Top 10 Employee Engagement Activities



Employee engagement activities / ideas helps employees or co-workers or sub-ordinates actively take part or engage in an organization’s activities in achieving their goals or acquiring targets swiftly and effortlessly. -

Transcript of Top 10 Employee Engagement Activities

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Employee Engagement is nothing but making sure all employees or co-workers or sub-ordinates actively take part or engage in an organization’s activities in achieving their goals or acquiring targets swiftly and effortlessly and also create a stress-free environment to work at and friendly employees to work at.

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Why exactly is employee engagement important?

If such a question arises in you, yes you can be right. Partly. Yes just partly. As an employee he/she will only be expected to work as what is required from them and what that is required has already mentioned right when they were hired. But there is greater amount of positive impact in having an employee who just follows orders since it is required and having one who actively takes part in the organization’s activities and yes of course follows orders, but with involvement. The latter category of employees will always have a high productivity rate and have very few or zero conflicts or misunderstandings with their colleagues and are the ones who can be trusted to represent the company at a client meet or a business gathering anytime.

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A clean and healthy Work Atmosphere

When was the last time you walked into

your cafeteria and found a messy table or a nasty

coffee machine? If no, you would certainly know why

your organization keeps it like that. And if Yes; you

certainly know what kind of impact that has on your

daily work efficiency. It sure doesn’t help to increase it

that’s for sure. And as an entrepreneur, be certain

that your employees always have a clean environment

to work at.

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Involve employees in Business Planning

Now that your employees have a clean atmosphere

and fresh air to breathe, let talk about the more

stressing factors – work. Instead of just telling the

employees what they have to do make it a point that

they understand why they have to do it rather than

just what. Including employees in business planning is

a great way to build active employee engagement that

leads to a more productive and active work


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Be open to Ideas

Involving employees in business planning doesn’t

mean to just have them as spectators when the

administration plans and decides on the process to

attain the goals. Think of it a group discussion where

everyone is expected or invited to reveal their ideas

and every other person is welcomed to comment on

the same or provide feedback or even offer a

constructive criticism.

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Where does the Company Stand?

Working day and night without any clear idea of what and

why might or will definitely create a complete chaos in the

near future. In addition to telling the employees what and

why the assigned work is required from them, make them

clear of where the company stands in reaching the

goals (both financially and non-financially. Having an idea

of what they are working for will not only involve them

more but also increase that curiosity factor of what they

will be working for in the next month or year.

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There is always Room for Learning’

It is quite common that an employee is interested to

climb up the ladder to the managerial or

administrative position and is interested to know or

learn how to do it. Helping a colleague or a

subordinate with all that is possible knowledge or

relaxing their work hours to fit their learning schedule

is definitely a great employee engagement factor.

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A simple and efficient Knowledge Sharing System

Comes in relation with the previous ‘room for learning’ idea. An

organization generally finds it tough to make their employees

aware of all minute details of where the company works for, its

operational costs, the importance of the work that has been

assigned to the employee and the efficient way to do it. With a

proper knowledge sharing system through which experienced

professionals can help new joiners or interns quickly grab the

organizations goals and workflow and have a friendly

atmosphere that respects and politely demands active

employee engagement.

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Games and other activities

‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’. A saying that every

employee has been aware of and certainly knows that it’s true.

Create a workplace atmosphere that encourages employee

engagement with activities that are not in any way related to

work every once in a while. Include games and other activities

that would let employees get to know their colleagues better

than ever.

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Insight to their Career Growth

The one technique that will definitely create employee

engagement kindling that greed inside them. Giving them an

idea of their career growth. Telling the employees the

designation that will be theirs or a promotion that would come

their way is a sure pushing factor to actively engage employees

in all activities en-route to reaching the organization’s goals.

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Let them work On Their Own

As a manager, assigning tasks and expecting the work

to be completed at the given time frame come as

common but getting involved in an employee’s work

schedule and beingnosey in what they do will not only

obstruct their schedule but will also create ‘hatred’.

Such an activity will definitely create employee

engagement but “against you”. Give your employees

the space to work on their own and have their own

way in completing the assigned work.

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Constructive FeedbackNo organization would be happy in having an employee who is careless or sloppy at work and is disinterested in helping the organization reach its target. And if yours has one is high time you showed them the door. And for the rest who are interested in the organization’s growth, working tirelessly without a single ounce of appreciation might come as a disaster to their performance. An administrator be aware of your employees’ work and also provide them with positive feedback commending their performance at work.

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It is common to expect more from an employee and improving employee engagement is a sure way to increase your team’s performance.

For More Activities/Ideas –
