Tom Sundy, As the SUN rises, juit as sure you may be Clothing>33 . - IS y*, *" in... W m&m •m m I...

>33 . - IS y*, *" in... W m&m •m m I ii t K1BIM •* JOB PRINTING JUECUTZ1> IN THE HIGHEST STYLE OF THE ART. Correspondence. E Correspondence solicited from all parts of the L Conutj, on ull matters pertaining ti local news, t All communication!* must be accompanied by the f writer's 'Jimf, not necesHi.nllv for publication, 1 s aa a guarantee of good faith. ' VOL. VII. CHRISTOPHER, DEALER IN , Choice Family Groceries, and Dry Goods. All kinds of Country Produce taken in Kxcliauge for Goods. I hate the Larg- , at Stock in town, la$d can nuike it an iabiect to close biyert IgjAirclulst of me. "TEfcft f G) /j l$3S & c cTory Any Good* pur- chased of me will be ' delivered to any-> part 'of the city free of charge. VD MONEY REFUNDED. A PERFECT CORSET SECURED AT LAST. Remember the place. Gale's brick block, Canton, Dakota. Tom Sundy, DEALER IN FAMILY GROCERIES, Provisions, t. aimed Goods, Tobacco, t_£=5AND<=5J ATI, KINDS OF FRESH FISH. Wishes to announcethat lie has opened his store lately occupied by H.G. Gilbert, on Main street. His goods are all fresh and will sell cheap for cash. Bemember the place. All old aud new friends are respectfully invited to call and see me. Canton, D.T. J. H. BRIDGEMAN. Real Estate, Loan Collation and fa Insurance. EDEN, DAK. Improved and "Unimproved Farms for tale. Mon- ey to Loan. Correspondence Solicited. DISTURBANCES AMONG THE Heavenly Bodies! The Sun Darkened, Stars cease to Twinkle, for tlie LIMIT RILIMG No. 7 American Sewing Machine ECLIPSES THEM ALL! ... f Though not down in any Almanac, tfcls eclipse 1b visible in all parts of the world. STRIKING HEAD LINES j J - L - D ahl ' Canton -l Are used to call attention to th<- fact that this in an advertisement of the CHICAGO, MILWAU- KEE Se ST, PAUL RAILWAY its EIGHT Trnnk Line traveler the best portions of North" Illinois. Wisconsin, Minnesota, Dakota, an' 1 Iowa. Located ilire<tly on its lines are the cities of Chcago. Milwaukee. Li Crosse, Winona, St Paul,Minneapolis. Madison, Prairie du Chien, Mason Cityi $io«ix City, Yankton, Albert Lea, Aberdeen, Dnbuqne Bock Island, Oedar Rapid*, and Council Bluffs, as well as innumerable other principal business centres •nd favorite resorts; and passengers going West, North, Soath or Cast are ubie to use the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway to the best advantage Ticket offices everywhere are supplied with Maps and Time Tables which detail the merits of the line, and agents stand ready to furaiRh information,and sell tickets at cheapest ratos over the Chicago, Mil- waukee k At, Paul Kailwav. 8. 8. MERRILL, A. V. H. CARPENTER, Oeneral Manager. (len. Pass, and Tkt. Agt. J T. CLARK, GEO. H. HEAFORD Oral. ?up't Ass,t Gen. Pass. Agt. r P. F. HAAS, \ LENNOX, DAK. Real Estate Agent Collection* Promptly Attended to. Ft'A / I'WAY PEARCE'S IMPROVED B ROAD { CASTI CAHOOK 1 Tlie rapidly in- creasing sales of these machines prove their superi- ority. They do the work of Ave men. and do better work than can he done by any other means. Sow perfectly all kinds of Grain or Grass Seed. Price $6.00* M'U-MS 1BLEY&C0 IMUM.KMFNT iarsapa -jTilK | Chicago & North-Western f:- Railway Is the ^ OLD ESTABLISH ED SHORT LINE : And the , UNITED STATES FAST MAIL ROUTE r It is tfte Great Thoroughfare from and to i CHICAGO t And all points in Northern Illinois, Cen- tral, Eastern and Northwestern j. Wisconsin, Northern Michigan Minne- Ev sola, Dakota, Manitoba, Central and | Northern Xebraaka, Colorado. Wyom- ?/• lngr, Utah, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, California, Oregon, Washington Terrl- t tory, Britiih Columbia, China, Japan, F the Sandwich Islands, Au*tralin, JV«W £ Zealand, and all principal points in the j NORTH, NORTHWEST and WEST, p. With its own linefi it traverses North- c ern ILLINOIS, Central and Northern (C. IOWA. WISCONSIN, Northern MICHI- £ GAN, MINNESOTA, and Central DAKO- TA. It oSers to tho traveler all accom- modations that call be offered by any railroad. Its train service equals that r of any road: their speed is as great as comfort and safety will permit: they make close connections in union depots . at Junction and terminal points with ; " the leading railroads oi the West and i t. Northwest, and offer to those that use I t- them §£. SPEED, COMFORT AND SAFETY At CHICAGO it makes close conneo- ! B: tton with all other i-allroads at that city, i fc' It runs PALACE SI.EEl'ING CARS on i all through trains, PARLOR CARS on its : ' principal routes, and NORTH-WESTERN J. DINING CARS on Its COUNCIL BLL'FFS , p and on its ST. PAUL and MINNEAPOLIS e: through day exprefis trains. P y 2 u wi8h the B€«tTravellngr Accom- I It you will buy your Tickets j OTHER. WILL TAKE NONE ! or round trip ' tickets and for fulllnfonnation In re- i Is a compound of the virtues of sarsaparil- la, HtilliDRia, mandrake, yellow «look, with the iodide of potash ami iron, all powerful blood-making, blood-clennsing, and life-sutt- taining elements. It is the purest, safest, and most effectual alterative medicine known or available to the public. The sci- ences of medicine ami chemistry have never produced so valuable a remedy, nor one to potent to cure all diseases resulting from impure blood. It cures Scrofula and all scrofulous diseases. Erysipelas, Hose, or St. Anthony'* Fire, Pimples and Face-grubs, Pustules, BlotcbM, Boils, Tumors, Tetter, Humors, Salt Rheum, Soald-lu«<l, Ring-worm, Ulcers, Sores, Rheutn&tism, Mercurial Disease, Neuralgia, Female Weak- nesses and Irregularities, Jaundice, Affections of the Liver, Dyspepsia, Kmaciation, and General Debility. By its searching and cleansing qualities it purges out the foul corruptions which contaminate the blood and cause derange- ment and decay. It stimulates and enlivens the vital functions, promotes energy and strength, restores and preserves health, and infuses new life and vigor throughout the whole system. No sufferer from any dis- ease which arises from impurity o*f the blood need despair who will give AVBR'S SARSAPARILLA a fair trial. It is folly to experiment with the numer- ous low-priced mixtures, of cheap materials, I and without medicinal virtues, offered as blood-purifiers, while disease becomes more firmly seated. AYKR'S SAKSAPARJLLA IS a medicine of such concentrated curative power, that it is by far the best, cheapest, and most reliable blood-purifier known. Physicians know its coui|K>smon, and pre- scribe it. It lias been widely used for forty years, and has won the unqualified con a- dence of millions whom it has benefited. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer 8c Co., 1'racticnl and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. SOLD BY ALL DRU6GIS*TJ XVERYWHKRE . All Coupon Ticket; Agents sell Tickets by this Line. J. D. LAYNG, MilBVTN HtJGHTTT, Geo. SupX Sd Vice-Preo. and Gen. Uaiuunsr W. H. STENNTETT, Ow. Am*. GMcaga By buying at dealers' prices. We wfll sell you any article for family or per- sonal use, in any quantity at Wholesale Price. Whatever you want, send for our catalogue (free) and you will find it there. We carry in stock the largest variety of goods in the United States MONTGOMERY WARD ft CO. S27 & 2tg Wabash Avenue, Chicago •f~ *- V V ! CANTON, DAKOTA, THURSDAY. MARCH 8, 1883. mi FIRST NATIONAL ..., ^ v ; If ?;# Capital/ - $50, NO. 47. r m ' "d '-ill , h\ 111 H WE LEAD THEM ALL * , gt7P' 'i* - - AS SURE As the SUN rises, juit as sure you may be that you can save money by buying first class Clothing HATS Gents Furnishing Goods, T. J, FOSDICK'S. I have a full line of Men's, Boy's, Youths' and Children's Suits, all new and fresh, and at pottom prices. Everybody should call and see what I have. I am prepared to show you one of the choicest, finest and best selected stock of SPRING CLOTHING! Ever brought to Canton, at prices that defy competition. I guarantee the best fitting, best made and cheapest suits of any house in the city. Spring Overcoats in great variety. T.J. ii - m torn Madole & Hinkley. ROM. " r ... IfafliLl ' * •" "-'I' "• K •'•V ?l -ii >' r >i ST. CROIX LUMBER CO. DEAJ.EKH I" LUMBER. Lath, Shingles, Sash. Ooort * Blinds. Building Paper Oak Lumber A l»ri<e .tocV of Lumber alwaj. on bind, ftt tb« iowrat market, prices. CANTON, D. T. Mrs. Julia Straube, •u moored har stock to Hi* store Inteljr vsnaM bjrCbM. Christopliu', Main BtiMt. Novelty Store And wi*b6B to (uform the ladles of Crnton and Uncolu conntv that obe has all the novelties of th<» season on hantl, and are Bold on Counters Marked 5 c. ioc„ np to $1.00. Bjr this arrangemaut eaoh customer know* juit tha value of each article. There are too many arti- cle. for Hie to enumerate, but every one ia uaefnl. Call early and do not forget the place. J, SKILLERUD, Merchant Tailor. CAN! ON, DAKOTA First-class Custom work doue to order at reasoa able prices, Cleaning and repairing promptly atteuded to. Satisfaction Guaranteed. SHOP ON MAIN STREET BK BARGAINS! MD HI0 III Ml I. By Goliiff To E. WEN DT, Dealer in Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Glassware. The HifkMt Cash Prlee paid far antlq prodnoe. Main St, Oantoa, Dakat* XX. XJ. Sc-ULl© Proprietor City RESTAURANT! AND BAKERY." ; i; ^ Filth St.. - Opp. Court Houfte. CANTON. DAKOTA WARM ME ALU AT ALL IfOUttS JOHN MANGER, ,o iff Faniy Groceries, and Dry GoodH. . Oonatiy Prodnea taken in azchanga for goods. Main atreet. Canton. CHAS. SLACK, Prop, of the Canton Livery set., BACK or OTTTHI WXH UOOk NEW LUMBER YARDll C. BEEPOSD. ' Lumber, Lath, Shingles,| ' i"' ' Sash, Doors, Blinds, Cernent, Hair, Linfie and Brick,' BRIDGE TIMBERS OF ALL DIMENSIONS. Agent for the Abbott Buggy Co., and the Tlmlcin 8| ring Bungle*. | Cor. Fifth and Cedar St Canton. Dak. 1 Exchange Steam Flour Mil :3:/ ' ' 7 '• •• NOW READY FOR BUSINESS! I am now prepared to do enstom work of all kindft, I wuh to aay to the t&rmen ot this vicinity tnat we will try to give them satisfaction if they will give us a trial. I will keep en hand - * ' ' iY ' \ - j Flour, Graham and Corn Meal, Feed. For Salt at tha Lowest Markat Prioa. Canton, Dak Ftb. 21, 1882. " ;HB!iS La Ta HILL. A. M. Ross, Wagon § Carriage"' REPAIRING Of all Uadi In my line dona on ahorteat Prlaai to eioel aay atkar tna la tka WKST. 4 Geo. Luther, "Boss" Blacksmith. Firstclass Work A RPKCIALT1, OBDAB rnu»T We Sail tha Celebrated Chamberlain Norwegian Plowljf P. M. LUND & CO. i*i •r ' '••yj Ssiaai ^'1 ' ^ ... Dress Goods, I Hats and Cap% H Notians, Flour. Everything New and Freeh in my atore. GooAi Cash. The fttlgheat CsMh Price Paid Car

Transcript of Tom Sundy, As the SUN rises, juit as sure you may be Clothing>33 . - IS y*, *" in... W m&m •m m I...

  • >33 . - IS y*, *" in...

    W m&m •m m

    I ii t K1BIM •*




    E Correspondence solicited from all parts of the L Conutj, on ull matters pertaining ti local news, t All communication!* must be accompanied by the f writer's 'Jimf, not necesHi.nllv for publication, 1 s aa a guarantee of good faith. ' VOL. VII.


    , Choice Family Groceries, and Dry Goods. All kinds of Country Produce taken in Kxcliauge for Goods.

    I hate the Larg-, at Stock in town, la$d can nuike it an iabiect to close biyert

    IgjAirclulst of me.

    "TEfcft f G) /j


    c cTory

    Any Good* purchased of me will be

    ' delivered to any-> part 'of the city free of charge.



    Remember the place. Gale's brick block, Canton, Dakota.

    Tom Sundy, DEALER IN

    FAMILY GROCERIES, Provisions,

    t. aimed Goods, Tobacco,




    LUMBER. Lath, Shingles,

    Sash. Ooort * Blinds. Building Paper

    Oak Lumber

    A l»ri