Together Christmas Flyer

8/8/2019 Together Christmas Flyer 1/2 Is Chr istmas mor e than  just buying presents, going to the wor k Chr istmas do, buying f ood, decor at ing the tr ee , sending cards,  eat ing mince pi es, buying cards, sto cking up the f ridge, I t's a Wonderful Lif e, Wall ace and Gromi t on the t ell y , buying presents, Sant a C l ause, perhaps dr inking mor e than we should? Throughout D ecember , the To gether churches will be try ing to br ing pl aces of sanctuary b ack into the ci ty . As well  as a whol e host o f serv i ces that you may expect, and some you woul dn't , there are a va ri ety o f events and opportuni t i es to come and exper i ence the qui et er side of Chr istmas. See overl eaf for some of the spaces and pl aces that you can come to to rest your weary f ee t and r efl ect, or  just get away f rom the hust l e and bustl e for a few minutes. All the Church buil dings a re open during the day in th e l ead up to Christmas and you a re mor e than wel come to come in and t ake advant age of these r are qui et inner ci ty spaces. There a re a l s o m a ny ch a nce s to come a nd en  j oy a  mor e li vely side of Chr istmas wi thin th e To gether Churches. C aro l Serv i ces, Chr istmas Lunches, Lat e N ight Shopping, even a few mince pi es and gl asses of mull ed wine can be en  j oyed w i th us and we'd r eall y li ke you to come al ong. How to f i nd u s ... How to f i nd u s ... or v isi t www.togethered i 1 Pr i nces Street Ed i nburgh EH2 4BJ 0131 229 7565 ww w.s t j oh ns-e d i nburgh .or 2 George Street Ed i nburgh EH2 2PA 0131 225 3847 ww w.s tandrewsan ds tgeorge s.or 3 Loth i an Road Ed i nburgh EH1 2EP 0131 229 1142 ww w.s t St Joh n’s Scott is h Ep is copa l Church St Andrew’s & St George ’s West Church St Cuthbert ’s Pa r is h Church St Andrew’s & St George ’s West Church Shandw i ck P l ac e Ed i nburgh EH2 2RT 0131 225 7001 ww w.s tgeorge s we st .co m 4 Chr i s tm a s  2010  i n Ed i nburgh C i ty Centre An i nv i t a t i on from the Ed i nburgh C i ty Centre Chur c he s Together         I     m       a        g         e       ©   C       o        r       n         e        r         s         t       o       n         e         B       o       o        k         s         h       o       p   2  0  1  0  Members o  f S t  Johns Cho ir 1 2 1 4 3

Transcript of Together Christmas Flyer

Page 1: Together Christmas Flyer

8/8/2019 Together Christmas Flyer 1/2

Is Chr istmas more than  just buying presents, going to the work Chr istmas do, buying food, decorating the tree , sending cards, eating mince pies, buying cards, stocking up the fridge, It's a Wonderful Life, Wallace and Gromit on the telly, buying presents, Santa C lause, perhaps drinking more than we should?

Throughout December, the Together churches will be try ing tobring places of sanctuary back into the city. As well as a whole host o f serv ices that you may expect, and some you wouldn't, there are a variety o f events and opportunities to come andexperience the quieter side of Chr istmas. 

See overleaf for some of the spaces and places that you cancome to to rest your weary feet and reflect, or  just get awayfrom the hustle and bustle for a few minutes. All the Churchbuildings are open during the day in the lead up to Christmas andyou are more than welcome to come in and take advantage of these rare quiet inner city spaces.

There are also many chances to come and en joy a more livelyside of Chr istmas within the Together Churches. Caro l Serv ices, Chr istmas Lunches, Late N ight Shopping, even a few mince pies and glasses of mulled w ine can be en joyed w ith us and we'd reallylike you to come along. 

How to f ind us. . .How to f ind us. . .

or visit

1Pr inc es Stree tEd inburgh EH2 4BJ

0131 229 7565ww joh ns-e d inburgh .or

2George StreetEd inburgh EH2 2PA0131 225 3847ww w.standrewsan dstgeorges.or


Loth ian RoadEd inburgh EH1 2EP0131 229 1142ww t

St Joh n’s Scott ish Ep iscopa l Church

St Andrew ’s & St George ’s West Church

St Cuthbert ’s Pa r ish Church

St Andrew ’s & St George ’s West ChurchShandw ick P lac eEd inburgh EH2 2RT

0131 225 7001ww w.stgeorgeswest .co m


C h r is t m as 

2 0 1 0  i n E d i n b u r g h

C i t y C e n t r e

A n inv i ta t ion from the

Ed inburgh C i ty Centre

Churches Together        I    m      a

       g          e 


                                                                C      o

       r      n

        e        r         s         t      o

      n        e 

        B       o      o       k         s         h

      o      p  


                                                                2                                                                0                                                                 1                                                                0 


Members o f S

 t  John’s Cho ir

1 21


Page 2: Together Christmas Flyer

8/8/2019 Together Christmas Flyer 2/2

28 November

5, 12 & 19 December

5 & 12 Decem ber

12 &19 Decem ber

16 December

19 December

24 December

25 December

26 December

1 January 2011

2 January

W e  ar e  o pe n  dail y  t h r o ug h o ut  t h e  y e ar  and  hav e  wo r s h i p o n  

M o nday - T hur s day  at 1.00 pm,W e dn e s day  at 11am and  F r i day  at  

1.05 pm. All  ar e  w e l c o me . P l e as e  s ee  i n f o r mat i o n  i n  t h e  c hur c h  o r  o n  

o ur  w e bs i t e  ( d e t ail s  o n  bac k  o f  t h i s  l e af l e t )

6.00pm Advent Caro l Serv ice

8.00am Ho ly C ommunion10.30am Advent Sung Eucharist

6.00pm Advent Serv ice of Light

9.30am Advent Choral Matins

6.00pm Festival of N ine Lessons and C arols

4.30pm Chr istingle Serv ice with N ativity Play11.15pm Midnight Eucharist

w i t h  a r e h e ar s al  o f  t h e  mass  s e tt i n g , bas e d  o n  

C h r i s t mas  c ar o l s , at 11.00 pm

8.00am Ho ly C ommunion9.45am Chr istmas Family Eucharist11.15am Serv ice of Lessons and C aro ls 

for Christmas Day

10.30am Sung EucharistN o  o t h e r  s e r v i c e s  t o day 

3.00pm Worship for New Year’s Day

8.00am Ho ly C ommunion10.30am Sung Eucharist6.00pm Evening Prayer

Late night opening on the Terrace - Café, Bookshop, One Wor ldShop & Cards for Good Causes - until 8pm

In the George Street bu il ding:

28 November, 5, 12 & 19 Decem ber

30 November

19 December

24 December

25 December

26 December

C hr is t mas Tree Fest iva l

9.00am Co mmunion Service


45am All-Age Worship11.00am Morning WorshipGi f t - Ai d  S e r v i c e  f o r H o s t e l s  f o r  t h e H o me l e ss  o n 12 t h 

6.00pm Advent Meditations with the Cho ir

6.00pm Art i s an  St Andrew’s Day Concert

11.00am Serv ice of Lessons and C aro ls

5.00pm Chr istmas Eve Serv ice

11.15pm Chr istmas Eve Serv ice

11.00am Short Family Christmas Day Serv ice

11.00am Box ing Day Serv ice

Informal celebration o f communion

5.15pm Neighbourhood Christmas Service with caro ls

followed by mulled w ine and mince pies

12-2.00pm Chr istmas Lunch in the O live Tree Café

£8 per person - £2 goes to M ar y ’  s M e al s 

Pre-booking helpful.

5.15pm Neighbourhood Christmas Service with carols

followed by mulled w ine and mince pies

The Churches will be lit up by a host o f Chr istmas Trees decorated by charities, church groups, families and businesses.

In the Shandw ick Place buil ding:

30 November

7 & 8 December

16 December

13 December unt il C hr is t mas Ev e

In both bu il dings:

5 & 12 Decem ber

14 December

24 December

25 December

31 December

9.30am Ho ly C ommunion11.00am Morning Worship6.30pm Evening Worship

1.00pm Reflective Worship: ‘The Word became flesh’

5-9pm  Sanctuary in the C ity

9.30am Ho ly C ommunion11.00am Morning Worship7.00pm Service of Lessons and C aro ls

12.45pm Co mmunity C aro l Service

11.30pm Chr istmas Eve Midnight Serv ice

11am Chr istmas Day Serv ice

11.15 Hogmanay Watchnight Serv ice.

15 December

19 December

          S         t       a

                    i       n         e         d

      G                    l       a         s         s

                    i     m       a        g         e         o

         f         t         h         e    N

       a         t                    i       v

                    i         t       y


          S         t    C       u         t         h         b         e        r         t                         ’         s

    C         h       u        r         c


Scott ish Ep iscopal Church