Today's Religions Handout (TiS Version)


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Transcript of Today's Religions Handout (TiS Version)

Page 1: Today's Religions Handout (TiS Version) [email protected]

•Share understanding of common views on: how desire causes suffering and how personal peace can only be found in that which is permanent

•Challenge isn’t having desires but the right desires•God is personal and therefore He is concerned with our suffering and our sin•Relate story of Prince Mahanama (The Teaching of the Buddha, 254-255) to

sacrificial concept of Jesus dying for us all


•Parallel an understanding of the kami (refers to “higher power”) and how you need the Harai (state of purification) to come before God... similar focus on righteousness.

•Japanese term ikigai (purpose in life) is something that is sought in Japanese culture even though focus seems to be developing society. Jesus is the answer to that.


•Respect the issues of suffering and view of harmony that is presented.•Chuan Tzu presents a view of the “deep love” (Chap. 67; Chan, 171) of

Heaven but how can something formless and not personal have an emotional component

•Belief that we are inherently good should be challenged and shared personally to really ask if we feel we are that way or do we natural tend to sinful acts


•Respect the tie between family and religion and a long history of their beliefs and a certain pride associated with that

•Jesus is respected as an “avatar” (incarnation of Brahman) but you will need communicate his uniqueness by suggesting a read through John (historical veracity, purpose was to save (Luke 19:10) and was once and for all (Heb. 9:26-28) and he is the only way (John 14:6))


•Respect the tie between family and culture and nationality and the high view of Jesus in the Qur’an

•Deal with claims against the validity of the Scriptures and compare to views of Qur’an being consolidated during time of Uthman (third Caliph) as Abu Bakr burns other “versions” and issues one document

•Explain the trinity concept as valid as it doesn’t contradict itself (essence vs. personhood)

•Clearly explain the concept of God's grace and assurance of salvation vs. the mercy of god in Islam and uncertainty of salvation.


•Need to explain a personal commitment of faith... they view being born into a certain religions home as being part of that religion

•Jewish identity does not need to be abandoned and there are differences in “how to live” so we need to understand varying degrees of Jewish dedication

•Reference specific messianic prophecies (Gen. 18:18 – Luke 3:31-33, Jer. 23:5-6 – Luke 3:31-33, Mic. 5:2 - Luke 2:4, Isa. 53:3-11 – throughout gospels)


•Clarify their position as an atheist, agnostic, or functional atheist and listen and question

•Offer evidence for God’s existence and ask for their certainty that He does not

•Need to clearly communicate religion isn’t the cause of evil but anything can be used. Logic is something that is an ally in this type of conversation as in any other.


Quick Evangelism Tips

Christianity is not about

textual evidence, philosophy, lifestyles, or a book – it is a revelation of the one True living loving God. It transcends time, space, matter, energy, reason, and understanding much like our Creator. In the end, it results in a show of charis (grace) that reconciles our broken condition under sin that begets a wholesale transformation into the body of Christ founded upon a relationship with our heavenly Father. No set of facts will close this gap in our minds because God’s Spirit is what calls our hearts to respond to His grace. However, biblical faith isn’t calling for a leap into darkness but rather a step into the light illuminated by God through facts, logic, the world around us and His word.

“I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else." – C.S. Lewis

“I didn’t go to religion to make me happy. I always knew a bottle of Port would do that. If you want a religion to make you feel really comfortable, I certainly don’t recommend Christianity.” – C.S. Lewis

Page 2: Today's Religions Handout (TiS Version)

* The compact guide to world religions, 1996, International Students Inc. Dean C. Halverson, General Editor

Monotheism Competing Dualism Polytheism Balancing Dualism Monism Atheism

Concept of God

One transcendent God Two opposing gods Many gods Two opposing but interacting and balancing forces

An impersonal oneness No god

Primary Examples

Judaism, Christianity, Islam Zoroastrianism So called “Tribal” religions, Santeria, voodoo, Shinto, any form of a “folk” religion

Taoism, the yin/yang concept

Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Sufism, the New Age movement

Secular Humanism, Marxism, Confucianism

Views of Humanity

Part of creation, but different in kind from the animals

Made to join in the battle against evil

Can be influenced and even possessed by the spirits

A microcosm of the two interacting forces

Caught in the illusion of separateness, but identical in essence to the oneness

A complex form of matter

Humanity’s Primary Problem

Breaking God’s law (Judaism); rebellion against God (Christianity); failing to seek God’s wisdom (Islam)

Choosing to do evil Angering the gods Living out of alignment with the ways of nature

Ignorance of one’s innate divinity

Superstition and irrational thinking

The Solution

Living according to God’s law (Judaism); being justified by faith based on God’s saving work (Christianity); seeking God’s guidance (Islam)

Choosing to do right Appeasing the gods

Living in harmony with the ways of nature

Realizing that our essence is the same as the oneness (enlightenment)

Applying rational thinking to our problems

The Afterlife

The person continues in existence in either heaven or hell

The person continues in existence in either heaven or hell

Sometimes the person advances to the spirit world.

Usually the person advances to some form of the spirit world.

Either the person is reincarnated or merges into the impersonal oneness

The person ceases to exist.

Spectrum of religion and religious beliefs*

How can all religions be the same or lead to God when they have such different beliefs about God, humanity, our chief problem, the solution, and the afterlife?!

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