Toolbox for Structural Mechanics

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A Free Toolbox for E-learning and Teaching of Structural Analysis. Andres Lahe. AECEF-5

Transcript of Toolbox for Structural Mechanics

  • 1. 5thAECEF Symposium Civil Engineering in the Next Decade (ASCEND)
      • Andres Lahe
    • A Free Toolbox for E-learningand
  • Teaching of Structural Analysis
  • [page 205]
    • Helsinki2005
    • aaWikipediaA I

* MIT OCW e-learning Liflong Free soft Andres Lahe Structural Mechanics .1. slide MIT OCW W IKIPEDI A 2. Introduction

  • Lifelong learningandE-learning
  • OpenCourseWare Projects
  • Free Software Foundation &Movement
  • Toolbox for Structural Analysis
  • Conclusions

MIT OCW e-learning Lifelong Free software Andres Lahe Structural Mechanics .2. slide 3. Lifelong learning & e-learning

  • Lifelong Learning
  • eLearingEuropa. Programmes ( Nrnbergi lehter )
  • A Course Managemant System(CMS), ( MLE )Moodle
  • Components of aneTextBook

Andres Lahe Structural Mechanics 3. slideW ikipedi Aviited 4. OpenCourseWare Projects

  • Opencourseware Projects. Free for all
  • MIT Open Course Ware
  • Structural Mechanics
  • Hewlett Foundation

Andres Lahe Ehitusmehaanika e-pik 4 .slaidEEVL viited 5. What is Structural Mechanics?

  • Structural Mechanics. Bau. Baumechanik
  • Statik der Baukonstruktionen .TU Berlin.Matrix mult Simpson
  • Institute for Structural Mechanics . Ruhr Uni. Bochum
  • Institut fr Baustatik .Universitt Stuttgart
  • Rakenteiden mekaniikan labaratorio .Teknillinen korkeakoulu
  • . St.Petersburg State Polytechnical University

Andres Lahe Structural Mechanics 5 . slide EEVL viited 6. Toolbox

  • A tool for sientific computation. Toolbox
  • Octave function for Structural Mechanics
  • Matlab / Octave compatibility packages .
  • CE 130 Structural Design and Optimization
  • The Engineering Vibration Toolbox .GNUoctave

Andres Lahe Structural Mechanics 6 . slide viited 7. Mini Portal

  • Mini Portal for Structural Mechanics :
  • eTextbook.Lecture Notes
  • eTextbook.Assignments
  • eTextbook.Tutotials
  • eTextbook. Toolbox GNU octave programs
  • Structural Mechanics.Syllabus

Andres Lahe Structural Mechanics 7 .slideviited 8. Conclusions

  • The developed toolbox can serve as a valuable educational tool to understand the methods ofstructural analysis.
  • The students can run the developed GNU octave programs and functions for structural analysis and use the script files to check their developed solutions.

Andres Lahe Structural Mechanics 8 .slideviited 9. 1. Internal forces of a truss 10. 2. Truss structure. 11. 2.a Assembling the equations 12. 2b. The equilibrium equations 13. 3. Arch structure 14. 4. Bending-moment diagrams for the primary system 15. 4 a. The Frame 16. 5. Bending-moments.6.Integration 17.

  • 8. Simpson's rule&Hadamard product
  • 7. Simpson's rule

18. 9. Bending-moments.10.Parameters of ... 19. Plot of parametersA, B, C, A+B, ... 20. 12. The critical load