TOBACCO Slang Names- Butts, Cigs, Smokes Cigarette-tobacco leaves rolled in paper Inhaled by...

TOBACCO Slang Names- Butts, Cigs, Smokes Cigarette-tobacco leaves rolled in paper Inhaled by smoking Stimulant

Transcript of TOBACCO Slang Names- Butts, Cigs, Smokes Cigarette-tobacco leaves rolled in paper Inhaled by...

Page 1: TOBACCO  Slang Names- Butts, Cigs, Smokes  Cigarette-tobacco leaves rolled in paper  Inhaled by smoking  Stimulant.

TOBACCO Slang Names- Butts, Cigs, Smokes

Cigarette-tobacco leaves rolled in paper

Inhaled by smoking


Page 2: TOBACCO  Slang Names- Butts, Cigs, Smokes  Cigarette-tobacco leaves rolled in paper  Inhaled by smoking  Stimulant.

Short Term Effects Increased respiration and heart rate Dulled taste buds and reduced

appetite Bad breath, smelly clothes and skin Changes in brain chemistry Withdrawal symptoms begin 30

minutes after last cigarette Coughing, nausea

Page 3: TOBACCO  Slang Names- Butts, Cigs, Smokes  Cigarette-tobacco leaves rolled in paper  Inhaled by smoking  Stimulant.

Long Term Effects Chronic bronchitis Emphysema Lung cancer Oral, larynx, pharynx, breast cancer Arteriosclerosis-hardened arteries Increased risk of heart attack and stroke Yellow fingers, brown teeth, bad breath COPD- Chronic obstructive pulmonary


Page 4: TOBACCO  Slang Names- Butts, Cigs, Smokes  Cigarette-tobacco leaves rolled in paper  Inhaled by smoking  Stimulant.

Effects of Tobacco

Page 5: TOBACCO  Slang Names- Butts, Cigs, Smokes  Cigarette-tobacco leaves rolled in paper  Inhaled by smoking  Stimulant.

Smoking and Pregnancy

Can harm the developing fetus Carbon monoxide reduces the oxygen

levels to the fetus May develop growth and development

problems in early childhood Babies of smokers are two and half

more like to suffer from Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)

Page 6: TOBACCO  Slang Names- Butts, Cigs, Smokes  Cigarette-tobacco leaves rolled in paper  Inhaled by smoking  Stimulant.

Smoking Lungs

Page 7: TOBACCO  Slang Names- Butts, Cigs, Smokes  Cigarette-tobacco leaves rolled in paper  Inhaled by smoking  Stimulant.

Statistics Approximately 20.8%

of adults in the United States (45.3 million) were current cigarette smokers in 2006.

Adults aged 18–24 years and 25–44 years had a higher prevalence of smoking (23.9% and 23.5%, respectively) than other age groups.

Page 8: TOBACCO  Slang Names- Butts, Cigs, Smokes  Cigarette-tobacco leaves rolled in paper  Inhaled by smoking  Stimulant.

ETS-Second Hand Smoke Environmental

Tobacco Smoke Mainstream- from

the smoker’s lungs Sidestream- from

the lit end of a cigar or cigarette

Page 9: TOBACCO  Slang Names- Butts, Cigs, Smokes  Cigarette-tobacco leaves rolled in paper  Inhaled by smoking  Stimulant.

Tobacco & Advertising

Placement of ads near candy in stores Advertisement placed below three feet and kid

eye level. Placement of ads in windows facing the street. Hidden messages - techniques to persuade

consumers to purchase their products Bandwagon – group of people using a product

or service. Everyone is using it you should too.

Page 10: TOBACCO  Slang Names- Butts, Cigs, Smokes  Cigarette-tobacco leaves rolled in paper  Inhaled by smoking  Stimulant.

Tobacco & Advertising Rich and Famous – displayed in expensive home. It

will make you feel rich and famous Free gifts - redeemable coupons for merchandise.

It’s too good a deal to pass up. Great outdoors - scenes of nature. If associated with

nature, it must be healthy Good times – people smiling and laughing. The

product will add fun to your life.

Page 11: TOBACCO  Slang Names- Butts, Cigs, Smokes  Cigarette-tobacco leaves rolled in paper  Inhaled by smoking  Stimulant.
Page 12: TOBACCO  Slang Names- Butts, Cigs, Smokes  Cigarette-tobacco leaves rolled in paper  Inhaled by smoking  Stimulant.
Page 13: TOBACCO  Slang Names- Butts, Cigs, Smokes  Cigarette-tobacco leaves rolled in paper  Inhaled by smoking  Stimulant.
Page 14: TOBACCO  Slang Names- Butts, Cigs, Smokes  Cigarette-tobacco leaves rolled in paper  Inhaled by smoking  Stimulant.
Page 15: TOBACCO  Slang Names- Butts, Cigs, Smokes  Cigarette-tobacco leaves rolled in paper  Inhaled by smoking  Stimulant.
Page 16: TOBACCO  Slang Names- Butts, Cigs, Smokes  Cigarette-tobacco leaves rolled in paper  Inhaled by smoking  Stimulant.

Cigarette Warning Labels (1966–1970)

Caution: Cigarette Smoking May be Hazardous to Your Health

(1970–1985) Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined that

Cigarette Smoking is Dangerous to Your Health (1985–present)

SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregnancy.

Page 17: TOBACCO  Slang Names- Butts, Cigs, Smokes  Cigarette-tobacco leaves rolled in paper  Inhaled by smoking  Stimulant.

Works Cited Whitehousedrug