Top Three Things I Learned and Enjoyed in ASL 2 By: McKenna Cooper.

Top Three Things I Learned and Enjoyed in ASL 2 By: McKenna Cooper


Digital Notebook In ASL, one thing I enjoyed doing was completing the digital notebook each week. From the digital notebook I learned the way grammar was use in ASL. Also from the digital notebook, I learned about Deaf History and watched videos that helped show me how it really was to be deaf. In the end, the digital notebook was a way for me to remember things about ASL and a way to help me create my digital portfolio.

Transcript of Top Three Things I Learned and Enjoyed in ASL 2 By: McKenna Cooper.

Top Three Things I Learned and Enjoyed in ASL 2 By: McKenna Cooper Learning How To Sign Sentences: Being able to learn how to sign sentences has really made me enjoy learning ASL. I think learning the sentences made me understand some of the words better and how to sign better. Also, when learning the sentences it help me be able to know signs that I could carry in a everyday conversation in ASL. Knowing how to sign sentences could be extremely important because if someone needs something or you have to ask someone a question and they are deaf you will want to be able to sign full sentences not just words. A example is asking someone if they have had enough food to eat? EX- FOOD ENOUGH YOU? Digital Notebook In ASL, one thing I enjoyed doing was completing the digital notebook each week. From the digital notebook I learned the way grammar was use in ASL. Also from the digital notebook, I learned about Deaf History and watched videos that helped show me how it really was to be deaf. In the end, the digital notebook was a way for me to remember things about ASL and a way to help me create my digital portfolio. Vocabulary Videos The Vocabulary videos helped improve my singing this year. To start off this year, I could not probably sign a sentence but after having to complete the vocabulary videos I have learned how to sign sentences. In each vocabulary video we learned different sentences and had to send in a video of our selves signing it. Sending in the videos helped me because it was a way to push myself to learn the different sentences. In all I learned a lot from the Vocabulary videos each week. Pictures used from: