Toolbox Talk 101

Trace Lane, CRSP, CHSC LinkedIn August 2010 Toolbox 101 August 2010 Trace Lane, CRSP, CHSC


a brief outline on how to do a Toolbox or Tailgate Talk.

Transcript of Toolbox Talk 101

Page 1: Toolbox Talk 101

Trace Lane, CRSP, CHSC

LinkedIn August 2010

Toolbox 101

August 2010

Trace Lane, CRSP, CHSC

Page 2: Toolbox Talk 101

Trace Lane, CRSP, CHSC

LinkedIn August 2010

Getting started

Meat and potatoes

Finishing it off

Page 3: Toolbox Talk 101

Trace Lane, CRSP, CHSC

LinkedIn August 2010

Getting Started

Review the Client-issued Toolbox Talk prior to the meeting (if required)

Use a highlighter to emphasize 4-5 important points

Review your Toolbox Talk prior to the meeting

Page 4: Toolbox Talk 101

Trace Lane, CRSP, CHSC

LinkedIn August 2010

Meat and Potatoes of the Toolbox Talk

Find a quiet area free from distractions

Ensure everyone is prepared to listen—no newspapers, radios off, no crosswords, etc.

Do NOT give out copies of the Toolbox Talk.

Review with your team members the 4-5 highlighted points from the Client Toolbox Talk—ensure you reinforce the importance of this message from our Client.

Ask if they have any questions or comments on the Client Toolbox Talk.

Page 5: Toolbox Talk 101

Trace Lane, CRSP, CHSC

LinkedIn August 2010

Meat and Potatoes of the Toolbox Talk

Start your Toolbox Talk by asking questions on ANY topic

Use the “Talking Points” as a guide for some of the questions you can ask

Ask for answers—i.e. “Robbie, what is one of the hazards of snow in the work area?”

Wait for answer!

Ask for other answers, “What’s another hazard?”, “What else should we watch out for?”, “What should we do?

Page 6: Toolbox Talk 101

Trace Lane, CRSP, CHSC

LinkedIn August 2010

Meat and Potatoes of the Toolbox Talk

Positively reinforce each answer— “Good answer”, “excellent”, “yes”, “good point”, “good one-I never thought of that”

Never, never, negatively respond to an answer—see previous bullet point—re-ask or re-direct if the answer is not appropriate---”Okay, but what are the hazards of snow in the Unit.”

Ask open-ended questions—questions that cannot be answered yes or no: “What does that mean”, “How does that affect you doing your work”, “How can we prevent that”, “How do we describe that in our last minute risk assessment”

Page 7: Toolbox Talk 101

Trace Lane, CRSP, CHSC

LinkedIn August 2010

Finishing it off

Listen for opportunities to speak about other issues

Issues will be bought up—acknowledge them, indicate you will follow-up after the meeting (depending on importance)

Stay on time---5 minutes!

Thank the team

Dismiss them (have a great day, thanks, let’s get to work, be safe out there, okay—great discussion).

If the Toolbox Talk is not relevant to your team—DO ANOTHER TRADE-SPECIFIC TOPIC!!!!!

Page 8: Toolbox Talk 101

Trace Lane, CRSP, CHSC

LinkedIn August 2010

Finishing it off

Have the team sign-off on the Toolbox Talk

Amend the “topic” on sign-off sheet if you change the topic

Lead the discussion with enthusiasm, passion, and your own personal style

Page 9: Toolbox Talk 101

Trace Lane, CRSP, CHSC

LinkedIn August 2010

Toolbox Observation Checklist

Was the presenter prepared?

Open-ended questions?

Positive reinforcement given?

5 minutes?

Engagement? Was there a conversation?

Passion, enthusiastic, personalized?

Page 10: Toolbox Talk 101

Trace Lane, CRSP, CHSC

LinkedIn August 2010

Isolating electrical and pneumatic tools (Sample Toolbox Talk)

Background Information (DO NOT READ):

If you are done with an air tool, disconnect the hose at the source. This is type of isolation is a good practice. The danger of not doing this is if the air source were turned on inadvertently it could whip the hose around and could quite possibly cause an injury.

The same applies to electrical tools. When you are done with a tool, disconnect it from the source of power. When changing grinding wheels for example, ensure that you have unplugged the grinder to isolate it. This will ensure that you don't inadvertently turn it on with your hand within close proximity to the disk.

Talking Points:

How do we isolate a pneumatic hand tool prior to making adjustments or changing parts?

What other considerations should we take when dealing with air tools and hoses?

How do we isolate an electrical hand tool prior to making adjustments or changing parts?

When might you need to wear a face shield?


Page 11: Toolbox Talk 101

Trace Lane, CRSP, CHSC

LinkedIn August 2010

Toolbox 101

August 2010