learning, to become ‘well-rounded’ and caring individuals, with skills, attributes, qualifications and experiences to prepare them for their and our futures.” “Excellence through Partnership”

Transcript of Tottington High School Tottington High School we are always looking to reward our students for their...


Tottington High School

Behaviour Management


School Mission Statement

“We pledge, through respectful relationships, to ensure all members of our community are supported in taking

responsibility for their own learning, to become ‘well-rounded’ and caring individuals, with skills, attributes,

qualifications and experiences to prepare them for their and our futures.”

“Excellence through Partnership”


RATIONAL This policy is set within the mission statement of the school and is supported by the school’s policies on attendance, anti-bullying and equal opportunities. It also supports the school’s other policies on Teaching and Learning. At Tottington High School we expect the highest standards of behaviour. Behaviour management is the responsibility of all members of staff. We believe that positive behaviour is better taught not caught. We take a pro-active approach to promoting positive behaviour. This means we set out to teach such skills as mutual respect, co-operation, organisational skills, listening skills, discussion skills, working independently, working with others, problem-solving and resolving conflict. Tottington High School’s culture is based on the right to teach and the right to learn. We promote self-discipline; encourage positive behaviour, respect for others, regular attendance, punctuality, and the completion of school work. We believe that in order to enable effective teaching and learning to take place, positive behaviour in all aspects of school life is necessary. We seek to create a caring, learning environment in the school by promoting positive behaviour and discipline.

KEY PERSONEL The Governing Body will establish, in consultation with the head teacher, staff and parents, the policy

for the promotion of positive behaviour and keep it under review. It will ensure that its key aspects are communicated to students and parents, is non-discriminatory and the expectations are clear. Governors will support the school in maintaining high standards of behaviour.

The Head teacher, through the Senior Leadership Team, will be responsible for the implementation and day-to-day management of the policies and procedures, including support for staff faced with challenging behaviour. One member of the SLT, e.g. DHT, will take responsibility for its monitoring and development.

Teachers, support staff and volunteers will be responsible for ensuring that the policy and procedures are followed, and both consistently and fairly applied. Staff share the responsibility for creating a high quality learning environment, teaching positive behaviour and implementing the agreed policy and procedures consistently. Following staff training snd development in 2016-17 all staff agreed to the following golden standards or non-negotiables

Parents and carers are expected to take responsibility for the behaviour of their child(ren). They will be encouraged to work in partnership to assist the school in maintaining high standards of behaviour and will have the opportunity to raise with the school any issues arising from the operation of the policy.

Students will be expected to take responsibility for their own behaviour and will be made aware of the school policy, procedures and expectations. Students also have a responsibility to ensure that incidents of disruption, violence, bullying and any form of harassment are reported.

SLT will ensure that appropriate continual training on aspects of behaviour management is provided to support the implementation of the policy wherever and whenever needed.

The DHT Pastoral will ensure we work positively with outside agencies and seeks support from them to ensure that the needs of all students are met by utilising the range of external support available.

The Senior Leadership Team, in consultation with staff, will monitor and review the behaviour management policy and procedures and evaluate them to ensure that the operation is effective and consistent. The Headteacher will keep the Governing Body informed


Our Behaviour Monitoring System within the school provides a transparent and simple method in tracking

behaviour; which allows not only appropriate interventions strategies to be implemented to correct negative

behaviours, but also recognises positive behaviour and rewards those who adhere to the schools standards. It

is based on a ‘traffic light’ colour method of coding various types of behaviour. Students gather points on each

which lead to various sanctions and rewards.





↓ ↓ ↓

Negative Behaviours

Poor Organisation

Positive Rewards

↓ ↓ ↓


Disrespect to others Disrupting T&L

Verbal/physical abuse Poor Appearance

Use of mobile


Lack of equipment Late to School Late to lessons

Poor/No homework


Positive Behaviour Excellent Work

Citizenship Contribution to School

↓ ↓ ↓


Reflection Room Extended hours RR

SLT Behaviour Panel Governors’ Panel

Fixed Term Exclusion Permanent Exclusion

Homework Club

Detentions Reflection Room

Fixed Term Exclusion


Certificates Trips Gifts


At Tottington High School we are always looking to reward our students for their consistent excellent behaviour, attendance and professional appearance. We also reward them for their excellent reports and attitudes to learning, and especially when they go above and beyond, either academically or by doing something positive in our school, or even the wider community. Our system of rewards, we believe, is simple but effective. Each student collects green points, for the reasons mentioned, which then generate postcards home; bronze, silver, gold and platinum certificates are also awarded. With every certificate each child receives the appropriate amount of tokens to spend with their HoY / PYM in our rewards shop on a range of prizes. We believe that this reward and positive culture chosen by our students is really helping us to grow and as always, we ask for parental support in praising and rewarding their children's efforts. mAchievement points accumulate throughout the year, with SUGGESTED milestones. This is an open-ended system: it gives students targets to aim for, but can be added to at the top end if and when needed. Students will receive Bonus Green Points automatically each week if they achieve: full attendance, no AM & PM registration ‘lates’, as well as no red points. They will also gain bonus points for good academic reports and grades.

See Appendix 3 for the cycle of rewards

Additional Rewards - The House ‘Good Manners’ Competition

Aim is to recognise and reward positive behaviours around school immediatly.

Each member of staff can any student they observe displaying good manners by giving them a green card. The

Student then places the card in the relevant ‘House Box’. At the end of a half term the house with the most

cards receives a non-uniform day.

Homework/ Organisation/‘Lates’ points accumulate over one academic year but stay on record for a full school career they trigger SMART interventions for pupils.

Negative points accumulate over an academic year, Students start from Zero points every academic year but the full behaviour record is over the time of the school career





BEHAVIOUR SYSTEM – Pastoral Intervention Model

CYCLE Behaviour Pathway SEMH Pathway Appropriate Interventions

Cycle 1

4 Weeks

10 – 15 R/Y points Lead - Form tutor

Student meeting / Meeting Record Failed Cycle – 1 day internal exclusion

-Initial meeting to discuss concerns and issues -Targets set -APDR log started -Report card system

Cycle 2

4 Weeks

Lead - Pastoral Year Manager

Failed Cycle – 2 day internal exclusion or

Failed Cycle – 1 day internal SEMH Assessment

-PYM, Student, Parent -Behaviour contract - PLC referral -SG L2 – Early Help Plan, TAF, TAC -Targets set/Behaviour contract -APDR Log continued -BC emailed to all parties plus SENCO -Report card system

Cycle 3

4 Weeks

Pastoral Year Manager

Pupil Passport 1

Failed Cycle – 1 day FT exclusion

Pastoral Year Manager

SEMH TEAM Pupil Passport 1

Failed Cycle – 2 day internal SEMH Assessment

- PYM, Student, Parents & PLC meeting. -Round Robin from lesson completed - SG L2 – Early Help Plan, TAF, TAC -PLC/SP to become involved – 1 to 1 -SENCO contribution invited -Pupil passport completed - APDR Log continued -SEMH / LP Interventions

Cycle 4

4 Weeks

Pastoral Year Manager


Pupil Passport 2 or Formal Pastoral Support Plan

Failed Cycle – 2 day FT exclusion & Govn Panel

Pastoral Year Manager


SLT Pupil Passport 2 or

Formal Pastoral Support Plan

Failed Cycle – 2 day internal SEMH Assessment

- PYM, Student, Parents, SLT, SENCO & PLC meeting. -PP1 review and because of no improvement PP2 OR PSP completed - SG L3 – CIN -SENCO & PLC involvement -Possible CAMHS/ED Psych referral - APDR Log continued - SEMH / LP Interventions - Alternative provision considered – PPP, PLC Dual placement etc…

Cycle 5

4 Weeks

Senior Leadership Team SENCO

FINAL PSP Failed Cycle – Exclusion

Senior Leadership Team SENCO SEMH TEAM


Failed Cycle – Exclusions

- SLT, Student, Parents & PLC meeting. -Education Healthcare Plan applied for - SG L3/4 – CIN / CP Plan - APDR Log continued -SEMH / LP Interventions


Tottington High School’s culture is based on the right to teach and the right to learn. We promote self-

discipline; encourage positive behaviour. We have expectations and rules for every classroom with a very clear

3 strike system in operation for negative behaviours that is linked to our ‘On Call’ and detention system. There

are clear expectations, rewards and sanctions at each stage.

Classroom Rules

• Be on time, line up and enter classroom orderly when instructed.

• Sit where you are told and do not object.

• Take your bag off and get equipment out.

• Sit quietly and wait for instruction.

• Raise your hand and wait for your teacher if you have a question.

• Do not get up from your desk unless you have permission.

• Do not disrupt the work of others or call out to others.

• Do as you are told, first time, every time!!

Verbal Warnin


• After failing to respond to prompt correcting behaviour, teacher gives verbal warning or appropriate BfL strategy.

Strike 1

• After failing to heed warning, teacher records first strike.

• After failing to respond to prompt correcting behaviour, teacher gives verbal warning or appropriate BfL strategy.

Strike 2• After failing to heed warning, teacher records second strike.

• Teacher warns next strike means detention.

Strike 3

• After failing to heed warning, teacher records 3 strikes.

• Teacher informs student he/she shall have a DT1 with classroom teacher.

• Red point given to student.

On Call

• The Student has to be removed as the teacher can not continue to teach the rest of the class

• If a student is taken away, a DT2 will be given which is an hour after school.




There are many types of sanctions that are used to correct behaviour. Detentions are used and when employed after school, parents will be informed. It is expected that parents agree to accept the school's disciplinary sanctions when their child is admitted to the school and will cooperate if these need to be applied. There is a set of school rules essential for the smooth running of the school and copies are regularly made available to students and are available to parents, on request, together with the Behavioural Policy Staff have a legal power to put pupils in detention but must make it clear to pupils and parents that a detention is to be used. The school will let parents know with 24hrs notice of an after school detention via text message, phone call or student planner. Where students fail to attend a particular detention, or fails the conditions of a detention, it will be escalated to the next level.

As part of our sanction system one tool we use is the Reflection Room which is classed as an internal exclusion and as such is a serious high level sanction for unacceptable behaviour, succeeded only by a formal temporary exclusion from school. The RR operates all week in the upstairs room of the Taylor building – 8.45 – 4.15pm


• Member of staff gives student a DT1 and records red point

• Date and duration of DT1 dictated by member of staff

• If student fails to attend DT1, staff follow up for reason: re-do or move to DT2 (Middle Leaders)


• Relevant MIddle Leader records red point and Middle Leader DT2 on relevant day

• DT2 held on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 3.15-4.15pm (x1hr)

• If student fails to attend DT2, Middle Leader follows up for reason: re-do or move to DT3 (SLT)


• Senior Leader records red point and informs student of date of DT3.

• DT3 held on Monday 3.15-5.15pm (x2hr)

• If student fails to attend DT3, SLT follow up for reason: re-do or move to DT4, Isolation for an Extended Day


• Headteacher records red point and informs student of details of DT4.

• DT4 consists of detention every lunchtime for a week and also 2 hours after school on the Friday (3.15-5.15)

• If student fails DT4, SLT follow up for reason: re-do or move to Isolation for an Extended Day or even FIxed Exclusion.



BEHAVIOUR SYSTEM – Wider School Rules

Please see Appendix 1&2

Reflection Room Referrals;

1. High Level Incidents – Verbal abuse of staff, aggression, physical altercations, bullying, SG issues.

Repetition leads to FT exclusion. Number of days decided by DHT/HT

2. Continued Persistent Disruption to Learning – 5 Red removes over a two week period equals one day /

two days if second time. 3 days in RR for CPD2L results in FT exclusion.

3. Failure to comply on APDR behaviour pathway.

4. Failure of DT4


In addition to the guidance found in the earlier section the following sanctions are to be applied for more serious offences listed below. Smoking (including the use of E-cigarette’s): First offence - Letter home and SLT detention Second offence - Letter home and one day in the Reflection room Third offence - Letter home and two days in the Reflection room with parental SLT meeting Continued breaking of this rule will result in Fixed Exclusions. Selling Items in School without permission: First offence - Letter home and SLT detention Second offence - Letter home and one day in the Reflection room Third offence - Letter home and two days in the Reflection room with parental SLT meeting Continued breaking of this rule will result in Fixed Exclusions Truancy: The truanted time is to be made up as directed by Head of Year. Appearance - Extreme Hair Cuts / Styles / Colours: First offence - Phone call home with warning and a discussion as to how/when it is corrected Second offence - Letter home and SLT detention Third offence - Internal Isolation Continued breaking of this rule may result in Internal Isolation Piercings/Nails/Makeup: Students who refuse to remove piercings/nails/make up - Letter home/warning and discussion Mobile Phones – Refusal to handover: First offence - Refer to HOY - DT2/Resolved by HOY Second offence - Refer to SLT - DT3/Resolved by SLT Third offence - Fixed Term Exclusion

Verbal Abuse Directed at Staff (the use of swear words): This type of behaviour is not acceptable at Tottington High School and any student found to be abusive towards staff in this way will find themselves excluded either internally of externally.




Only the Head Teacher can decide whether to exclude a pupil, for a fixed term or permanently, taking into account all the circumstances, the evidence available and the need to balance the interests of the pupil against those of the whole school community, See appendix 4. In ALL cases a return to school from fixed term exclusion will carry with it a half or full day of internal isolation and a reintegration meeting between the pupil, parents and the school. There will be a consistent procedure outlined in appendix 2 for those students who receive multiple fixed term exclusions. In the case of a permanent exclusion parents will have the right to make a representation to the School Governors and also an additional appeal to an independent appeal panel. Tottington High School will fulfil its duty to provide suitable education for the excluded pupil from the sixth day of any fixed period of exclusion of more than five consecutive school days. The local authority will provide suitable full-time education from the sixth school day of a permanent exclusion. Please be aware that the behaviour of pupils outside school can be considered as grounds for Permanent or Fixed Term exclusion for example on school trips, away school sports fixtures, or work experience placements. Poor behaviour in such circumstances will be dealt with as if it had taken place in school. For behaviour outside school, but not on school business, a head teacher may exclude a pupil if there is a clear link between that behaviour and maintaining good behaviour and discipline among the pupil body as a whole. This will be a matter of judgement for the head teacher.

All School staff have the power to use reasonable force to prevent pupils committing an offence, injuring themselves or others, or damaging property and to maintain good order and discipline in the classroom. Please see Safeguarding children policy for further information.

Tottington High School staff can search pupils with their consent for any item banned by the school rules, such as:

• knives or weapons • alcohol • illegal drugs • stolen items • tobacco and cigarette papers • fireworks • pornographic images • any article that the member of staff reasonably suspects has been, or is likely to be, used: to commit

an offence, or to cause personal injury to, or damage to the property of, any person (including the pupil).

Headteachers and authorised staff can also search for any item banned by the school rules which has been identified in the rules as an item which may be searched for

Allegations of abuse will always be taken seriously, Tottington High School will ensure we deal with allegations quickly, fairly and consistently so that every child is protected and the person who is the subject of the allegation is supported. Every effort will be made to maintain confidentiality and guard against unwanted publicity whilst an allegation is investigated. Staff will not be suspended as an automatic response and





students may face fixed term exclusion if they are found to have made a malicious accusation. See the Safeguarding Policy for further guidance.



1. Tottington High School: Standards & Expectations Handbook for

Students: School Rules.

2. Rewards cycle 2017

3. Possible Interventions before Permanent Exclusion


Appendix 2

Tottington High School

Standards & Expectations

Handbook for Students:

School Rules

Name: ………………………………. House: ………………………

Students must carry this with them and abide by the school

rules at all times



Most of you behave excellently at school and do your very best. You work hard

and ensure you fulfil your potential and you are rewarded with green points,

praise, certificates etc. as well as getting good grades and a good reference at

the end of school!

When you behave well, you have a positive impact. Others can learn and staff

can do the work better to help everyone in school. But when a student behaves

poorly, this has a negative impact on others.

What is your answer to the following questions?

Is your behaviour allowing you to achieve or is it stopping others from


Are you being denied valuable learning time or denying others?

Is your learning being disrupted by others arriving late or are you the one

arriving late and disrupting the learning of your class?

What happens to a car with one flat wheel?

It can’t drive as well as it can with 4 good wheels.

Those students who are misbehaving are like a soft tyre on a car. They

affect the performance of others. That’s not fair!

Make sure you’re not part of the soft tyre at Totty High!!

Good behaviour is rewarded and recognised at THS. This booklet is a reminder

to every student of what we expect in terms of basic behaviour and good

manners and what may happen to those students who don’t follow the rules like

most students.


We will respect the right of others to work and learn.

We will ensure everyone feels safe and secure in our school.

We will treat others with respect and understanding.

We will challenge ourselves in all that we do to improve and will allow

others to do the same.



Following all instructions which are there to help us make the right


There is one very simple message to all students to ensure this happens….

Do as you are told, first time, every time!!

In the Classroom

• Be on time, line up and enter classroom orderly when instructed.

• Sit where you are told and do not object.

• Take your bag off and get equipment out.

• Sit quietly and wait for instruction.

• Raise your hand and wait for your teacher if you have a question.

• Do not get up from your desk unless you have permission.

• Do not disrupt the work of others or call out to others.

• Do as you are told, first time, every time!!

If you have a question about…


“I have a question about my



“I want to know why miss/sir has moved

me or told me to do something…“

• Think about what you want to


• Raise your hand and wait for

your teacher to speak to you.

• When directed, ask your

question as best you can to

help understand the work.

• Don’t ask ‘why’ now…..... JUST DO IT!

• Your teacher may not have time now to

speak to you and needs you to follow


• Wait until the end of the lesson.

• Think about what you want to ask.

• Ask calmly and politely!!!

• Stay calm even if you don’t like the



On the Corridor

Walk (never run) on the left side at all times

Always make way for a member of staff

Do not drop litter, put it in a bin

Do not eat on the corridors

Use one-way system for Art corridor

Coats and outside clothing must not be worn indoors

Make your way promptly to your next lesson

Keep noise to a minimum…do not shout on the corridors

Do as you are told, first time, every time!!

In the Dining Room/Room 9

Queue calmly and keep noise to a minimum…do not shout

Speak politely to all dining room staff and follow their instructions

Clear your tables when you have finished

Do not drop litter, put it in a bin

Do not take food out onto the corridor to eat

Do as you are told, first time, every time!!

In Assemblies

Ensure you get to PM Registration promptly

Make your way to assembly quickly, calmly and in order


Enter the Hall/Gym in silence and sit where instructed

Sit up properly and listen to the assembly

Do not talk during the assembly nor distract others

Leave the assembly when instructed and do not talk while waiting to be


Do as you are told, first time, every time!!

Breaks and Lunchtimes

Do not drop litter

Never use insulting, undermining or abusive language at anyone

Stay in areas that are for your year groups

Ball games only on South Yard & grassed area behind Sports Hall

Do not annoy others

Do as you are told, first time, every time!!

On School and Public Buses

Line up for buses calmly and without pushing

Remain on the pavement when queuing

Make sure you have the correct change/ticket

Speak politely to bus drivers and members of the public at all times

Stay in your seat

Do not drop litter or throw objects on the bus

Give your seat to member of public if need be


Keep noise to a minimum…do not annoy others

In Detention

All detentions must be carried out in silence.

If you wish to speak, raise your hand and wait for the member of staff

to speak to you. Do not call out.

Your member of staff ‘might’ give you work to do but it is YOUR

RESPONSIBILITY to bring work with you to do in the detention.

During every detention there will be a THREE STRIKE system used. (This

is like the 3 Strike system in class.)

STRIKE 1 – Staff will warn you about your behaviour.

STRIKE 2 – This is your final warning to follow instruction

STRIKE 3 – You will be given the next level detention as you have

been unable to complete this one properly.

(At this point you may be removed from the detention by another

member of staff)


DT1 – Between 10-30mins. Usually at breaks or lunchtimes but may be

after school if decided by staff.

DT2 – One hour (3.15-4.15) after school in the Library on either Tuesday,

Wednesday or Thursday. Given by Heads of Faculty or Heads of Year due

to either a more serious behaviour OR not fulfilling expectations of your


DT3 – Two hours (3.15-5.15) after school in the Library on a Monday.

Given by Senior Leadership Team due to either a more serious behaviour OR

not fulfilling expectations of your DT2.

DT4 – Detention every lunchtime for a week AND two hours after school on

a Friday. Given by Headteacher due to failing your DT3.


Isolation Day – Full day in isolation from 8.45-4.15. Given by Deputy Head

Teachers due to either a more serious behaviour or failing DT4.

Fixed Exclusion – Day(s) excluded from School. Given by Headteacher for

either a more serious behaviour, failing Isolation Day, or regular offenders.

PERMANENT EXCLUSION - Used as a last resort when a student fails to

abide by school rules.


EQUIPMENT FOR LESSONS - Pen / pencil / ruler are essentials!! Calculator

should also be part of your equipment.

JEWELLERY - Students are allowed to wear one stud in each ear if wished.

Diameter of stud no more than 0.5cm. (Out or covered for practical lessons!!)

A watch may be worn. No other jewellery allowed,

MAKE-UP - Make-up must not be worn in school. False nails must not be


FOOTWEAR - The wearing of trainers is not permitted.

ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT - Mobile phones/headphones etc. can be used

anywhere, unless instructed by staff, but only at break and lunchtimes. No

external speakers. At any other time…if your item is seen, you WILL lose it!!

That includes your top pocket. Switch it off and put it away!

TOILET REQUEST - If your teacher allows you to go to the toilet, you may

be asked to leave your phone with your teacher.

UNIFORM - Only school uniform can be worn under school blazers, i.e.

shirt and tie for boys, and school blouse for girls. School sweater is optional for

those who wish to wear one. No other garment under your blazer! Coats off


Below are some types of behaviour which shall not be tolerated at Tottington

High School and which will bring serious sanctions. Continued risk of these

behaviours may result in a student no longer attending our school.


Smoking on or near school site (including the use of E-cigarette’s) –

students must never bring actual or electronic cigarettes on to the school

site. These will be confiscated and students may experience fixed

exclusions if they break these rules.

Selling Items in School without permission – students are NOT ALLOWED to

sell items such as sweets/drinks on school site and may experience fixed

exclusions if they are found doing so.

Truancy – truancy from school or a lesson will result in the time being made

up by the student after school.

Appearance – students found breaking appearance rules, e.g. uniform,

make-up etc. will be removed from lessons and social time and isolated until

the issue is resolved.

Verbal Abuse/Swearing at a member of Staff – THIS WILL NOT BE

TOLERATED AT ANY TIME!! Students who swear at a member of staff will

be dealt with severely and will be excluded for a fixed period.

For any serious issues of poor behaviour, Parents/Carers will be invited into

school to meet with relevant staff.



Postcards - top greens and top attendance

Assembly draw for attendance and green points - £10 attendance & £10 behaviour

Pizza Lunch - top greens & Attendance CHRISTMAS

Assembly draw for attendance and green points - £10 attendance & £10 behaviour

B/S/G/P - Certificates in HoY assembly

Christmas Market Trip - top greens & Attendance

Cinema Trip - top greens & Attendance END OF HT3

Assembly draw for attendance and green points - £10 attendance & £10 behaviour

Postcards - top greens and top attendance

Subway Lunch - top greens & Attendance EASTER

Assembly draw for attendance and green points - £10 attendance & £10 behaviour

B/S/G/P - Certificates in HoY assembly

Cinema Trip - Attendance & Green points END OF HT5

Assembly draw for attendance and green points - £10 attendance & £10 behaviour

Postcards - top greens and top attendance

Subway Lunch - top greens & Attendance??

Cinema Trip - top greens & Attendance END OF YEAR

Assembly draw for attendance and green points - £10 attendance & £10 behaviour

B/S/G/P - Certificates in SLT assembly

Tokens & Vouchers

BLACKPOOL Trip - Attendance & Green points


Rewards Cycle


Appendix 4 - Possible Interventions before Permanent Exclusion

The list below shows interventions that would be appropriate and realistic to see in cases of permanent exclusions. It is to be noted that the list would mainly apply to pupils who were permanently excluded for persistent disruption rather than one off offences. Please also not that this is a list of recommendations rather than a ‘must have done’ list and some interventions are on an offer and engagement basis. The list is designed to help schools to identify further interventions before a permanent exclusion. It is neither sequential nor exhaustive. It will also help a receiving school to ensure that similar interventions are put in place early on.

Intervention X Notes

Curriculum Extra-Curricular or positive experiences

Learning assessments to ensure appropriate setting

Identify appropriate teaching staff

Check for appropriate curriculum

Adapted timetable

Alternative provision considered / implemented

Military Ethos, Fairbridge, Bespoke work experience, Training Partnerships, Teens to Toddlers, Achieve Training

CEIAG interview

SEND In house SEN learning assessments

Further recommendations and referrals to ANT/Ed Psych/HYM/GP etc

Pupil profile / Passport

Pupil placed on the Code of Practice

Stakeholder Regular / Parental involvement and evidence of meetings

Governors involvement

PSP/APDR Log – (The schools target setting support programme)–

Behaviour Intervention

School Reporting Systems e.g. daily report

Evidence of early stage sanctions – detentions, internal exclusion, exclusions

Evidence of return from FT exclusion meetings

PPP, or offer of PPP

Emotional or social or family support

Mentoring / Counselling

Use of external agencies e.g. SCIL, School nurse, IBC, Early Break, CNX, Relateen, PLC Outreach, Streetwise, Craig Omerod 42nd Street, Holding families / Therapeutic / Positive Experience / Holistic Therapies