Together again february 23, 2012

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Tonight on Together Again the coaches catch everyone up on what they have been up to and they discuss trending stories in the news including the winter that isn't. At the top of the hour author and online dating guru Christopher T. Smith shares his insight from his new book Let's Meet Our Match, Your Complete Guide to Success in the World of Internet Dating.At 7:30 pm Catherine Mattice, MA, and President of Civility Parners, LLC joins Jim and Marsha to discuss civility in the workplace. After observing first-hand the damage abusive behavior in the workplace can have on employee morale, production, and the bottom-line, Catherine has been successfully providing consulting and training programs in the topic of negative behaviors since 2007, and has been researching and publishing on the subject of workplace bullying since 2004

Transcript of Together again february 23, 2012

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Thursday, February 23, 2012

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Tonight’s Featured Author

Think you know all there is to know about online dating? Well not so fast! Author and online dating guru Christopher T. Smith shares his insight and a few pearls of wisdom in his book Let’s Meet Our Match

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Our Topic of The Day: Workplace Civility

Catherine Mattice, MA

The workplace was never designed to become an emotional battlefield and after observing first-hand the damage abusive behavior in the workplace can have on employee morale, production, and the bottom-line, Catherine Mattice has been successfully providing consulting and training programs in the topic of negative behaviors since 2007, and has been researching and publishing on the subject of workplace bullying since 2004. 

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Our Products

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Our Publications

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Our Services

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Our Sponsor Of The Week

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Our Spotlight Product

A great way to celebrate the life events of man’s best friend.

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Produced By

EastWalk Media©2012

All rights reserved

Opening Theme: Another Damned


Quarter Life Crisis