Tools to embed sustainable development in the way that teams … · 2020-03-29 · Tools to embed...

Tools to embed sustainable development in the way that teams and organisations carry out their work Offer i ymgorffori datblygu cynaliadwy yn y ffordd y mae timau a sefydliadau yn cyflawni eu gwaith

Transcript of Tools to embed sustainable development in the way that teams … · 2020-03-29 · Tools to embed...

Page 1: Tools to embed sustainable development in the way that teams … · 2020-03-29 · Tools to embed sustainable development in the way that teams and organisations carry out their work

Tools to embed sustainable

development in the way that teams and organisations carry

out their work

Offer i ymgorfforidatblygu cynaliadwy

yn y ffordd y maetimau a sefydliadau yn

cyflawni eu gwaith

Page 2: Tools to embed sustainable development in the way that teams … · 2020-03-29 · Tools to embed sustainable development in the way that teams and organisations carry out their work @futuregencymru

Cathy Madge, Lead Change Maker, Office of the Future Generations [email protected]

Sally Baxter, Acting Director of Strategy, Betsi Cadwaladr University Health [email protected]

Jane Trowman, Head of Health Strategy and Planning, Betsi Cadwaladr University Health [email protected]

Presentation 1: Live Labs /

Labordai Byw

Page 3: Tools to embed sustainable development in the way that teams … · 2020-03-29 · Tools to embed sustainable development in the way that teams and organisations carry out their work @futuregencymru

The aim of 'live labs' is to work and learn with a small number of public bodies, on specific issues or challenges that are identified by the organisations.

Nod 'labordaibyw' yw gweithioa dysgu gyda niferfach o gyrffcyhoeddus, arfaterion neu heriau penodol a nodir gan y sefydliadau.

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Profiad a dysgu– BIP BC

Experience and learning – BCU HB

04/06/2018 4

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04/06/2018 5

Sut ydym yn edrych i’rdyfodol mewn system lle mae’r presennolmor dyngedfennol?

Sut ydym yn sicrhaubod y pum ffordd at

les yn ganolog i’rffordd rydym yn


Ymgorffori cydweithiollwyddiannus ar leolleol i bartneriaethaustrategol Sut ydym yn galluogi

pobl i gael lle diogel ifeddwl, profi, dysgu a

rhannu?Angen meddwl am effaith ehangach yr

hyn rydym yn eiwneud

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04/06/2018 6

How do we look to the future in a

system dominated by the present?

How do we make the 5 ways a

mainstay of how we work?

Building successful collaboration from

local level to strategic partnerships

How do we enable people to have the

safe space to think, to test, to learn and to

share?Need to think about the wider impact of

what we do

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Pwysedd Iach a Phlant a Theuluoedd Heini Healthy Weight and Active Children & Families

04/06/2018 7

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Plant a Theuluoedd Beichiog – dull o weithio y Live Lab Children & Pregnant Families – Live Lab approach

What is our Issue?• ‘Over weight’ is now the norm and we are getting BIGGER • How can we put the rights of the child at the centre of what we doHow do we see the Live Labs Approach working?• Start small – ‘BITE SIZE’• If it doesn’t work move on and learn from what we did• No PIDS, SOPS, PCPs, PMO, SBARs• Permission to try different approachesOur Biggest Challenge• Do we really have permission and is it acceptable to fail?• How do we get buy in from all?• Can we do this at pace – we need to get going

04/06/2018 8

Beth yw ein problem?• ‘Dros Bwysau’ yw’r safon nawr ac rydym yn myndyn FWY • Sut y gallwn ni roi hawliau’r plentyn yng nghanolpopeth rydym yn ei wneudSut ydyn ni’n gweld ymagwedd y Live Labs yngweithio?• Dechrau’n fach – ‘BITE SIZE’• Os na fydd yn gweithio, symud ymlaen a dysgu o’rhyn a wnaethon ni• Dim PIDS, SOPS, PCPs, PMO, SBARs• Caniatâd i brofi ymagweddau gwahanolEin her fwyaf• Oes wir ganiatâd gennym ni ac a ydy’n dderbynioli fethu?• Sut ydym yn cael cytundeb gan bawb? • Ydyn ni’n gallu gwneud hyn yn gyflym – mae rhaidi ni ddechrau symud

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Presentation 2:

Cathy Weatherup, Strategic Lead – Health and Sustainabity Hub, Public Health [email protected]

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• SIFT a tool kit for teams, a bottom up approach to facilitating change

• Its development is based on review of the management and behaviour change literature, learning from public sector reform

• Iterative approaches, based on testing and learning, are key to the emergence of successful teams and organisations

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Teams across Public Health Wales, Betsi Cadwaladr Health Board and Aneurin Bevan

Health Board

• Participative

• Fail-safe environment

• Commitment to act

• Network of champions


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Learning so far

• Readiness to change, commitment to act

• Supportive environment; culture, leadership, space –then ‘ways of working’ would become natural

• Need good examples to help illustrate and motivate

• Needs to fit/be reflected by work/approaches across divisions/directorates

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Dr Emily Warren, Head of Partnerships Planning, Aneurin Bevan University Health [email protected]


Presentation 3: Well-being of Future Generations Act Self Assessment process

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Delivering Sustainable Change

Our shared leadership priorityThe Act is a key enabler to achieving the change needed to the deliver the types of integrated health and social care system that are fit for future generationsOur challenges

• Embedding the ambitions of the Act, into our core enabling and delivery functions• Using the Act to facilitate transformative change• Delivering long term/sustained change through changes in behaviours

Our approach• Establishing effective WBFGA governance arrangements• Establishing a pan Health Board WBFGA Embedding Programme• Working with Divisions to understand how the Act can challenge and drive change

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Self Assessment Process

Guiding principles for the process• Ambition narratives will be co-created and owned by

NHS professionals • It is not an assessment of performance or compliance

with the Act• A mechanism for teams and individuals to explore best

practice, opportunities and barriers to deliver the Well Being Objectives and long-term ambition

• It must be additive and become embedded into divisional/teams planning and delivery

• The process of will be an important mechanism to raise awareness and build capacity around the Act

• Will be iterative and used as a way to drive continuous


Key objectives• To enable Divisions and functions to co-

create a set of narratives that articulate the Health Board’s strategic ambition for the next 15-20 years in the context of the Act

• To use the Sustainable Development Principle and five ways of working as a frame for creating the narratives

• To ensure the focus is on the change required to deliver the ambition

• To use best practice and learning from elsewhere to challenge the status quo

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Stages of the WBFGA Self Assessment approach

Collaboratively drafting the

Ambition Narratives

Sense checking the narratives

Running the self

assessment survey

Analysing the results

Collaborative workshop to

develop a Route Map

Workshops with

Leadership management


Integrated challenge at the WBFGA

steering Group

Using a survey to get a wider perspective on the narratives

Results provide both

qualitative/quantitative data

Action workshops focused on


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Strategic Ambition Narratives - Workforce & OD – Long term

The importance of balancing short term needs with the need to safeguard the ability to meet long term needs, especially where things done to meet short term needs may have detrimental long term effect.

• ABUHB workforce and OD strategy is focused on the short, medium and long term (25 years) needs and demands.

• The Strategy is fully embedded across all directorates and is fully integrated and costed within the IMTP

• The strategy is well embedded in current workforce practice • There is a proactive mandate from the leadership which encourages decisions to be

made using a longer term mindset• Technology is embraced as a key part of the solution for workforce challenges• Regional Well-being assessments and projections are at the heart of workforce planning• ABUHB have a bilingual workforce and anyone that would want to receive a service in

Welsh is able to. • The Strategy is seen as an integral enabler for how the Health Board will achieve its well-

being objectives. • The Strategy/approach has been future proofed ensuring that the workforce is able to

meet current and future demand across the healthcare system and how an evolving workforce supports Clinical Futures and any subsequent strategy.

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Four key lessons learned

• Doing something innovative and creative is challenging – however focusing on how it will help and support Divisions/teams improve opens doors

• The self assessment has created a new space for individuals and Divisions to think about what they do and what might need to change in the context of the Act

• Giving people permission to be innovative and think in the longer term has facilitated some valuable conversations

• Strategic support and positioning for the work has set it in the right context (Our Chief Executive created a series of three short film which helped to raise the profile)

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To create safe-to-fail spaces and a culture of working out loud to enable real learning from failure to take place…

GROUP 1What should public service leaders be doing differently?

GROUP 2What should other key parts of organisations be doing differently?

GROUP 3What should auditors and regulators be doing differently?

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Make and share a commitment

What will you commit to following this workshop…

…to create safe to fail spaces and a culture of working out loud?

Please tweet your commitment!
