Torso Exercises

Torso Exercises

Transcript of Torso Exercises

Page 1: Torso Exercises

Torso Exercises

Page 2: Torso Exercises

Torso Muscles

• Stabilize spine

• Transfers forces

• Must train entire torso

Page 3: Torso Exercises

Stability Ball Guidelines

• Up to 4’ 10” small (45cm)

• 4’10’’- 5’5” medium (55cm)

• 5’5”- 6’ 0” large (65cm)

• 6’0”- 6’5” x-large (75cm)

• Over 6’5” xx-large (85cm)

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Ab Crunch: abdominals1) Lie on floor, fingers to side of


2) Knees bent, feet flat

3) Curl torso off floor, move head and shoulders to thigh until upper back is off floor

4) Return to start

-Keep feet flat

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90-90 crunch: abdominals

1) Back on floor, lower legs on bench, with hips and knees at 90 degrees

2) Fingers at sides of head

3) Curl torso off floor, until upper back is off floor

4) Return to start

-keep lower legs on bench

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Ankle Touch: abdominals

1) Lie on floor, bend knees, feet flat

2) Place arms to sides

3) Curl torso off floor, moving hands towards ankles until they touch

4) Return to start

-curl to ankles

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Stability Ball Crunch: abdominals

1) Sit on ball, roll forward, until middle of back is supported

2) Feet flat, fingertips to side of head

3) Curl torso until upper back is off the ball

4) Return to start

-avoid rolling on ball

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Roll-out: Abdominals1) Kneel on floor, forearms on ball

2) Knees slightly wider than shoulder width

3) Reach and roll out as far as possible or until full extension

4) Return to start

-maintain neutral spine

-do not sag (keep torso tight)

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Jackknife: Abdominals1) Place anterior part of legs on

ball, until upper shins make contact

2) Support body with hands on floor, slightly wider than shoulder width

3) Keep feet together, draw in feet and knees toward torso until fully drawn in

4) Return slowly

-neutral spine

-avoid letting ball shift or hips drop

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Stability ball push-up: abdominals

1) Place lower legs on top of ball

2) Place hands on floor, slightly wider than shoulder width

3) Bend at elbows and lower until head is just above floor

4) Return upward

-neutral spine

-avoid dropping hips

-avoid letting ball shift

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Medicine Ball Overhead Reach: Abdominals

1) Sit slightly in front of ball, hold medicine ball in front with arms straight

2) Keep torso at about 45 degrees

3) Keep arms straight, torso tight, raise ball above head

4) Return to start

- Avoid too heavy of medicine ball

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Stability Ball DB Overhead Fly: abdominals

1) Lie on ball, hips near top of ball, hold DBs above chin with arms straight

2) Torso at 45 degrees, neutral spine

3) Lower one arm to side to shoulder height

4) Return to start

5) Repeat with other arm

- Avoid rotating torso

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90-90 Alternate Touch: Abs, int/external obliques

1) Lie on floor with lower legs on bench, knees and hips at 90

2) Fingertips behind head, twist torso by leading with shoulder toward opposite knee until upper back is off floor

3) Return to start

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Figure-4 Touch: Abdominals, int/external obliques

1) Lie on floor, cross-legs to make figure-4

2) Place adjacent hand behind head

3) Keep on foot on floor, rotate torso by leading elbow toward opposite knee, until upper back is off floor

4) Return to start and alternate

-avoid pulling head

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Outside Calf Touch: abs, int/external obliques

1) Lie on floor, bend at knees, feet flat

2) Place hands on top of each other, reaching towards knees

3) Curl and rotate torso reaching towards outside of calf until touching calf

4) Return to start and do alternate

-touch outside of calf

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Prone Plank: Abs, int/external obliques

1) Lie facedown, elbows bent at 90 degrees, push off floor

2) Keep spin neutral and align head with torso

3) Hold for failure or time

-activate abs (focus on lower part of abs)

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Side Plank: Int/external obliques

1) Lie on side, bend one elbow at 90 degrees, raise off floor

2) Keep spine neutral, align head with torso

3) Hold for time or failure

-activate int-external obliques

-focus on lower part of torso

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Stability Ball Shoulder Roll: erector spinae, int/external obliques

1) Sit on ball, rolled forward until upper back is supported on ball, knees bent at 90 degrees

2) Feet flat, slightly wider than shoulder width

3) Cross arms over chest

4) Rotate torso by rolling on ball with one shoulder until back is off ball

5) Return to start and alternate

-avoid sagging hips

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Back Extension/Hyper extension: Erector spinae, glutes, hamstring

1) Adjust so that upper pad rest on hips and upper thighs

2) Knees nearly straight and torso approx. 90 degrees from legs

3) Cross arms over chest

4) Extend at hips, raise torso until in straight line with legs

5) Return to start

-avoid over exaggerating ROM