Top 5 Ways To Make A Kick Booty List Using Periscope


Transcript of Top 5 Ways To Make A Kick Booty List Using Periscope

Yours may be a link to your website, right? Why not use

that link, that opportunity inside of your bio, to send your

followers to your freemium?

That way, people actually opt in to get something of value

instead of just leveraging your website.

Now, when you add the link to your bio, make sure you

include the http before the website. It has to be the full link.

Just be aware that the link won't show up as a clickable link

for you but it does work for everybody else when they view

your bio.

On Periscope, you can put a link in your bio.

One way to do this is to mention your freemium during your scope if it relates to

what you're talking about. I would typically say something like, "I know a lot of you

are probably not really sure if you want to leverage Periscope yet for your


If you're not, my free Periscope Jumpstart Guide might give you some more

inside knowledge on how to use the app and grow your business. Go grab it at“

The key to this tip is to weave your freemium into your scope in a non-salesy way.

That's one way where you could highlight the value of your freemium. Another is to

make it part of your introduction at the beginning of your scopes.

In this case, don't go into a long, drawn out description of what it is but just mention it in passing. It also goes without

saying that it should be something value-based to your viewers.

This is similar to the example I just mentioned, except you are also provide additional value in order to build not only your

list but a community.

I do this with my #perischool community. I mention to my viewers that they can go to to get my free

Jumpstart Guide as well as access to some of the things that I have planned for perischool going forward like special

videos, downloads, etc.

Again, I'm building the community around the hashtag perischool. Some of you may be familiar with #tagtribes or

#perigirls. These communities are a list-building strategy.

You can do the same thing by using your own hashtag and then giving value around that hashtag so that people opt into

to be part of the community. It does take a little bit more work, but is worth it to build an engaged community.

You could put an opt in page on your website or even on

your Facebook fan page. What I mean by that is you can

build out an app on your Facebook page or use a tool like

Heyo to do it for you. It's essentially a landing page. You

highlight what you're giving away or your contest and then

people opt in to win. While they're there, you can make

them like your fan page as part of the contest as well.

Traditionally, contests or giveaways have been attached

to an opt in, right? You have to give your email address in

order to be entered to win the contest or giveaway.

What does that mean? Well we are (or should be)

driving traffic to our blog on a regular basis, so why not

use some of the great real estate on your blog posts by

leveraging your sidebar to share a freebie?

Your website visitors are a captive audience, but if you

don't capture them while they're there, i.e. get them to

opt in to your list, chances are they're not just going to

just bump into your content and they're certainly not

going to get your newsletter or your email that you send

out routinely, because you don't know who they are.

By getting them onto your list you can communicate with

them consistently and build out that relationship and

ultimately, when you have something to market, you'll

have somebody that you are already know is interested

in your products and services.

Have you ever heard of the term content upgrade? A contentupgrade is essentially giving more related content or a bonus.

There are a couple of ways that you could do it. You could say,"Here's five tips and if you would like five more tips then visit..."and set up an opt in wherever you are sending that traffic to.

For example, whenever I post a blog about Facebook I also show an opt in at the bottom of that post that gives more information on something Facebook related like a freemium. Again, they'll opt in to get that information.

We've all heard of webinars, right? We've probably all been on webinars.Why not harness the power of Periscope to drive more traffic to a webinar?

You can set up your webinar and market it just as you normally would,however, I would also announce it on Periscope and actually Periscope thewebinar itself.

I have done this a couple of times now and I call it a Scopinar...eventrademarked it and everything!

My point is, you guys could do a traditional training and have people opt infor that training. Then, come on Periscope, advertise it in advance, letpeople know that you're doing it, and they'll opt in to come be a part of thatexperience.

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