Tool kit for making Carnival Backpacks. First, talk about Carnivals then choose a theme.

Tool kit for making Carnival Backpacks

Transcript of Tool kit for making Carnival Backpacks. First, talk about Carnivals then choose a theme.

Tool kit for making Carnival Backpacks

First, talk about Carnivals then choose a theme.

Draw four different backpack designs onto the basic templates in your booklets. Choose contrasting styles and shapes for each one. Think about adding colour, pattern, character or expression.

Design stage

Essential Tools and Materials required

glitter / sequins


paints and brushes

coloured tissue paper / shiny paper / cellophane / fabric



gaffer tape / duct tape

masking tape

PVA glue

Fix all the joints securely with masking tape.

Ensure your frame is as sturdy as possible.

Reinforce the joints with gaffer tape.

Add a fan by attaching either 3 or 5 withies diagonally to the frame, fixed at the bottom in the centre. It would be best if these withies are much longer, extending above your head when the backpack is worn.

Further withies could be added to the frame to create shapes such as leaves.

Take care when bending them and make sure all joins are securely fastened with masking tape and then gaffer tape.

Start building onto your frame with card, tissue and fabric. Designs can be simple or elaborate - just keep them bright and bold!

You could wrap stronger tissue or fabric around the frame, covering the withies.

Add finer details with paint, card, glitter and feathers. Choose anything that will help your backpack stand out!

Securely fasten two long strips of fabric to the top corners of your frame. Weave them through the base to create your straps. The ends can be tied across your waist to keep the whole thing on your back.

Now you should be all set to wear your creation with pride!