Tobacco Trouble Kills More than all Other Drugs Combined! 430,000 + Every Year! Second Hand Smoke...


Transcript of Tobacco Trouble Kills More than all Other Drugs Combined! 430,000 + Every Year! Second Hand Smoke...

Tobacco Trouble

• Kills More than all Other Drugs Combined! 430,000 + Every Year!

• Second Hand Smoke

• Impairment & Illness

Remember about

Tobacco• Emphysema • Cancer, Heart Attacks• Smokers’ Face/Breath/Teeth• No Safe Way To Use

Alcohol Trouble

• Health Risk

• Fitness for Duty

• Accidents

• Drinking & Driving

• Violence / Family

• Underage Drinking

Remember about AlcoholExcessive Drinking can Cause Problems with...

Work, Family, Friends, Society, and Self

Illegal (Controlled) Illegal (Controlled) DrugsDrugsMarijuana







MarijuanaStrong, Available, $, 30 Mil Users, Reputation as a “safe” drug, anti- establishment

MarijuanaEffects on:

Brain, Lungs, Heart, Sex/Rep, Immunity System, Personality,

Marijuana• 15 Times Stronger than ‘70s

• Keeps People from Achieving Their Potential

• Often Laced w/ Other Drugs

• Hooks into Fat Cells

Cocaine & MethamphetamineThe “Up Twins”Similarities:

Increased Heart Rate, Blood Pressure, Energy,

Activity, Insomnia, Euphoria followed by

Depression, Neural Disruption, “Wired”,


COCAINE vs. Methamphetamine Crack vs. ICE


Coke=> Shorter, Bigger Surge

Ice=> Voices & Bugs, Paranoia, Violence

Cocaine• Highly Addicting

• Dealing & Stealing

• High Dying Potential

• Often in Up/Down Combos => w/ Heroin

Methamphetamine - “Ice”

High Potential for Violence, Addiction, & Death

The Drug of Choice in Hawaii

2-3 Months Addiction Time

Losing One’s Mind & Will

Ecstasy (Methamphetamine) vs. Herbal Ecstasy


Ecstasy: Powerful Stimulant & Hallucinogen

Herbal Ecstasy: Dangerous When Taken in Multiple Doses or When Soldier is


HallucinogensTherapeutic Use

Street Abuse

Army Testing Begins in 1989

Users Easy to Spot

HallucinogensEffects: Focus X, Distortions, Nausea, Disorientation, Performance X, Communications X, Panic, TRAUMA

HallucinogensThings to Remember:

Its Advantages are Its Disadvantages

Not Counteractable

Extreme Trauma/FlashB

# 1 on Army Hit List

DepressantsDepressants1950’s - Sleeping Pills1960’s - Barbiturates

(Seconal & Phenobarbital)

1970 to present - Benzodiazepines(Valium, Librium, Xanax)

Others - Methaqualone, Miltown

Depressants - EffectsDepressants - EffectsSlowed Down, Sleepy;Impaired Thinking, Coordination; MoodSwings, Stressed Heart

Flip Side WithdrawalOVERDOSE: Confusion, Cramps, Vomiting, Convulsions, Death......

Rohypnol & GHBDate Rape / Rip Off Drugs

Alcohol Extenders:

Used by Soldiers at “Raves” High Risk

and Potential Overdose

DEPRESSANTSDEPRESSANTSThings To RememberThings To Remember

* Fast Addiction Pattern* High % of Addiction

* High Potential for Dying


The Naturals: Opium, Morphine, Heroin

The Synthetics: Percodan, Demerol, Codeine


tsSleepy, Pinpoint Pupils, Cold Skin, Warm BodyExcessive Use: Organ Damage, Endocarditis, AbscessesWITHDRAWAL: Cramps, Tremors, Nausea, Sweating, Runny Nose, Watery Eyes

OVERDOSE: Convulsions, Coma, Death


Remember* AIDS

* Combining with Uppers (e.g. “speedballing cocaine”

* Combining with Downers (e.g. alcohol)

* High Potency Varieties (e.g. black tar, designer drugs)

InhalantsThe Hidden Addiction:

Readily Available => Gas, Glue, Sprays, Paint, Polish, Cleaning Fluid, Medications, Poppers, White Out, Scented Pens....

InhalantsEffects: Feeling Light-Headed, Light-Sensitive, Sores, Nose Bleeds => Organ Damage, Bone Marrow, Increasing Dysfunction, Withdrawal, Addiction, Overdose

InhalantsThings to Remember:

Very Short High,

Very High Dosage Rate,

High Addiction & Overdose Potential

Anabolic Steroids

Invented in 1935

Widely Used & Promoted in the ‘50s

Discouraged Use - 1960-1990

Non-Athlete Use: 1990s

Anabolic Steroids

Effects: Building Muscle Mass - getting bigger, stronger, faster. Puffy Face, Acne, Jaundice, Extremities, Organ Damage,

ROID RAGE !#@*#!

“Long Term Death”

Anabolic SteroidsThings to Remember:

Most buy Steroids Illegally, are not under medical care, and take in megadoses.

Excess Use Causes Too Many Changes, Too Fast For The Body to Handle