To Russia With Love

View of the monastery from Svetlitsa [Island, Saint Nil Stolbenskii Monastery, Lake Seliger] Russia in color a century ago

Transcript of To Russia With Love

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View of the monastery from Svetlitsa

[Island, Saint Nil Stolbenskii Monastery, Lake Seliger]

Russia in colora century ago

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In 1908, Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorsky, a Russian scientist, inventor, and entrepreneur, sent the following letter to L. N. Tolstoy:

23 March 1908 S. Petersburg.

Deeply Respected Lev Nikolayevich,

I recently developed a colored photographic plate someone (whose name I don't recall) took of you. The result was very poor -- it was apparently done by someone unfamiliar with the process. Photography "in natural colors" is my specialty and you might know my name from the press. After many years of work, I have now achieved excellent results in producing accurate colors. My colored projections are known in both Europe and in Russia. Now that my method of photography requires no more than 1 to 3 seconds, I will allow myself to ask your permission to visit for one or two days (keeping in mind the state of your health and weather) in order to take several color photographs of you and your spouse. The finest nuances of color are completely and correctly conveyed. ... My work is a result of studying the properties of silver bromide. To me it seems that photographing you in the full, accurate color in your natural surroundings would render a service to entire world. These images are eternal - they do not change. No other color process can achieve such results. Lev Nikolayevich, if you are willing to provide this great service not only to me, but also to your innumerable admirers, then you will permit me to arrive sometime before April 2, since on April 5 I must leave for the chemical congress in London. If this is impossible, then perhaps I could arrive during the first half of June. As I already mentioned, I only need from 1 to 3 seconds to take the photograph, and therefore this not will be overly tiresome for you.

With deepest respect, S. Prokudin-Gorsky

Prokudin-Gorsky received his requested invitation and spent two days (May 22-23, 1908, OS) at Yasnaya Polyana. A few days

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later, he sent the following letter to Tolstoy:

May 27, 1908.

Deeply Respected and Dear Lev Nikolayevich,

It is only today that I returned home, having been detained in Moscow at N. S. Bakunina's place. I recall with great pleasure the two days I spent with you at Yasnaya Polyana. Many thanks to you - everyone at your place is so kind. The final portrait, taken in color (using the large camera), came out excellently, and I will strive to send a copy to you soon. Today I enclose for you the photographic periodical which I publish, and although you likely will have no time to look into it, it is pleasant to think that it will be in your home. Moreover, inside you'll find many pictures produced in my workshops from my photographs - possibly, when you have a chance, take a look. I also enclose some color postcards produced from my negatives. Not all are completely successful, but there are some that aren't bad.

It's very pleasant to show you my work, since I am confident that you will take joy in my successes.

For ten years, above and beyond the purely scientific realm of photochemistry, I have been working on the organization of establishment of color photography in Russia. Until now everything has been done exclusively abroad, and now we, too, are making advances. It was especially difficult inasmuch as I am the only Russian who works in this the field, and all measures were taken to stifle my advances, but they did not succeed. In a week or so I will send you something in color that I took at Yasnaya Polyana. I apologize for having talked your ear off and taken up all your time… Sometimes I shut my eyes and see what happens at Yasnaya Polyana.

Probably at the end of June I'll need to see to some business around Tula, and I will request your permission, to drop by and see you, albeit for a few hours.

I heartily wish you health and all the best.

Deeply respecting you, S. Prokudin-Gorsky.

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P.S. I won't be bringing any huge photographic equipment along with me, of course.

A few months later, in its August 1908 issue, The Proceedings of the Russian Technical Society ran the following announcement describing "the first Russian color photoportrait," a color photograph of L. N. Tolstoy:

"On the day of Count Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy's birthday, the entire Russian press greets the great writer of the Russian land, devoting to him articles, recollections, and testimonies regarding his literary activity... Our periodical, as a purely technical one, cannot honor this venerable representative of Russian thought and word with special articles. Desiring, however, to take part in the general festivities, the editorial staff of The Proceedings of the Russian Technical Society decided to publish in this, its August issue, the newest portrait of Tolstoy, which is the dernier mot in photographic technology. The portrait was taken on location and in natural colors, achieved through technical methods alone, without any use of the artist's brush or tool. The portrait is all the more appropriate on this festive day inasmuch as it celebrates Russian technology. Only because of technical improvements in the color sensitivity and accuracy of color transfer perfected in Russia by S. M. Prokudin-Gorsky is such a portrait possible.

The portrait is produced by a photomechanical method: it was printed on the page by a typographical machine in three colors using three different color plates. The nuances of colors and even grey were produced from the combination of blue, red and yellow dyes - each from its corresponding color plate, testifying to the faithfulness of the analysis of colored rays and synthesis of pigments."

Prokudin-Gorsky had written a different caption for the photograph, which, for unknown reasons, was not used. It was later found in a state archive in Leningrad, and published for the first time in 1970 by S. Garanina:

Included in the present issue is a portrait of Count L. N. Tolstoy, which was made by me on May 23 of this year [1908] . It is the first and only color portrait made directly "d'après nature" [с натуры]. In

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spite of some unfavorable conditions for photographing (due to the hurricane in May) which forced me to increase considerably the exposure time, I nevertheless had to limit myself to an exposure time of only six seconds, which includes the time required for the movement [of the glass photographic plate] through the very large cassette. The shot was done one time, and I personally carried the cassette to Moscow, where it was only possible to remove the plates and pack them. The developing of the plates took place in Petersburg. This extremely difficult work could be executed with such a short exposure time solely because of the extraordinary sensitivity of my plates to light rays and their correct transfer, which anyone will understand who is familiar with the technology of colored reproductions.

The thought to take a large-format portrait of Tolstoy occurred to me completely by chance, and it was undertaken more because my friends insisted on it than on my personal initiative. The fact is that I had long meant to request permission from Tolstoy to take his portrait in order to demonstrate my color photography. My written request was sent in the beginning of May [this date is at odds with the information from above, which indicates that Prokudin-Gorsky sent the request at the end of March 1908] , and I received Tolstoy's friendly agreement. Before my departure, many of my acquaintances, having learning that I was taking with me only a small camera, persuaded me to take something more substantial in size so that subsequently it would be possible to prepare a large-scale portrait and to print it for general use. In spite of the significant unwieldiness of the device and great technical difficulties, I decided to attempt this experiment and, in the middle of May, I left for Yasnaya Polyana. Tolstoy was very friendly and, in spite of very little free time, he conversed with me several hours during my three-day stay [actually two days] at Yasnaya Polyana. He was particularly interested in all newest discoveries in different scientific realms, and likewise interested in the photographic reproduction of images in verisimilitudinous colors.

Tolstoy's comparatively poor health, his advanced age, his constant work, and his various visitors did not allow me to do any preliminary experimental shots, so it was necessary to rely mainly on my extensive experience and the sensitivity of plates. Given the extremely unfavorable location for photographing, the photograph

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was shot in the garden, in the shadow that is cast from the house. The sun was brightly shining in the background. The photograph was taken at 5:30 in the evening, immediately after Tolstoy had returned from horseback riding. Sofiya Andreyevna, Lev Nikolayevich's wife, did her best to contribute to the success of this work, for which I offer my sincere thanks to her.

The print of the portrait is produced without any corrections and colorings, thereby preserving the complete authenticity of the reproduction.

S. Prokudin-Gorsky (1)

See all the photographs Prokudin-Gorsky took at Yasnaya Polyana in May of 1908.

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Prokudin-Gorsky and the History of Color Photography Almost from the invention of photography in the late 1830s, photographers collaborated with artists to produce hand-tinted color photographs and, later, in the 1880s, to create photochromes, color lithographs made from black-and-white photographic negatives.

True color photography was first demonstrated in 1861, when Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell produced the first color photograph using a process very similar to the one Prokudin-Gorsky would later perfect: Three black-and-white (more specifically, halftone) photographic slides were taken in succession of a tartan ribbon. Each photograph was taken through a different color filter: red, blue, and green. This process produced three photographs that represented the spectrum in various shades of grey (lighter hues were lighter grey, darker hues were darker grey). Maxwell then projected the three slides using three different projectors, each affixed with the same color filter that had been used to produce the slide. Since the entire light spectrum is made up of mixtures of these three primary colors of light -- red and green together make yellow, red and blue make magenta, and blue and green make cyan -- the three primary-color images, when perfectly aligned, produced the first color photographic image:

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(Maxwell's tartan ribbon, with my elaborations. In fact, Maxwell also shot and projected a yellow image in addition to the three above. Why he used the extra filter is unclear, but its likely purpose was to decrease the action of the blue rays, since photographic film was particularly sensitive to blue at the time.)

By the end of the nineteenth century, chemists and inventors, notably Frederic E. Ives and Adolf Miethe, had improved upon Maxwell's experiments. In the early 1890s Ives was manufacturing a reliable trichromatic camera (called variously the Chromoscope, Kromoscope, or Kromskope Triple Camera) which produced a "kromogram." A specialized viewer or a projector was used to view the images.

The trichromatic projection process was not, however, the only way to produce a color photographic image. In 1904, the Lumière Brothers developed the first practical commercial color photography process that resulted in a single, full-color image, using a single photographic plate called the Autochrome. The process was ingenious: They began by coating a glass plate with an evenly dispersed emulsion containing microscopic translucent starch grains dyed the colors of the primary colors of light: red, green, and blue (about five million particles per square inch).

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(The above is the arrangement of dyed starch particles as depicted in the Lumières' U. S. patent application. I've added the color. The patent states that the grains could be starch, yeast, bacilli, enamels, or other transparent materials),532.WKU.&OS=PN/822,532&RS=PN/822,532

To finish, the Lumières then applied a layer of gel containing an orthochromatic (color responsive) emulsion of silver bromide and a layer of varnish.

"When one of these plates is exposed, the back turned toward the object-glass, the luminous rays traverse the screen-coating before reaching the sensitive coating. It will be understood that a ray of any color cannot traverse the screen-coating [the translucent starch] except in the parts of like color and that it will be more or less arrested by the particles which do not contain this color or which contain only a part of it. Thus an impression will be made upon every point of the sensitive layer, the intensity of which will depend upon the composition of the pencil of rays which forms the picture in this point and upon the color of the particles through which it passes in the same point." (quoting from the Lumières' U. S. Patent application)

That is to say that chemical record was made on the light-sensitive emulsion that corresponds to the color and intensity of the image being photographed. Since silver bromide produces a negative of an image, once the image was initially developed (without being fixed), what resulted was a complementary color image. To produce the final, positive color image, the photographer

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developed the slide again. To view the photographic plate, one could project it through a magic lantern or simply hold it up to the light. Autochromes are unique inasmuch as the negative and positive are developed on the same glass plate, the dyed starch granules providing the color and the silver bromide controlling the hue.

(The image produced on an Autochrome was soft and subtle, almost like an Impressionist watercolor. Since close inspection would reveal the pattern of primary-color particles, the effect was not unlike pointillism. One reason for the immediate popularity of the Autochrome was that it was based on glass plates that fit in most cameras.)

Given its market prevalance, the failed photograph that Prokudin-Gorsky mentions in his letter to Tolstoy was likely taken using the Lumières' Autochrome.

Although the Lumière glass plates were widely in use when he took the above picture of Tolstoy, Prokudin-Gorsky used a camera that worked along the lines of Maxwell's tricolor process. Apparently using a camera of his own design (though it was based on existing cameras invented by Miethe and Ives), Prokudin-

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Gorsky took three black and white photographs in rapid succession by means of a geared, spring motor that pulled a cassette loaded with a rectangular plate glass negative through three successive exposures opposite color filters. (He mentions this process above in his unpublished preface to Tolstoy's photoportrait.)

(The Miethe-Bermpohl Dreifarbenkamera ("Three Color Camera"), designed by Adolph Miethe and produced beginning in 1899, when Prokudin-Gorsky was still studying with Miethe in Berlin.)

Miethe's camera (above) was known as a "one shot" because it could simultaneously make three color-separation exposures by using a prism and mirrors to split the light. From the unpublished preface to Tolstoy's portrait and from his letter to Tolstoy, it is clear that Prokudin-Gorsky used a different, larger, gear-driven camera at Yasnaya Polyana ("the big camera"). The one-shot camera could produce only small-format slides, greatly limiting ultimate projection and printing size. Perhaps Miethe's one-shot camera was "the small camera" that Prokudin-Gorsky refers to. It is also possible that "the small camera" was used to take Autochrome slides, since Garanina reports that there are extant color glass slides of Yasnaya Polyana, taken by Prokudin-Gorsky in May of 1908.

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Equipment aside, Prokudin-Gorsky's aim was to produce three negatives: one that captured only the blue tones, one that captured the red, and one that captured the green. Prokudin-Gorsky developed the glass negative onto another glass plate, producing a black-and-white positive slide like the one below (taken May 23, 1908 at Yasnaya Polyana):

To produce a color image, Prokudin-Gorsky used a specialized projector, fitted with the appropriate color filters between the image and a lens.

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By carefully aligning the three projections, he could project a full-color image like the one below onto a screen:

(I used Photoshop to assign color channels to each of the three black-and-white images of Yasnaya Polyana above, then registered them. The streaks of color result from degradation in the emulsion. See here:

for all the photographs Prokudin-Gorsky took at Yasnaya Polyana.)

In his letters and scientific writings, Prokudin-Gorsky is at pains to insist on the objective nature of his color transfer ("natural color" "no artist's brush," "accurate, verisimilitudinous colors", etc.). Many factors, however, remained very subjective and under his direct control during the development and projection process. He undoubtedly manipulated his slideshow images to produce the "most real" colors.

According to the archivist at the Library of Congress, most of the original glass negatives taken at Yasnaya Polyana -- including two portraits of Tolstoy and one of Sofiya Andreevna -- have been lost. (See here for all the photographs Prokudin-Gorsky took atYasnaya Polyana). Still extant are black-and-white composite prints made from the glass negatives.

Although Prokudin-Gorsky had no way to create color photographs

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as we now conceive them -- that would have to wait until around 1930, when Kodachrome film was invented -- he could produce color images using the "photomechanical" method mentioned in the note from the editors of The Proceedings of the Russian Technical Society. (Prokudin-Gorsky's father-in-law, A. S. Lavrov, a St. Petersburg industrialist, was active in the the Society, which likely explains how the picture came to be first printed in the Proceedings.) This process produced a lithographic print using a high-speed cylinder printing press and oil-based ink. The three halftone photographs must have been translated into screened color separations for printing using blue, red, and yellow inks (they started out as blue, green, and red), as the editors of The Proceedings indicate in their introduction to the print. The postcards and magazines that Prokudin-Gorsky sent Tolstoy in May 1908 must have been printed in this manner.

In addition to the original reproduction in The Proceedings of the Russian Technical Society, Prokudin-Gorsky later published the color print of his photograph of Tolstoy in a magazine which he published, Amateur Photographer (Фотограф-Любитель). He also published it, in significant numbers, as a collectible postcard. The color image you see below is a scan from one of these postcards.

How accurately a lithographed reproduction like the one above of Tolstoy represents the "real" colors of Prokudin-Gorsky's original projected image is debatable: Lithographs use the subtractive color process, the combination of colored inks to create the impression of the color spectrum. Prokudin-Gorsky's projected photographs, however, relied on additive color, the combination of colored lights, precisely like the modern television or computer monitor. Inevitably, the photomechanical version is untrue to the original black-and-white glass slides.

Prokudin-Gorsky earned no small renown and money from the photographs of Tolstoy. He parlayed this fame into commission from the Tsar to spend six years (1909-1915) photographing the vast Russian Empire "in natural colors." After the Revolution, Prokudin-Gorsky fled, somehow managing to take with him his equipment and all his slides, which were purchased in 1949 by the Library of Congress. In 2003, the Library mounted an exhibition of Prokudin-Gorsky's photographs, "The Empire that Was Russia," ( including about 100 colorized

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versions of the black-and-white glass slides, produced through digitized scans.

Now that you've seen Tolstoy in color and on film, perhaps you'd like to see him in 3D?


In addition to being a very early subject of Russian color photography and film, Tolstoy was also snapped using a

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sterographic camera. You'll need a pair of Anaglyph glasses (red/cyan) to view the images in 3D.

1) These quotations are my translations from Svetlana Gagarina's Л.Н.Толстой на цветном фото, first published in 1970 in "Наука и жизнь." There are a number of factual errors in the account that I correct above in my discussion of color photography.

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With images from southern and central Russia in the news lately due to extensive wildfires, I thought it would be interesting to look back in time with this extraordinary collection of color photographs taken between 1909 and 1912.

In those years, photographer Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii (1863-1944) undertook a photographic survey of the Russian Empire with the support of Tsar Nicholas II.

He used a specialized camera to capture three black and white images in fairly quick succession, using red, green and blue filters, allowing them to later be recombined and projected with filtered lanterns to show near true color images.

The high quality of the images, combined with the bright colors, make it difficult for viewers to believe that they are looking 100 years back in time - when these photographs were taken, neither the Russian Revolution nor World War I had yet begun.

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Collected here are a few of the hundreds of color images made available by the Library of Congress, which purchased the original glass plates back in 1948.

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Copyright-free Pictures from Russia's Pioneer Colour Photographer

Sep 8, 2010, | Roger Williams

The Library of Congress has thousands of freely available images by Prokudin-Gorskii, who made a unique colour record of Russia a hundred years ago.

The Empire that was Russia is a virtual museum compiled by The Library of Congress, from which people can download free images of photographs by Sergei Mikhaylovic Prokudin-Gorskii (1863-1944), one of the great pioneers of colour photography.

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The Photographer and Tolstoy

A trained chemist, Prokudin-Gorskii had studied in Paris and was editor of Fotograf-Liubitel (Amateur Photographer) in St Petersburg, one of the first “colour magazines”. He came to prominence after writing to Leon Tolstoy to say that pictures that he had seen of him did not do him justice, and he requested an audience. The result was the well-known 1908 colour portrait, the first in Russia, which clearly helped Christopher Plummer in his depiction of the great Russian writer in the 2009 film The Last Station.

Tsar Nicholas II was so pleased when he saw the picture that the photographer was asked to present a magic lantern slide at court.

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The result was that Prokudin-Gorskii spent from 1909 to 1915 travelling around the Russian empire in a special locomotive provided by the Tsar, equipped with a darkroom. His three-lens camera took three black-and-white glass plate images, each with a different colour filter. When projected together via a triple-lens magic lantern they made a single colour image. Portraits, landscapes and city pictures included some places that were off-limits to ordinary people.

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Legacy for the Library of Congress

Prokudin-Gorskii left Russia for France in 1916, taking some 2000 glass negative plates of his journeys with him. In 1948, four years after his death, the Library of Congress bought the surviving negatives from his family.

In 1980, some of these images were published for the first time in Photographs for the Tsar: The Pioneering Color Photography of Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii Commissioned by Tsar Nicholas II. The project was part funded by Gannon University, Pennsylvania, and edited by Robert H. Allshouse, Professor of Russian History at Gannon. The lantern-slide pictures were never meant to be printed, and putting them together didn't always quite fit, because of the time delays and slight

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variation in point of view of the three lenses.

Nevertheless they are remarkable pictures. Because the negatives were on glass, they have retained all their detail and quality, and their colours, printed without a black plate, are especially bright.

Copyright Free to Download It was another 20 years before a digital process was developed to turn the negatives into colour prints, with the ability to distort the images so that they fitted exactly. The first of the images digitally created by the Library of Congress produced prints for an exhibition, The Empire that was Russia: The Prokudin-Gorskii Photographic Record Recreaated.

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There is no copyright on these pictures and amateur photographers can download the high resolution black-and-white negatives and rebuild the colour images in Photoshop. Photographer Aklex Gridenko, a Ukranian living in Canada, has produced more than 60 of these images that can be on his website ( Each one took him around a day to create.

After nearly a century, Prokudin-Gorskii's photographs of a lost world, which can be seen on the Library of Congress website (, look as if they have been taken yesterday, and provide a unique record of bygone Russia.

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1273 Comments So Far...

1. wow....amazing photos...thanks for sharing with us. Posted by Jaynath Sisodiya August 20, 10 07:39 AM

2. omfg! that is awesome Posted by H August 20, 10 07:45 AM

3. Great photos of the past..! You can see and feel the life from the past through this colored photos... Posted by Richard August 20, 10 07:51 AM


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Whispering silently, a past empire Posted by lvkeyu August 20, 10 07:52 AM 5. Impressing pictures about how life once was. A global survey from last century would also be interesting. Posted by ftraian August 20, 10 07:53 AM 6. So real, hard to believe they are taken 100 years before! Posted by H.Hao August 20, 10 07:54 AM 7. This blows my mind now, let alone to think what was thought of the technology back then. Gives a totally different perspective on pre-war life. Posted by Kroc Camen August 20, 10 07:54 AM 8. Quite amazing that these were taken a century ago, incredible! Posted by Ian August 20, 10 07:56 AM 9. Brilliant pics! Thanks for posting them. Posted by Chris Ashton August 20, 10 07:57 AM 10. Really amazing and beautiful pictures, thank you so much again. Posted by JM August 20, 10 07:57 AM 11. What an awesome surprise to see these photo's here. Truly magical. Posted by Sander August 20, 10 07:59 AM 12. Absolutely amazing quality, low noise! It is really unbelievable that these photos are 100 years old. I would like to see such a camera.

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Posted by Ales August 20, 10 07:59 AM 13. Unbelievable that these pics are 100 years old. Some look like the have been taken just now. AMAZING! Posted by Christopher August 20, 10 08:01 AM 14. Superb! Posted by Serge van Namen August 20, 10 08:03 AM 15. mind = blown Posted by T August 20, 10 08:04 AM 16. Awesome pictures! Really hard to imagine that they are a century old. Posted by Semmelbrot August 20, 10 08:04 AM 17. Those are great! Why does the Library of Congress own them? Shouldn't they belong to Russia? Posted by Everett Walker August 20, 10 08:05 AM 18. Wow. I didn't read the introduction first then was confused on why the dates below the photos were so way back in time:P lol. Amazing:D Posted by Arvin August 20, 10 08:06 AM 19. goil Posted by Uzmektes August 20, 10 08:07 AM 20. Great Collection! Wish more of these rare photos were published..It not everyday that you get to see such old photos in

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colour Posted by Arun Koshy August 20, 10 08:08 AM 21. Just wonderful pictures. With great difficulty that hard for them 100 years old, look like new. Posted by Anton Chernobaev August 20, 10 08:08 AM 22. It's mindblowing how "real" and recent these photos feel! WOW Posted by Lilyana August 20, 10 08:09 AM 23. Unbelievable... Thanks a lot Posted by Mrc August 20, 10 08:14 AM 24. Amazing photos!!! Seriously can't believe 100 years back people and places wer as colorful as it is now :) Posted by Sainath KM August 20, 10 08:16 AM 25. Thanks SO much for these pictures....I thought the world was black and white until 1910. Posted by Mark August 20, 10 08:22 AM 26. The #31 and #34 are very modern in the way they were taken. They look almost candid. Posted by Zavie August 20, 10 08:25 AM 27. Here's more pictures by Sergei Gorskii Posted by Alosh August 20, 10 08:26 AM 28. Wonderful photos ... thank you so very, very much !

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Posted by Gabriele in Europe August 20, 10 08:26 AM 29. This is amazing! Posted by Michelle August 20, 10 08:26 AM 30. If you enjoy these pictures, you should check out the BBC documentary The Wonderful World Of Albert Khan ( "The Archive of the Planet was the brainchild of the millionaire French banker and philanthropist Albert Kahn. Between 1908 and 1930, he used his vast personal fortune to generate what is now generally acknowledged to be the most important collection of early colour photographs in the world." Really fascinating stuff. Posted by somedude August 20, 10 08:29 AM 31. Please sir may i have some more? Posted by David August 20, 10 08:29 AM 32. Its amazing to think as you look at these images that over all these years and all the money put into technology that at the end of the day not much has changed - a good photo is a good photo. There is absolutely no need to upgrade from the Canon 500d to the 550d for 3 extra mgp and a double up of ISO - for what? Posted by Kyle August 20, 10 08:32 AM 33. If time travel is possible these pics just might prove it. ;) So amazing to see Nikola Tesla's AC generators in freaking COLOR! WOW, very special pictures indeed.. Posted by Deprogrammer9 August 20, 10 08:37 AM

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34. Ahh, the good old times when kings and monarchs were still alive. Posted by Anonymous August 20, 10 08:40 AM 35. Russia = Coolest country in the world, even a century ago. awesome pics!! Posted by Lunacharsky August 20, 10 08:42 AM 36. 100 years ago, in color ! Amazing set ! Posted by apoelistas August 20, 10 08:43 AM 37. These are absolutely brilliant!!! Thanks for sharing. Posted by Amy August 20, 10 08:43 AM 38. incredible. i saw some of them around internet. amazing quality! Posted by Ria Grinfeld August 20, 10 08:48 AM 39. I event couldn't believe that these photos are captured decads a go. Amazing..! Posted by Luqman Aziz August 20, 10 08:52 AM 40. Absolutely fantastic!! Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii deserves to be better known. Posted by Samuel August 20, 10 08:54 AM 41. c'est absolument extraordinaire ...merci Posted by Michel August 20, 10 09:01 AM 42. Truly amazing and mindblowing. Is anybody aware of similar pictures for different regions/countries? Posted by P August 20, 10 09:06 AM

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43. WAUUUUUU WAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!! :))))))))))) Posted by Subash August 20, 10 09:07 AM

44. Impressive - thanks for sharing them with us. Posted by Matze August 20, 10 09:09 AM

45. Great photos once again -- Thanks. Enjoy your vacation Alan! Posted by SD_Ottawa August 20, 10 09:12 AM

46. These pictures are spectacular, it is amazing how in those years that kind of technology applied ... I had never seen color photos of those years, I always thought that the world in 1900 was in black

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and white ... Alan thank you very much for sharing Posted by Paolo August 20, 10 09:14 AM 47. best set on big picture in ages, these are gorgeous Posted by jo August 20, 10 09:24 AM 48. Wow...Even in "quick succession" given the shutter speeds back then, it's amazing the shots are as clear as they are with three overlays. Posted by Dave August 20, 10 09:28 AM 49. #20 LMAO Posted by Max August 20, 10 09:31 AM 50. Love this blog! Thanks for these. Posted by GregP August 20, 10 09:35 AM 51. Great pictures! Posted by Indian August 20, 10 09:36 AM 52. Unbelievable! Thank you for posting. Posted by AD August 20, 10 09:38 AM 53. Photo 15 - how could you live in that town and not be awe inspired every day to see that cathedral. Holy f'in crap these photos are amazing. Posted by Josh August 20, 10 09:38 AM 54. Absolutely amazing! Posted by Sando August 20, 10 09:40 AM

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55. I'm blown away by this stunning set of pictures. Watching them is just like traveling to the past. Posted by Xanton August 20, 10 09:42 AM 56. Thanks so much for this - extraordinary! Posted by Jules August 20, 10 09:45 AM 57. Wow, my mouth was just hanging open the whole time I looked at these photos. Amazing. Posted by Kyle August 20, 10 09:45 AM 58. NICE!! I like the colors of # 28It's so cool to see that, other than the equipment, photography is still the same even 100 years later. It's also disturbing to think that everyone on these pictures have passed away a long time ago. Posted by etienne August 20, 10 09:48 AM 59. Probably taken in three separate exposures (filtered differently) which explains why everything that moves has those weird "chromatic aberrations". Beside that, some of our current "digital photographers" could certainly learn a thing or two from those images... Posted by AR August 20, 10 09:52 AM 60. Probably taken in three separate exposures (filtered differently) which explains why everything that moves has those weird "chromatic aberrations". Beside that, some of our current "digital photographers" could certainly learn a thing or two from those images... Posted by AR August 20, 10 09:52 AM

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61. Amazing Photos Does anyone know of photos like this taken in europe or america? I love would love to see more photos of this style and period either online or in print. Posted by Steve August 20, 10 09:57 AM 62. They look like they were taken yesterday! I've never seen such nice shots so old. Are there more?? Look how clean the air is! And I love the lack of ugly telephone poles everywhere that you would see today. The shots "now in Turkey" are largely from "Armenia" stolen by the Turks. I wonder about the lady in the first shot; she had about a 35% chance of being murdered by the Turks just a few years later.... Posted by Armen August 20, 10 10:05 AM 63. As a current full time producer of digital images I am impressed that these are still around to be viewed 100 years later. I just hope that somehow my record of Scotland is still around in 100 years. I continue to be inspired by the variety of images posted here, thanks for taking the time. Posted by Gary Brindle August 20, 10 10:11 AM 64. Hard to imagine that they are 100 years old. We normally associate the past with sepia tones on shades on black and white. The colors give a really weird feeling of being teleported to the past. Everything looks so fresh and crystal clear as if it is not the past but the present... Posted by Ashwin August 20, 10 10:11 AM 65. Thank you ... opens up a whole new world Posted by orcamist August 20, 10 10:28 AM

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66. Life without the fear of Global Warming Posted by Maltesh August 20, 10 10:33 AM 67. Fantastic collection. Best set on the Big Picture in some time, in my opinion. Posted by Leandro August 20, 10 10:35 AM 68. BY FAR the best set of photos I've seen all this time in BIG PICTURE..and one of the best in general...thank you big picture,thank you Sergei... Posted by antonio August 20, 10 10:36 AM 69. Hard to believe they are 100 years old Posted by joe arevalo August 20, 10 10:44 AM 70. As you said, it is in fact very difficult to imagine that these pics were taken 100 years back. But feels great to look back in time - just when technologies were emerging. Gives a good picture of how the world was and what have we made it into now - fighting wildfires and floods. sigh :(Thanks a lot for sharing. Posted by Shilpa August 20, 10 10:46 AM 71. Wonderful photos in their quality and immediacy. Re: another comment, this is not "pre-war life." Anything before August 1914 is another world, might as well be another planet. Posted by rico567 August 20, 10 10:52 AM 72. I'm in awe! These are unbelievable, I had no idea such color photos existed from this time period. Thank you so much for sharing these!

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Posted by pik August 20, 10 10:55 AM 73. Love #5 Posted by Christopher August 20, 10 11:18 AM 74. Sorprendentes. Me han transportado a esos tiempos. Y es que a veces uno llega a pensar que el mundo de hace 100 años era en escala de grises. Ha sido un deleite en esta mañana. Posted by Osvaldo August 20, 10 11:18 AM 75. How many megapixels was that camera, just kidding. Amazing pictures of the world in color at that time. Posted by bruce August 20, 10 11:20 AM 76. These people look like the most depressed people in the world. Not a single smile in the collection, not even the kids. Nice pics though Posted by Bob August 20, 10 11:24 AM 77. These photos took my breath away!! My ancestors come from that part of the world, and they were a window into the life they left when they came here. Thank you! Posted by Carol S. August 20, 10 11:24 AM 78. De magnifiques photographies, d'une grande qualité et qui semblent récentes... Merci de nous faire voir cela. Bonnes vacances. Posted by WdF (Paris / France) August 20, 10 11:29 AM 79. Amazing pictures. The people in the pictures may have passed away but they have been immortalized in these pictures. Wow.

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Posted by Kati August 20, 10 11:30 AM 80. gotta concur, mind = blown Posted by dudeman someguy August 20, 10 11:34 AM 81. Fantastic! Really impressive.... Posted by FN August 20, 10 11:41 AM 82. Wonderful pics. What a great window back in time. Posted by Rydal August 20, 10 11:43 AM 83. Truly Amazing. It looks like the water carrier in #24 is using entire pig hides tied off to transport the water. Very clever. Mmmm bacon water... Posted by c'est moi August 20, 10 11:48 AM 84. Awesome!! If you folks like such old time pictures, there are other cool compilations too. Check out Flickr - Library of Congress at Life archive on Google - It would be great if Big PIcture comes out with more like this! Posted by Gary August 20, 10 11:53 AM 85. круто, даже Самарканд естьспасибо)* и никаких копирайтов на самих фотографиях) Posted by Саша August 20, 10 11:59 AM 86. AR @59: Yes, that's what the text at the top says. Posted by Tim McCormack August 20, 10 11:59 AM

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87. I wanna be there. Posted by nikunomujina August 20, 10 12:00 PM

88. These are simply amazing !!! Posted by azzurro_3 August 20, 10 12:14 PM

89. i can't believe !!! Posted by Yevgen August 20, 10 12:14 PM

90. Like T, my mind is blown by these. They make me shiver (in a good way). Love them. Thank you. Posted by BC August 20, 10 12:15 PM

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91. I have to say, if you told me the second picture (the self-portrait) was taken yesterday, I would believe it. The colors, the layout, the clarity of the image is spot on! Posted by Michael August 20, 10 12:20 PM 92. Mindblasting pictures. Thanks for sharing this. Posted by Bhuji August 20, 10 12:21 PM 93. For more information on the technique see Posted by Paul Wigmore August 20, 10 12:21 PM 94. Amazing and impressive. I love the color separation in #27--some of those kids just couldn't sit still! Posted by Tom Hilton August 20, 10 12:24 PM 95. Utterly stunning! Posted by Aloha Jones August 20, 10 12:28 PM 96. You had to wait for Russia to be engulfed in fires to post these photos? Posted by Eugene August 20, 10 12:33 PM 97. еба Posted by From Russia with love August 20, 10 12:34 PM 98. I learned something new; color photography existed in the early 1900s. Impressive. Thank you for putting the slide together.

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Posted by Ana August 20, 10 12:45 PM 99. The picture of the children on the hill shows the differences in filters, as a couple of them moved during the "red" shoot. Posted by Matt August 20, 10 12:51 PM 100. Simply amazing quality pictures from a bygone age when life was much simpler, slower and graceful. Thanks so much for sharing this. :-) Posted by RogerT August 20, 10 12:56 PM 101. Really amazing pics!!.. On my point of view, people in them looks really peaceful, carefree.. Hey Alan!.. good thing that you will be on vacation!.. but, (in the meantime) what about us? and "our" posts?.. =P Posted by Ivan August 20, 10 12:56 PM 102. so life was in color before 1950! Posted by jeff August 20, 10 12:58 PM 103. In picture #32, What does that man have in those pockets on his coat? Posted by Jim August 20, 10 01:03 PM 104. #15...just looked in google maps pictures... this place looks not much different now :),36.00975&spn=0,0.005681&t=h&z=18&lci=com.panoramio.all&layer=c&cbll=55.510458,36.00975&cbp=12,0,,0,5&photoid=po-4898809 Posted by Konstantin August 20, 10 01:06 PM

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105. I've just returned from travels in Uzbekistan, so was very interested in the incredible pics of the Khan of Khiva and Emir of Bokhara, resplendent in their robes. These photos made my day! It is amazing to step back in time 100 years and see the world frozen a century ago. My deep thanks to the editor who posted these beauties for us to experience. Posted by Susan Dawson August 20, 10 01:07 PM 106. These are absolutely astonishing and gorgeous. Yes, the technique falters in some of the shots, but when it works... so beautiful. Marvelous and haunting. Posted by GreyDuck August 20, 10 01:09 PM 107. Thank's a lot! #15 I saw this church last week. It's still there. Posted by Artem August 20, 10 01:13 PM 108. Those are some nice clothes. The guy in photo #32 looks like he's wearing a costume from Star Wars. Posted by kevjohn August 20, 10 01:16 PM 109. Amazing, please keep up the good work. Posted by Sajan August 20, 10 01:17 PM 110. 1910Not so LLLoooonnnngGGG ago! My dad was 1 year old! Posted by wickee August 20, 10 01:18 PM 111. ¡Estan Padrisimas!. Muy buenas fotos Posted by Laloc August 20, 10 01:20 PM 112. ¡Estan Padrisimas!. Muy buenas fotos

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Posted by Laloc August 20, 10 01:21 PM 113. The irony that these photos are being sent digitally through the Internet is wonderful--and a sad reminder of how quickly the /art/ of photography is being lost or transferred. The time and effort that went into these photos contrasts the impulsive posting from a camera-phone. The subjects were so much more careful because of the process, and I love the way moving miners in #19 show the layers (the guy on the right of the photo had his arm up to his face in the red filter). This is the perfect time to capture these cultures, too, because so many would become victim to the Soviet and Stalin purges a few decades later. Truly a time capsule, and thank you for sharing it globally through a medium that I am sure Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii would admire if he were alive today. Posted by Phoenixbeak August 20, 10 01:21 PM 114. Amazing photos. The world's character is flattened by the internet and modern technology. It's wonderful to peek back to see authentic lives of a long past era. Posted by Bruce August 20, 10 01:23 PM 115. Absolutely amazing photographs. There are several photos that at first glance and without knowledge of their vintage appear to be contemporary. Posted by Basel August 20, 10 01:23 PM 116. Amazing. Invaluable to historian, living history re-enactors and anyone who appreciates history. Posted by Tom Yohemas August 20, 10 01:24 PM 117. I belive Big Picture has now the most amazing set ever. I have

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never seen a post with ALL comments saying something like "impressive, amazing". Unlike other posts with controversial subjects and many divergent comments, this one is unanimus: "INCREDIBLE PICTURES". Posted by Vladimir Stouff August 20, 10 01:26 PM 118. Is Russia like the US - meaning all kinds of ethnicities? It seems the peasants were all blonds and the hierarchy were all either dark or Asian looking.Is there a typical Russian? Posted by dbp August 20, 10 01:26 PM 119. Question: Photo #32 Coat tube pocketsOn what appears to be a formal photo, formal/traditional attire; what are the tubular pockets for? Posted by Basel August 20, 10 01:30 PM 120. Beautiful and inspirational. Thanks for sharing this collection. Posted by Lonnie August 20, 10 01:31 PM 121. 100 years already. Every person captured in these photos were gone. Life is short! Posted by think about it August 20, 10 01:31 PM 122. Stunning conosdering when they were taken Posted by Les August 20, 10 01:35 PM 123. First off, let me express my gratitude to all who've contributed to this priceless pieces of history of great nations of then Russian Empire. P.S. Regarding the photo #16, I doubt that it's the Jews. A little insight, Samarkand was then a capital of Bukhara emirate, which

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was ruled by Islam rules (Koran). I would greatly, shiveringly DOUBT that Jews were even there back then. Jews were massively "brought" by the Russians during the WWII. Although, nowadays, it's totally different picture. Samarkand is a beautiful, gorgeous city encompassing different cultures and religions and yet full of many historical sights dating back to B.C. I traveled there 5 years ago, and would highly recommend to everyone!Daniel of Vancouver, BC Posted by adanskid August 20, 10 01:38 PM 124. one of teh best collections yet! Have a great vacation! Posted by mhkp716 August 20, 10 01:39 PM 125. OMG I love Tbilisi and sokhumi so I love Georgia )) Posted by meka August 20, 10 01:40 PM 126. Indeed, hard to believe these pictures were taken a century ago! Just amazing! Posted by José Jiménez August 20, 10 01:40 PM 127. Number 27 : Kids couldn't keep still back then either. Posted by Sarah August 20, 10 01:48 PM 128. GREAT ! More pictures : Posted by nicolas August 20, 10 02:00 PM 129. The colour in those were amazing. What fantastic images to have in the archives.

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Posted by Tannice August 20, 10 02:02 PM 130. Wow...never commented on all these great compilations but I had to tell you this is fantastic. The size and clarity actually draws you back in time...Regular small, grainy and sepia'd photos are "quaint" but god they drag you through a portal where you are the photographer...awesome... Posted by barmstrong August 20, 10 02:16 PM 131. Exceptional photography Posted by J.Gordon Jones August 20, 10 02:16 PM 132. I. had. no. idea. Posted by jordekorre August 20, 10 02:19 PM 133. No words! Amazing! Posted by Oscar Paz (Brazil) August 20, 10 02:29 PM 134. Im speachless. Thank you. Posted by AQD August 20, 10 02:29 PM 135. these are so amazing. best set this month i believe Posted by maltman August 20, 10 02:41 PM 136. Amazing pictures. It seems odd to me that I find only 1 smile, the boy with the white hat in the middle of #22. Is smiling a modern cultural thing? Posted by cjf August 20, 10 02:41 PM 137. seeing something like this in 1910 is like us making 3D static

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holograms now...oh wait. Posted by v August 20, 10 02:49 PM 138. So wonderful!! Almost puts you there looking at the people and places. Posted by Laura August 20, 10 02:52 PM 139. Absolutely breathtaking! Posted by Jan Vavruša August 20, 10 03:03 PM 140. these are absolutely breathtaking. you can literally feel the life exude from the photographs. puts a whole new perspective on the hazy history book illustrations that colors the world in the past. my mind is so far beyond blown. Posted by Rachel August 20, 10 03:07 PM 141. I've never seen anything like this. The quality of images so old is amazing. Like looking back in time. Posted by Stuart August 20, 10 03:16 PM 142. Impresionantes, una maravilla y un viaje al pasado. :D Posted by Vic August 20, 10 03:20 PM 143. i just dropped my jaw! those are absolutely amazing! it wasn't the equipment made these pictures remarkable, but the man behind the camera. thank you for sharing these inspiring set of incredible moments back then. Posted by TM August 20, 10 03:21 PM 144. Absolutely wonderful! Fantastic views of a lost age, like a trip back in time. Thank you so much for sharing these treasures! Look

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forward to seeing the rest, please continue to share. :-D Posted by Mary Horvath August 20, 10 03:25 PM

145. ¡¡¡Increibles, maravillosas!!! Mis felicitaciones. La foto #20 me dio mucha pena. Posted by monica August 20, 10 03:25 PM

146. amazing indeed. anybody with any link on that very technology? thanks for the Khan's link from Somedude (#30) Posted by ben wilhelmi August 20, 10 03:27 PM

147. I just can't get over these pictures. They are so clear and if it wasn't for the clothing, you would swear that they were taken last

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week. I really enjoyed them. Posted by Nancy Gahan August 20, 10 03:28 PM 148. spellbindingthank you thank you thank you Posted by Joel August 20, 10 03:32 PM 149. Those who want to see more of such photos (though US-centric) should visit Posted by DV August 20, 10 03:39 PM 150. BG it's cool, Thanks... Posted by michael August 20, 10 03:40 PM 151. Thank you, thank you, thank you ... I´m born in Suchumi, a few days ago, and I´m looking for pictures of this city - now I´ve got a real amazing one! Best regards out of Vienna ... Posted by Christian Franke August 20, 10 03:45 PM 152. sometimes it doesn't look like a 100 years ago. The water on #2 looks like thick oil. Posted by Gerrit August 20, 10 03:51 PM 153. Pictures are brilliant! Can feel that breath of past ...But they are not taken as color at that time. Don't think that they are taken in separate exposures or with alien technology :)"In 2001, the number of glass plates have been scanned and, through an innovative process known as digichromatography, brilliant colour images have been produced" (from Posted by Steeler August 20, 10 03:56 PM 154. Jawab nahi, wah wah

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Posted by sree August 20, 10 04:16 PM 155. Absolutely FANTASTIC.....WOW..Bravo Posted by Andrew August 20, 10 04:26 PM 156. Love the photos. Thanks for sharing!! Posted by ppnyc August 20, 10 04:31 PM 157. Best post ever. Posted by JJ Castillejo August 20, 10 04:33 PM 158. Another brilliant site for old photos (I've seen some posted from 1860's...yes 150 years ago!!) is I've suggested this series of photos to the site's owner, and feel it's only right to provide a link here to his site. I've been reading/viewing both sites for a long time, and to see this particular overlap makes me all giddy. Thanks for all the work you do here at The Big Picture! Enjoy your time away, Alan! Posted by Sabrina August 20, 10 04:34 PM 159. I am happy to be part of that culture, by looking these well preserved pictures Posted by h.a August 20, 10 04:36 PM 160. url. Michael- kept looking for my folks but I guess they were long gone before these pictures were taken. I found the pictues really, really intereesting. Love you Aunt Arlene Posted by arlene Cherney August 20, 10 04:38 PM 161. Great pictures except that many of them are not Russia, but why

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would you guys care anyways Posted by naira August 20, 10 04:38 PM 162. #32 guy looks like Justin Timberlake. On another note, these pictures are awesome! Posted by Berni August 20, 10 04:39 PM 163. For all of our "progress" in the last hundred years, life looks pretty nice back then. Indeed, when considering how far we've moved away from nature, I wonder whether it's all been worth the terrible price we've exacted on Mother Earth. Posted by Alan August 20, 10 04:49 PM 164. It must be called Russian Empire instead, as most of the pictures (from Caucasus) are not from Russia, but from its southern dominions Posted by Anonymous August 20, 10 04:51 PM 165. Awesome... Just stunning. And a testament to why photographers who only believe in digital are not true photographers. Posted by Jeremy August 20, 10 04:59 PM 166. Awesome! Thanks so much for sharing. The quality is unbelievable. Posted by Cvana August 20, 10 05:03 PM 167. Incredible photos! A rare treat. Posted by Maria Ehmann August 20, 10 05:26 PM

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168. C'est génial ! Posted by renartmalin August 20, 10 05:28 PM 169. Wow, this guy was a genius! I wish someone had sponsored him to photograph the rest of the world, as well. History looks completely different in color. Posted by Heidi August 20, 10 05:28 PM 170. The Library of Congrees (or whoever appropiate) should publicate the entire collection as a book. This pictures are simply amazing.That guy discovered the color photography before the color photography!! It's just awesome! Posted by Jorge August 20, 10 05:32 PM 171. #27: Even back then it was impossible to get kids to sit still. Posted by Mark August 20, 10 05:38 PM 172. more photos Posted by pavel August 20, 10 05:39 PM 173. This posting on your blog is a valuable public service. Thank you! Posted by Webster Ranger August 20, 10 05:39 PM 174. The TECHNICOLOR process, in American cinema, also leveraged the idea of three B&W photographs taken in RGB filtration (then later printed with dyes). But I had no idea that this selfsame, basic idea was already au courant among some European photographers of the turn-of-the-century...

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I wonder who was the first scientist who understood that we see with three types of cones: Red, Blue and Green? Posted by david lincoln brooks August 20, 10 05:47 PM 175. completely thrilling collection, and I thank you. Posted by Tim, London August 20, 10 05:49 PM 176. It is like going back a hundred years. People normally don't have this feeling watching old black and white pics. I felt I was there. Impressive... Posted by mariangela chiari August 20, 10 06:00 PM 177. Incredibly moving ... I remember my Russian grandparents describing the countryside around the same time as these photos. But the images in my mind's eye were always sepia colored, monochrome. Now that I've gotten to "go" there myself, thanks to Gorskii's amazing photos, that distant world and the people in it feel as vividly immediate and REAL as anything today. What a treasure! Posted by Barefoot Bruce August 20, 10 06:05 PM 178. There was a similar post on this site some time ago. It also featured full-color images from the past days (1940's in the US, if I recall correctly). However, I can't find that post in the archives. Was it deleted? Posted by Tobias August 20, 10 06:14 PM 179. Ces photos laissent un sentiment étrange... notre vue nous dit qu'il s'agit de photos récentes, mais les détails et notre connaissance nous rappelle que ces photos ont 100 ans... ça donne un sentiment un peu déprimant, mais terriblement bluffant!/These pictures leave a strange feeling ... our view tells us that these are

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recent photos, but the details and our knowledge reminds us that these photos are 100 years old ... it gives a feeling a bit depressing, but extremely impressive! Posted by C.C. Chrispic August 20, 10 06:27 PM 180. Wow imagine if someone had this camera during WWI or WWII. Posted by Paul August 20, 10 06:48 PM 181. @Max - Could you explain what exactly about photo #20 is so hilarious to you? Posted by J August 20, 10 07:06 PM 182. my samarkanddd!!! Posted by jon August 20, 10 07:13 PM 183. wow. this was amazing. Best in a long time! Posted by Tove August 20, 10 07:15 PM 184. Not a single smile in these photos. Posted by Jeff August 20, 10 07:19 PM 185. For anyone who knows anything about the history of photography, they know that these photos are groundbreaking and earth shattering. In the U.S. we were still having portraits taken by giant set ups in a slow process. When the editor says "near true color images" I really call into question how much richer these colors could be. I shoot with a professional digital camera and I sometimes have to enhance my colors to get them to look like this and this Russian photographer just used filters and lanterns! Maybe the editor should rethink he phraseology. It is true that in the late 1800's color process was explored on various levels but

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this photography undoubtedly produced the best color seen for another 50 or so years. Posted by Pam August 20, 10 07:31 PM 186. adanskid, The people shown are Bukhari Jews who had been living in what is now Uzbekistan for quite some time. Posted by jyeh August 20, 10 07:34 PM 187. Just incredible!!! Posted by Juan Martín August 20, 10 07:37 PM 188. Simply marvellous! Just wonder about colour photography in those days though! Ansel Adams who was America's premier photographer comes to mind when viewing these photographs, except that I find myself deeply drawn to the work of this artist, Prokudin-Gorskii even more! Posted by Mohamed Ismail August 20, 10 07:42 PM 189. Makes you wonder how primitive we appear to be to our future generations a hundred years from now. Posted by Ernest August 20, 10 07:43 PM 190. I am curious about the small pockets in photo #32. Can someone tell me what's inside? Beautiful photos. thankyou for sharing. Posted by JAKS97 August 20, 10 07:49 PM 191. I would love to see pictures from the Odessa Region where there were German Russians and where my folks came from.

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Posted by James W Iszler August 20, 10 07:50 PM

192. I think most of the adjectives to describe these photos have been used but I would like to agree with each one that these are just stunning. I also had the thought, while viewing them, of how short life really is. Makes you wonder what kind of footprint and memory each of us will leave behind to be viewed in the distant future. Posted by Ken August 20, 10 07:55 PM

193. My favorite collection yet. Stunning. Posted by NurseExec August 20, 10 08:13 PM

194.Awesome pictures! I want to be there. I wish I could time travel. Posted by Vince August 20, 10 08:15 PM

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195. Nice pictures. But looking at them made me ask this qn - Why isnt anyone smiling ? Posted by Sonia August 20, 10 08:17 PM 196. You don't see: - a single sign or other text, i.e. no public advertising - paved roads - anything made of plastic - electric wires or telephone wires - automobile It's not that long ago, and how the world has changed. Has there ever been a 100 year period with comparable shifts in technology and culture? Posted by Paul Downs August 20, 10 08:17 PM 197. There are no words....Thank you for posting! I tend to overlook the fact life DID exist in color years back. So often when reading a biography of a figure from the early 20th century the pictures just look as though they could be from the 1860s. What sticks out most is that canal operator. 66 years doing the same job: what a life we are able to lead in the West nowadays. Posted by Joel August 20, 10 08:17 PM 198. adanskid (#123): There certainly were Jewish people in Bukhara at that time (see: They'd been there for hundreds of years, as Jews have been in other, mostly Muslim lands. And contrary to what you said, the Soviets didn't bring Jews to Bukhara, their persecution prompted most Bukharan Jews to leave, either to Israel or to the Soviet Jewish Autonomous Oblast. Jews were much more accepted in the Muslim parts of the Russian empire than they ever were during the Soviet era. The antisemitism you now find in some Islamic countries is a recent, late-twentieth century development.

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Posted by Matt August 20, 10 08:21 PM 199. wonderfully immortalized images of simplicity amd innocence, and precious at the same time! Posted by Muhammad Muhib August 20, 10 08:22 PM 200. A real time machine. Breathtaking. Posted by Brian Collins August 20, 10 08:46 PM 201. Gorgeous collection of photos. Posted by Hamsul August 20, 10 09:21 PM 202. Amazing! I knew there was color photography from a century ago, but nothing like this. Some show their age, but others look more like people recreating history and photographing it with modern camera equipment. Such detail and vivid colors. These are photographs that everyone should see. Or any photos from so long ago. Posted by David August 20, 10 09:22 PM 203. Simply fantastic.... Posted by A Rash August 20, 10 09:26 PM 204. Something about these colors give the photos a texture and realism that modern photographs simply cannot pick up. Posted by Carl August 20, 10 10:01 PM 205. An amazing series of images. The process sounds similar to dye transfer printing, which is an extremely high quality (and archival) print process. I admire the fact that someone in 1948 at the Library

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of Congress had the sense enough to realize that this is an amazing collection of work, even as hated as the Russians were to Americans at that time. I'd be interested in a "part II" if you're ever so inclined to expand this series. Posted by Mark Lent August 20, 10 10:07 PM 206. Thank you. Posted by Troy August 20, 10 10:09 PM 207. 32 certainly looks a whole lot like Orlando Bloom Posted by Rikki August 20, 10 10:16 PM 208. here's how it was done... you are looking at digitally rendered images: Posted by rplmiami August 20, 10 10:20 PM 209. Batumi and Abkhazia are in Georgia, not Russia Posted by Misha August 20, 10 10:26 PM 210. Extraordinary! The edge of the real beginning of the 20th century and all that brought. Hats on everyone.... #20: Contemporary Helmond Province, Afghanistan? Posted by Greg Shea August 20, 10 10:27 PM 211. TOTALLY AMAZING PICTURE! I didn't know they have color films 100 years ago? If you didn't label them 1909 or 1910, I would never have guessed they are that oldI wonder if any of the people in the pictures, especially the children are still alive today? I know that say a pictures tells a thousand words but this set is amazing!

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Thank your for sharing! Posted by Jon August 20, 10 10:50 PM 212. These are astounding! Posted by Jan August 20, 10 11:09 PM 213. It really puts a person back in time . I love photgraphy , and this is surely the best photo's I 've seen ever in colour (color ) . Thanks for sharing them with us . Posted by Gervaise Minnè August 20, 10 11:23 PM 214. It's funny how 100 years later so much of the world still looks like this or even worse. Posted by Capitalist August 20, 10 11:38 PM 215. Estoy impactado por la foto 11. posee un gran contenido emosional, Gracias. Posted by carlos August 21, 10 12:06 AM 216. To #123 - #198 is absolutely correct. There were thriving communities of Bukharin Jews in Samarkand and Bukhara for centuries or even longer. They remained until the massive migration of Soviet Jews to Israel and the U.S. in the 70's to 90's. Now there are very few remaining in Central Asia. Posted by BAH August 21, 10 12:06 AM 217. Looking at those amazing pictures I doubt that technology has progressed even a bit. Nowadays we still take color images just with fancier cameras. I still cannot believe this was taken a century ago.Unbelievable. .gabi.

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Posted by Gabi August 21, 10 12:41 AM 218. Absolutely stunning. I do agree with and press the point that this is the Russian EMPIRE, not Russia proper, but apart from that quibble? Breathtaking! I majored in 20th-c. Russian history at university & have been all over the country. To think such sharp color comes from the tsarist era is amazing. Posted by CC August 21, 10 12:51 AM 219. a band called frog eyes recently used one of these as cover art: i dug up the original: Posted by dan August 21, 10 01:21 AM 220. Several have noted lack of smiles... My guess is that it must've been because the photography process was so elaborate that the photographer could not afford or did not want to risk trying out candid pictures, so had to carefully arrange each photo. So there wasn't much scope for smiling! :) Well definitely better than fake smiles! :) Hmm usually the best way I usually get kids to smile for a photo is to warn them not to smile ;) Posted by Sanjay M August 21, 10 02:26 AM 221. Certainly there has never been as much change in the world as in the last 100 years. Thank you for posting these wonderful images! Posted by Cory August 21, 10 02:35 AM 222. Why is nobody smiling in any of these photos? Is smiling for photos a modern invention?

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Posted by Dawn August 21, 10 02:35 AM 223. I guess most of the people are not smiling because they were asked to be still so that the photographer could make three separate shots with different filters. Posted by Tyler August 21, 10 02:39 AM 224. I would be interested to compare the places captured in these pictures to modern day. What has changed and What has not changed. I love these pictures too because of their purity. Posted by Laurel August 21, 10 02:49 AM 225. Near a half pictures are taken not in Russia. Here are nice pictures of people and land, but do not forget - it was Russian Empire, but those countries were occupied by Russia. So we see a lot of Caucasian, Middle Asia people here. Posted by Empire of occupants August 21, 10 02:49 AM 226. absolutely amazing. my favorites are 7 28 and 32. those are some real hardmen. Posted by wannabetoughguy August 21, 10 02:54 AM 227. #27 was impressive. It makes you wonder how many children did they had, do they still have grandchildren, what happened to them? Posted by Sergiu August 21, 10 02:58 AM 228. Amazing! Shot using a three shot RGB-camera and then mounted these three images into one (#14 + 19 shows that clearly) - people had patience at that time, to sit still that long! Posted by Dr Klaus Schmitt August 21, 10 03:28 AM

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229. Frozen time... amazing feeling. And the woman in first picture may have been killed in the Armenian Genocide where 2 million were murdered. Other tremendous changes in people's lives in these areas...

Posted by Lucy Yolkina-Stark August 21, 10 03:32 AM

230. Aaaaamazing, BP you always shock me with something new. Posted by Allen August 21, 10 03:42 AM

231. When my grandparents were children, this is the world they saw through thier eyes. Could you imagin the things they would come to know in the decades to come? I think few generations will ever influance the world as much as them. #27 is a powerfull image in

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that context Posted by Mark August 21, 10 03:50 AM 232. Comment 123 - with all due respect, they likely were Jews. Islam was quite open to all religions, for many centuries, with of course appropriate restrictive laws. The anti-Jewish feeling among Arabs seems to have hardened mainly since the creation of a Jewish state from what was once part of Palestine and the removal of some million Palestinians from what was once their homeland. Posted by The Blog Fodder August 21, 10 04:09 AM 233. TIME TRIP. DO FAR BACK YET STILL SO NEAR Posted by GREG August 21, 10 04:18 AM 234. Невероятно!!! Смотришь и думаешь фото сегодняшнего дня! Если посмотришь на дату... начало XX века! не думал что технологии могут черно белые фотографии так восстанавливать. Спасибо Posted by Artur August 21, 10 04:21 AM 235. I think the 16th children in the photo is not Jewish Posted by Amanda August 21, 10 04:43 AM 236. Most of people still don't realize, that Armenia, Georgia (Where Tbilisi is), as well as Ukraine, Belarus, Uzbekistan, etc, etc, etc... is not Russia at all, and NEVER had been!!! When my country had name USSR, it was like USA, different independent countries united in a big one... Since some time, it became smaller, but all these countries are still different and independent, we even speak different languages! Posted by Vera M August 21, 10 04:54 AM

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237. fantastic. amazing how clear and vibrant the images are. Posted by Jack August 21, 10 05:22 AM 238. The most amazing photographs I have ever seen which truly depict how simple the world was and how much it has changed in just 100 years. I wish I could time travel to live in these photographs. Posted by Saleem S A August 21, 10 06:17 AM 239. Georgia was part of the Russian Empire. btw pictures are too amazing. Posted by brqw August 21, 10 06:27 AM 240. Regarding picture #16, google for "history of Jews in Samarkand", and you'll find a lot of information about Jews living in central Asia for century. Posted by Terry August 21, 10 06:47 AM 241. The photographer was a genius, considering the tools he had in his hands. Makes you think about what really is technology and what isn't. Posted by Rudy August 21, 10 06:58 AM 242. Adanskid: see , there were Jews in Bukhara since about 2500 years ago. Posted by SyP August 21, 10 07:01 AM 243. 哇� 那时候就想出办法拍彩照啦� 太了不起�。 风景也很美� Posted by AgentQ August 21, 10 07:05 AM

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244. The story says they're a few of the hundreds of color images.... Where can we see the rest? Posted by X.S.Charm August 21, 10 07:50 AM 245. The cylindrical pockets in the guy's jacket in photo number 32 hold rifle cartridges. They would have been of twisted paper, as used in the old Springfield rifles. Posted by Journeyman Mick August 21, 10 08:01 AM 246. omg it's like a time capsule!!! Posted by Yanchao August 21, 10 08:14 AM 247. Re: the lack of smiles. My guess is that most adults had missing or decayed teeth. Posted by Louise August 21, 10 08:43 AM 248. Pic 16: If you look at the boy on the far left you can see that his head is cut very close(almost buzz cut) except for his side burns, that is a distinctly Jewish custom, so to the point......Yes they are jewish children Posted by Chris August 21, 10 08:56 AM 249. Fascinating..... Thankyou Big Picture for not always publishing the obvious photo sets, but giving us an insight to parts of the world, and history, that wouldn't otherwise be on view. Keep up the good work - please!!! Posted by andyjh August 21, 10 08:59 AM 250. É inacreditável!! A sensação de imaginar que estas pessoas eram exatamente dessa maneira a 100 anos e eu estou as vendo agora

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em 2010 a cores!! IT'S REALLY EXTRAORDINARY! Thank you! Posted by Livia August 21, 10 08:59 AM 251. I never saw anything like this. Thank you. Posted by J August 21, 10 09:01 AM 252. Several folks have commented on the lack of smiles... that has nothing to do with the happiness of the subject, and everything to do with the photographing process. Early photos took a long time, and during that time, you were not supposed to move. These photos took even longer, because they are essentially three or four photos taken of the same subject and then superimposed. Most folks in early photos, regardless of their origin, don't smile. That is because a face in repose is much easier to keep still. Try holding a smile for several minutes... doesn't work very well. :) Posted by Aaron August 21, 10 09:07 AM 253. a feel which we metro people can wish only.... Posted by s o August 21, 10 09:14 AM 254. "I am curious about the small pockets in photo #32." My guess is they are for cartridges. At least the male folk costumes from the area are all about carrying weapons- knives, swords, cartridges. "On either side of the breast of the coat are the patron pockets, made of morocco leather, usually containing twenty-four rounds of ball cartridge: these not only add to the military appearance of the soldier, but in some measure protect the breast, and are extremely convenient " took it from here:

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costumes-jaimoukha.html All Caucasus folk costumes have those pockets. Posted by Mary August 21, 10 09:19 AM 255. I could not help to think about what these photos have captured, the trials and tribulations of the time.. what reflections that these people had in their minds, and what they knew then compared to those who lived 100 years earlier.. A snapshot in time and memorialized for all to see..thank you for bringing these to light. What will be the photos of today that in a 100 years or so, some will see of us.. that they too can look back and with what words will they use to describe us? Will they see us as a world of despair and much chaos? Will they draw from the photo that War is never the answer or, will they look towards war as the ending? Posted by CharlieM August 21, 10 09:22 AM 256. wonderful, what a treasure Posted by Judi August 21, 10 09:57 AM 257. Parts of Russia still have this look today, I am always amazed, whenever I visit, at how little the rural areas have changed. Posted by @rupertbu August 21, 10 10:37 AM 258. Look how healthy and well fed these people look. How many of them were starved or shot to death in the disaster of communism that lay just a few years ahead? This was a hopeful world that was making progress in its way - all to be lost, wiped out by the coming barbarism. Posted by nb August 21, 10 11:01 AM 259. Parabéns, ficaram ótima !

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Posted by Gui August 21, 10 11:12 AM

260. Excellent photos! Reminds me how a special day for us (early 60s), as we went to a nearby photo studio for having a group photo. I remember, the shoot had to be taken several times, because me, my brother and two sisters were always moving and laughing. "Stand still, please, it takes only minutes", the photographer said under the black cloth surrounding the big-camera before us. And then, buzz, a split second of flashy light and smoke came out afterwards. And the photos were BW! Posted by abraham simatupang August 21, 10 11:31 AM

261. You don't think the detail is a little tooo good? Posted by WTF August 21, 10 11:37 AM


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Fascinating! Posted by Denis B. August 21, 10 11:43 AM 263. It's amazing how clear the photos are too. I wish my digital pics had this detail and color! Posted by rob frost August 21, 10 11:44 AM 264. I wonder what these places look like today. Posted by thor olsvig August 21, 10 11:50 AM 265. Great!!! Posted by Lana August 21, 10 12:08 PM 266. Why are there power lines in photo #23? Posted by Kim August 21, 10 12:11 PM 267. the fact thet are in color makes the past less diferent, like photos of people i know Posted by anonymous August 21, 10 12:26 PM 268. Fantastic pictures,thank you for given us the possibility to see our world 100 years ago as if was today. Posted by Marja Troost August 21, 10 12:35 PM 269. Bellos encuadres y bellos colores. Un placer visitar tu blog AraceliMásArte Posted by AraceliMásArte August 21, 10 12:43 PM 270. Thank you so much for sharing these precious and beautiful images of a time long ago, when the world was still at peace, no

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nuclear wars to fear! Posted by Nilza Mirabal August 21, 10 12:45 PM 271. dzalian lamazia! incredibly beautiful! Posted by alisa shtromberg August 21, 10 12:46 PM 272. Thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures. Posted by Emil F. Gies August 21, 10 12:47 PM 273. Beautiful, wow, really wow. Weird to see so far back in the past in full colour! Posted by Michel August 21, 10 12:48 PM 274. These people are all dead. Posted by jonah August 21, 10 12:55 PM 275. Beautiful photos and would love more detail about the earliest color photos and the process to develop them. There must be many more treasure troves in various archives for you to display! I would love to see a Big Picture on Early Kodachrome photos, the process invented by Leopold Mannes and Loepold Godowsky, Jr. (who was married to George Gershwin's sister Frances) in 1935. Posted by Roseann Fitzgerald August 21, 10 01:04 PM 276. I would not even think of having a chance to see a picture of our Emiır of Bukhara... thank you very much! Posted by Anonymous August 21, 10 01:23 PM 277. Beautiful pictures that make me sad for the potential lost with the revolution. Posted by Deb August 21, 10 01:24 PM

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278. Astounding! Posted by marsha August 21, 10 01:27 PM 279. Amazing Find I could look and study for ages we as photographers can learn from these shots Posted by Steve O'Brien August 21, 10 01:28 PM 280. as for the comments about people not smiling, it's because the process of taking the picture took longer than the initial "flash" of the camera. People would have to sit still in these photographs for long periods of time, and lets just say nobody would want or be able to hold a smile for as long as they would have to, sometimes several minutes. Posted by King August 21, 10 01:30 PM 281. love it and two thumbs up..... happy to see it.... Posted by August 21, 10 01:42 PM 282. Steeler - look more closely at the page you cite. The images were taken in color at the time - three quick shots in black and white through a red, green, and a blue filter. Prokudin-Gorkii showed them as color photos over a hundred years ago through a special projector. He was a genius. The computer process combines the images and then corrects for imbalance after a hundred years of poor storage and degradation. It is not a colorization process. It is true color. And an amazing treasure. Posted by Nikta August 21, 10 02:02 PM 283. My God! Was it possible at these times?!!!

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Я поражён! Posted by samuel August 21, 10 02:08 PM 284. vibrant color better than any pictures i've taken Posted by cheryie w August 21, 10 02:09 PM 285. Such an amazing window into the past. It really is a giant leap closer to these people and places, simply by introducing color. Posted by Jimmy Slonina August 21, 10 02:20 PM 286. Steeler - here is the process as outlined by the Library of Congress: They were separate exposures. Posted by Nikta August 21, 10 02:23 PM 287. Commenting for the first time ever to say that I hope you'll do more posts like this one! Posted by Holly August 21, 10 02:53 PM 288. Masterpiece... Wonderful photos and amazing technique Posted by Mehdi Pourain August 21, 10 02:59 PM 289. Unbeschreiblich schön. Grüße aus Old-Germany! Thank you! Posted by Friedhelm Menge August 21, 10 03:05 PM 290. Absolutely fantastic! Posted by Aura August 21, 10 03:05 PM 291.

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Funny thing is that today a lot of Russians do not accept these ethnic groups as part of their "Russian culture and history." They only accept anyone who looks ethnically Slav. Posted by Andrei Papov August 21, 10 03:11 PM 292. Absolutely fantastic pictures Posted by Karla August 21, 10 03:16 PM 293. Absolutely beautiful! Posted by M August 21, 10 03:17 PM 294. These are truely amazing. Posted by Steve August 21, 10 03:32 PM 295. Yes, a TIME CAPSULE. From whence we came we know, to where we go, nobody knows ! But lets TRY TO FIND OURSELVES ! Posted by Merlyn Erickson August 21, 10 03:46 PM 296. Re: Questions about smiling- People generally didn't smile in pictures back then. 1. Having your picture taken was serious business. 2. I don't know about in 1910, but before that it was harder to hold a smiling pose since you had to sit still longer for the exposure time. 3. Many people ( in the US too) had bad teeth that they didn't want to show. Posted by Teege August 21, 10 03:50 PM 297. Somebody time-travelled to the future and got some Kodachrome. Posted by Patrick S August 21, 10 03:53 PM 298. I also sense that the lack of smiling is due to the tradition from

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formal portraiture. Many people most likely never had a photograph taken before, so their reference would be to the portraits that they have seen (photograph or painting), which would not have smiles. Also they would not have the sense like we do with our snapshots that they must communicate anything to the viewer. Some probably never saw a picture of themselves nor pictures of their friends. Posted by Peter August 21, 10 04:00 PM

299. Incredible photos and subjects. My photos of relatives from 1900-1915 are all black and white, no smiling, and posing in a studio wearing full length fur coats - taken in Denmark and Superior, Wisconsin, USA. The fabrics in these photos look like down comforters and beautifully woven silks. Wow! Posted by JEAN LEWIS August 21, 10 04:07 PM

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300. Amazing photos, clothes, nature, people and the most unbelievable thing that Armenia, Georgia, Dagestan etc. counts as russia :( Posted by Jurate August 21, 10 04:34 PM 301. "Several folks have commented on the lack of smiles... that has nothing to do with the happiness of the subject, and everything to do with the photographing process." Actually, it does appear that the harvesters are smiling--certainly the one in the hat is. And the guy with the water bags has a crinkly look to his expression. Posted by Anonymous August 21, 10 04:53 PM 302. #222 smiling is still not used in many countries in that area. a friend from kazakhstan used to tell me how she thought it looked silly and foolish to do so. to use filters in such way is brilliant for the time period. the closest idea i can think of, which is still in use today, is the gum bichromate process. Prokudin-Gorkii was indeed a genius. Posted by christina August 21, 10 05:01 PM 303. I was looking for horses and buggies or some means of transportation. Did they walk everywhere? They are beautiful pictures. Posted by Sally Taylor August 21, 10 05:30 PM 304. Belas fotos, grande tecnica. Importante que estes lugares da Ásia Central, estiveram ocultos do Ocidente por mais de meio século. Mais importante é o trabalho de conservação e ,certamente, de recuperação dessas magníficas fotos. Parabéns ! Posted by Ricardo August 21, 10 05:43 PM

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305. I think they didn't smile because they had to hold their pose for a long time..thank you for amazing photos...there went two hours of my afternoon, but worth it! Posted by theresa wallace August 21, 10 05:48 PM 306. Image One- the Armenian woman. All I can think of is- did she survive the Armenian Genocide or did the Turks kill her? And who's grandmother or great grandmother is she? Posted by Cami August 21, 10 05:49 PM 307. Verdadeiras teletransporte no (e do) tempo. Surpreendentes!!! Posted by Maktubs August 21, 10 05:49 PM 308. Simply amazing!!!! Posted by Merrimac August 21, 10 05:57 PM 309. Simply stunning!!! Thank u very much!!! Posted by chris August 21, 10 06:15 PM 310. Unbelievable! Tank you for sharing. Posted by Inga August 21, 10 06:17 PM 311. The light on the workers in photo 3, the chapel in photo 5 and the water in photo 14...beautiful, artful. Time stood still Posted by Deb August 21, 10 06:32 PM 312. Breathtaking. I have never seen such life in pictures this old. Posted by Niclas August 21, 10 06:35 PM

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313. Wonderful! Thanks for letting me discover color pictures from 100 years back. Those mustaches look really good, don't they !? Posted by Servusetdominus August 21, 10 06:38 PM 314. My grandchildren are adopted from Ukraine. I see their faces in many of the children. Beautiful pictures. Posted by judy August 21, 10 06:44 PM 315. Really amazing photos! Re comment 263, the "power lines" are probably telegraphy lines: They often ran alongside railway lines. Over on Wikipedia there's a map of major telegraphic lines in 1891, and one seems to run through Karelia, where Petrozavodsk is. Could be the same one? Posted by Harry August 21, 10 07:01 PM 316. traveling through time couldn't be any better......beautiful favorite, cornflowers in rye.......vivid color and delicate detail.....makes you want to reach out and pick one........amazing artistry Posted by Monika Rajala August 21, 10 07:27 PM 317. Why was this color photo technology not perpetuated throughout the 20th century? Was it too expensive? Did the rise of communism snuff it out? There must be a reason. Posted by Jonathon Bowman August 21, 10 07:27 PM 318. GREAT. Thank you for sharing. The question becomes --- What if World War 1 had never happened. Then no communism and no WW 2. What a different

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place it could have been. Hundreds of millions of lives saved. Russia would have the world's 3rd largest population. 100 years, not much has changed really. Yes, computers, TV, wi fi, blah blah, blah. But life has not changed. Posted by Benkarkis August 21, 10 07:49 PM 319. my grandmother told me when we were looking through old photographs, some of them of her, that at the time no one smiled in photographs because it might be the only image of you ever taken and you didn't want to look like a simpleton, you wanted to look like an intelligent sophisticated person that could be taken seriously. Besides people aren't generally sitting around with bug dumb grins on their face. Smiling for photographs is a modern idea. Posted by jaik August 21, 10 07:50 PM 320. Бляяяяя.... Ахуевайтунг))) а если серьёзно круто ! ! ! Как будто там побывал очень интересное путишествие выдалось. И да это не востановлениее а снимали таким фотиком с 3-мя разными линзами сам Николай-2 спонсировал это делокак-то так... зы. Я КРАБ Posted by Artem August 21, 10 08:14 PM 321. Simply beautiful. The Church on the hill is fantastic. The stories of these people must have been incredible, the hard work, the living conditions were so much different than any we now know. And we think we've got it bad. Thank you so much for doing this, this is one email I will send to a file. It's to wonderful to delete. Posted by sharon p. August 21, 10 08:55 PM 322. To those asking about why nobody is smiling, it is because the photography process could take hours back then (who wants to

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hold a smile for hours?). Any movement could blur and ruin the pictures. Note how in some of these you can tell that somebody moved. Posted by Andi August 21, 10 09:06 PM

323. Had they been taken today, the photographs would still be amazing in their quality. The detail, the people, the views and the subjects are remarkable. 100 years... Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii should have a public holiday named after him on which everyone would take photos that in another 100 years, people can see us now. @317: communism had absolutely nothing to do with it. The method and the equipment was expensive, heavy and required great skill.

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Posted by Gary August 21, 10 09:15 PM 324. I think many places and even some people (of the next generations) might look the same now in 2010. I have never seen such quality photos from 1910. Posted by Larissa August 21, 10 09:18 PM 325. Beautiful pictures. Just keep in mind that some of the countries like Georgia, Armenia, Uzbekistan aren't part of Russia, or have ever been. I wouldn't give Russia credit for those pics. It belongs to nations that are completely different from Russia in culture, tradition and even language Posted by Ruso August 21, 10 10:06 PM 326. @323: I think it may have been a lack of marketing; not enough people knew about it. If the only obstacle was high expense, then at least the wealthy and powerful would have employed this method. Posted by Jonathon Bowman August 21, 10 10:17 PM 327. Love that ghetto color process! Photo #3 shows a electric lamp without a bulb. So they had electricity back then. Posted by nerd August 21, 10 10:49 PM 328. Simply unreal for these color pictures of the Russian Empire in 1910 to be taken using the photographic equipment available at the time. The pictures are a time capsule back to the last days of Imperial/Tsarist Russia before the Revolution of 1917. Posted by Keith August 21, 10 10:57 PM 329.

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these are mind blowing and totally hard to believethe past looks so much more like the world i live in when it's not portrayed in blurry black and white! Posted by Maya August 21, 10 10:59 PM 330. These pics are amazing !!! But Georgia, Armenia, Ukraine... aren`t Russia. They were conquered by Russian Empire and now they have their freedom back. Georgia was a country and had its own king, even 15 BC. Back then there were no russians at all. And Sokhumi (pic 33) is a part of Georgia. Posted by Sophia August 21, 10 11:03 PM 331. Comment 266 asks why there are power lines in photo #23. Parts of the Russian Empire were quite technologically advanced. Photos taken in Kiev in the period from 1900 to 1910 show power lines on the Kreshchatik, the city's main commercial street. Also visible in some of those old photos is an electric tram. Berlin was the only other city in Europe to have a tram that was powered by electricity at that time. Most of us in the West are ignorant of advances made in the East, but there is a real question about whether the Italian Marconi or a Russian whose name I can't recall transmitted the first message by wireless. The answer, if I remember correctly, depends on where, when, and how the transmission occurred. I think that the Russian transmission was from land to a ship, at virtually the same time as Marconi's successful transmission. The history of aviation shows others besides the Wright brothers, but the latter have won their place in history while the others are only footnotes now. Those "footnotes" include some Frenchmen quite well known at their time and also some Russians. My own great-grandmother saw one of the Russian airplanes being tested some time around 1900. Posted by John C August 21, 10 11:03 PM

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332. Biiiig surprise for me. I did not know that in Russia in 1910 was such a high resolution color photo. Russia was 50 years ahead of the rest of universe. Posted by Boiri August 21, 10 11:37 PM 333. Fascinating and slightly disturbing photos. Most of the subjects are primitive in comparison to American or Western European subjects of the same time period. Contrast them with the gentlemen building the dam or running the railroad handcar, and it's easier to see why the revolution happened. Posted by Merry August 21, 10 11:41 PM 334. Beautiful photographs, of a country that embraces all the peoples of the world. The Russians have had a tragic history. And continue to have. These photos are frozen history. Posted by Ruth Garbus August 22, 10 12:07 AM 335. "It makes you wonder how many children did they had, do they still have grandchildren, what happened to them?" Millions of them were murdered in the Gulag. Posted by dsp August 22, 10 12:18 AM 336. Beautiful-sad to see the Moslems were forcing women into shrouds back then also (image #20) Posted by April M August 22, 10 12:59 AM 337. These were taken a hundred years ago?? Posted by Surialism August 22, 10 01:04 AM 338. I wonder what NIKON D3x (if it is a person) would say about

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these.... me, I'll use the word "WOW" to describe Great Photos.... Posted by RyanSteel August 22, 10 01:14 AM 339. It is touching to see people before the storm of war and revoulution, poverty with serenity. and so modern at same time. Posted by Antoinette Baranov August 22, 10 01:47 AM 340. It is touching to see people before the storm of war and revoulution, poverty with serenity. and so modern at same time. Posted by Antoinette Baranov August 22, 10 01:47 AM 341. Amazing that Canon didn't manage to resolve the purple fringe problem with their cameras and lenses, even 100 years later. I'm getting similar purple fringe artifacts with my Canon 7D. Go Russia :D Posted by joe August 22, 10 01:59 AM 342. The only thing that hasn't changed is a sleeping dog. Dogs still sleep the same way. Posted by Colorado Bob August 22, 10 02:01 AM 343. @324yep, Just travel outside the russians city, and you can see many similar views. Posted by Cael August 22, 10 02:16 AM 344. De super belles photos! Posted by Webangels August 22, 10 02:48 AM 345. -- comment removed -- Posted by Anonymous August 22, 10 03:01 AM

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346. Thank you. These photos gave me a glimpse of the Russia my grandparents knew before they emigrated to America in 1913. Posted by Carol Schurr August 22, 10 03:25 AM 347. Beautiful photos, but note Georgia is not Russia. It would be the same as showing Toronto, in a book of US Photos. Posted by Nick Knight August 22, 10 03:39 AM 348. Unbelievable! Thank you so much for showing this! Posted by texnic August 22, 10 04:26 AM 349. #236 To slightly correct you, The Russian Empire, which this article and photographs is about is technically accurate. The Russian Empire had oblasts but was Not composed of countries "united as a large country" like the USSR was. Ukraine, for example, didn't even exist as a modern country as we know it now until 1917 when Imperial Russia crumbled. While it's true these many types of people are not Russian. To say they were NEVER Russia - the country is not correct. The Russian Empire was a single, indivisable country, one of the largest the world has ever know. Do some research or look at an old map of the EMPIRE, it was a single country, NOT a Union states. (The people saying “half these photos arenʼt in Russia- the intro to the article says, a photographical survey of the Russian Empire” it was all Russia at that time:) ) Posted by DT August 22, 10 04:31 AM 350. A privilege to see them. Thank you. Posted by Elizabeth Sykes August 22, 10 04:52 AM 351. Ευχαριστούμε θερμά αυτούς που εργάστηκαν γι΄αυτό το

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εκπληκτικό αποτέλεσμα της ανθρώπινης ιστορίας μας. Αν εμείς οι ''επόμενοι'' αποκρυπτογραφούσαμε με μια ουμανιστική και ταπεινή ματιά το χαρακτήρα και το κλίμα των ''χρόνων ιστορίας'' που απεικονίζονται με αυτές τις φωτογραφίες θα μπορούσαμε ουσιαστικά να προχωρήσουμε με ηθικό τρόπο τους δικούς μας σύγχρονους και περίεργους καιρούς. Είθε... Χαιρετισμούς προς όλους, Άρης Posted by Άρης Λούκας August 22, 10 05:49 AM 352. Great photo's Russia and the surrounding countries are fascinating just from a pictorial view. I went to Western Russia in 1984 and it was captivating even then.Thanks Posted by ken lusk August 22, 10 06:19 AM 353. Makes the early colour film in the 50s look artificial. Thanks a lot for this, both as a contribution to the history of photography as well as of Russia. Posted by Walther Hetzer August 22, 10 06:25 AM 354. Thank You Sergey Mihailovich ! May your memory be eternal for this wonderful photography for posterity and a huge SPASIBO / THANKS to Library of Congress and Editor for making them available to the world to see.(Regarding,a viewer curious about the three Power Lines ( in photo # 23 ) ,one of the founders of the three-phase system was a Russian inventor Mihail Dolivo-Dobrovolsky ( the other a great Serb,Nikola Tesla),and in 1891the system was displayed in Europe @ The International Electro-Technical Exhibition and electric power was even then transmitted for a distance of 176km. He also designed the world's first three-phase hydro-electric power plant in 1891.) Both bios of these inventors are on Wiki.) Posted by Alex Kochneff, Portland,Oregon,USA August 22, 10

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06:26 AM

355. Merci pour le partage de ces magnifiques photos, et le mot "magnifiques" est faible pour décrire la qualité de ces clichés!!! D'accord avec celui ou celle qui a écrit que Sergueï Mikhaïlovitch Prokudin-Gorskii devrait avoir un jour férié portant son nom pour cet apport historique unique!! Encore merci!!! Posted by Gate53 August 22, 10 07:40 AM

356. the resolution is amazing..... Posted by one son of a beach August 22, 10 07:45 AM

357. I loved the pictures as they are so universal in their appeal. I am

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sure peoples of many nations watching them would find something relevant to their countries in the pictures. I found many that remind me of India...the people and the places. The fabric details are exquisite (re. pic 11 and 28).Thank you! Posted by Rashmi August 22, 10 07:52 AM 358. Wonderful! Thank you! My city (Sukhumi, Georgia) looks so innocent! Posted by Davit August 22, 10 08:06 AM 359. Merci pour le partage de ces magnifiques photos!! La qualité est incroyable!! Mes préférées, 2, 32,34 :-) Posted by Gate53 August 22, 10 08:20 AM 360. The color is beautiful for that time. Posted by Anonymous August 22, 10 08:48 AM 361. Can someone explain how #2 could be a self portrait. Its not as if there is a self timer on a field camera. It must have been taken by an assistant. Fantastic photographs. Love the cornflowers. It is the kind of composition, almost whimsical, that you would expect to see today. Posted by eggnostriva August 22, 10 08:49 AM 362. Very interesting works transmitting spirit of that pre-revolutionary time Posted by Albert Björklund August 22, 10 08:49 AM 363. The guy in #7 needs to mow his lawn. Posted by Rog August 22, 10 09:00 AM 364.

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incredible photos! amazing look at the past. Spasiba! Posted by Rick August 22, 10 09:18 AM 365. I would to see a juxtaposition of modern photographs of these places with these pictures! Posted by Rory Fogarty August 22, 10 09:23 AM 366. Me encantaron estas fotografías!! Pude percibir cosas tan lejanas y otras a la vez tan cercanas, y no tan diferentes a la actualidad en muchos lugares del mundo, a pesar del tiempo y la distancia. Excelente!! Posted by Sonia August 22, 10 09:33 AM 367. Me encantaron estas fotografías!! Pude percibir cosas tan lejanas y otras a la vez tan cercanas, y no tan diferentes a la actualidad en muchos lugares del mundo, a pesar del tiempo y la distancia. Excelente!! Posted by Sonia August 22, 10 09:38 AM 368. I did notice that someone, in response to those asking about people not smiling in the photographs mentioned it was because of the long process in taking those photos back then. That's actually not the only reason. It was also beleived to be cheesy to smile in a photograph. Posted by jessica August 22, 10 09:50 AM 369. Several people have noted that there is too much detail in these photos. The amazing detail is allowed for by negative plates that are essentially 3 inches square for each color. (9"x3" total for each photograph) Compare that the the relatively small size of a 35 millimeter film frame and it is little wonder the detail is so good. It is the equivalent of a large format camera today. There isn't a digital

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equivalent on the market today and yet no one is surprised by the detail in a 12 megapixel photo. They expect it. Wonderful peek into these folks' lives a hundred years later. Posted by Jonathan August 22, 10 10:06 AM 370. Beautiful and amazing. Thanks for sharing. Posted by Joe August 22, 10 10:11 AM 371. Great photos with lots of character! Thanks! Posted by Susan Woods August 22, 10 10:23 AM 372. Beautiful photos but Artvin has never been a part of Russia. Posted by Anonymous August 22, 10 10:30 AM 373. Peter: "I also sense that the lack of smiling is due to the tradition from formal portraiture." Formal smile (as opposed to the expression of a spontaneous emotion) is a thing particular to the American culture. Posted by JoeyDoe August 22, 10 10:50 AM 374. Nothing changes except the lences. Greetings from Russia! Posted by Den August 22, 10 11:15 AM 375. Gosh, a time trip. But nobody smiles. Posted by Angelo Fiorillo August 22, 10 11:20 AM 376. Incredibly beautiful photographs. They do appear to be quite modern in nature. How is it that the color and lighting clear. I thoucolor was not available untill lter in the century. Posted by E August 22, 10 11:20 AM

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377. Beautifu, brath taking picture, the colors were amazing. Real genius of photography for the times. Posted by Margie August 22, 10 11:23 AM 378. @Jonathon Bowman A similar technique is indeed still used today by amateur astronomers who combine separate CDD images taken through filters to produce color photographs of faint nebulae etc. Posted by Paul Sutherland August 22, 10 11:25 AM 379. To Armen, whose comment includes the following: "...The shots "now in Turkey" are largely from "Armenia" stolen by the Turks. I wonder about the lady in the first shot; she had about a 35% chance of being murdered by the Turks just a few years later" Why can't you just enjoy the beauty of the photograph without delving into petty politics and racism? When you see a picture of Jewish children before WW II, do you comment whether the Germans killed them or are they still alive? Posted by Omer Yagiz August 22, 10 11:50 AM 380. Thank you, 361 re self-portrait. I wondered too . "Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii and members of his photographic team are shown here at their overnight campground." on 3rd picture - 6 men visible Googgle-search found much more, including Many more at Another apparent three-phase electric line - very visible, at"00426 Vitebsk. Part of

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the city with the Western Dvina 1912" (I can't see the wires in # 23 ) [ ref comment 266, 331, 354 ] RR Car in background, said to be his photographic workshop.(Per another site - I lost it.) Posted by Dan OConnell August 22, 10 12:07 PM 381. Thanks for sharing such wonderful photos-wonder if it is still as beautiful and serene as it was in 1910-too bad if it isn't................ Posted by carole temple August 22, 10 12:11 PM 382. Incredible and beautiful. When I see those faces, I think of the incredible suffering that the Russian people have endured-from the horror of WWI, to the communist hell of Lenin.God bless the Russian people! Posted by Gene August 22, 10 12:16 PM 383. At least, no blood! Posted by Pierre August 22, 10 12:18 PM 384. Amazing photos for its time. Thanks to the sender Allen Barkey Posted by Allen Barkey August 22, 10 12:24 PM 385. What colour! What gloriously beautiful photographs! Posted by Frank Rigg August 22, 10 12:27 PM 386. ...Gracias por fotos tan bellas.....en situaciones tan cotidianas, con seres comunes....y es cierto que en las fotos de antes las sonrisas no existen porque no había un "clik" rápido..Muy buenas.....quiero más. Posted by jhordana inostroza nagel August 22, 10 12:34 PM

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387. Now we have a chance to see actual pictures of a communist country unknown to all Indians Really it is good that its information is released by this time A very good informative photos to see Thanks Posted by SHANKERPRASAD S BHATT August 22, 10 12:38 PM

388. Before President Franklin D. Roosevelt no one ever smiled for the camera. President Roosevelt was the first statesman in the world who started the fashion of smiling for the cameras. He smiled widely, jauntily and constantly. He did it as part of his efforts to instill optimism in the American people crushed by the Great Depression. Look at any picture before him, anywhere in the world, of men and women of all classes no one ever smiles. In those days, one smiled only if there was a good reason to smile.

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Posted by Irene August 22, 10 12:42 PM 389. The pictures are amazing. You could almost feel the crispness of the air and see it with the clothes and appearance of the water. I like the mixture of old and newer architecture. These are precious and unique photos and I can see why they were purchased. Posted by Kathi Denham August 22, 10 12:45 PM 390. UN APLAUSO AL CREADOR ( FOTOGRAFO) DE ESTAS BELLISIMAS IMAGENES.FELICITACIONES TAMBIEN AL QUE HIZO POSIBLE LA PUBLICACION DE LAS MISMAS. Posted by conradoquezadaescandon August 22, 10 12:51 PM 391. Amazing pics. Posted by Ed August 22, 10 12:53 PM 392. Beautiful, passionate and REAL. One can't help but connect with each face, with imploring eyes. A reality check that we all live- and that we all die. Thank you for the emotional experience of seeing the "mother Russia" I have read about in literature. Posted by karen wittgraf August 22, 10 01:15 PM 393. Startlingly breathtaking look at the past. My husband and I were amazed at the clarity and detail. I could look at these images for days. Posted by Marcy August 22, 10 01:17 PM 394. #11 #21 #27 confirma it was the russians who invented Lomography. Posted by Vince Munoz August 22, 10 01:23 PM 395.

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Fabulous! Thank you! Posted by Isabel Das Gupta August 22, 10 01:35 PM 396. Dear editor! wish for a great vacation. I'm from Nepal and great fan of your wonderful photos collection. I'm expecting soon you will catch and present the beautiful snaps of Nepal. It is rich country with historical monuments, Natural beauties and wildlife diversity. Posted by Kandel Bhai August 22, 10 01:38 PM 397. Really amazing. I wish there were more sets like this. Posted by Derek August 22, 10 02:00 PM 398. Fantastic and Beautiful!!!. To Argentina I say Hi !!!... And thanks for sharing these pictures with us... Posted by Josefina August 22, 10 02:02 PM 399. Incredible beauty! Thank you for sharing this jewel!This is how I imagined Russia in the past,I didn't find it when I went there in 2004.... Posted by Sylvia Flückiger August 22, 10 02:05 PM 400. These are astonishingly beautiful, clear and ultra high definition photographs, and they remind us that we don;t have a monopoly on great technology. I truly couldn't take such fantastic pirctures today, even with 'great' digital technology. They are all so true, and provide such a unique insight into life a century ago. A priceless treasure. Posted by Tony Currie August 22, 10 02:05 PM 401. Ce sont de magnifiques photos, émouvantes, exceptionnellement

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cadrées. Quelle dignité et quelle beauté ! Merci pour cette découverte. Ma journée prend des couleurs ! Posted by Christine Lemée August 22, 10 02:10 PM 402. Ce sont de magnifiques photos, émouvantes, exceptionnellement cadrées. Quelle dignité et quelle beauté ! Merci pour cette découverte. Ma journée prend des couleurs ! Posted by Christine Lemée August 22, 10 02:11 PM 403. Thank you. One of the best sets i've seen Posted by Anonymous August 22, 10 02:12 PM 404. Nice to see photos with no political message or overtones for a change - a breath of fresh air not usually found on this website! Posted by Bazooka Bob August 22, 10 02:26 PM 405. Absolutely Beautiful!!!!! Thank you for showing this.. Posted by Ana From Argentina August 22, 10 02:42 PM 406. Merci pour ces photos magnifiques et ce merveilleux voyage dans un passélointain et pourtant si proche. Posted by zerg49 August 22, 10 02:45 PM 407. That dog is older than everyone here!! Posted by incest August 22, 10 03:03 PM 408. wow . just wow. Posted by Anonymous August 22, 10 03:23 PM 409. beautiful thing that hasn't changed, that's the ugly

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reality of women in "purdah" ... that means "veil"...but what she's wearing is a suffocating padded blanket (how do we even know that it is a "woman" under that padded sack? and never mind wether or not she is smiling under that odious "garment" ... a symbol of slavery for sure ...) that to the beautiful picture of the Georgian woman with her exquisite lace head-wear...that's what's "native" to these parts... so-called "veil" is an alien, backward also with the picture of the school children, boys and girls mixed, some girls without scarves, sitting in the sunshine and fresh air on the hillside of their that backward "purdah" world, little girls do not even get to go to school or learn to read! from 1910 to 2010, and still the misogynists are covering women up in sunlight barring, suffocating "veils". Posted by eva August 22, 10 03:24 PM 410. amazing documantation. Posted by neta August 22, 10 03:28 PM 411. very nice pictures, it shows a clean image of our mother nature, now everything is polluted and fake, one question: why all people are sad in these photos? no one is smiling Posted by Pier August 22, 10 03:30 PM 412. Awesome photos of a country I would love to visit someday. I especially like photo #4 -- the woman sitting at a calm spot on the Sim River, part of the Volga watershed. She looks like she could have been one of my great-grandmothers who lived in Russia. Both of my German parents and their extended families were born in Russia in the Volga River area. My father's birthplace was in Norka, and my mother's birthplace was in Balzar. They and their immediate families (parents and siblings) immigrated to the United States prior to World War I -- my father at age 18 and my mother at

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age 15 or 16. I would love to see more photographs of the two villages where my parents were born and lived until they came to America. Thanks for sharing these incredible photos here! Posted by Naomi August 22, 10 03:39 PM 413. Fantastic! Would be neat to see a side-by-side of what those locations look like now. Posted by William August 22, 10 03:45 PM 414. Interesting color pictures - but, like much of the countryside - it appears to be a 'hard, tough, life. Even the cornflowers and daisies seem to be 'struggling' for existence! Posted by Joan Hopper August 22, 10 03:48 PM 415. Interesting to think about these photos and how they fit into the history of photography. They were taken during the period when native costumes were being recorded extensively, so the photographer generally focuses on them. If you didn't know this you might think that everyone in the region dressed like this, but that was not the case. Also, the "costumey" aspect of some of the photos increased the idea that ethnic groups were very different from each other, which was the type of nationalism that led to World War I. Posted by Merry August 22, 10 04:00 PM 416. Great! Thank you! Posted by Alie August 22, 10 04:24 PM 417. Cara, que fotos Fodonas! Posted by Dudu Valle August 22, 10 04:37 PM

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418. where other people was seeing b&w he was seeing colour...trully amazing technique...amazing photos.... Posted by electronic396 August 22, 10 04:49 PM 419. As a Trustee of the Museum of Russian Art in Minneapolis (TMORA.COM) which features representational/impressionistic art these pictures flood the brain with images of so many of our pieces. These classic photos are truly a magnificent and historic record. Thank you. Posted by Eric August 22, 10 04:50 PM 420. For those people who were saying that these would require minutes-long exposures; not so much. Photographic film had gotten the required exposure time for a single frame below 1/20th of a second by that time ... which is how motion pictures could exist, which they had for at least four years, and probably for fifteen, depending on definitions. To do this kind of thing, depending on how the photographer needed to swap the filters, you might need, oh, two or three seconds ... or even less, if the photographer had some kind of filter wheel or something he could use. As for the quality of images; this kind of color photography had been being done for about forty years by the time these were taken. These are of a very high quality, and of places that people in the West don't really see very much ... but being astonished by their existence in general is a bit like being shocked that there were *vehicles* being powered by *internal combustion engines* in 1935. Posted by RobF August 22, 10 04:55 PM 421. Marvelous. But not all are done with a three-plate system. Some are- note the multicolored moving water- but most appear to be

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hand-tinted. The giveaway is the very narrow color palette of the hand-tinted ones, along with the affectations common to hand tinting, like giving everyone blushing red cheeks. Note that photo 2 shows moving water- but not the kind of color separation a three plate system should show, as in photos 14 and 21. Posted by michael August 22, 10 05:08 PM

422. Great stuff! I have a collection of his photos taken in 1912 in the Urals. Posted by antonia August 22, 10 05:19 PM

423. Splendide, que dire, c'est vraiment émouvant. Posted by Tigreblanc August 22, 10 05:20 PM

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424. These are great ! Do preserve them. Posted by Anonymous August 22, 10 05:23 PM 425. wow... somehow this gives me perspective about Life, Earth, land boundaries... I guess it has to do with the vastness of time, landscape, technology and, above all, the scope of Art. Posted by Neise Turchin, from Brazil, living in the US August 22, 10 05:26 PM 426. Molodetz! It's hard to believe those are real. What a beautiful land these pictures depict. Posted by krutoychaps August 22, 10 05:55 PM 427. I see all the woman seem to have their heads covered? i wonder if this was just tradition rather than Islamic rule. if only my husband's grandmother was still alive (she was 93 this year before she died). she would tell me about these things. she would tell me about being married off at 14. made me think when i saw the "peasants" picture where the men look like boys and girls like like, little girls. Posted by ellen August 22, 10 05:58 PM 428. these are wonderful. i felt as if i travelled back in time.wonderful. also it's heartbraking to think of the war that came a few years after these were taken. this is how they made the above images from the negatives Posted by cegg August 22, 10 06:19 PM 429. MAGNIFICENT Posted by Francis - Tropical Trinidad & Tobago August 22, 10 06:20 PM

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430. The picture's are beautiful. My Dad came to the U.S.A. when he was a little boyaround the age of 18. He loved this country. Posted by Olga Fox August 22, 10 06:26 PM 431. @ellen: i believe covering your head is not an islamic thing... i live in a christian country and even like 50 years ago it was common for grown-ups to cover their heads. it was part of the traditional costume plus a practical thing against the sun/wind/whatever. now that most of the society sits at their desks all day it faded away. Posted by cegg August 22, 10 06:28 PM 432. Beautiful pictures from 100 years ago. Thank you for making them available on line. NOTE: One comment (#330) states that Sukhumi is part of Georgia. This is a mistake. Sukhumi is part of Abkhazia, a small nation on the Black Sea just to the northwest of Georgia. May both Georgia and Abkhazia live in peace and prosper! Posted by PEHook August 22, 10 06:41 PM 433. It is so bizarre 100 years ago in color. Opposite is true today. Posted by V.E.G. August 22, 10 07:30 PM 434. I really appreciate the new look at a world so long ago. We mostly see them or ones like them in B&W which while good, do not help in bringing that world to life since life is in color. I think it would be great to do the same for the B&W photos of the Civil War on. It might help bring that part of American history to life for us here in the States. Posted by Hal Howell August 22, 10 07:58 PM 435. Fantastic! Beautiful!

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Posted by M.Shimada August 22, 10 08:15 PM 436. Lovely photos. Interesting look into 100 yrs ago. Makes me wonder what became of the people and places. Did anyone survive to go on. Beautiful detail a moment caught in time. Posted by Denise August 22, 10 08:39 PM 437. IT seems more like a slice out of a moment in time; the last days before things all started falling apart in the 20th century. Posted by Ironlion August 22, 10 09:11 PM 438. Thanks for the beautiful old pictures. These new countries ( Georgia, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and some part of kyrgyzstan was belonged to Iran (my country) for many years and Russia detached them from Big Persia (Iran) by force. But the names of some famous cities in these new countries are still Iranian names, foe example: Khorezm (�����), Dagestan (�������), Samarkand (������), Bukhara (�����) and the names of the men in pictures 7 "Isfandiyar Jurji Bahadur (�������� �����) ", and 28 "Emir Seyyid Mir Mohammed Alim Khan (���� ��� ��� ���� ���� ���)" they are all Iranian. Posted by Iman Eslami August 22, 10 09:46 PM 439. Do we REALLY NEED all the political commentary? Do we really need the anti Muslim hatred in some of your posts? No, we don't. Just enjoy the photos and shut your stupid mouths. Posted by Alex Ligero August 22, 10 10:02 PM 440. Are these pictures modified or what ? They look like modern day high quality pictures with 10 Mega pixel or something Posted by Genius August 22, 10 10:37 PM

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441. すごい写真で�ね�一世紀前から、時の流れが止まった��よ�な新鮮�感動を�日本語�コメント��し��� Posted by G_K_Woody August 22, 10 10:56 PM 442. 勉強に�り����面白����� Posted by Anonymous August 22, 10 11:02 PM 443. Thank you for these phenomenal photographs. It's amazing to see that the Muslims to this day keep their modesty high and do not subjugate themselves to the man made temporary trendy laws of the 21st century. I see many Muslim women dressed modestly in those photographs and as well as Christians who kept their modesty high. It's unfortunate that today the women have given into the demands of man and their fashion standards set by men. By the way, photograph #16 looks like a Muslim family, not Jewish. The reason I say this is because Jews don't wear hats like that. Their hats are much smaller and the clothing also resembles mens'. Thank you for these photographs! Posted by esam August 22, 10 11:15 PM 444. thank you for my friend GA who send them for me, Posted by Tako Margit August 22, 10 11:29 PM 445. Que Exelentes estas Fotos !!!... Una tecnica que no conocia la mencionada aqui y una definicion que para la epoca se ven Muy Poeticas para ese tiempo. Me impresiono mucho la de el Señor de 84 años ( Pinkhus Karlinskii ) , 66 años de Servicio, se le nota en la cara lo lucido que esta en esa epoca. Posted by Elio - Argentina August 22, 10 11:57 PM

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446. Why am i shedding tears...why...? Posted by ital August 23, 10 12:31 AM 447. Regarding picture #373, 375, 382 & 388 = smiling for the camera:In those days, anything East of the Polish border the people living then / there, never did have anything to SMILE about. Dictatorial Governments kept people under very stringent control. The pittiful events of WW2 did not do those people any good, either. Posted by Gerhard August 23, 10 12:34 AM 448. Comment 443 wonders if photo 16 is of jewish children with their teacher and questions the hat design. Prior to 1917, there were some 35 synagogues in Samarkand, according to several theatises. They were not of the European sects, but were sephardic. The cornered hat style seen on some of the boys appears similar to local hats worn even today by the few remaining members of the last synagogue there. One headcovering, however, is a traditional kipah. In any event, Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii, the photographer was under the impression they were jews and said so in his collection. A quick tour of the academic pieces on Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii make this plain. Posted by jeffry finer August 23, 10 12:40 AM 449. Dear Editor: Soon after you posted these pictures on the 20th, I came to know them via RSS. About 10 minutes later I introduced them in Japanese via Twitter. Now my post and its similar/modified versions have been widely distributed in Japan because the pictures are so amazing. It was fun to see how a tweet spreads with time. I thank Editor for giving me this wonderful experience. Posted by @ogugeo August 23, 10 12:41 AM

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450. And I thought I've seen it all. This is priceless Posted by Les Cohen August 23, 10 12:42 AM 451. Great photos of my country! Thanks for this possibility.ITs difficult to believe they are 100 years old! Posted by elena from moscow August 23, 10 12:45 AM 452. What stunning photography for any era - the best that I have seen in my lifetime. The photographer had a keen, almost visonary eye for human nature, the values of color, composition and light. There is an immediacy about many of the photographs that elicits an immediate instinct in me to want to touch the image, or of having a sense that I am "there" - on the other side of the camera as an onlooker between the photographer and his subjects. An awesome reaction. Unforgettable. Thank you, With best regards.Susan French Cone Posted by Susan French Cone August 23, 10 01:10 AM 453. Incredible collection!!... wonder how the world would be 100 years from now :) Posted by Gaurav August 23, 10 01:21 AM 454. I'm just crying while watching these. It is just extraordinary. Posted by Fandorina August 23, 10 01:29 AM 455. This time, I am really amazed. It does not look like true. I suppose that a century ago it was the eight wonder of the moment. Your selection is a very good idea, thank you. Have a nice vacation. Posted by JOSE August 23, 10 01:33 AM 456.

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Many, many, MANY thanks for providing the Google Map link. And the pix are brilliant, as well. Posted by Trevor August 23, 10 01:36 AM 457. So amazing to see high-quality photos from a century ago IN COLOR!!! Thank you! Posted by Choudoufu August 23, 10 01:45 AM 458. How do you digitally convert those 3 glass-plates of a photo? Posted by Kristupa Saragih August 23, 10 02:31 AM 459. Thank you! Amazing pictures! Loved the ones taken in Samarkand - my ancient and beloved city! Posted by Laura August 23, 10 02:36 AM 460. Unbelievable! Posted by Nilanjan August 23, 10 02:59 AM 461. Absolutely Amazing, nothing more needs to be said Posted by Mike Behnken August 23, 10 03:07 AM 462. Amazing pictures. Both the photographic quality and how they are preserve until these days. Look at all those colours! The portraits of the two emirs/khans are both superb gems. Posted by RogerWilco August 23, 10 03:20 AM 463. comment #438 you better read some historical books. Georgia is not a new country, actually it is one of the oldest countries in the world. Yes, Georgia was conquered by Iran Posted by Giorgi August 23, 10 03:34 AM

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464. �强大���知道���有没�中国的.. Posted by Jackie.Hamos August 23, 10 03:37 AM 465. Absolutely wonderful, thank you. Feel humbled at how far technology had come 100 years ago - similar feeling to looking at the Saxon hoard from 600s - and it is so exciting to see how photography preserves a little of our past. also interested in the post commenting on 'seeing in colour' vs 'seeing in b/w' - do photographers really 'see in b/w' when using that film ? Posted by Lorna August 23, 10 04:20 AM 466. Very nice ,history photos..just want to back to there when they alive with together take a photos,really nice Posted by Mai August 23, 10 04:46 AM 467. These are absolutely amazing. Thank you so much for sharing these - very inspiring! Posted by Graham August 23, 10 04:56 AM 468. 347Beautiful photos, but note Georgia is not Russia. It would be the same as showing Toronto, in a book of US Photos.Posted by Nick Knight August 22, 2010 03:39 AM At 1913 Georgia was a part of Russia ;) Posted by TZA August 23, 10 05:27 AM 469. I instantly recognized the foto of Tbilisi. It has grown, but the main buildings such as churches are still there. The church in the lower section, on the edge of a cliff is good clue. Still exactly like that. I was only there for about 48 hours. Across the valley in the green meadow is now a main road leading to the airport, which is off foto right. A Sheraton is on that main road where the green meadow is

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and would be easily visible in this view, if taken in 2010. I took some fotos from the Sheraton due its high vantage point looking across valley. Posted by Peter August 23, 10 05:37 AM

470. PIC #32 LEGOLAS. Posted by 2saint4u August 23, 10 05:45 AM

471. Georgia was a Russia in 1910, but Budapest not (Austria-Hungary) Posted by Marek August 23, 10 05:57 AM

472. Wonderful pictures I enjoyed the themes and the glimpse into the last century, having been to Russia many times in the last few years I was always interested in their colourful past and traditions,

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Modern Russia has a lot to look up to, please ! please publish some more. What man could achieve 100 years ago...WOW Posted by Terence C Fawdington August 23, 10 06:05 AM 473. amazing photos, but, how can they be taken in 1910 with that much quality and vivid colors? just don't seem realistic. i think there is a mistake for dates. i can prove it by picture #13. ıt is a view of Artvin. Date fits the material used for houses but in those days, mosques have different material to cover the roof. So, it is possible taken in 30s. anyway, good photos. Posted by burcu aker August 23, 10 06:08 AM 474. You stupid Eslami (From Iran), Alex Ligero is right, just enjoy the magnificient photos. When there were Ancient Khorezm and Samarkand (Afrasiyab), Bukhara you Iran was no government, it was just a group of tribes worshipping fire. Besides, their names and names of people are not Iranian, but Arabic and those from their ancient languages. By the way, Iranians were brought to Khorezm as slaves and sold in some centuries. Posted by Anvar August 23, 10 06:27 AM 475. it`s fantasitc old pictures!yes, it`s our Russian Empire)and Georgia were in Russian Empire since 18th- learn history or read wiki ;)Alex Ligero respect from Russia)best regards from Moscow Posted by zloy.bayan August 23, 10 07:49 AM 476. Envoutant. D'où as-tu découvert ces photos? Crois-tu qu'on puisse en tirer d'aussi émouvantes à l'heure actuelle avec un iPhone ? XXXXmercis. Posted by jr August 23, 10 07:58 AM 477.

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�てき��素敵��ステキ�� i love it ! Posted by yuka August 23, 10 08:05 AM 478. Is this only me, or are they all looking so sad on these photos ? :/ Posted by Guillaume August 23, 10 08:13 AM 479. Unbelievable quality from such a simple idea. The three filters parallel modern day projectors. Was this technology used elsewhere by others? "Surreal" doesn't capture the feeling I have viewing these. Posted by Peter Forint August 23, 10 08:16 AM 480. Incredible photos! Amazing look at the past!!!Thank you so much. Posted by sonya August 23, 10 08:18 AM 481. these are pics that remind me of my grandparents. we have the "no smile" pics of relatives that i'll never know. they are wonderful and made my day so uplifting. spasibo!!! Posted by mary j. hoy August 23, 10 08:30 AM 482. Loved the old pictures - especially the people. Looks like a hard life back then. My husband and i visited russia last year - many beautiful places and buildings. However, as for the people now - Good thing you can't see the trashy women who will hit on any american man, just to leave that country now! Posted by arlene August 23, 10 08:36 AM 483. Des photos si contemporaines. Grand bien nous fasses de pouvoir admirer ces clichés.Un grand merci Posted by d'angelo Régis August 23, 10 08:37 AM 484.

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This photographic process is always use by a French photographer, Henri Gaud. You can see his photographic works and learn his method on his blog: take 3 black and white images with 3 different filters (RVB...) and rebuild the color image with his photo software. Posted by Christophe August 23, 10 08:48 AM 485. WOW!!!! What amazing images!!! What an incredible documentary of life almost 100 years ago! The images look like they were taken yesterday.....simply amazing! Posted by Bravo August 23, 10 09:14 AM 486. Fantastic, glorious photos and an important record of Russia and its environs at the turn of the century. The photographer Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii (1863-1944) was very talented and devoted. Posted by Vladimir P. Fekula August 23, 10 09:23 AM 487. many thanks for the very interesting post. Posted by Azza August 23, 10 09:25 AM 488. It's so beutifull! Real full color pict 100 years ago! ��������年�も��界は当然フルカラーだ��� ド�������� Posted by carveman August 23, 10 09:26 AM 489. Response to 443. I think these children are Jewish. Notice the boy on left's haircut. By Jewish tradition, the hair is cut short except for the sideburn area, hence it is darker. Posted by Saw this picture in a Jewsish Journal August 23, 10 09:53 AM

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490. Absolutely unbelievable. Can anyone get colored photo 200 years ago? I will donate $1000 to the guy Posted by bioruan August 23, 10 10:32 AM 491. Outstanding!Just imagine had the whites not been displaced and killed by the reds what a different Russia might today exist . . . Posted by JoeBee August 23, 10 10:35 AM 492. Oh, WOW, these are fabulous!! Wowah… Posted by SayMoi August 23, 10 10:36 AM 493. Wow! Amazing pictures. Posted by LEKO August 23, 10 10:41 AM 494. Beautiful photos... however I can't help but think about the dark shadow already being cast on all those people... the horrors of the bolshevik revolution and Stalin's genocide... Posted by Piotr Pawlikowski August 23, 10 10:48 AM 495. Fabulous photos from 100 years ago in color! Incredible to see these mesmerizing scenes and people in different costumes and everyday attires! Thank you for posting these treasures! Posted by Tatsuki Kobayashi August 23, 10 10:49 AM 496. Really remarkable! George Posted by Anonymous August 23, 10 10:55 AM 497. Wonderful photos!#13. I was curious how Artvin looked today. Found a photo taken from almost the same spot. Different but still

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much the same. See it here: Posted by Susan August 23, 10 11:18 AM

498. Very nice and very interesting. Posted by Carolynne August 23, 10 11:23 AM

499. Do you think the beautiful churches in 15 and 26 were in any way retouched? If so, I guess bit of work remains to be done on #5. Posted by Peter Morton August 23, 10 11:31 AM

500. It's so beutifull! I was lately in many of this places. People, nature and colors are the same. Fantastic! Posted by OLGA August 23, 10 11:32 AM

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501. truly amazing photos. Its hard to believe they are 100 years old, wish every one around the world had known this technique to have the pictures in color 100 years back with stunning clarity. Wish i could see my country like this Posted by Aditya August 23, 10 11:45 AM 502. Great collection of old photographs! We loved looking at them all. Look forward to seeing more of such collections! Posted by MVSKARAN August 23, 10 11:46 AM 503. Great pics! It is amazing to have the opportunity to see them now, after an entire century. So much history and humanity... and a great artist! Posted by José Roberto Almeida August 23, 10 11:58 AM 504. So anyone knows any better about this RGB photographing method? Is anyone else in the history of photography ever used it at that time? Was any tonning added to the colors? Maks Posted by Maksim August 23, 10 12:01 PM 505. Very nice piece of History. I'm sure they would be kept for posterity. Posted by Amilcar Guimarães August 23, 10 12:19 PM 506. To Esam comment #443:FYI Jews wear all kinds of hatsThe haircuts on boys' heads and the untrimmed beard on the teacher clearly identifies them as Jewish Posted by Igor August 23, 10 12:30 PM

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507. Wat een fantastische foto's! Moedertje Rusland, zoals onze generatie haar nooit heeft gekend! Posted by evelien August 23, 10 12:44 PM 508. Response to 489 These children are not Jewish )))))))))))))))This hat is called as "tybeteyka" - it is national part of cloth for this part of russia. ) It is so popular in Turkic peoples as Uzbeks, Kirghizs and others )))))))Look at it ) And Turkic people are not Semitic P.S. Hello from Moscow all!..)))) Posted by Nataly August 23, 10 01:09 PM 509. Amazing. Thank you so much. Posted by a historian August 23, 10 01:20 PM 510. 한국인입니다. 100년전 사진이라고 하는데 생��네요. 예술���. Posted by sokyeon August 23, 10 01:30 PM 511. Fantastic, lovely photographs. Thankyou for sharing Posted by dorothy Wedderburn August 23, 10 01:41 PM 512. Someone commented that no-one was smiling. It was not the fashion to be smiling in photographs at that time. If you look at photos from anywhere taken at the same time, it would be rare to find a smiling face. Posted by Wendy C August 23, 10 01:47 PM 513.

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amazing Posted by Pascal Lequin photographe August 23, 10 01:57 PM 514. Fantastic! Great! Thank you! Posted by porfirius August 23, 10 01:58 PM 515. Remarkable. Just like being there. Posted by Gary Brown August 23, 10 01:59 PM 516. Vielen Dank für die Fotos. Sie sind richtig schön!1 Posted by Anonymous August 23, 10 02:04 PM 517. Super, imazing in technique and art! Posted by Lev August 23, 10 02:08 PM 518. very nice ... thx Posted by GermanGuy August 23, 10 02:25 PM 519. Amazing, beautiful and very poignant. Posted by James Power August 23, 10 02:25 PM 520. Great photos. Congratulations ! Posted by Carlos Salema August 23, 10 02:31 PM 521. Comment #421 - The water in the #2 image was blurred with a very long exposure for all three plates, so it averages out better than the shorter exposures in the others. There's still some colorization, but it's not as obvious as the other photos that have water. The rest of the photo shows color detail that couldn't be obtained from hand painting it.

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Posted by Matt August 23, 10 02:48 PM 522. IMPRESIONANTE LA ENERGIA QUE TRANSMITEN LAS IMAGENES Posted by JORGE SOSA August 23, 10 02:57 PM 523. This is a most stunning and beautiful collection. It amazes and humbles me that we have works like this. Posted by nathanielray August 23, 10 03:01 PM 524. Bravo!! Fotos maravilhosas e deslumbrantes de um tempo que não existe mais. Posted by marcelo cunha - rib. preto/brasil August 23, 10 03:01 PM 525. how do you continue to receive these kind of e-mails Posted by jacqueline margolis August 23, 10 03:02 PM 526. God bless SCIENCE ............LOL Posted by Old beginner August 23, 10 03:05 PM 527. Response to 475yes Georgia was a part of Russian Empire, but you conquered Georgia. So Georgians are not russians and Georgia is not russia. I think you should learn history, and try to read books not written by russian "history experts". Posted by Giorgi August 23, 10 03:18 PM 528. Simply wonderful. Thanks for sharing them. Posted by Michael S August 23, 10 03:34 PM 529.

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I never knew about this technique of getting color in photographs. Posted by Anonymous August 23, 10 03:46 PM

530. My only comment is how forelorn everything looked on a day to day basis. While I love the photos, and the everyday folks in their attire, I cannot overlook the paltry conditions in which they appeared to live, nor their seeming lack of joy. Posted by jay August 23, 10 03:48 PM

531. preciosas fotografias de un pasado desconocido e intrigante Posted by Rodrigo Risopatrón C. August 23, 10 03:49 PM

532. Absolutely fantastic! I love looking at old photos anyway, to see glimpses of the past, but these in color are astounding! They

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should be in a museum. Posted by Praxilla August 23, 10 04:20 PM 533. Apart from the clothing, the pictures look almost shockingly modern. The past suddendly not so far away. Amazing how this changes one's outlook! Posted by Dorine August 23, 10 04:32 PM 534. sad lava agpercan sirumem fotoner abres Posted by ali osman gümüşkayan.. August 23, 10 04:36 PM 535. Amazing photo's, bringing the past into the present Posted by binarybiscuit August 23, 10 04:41 PM 536. Fascinating! Thanks so very much! Always enjoy these photos. Posted by Michael V August 23, 10 04:42 PM 537. @ Anvar (474) : you are a joke I'm so sorry for you and the persons like u. you are so impolite. But I suggest u to go and read the Big history of Persia (Iran). We have more than 10,000 years culture and the Great Cyrus was the first person that wrote the Human rights in 539 BC when the people like you had lived in tent without country. it's better you think before u want to write something that u don't know about it. and about the names I must tell you that Isfandiar and Bahadur is the exactly historical Persian (Iranian) name but Amir and Mohammad is originally from Arab but some Arab names had became usual in my country after that Arab attack to Iran and know they are also Iranian names.if anybody wants to know about history of Persia just search the word Persia in Google or Yahoo website and after that judge is some of

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them: think it's enough for you. Posted by Iman Eslami August 23, 10 05:09 PM 538. The photography is truly amazing even by today's standards and the history that has been preserved is unbelieveable. Posted by Sandy Davis, Cleveland, Ohio August 23, 10 05:28 PM 539. I always wondered what the past would look like, if it wasn't so old fashioned ! Posted by Andy August 23, 10 05:38 PM 540. As a Central Asia phile, (Peace Corps in Uzbekistan) I was especially keen to see those pictures. Seeing the Khorezm and Bukhara emirs was delightful. Overall the pictures are stunning. How, who unearthed these treasures? Posted by WB August 23, 10 05:48 PM 541. Wonderful trip in a photographic time machine......but the melancholy unsmiling faces tug at the heart. I find myself wondering about the lives these people led. Posted by Annette August 23, 10 05:49 PM 542. Amazing! Does anyone know what the odd RGB distortions/mis-alignments are in some of the photos. A scanning artifact? Something to do with the negatives? Posted by toxictown August 23, 10 06:16 PM 543.

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Увлекательные! Спасибо большое! Всегда пользуются этими фотографиями. Posted by Anonymous August 23, 10 06:45 PM 544. The best part about those images is the method that the photographer use, it's very modern in that age. Amazing pictures, amazing techniques. Posted by Yeni Setiawan August 23, 10 06:55 PM 545. It isn't just the beauty of these photos that moves us. It is the realization that all these people have long been dead, despite the vibrancy of their lives in these pictures. I have rarely seen photos that moved me as much. To everyone involved in making it possible for us to see these, thank you ! Posted by Richard Goodman August 23, 10 07:00 PM 546. Thanks for beautiful pics. I imagine how the people feel, think, live, talk... Our life (even I live in Japan) connect the life in these wonderful photos.They sent my consciousness to time 100 years ago in Russia. Posted by Sakurako August 23, 10 07:06 PM 547. Thanks for beautiful pics. I imagine how the people feel, think, live, talk...Our life (even I live in Japan) connect the life in these wonderful photos.They sent my consciousness to time 100 years ago in Russia. Posted by Sakurako August 23, 10 07:06 PM 548. It so amazing~~~~ I should taking more picture for future~!! :-) Posted by Rooney August 23, 10 07:11 PM 549.

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Incredible ... look at these responses - I'd say you hit a nerve here. Good stuff! Posted by NoBiggie August 23, 10 07:25 PM 550. My Parents who were born in Russia in 1909 told me how beautiful Russaia was before the revolution. Now I can see what they were talking about. Glorious Posted by jc August 23, 10 07:25 PM 551. I have no idea if it was posible to make this colored pictures a hundred years ago (i am complite dummmy in chemistry) but they are really stunning. Thnx who ever you are, dude!!!!!!!!! Posted by Anatoly August 23, 10 07:32 PM 552. They are marvelous and incredible photos in all senses !!! and the best comments: 439, 479, 484, 486, 510, 519, Posted by Du Ribeiro August 23, 10 07:33 PM 553. How amazing to see these pictures 100+ years after they were taken! Thank you to the photographer and the publisher for these photos. Funny that we "modern people" find it odd that adults do not smile for photos -- but assume this is normal for children!? Perhaps, "back in the day," it was considered that one should not smile in order to be considered to be more "serious" hence the lack of smile for adults... although some of it surely was also a reflection on the fact that life was hard, and required perseverance. Life afterall was not to be squandered, but to be worked hard. Posted by jcourtm August 23, 10 07:36 PM 554. Great pictures, truly breath taking to see the colors of that time instead of those grainy gritty black and grey's we're used to. And to the commenter named Genius..... Obviously you are not what your

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user name proclaims you to be. "Are these pictures modified or what ? They look like modern day high quality pictures with 10 Mega pixel or something." YOU MUST BE RETARDED SON! "He used a specialized camera to capture three black and white images in fairly quick succession, using red, green and blue filters, allowing them to later be recombined and projected with filtered lanterns to show near true color images. The high quality of the images, combined with the bright colors, make it difficult for viewers to believe that they are looking 100 years back in time" It says your answer in the THIRD SENTIENCE that you so ignorantly blasted through to look at colorful pictures. I'm only putting so much effort into tearing you a new one because its just a total palm to face moment. After just enjoying an enlightening experience I was forced to read such illiteracy. Reading and then understanding what your looking at, for example; captions, is something you learned in grade 3. Let me guess you were that child at the back of the class in the taped square facing away from the chalkboard... Am I right? Thought so. Anyways on a closing note please just read any literature before brashly filling up the comment screens with your imbecility. Posted by Justin August 23, 10 07:46 PM 555. Thank you, thank you, thank you. What beauty. Posted by melanie gillette August 23, 10 07:48 PM 556. Some of those photos brought tears to my eyes. What I would give to live in the simpler times captured in this wonderful collection of photos. MORE! Thank you so very much for publishing them. Knowing what came 7 years later makes them all the more precious - Posted by Phil Isaacson August 23, 10 07:58 PM 557.

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Wonderful, brilliant, sad, enlightening, astonishing. These are easily the highest-quality photographs I have ever seen from this era, what an incredible collection. They make me feel as if I have stepped into a time machine... thank you so much for sharing. Posted by mojorisin24 August 23, 10 08:45 PM 558. Amazing pictures! Posted by JM August 23, 10 09:02 PM 559. Amazing photography and a slice of history. Thanks. Posted by Mike Davis August 23, 10 09:04 PM 560. Stunning. Beautiful. Important. Thank you for this. They are wonderful photos. Posted by Jack Kear August 23, 10 09:21 PM 561. Beautifully captured... Posted by Kevin Hayes August 23, 10 09:21 PM 562. How unbelievable and truly remarkable!! The pictures look as if they were taken twenty years ago! My wife is Uzbeki. We were married in Tashkent and honeymooned in Samarkand so the pctures hold greater meaning for both of us. Thank you so much for sharing these priceless photos! Posted by pateriot August 23, 10 09:34 PM 563. Thank you for sharing this beautiful series; the technology of the generators and the bridge are stunning, as is the beauty of the people. Human life is too short; it is sad to think these wonderful people are long gone.

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Posted by Lesley Lovett-Doust August 23, 10 09:44 PM

564. These are exquisite photos..the quality of the light! And the incredible faces of these people. I could not pull my eyes away. I have visited Georgia in past years and this year Moscow and Kazakhstan...some of the photos could be from today. Thanks you. Posted by Jeanne Voigt August 23, 10 10:00 PM

565. To know that these pictures were taken a 100 years ago is to see how much and how little we have changed in these 100 years. In 1910 my mother was born, she is no longer here. I look at those faces of russians and Georgians and Uzbeks and think that there are no longer here but thanks to the photographer and the collector of the photographs we can get a glimpse of those faces and

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images that are no longer here. Posted by anya August 23, 10 10:43 PM 566. 2 #507: Natasha, those children ARE Jews. They are "Bucharskie evrei" (The Jews of Buchara). And the Melamed (the teacher) as well. =============="Едете вы сейчас в шляпах и кепках, а назад вернетесь в тюбетейках. Самый глупый из вас купит полный доспех бухарского еврея: бархатную шапку, отороченную шакалом, и толстое ватное одеяло, сшитое в виде халата." И. ИЛЬФ. Е. ПЕТРОВЗОЛОТОЙ ТЕЛЕНОК P.S. Stay in Moscow. :-))) Posted by Len August 23, 10 11:02 PM 567. To Justin and the person he ref'd as the Retarded Son: At the time these photos were taken, 100 years ago, b & w film was "slow" as compared to today. Subjects had to sit still for several seconds, sometimes minutes, to impress their image on film or glass. Thus, they had to sit still or else their images would fuzz. No smiling! About the RGB, the technique described was quite ingenious for the time. And because the "film" was glass plates and in large format, resolution was extraordinary, as you see. Now, even the most inexpensive computer printers have 4 color (cmyk = cyan,magenta,yellow, and black) rather than the more primitive RGB which produces less sophisticated color and color saturation. For the past several years, the biggest and best commercial presses (Heidelbergs) can print in 6 to 8 colors, variations and refinements on cmyk. Most graphic designers can add more details and explain the processes of the physics of color better than I. Hopefully one will come forward !! Posted by Penny August 23, 10 11:05 PM 568. I do understand the process of the three overlapped or overexposed colors, how ever i would like to know if the result was

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photoshopped, some pictures look retocuhed, regardles the time traveling feeling is awsome, thanks alot I hope you can post the remaining photos of the collection Posted by Hector August 24, 10 12:13 AM 569. #32: The male has two swords of different design.At first I assumed the items in individual pockets on his coatwhere shells (shotgun) of some kind. Does anyone know? Posted by Evensen August 24, 10 12:23 AM 570. Regarding the "...more primitive RGB..." colors... RGB and CMYK are two different color models, subtractive and additive models. If you name the RGB model "primitive" then you are watching "primitive" colors from the TV every evening. But let us leave the tech text aside and instead watch the really nice pictures from the history. sigh! Posted by hasse August 24, 10 01:09 AM 571. Magnificent coverage. well worth the look and .... all that history !!! Posted by OBIONE August 24, 10 01:14 AM 572. Posted by jcourtm August 23, 2010 07:36 ...... "After just enjoying an enlightening experience I was forced to read such illiteracy. Reading and then understanding what your looking at, for example; ....." Before you tear strips off anyone about illiteracy, please note that "your" does NOT mean "you're" (the abbreviation for "you are"). Brain into gear before fingers into motion,. Posted by Trevor August 24, 10 01:37 AM 573.

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About the comment at #568: If you go to the Web site of the Library of Congress, which purchased the glass plates and prints in the 1940s (perhaps from the estate of Prokudin-Gorsky), you will find a description of the process that was used to make these modern versions. Yes, there was some retouching, sometimes to fix areas that were originally over- or underexposed in the making of the original photos, sometimes to correct fading or other changes that occurred in the emulsion used by Prokudin-Gorsky. Posted by JohnC August 24, 10 01:40 AM 574. Бойан :) Posted by Вася Печкин August 24, 10 01:55 AM 575. simply put, these are amazing! Posted by Rudy August 24, 10 02:31 AM 576. Los paisajes,fabulosos,es como volver al pasado,es verdaderarnte espectacular,los felicito. Posted by Alberto Bisso August 24, 10 02:42 AM 577. I dont think they look sad... back then, most of them probably didn't even know what a camera image was...they were just looking as someone with a box was pointing it at them. the ones that are posed, well, I think it's fair to say that they were just more serious is one told them to smile for the camera. funny how we all think that everyone was supposed to smile for a picture even 100 years ago in the rural areas of russia. lol.. these pics are great! Posted by rocco August 24, 10 02:51 AM 578. Have always loved period photos. beautiful! it's overwhelming to think what lives this people '566': Len, отличная цитата!

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напомнила мне что надо перечитать Ильфа и Петрова Posted by Elena Goodson August 24, 10 03:00 AM 579. Now, I felt the same feeling as when visiting the Pharaohs museum and vividly experienced the tools and furniture from the pyramids.. just wow.. I have to disagree with many on sad faces, pictures 12, 22, 24 and possibly 20 (just kidding) are showing plenty of smiling. I come from the region and can report that whenever dealing with officials or respected visitors it is not recommended to display much "smiling" as it is labeled as not serious.. that is customary until today (may be dumb, but fact of life). Super thanks to the poster.. Posted by [email protected] August 24, 10 03:12 AM 580. Oтличные фотографии! будем молиться за русских!! Иисус спасает!! Posted by Hanelie August 24, 10 03:28 AM 581. does anyone know where to find other examples of this technique from the pre-color film era? Posted by roro August 24, 10 03:32 AM 582. 震撼��希望可以在�图看到更多这种老�片� Unbelievable��Thanks Big Picture!Hope we can see more old pictures like this here! Posted by DD August 24, 10 03:54 AM 583. Whoa... mindbogling.. Posted by Kris August 24, 10 03:55 AM 584. Thank you for sharing! Its really unbeliavable to see colored pics

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made a century ago. I saw his masterpieces before and still get amazed. What an outstanding person he was! Its a real pride of the country! I agree that it was a bit like custom not to smile while being shot, people showed themselves as serious, dignant. My grandma still doesn't smile to cam and we always have to make a next shot reminding her to make a smile:)) And people in Asia still wear such colorful costumes! Its great to recognize the places you also visited or lived in! Posted by Yulia from Russia/Turkmenistan August 24, 10 04:22 AM 585. "Absolutely unbelievable. Can anyone get colored photo 200 years ago? I will donate $1000 to the guy Posted by bioruan August 23, 2010 10:32 AM" That might prove to be a bit difficult, as photography was only invented in 1837. :D Posted by Boomer August 24, 10 04:32 AM 586. thank you jannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnni love you Posted by Anonymous August 24, 10 04:35 AM 587. lol@LEGOLAS pic # really does look like him. Posted by James Doe August 24, 10 05:07 AM 588. Amazin pics.. what did they use to capture such fantastic photos at that time... seems there were technologically advanced then too... In all.. very good collection of the seris. Posted by Rajesh J Salecha August 24, 10 05:08 AM 589. Bis auf die Kleider, so sieht es noch heute in Russland aus; Menschen, Häuser, Kirchen. Posted by Evamaria Quitzau August 24, 10 05:13 AM

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590. It's hard to believe they're a hundred years old; I'm really amazed at what I've seen. The world would have been seen in a very different manner had we had these techniques before. Posted by Gabriel Calderón August 24, 10 05:17 AM

591. Breathtaking glimpse of the past - one can almost taste the clear air quality resulting in astounding clarity.... Posted by Anonymous August 24, 10 05:28 AM

592. Super!! Posted by Ivan August 24, 10 05:52 AM

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593. Please, more vintage colour photos! Thanks. Posted by Manuel August 24, 10 05:56 AM 594. The technique is similar to Technicolor™ (See Wiki): filters separating primary colors projected onto strips of black and white film then dyed and superimposed. Posted by PL August 24, 10 05:57 AM 595. After all. This was only a 100 years ago. Why wouldn't it be possible Posted by Shirley Bear August 24, 10 05:58 AM 596. Meravelloses fotos. He passat una bona estona admirant aquestes obres d'art. Sembla impossible que, cent anys enrere, es poguessin prendre aquestes imatges amb aquesta nitidesa de colors. Simplement magnífiques. Salutacions des de Catalunya, una nació sense estat. Posted by Tomàs August 24, 10 06:46 AM 597. fotoğraflar aynı coğrafyada yaşayan insanları ve ortak kültürlerini sergiliyor. ne yazık ki siyasi çıkarlar sınırlar koyarak birlikteliği bölmüşler, ben anadolumda aynı fotoğrafların çekilebileceğine inanıyorum, çünkü hepsinde anadolu kokuyor veya asya diyelim. günümüze getirip yayınlayanlara teşekkürler Posted by sadettin aksoylugil August 24, 10 06:51 AM 598. Прекрасные фотографии! ) молодец автор! Posted by Danaida August 24, 10 07:31 AM 599.

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Such beautiful photographs. Amazing. It's like time traveling to the passed. And So much hate speech in the comments. Very heartbreaking. Please stop your political opinions and let us enjoy these photos. Posted by Margo August 24, 10 07:55 AM 600. > Is this only me, or are they all looking so sad on these photos ? :/ That time exposure at photocams was quite long, so to look good on photo you should stand like a stone few seconds. Also to be photographed was extremely rare opportynity — a reason to be serious). That's why faces sometimes are so emotionless. Posted by Sergey August 24, 10 08:30 AM 601. Russia is beatiful now as well and people with deep soul live there despite of difficulties. Posted by Maria August 24, 10 08:40 AM 602. anyone notice the Thonet-chair in picture 32? impressive how this design-classic had spread as far as Dagestan in 1910... Posted by designfan August 24, 10 09:01 AM 603. If you doubt the veracity of the statements made at the top of the article, check out the photo archive at the Library of Congress - who owns the collection now. The collection was sold by the photographer's sons to the LOC in 1948. If you look at the photos in the collection you can see how the photographer combined the different negatives to achieve these amazing photos. Just thought someone should do a little more research than those who are slamming the photos and the commenters. Posted by Katrina August 24, 10 09:02 AM 604.

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For those who are not convinced of the legitimacy of the process used by Mr. Prokudin-Gorskii, rest assured it is indeed accurately described in the blog at the top of the page. I have performed exactly the same process years ago.The exposures, three in rapid succession, are each made with a colored filter placed before the lens... one red, one green, one blue. Each exposure must be one-third of the "correct" exposure value for that scene. For that reason, subjects are instructed to remain perfectly motionless for several seconds. Hence the color shift of the image of the children in #27. Kids did not remain motionless 100 years ago any more than they do today. Note also the images of rivers and how there are color anomalies on the water's surface due to that motion. As for smiling... it's much easier and more natural to maintain a somber expression for several seconds than it is to smile. Try it. I suspect our ancestors had plenty of opportunities to laugh and to smile in spite of photographic evidence to the contrary.Thank you to the purveyor of these images. They're remarkable. Posted by Doug Roach August 24, 10 09:12 AM 605. It is a great photo, certainly lived people they photograph us alive today.It is of some day we can live only in pictures.Thank you. Posted by Tetuya iwanaga August 24, 10 09:18 AM 606. These images were so real and one immediately fall in love for this. Central Asia has been shown in such an artistic way with such great a photography Posted by wr August 24, 10 09:28 AM 607. Thank you, they were beautiful, I am going to look at them all again,Carole Posted by Carole August 24, 10 09:29 AM 608.

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Especially picture 14,16 and 18 are kind of viewable in depth if you use a 3D anaglyph pair of glasses (red/cyan). Amazing that this footage is from 100 years ago. Posted by Mediocrematt August 24, 10 09:32 AM 609. Anvar for further education . Posted by Iraj August 24, 10 09:54 AM 610. What a gift to see these glimpses of the past. Faces, clothes and memories of time and places long gone. It's not about colors or what those places are today - it's about the beauty and life captured in print so long ago. Posted by Jenny August 24, 10 10:00 AM 611. Some of these photographs were published in the book "Photographs for the Tsar: The Pioneering Color Photography of Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii Commissioned by Tsar Nicholas II", edited with an introduction by Robert H. Allshouse (New York, Dial Press, 1980), but other photographs in this online distribution are not in that book and are greatly appreciated. Posted by Steve Marquardt August 24, 10 10:04 AM 612. thank you so much!i have seen some of those pics before in an old russian photo mag..couldnt remmember where was it from..simply beutiful and very inspiring Posted by dalia August 24, 10 10:25 AM 613. 478 culture of that peoples not assume smile as "base statement" in comunications. This people don't smile if they look at children, etc.This is not mean they are sad peoples.

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Posted by Jammer August 24, 10 10:35 AM 614. When I sow this collection for the first time, by chance on the Library of Congress web site I was mesmerized (still I'm). But now I want to point out something else. In every single picture, portrait or some distant landscape in faraway Russian "Gubernija" or Province, there was atmosphere completely opposite than one we could see in photos (or black/white movies) from 1920-es onwards. Here people are poor, far from industrial (or just approaching to) world, dressed as they always did, but there is peace upon the land - U can feel it. Lenin's "Revolution" is, together with Stalin's Great Step Toward Future, the most destructive and underestimated crime upon the mankind. Everyone who see this destroyed world will know, despite itʼs lost, poor, un-modern or lost-in time nature (“polished reality of people photographed included). Posted by goran August 24, 10 10:52 AM 615. merci pour ces photos extraordinaires de qualités techniques et décrivant un empire disparu! Posted by Marina August 24, 10 10:54 AM 616. This look shopped! I can tell from some of the pixels and from seeing quite a few shops in my time. /sarcasm O you unbelievers, because you lack the understanding and knowledge, doesn't mean someone else, even one hundred years ago, didn't have enough ingeniosity to achieve something such as those pictures. Thomas Young discovered the principles of RGB in 1802. That more than 2 00 years ago. But what can we expect from a generation that, by large, think the IPhone is an "invention"... Posted by Random August 24, 10 10:56 AM

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618. Awsome! You may not believe me, but I love Russia! For Halloween I'm gonna be a Spetsnaz! Yes, I'm a Child. Posted by Randall August 24, 10 11:07 AM

619. I wander how they transfer black&white photo into the color photo by recent technologies. Posted by Anonymous August 24, 10 11:08 AM

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620. класссс !!! Posted by Anonymous August 24, 10 11:09 AM 621. Photo № 30 it's a bridge near my city. AMAZING !!!!! Wonderful photographer Posted by Dune August 24, 10 11:24 AM 622. "Russia in color", starting with Armenia and ending with Uzbekistan, with Hungary, Georgia, Iran and other -stans in between. Poor Putin - he would weep looking at all these. History is a tough thing! Nonetheless, the photos are incredible, especially that they're original color ones. It's nice to see that all the churches in Tbilisi were preserved and look nowadays the same as 100 years ago! An incredible "hello" from the a century ago - thanks for sharing! Looking forward to 8/27 when the author of the post uploads a next batch. Posted by from the Caucasus August 24, 10 11:29 AM 623. A hunk of history and a peoples fate . Posted by Zibi_W August 24, 10 11:33 AM 624. Interesting that of all the people shown only the peasants (#22) are smiling. Posted by LK Walker August 24, 10 11:39 AM 625. @567 - RGB is used for projection (computer monitors, LCD projectors, televisions, etc.) because the combination of red, green, and blue light produces white light. CMYK is used for

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reflected materials. Cyan is opposite red, magenta is opposite green, and yellow is opposite blue. Black is added for density. RGB is no more or less primitive than CMYK, and in fact monitors that use RGB have a larger color space than current printers are capable of. Posted by Matt August 24, 10 11:42 AM 626. Retouching didn't begin with Photoshop---people have been removing blemishes from photographs for as long as photography has existed. What I'm curious about is whether these are the original colour images (in which case the colour has lasted well), or whether they've been printed more recently from the original negatives. Either way they're stunning, and I wish this technique had been more widely used instead of people waiting until colour emulsions were produced. Posted by Tim J August 24, 10 11:58 AM 627. On seeing these photos, the first impression I took was that in general Russia was rather poor in those days (a century ago) and people lived in hardship, adding the very cold climate that the Russians endure. I am glad that matters changed now and Russia is a fine country to live in. Posted by Carmelo Cutajar August 24, 10 12:08 PM 628. Боже, какая страна была...Да, видно. прогневали... Posted by Ккк Русью пахнет August 24, 10 12:28 PM 629. Wonderful photos. My Grandmother was Russian-Austrian. Posted by Jackie August 24, 10 12:37 PM 630. Smoooking hot babes!! Posted by Russell August 24, 10 12:56 PM

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631. What a wonderful photo series - and to see a bit of life as it was in 1910 RUSSIA! Posted by Candice August 24, 10 12:57 PM 632. Great Posted by Neb August 24, 10 12:59 PM 633. near tears over here after seeing the first photo. that woman was probably murdered 5 years after it was taken. Posted by Artsakh August 24, 10 01:05 PM 634. Gracias al fotografo Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin (1863 - 1944 ), por hacer realidad el SUEÑO de muchos de nosotros, viajar en el TUNEL DEL TIEMPO 100 Años atrás, y lo màs bello que creíamos imposible, casi en vivo y a todo color. éstas fotografías son un Tesoro INTERNACIONAL. Posted by Javier Riancho August 24, 10 01:09 PM 635. taking pics then and in past, didn't occur in an instant. subjects could't hold a smile that long to process photo taken so had to relax facial muscles, it's old russia, people worked hard including kids, no schools, were dirt poor,lived in deplorable conditions, the tsarist regime despicable.poor people were used as got richer, the poor,poorer. gee, sounds like today. what's to smile about? glad my grandparents made the sacrifice and boogied out dodge-ofsky. beside. if you keep looking at these old photos, reviewing what happened in the past, just stirs up bad feeling, these were not the good ol' days and to tell the truth, does not perculate any nice, mushy feelings for the old or new country. Posted by carol lovasic lucza dailey August 24, 10 01:16 PM

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636. I'm Russian girl and I don't want to "hit on any american man, just to leave that country now!" I don't like western guys who are very individualistic and cold. I dream about Russian husband and three children. Thank you for this post. Posted by Olga August 24, 10 01:26 PM 637. Incredible pictures ! Old of more than a century and with a quality almost like if they were taken yesterday. Impressive ! Would it be possible to have the rest of the collection ? Posted by Jon August 24, 10 01:41 PM 638. Photos like thatremember the pastover many generations.To bring a better future,our lives depends thatsmart solutions can besaw like thats photographers. Posted by Jones August 24, 10 01:46 PM 639. To 542 (Toxictown)Early phtographs took a very long exposure time by today's standards, often more than a full minute. The way these photographs were taken in color was to take three in series or nearly the same time using a different colored filter over the lens in red, green and blue. They were meant to be projected like a slideshow with the same filters over each of three cameras and each camera showing only the image taken with each filter. So imagine what movement could have taken place in the scenery during each of the three colored exposures and how they would differ when the three colors were recombined. This is the artifact you are noticing. The best example is the photo of men preparing to pour the concrete for a dam, where you can clearly see who remained still and who moved mroe durring or between each color

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exposure. Posted by ChaosZen August 24, 10 01:54 PM

640. Beautiful photos. Just amazing! Posted by Josi August 24, 10 01:55 PM

641. has anyone noticed all men are wearing flower prints in that era, it is so not in fashion for men today, i think they r looking nice in flower prints..Posted by moni August 24, 10 01:57 PM

642. I really enjoyed all the photos, a very well done job. Posted by israel cajigas August 24, 10 01:58 PM

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643. spectacular! Posted by frank leopoldo August 24, 10 02:10 PM 644. They were each on 3 plates, it says. It is like Technicolor movies. Since the 3 plates are separate, restoring them to such a beautiful condition is possible. I'd say they are as old as the article says. Posted by Adam August 24, 10 02:34 PM 645. its wonderful and amazing!thank you. Posted by zsuzsi August 24, 10 02:41 PM 646. These photos are WONDERFUL. The history of beautiful Russia As an artist I've been facinated. Thank you so much for making them available. Posted by Sharon Hiner, Pierce, ID USA, August 24, 2010 August 24, 10 02:43 PM 647. Marek (#471) said : "Georgia was a Russia in 1910, but Budapest not (Austria-Hungary)" I presume you are talking about picture 11.The caption said that the generators shown were manufactured in Budapest, not that the picture of them was taken there. Posted by George August 24, 10 02:48 PM 648. Zap!Ei-hou to the photographer!Right on the spot.Glorious with all can be, Mother Russia. Posted by Kerry G. Ann August 24, 10 02:58 PM 649. To those who have political comments: Georgia became a part of

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Russian Empire in 1783 after signing the Georgian Tractate when georgian state was weak and suffered from Iran and Turkey. Before that the territory called Georgia was either a gathering of small principalities under one local king (tzar) or divided between Turkey and Iran. The mentioned Georgian Tractate equalized russian and georgian nobility and guaranteed safety to georgian state which gave up some political freedom. The process of integration was hard due to political and social undevelopment of georgian nobiblity and lasted for at least 30 years. After that Georgia was never thought to be anything but a part of Russia. Posted by Grim_Reaper August 24, 10 03:03 PM 650. А вот Петрозаводск совсем не похож на себя)) Видимо, кроме железной дороги практически снимать было нечего. Но фото исключительно очень качественное и редкое. Спасибо. Posted by Александр August 24, 10 03:08 PM 651. Stunning. Beautiful. They are perfect Photos,Thank you for this mail.I enjoied a lot, Thank you again. Posted by Haik Gharakanian August 24, 10 03:09 PM 652. When looking at these photos my brain told me that this was photos taken last year. But when you look at the people, and how they're dressed you know it's 1900'sAmazing and unbelievably colorful!Wow! Posted by Yosefa August 24, 10 03:11 PM 653. Absolutely amazing how well preserved they are.Thank you for sharing them. Posted by Anonymous August 24, 10 03:43 PM 654. Totally amazing! Thanks for posting these. At all those who

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question whether the children in #16 are Jewish -you have to be completely ignorant or stupid. One glance at the picture, and I knew they were Jewish before I even read the caption. Also, to those making comments about the Muslims in the pictures -there are only two or three pictures in this group of 34 that could be relatively conclusively said to be of Muslims. Women (and men) around the world of myriad cultures and religions have worn head gear of some sort or another for hundreds (thousands) of years... wake up! Posted by History buff August 24, 10 04:09 PM 655. just marvelous. How come the colours didn't vanish... Posted by socha August 24, 10 04:11 PM 656. At first I doubted that these were colored photos, I suspected that they had been painted at a later time. After reading the comments above regarding how they were done, I realize the photos are what they are claimed to be. These are truly a window into one hundred years ago. Wow! Posted by Anonymous August 24, 10 04:44 PM 657. You can find more photos, as well as more info about the photographer, the collection, and the photo technology, at this Library of Congress exhibit page: Posted by R Brown August 24, 10 04:52 PM 658. This is really amazing, it's like looking back through time. i'm sure i saw this on Fireviews already Posted by fivi August 24, 10 04:59 PM 659. This is a great collection! In the 1960s, I worked at the Galena

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Gazette & Advertiser, Galena, IL, USA, the oldest newspaper in continuous publication in the Great Northwest Territory, as it was called in 1834, when the Gazette was first published. We had glass negatives going forward from 1846 or so, and the quality was superb. Incidentally, very few people are smiling in old photographs because the exposure times might be from 15 seconds to several minutes, depending on the emulsion in use, light, and lens. Hard enough to hold still, much less to maintain a smile! Posted by PanamaHat August 24, 10 05:08 PM 660. XXth century is coming. Could we have another fate. Posted by max August 24, 10 05:16 PM 661. This is a great set. The lack of smile is due to the technic used by the potographer: he had to expose 3 different plates to get a color shot so the subject was exposed for a long period of time and should remain still so smiling was almost impossible. You can see in the picture involving a river that the exposure was quite long enough to give that smooth effect to the water. Posted by Bastien August 24, 10 05:34 PM 662. lol @ Justin. Calling someone retarded and pointing out their illiteracy whilst yourself not knowing the difference between "your and you're" MORON! - Love the photos Posted by Atom August 24, 10 06:50 PM 663. These make me feel like I can reach ouch and literally touch the past.Stunning!

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Posted by Richie Isaacs August 24, 10 07:43 PM 664. Absolutely beautiful photography! And what a glorious country Russia is! Posted by Barbara August 24, 10 07:50 PM 665. Wow! Those are amazing! It's hard to believe these are 100 years old - they look as if they were taken recently with a good quality camera an/or film! Would love to see more! Posted by Diane Foster August 24, 10 08:08 PM 666. At 641, moni asked whether anyone had noticed that men were wearing flowered prints. Yes, I noticed, and in fact I wondered whether one of the peasants shown in photo #22 (peasants mowing hay) was a woman or a man. There is an LOC at the far right of each caption that is a link to the same photo at the Library of Congress. You can download each photo in any of several sizes; I chose a TIF image of about 35MB so that I could examine it more carefully. Not only is the peasant in the print "blouse" a man, he has a moustache and is smiling! That same photo, enlarged on my screen so that I could examine various parts of it, yielded much that isn't easy to see at first glance. On the ground next to the boy seated near the wagon are a couple of scythes; their wooden hand grips are sticking up, and you can see the blade of one in the mown field. Wooden rakes can be seen on the wagon itself. This photo shows another example of what effect movement had on the colors. The original version (the one we see here is cropped) shows a mown plant of some sort in the foreground; except that it is not spherical in shape, it appears to be almost like what we would call a tumbleweed, which blows along the ground. Off to the left of the photo but not seen in the cropped version is another of these plants, still growing. You see that it has moved in

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the breeze, because it is quite obviously a double- or triple-exposure. What a treasure trove! Thanks for posting them. JohnC Posted by John Cisarik August 24, 10 08:40 PM 667. Thank you so much for these pictures! The Russia of 1910 miraculously came alive for me. Andrew Posted by Andrew B August 24, 10 10:01 PM 668. @Evensen (re: #32) -- The "shotgun shells" you're curious about are traditional Gaziri cartridge pouches, found purely as a decorative part of the Cherkesska-style jacket, worn by many Cossacks and their contemporaries. Initially in the prior century, these were meant as protective storage caps for actual gunpowder cartridges, but they evolved into a more decorative role in later years of the empire. Posted by npk417 August 24, 10 10:42 PM 669. Great pictures, many thanks! My first serious camera in 1958 camera was a used 35mm 1932 Zeiss Contax Model 1. A unique feature that made it unique was that its wind-up/film advance knob pointed forward, parallel to the lens barrel, instead of sitting on top of the camera. It took me many years to understand the reason for that. One of the numerous Contax 1 accesories available was a disk divided into three sectors, each of which carried one of the color filters used for this color system!The disk was mounted on this knob, and each time the film was advanced it rotated 1//3 of a turn - automatically placing one of the filters in front of the lens.This allowed to take the three required pictures in a relatively quick sequence, minimizing differences between the three corresponding images.This color system probably was not very popular in those days, and Zeiss chose to move the knob to the

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top on its later Contax models 2 & 3 beginning in 1936, which made the 3-filter disk unusable on them. Posted by Bernard Wassertzug August 24, 10 11:17 PM 670. re photo 20. sart comes from two words - sary it and means "yellow dog". it was a humiliating name for locals of Central Asia. great photos. thank you for sharing them! Posted by Oxi August 25, 10 12:20 AM 671. Truly amazing o_OI can't believe it was taken 100 years ago Posted by Wulan August 25, 10 12:34 AM 672. Beautiful pictures...... Posted by lourdes morfin aviles August 25, 10 12:49 AM 673. I found these images to be stirring reminders of many great and glorious people and events, and noble and timeless ways of living life. I've seen some people exactly like these in some of the pictures in villages in northwest Russia as recently as the 90's and in the Caucasus in the 70's. Thanks to all who have had the presence of mind to sense their value and to take care of them for posterity. Posted by lawrence hanna August 25, 10 12:55 AM 674. When I first saw #32, the first thing that came to mind was Why does that look like Justin Timberlake holding a sword with some old brod? O_o. Overall I'm AMAZED at the clarity and vividness of this photos. Please show more!!!! :) Posted by James Sorenson August 25, 10 01:56 AM 675. ASTONISHING!!!!!

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Posted by Anonymous August 25, 10 04:35 AM

676. wonderful..history in color...have bookmarked this for continued viewing. Posted by Raj surin August 25, 10 04:45 AM

677. It's fascinating to watch this world which has been destroyed few years later in central Asia for example). It's interesting to see in the same time a world which changed very quickly ( the train,the factories). After all, this Russia had already faced a revolution (1905). A wonderful travel anyway, in space and in time. Posted by J-M Tissier August 25, 10 05:02 AM

678. Great view of history

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Posted by kandari August 25, 10 05:05 AM 679. Absolutely mind-boggling! I am forwarding to everyone I know. Amazing! Posted by edfast August 25, 10 05:20 AM 680. Impresionante documento histórico.Enhorabuena por la imágenes publicadas. Posted by Antonio Vallano August 25, 10 05:52 AM 681. I've not read all 671 comments so I may be repeating an earlier post. Prokudin-Gorskii's images can be seen in the book, "Photographs for the Tsar: The Pioneering color photography of Sergei Mikhailovich Produkin-Gorskii". 1980. Robert H. Allshouse. New York: The Dial Press. The text provides biographical information about Prokudin-Gorskii's life and career as well as information about the technical processes he developed and used. You can also read about the involvement of Tsar Nicholas II in commissioning this amazing body of work. Posted by Rgordon August 25, 10 05:58 AM 682. Very interesting artifacts!Big, poor and... weak country.Hardly, it would have survived to the 21 st century.I just understood why western elite hate Lenin and Stalin.They parents too much forward movement in Russia...Electricity and industrialization have created a power - in really vacuum, in clean place. Posted by Lucky Barker August 25, 10 06:21 AM 683. this is the most beauti ful place Posted by prashant August 25, 10 06:47 AM

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684. Where housing is shown, it was huge buildings with presumably compartmented space on several floors. "Single-family" housing came later with an expanded middle class. Beautiful work. Posted by Marcia August 25, 10 06:51 AM 685. great photos, enlightening colours and a fascinating process. Thanks for sharing Posted by Mike Fennessy August 25, 10 07:10 AM 686. I have never seen pictures like this! I constantly had to remind myself that they were taken 100 years ago!!! The pictures of children had me wondering what there lives were like, especially because they would have lived through the Russian Revolution, WW I and WW II... Posted by robert day August 25, 10 07:20 AM 687. Absolutely wonderful! How on earth did the photographers manage to capture such detail so long ago? Thanks for the show. Posted by cd348 August 25, 10 07:25 AM 688. Wow, really amazing! Nice pictures. Posted by Guan August 25, 10 08:12 AM 689. Amazing pictures- outstanding colors Posted by Hertha Laupmanis August 25, 10 09:01 AM 690. These photos are amazing! They do not seem that old, and the people look alive. Thank you! Posted by Nanis August 25, 10 09:50 AM

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691. More please! These are completely transporting! Posted by April August 25, 10 10:10 AM 692. I want to thank you for a wonderful glimpse into the past. It made me wonder how people have had the tenacity to hold onto to life when in some cases it is so very difficult. Posted by john leonard August 25, 10 10:10 AM 693. Some pictures slightly remind me of Andrei Tarkovsky's images. Posted by iii August 25, 10 10:38 AM 694. in #32.. I wonder what he has across his chest... look like a bunch of little cigar cases. ?? Posted by roy gumpel August 25, 10 10:43 AM 695. my comment about how some things never change (1910 to 2010 and the picture of the "woman" in "purdah" could have been taken in 2010) was not meant to be "anti-islamic" ... my comment was to state the obvious that "purdah" (forcing women to wear a suffocating sack every time they leave the home) is backward and barbaric...well, "if the shoe fits.....".... as to the other head coverings, i made no criticism of that, obviously people all over the world wear head coverings, but it is rare that cultures other than fundamentalist islamic ones (like the taliban were in Afghanistan for example, or in the islamic theocracy of Iran) actually punish women for not "covering"...again, "if the shoe fits"....and to me this is as obvious as any other element of these photos, such as the beautiful colour, the rarity of the various costumes, the healthy appearance of the people, the "serious" demeanour and why is that so, etc..... Posted by eva August 25, 10 10:48 AM

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696. Who needs to travel to Russia when you can have all these gorgeous photos in your computer for ever. Thanx Arlene G. Posted by Phylis Goldberg August 25, 10 10:56 AM 697. Beautiful and breathtaking! Re. smiling: Even more recent pics of Russians fail to show them smiling so it wasn't due simply to ancient cameras. Posted by bill August 25, 10 11:02 AM 698. See more at the Library of Congress website Posted by Edward August 25, 10 11:05 AM 699. you put a picture of Jews having a lesson with their teacher... well that area's population was Muslims in majority, but I didn't find any picture that points to this issue... Posted by proud to be a muslim August 25, 10 11:07 AM 700. Complete Database of S. M. Prokudin-Gorsky Color Images (1902 photographs) : Posted by Alex August 25, 10 11:10 AM 701. ��思议� Posted by china boy August 25, 10 11:12 AM 702. Polexy, You sure do come up with amazing emails. This one of the best. Thanks, L Posted by Lucinda Bunnen August 25, 10 11:16 AM 703.

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Great pictures of a by-gone era! Thank you! It just so happens that my grandparents (as children) and great-grandparents (some of them) left Russia (the Minsk region) in 1910, so I'm celebrating this year 2010 as a major anniviersary -- the centenary of my family in this country. "Marcia," writer of note no. 685, made a remark about "single-family housing" now having its day in Rssia. That interests me. Does somebody have a few pictures of these homes they could put on the Web?Also, maybe someone can tell me -- I saw an old map of Russia on the Web, and it looked like Minsk and Pinsk were both in the province once called "Leningrad Province." Is that right? If so, was that whole area called "St. Petersburg Province" formerly, and is it called that again today? Thank you to whoever can help! Posted by David Bittner, Omaha, NE August 25, 10 11:21 AM 704. When I think of Russia, I think of the architectural and cultural disaster of the Communists in the 20th century. This gives it a whole new view. Posted by Dick August 25, 10 11:39 AM 705. A wonderful History and Geography lesson in one. Beautiful scenery, and some colourful costumes of the time.. Posted by Patricia Brice-Vallance August 25, 10 11:53 AM 706. Spectacular pics! Thanks Big Pic and Alan for sharing these. Posted by Dev August 25, 10 12:29 PM 707. As usual we get the 'its shopped ' brigade from the brain dead pixel age . He who wrote "its shopped " grow up, pick up a film camera , load it with tranny film and go and learn the fundamentals about photography ! Oh ! yes I do know what I'm talking about . 15 years with , Reuters, PA and Getty !

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Posted by pete davies August 25, 10 12:33 PM 708. Absolutely breathtaking photos, and on several levels. Many here have touched on why -- the simpler life (not saying easier, but simpler), the beauty of undisturbed landscapes, the uniqueness and richness of the cultures. Perhaps also a sadness knowing the immense suffering that's about to befall that part of the world. Is it because in our minds we think of these earlier times in grainy black and white images, and that the people were somehow less real, less human? Less like ourselves now? These images looked like they could've been taken yesterday, downloaded off someone's digital camera. They made me want to warn the subjects to run, to escape the horrors that lay ahead. A strong and vivid lesson that history is literally "our story." And that what we do today -- how we change our world -- is history tomorrow. Posted by JoeyA August 25, 10 12:36 PM 709. I am amazed at how many people can use technology but still can't spell simple words like wonder (i.e. wander). America has been dumbed down and people from the turn of the century had a lot more smarts going for them. They actually used their brains instead of mechanical devices. Spell check doesn't always get it right! The pictures were a nice documentary of Russia, but only a very small slice of an interesting country. Posted by J. M. Amdal August 25, 10 12:40 PM 710. Superb photography...Tells a lot about cultural revolution.... Posted by Samina Khan August 25, 10 12:47 PM 711. Beautiful photos. I did a quick experiment this morning on how to make a color photo from Gorskii's original glass plates. Instructions

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here: . For early color photography, the collection of Albert Kahn is also interesting: Posted by Tim August 25, 10 12:58 PM 712. Да, какая страна была. Красота! Posted by Alex August 25, 10 01:06 PM 713. nice old photos of russia. Posted by blake August 25, 10 01:14 PM 714. Phantastic photos, bur how come, so many sad sad glances ? Posted by Scarlet August 25, 10 02:03 PM 715. This fotos are amazing quality.I was in hypnotic shockwhen i saw this pictures. Posted by Balázs August 25, 10 02:04 PM 716. 701, Minsk (Минск) and Pinsk (Пинск) located in Belarus (Белоруссия).It is located 800 km from the Leningrad Province (Ленобласть), which was formerly called the St. Petersburg Province. Posted by Roman August 25, 10 02:05 PM 717. What beautiful photographs! The color of that time usually hidden from our eyes and imaginations makes it all the more interesting to wonder, what would and wouldn't change over the course of the next decades? Especially since people who we little see in these

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photographs - workers and peasants - would soon take power, ending their own participation in that horrible "Great War." While some who comment here clearly feel otherwise, the crimes of the Stalinist regime do not justify the crimes of Tsarism. You are obliged to look at both unflinchingly, with honesty, and to challenge your own thinking with the help of history that will not bend itself to anybody's peculiar prejudices. The revolution which shook that country was no more identical with the purges, which wiped out its original leadership, than our own revolution is identical to our bloody role in the latter half of the 20th century. I hope these photographs will help people see history in a way they otherwise could not - Posted by Daniel, MA August 25, 10 02:28 PM 718. wow. absolutely blown away! Posted by memba August 25, 10 02:32 PM 719. It takes some time to get me convinced that those pictures were taken before 1st world war. That's really impressive !!! Posted by Marcos Fernandes August 25, 10 02:43 PM 720. What a wonderful and important collection! Looking at the images brought back memories of the time I spent in these parts and a feeling of nostalgia. Posted by Trevor Page August 25, 10 02:53 PM 721. ... so ashamed for the number two picture... .... just sitting here with me stick .... ..... by the river .....

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...... and it looks like i'm gonna be here a while ......

....... cause hot damn this is boring ....... *pretty much crying my eyes out* **these are gr8** Posted by Ryan Field August 25, 10 02:55 PM

722. Jimmy likes them. Posted by Jimmy August 25, 10 03:04 PM

723. it is like a time machine Posted by simone August 25, 10 03:12 PM

724. it's like time stopped. but then all of a sudden it started again. then WHAM! stopped again. what i'm talking about here fellas is that the pictures are really old,

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but also in color. it's like talking to my oldest relative: sir greenwald trunkleshorts. Posted by ryan August 25, 10 03:36 PM 725. I`m impressed,hopefully there`s more. Posted by Anonymous August 25, 10 03:44 PM 726. These photos are from around the time my great-grandparents, along with countless others, left Russia with their families for America. They were Jews and leaders in their community yet had to leave their homeland to escape persecution and, likely, death. The color photographs here bring that time to life for me in a way that the few b&w pictures I have cannot.Stunning. Thank you. Posted by Ellen August 25, 10 04:05 PM 727. why ain't none of these guys got any smokes? Posted by chacha August 25, 10 04:20 PM 728. Fantastic!!! Thanks for sharing Jeff. These pictures are captivating. Posted by Bryan Doles August 25, 10 04:20 PM 729. The Russians were (are) more sophisticated than the western media would have their readers believe. Posted by Jan August 25, 10 04:21 PM 730. thank you Posted by Masha August 25, 10 04:30 PM 731. These are fantastic examples of color separation photography. In the early days of photography the way to make a color print was to dye matrices made from black and white negatives shot in the

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same fashion as these, with color separation filters. The matrices were then registered and rolled onto paper with the color dye transferring to the paper, hence, dye transfer color photography. Wonderful and historic imagery. Posted by tthreadgill August 25, 10 04:31 PM 732. to 682 - how can you make such a conclusion base on the pictures villages and towns of far-away provinces ( semi-colonies) ??? I doubt the pictures of villages of India in 1910 or Indochina will show how rich and powerful france and Britain were at the time! And if somebody will look at the pictures on some parts of Connecticut or other central states 100 years from now - what, they will say USA was weak and poor at the time??? Absolutely stunning pictures ! Posted by canadien August 25, 10 04:32 PM 733. Remarkable photos of a vanished time which we are used to seeing in black and white. The luminous colour creates an aura of super reality. A lost world comes to life. Truly remarkable. Posted by Marsha Levin August 25, 10 05:03 PM 734. средняя азия, закавказье, дагестан... а при чем здесь россия? Posted by gene August 25, 10 05:23 PM 735. Very nice picture.... Posted by diego August 25, 10 05:37 PM 736. I really think those photos are from 2000 up, I absolutely can't believe the world and that bridge was built a century ago. Posted by lalin August 25, 10 05:49 PM

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737. the world at that time was beautiful Posted by Irwin August 25, 10 05:56 PM 738. Amazing. Posted by Marcelo August 25, 10 06:25 PM 739. Bravo! Formidable et...triste a la fois. Regardez la diversite des peuples deregions diverses de la Russie avant 1910. Ce sont de tres belles photos. Et elles resemblent un peu les bellesphotos des peuples indigenes de l'Amerique du Nord "posees" precisement par Edward Curtis de ces gens photogeniques-juste au moment de leur disparence. La fin de leurs cultures natives dans leurs terres a cause de la puissance d'un pouvoir etranger. Et ces photos qui continuent a causer une grande polemique sur l'aspet authentic ou "pose"(mise-en-scene) par le photographe, lui-meme, selon ses perceptions de ces gens. Ce n'est pas toujours mauvais en effet, mais...Je vais lire sur ce bonhomme et les conditions de ses oeuvres avec beaucoup de plaisir. Ravissantes ces images, parfois, et tragiques parfois, peut-etre, aussi, il parait. Posted by Theresa ALBERT August 25, 10 06:41 PM 740. How absolutely wonderful! Thank you so very, very much to all who made viewing these blessed pictures of history possible. The colors are spectaular for 1910! Thank you, also, to those who explained the photograpic techniques and processes that were in use at that time. To all who made ignorant, hateful and disgusting comments on these photos...well, shame on you!! These people were who they were, where they found themselves. They were once fellow travelers on this blessed, blue planet that we all call home!! Most of them had little or no say in where they

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lived, who they were or what they did. Like most of the rest of the folks on Earth, they did the best they could with what they were given and tried to leave their countries better than they found them. What a joy to view these valuable historical treasures! Thank you so much!!! Posted by M. Scholtz in Brighton, MI USA August 25, 10 06:59 PM 741. Thank you for making these photographs available. They are valuable as historical documentation, insight into the past and beautiful colour ( some incredible and intense by ant of todays standards).Wyllie O Haganartists UK Posted by Denise Wyllie August 25, 10 07:17 PM 742. to comment number 674 about Justin Timberlake..I thought that as well. Creepy... Beautiful photos I cannot even believe they were taken so long ago. Wonderful photography. Posted by jess August 25, 10 07:27 PM 743. dbp (#118) wrote: Is there a typical Russian? see photos: #3 #9 #19 #22 #27 #29. Posted by alex August 25, 10 07:54 PM 744. Fantastic! Interesting to see the mix of "races" showing on the faces. What a great melting pot the Caucasus has been. Posted by Raja Kanthan August 25, 10 08:17 PM 745. To 6666: Commenting on the plants that looked like "Tumbleweeds" in the background: The tumbleweeds of our West are actually Russian transplants.. like many of our wild plants today. What is impressive to me about the photos is the lack of the look of modern poverty. People looked healthy and well-fed, and

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clean! Like my grandmother used to say (she was born in 1889) "We may be poor, but we can be clean!" Posted by C.Leckie August 25, 10 08:33 PM 746. amazing, interesting n beautifulwe saw sudden changes after revolution.............. Posted by saqib August 25, 10 08:44 PM 747. This is the Russia I learned to know and love through its great literature Posted by Enrica Antonia August 25, 10 09:34 PM 748. Absolutely stunning. It truly is like stepping back in time. Posted by Glenn August 25, 10 09:39 PM 749. Wonderful pictures....what history. What stories the faces tell. Beautiful! Posted by vicki August 25, 10 09:42 PM 750. Such superb color photography at the dawn of the 20th C in old Imperial Russia. Who'da ever thunk? Another tour de force, Big Picture! Judging from the comment identifiers, the viewership is world-wide, as it should be. I traveled the Trans-Siberian RR in the sixties. Decades of Communism did nothing for the imagic appeal of a beautiful land. Posted by j0646 August 25, 10 10:00 PM 751. muito bonito! belo documento. Posted by haroldo charles August 25, 10 10:36 PM 752. The comments about shooting black and white with tri color filters

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is correct - the black and white would be very stable. I am not sure if the dye matrix media would be available in the teens - perhaps something like it. The remarkable part about dye transfer prints are the longevity and the color - As there is no silver in the image - Too bad Kodak no longer makes the material - I feel lucky I got to make some prints while I could. Posted by Michael Puig August 25, 10 10:47 PM

753. Beautiful. Posted by Anush Avejic August 25, 10 11:12 PM

754. Simplesmente maravilhoso.Voltar no tempo é algo lindo e

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emocionante. Posted by veralucia August 25, 10 11:22 PM 755. like seeing ghosts in the machine... Posted by maryann terillo August 25, 10 11:29 PM 756. Muito bom! as fotos são maravilhosas e muito expressivas, muito show. Posted by Sergey Vargas August 25, 10 11:40 PM 757. Beautiful pictures, thank you for sharing, it look like an amazing country. Posted by Patti August 25, 10 11:51 PM 758. Amazing beautiful piece of history here. My ancestors were long gonefrom Georgia by the 1880's- what is so sad and enraging to me as a woman, is to see how little progress so many woman have madein this last 100 years. How many still suffer the miserable oppressionand humiliation of having to be covered and dominated by menand oppressive religion. I hope in 100 years from now at leastthis is no longer the case. The fight for these freedoms for womeneverywhere, from the USA to the Congo to Afganistan and all overthe world is NOW. Stand up to it. I don't care who I offend with this commenteither. Let the truth be said. Let Freedom ring. Posted by Danielle Charney August 25, 10 11:59 PM 759. I, also find these pictures beautiful, but also amazing as to the technological and building advances shown. Posted by Beverly August 26, 10 12:13 AM 760.

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These photos are amazing! Thanks guys for this, really appreciated. Only one problem. Not too much of them, otherwise I just amazing... The country which we lost... Страна которую мы потеряли. Posted by The_Real_Russian_boy August 26, 10 12:35 AM 761. Fabulous and precious images which inform us of the variety of cultures in East and South Russia in 1910. People are all very respectable and serious. We can see that publicity hasn't yet invaded the attitudes of people and polluted the authenticity of landscape.Beautiful testimony ! Posted by Christine Argillet August 26, 10 01:04 AM 762. They are beautiful pictures and so rich in colour. I love the ones showing the clothing of the different areas - such marvelous detail - totally amazing to be able to look back in history through the lens of his camera. I wonder what will happen to today's digital records? Will they be able to be seen by people in 90 years? Posted by Sandy August 26, 10 01:21 AM 763. Past and less than a century ago, it's nearly unbelievable: the beauty, the change, and the lack of change--the magic of History. Posted by L. Hawkes August 26, 10 01:52 AM 764. Amazing work. These photos look just like they were recently taken. I`m even frightened a bit. Posted by Minusguy August 26, 10 03:00 AM 765. Increiblemente espectaculares. Nitidez, vida, recuerdos.Congratulations! Posted by carmenmazo August 26, 10 03:05 AM

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766. Increiblemente espectaculares. Nitidez, vida, recuerdos.Congratulations! Posted by carmenmazo August 26, 10 03:06 AM 767. This is absolutely amazing! Posted by Mindy Li August 26, 10 04:01 AM 768. Its amazing , i can't belive it 100 years ago... Posted by salim August 26, 10 04:44 AM 769. Khan Isfandiyar Jurji Bahadur (#7) Totally looks like Sad Keanu. Posted by Geis August 26, 10 05:36 AM 770. very antique photographs Posted by amit verma August 26, 10 06:09 AM 771. Absolutely stunning. Posted by Felix August 26, 10 06:56 AM 772. To me these beautiful pictures bring out the serenity in Russia and in fact though they are a hundred years old, one can safely associate them with recent past or even the present times. Russia is a great Country but unfortunately it crumbled due to political reasons I hope Russia is able to rebuild itself and regain its lost glory. I am happy to see these pictures and not surprised that they originate from a country with a rich cultural and economic heritage. These pictures are masterpieces and should be shown to the world for their ability to transport us to a happy and simple world. Posted by vinita ganesh August 26, 10 07:46 AM 773.

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Thanks for these moments of peace Posted by Johan van Beers August 26, 10 08:13 AM 774. very very nice Posted by vida August 26, 10 08:56 AM 775. Thank you very much for this photos. I've been to Belozersk and there were a few photos of this talented travellerin one of museums . It's wonderful to see them here! Many people wrote that they can't believe it was only early 20 century. Well, world didn't change very much since then:you can still see the beautifull church in Mozhaisk, still admire Russian landscapes, still meet new people in country which is new for you. And - what's more - the world still is bright and colourful. Best wishes!.. Posted by Elizaveta August 26, 10 09:03 AM 776. Apreciei encantada as imagens que são impressionantes! As imagens são quase todas de 1910. Como foi feita a cor, a impressão das imagens?Fiquei absolutamente interessada. Obrigada por mostrar. Posted by Leda Lucas August 26, 10 09:18 AM 777. The ornate churches and clothing are remarkable! Posted by Sara F. August 26, 10 09:56 AM 778. Beautiful! Thank you, thank you, thank you! The color, the expressions...even the long winter shadows in some of feels like time machine :-) Posted by Lindsay August 26, 10 10:07 AM 779. Amazing picture. Just adding color brings the early 20th century to

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life! Posted by Anonymous August 26, 10 10:12 AM

780. amazing photos :) Posted by Bratu Marius-Cosmin August 26, 10 10:20 AM

781. Please you make more of these pictures and you post them twice in a week every week please. This is happy. Remind of times when a stick was a stick only and a woman was a woman only. Long live and thank you all! Posted by Alexei August 26, 10 10:26 AM

782.To answer Roy Gumpelʼs (694) question “in #32.. I wonder what he has across his chest... look like a bunch of little cigar cases.

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??”The person on the picture is wearing a traditional dress called Chokha (in Georgian), across the chest there are pouches for bullets, like of a bandoleer. Posted by GeorgeFromGeorgia August 26, 10 10:49 AM 783. I'm amazed! Posted by Aline August 26, 10 11:06 AM 784. I'm so glad Prokudin-Gorskii's remit allowed him to survey such a cross section of folk: leaders, peasants, children... What an amazing adventure it must have been. Were they shown anywhere at the time? And what was the reaction? How we see the people and scenes now is such a different matter: we are so far removed culturally, even to the expectation that one should smile for a photograph. But I would be very interested to know what they thought back then when they saw themselves within such a breadth of community. Posted by Tomaš D'Aradia August 26, 10 11:14 AM 785. The little sad boy in picture #29 probably group up to be a Red Commissar that executed everyone in pictures # 7,19, 23, 28. Posted by GT August 26, 10 11:16 AM 786. The capture of a time long lost is haunting,we see the beauty,the innocence,the struggle,looking back,maybe the best of time ? Posted by Maili Ambre August 26, 10 11:20 AM 787. Beautiful pictures. Shows me much about my ancestor's life styles. I wonder if some of the cathedrals are still there. I am sure that during the revolution many of them were torn down. Thank you for putting this wonderfulcompilation together. Posted by Sandra (Evanowsky) Alexander August 26, 10 11:23

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AM 788. "The country which we lost..." (760 The_Real_Russian_boy).How did you lose it? Posted by GT August 26, 10 11:24 AM 789. Mogoce kdo pozna dobre športne trgovine? Posted by bobico August 26, 10 11:31 AM 790. thank you for sharing!can't wait to see more!LCF Posted by lisa cesnik August 26, 10 11:54 AM 791. Please see the book "Photographs of the Tsar: The Pioneering Color Photography of Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii Commissioned by Tsar Nicholas II". This book was published in 1980. My question is, "Why the article now?" Is it for the 30th anniversary of the book? Posted by JAK August 26, 10 11:55 AM 792. The true-to-life appearance is misleading. For ones Iʼve checked quickly at least, the version has been color-corrected from the LOC original. PhotoShop and such make this ridiculously easy to do, but to me itʼs historical travesty. Whatʼs astounding is NOT how life-like the colors are, but that colors so vibrant at all, and so sharp, could be generated that long ago by a reasonable but outdated process (three separate bw copies made with color filters, etc.). The original tones in the LOC versions should not be messed with. When/if we do imagine the past, it needs to be with the technology of the time, not ours. I do commend, however, for including a link to the LOC version below every photo. This does make it easy to make oneʼs own comparisons. More

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commonly, folks who re-process LOC stuff leave it difficult to find the original. Posted by Stephen August 26, 10 12:10 PM 793. Wonderful pictures. We're lucky to get a glimpse of history. Posted by Joan August 26, 10 12:13 PM 794. It is amazing many of the pictures tell me that the more things change, the more they stay the same. the people do not look happy but after a recent trip to Russia, their faces have not changed too much However, really enjoyed looking at them. Thank you Posted by Janet August 26, 10 12:19 PM 795. That is just absoultely, awesomely amazing! Incredibly moving. It's strange how colour makes pictures so much more familiar and easy to relate to. Posted by Magick Temple August 26, 10 12:31 PM 796. One of my favorite photographic collections on earth. Thank you for sharing. Posted by Anonymous August 26, 10 12:37 PM 797. I skimmed over your comments and now i´m wondering - do u guys know that most of those beautifull pics aren´t Russia at all??!!Sorry for being that political here, but it hurts me every time. Posted by Gela August 26, 10 12:39 PM 798. 1910 was the year that my grandfather, grandmother and uncle let Saratov in Russia to come to Canada, where they arrived in 1911. This is so significant to me because now I can see how it looked in

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colour when they left. I only ever saw my grandfather in black and white and never alive. Amazing!! Posted by Clark Graff August 26, 10 12:47 PM 799. Those pictures are brilliant!! I am totally in love, and the people show such inner strength. Wow!!! Posted by jet August 26, 10 12:55 PM 800. Thanks for sharing such an outstanding images,..- it is an amazing, how the original glass plates (84mm x 232mm ) had survived, maintaining the emulsion. Although, as a chemist, a pupal of D.Mendeleev, hew obviously knew what he was doing, taking photography as a profession, one that demanded proper scientific background and training. I am proud to mention - he was from Saint Petersburg, Russia. The camera, that he was using was a folding hand camera, designed by his teacher, German chemist Mieth. - three exposures of the same subject, three different color-separation filters. Posted by Alexei Svinarski August 26, 10 01:22 PM 801. Beautiful depictions of what must be a lost Russia... My daughter recently met two Uzbek girls and showed them the way to a record store in downtown Indianapolis. When she asked the girls what had struck them the most during their trip, one said, "Everyone is always smiling. You are much happier here than where we live!" Posted by Marty August 26, 10 01:34 PM 802. Oh my God, these photos are the most amazing thing I have ever seen. This truely changes my idea of reality and turns my whole world upside down. I always thought of the past as a different world, a different universive, a parallel dimension. Where no-one and nothing looked the same, felt the same, smelled the same,

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behaved the same... And here we are, seeing pictures that look EXACTLY the same way they would have looked if shot by a digital camera. And the people look the same, and the colours look the same, and the world looks exactly the same as the one we live in now. I cannot believe it. I am in awe, and I am still in shock. Posted by Mary Sue August 26, 10 02:04 PM 803. It is amazing to me at how little has changed in many ways. You can still travel and see some of these sites with very few changes. The people and their cultures can still be appreciated today for those adventuresome ones who are willing to go outside their comfort zone. Most of these people are very hospitable and open to visitors interested in learning about their culture. It really helps to learn some Turkic language to open doors. Posted by Kristina August 26, 10 02:13 PM 804. WOW! Photography is truly magic. How else can you capture time? It's the closest we'll ever come to a time machine. Posted by Geos August 26, 10 02:25 PM 805. Most fantastic photoes. They seem so clear, they could have been taken yesterday. Posted by dan August 26, 10 02:28 PM 806. Wow, I really enjoyed these! Marie Posted by Anonymous August 26, 10 02:36 PM 807. History it may be but a great many people are still living the same today. When driving on country roads we still had to watch for horses, mules or even a woman once pulling heavy carts. 1975/6 Posted by Alice Halliday August 26, 10 02:48 PM

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808. These srsly are THE BEST 100 year old photos of russia and not-russia that i've ever seen. if you don't agree, then just ask a phrogtagrapher... Posted by Xtina August 26, 10 02:53 PM 809. Great photos. Joey. A's comment (no. 708) about black and white poses a dilemma. Colour photos make people and scenes more real, yes. By that token, 'they' are like us. But black and white casts a magical ,mythic shadow from whose wonder it is impossible to escape. They wrap us in a spell of magic and we're likely to carry the spell into our late years. I prefer good b/w photos. Posted by Subbarayudu August 26, 10 03:12 PM 810. great photo collection fantastic from bob in liverpool Posted by Bob Pearson August 26, 10 03:43 PM 811. They are a one dimensional portals to another time. I wish I could go and walk around in them. Posted by Bozo August 26, 10 04:32 PM 812. amazing! Posted by matt August 26, 10 04:32 PM 813. It was a great photocollection from a time when my parents just be born.Thanks.

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Posted by Johnny Gilbert August 26, 10 04:37 PM

814. Simply marvellous!!!!!!! Posted by Mariana August 26, 10 04:37 PM

815. Ongelooflijk - niet alleen om de opnametechnische kwaliteit; en diep ontroerend. Zó te worden betrokken in voorbije levens. Posted by Rijk Mollevanger August 26, 10 05:26 PM

816. Умом Россию не понять, Аршином общим не измерить: У ней особенная стать – В Россию можно только верить. может быть Империю мы потеряли, но глубину Русской Души и силу духа- никогда!

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Posted by Marina August 26, 10 05:33 PM 817. the pix are an impressive ride in space and time! marvelous and so unexpected!my father was born in 1909. made me think of him, too!thanks for both to the photographer and alan taylor Posted by uli tigelmann August 26, 10 05:35 PM 818. ehhhhhhhh, what amazing phots. It is almost unbelievable that those photos are from early 1900's. It's nice to see the photos in color it gave me better perspective how it was in those days.Thank you. Posted by Anonymous August 26, 10 06:01 PM 819. Bravo, ces photos sont vraiment extraordinaires ! Quelle émotion de voir cette époque en couleur - avant cette foutue révolution et tout ce gachis. Quel pays étonnant et fascinant Posted by Tugdualenligne August 26, 10 06:16 PM 820. Notice how clean the air is and notice that most pictures don't have a single ugly telephone pole anywhere in site! The old days have something to offer. Let's clean the air and bury the ugly power lines! Posted by Armen August 26, 10 06:18 PM 821. beautiful Posted by tracie lambert-FONVILLE August 26, 10 07:00 PM 822. Thank you for letting us step back into time to see the reality of those days in Russia. It helps me realize that people really haven't changed that much and we still have the same hopes and dreams

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for our families and our countries. I kept having to tell myself that these were historic pictures and not just taken. Wonderful color and scenery too! Posted by Joyce Joneschiet August 26, 10 07:02 PM 823. Terrific post, I will be sure to recommend to friends! Posted by janetBrooklynWh August 26, 10 07:51 PM 824. The photos above appear to be handpicked from the collection, showing Middle Asia, Dagestan, Uzbekistan and Caucasus mountain region. These are historically, ethnically and culturally original and uniquely different from Eastern Europe and Russia. I wonder why it is that these pictures, in particular, were selected by Boston Globe under the headline of Russian Empire? It is somewhat one-sided, and unfair to both ethnicities. Doing so, the uniqueness and cultural identities are somewhat at a risk to be misrepresented or destroyed. Posted by Phil Engebretzen August 26, 10 08:23 PM 825. Makes me think all the world's a sunny day ... oh yeah ... Posted by Ted August 26, 10 09:42 PM 826. I enjoyed the views, and great colors in the clothing Posted by peter August 26, 10 11:06 PM 827. Truly amazing pictures, this is not the image of Russia that I had. How wonderful to see the beauty of how it was so many years ago. Posted by Marlene Westlind August 26, 10 11:18 PM 828. hmm, so where is Russia. I don't see a single picture about Russia it's like showing Canada and Latin America and saying look at

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pictures of America. yes it would be America, but now US :) and those pictures are pics of the former Russian republics, but not of Russia itself Posted by B August 26, 10 11:38 PM 829. everyone looks miserable Posted by terry August 26, 10 11:59 PM 830. Response to 824: I think those regions were part of the Russian "Empire" at that particular time in history?I had forgotten about this camera used at the turn of the century and remember only seeing them in print. What an amazing difference to see them online in true RGB color representation!! Posted by Pamela August 27, 10 12:11 AM 831. Beautiful pictures with breath-taking views, myriad hues and wonderful people. Posted by Nishat Haider August 27, 10 12:22 AM 832. I absolutely loved these pictures. They are so clear and colorful, so alive. The buildings were so beautiful. They look like something that we may see today. The cities look far more lovely than I ever imagined them to have been. It is sad to think of the revolution having put Russia back in time, instead of helping the country progress. The country appears to have been as far, or farther advanced than the USA at that same time period. Posted by Sandra Bevan August 27, 10 12:43 AM 833. #32 -> Orlando Bloom Posted by Donovan August 27, 10 01:22 AM 834.

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The reason everyone looks unhappy is because the camera's of the day required them to be deathly still otherwise it would blur. Posted by Donovan August 27, 10 01:23 AM 835. Wonderful, wonderful! Where can we see ALL of these pictures? Posted by ArchiesBoy August 27, 10 01:49 AM 836. Absolutely Stunning. Thanks for sharing this. Posted by Hiten Sheth August 27, 10 01:55 AM 837. Color adds a delightful demension. However, it is sad to see all the people without any smiles. Even though the country's landscape is breathtaking, the people's lives must have been very difficult. Posted by Tzippy Landman August 27, 10 02:04 AM 838. @ Linan The Brooklyn Bridge was built in 1883. Over 20 years earlier. That bridge is very much within the tech of the time. Posted by Maxxx August 27, 10 02:39 AM 839. Photography is magical but these photos transport us to a supra-reality that is even more amazing. I am still in awe looking at a past that, as some other person commented here, has been for most of us a 'parallel dimension' and it is incredibly transformed here thanks to the colors. Even if we may not be culturally connected to the scenes, landscapes and portraits of the people shown in this collection, I think it is impossible not to feel great emotion to be able to step back in time. Posted by Carmen Vega-Reina August 27, 10 02:55 AM 840. Agree with another commentator (who wrote in Russian): Central Asia, Trans-Caucasus, Dagestan [etc.] -- why "Russia"?

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Surely people know by now that the Russian Empire (Tsarist and Soviet) imprisoned and annihilated many nations. Russia proper is quite small in comparison. Very sad and embarrassing that the misleading headline stands. Posted by Orysia T August 27, 10 03:09 AM 841. Truly amazing color photos. I have shot images through red, green and blue filters and it isn't easy as anything that moves has color fringing as you can see in some where people, water, etc has moved between exposures. Robert Harris who once worked for Eastman Kodak in Rochester invented a Harris shutter to make three color photography simpler. A fantastic technical achievement especially for 100 years ago. Millions of digital images will have been lost or cannot be seen in the next 100 years! Posted by Peter Hunter August 27, 10 03:39 AM 842. Brilliant Colours. Great Compositions! Posted by Zainab Bawa August 27, 10 03:42 AM 843. If this is published in a high quality book, I'd definitely buy it. I have Russians in my family who came to Australia from China. I've never seen such high quality colour images from so early. It doesn't have to be 'photoshopped', it's about as good as colour transparencies from 30 years ago! Posted by Jayne Wilson August 27, 10 03:53 AM 844. Wow, amazing! Posted by Justyna August 27, 10 04:05 AM 845. Очень интересно!. Спасибо . Не совсем понял: это реальные ЦВЕТНЫЕ диапозитивы на стекле ? Не цифровое окрашивание?

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Posted by Борис August 27, 10 04:46 AM

846. great pics. love them! Posted by Hoa August 27, 10 05:06 AM

847. До / 734 / РУСИЯ е 40 процент от Европа . Posted by Николов August 27, 10 05:09 AM

848. First of all Thanks!! to my son Stefano that sent to me the information about those unique pictures.Very nice to see. I agree with many of the above mentioned comments. That shows that the perception of different people is always different although convergent: past and present and future apper to be different but

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at the same time are inequivocably so similar. what is different is the life's social, political and logistic environment. what is similar is the human condition: one only ticket , one way, toward an unavoidable final station. Posted by alberto August 27, 10 05:22 AM 849. Amazing! all this diversity during the last days of the Russian Empire: indeed the industrial development was on the pick these days and there were a lot of railway roads and bridges constructed. The only thing came to my mind when I was looking at the pictures of people in Uzbekistan and the Caucauses is that not so many things changed since then: you can still take such pictures if you go to province of Uzbekistan, Kazakhistan, Armenie etc. In these regions the traditional lifestyle didn't change a lot during the 100 years. Posted by Julia August 27, 10 05:35 AM 850. Unbelievable! Photos a century ago? How wonderful they are! Posted by Tanaka August 27, 10 05:48 AM 851. Я горжусь своей Великой страной. Posted by Stanislav Mironov August 27, 10 07:18 AM 852. Un grand merci pour ces superbes trésors photographiques. C'est toujours très émouvant... Posted by Nicole Roussel August 27, 10 07:18 AM 853. Great .... i like all of them. Posted by Jon SUNGSUWAN August 27, 10 07:34 AM 854.

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Breathtaking, fascinating. Many thanks. Posted by Sodastream August 27, 10 07:55 AM 855. The best thing I've seen in this rag (the Globe) ever! Period! Posted by Anonymous August 27, 10 08:06 AM 856. It's a bit surreal looking at the distant past in colour when you only usually associate it in Black and White. Very inspiring, great snapshots in time with some great clothing and styling. Thank you Big Picture! Posted by Nick August 27, 10 08:27 AM 857. So the world was in colour back then after all. No, seriously. These are fabulous. Posted by Paul Casey August 27, 10 08:27 AM 858. A fascinating glimpse at an early photographic technique wherein the photographer is shooting three individual B&W photos in succession each with corresponding red, green, and blue filters and later combining them. My guess is that it had to take at least a few minutes to make it all happen. Extraordinary images in light of the cumbersome technique. In a few instances, one of the exposures is out of alignment with the others probably due to accidentally moving the bellows between filter changes. You can also see the technique revealing itself in the ghostly rainbows around any movement such as the river. I'm very impressed at how "modern" these look. Posted by J Michael Sullivan August 27, 10 08:39 AM 859. Its amazing to see Russia 100 years back in living colour! It makes it seem so here and now and makes me wonder if it would be possible to do this for the historical pictures of other nations too. Is

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it? Posted by MLQ August 27, 10 08:56 AM 860. Interesting that Terry (829) says "everyone looks miserable". These people may not have understood what having your picture taken really meant, or they may have felt threatened but willing to do it anyway. They also may not have had any or many teeth. The art of "smiling" to have your photo taken is a relatively new phenomenon. Nobody smiled for the camera back then, it just wasn't the way you behaved to have your photograph taken, it was a more formal situation. And it's also possible that many of these people were miserable. Russia in 1910 could not have been an easy life for a lot of people. Posted by Brian August 27, 10 09:06 AM 861. Simply amazing. My grandparents lived in Russia around this time, so these have another level of meaning for me. Posted by Melissa August 27, 10 10:06 AM 862. Papa and Mama, These pictures have been enhanced using current technology to make them look modern. Posted by Galina August 27, 10 10:07 AM 863. I could look at these photos over and over. Wanting to learn moreabout each person I'm viewing... know their thoughts as they arelooking into the camera. The surroundings unbelievably breathtaking.The colors so vibrant. A real insight to days gone by... but not forgotten.Thanks for making it possible! Posted by RITA STEINMETZ LENNOX August 27, 10 10:20 AM 864. Truly remarkable to see the beginning of last century in such colour and clarity. I only hope these images continue to be

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available on online in an archive or similar. Of course, a book as some of the other commentators have suggested would also be good. Posted by Todd of Perth August 27, 10 10:29 AM 865. Thanksies!!1 These pictures are really good. I showed them to like a ton of people already, adn they're all "well that's a person, and that's a person, and that's a person." but no way, cause every time i tell them "these are ancient beings! and how often do you get to connect to them like this? almost never is what i keep on tellin em. almost never... Posted by Flegg Bahluhns August 27, 10 10:33 AM 866. I did not like it.Real Russia is in Tverskaya oblast'. Not there. Posted by Петя Шнякин August 27, 10 10:39 AM 867. she this full image Posted by hi i am vipin August 27, 10 10:44 AM 868. russia is a controversial place for a lots of reasons... first you had those weird days of and that whole mess. then you that thing with all the weather effects. then throughout you had some rhetorical statements. then there was that thing with the... i think you get the point so anyway... read this: i'm happy to say that these pictures are not one of them! they are amazing and stunning and fabulous and real treats for the digital age. scratch that. all ages... gettin kinda hungry. where's lunch?? Posted by badabingbadaboom hey it's jake! August 27, 10 11:04 AM 869.

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Most impressive - these pictures undeniable demonstrate the huge social leap that mankind has made over the last 100 hundred years! Remarkable photography by a fore- and far - sighted photographer. August 27, 2010 at 16.30hrs Posted by Dr Jill White August 27, 10 11:35 AM

870. I have captured 1.5 million images across 60 years and in all continents & 180 countries including the then Soviet Union of 1972, yet I stand in awe of this outstanding collection of images, technically superb for 1910, let alone 2010. The visit to Russia of a century ago evokes peace & serenity, as well as the evidence of great progress & industry on the part of the Russian peoples of that era. Indeed, these scenes & people possess an air of dignity and the essence of great natural beauty, something we of 2010

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often seem to have lost.......Magic!!! Posted by John Nelson August 27, 10 11:42 AM 871. Muito legal essas fotos antigas da Russia. Posted by luiz colombi August 27, 10 11:44 AM 872. Did anyone else notice that no one, not the children,not the laborers not the rulers & especially not the women was smiling. I don't know if all the pictures are like this or just these ones. The ironic thing is that someone else noted the similarity between these faces & the ones you see there today. Posted by Paul Moloney August 27, 10 11:49 AM 873. RE: 792 ( Stephen ) I couldn't disagree with you more if I tried. By putting them in what we could refer to as today's color, we can relate much more with the pictures than what is given in the originals. We can see the world and people as they would have been seen at the time. Truthfully, if they were published as the originals here, 90% would have skimmed through in 10 seconds and would have been done with them. Posted by SW FL August 27, 10 11:52 AM 874. Eight Hundred and Seventy Two comments!Now THAT'S impressive!Welcome back. You have been missed. Posted by Chris Greaves August 27, 10 11:53 AM 875. Beautiful photos! It would be interesting to take them again where possible to see the difference between the old and the new, and how much things have changed. Posted by macca August 27, 10 12:11 PM 876.

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hi we are three iranian boys that excited from these photos its so amazing that u can see 100 years ago in front of your eyes we think that this guy have a iphone 3gs Posted by Anonymous August 27, 10 12:22 PM 877. да, велика была россия Posted by Агдам August 27, 10 12:34 PM 878. Aesthetically, historically and technically fascinating. Thanks! Posted by Matthew C. Forman August 27, 10 01:09 PM 879. good...memory of my mine...thank you.... Posted by joseph m bacalso August 27, 10 01:28 PM 880. Russia should not be confused with Russian Empire under Nicholas 2nd., who had give Prokudin-Gorski a full financial support . Moreover, ironically, - according to P-G's memoirs, after the slide representation on Ural Mountains for Tzar's Family, he was asked to prepare an album for the Tsarevich Alexis, stating that this would be "a valuable resource for the future heir to the Russian throne".(pics of Central Asia). His "icon" photo that is the most familiar to Russians is the portrait of Count Lev N. Tolstoy, at Yasnaya Polyana. ,1908 May. Posted by Alexei Svinarski August 27, 10 01:43 PM 881. Seeing these gives me a chilling feeling. i am looking at myself in 400 years.I thank the taker, the publisher and the owner of these pictures for sharing them. They are distant but at the same time we share something which is the experiencing of life' Posted by THOMAS G. PAPPS August 27, 10 01:45 PM 882.

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"801 ... My daughter recently met two Uzbek girls and showed them Indianapolis. When she asked the girls what had struck them the most during their trip, one said, "Everyone is always smiling. You are much happier here than where we live!" Wonder if thay had the concept of fake smiling versus genuine heartfelt real joy smiling. Who's really happier? Posted by Bucuresci August 27, 10 02:02 PM 883. The homes in many of the towns look as well or better than those I saw recently in some of the cities. I would love to know how they built that beautiful railroad bridge across the river. Take out the clothing and the farm scenes are circa 1930 on the farms in the USA. Posted by Robert L. Privette August 27, 10 02:19 PM 884. Response to 824, 828: Дорогие тупицы, читайте книги по географии, используйте Google Map.Kids, are you ok? It's Russia. Posted by aero-cool August 27, 10 02:27 PM 885. Response to 840 Many nations? Like American Indians? Posted by aero-cool August 27, 10 02:28 PM 886. Fun thought: If these color filters were offset by a few inches when the images were taken, you could separate the color channels by a few pixels and achieve a 3D effect. Posted by Digeridude August 27, 10 02:29 PM 887. The pictures are beautiful and amazing. In our visit to Russia we didn't see all of this beauty but the people were friendly and some parts of the country and buildings were lovely. Thanks for sharing

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these incredible pictures. Posted by Ann Binns August 27, 10 02:46 PM 888. Stunning photography (I noted some Hopkins family resemblances!). Posted by Don Dwight August 27, 10 02:46 PM 889. Beautiful pictures but judging from the peoples faces in the pictures, especially the women, life for them was hard. Posted by Paddyinlondon August 27, 10 02:53 PM 890. Magníficas fotos. No tenía ni idea de que había fotos en color tan tempranas.Te llevan a un mundo ya desaparecido, que el viento se llevó. ¿Hay más? Posted by José Manuel Díaz Muñoz August 27, 10 02:55 PM 891. Amazing....Love old photos...they say so much about spirit of that time... Posted by Caucasian Panda August 27, 10 03:06 PM 892. Having compared color pictures to black and white originals I am left with a strange sense of reality and surrealism of color. I think black and white gives you much more immediate sense of history, while colored pictures make it much too proximate to us the viewers. I am afraid that color trivializes the past. If you have seen colored images of Hitler (somewhere on the internet) they look disturbingly contemporary. Of course these images are not disturbing, quite the contrary. They are meant to evoke our intuitive sense of "Mother Russia" and stir warm nationalistic feelings. this was no doubt the intent of the sponsor (Nicholas II) and the photographer succeeded in it. But as a historian I found black and white originals much more powerful, even though color fills them

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with unexpected energy, perhaps too much of it. Posted by Natalia Assa August 27, 10 03:16 PM 893. This is exactly like the method Walt Disney used to photograph animation, called three-strip Technicolor. It's one of the reasons the films looked so good, and were so easy to restore. Posted by lindamller August 27, 10 03:24 PM 894. Thank you for these beautiful pictures. Posted by Palewski August 27, 10 03:44 PM 895. Wonderful images. They inspired me to write a bit about the colors in them and how they were constructed. Posting is on my Functional Color blog: Posted by M. C. Stone August 27, 10 03:52 PM 896. Someone should take pictures of the exact spots and compare them, then and now, like a similar article that was published on a while back. Posted by Lou August 27, 10 04:09 PM 897. Beautiful. What a treasure! I wonder why all the commentary here: "they look miserable," "that isn´t REAL Russia," etc. Not everyone who is happy smiles all the time, and not everyone who is NOT smiling is miserable! As for "Real Russia," etc., so many borders and divisions and ethnic identities were swept away by the massive changes of the 20th century they´re practically meaningless now. I wish we could just get over all the nationalism and "We´re So Much Better than Them" thinking that motivates these comments. Posted by RebScott August 27, 10 04:51 PM

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898. It's interesting to look at the clothing of say the water carrier and the boy leaning against the post, who are dressed in rags - and compare them to the obviously wealthy Emir of Bukhara in his fabulous silk. In the time before mass produced clothing, it was a real indication of social status. I can't help but wonder what happened to the Emir when the revolution hit several years later and the children in these photos would have had to endure both World Wars - some of them as soldiers - and I wonder how many survived to old age. The Jewish laws of 1882 would have meant that the Jewish children in the photographs would probably have been subject to very rigid restrictions, pogroms and forced entry into the army. The photo of the water carrier with his (pig?) skins to carry the water brings to mind what a luxury running water and plumbing are and how far we have come in 100 years. Posted by Cathy Jensen August 27, 10 04:55 PM 899. Amazing and so beautiful. The people are so real that I felt I could speak to them. The diversity of Russia and its hugeness and humanity is so evident. I will be using these in my history classes. They're timeless. Posted by Elaine Cawley Weintraub August 27, 10 05:15 PM 900. wonderful meaningful gives idea of the forlorn Posted by j rafiqi August 27, 10 05:32 PM 901. it was amazing for me .what hsall I say :Thank you. Posted by Badik Tibor August 27, 10 05:35 PM 902. I loved the rural atmosphere so simple and plain that was evident in many of these photos. So realistic. Posted by Ada May Fearon August 27, 10 05:35 PM

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903. My Papa was born in 1916 and still driving!!!! A lot of these pics are the way I wish I could still find things in the world, nothing disposable back then!! Thank you for sharing these, I think I must do the same! Posted by Melanie Fisher August 27, 10 06:17 PM

904. To those who don't understand - Russia is a multi-ethnic country. Posted by Anonymous August 27, 10 06:44 PM

905. What a joy to see these pictures! Posted by Barbara August 27, 10 06:56 PM

906. Beautiful photos. I keep going back and back time and again to

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see what else I can see. As for the "miserable" faces. People did not smile for photos back then. Look at any old photo 100+ yrs and no-one is smiling, even in wedding photographs. Barefoot chidlren in that cold climate tell more of a story though. Posted by Trish August 27, 10 07:14 PM 907. Absolutely stunning, thank you for sharing!! Posted by Crystal, Florida, USA August 27, 10 08:32 PM 908. absolutely amazed at the beauty an clarity of the pictures,my grandfather left the Finnish-Russian border region in 1910so this has given me a snapshot of the period. Posted by Heather August 27, 10 09:55 PM 909. To # 815 who wrote: Умом Россию не понять, Аршином общим не измерить: ДАВНО ПОРА, ЕБЕНА МАТЬ, УМОМ РОССИЮ ПОНИМАТЬ!! (Губерман) Марина, голубушка, неужто Вам ваша собственная банальность не осточертела? Да пошутил Тютчев, пошутил!! Какая там, к черту, стать когда вы весь мир видите чрез граненый стакан Posted by Старый Русский August 27, 10 11:42 PM 910. Look at the rulers and their attire..., I'm sure even 100 Yrs back most of the Western Europe and US, still wore dark suits. Stark difference from present day rulers from the region who appear to have completely westernised, if not in thinking at least the attire.. Posted by GP Srivastav August 28, 10 12:18 AM 911. Truly remarkable pictures. Thank you. To 734: Are you saying that part of Ural Mountains region is not Russia? I think it was the last time I checked. Posted by Yana August 28, 10 12:35 AM

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912. What a fantastic glimpse into life in the past. Posted by Erin, Australia August 28, 10 12:45 AM 913. I dont see any exept Kavkaz!!! Offcourse Kavkas is the part of the Russia but the culture of it absolutely different!.. Only couple of picteres are realy russian solved...But... All pictures are sooo beautiful!!! I realy enjoid Kavkaz watching tham!Thank u! Posted by Anonymous August 28, 10 01:33 AM 914. Fantastic photos and information.... thanks so much for sharing! Posted by Tina Rudek August 28, 10 02:04 AM 915. Кто-то написал, что мало что изменилось в Казахстане. Я из Алматы, город оброс многоэтажками, машинами, асфальтом, вырубили деревья.(( А как здорово, что можно уехать рядом в горы от всей этой загазованности в дикую нетронутую природу ! И слава Богу, что есть такие места, где единишься с природой. Фото замечательные, такие живые и теплые. С душой ! Posted by Marina August 28, 10 02:07 AM 916. Amazing, great and beautiful! Posted by george gratz August 28, 10 02:20 AM 917. Amazing! Thank you!Just one think is unclear to me: colour pictures didn't exist in the beginning of 20 century... Posted by Natalia Kotlova August 28, 10 02:32 AM 918. Its like actually being there, seriously some of the coolest pictures I've ever seen

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Posted by Jonathan August 28, 10 02:33 AM 919. Most of these photos are not from Russia, anyways - GREAT and TRUE pictures, no fake life, just reality...i missed these kind of taking is not possible so far - but if was - i;d like to go back 100 years - and walk among people in my village...just to hear them, look at the - how they behave,speak...that's what I was thinking about recently - and suddenly saw the link to these photos on my fcb! GREAT EXTRAORDINARY ART! THANX FOR POSTING IT! Posted by DON CABALLERO 73 August 28, 10 03:52 AM 920. The pictures give me an extraordinary feeling - of actually entering and inhabiting the past. Other images - black-and-white, sepia, etc. - have 'This is not now" stamped all over them. Here there is no distance. Posted by Humphrey Davies August 28, 10 04:19 AM 921. Старому Русскому (Еврею?): ваш комментарий (#909) на фоне этих фотографий смотрится примерно как Губерман на фоне Тютчева - полное дерьмо. Posted by alex August 28, 10 05:31 AM 922. 18. This is chamomillae not cornflowers..... Posted by Pet August 28, 10 05:38 AM 923. Top marks amazing Posted by Keith Mulholland August 28, 10 06:56 AM 924. *I dont see any exept Kavkaz!!! *Well, if you say so, you obviously have some problems with geography....Sibiria and Petrozavodsk

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are quite far from Kavkaz! Petrozavodsk, for instance, is near Finland, which is to the north-west of Russia Posted by Lotos August 28, 10 07:41 AM 925. Beautifully done and truly captured the spirit of the people. Posted by Jan August 28, 10 08:44 AM 926. Something is wrong took three photo's in quick succession with color filters to obtain the color quality...ok then, why are the clouds so crisp, and a water ripple so defined, among other long exposure deformities of a captured image? Posted by Bob August 28, 10 09:54 AM 927. The country of origin is not important. The fact that a slice of time has been recorded for future generations is most impressive. It is apparent that peoples of the regions represented lived just as we do today without our modern conveniences. Reality can be stark and often hard to understand if one is unwilling to travel back in time just as these pictures do. Posted by ed curry August 28, 10 10:24 AM 928. a place of beauty Posted by bob patteson August 28, 10 11:11 AM 929. I don't think it's just the need of the camera for the subjects to remain still. I was in Pushkin, outside St. Petersburg, and I asked a Russian woman why I saw her smile so rarely. She said, "Unlike you Americans, we only smile when we are happy." Posted by Ray White August 28, 10 11:11 AM 930.

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Typ Uw opmerking hier ... Geweldige foto's , alsof Ze Vandaag zijn gemaakt . DAT ER 100 jaar geleden werd kleurenfotografie ALS IK Heb Nooit geweten . Aan de Wijze van poseren koen JE DAT Het Zien Geen Recente opnamen zijn . Gerard Koning Posted by Gerard Koning August 28, 10 11:12 AM

931. #909 +100 Posted by GT August 28, 10 12:00 PM

932. First to Papa and Mama #862 who posted "These pictures have been enhanced using current technology to make them look modern"Not true. It appears that these images are as close to originals as it it possible to get them. The original presentation

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using the three black and white positives projected through RGB filters would have actually been superior to the printed images. On the computer screen they are still quite beautiful and the people seem real. Several have commented that the people seemed sad. This is partially because the glass plates used were quite slow and required longer exposure times. In addition the photographer used a camera that made the three exposures in sequence and not simultaneously as split mirror ti-color cameras were able to do. I bet there were some genuine and huge smiles present after the exposures were completed. It is interesting to see how much has changed and how much remains the same. Posted by Eddissimo August 28, 10 12:13 PM 933. I loved these pictures, they are wonderful ! I was very interested in the clothing - and saw the extreme differences in social standing. Regarding the lack of smiles - I too noticed they were missing, but then realized that formal pictures in "those days" were very serious everywhere (even here in America). I only have to look at some of my old family albumns to confirm this. Posted by Joyce August 28, 10 12:29 PM 934. Старый русский, пост #909. А ʻВы' это не вы? Тогда не подписывайтесь как Старый русский Posted by Ladybug August 28, 10 12:29 PM 935. Thanks! Amazing pictures. My grandma was one year old in 1909. She often told me, "laugh for no reason sign of stupidity":) Don't worry about their hard life, it's just the mentality. Posted by Вода August 28, 10 12:42 PM 936.

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Realmente excelentes fotos Posted by BlancaAidaCoelloGiove August 28, 10 01:14 PM 937. Finalmente qualcosa sulla Russia presovietica: come chimicofisico ho sempre amirato molto quanto in Russia fu fatto nel campo scientifico in quei anni! Forse si dovrebbero anche cercare foto sulle università di [email protected] Posted by Camillo Dejak August 28, 10 01:17 PM 938. It is realy Russia ! My grahdparents worked there before revolution/amasing pictures! Thank you! Да,это Российская империя ! Фотографии прекрасные ! Спасибо ! Мои бабушка и дедушка работали там.Россия несла просвещение,цивилизацию Posted by Tamara August 28, 10 01:56 PM 939. I agree with 828. Especially when I look at the pictures of Georgia and the Georgians. What those people suffered under Russian imperialistic rule.Even now Russia wants to nibble away at their country.Petrozavodsk is historically part of Karelia, an area of Finland. Poor Finland used to suffer under Russian rule but rebelled after WW1. Karelia was part of Finland until the Soviet army marched in and took over Karelia during WW2. Many Finns escaped to the western part of Finland and the Russians brought in Russian-speaking people. Unfortunately, Petrozavodsk is still part of the Russian Federation. Posted by Prairie Boy August 28, 10 01:57 PM 940. Congratulations on your outstanding photos.Especially interesting to me. I have just finished book which was very much about this period in pre 20th century Russia. The books title is Young Stalin by Simon Sebag Montefiore. A detaieled up close look at the

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collapse of the Romanofs. Stalins real name was JosephDjugashvilis ,his father a cobbler and alcoholic. Born 1878 died 1953. Congratulations,great photos of a historic land and time. Posted by David F. Savitt August 28, 10 01:58 PM 941. Look at picture 14 through a 3D spectacles (bluegreen and red glass) and you see the 3D effect. Posted by Albert Derks August 28, 10 02:38 PM 942. What's truly amazing is that color photograph didn't even exist when these photos were taken. Posted by randolph August 28, 10 03:30 PM 943. Beautiful and expressive. Thank you. Posted by Eric Stumacher August 28, 10 03:54 PM 944. I'VE BEEN TO RUSSA MANY TIMES AND WAS FORTUNATE TO VISIT UZBEKISTAN.THESE PHOTOS ARE STAGGERING. THE WORLD OWES A DEBT TO THE MAN THAT SHOT THEM.THIS WAS NOT AN EASY TASK.I KNOW.I'M A PHOTOGRAPHER.I MUST SAY, I WOULD HAVE PREFERED THEM IN B/W.AS FOR A PREVIOUS COMMENT.THE MAN WHO COMMENTED ON THE SUBJECTS NOT SMILING AND HIS FOOLISH COMMENT ABOUT THE SAME EXISTS TODAY.I NEVER FOUND IT SO.IN THE MARKETS I VISITED THE UZBEKS WERE DISARMINGLY FRIENDLY AND SMILED CONSTANTLY.PERHAPS GETTING OUT OF THE USA AND TRAVEL MIGHT BROADEN HIS VISION.PS.EXPOSURES 100 YRS AGO WERE VERY LONG.THUS,NO ONE SMILED ,WHETHER IN RUSSIA,UZBEKISTAN OR THE USA.MEL DIGIACOMO Posted by MEL DI GIACOMO August 28, 10 03:59 PM

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945. Amazing photos. Feels like a time machine. Also, the man in #32 kind of looks like Justin Timberlake. Posted by Luke August 28, 10 04:24 PM 946. Just amazing to see, I do thank the people who brought these immages forward, it brings this part of the world much closer, Posted by Steinunn Sigurd August 28, 10 06:05 PM 947. I find these pictures such a repeat of history - my family was from St. Petersberg and had to flee to neutral Latvia. So there were no photographs available to us. As a film maker/producer and photographer, I find the quality amazing for the early 1900's. Gorskii was certainly impressive. My mother was born in 1917 however my father had been born earlier, in 1901 and therefore was so much part of that time. I am grateful for a glimpse into history. Thank you. Posted by R.Yates August 28, 10 06:14 PM 948. I have seen the pictures of Russia from the early 1900's. I find it incredible how a photographer at that time could create such beauty. Now that we are in the digital era of photography those images can not be created. For example the use of the darkroom has been taken away from the photographer, instead replaced by a disk, which to be shown, needs the computer. We can no longer enjoy ourselves in the darkroom in a totally private surrounding. Instead we now have to rely on a CD. I feel by having the CD we are giving up our privacy as photographers. In the good old days we would develope our film with total control. Today we have to rely on a memory card and a computer to do this work. As a photographer myself I can I honestly say that digital images are not as good or better than film. I would like to have anybody prove me wrong. In closing I am saying, "the pictures taken in Russia on

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film are of days gone by. Posted by barry kramer August 28, 10 06:17 PM

949. Посту 934 - Пардон, не доехал до смысла - разъясните, пожалуйста. Посту 921 - Причем-тут фотографии , которые, действительно, великолепные? Наезд был совершен на умопомрачительный по своей пошлости пост 815, цитирующий остоеебеневшую строку большого поэта, которого я, кстати, очень люблю. Но определенные вещи, даже талантливые, заезжены настолько, что нету сил - ну, вообщем, Полонез Огинского - и только. И причем тут еврей? Губерман пишет ведь по-русски. С евреями проблемы у Вас, господин патриот? Вас скоро мусульмане раком всех поставят в сторону Мекки, а вы все "Явреи да явреи". Не распыляйте

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усилий, Шерлок! Posted by Старый Русский August 28, 10 06:34 PM 950. very good!!! Posted by Lee Mc Donald August 28, 10 06:34 PM 951. As a professional fashion photographer i find the clothing in these images of Russia..........beautiful. The photography........ advanced for it's time. As the film camera becomes a part of my past and the world of digital technology takes us into the future, time will tell if we have advanced or if we have thrown away the beautiful art of photography. There is something to be said about processing film and printing in the darkroom all night. That was always a high, a party! Sorting through slides was like a kid sorting candy out on halloween night. What this photographer did was advanced and creative for the time. His results.......exciting for him and now for the world 100 years later. I only hope the images I have on film will be protected as well for all the world to see. Posted by laura aldridge August 28, 10 07:01 PM 952. Объединяющий момент на всех фотографиях. Вглядитесь - земля очень чистая. Ни фантиков, ни бутылок, никаких отходов. Порядок был. Годы советской власти и всеобщей безответственности его куда-то подевали. Нам теперь восстанавливать. Posted by Kirill August 28, 10 07:07 PM 953. I was born in Russia and lived in Ukrain untill I left Russia. The only way we new about those times is in school, where we lern history. Suprising to see those photos in such good quality. Thank you for this presentation. Posted by Jay Riazanow. August 28, 10 07:51 PM

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954. These photos from an historical point of view are priceless. My father along with his sister and mother emigrated to the U. S. in 1902 from Kiev. This gives me some insight as to what they were leaving. Posted by Herb Adelman August 28, 10 08:50 PM 955. You see many more smiles there in summer than in winter, but these are all summer photos.I wonder what his winter shots look like. Posted by vozoff August 28, 10 09:37 PM 956. To #939 Georigia and georgian people would suffer much more under Turkish or Persian empire and they knew this that is why Georgia asked Russia for protection. And honestly, wasnʼt the land you are living now indian at some point? What happened to this indians? Do you think they suffered less than georgian? I think , much more Posted by Ladybug August 28, 10 10:34 PM 957. To #949 Что же тут непонятного? Какой же вы русский, если на мир смотрите не через гранёный стакан? Так какого черта себя русским называете? Posted by Ladybug August 28, 10 10:49 PM 958. Одна процитировала Тютчева ни к селу, ни к городу, другой тут же всех подряд за граненый стакан посадил и Губермана процитировал. Posted by Ladybug August 28, 10 11:19 PM 959. Wonderful and beautiful pictures.. I'm so glad they're being

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preserved. Thanks. Posted by [email protected] August 28, 10 11:36 PM 960. nice Posted by Pixy August 28, 10 11:51 PM 961. I found the clothing facinating. Both men and women wore fabrics with flowers. Most people had leather boots, except for the switch operator who had hide boots like mukluks. I can't imagine living in a climate that required all those layers - it must have been hard to move. The man from Dagestan had some odd little pockets across the front of his chest. Were those some kind of ammunition? Posted by m.b.tucker August 29, 10 12:34 AM 962. The Urals and East!!!! Awesome. Thank you Boston Globe and all who enhanced these pictures. Posted by Taras Normilev August 29, 10 01:22 AM 963. Just Amazing ! Posted by Sina August 29, 10 01:53 AM 964. Realmente increaible, es ver 100 años en el pasado y las tomas con esta tecnica es impresionante. Posted by Anonymous August 29, 10 02:01 AM 965. to m.b. tucker: these pockets are for bullets, but seldom they were filled with silver stuff. Posted by Eldar August 29, 10 02:55 AM 966. Truly amazing photos! The quality is unbelievable.

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Posted by Gudmundur August 29, 10 04:12 AM

967. RE: 872 (Paul) You comment that no one in these photos is smiling. That's true also of old photos taken anywhere else (including the US). Films were much slower in those days and subjects had to be motionless in order to be sharply delineated in the photo. It was probably better by 1910 than it had been earlier, but films capable of freezing movement were still not available. In the case of these color photos, it was even more essential for everyone to be motionless, because the image comes from three separate photos taken one after the other. This is apparent in Photo 27, where some of the children have moved slightly between the shots (especially the toddler on the left), and the images don't register accurately. Posted by Steven Ledbetter August 29, 10 04:32 AM

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968. Formidable. La Russie qui semble a première vue sortir d'un film et qui n'en est que plus réelle. Ces visages sont si touchant ! MERCI ! Posted by Jean August 29, 10 04:49 AM 969. No Russian smiles?? My surviving photos from Ireland of that time show people with clenched faces and white knuckles as they posed for the required minute or more. When you are set up for the only photo of your lifetime, it ain't humorous. Posted by John O'Neill August 29, 10 06:13 AM 970. Georgia is NOT Russia!Germany has occupied many countries, but you are not labeling poland for example as Germany during the war time, right? Posted by Rezo August 29, 10 06:43 AM 971. Many many thanks for your presentation and work to show us all these pictures.Beautiful colours, making us easily jump 100 years backwards; also remarkable is the artistic eye of Prokudin-Gorskiy.Congratulations to the LoC and The Big Pictures!No comment on some comments though - особенно русские... Спасибо - merci encore! Posted by PyG August 29, 10 07:19 AM 972. Wow ...this stuff is amazing!!! Posted by Pixie August 29, 10 07:25 AM 973. A stunning view of the past. One feels very somber as one looks at these wonderful pictures and then thinks of the tragic history of Russia since 1917.

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Posted by Jon Harrison August 29, 10 07:33 AM 974. Absolutely stunning. I wonder if one could try to recreate this by taking a colour picture, making it B/W and making three copies, each with two colour channels removed. Then recombining them while adding red, green and blue to the correct copies. Posted by Villi Asgeirsson August 29, 10 07:33 AM 975. Завораживает, удивляет, поражает, волнует, будоражит... Низкий поклон от всех россиян (и не только) Сергею Михайловичу Прокудину-Горскому за его труд. Posted by Сергей August 29, 10 07:56 AM 976. I totally disagree with N Assa (892). Her contemporary viewpoint has no bearing on the thoughts of the photographer or the Tsar in Russia 100 years ago. Most of the viewers will not have a sense of "Mother Russia" and probably won't have heard of that term. The use of colour greatly enhances the clothing and buildings shown in the pictures and makes them far more interesting. Thank you for posting these pictures. I hope you manage to upload some more examples. Posted by Sue Murby August 29, 10 08:23 AM 977. god damn' it, these pic are awsome. I have nothing more to say:) Posted by Elfiera August 29, 10 10:12 AM 978. To all those people who noticed that none of those portrayed on the photos is smiling: it's not because those people are less happy then today's people. It's because people considered photography as very serious thing. They prepared to be portrayed, they put on their best clothes, and they intentionally look serious. Like in

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church. Posted by Nickolai August 29, 10 10:15 AM

979. The scale of the pictures is stunning. 35m is such a small format. And we quickly got used to using fast films so, so much of the detail was lost. The time exposures - for the detail gained must have been a couple of seconds - you can see some people have moved during the process, but aren't they amazing. A lot of people have commented on the clothing - it is intriguing reading who was what and what social status they had. But most of all there is an eeriness of having captured such a lost world. Beautiful, beautiful images. Posted by Janice Sharp August 29, 10 10:30 AM


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Старому Русскому: У Вас что-нибудь кроме мата осталось от русского языка? Как насчёт "великого и богатого"? Не позорьте и не принижайте Россию Posted by М August 29, 10 11:02 AM 981. trop beau bravo les artistes!...........merci Posted by druuna August 29, 10 11:12 AM 982. Hmm, terrific color for 100 years ago. I was surprised at the lack of paint, the lack of smiles or the stoicism portrayed by the participants, especially the children. The size (obese) emir was in sharp contrast to the average resident.Pointed shoes were the fashion for the ladies in that one pic, lol. The towns were all at or near the top of hills, was that because poop flows downhill? Thank you for these timeless snapshots of Eastern European history. I suspect they wouldn't look a lot different if they were from 1810, other than for the hydroelectric assemblies. Posted by Canucklelion August 29, 10 12:06 PM 983. If any of you are interested in doing restorations like these yourself, a couple of years ago, I reverse-engineered the process used by the Library of Congress and posted instructions here: (requires Photoshop CS3 or above) Posted by B. Gohacki August 29, 10 01:22 PM 984. I found the photos very moving - and lifelike! Just like we are living today, those people were alive and bathed in the experiences of life, sometimes painful, sometimes marvelous and liberating. In the deepest sense, they are our siblings. All of that sense of Oneness makes the ideas of nationalism and of war so dehumanizing and outdated. Thank you!

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Posted by Bob Riley August 29, 10 02:23 PM 985. one guy looks like Harvey KeitelFind him Posted by aileen August 29, 10 02:34 PM 986. Stunning photographs! My great grandfather migrated from Tagenrog (Russia) to the rural village of Plissa (now Belarus) in the late 1800s. My grandfather in turn migrated around 1905 from Plissa to Switzerland via Poland, Germany, and France. The rest of the family remained in Plissa. I went to Plissa a few years ago and saw people dressed in clothing somewhat better, but not a lot better than that in many of the photographs, and they often lived in very poor houses. Worse than I expected. Some change is slow. Posted by Charles Klaus August 29, 10 02:54 PM 987. Wow, these are amazing. I can't believe that the color is so well controlled, given the time period. Thanks for posting them and explaining their history. Posted by Shannon August 29, 10 03:08 PM 988. Superb photos, and incredible quality. Posted by adrianh August 29, 10 03:38 PM 989. We were in Moscow in 199i immediately following the Yeltsininauguration The city was grim and gray and dirty...much disrepair.I returned several times to teach business to a highly receptivegrouup, primarily women, all it seemed with high level degrees,eager to learn. Tescjomg was done on a Volga River cruiser trave;ing between major points of interest. In the evenings I mixed with the group. Change from nitght into day.Happy, smiling and dancing. Wonderful outgoing people. Unfortunately they had a long way to go in business....riddled with

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corruption. Posted by Timothy Dunn August 29, 10 04:01 PM 990. These are simply astonishing. My special thanks to the editor. Thanks for sharing the pics. Posted by Chowdary August 29, 10 05:08 PM 991. Absolutely impressive. My grand-grand parents came from this land into Argentina almost 100 years ago, so these pictures provides me with a fresh breeze from them Posted by Ruben August 29, 10 05:27 PM 992. Thank you so very much for sharing and letting the world know about these wonderful photos from a century ago. Posted by Maria Parker August 29, 10 06:36 PM 993. Посту 980: Насчет "великого и богатого" не знаю, не знаком с этой фразой. Вы, похоже, имеете в виду тургеневское "великий могучий"?Опять таки, ненормативная лексика, (само выражение какое-то оксиморонистое - кто эти нормативы установил?) судя по всему что доходит к нам в "дальнее зарубежье", ( ох уж "великий могучий" лингва советикус!) прочно вошла в обиход практически всех слоев населения. Кроме того, осмелюсь заметить, что лично мой слух уместный ненорматив не оскорбляет настолько, как это делает кондовая провинциальная пошлость. Прочел где-то что из двух извечных российских проблем одна легко решается с помощью асфальтоукладчиков и катков....... а вот с дорогами- гораздо сложнее. :-) Не сердитесь, ребята. Жизнь здесь сытая и комфортная, но слова не с кем сказать, влезешь вот на русский сайт - и выть хочется от количества идиотов! А "Старый Русский" кликуха - это просто чтоб не

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перепутали с Новым Русским. Posted by Старый Русский August 29, 10 07:39 PM 994. These are beautiful! So astonishing. Emir Seyyid Mir Mohammed Alim Khan is my favorite photo. The blue silk is amazing. Posted by Saffron Craig Fabrics August 29, 10 08:04 PM 995. Thank you for sharing these amazing pictures, I wish I found them before now.I find it amazing that the boy to the right of the men teaching the children in #16, who's in red and the fur cap, looks exactly like my brother about two years ago. Posted by Chaim August 29, 10 09:20 PM 996. In the old days when a picture was taken no one smiled. That is how it was. Smiling for pictures came along later on, and I believe started in America. These are beautiful. I like the lack of roads, cars, power lines, etc. The ships in the harbor look like working ships. No indication of the hundreds of pleasure craft you see in modern harbors. Posted by Doug Kersten August 29, 10 11:05 PM 997. Absolutely amazing pictures! They are so different from the others and they have a very own spirit. I would love to see more ancient pictures from different times and locations. Great work. Posted by Jeff F. August 29, 10 11:12 PM 998. Guess what, the rail tracks in #17 are in better shape than some of the national rail lines here in Sri Lanka. :( Posted by seylan August 29, 10 11:26 PM 999. Russia is still an empire! Dagestanies and Chechens have been

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fighting for centuries against Russian colonial rule. Posted by observer August 29, 10 11:27 PM

1000. For those insisting that color photography was not invented at the time of these photographs, it had been in existence for at least 30 years at the time these pictures were made, and the Lumiere Autochrome process (which is probably the system used here) was commercially available from 1907. A great set of pictures! Posted by Rob Walls August 29, 10 11:40 PM

1001. This is not Russia. These are amazing photographs taken by a Russian photographer, working for the tzar's government. Except for a couple photographs, these photographs are not of Russia or

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Russians, but the subjugated people of the vast Russian Empire. Images of Georgia, Armenia and Central Asia, and occupied Finish territory. A hundred years may have passed, but the Russian attitude, its politics, and the way it deals with the old problems have not changed. Today's Russia functions very much like the Russia of one hundred years ago. This is a sad reminder how a huge country like Russia, with such a huge potential refuses to change, and continues to live in the past. Posted by N.L. S. Volians'kyj August 30, 10 12:44 AM 1002. RE 922, PET Centaurea cyanus (Cornflower, Bachelor's button, Bluebottle, Boutonniere flower, Hurtsickle, Cyani flower) is a small annual flowering plant in the family Asteraceae, native to Europe. It is related to Chamomile or Camomile, is a common name for several daisy-like plants. Chamomile is the national flower of Russia. The flora labelled "chamomile", one of the family of Asteraceae is Anthemis arvensis the scentless corn chamomile. The Asteraceae or Compositae is also referred to as the aster, daisy, or sunflower family. Posted by Jon August 30, 10 02:06 AM 1003. Somebody was talking about "The diversity of Russia" but it should be notes that these photos show not only Russia but different countries with different cultures like Georgia, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Dagestan etc and that' why you have such diversity. Posted by Tamar Mosiashvili August 30, 10 02:52 AM 1004. Amazing photos! Thanks for sharing! Some here commented those people in the photos didn't smile a bit, I think the reason has to do with the long exposure of the photography technique back in those days. I bet to take one of this photo will take more than a few seconds, it will probably take a minute or two just to take a good photo with the right exposure!

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Try smiling for one minute or two then you will know why all those people posted with a grumpy face. I am sure they were happy in their real life.... Posted by Ian August 30, 10 02:57 AM 1005. I just want to comment on ladybug #956:You should probably study history not from communist and/or Czar's prospective, remember they would bend history so that future generation of Russian would think their way. You should study from every nation's prospective: Uzbeks, Tajiks, Persian, Georgian and list would go on. Enough to say that Georgia prospered way before when first Russian started walking or speaking under "David the Builder" or Queen Tamar and Georgia was always a state (I hope you read Kolchi's identity during which Russia did not even exist as state. I am Uzbek btw and understand as comparing them to Native Indian is completely inappropriate which shows your level of education. BTW. Photos are great. Thank you for publishing them. Posted by bubba from Uzbekistan August 30, 10 03:03 AM 1006. My paternal grandfather also left the Russian/Finnish border area around 1910, and jumped ship in Boston sometime later. He returned to Russia in 1918, already married in the US with at least one child, and immigrated legally to the US. He ran a thriving business and has many descendants in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Michigan. These pictures provide a beginning for my imagination and I am very grateful for them. Posted by Pat L. August 30, 10 03:04 AM 1007. Thank you for sharing. Amazing images. Posted by Mustaffa Aziz August 30, 10 04:24 AM 1008.

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What a peaceful life before the car. Interesting that the only means of transport to be seen are the railway and a few ships in the harbor of Sukhumi. There is not a single car to be seen -- and not even a horse carriage. Maybe that tells us something about what kind of shift in lifestyle is between us and them. Posted by Baldur Sigurdsson August 30, 10 06:08 AM 1009. Photo 20 looks like a sleeping bag with legs.Oh how I yearn to be back in the homeland/Egor Bertvinsky. Posted by Rob Bertwistle August 30, 10 06:31 AM 1010. Um espetáculo!Beleza, história e cultura apresentados na essência de uma época e região...É um privilégio poder vê-las! Posted by Brites F. Rangel August 30, 10 06:57 AM 1011. Wow! yesterday. The living now dead though living..... Posted by ewen carmichael August 30, 10 07:29 AM 1012. "these photos show not only Russia but different countries with different cultures like Georgia, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Dagestan etc and that' why you have such diversity. " All these countries were part of Russian Empire, which was destroyed actually just in 1991. And all nationalities lived in PIECE together. I say it as a person with jewesh, ukranian, belorussian and pontic greek roots from CAUCAS region. Posted by elena August 30, 10 08:15 AM 1013. To #1001'Except for a couple photographs, these photographs are not of Russia or Russians' Not couple , 17 to be exact. Posted by Ladybug August 30, 10 08:36 AM

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1014. Extraordinary!!! I feel blessed to have shared these true masterpieces...I am in complete awe of the quality and artistic expertise...can't wait to see more! They seem to be of digital sharpness ?!! Can't wait to see more works. Thank you for postinfg these ones. Posted by Lezli Ungerman August 30, 10 08:44 AM 1015. Unbelievable and extraordinary indeed. It's an honour to see them, and one feels that a diverse range of people would be able to fit right in and make a home and identity. Thank you so much for sharing, they are simply beautiful. The colours and quality of the pictures is beyond belief. Posted by serenity August 30, 10 09:36 AM 1016. Excellent photos - fine work of photographers one hundred years ago! Posted by Pétur Jósefsson August 30, 10 09:44 AM 1017. These pictures were taken during Prokudin-Gorskii's trip throughout the Russian Empire. He was sent to this trip by the emperor's court so that emperor himself and others can have yet another access to see everyday life in the empire. Posted by Steve August 30, 10 10:18 AM 1018. Rob Walls opined that the Lumiere Autochrome process was probably the system used to create these photos. The introduction states that they were produced using three separate exposures taken through red, green, and blue filters. The remarkable Lumiere process required only a single exposure and no color filters. The requirement for three identical exposures undoubtedly explains the lack of "action" photos" and the expressionless faces.

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Posted by Richard Rothblum August 30, 10 10:22 AM 1019. These are wonderful pictures and I am glad they have been preserved. And to edify those who love them, and put all you ignorant haters in your place: Posted by Nolarond August 30, 10 10:33 AM 1020. Exceptional look into the past! The imagery is stunning when you think of photographic limitations of the time. Can't wait to see more! Posted by PurpleHaze August 30, 10 11:44 AM 1021. Natalia, Please, read the paragraph above the pictures regarding color. Posted by Olga Fridlyand August 30, 10 11:56 AM 1022. Amazing Photos ! Totally blown away.. Makes me more of a history buff. Troy Posted by Treoy L. Jones August 30, 10 12:54 PM 1023. Some technical possibilities: The static quality of the necessary technique reduces spontaneity like smiling or motion. Some motion, grasses for example, is captured by the filtering technique; only green items are captured on the plate. These photographs are fascinating because of their content: people far away in history and place opening themselves to the visual truth of the camera. They are astonishing for the technique which places something quite old in a representation we understand as of "the modern world." Thank you, Boston Globe,

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give us more. Posted by Kevin Hogan August 30, 10 02:01 PM

1024. To #1001 'Except for a couple photographs, these photographs are not of Russia or Russians' Not couple , 17 to be exact. Posted by Ladybug August 30, 10 03:27 PM

1025. People commenting on the 'lack of smiles' in the portraits should spend a little time browsing any collection of 19th and early 20th century portraits from any nation - smiling for a portrait is NOT usual. Just take the money out of your wallet and count the smiles - a dollar for every one you find. There are stereotypes of course - Americans smile

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excessively/insincerely and Russians consider anyone who smiles all the time a little crazy - but none of this applies to portrait photography of this or earlier periods. Posted by History Matters August 30, 10 04:33 PM 1026. I have not carefully researched this issue, but I had believed that the original color photos taken in Russia during this period used a technique of dying potato starch into R,G and B crystals which then were randomly mixed and spread over a b&w emulsion plate. The resulting image was color when illuminated from behind since the individual color filters became part of the image. When I carefully examine these images they don't show the telltale signs of individual RGB images taken over time which would show some color fringing at areas that difficult to remain still (eyelides, edges of plants with wind, etc.). I suspect that thes were not acquired in the way that is described. It's worth further research. My recollection is that Lumiere invented the "potato starch" method of taking color images which was around the same time. Posted by Bob Caspe August 30, 10 04:44 PM 1027. Wow, it´s so weird that these pictures are just like now (2010) becausu of the colors. I just can't imagine that this was 100 years ago? -Expecaly picture number 27, the house i mean. (im from iceland so i dont write wery well english) Posted by something August 30, 10 05:07 PM 1028. Absolutely wonderful... What a treasure.... Posted by Mark August 30, 10 05:33 PM 1029. I only wonder why these fascinating 'photos cannot just be enjoyed for what they represent. Peoples' need to always dissect, compartmentalize & criticize what should, surely, be looked at as a

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precious glimpse into the past continually astounds me. Personally, I thoroughly enjoyed each one! Posted by Vicki Le Gare August 30, 10 06:20 PM 1030. Absolutely gorgeous pictures. As a Brazilian that has a straight connection to Russia, this pictures inspired me and made me remember parts of my own country in the past. Long live to the Motherland! And yes, this is a treasure, nothing less! Posted by Felipe Barros August 30, 10 10:16 PM 1031. To Booba from Uzbekistan post # 1005 Do you say Georgia didnʼt ask Russia for protection from your Turkish brothers? How is that Indians count less than Uzbek or Georgian? It shows your level of bigotry.I suggest you learn history from indianʼs point of view and read less your nationalistic brainwashing bs Posted by Ladubug August 31, 10 02:40 AM 1032. To Booba from Uzbekistan post # 1005 May 16, 2009 ... TASHKENT – The National University of Uzbekistan celebrated its 91st anniversary on May 12. It is the oldest university in Uzbekistan and ... Tbilisi State University (TSU), is a university established on 8 February 1918 in Tbilisi, Georgia. TSU is the oldest university in the whole Caucasus region. Posted by Ladubug August 31, 10 03:32 AM 1033. Awesome pictures! Especially pic 29 struck me (the boy by the herd gate) as being a painting like photo, resembling the national romantic era of Finnish painters a.k.a Gallen-Kallela. Posted by Risto Uusitalo August 31, 10 03:39 AM 1034.

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The digitally restored ones look way better I bet this link was given several times in 1030 comments, but too lazy to read 'em all. Posted by E_1aY August 31, 10 05:31 AM 1035. I found these photos absolutely fabulous and have circulated them to all my family. My only regret is that my father who was born in 1908 in Kars, near Artvin and who passed away in 2008 was not able to see them. Posted by Aleksey August 31, 10 05:45 AM 1036. Amazing piece of history. And what quality - in every respect. Posted by ed August 31, 10 06:07 AM 1037. Amazing quality for such old pictures! I'd like to see more from different parts of the world. Posted by Jesse August 31, 10 06:10 AM 1038. Brilliant. Any more out there? Posted by Keith Wigley August 31, 10 06:32 AM 1039. notice one thing, no one is smiling, very unhappy people Posted by fred paul August 31, 10 09:27 AM 1040. Truly unreal! Wow! Never expected to see anything approximating color from this time period. Some of them are really well done color-wise. @fred paul - the custom to smile for the camera did not exist then... Posted by Mark Tisdale August 31, 10 10:49 AM

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1041. Thank you for posting these...I would have never have known about this! This is something they didn't show us in Photography class!! Posted by diana (RedBubble) August 31, 10 01:31 PM 1042. Bol'shinstvo photo k rossii otnoshenia ne imeut. Eti nezavisimie strani i narodi bili pod russkoi okupatziei. Color fotografi togda ne sushestvovalo. To chto vi videte - product computernoi obrabotki. Posted by Photograph. August 31, 10 03:27 PM 1043. These pictures show different regions of "Russian Empire" and NOT Russia. I don't understand some people's obsession with "smiling". I don't know of any 100 year-old photos that have people smiling in them... Back in those days nobody did as people took photo taking seriously like making portraits. Colored photography did not exist back then so this was a sort of time capsule. Big thanks to the Tsar and Prokudin-Gorskii! Posted by Sasha August 31, 10 03:28 PM 1044. I found these photos very interesting as both my parents came from western Russia. The color is amazing and the detail is so clear. Enjoyed them all! Posted by Sarah F. August 31, 10 03:30 PM 1045. excerpt from Wikipedia"It was probably this Miethe-Bermpohl camera which Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii later used to make his now-celebrated color photographs of Russia before the 1917 revolution. " Posted by orangedeuce August 31, 10 04:11 PM 1046. Well, as a photographer I must say that I still use film and

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darkroom, but that is is all in B/W. I would like to know if these images were ever printed on paper and how so - or just shown as slides and now rendered digital to be able to be seen on a computer. Posted by Emily August 31, 10 05:46 PM

1047. I am totally blown away by these gorgeous photos. Are there any more? Where can they be found? Thank you for posting these, it made my day. Posted by Nicole Agran August 31, 10 05:57 PM

1048. To me it is amazing how the photographer made these beautiful color photos starting with black and white film and no modern digital, tech methods. I am 78 yrs old. When I was a boy, I had my

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own room in the house with a sink in it. I could not afford developing tanks or anything fancy, so I used the trays with developing fluid, etc. then hanging film to dry. I made an enlarger from an oatmeal box and the lens from a camera, It worked. It was more fun working dark room, "red light" and felt I was accomplishing something more than the digital camera and computer I have now. My children and grandChildren will never know the feeling. Posted by Howard R. Roby August 31, 10 10:37 PM 1049. Magnificent archive photos. A time, unfortunately, gone by in so many ways. Our country's should return to those times of bliss and serenity, and hard work for all to benefit according their efforts. Posted by Robert A. Moulthrop August 31, 10 11:00 PM 1050. Verry unique Pictures Thay are soo clear for being that old, Its so great what people can do with the new technology It's amazing. Also a comment why people didnt smile back then for pictures. I think It's just a custom handed down through the ages. My guess is after WW II we had more to be thankfull so pepole started to show thair expressions of happiness more. Then agin I dont see too many people eger to smile for A vedio whale being filmed. Hmm, Don't know. Any way verry cool. Posted by James Camp August 31, 10 11:34 PM 1051. Wonderful images all. Truly an historical treasure. Posted by Emil Melnichenko September 1, 10 01:05 AM 1052. The quality and resolution of these photos is amazing...much more than I expected. Thanks for posting. Posted by Mark September 1, 10 01:56 AM 1053.

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I'm impressed by what appears to be hard cases of poverty. Especially the clothes that are little more than rags. The 84 year old boatman and the boy leaning against the post. Also struck by the children bundled up with hats and scarves, but most being barefoot. Juxtaposed with the Khan in rich silk brocades. The representatives of the Czar in their crisp white jackets, military caps and boots the picture of officialdom. You can see the seeds of the Russian revolution in these photographs. The diversity of races, cultures and religion is also fascinating. Posted by Gail Wilhelm September 1, 10 02:02 AM 1054. to #1031 and #1032 (Ladubug)Well that shows your level of intelligence, which I pity. Enough to say just read this link and say about University... I told you not to read Soviet literature, you're just brainwashed.About Native Indians: didn't you read in school that there was no state as "Native Indians", but rather tribes. So I understand that russian before "Ivan the Terrible" lived like tribes and paid taxes to Mongols. My comment about comparing tribe to state was that Georgia had a state since Kolchi's time, during which Russian tribe did not event exist.About protectorate: read in which Tiflis was destoyed despite the fact that your "empress promissed the so called protectorate". All I can say is that except betrayal Georgians don't see anything usefull from that so called "treaty". Read the history before go on yapping about something. bubba Posted by bubba September 1, 10 04:10 AM 1055. BRAVO Posted by YARON LARIAN September 1, 10 07:11 AM 1056. How wonderful to see these old photographs revived for the 21st century!

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Posted by Mark Anderson September 1, 10 07:19 AM 1057. Absolutely fantastic photos. As a photographer who has been to Russia twice, I found that the lack of smiles carries through to the present day. Except for young children under the age of three, everyone seems to adopt a serious demeanor and rarely laugh or smile (not even for wedding pictures). Russians don't seem to be a happy people. Posted by Tony September 1, 10 11:40 AM 1058. Impresionante, hermosas fotos, no se como lo hicieron para que quede con esa calidad pero es un muy buen trabajo Posted by Daniela September 1, 10 11:57 AM 1059. Beautiful. From the wooden shacks at the wharf, to the cathedrals. Has the Nikolaevskii Cathedral survived? Posted by Steve September 1, 10 12:09 PM 1060. I wish to thank "The Boston Globe" for these excellent photos. Such scale of impressions is generated by them! I was very deeply touched by the photo #18 which have reminded a fine peace time of my childhood. Posted by Lina September 1, 10 12:23 PM 1061. BEAUTIFULL !!! ОБАЛДЕННО !!! Posted by Leonid September 1, 10 12:46 PM 1062. Realmente impresionante, como muchos me pregunto como hicieron para obtener esa nitides de las fotos.Muchas gracias por compartir esta obra de arte. Posted by Roberto September 1, 10 01:41 PM

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1063. Fantastic work! Black&white photos make me feel like I see something really ancient. These pictures reduce the gap and faces, views, buildings look more familiar. Thanks Posted by Natalie September 1, 10 02:04 PM 1064. Relevant links - Wiki article on the photographer: More pictures: ...and a catalog of his work: ...and a catalog with Russian titles: Posted by History Matters September 1, 10 02:41 PM 1065. Watching old photos, I always thought that those days were B&W but now I came to know that world has always been colorful it my my foolish mind which was being bluffed by the B&W film. Posted by Shahbaz Khan Durrani September 1, 10 03:30 PM 1066. The photos are quite awesome considering the era. After reading most of the commentary, I find it offensive to be discussing the politics of Russia and it's satellite regions i.e. Georgia, Uzhbekistan, etc. Life wasn't much different in the US or elsewhere then. People were poor, worked hard to make a living, and enjoyed what life had to offer. The fact that these photos even exist after 100 years is somewhat of a miracle. The color and clarity are excellent. Each photo tells a story of what it was like to be alive then. I hope more will be released for our pleasure. Posted by Vera September 1, 10 05:45 PM 1067.

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¡Increíble! los efectos logrados con una técnica tan sencilla son inspiradores, y con la ayuda de programas digitales estas fotos, sin duda, se convierten en piezas de colección. El mundo se reflejaba con tantos espacios abiertos que era indudable la visión de un mundo prometedor... Posted by Virginia Arzate September 1, 10 06:30 PM

1068. Vi las fotos y estan muy buenas. Felicito a la persona que trabajo estas fotografias y lo invito a que siga adelante no solo con Rusia, sino y con otros pueblos. Posted by Victor de Nicaragua September 1, 10 08:00 PM

1069. What I found refreshing was the colour! I have normally seen

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Russia in my mind's eye as being a rather dour place at the turn of the century. This has chasnged my perspective of the place! Posted by Barry Collin September 1, 10 08:02 PM 1070. These pictures are absolutely let's not take anything away from them by bringing politics into it. Our world is made up of different cultures ...and these are extraordinary pictures of an extraordinary culture...and an extraordinary time...Thank you so much!! Posted by Donna September 1, 10 09:16 PM 1071. Even though there is obviously ALOT of disagreement as to the proper identification of people and locations shown in the photographs, one thing is obvious - this is a beautiful land inhabited by strong, beautiful men, women and children. The history of this part of the world is a testamony to the resiluency of the human spirit. My sister and I were the first in our family to be born in the U.S. - the rest coming from the Ukraine. As a child my grandfather, who worked on the Trans-Siberian Railroad spoke with almost religious reverence about the beauty of this area. I can see why he felt the way he did. Gorgeous, absolutely breathtaking! Posted by roxy September 1, 10 09:16 PM 1072. I check this site often, and this collection of photos is without a doubt the coolest I have seen. Can the author of these please 'color' the past for other cultures and time periods? Posted by BayEagleXL September 1, 10 10:28 PM 1073. wonderful- bravo Posted by harvey silverman September 1, 10 11:22 PM 1074. Marvelous insight into a time and people since gone - they live

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forever in these magnificent photographs. Bravo! Posted by George Lyons September 1, 10 11:43 PM 1075. Stunning, they look like they could have been taken yesterday. What an amazing record of by gone times. Posted by David Courtney September 2, 10 12:23 AM 1076. These photographs are absolutely amazing. To think that they were taken 100 years ago is mind-boggling. I have photographs of my family in Minsk from circa 1905-1940. They are in black and white. I can just imagine them in color! Posted by Richard M. Cohen September 2, 10 12:30 AM 1077. Bubba! Буба! Успокойтесь уже! Посмотрите лучше на фото узбекской женщины. Вот ужас то! А вы всё пыжитесь: какие мы древние, какие мы цивилизованные. А университет первый вам русские открыли. Кстати, про русские племена и прочее , как говорится, без комментариев. Да и какая разница? Вот, например, была такая древняя цивилизация шумеры, теперь там Ирак. И что там теперь? И кто их жизни учит? Государство, которому чуть больше 200 лет. Posted by Ladybug September 2, 10 12:31 AM 1078. A point of interest only to railway fans. Anyone notice the gauge of the Trans Siberian RRWY? It was, and may still be, broad guage, 6 feet or so. That would be feasible since much of the territory it

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traversed was flat. Not so easy, or cheap, in hilly country. Note the one picture of the curving grade, with a ridge cut, plus double track. All of the pictures of my family, American, dating back to 1895 are non smiling also. Exposures may have been 2 seconds or more, so no movement was a real achievement. Alfred Rogers, Tennessee, USA Posted by Alfred Rogers September 2, 10 12:44 AM

1079. re post 892.....what the hell are you smoking? These colour photos convey a REAL image of life 100 years ago. B/W while conveying a sense of history do so only by association, ie b/w, must be old. the fact that we can see in colour the clothing, buildings, landscapes etc makes it almost scary real. Posted by Naed Nihcam September 2, 10 12:58 AM

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1080. Ongelooflijk! Wat een totaal andere kijk geeft dit dan in zwart-wit. Rond die tijd liet Albert Kahn ook ontzettend veel kleurenfoto's maken met de 'uitvinding' van de gebroeders Lumiere. Ook geweldig trouwens, maar dit overtreft alles. Posted by Rob van der Linden September 2, 10 01:30 AM 1081. #32 - does anyone know what the man has in those little pockets across his chest? fantastic photos! As a costume designer and historian, I especially love seeing these. Thank you. Posted by JuneCz September 2, 10 02:14 AM 1082. Fotografias fabulosas! É a recuperação de um mundo perdido.Incríveis as cores, pessoas, paisagens. Sobretudo é incrível estas fotos terem sobrevivido 100 anos.Bem hajam Posted by Joao Almeida September 2, 10 06:37 AM 1083. Wonderful ! I was very much touched by the lonely and hopeless eyes of photo 7 and 8 !!!I wonder if we would have to stay still in front of a photographer of old days how would we be depicted ? We wouldn't be able to hide our soul's voice. Posted by Aurea Roitman September 2, 10 07:30 AM 1084. Russia as not seen before! Dick Baker 9/2/10 Posted by Richard Baker September 2, 10 11:55 AM 1085. These pictures give a great deal of insight into the way life was in early 1910 era. Very interesring. Posted by Jesse Haire September 2, 10 12:33 PM 1086.

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these pictures are amazing...half of them look like they could've been taken yesterday...not 100 years!!! Posted by Shonda Hall September 2, 10 01:11 PM 1087. Changos que buenas fotos.. Posted by paola September 2, 10 01:18 PM 1088. Не знала, что 100 лет назад уже было цветное фото! Почему только сейчас и случайно я об этом узнала, и почему нет других примеров...или я такая отсталая? Posted by Anonymous September 2, 10 02:53 PM 1089. The surprise that posters have about the lack of smiles is, well, surprising.Smiling to strangers and in non-humorous situations is a new invention, one of many attributable to Hollywood of the 1930s. Before that it was as it always had been, a sign of mental instability to smile for no reason, in most cultures. Still is in many that are not seeking tourist income. Somehow a serious dignified face now is considered sad, rude, aloof or depressed in some countries whose cultures have been swamped with western media.Much of what was the Russian Empire still looks like these photos, the vast country spanning 11 times zones is relatively empty with most people concentrated into large cities. Road transportation is not really practical over such distances between cities but rail is. Most of the development is on rail routes for newer cities and old established cities determined the main routes. In the Soviet era air travel was common with Aeroflot being the largest airline in the world. Now that it was privatized and broken up, and air travel not subsidized rail traffic has grown again.I am an American who has lived in Russia for years. Posted by Stan September 2, 10 03:20 PM 1090.

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Great photos! Posted by Arlene D. September 2, 10 05:44 PM 1091. Smiling in pictures came when film speeds became faster - the exposure times of these images was longer than a person could hold a smile for - a relaxed face was the best because you can stay that way for a long time. My grandfather grew up in the Ukraine in the time these pictures were taken. It's a wonder to see the photographs! Posted by Sue September 2, 10 06:04 PM 1092. These are amazing photos, I'm glad I got to see them. Posted by gramma_s September 2, 10 06:42 PM 1093. It is hard to believe these pictures are of 150 years of age! Wonderful work!!!I am very greatefull for being able to see them. Posted by Polina. September 2, 10 06:50 PM 1094. Wonderful photos !Thanks for sharing them!Side note:Posing with a smile for a photograph was not a practice back then.It was not until family portraits became widely popular did the practice ofsmiling photo take hold. Also Seeing a camera was a very rare thing indeed and some took it with all seriousness as they waited for the "OK" from the photographer. Posted by Dave September 2, 10 08:42 PM 1095. "1042 Bol'shinstvo photo k rossii otnoshenia ne imeut. Eti nezavisimie strani i narodi bili pod russkoi okupatziei. Color fotografi togda ne sushestvovalo. To chto vi videte - product computernoi obrabotki.Posted by Photograph. August 31, 2010 03:27 PM" Слышь, независимый и оккупированный... Для всяких

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полудурков, не знающих ни английского языка, ни истории фотографии (а ник - фотограф)))), сообщаю. Снималось все на черно-белую пленку. Делалось три одинаковых кадра: через красный, синий и зеленый световые фильтры соответственно. Потом, с помощью специального проектора, эти кадры проецировались на какую-либо поверхность. При этом кадр, снятый через красный светофильтр также проецировался именно через красный светофильтр, аналогично с зеленым и синим. Эти три изображения (красное, синее и зеленое) совмещались в одно на поверхности. Вот и получалось полноцветное изображение... Posted by Denis September 2, 10 08:52 PM 1096. I am surprised at the beautiful country and the people...glad that I got to view themAllan in Texas, u.s.a Posted by Allan Ortiz September 2, 10 09:12 PM 1097. Photo 3. My mother was born in Kasli. This classic photo appears in many books. It shows Fedosey Mikhailovich Samoilin (1860-1936) at work. He had three brothers. One of them Fedor Mikhailovich Samoilin was working on the same factory doing similar iron works. One of his daughters was Antonina who changed her surname from Samoilina to Torokina after marriage. And she was my grandmother. So, that photo shows a brother of my grand-grandfather. The Earth is really small. Posted by Vladimir Baranov September 2, 10 09:44 PM 1098. These are gorgeous! So modern and so old at the same time. I love photo #12 of the five women (the old lady has probably never had her photo taken before, and she has smiling eyes... what's with the bundle of hay in her lap?) I see all kinds of expressions on their faces: pride, curiosity, challenge - the man with the black fur hat and the short sword

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looks like Orlando Bloom. and his mom... she's been through a lot. Posted by Alana September 2, 10 11:30 PM 1099. Because of the sequential exposure process, some movement is captured in the photos. Several of the figures - particularly numbers 14 and 16 - can be viewed in 3D using a pair of red/blue 3D glasses. Posted by ODavy September 3, 10 02:16 AM 1100. Stunning... THANK YOU! Posted by Mom In The Sierras! September 3, 10 03:18 AM 1101. Although my enjoyment was a little marred by the ethnocentric sniping going on in the comments (Your medieval state betrayed my tribal people in 1617!), these photographs are stunning - it is truly surreal for the steppes of southern Russia a century ago - lauded by Western contemporary commentators as backwards - have such incredible quality; there is something unerring about a hundred-tear-old photograph having quality equal to my profile picture on Facebook! Most noticeable is the defiantly Asian and Islamic culture visible, even in predominantly Christian areas - and as someone else commented, the extreme poverty and contrast between aristocrat and workers and peasants is tangible evidence of revolutionary necessity. Hauntingly, it is likely that somewhere in those photographs of Baku and the Tiflis, a young Josef Stalin - then Djushgavilli - is earning a living as romantic poet and 'Georgian Knight'. A fascinating glimpse of a region often neglected; a historical road-less-travelled. Posted by Corey James Soper September 3, 10 07:07 AM 1102.

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This is a remarkable collection of how people looked, dressed, and their environs 100 years ago in and around Russia. As for the people generally not smiling, in black & white photos of my wife's Italian ancestors back in "the old country," there was not a smile to be seen either. So, perhaps one commentor was correct in saying that if a person needs to pose without moving for longer than a second or two, the tendency is not to smile. Posted by Dave Hinkley September 3, 10 11:29 AM

1103. Can`t believe these photos are that old. They changed my view of the world. Thought the environment in earlier times looked different. Great pictures, interesting peoples to be seen. Posted by eva September 3, 10 01:19 PM

1104. A few photos from this LoC collection were featured on one of my netlabel's releases, "netBloc Vol. 13: Color in a world of

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monochrome". Posted by Michael Gregoire September 3, 10 01:38 PM 1105. Ζήτω! Ζήτω ἡ Ἁγία Ῥωσσία! Τὸ Κάλλος θὰ σώσῃ τὸν Κόσμο. Posted by FREANTLES September 3, 10 04:27 PM 1106. This project demonstrates a mind-blowing achievement of an inspired pioneer. Today, a hundred years later, it becomes a true inspiration itself Posted by Valery Koroshilov September 3, 10 06:36 PM 1107. These were probably not Autochromes (for more info on the process, refer to John Wood's excellent book on the Autochrome), which are glass plate negatives, upon which were laid three primary-colored layers of microscopic grains of potato starch. Following the exposure, the negative was developed through a color-reversal process (similar to what Eastman Kodak introduced in 1939 to Kodachrome), to create a glass slide for the purpose of projection onto a screen.These beautiful pictures were more likely taken with an Ives Chromoscope camera (introduced in 1898) - or a copy of one - which, as was mentioned above, used three separate glass negatives positioned behind different colored filters, which subtracted from each plate the remaining portion of the spectrum. Posted by Alan September 3, 10 10:27 PM 1108. This was an wonderful journey through photographs. It is absolutely amazing what the photographer was able to do 100 years ago with the equipment he had. The pictures were as clear and colorful as if taken yesterday with modern equipment. It just

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goes to show what a person can do if he is determined enough. Posted by Bonnie Wolfe September 3, 10 10:34 PM 1109. These are wonderful photos giving us a glimpse of life 100 years ago.What beautiful landscape. I didn't realize how mongolian these people are. Need to educate myself! Posted by Risa September 4, 10 12:18 AM 1110. Gorgeous. Almost like paintings - this is one of the rare instances where photography is raised to the level of real art. Posted by Vincent DAlessio September 4, 10 02:04 AM 1111. Absolutely stunning images for the time they taken, thank you so much for sharing these, they have been a wonderful journey into the past. and the quality of these shots are amazing they could have been taken yesterday with modern digital equipment, Awesome. Posted by Jonboy247 September 4, 10 08:18 AM 1112. Concerning the post of elena (August 30, 2010 08:15 AM): my folks come from there as well. and their story is a bit different. the lived in peace, because they lived very much seperated. and, occasionally, when that wasn't the case, they were unfriendly towards each other. My hateful grandmother once said: "Of course the jews had no home! They were forbidden to have houses. They were jews!" The thing we can say is this: We don't have much material on how everyone got along with each other. So one might think there wasn't much going on. But that is a wrong assumption. The right assumption is: We don't know enough to either come to the conclusion THEY LIVED IN PEACE, nor any other. You know? Posted by originalmaja September 4, 10 09:27 AM

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1113. Obviously, 3 color filters were used as can be seen in the movement of figures in the dam project or the baby in the hillside photo. I can't comment on the process but there certainly were 3 photos taken of each subject.Remarkable clarity and color.And as others have said, the lack of smiles is something created by our modern society. This doesn't mean the people weren't happy. Happy is such a relative term and I am sure they enjoyed whatever happiness they could find in their world. Posted by David September 4, 10 10:24 AM 1114. Thank you for the beautiful photographs! What a wonderful experience to see these. Posted by Alison September 4, 10 01:26 PM 1115. Bubba. #1054 You shouldn't talk about "level of intelligence" when you can't even spell correctly. You do not know how to punctuate. You leave out words in a sentence. You remind me of the pot that called the kettle black! Posted by Lynn September 4, 10 05:46 PM 1116. unbelieveable clarity on such old restored photos...Great !! Posted by Reg Argentieri September 4, 10 08:51 PM 1117. This is such a fascinating image of life & cultures in the early 19th century Russia. The contrast of genealogy and social ties are very evident here. People truly did work in these times, hard without the help of many machines. Amazing Posted by Lion September 4, 10 08:54 PM 1118. Andie,those images are fabulous. Are you interested in The Japanese festival tomorrow or poetry reading at SchlAFFLY'S AT

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8 PM? ALSO TOMORROW? eLISABETH Posted by ELISABETH HEIBERG September 4, 10 08:55 PM 1119. >1059Beautiful. From the wooden shacks at the wharf, to the cathedrals. Has the Nikolaevskii Cathedral survived? The cathedral in Mozhaysk is called Novo-Nikol'sky, not Nikolaevsky. It's right in front of my windows, so it has evidently survived )). Posted by Ksenia September 5, 10 02:31 AM 1120. Fantastic images ... however I'm pretty sure the person at bottom right in "12. A group of women in Dagestan" is actually Harry Enfield!!! Posted by Roger Rogerson September 5, 10 03:13 AM 1121. A privilege to view Posted by Alaine Apap Bologna September 5, 10 05:07 AM 1122. Magnifiques photos de Ces Absolument SONT , si l' tients sur Compte de la period Où Elles Ont Été entreprises .Certaine SONT criantes de vérité .Bravo Posted by Jarrige September 5, 10 07:54 AM 1123. What treasures these are. Thank you very much for sharing....the flowers and grass gave me goose-bumps...looks like it was taken yesterday - as if going back in time with a time machine - such a clarity. Posted by Ed Lee September 5, 10 08:28 AM 1124. Gail Wilhelm's comment #1053 is one all must read. Her understanding of what she is seeing is the most cogent, intelligent

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and sensitive among all. Posted by Richard Perlman September 5, 10 09:37 AM

1125. It's amazing how "telling" those faces are! Thanks for sharing! Posted by Brian Carey September 5, 10 12:36 PM

1126. The technology of using three seperate black and white negative, each representing a primary color has been practiced for a century and a half, at least. These are wonderful images, the history of these locations is absorbing as well. Posted by Stephen Holman September 5, 10 02:02 PM

1127. Very nice photos! Please look no further into the lack of smiles

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other than the obvious. Dental care, oral hygiene and general lack of vitamins and healthy diets took a distant second to survival in most regions of the world prior to our "modern era". If you look at any old portrait, whether it be our early American presidents, British royalty, Civil War Era, Revolutionary War, WWI...the one constant is closed mouths. My grandparents were both born in the 1800's and I can't think of even a couple of old photos that feature smiling, white teeth. Posted by John September 5, 10 06:27 PM 1128. what an incredible look at history. Absolutely stunning. Posted by RHODA LINDON September 5, 10 07:05 PM 1129. A comment to Paul. The reason no one is smiling is that the exposure times were relatively long, so it would be difficult to hold a "smiley" pose that long. Posted by ironmike September 5, 10 11:49 PM 1130. Certainly remarkable pictures of a bygone era. The reason no one smiled is simply because they had to hold the pose while he took three shots with three different filters. It is remarkable that most are as sharp as they are. The one of 'casting concrete' with the wood supports illustrates the problem of some people moving, hence their rainbow colours. Looking forward to seeing more. I wonder what other treasures of the past are yet to be found or published in the information age. We are privileged. Posted by Peter Hills September 6, 10 12:45 AM 1131. I was especially struck by #16, showing Jewish children wearing Central Asian-style kippot (~yarmulkas) intently studying the Torah. All male Jews are REQUIRED to read the Bible so that they can understand, discuss and interpret God's commands (not just

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memorize the text), and pass this knowledge on to their children. High literacy rates are the main reason why Jews, despite their small numbers, remain so influential in the modern world. A few examples: Larry Page and Sergey Brin (Google),Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook), Larry Ellison (Oracle) and Mirabilis, who developed ICQ ( As for the absence of smiles, we need to remember that people had to remain motionless while the photographer took THREE separate photos, one for each color. Even if it had been culturally acceptable in that time and place to smile at a stranger, think of how difficult it would be to maintain a smile for several minutes. One of the (untranslated) Russian comments complained that most of these pictures do not really show life in Russia proper, but rather Central Asia. Still, I want to thank Alan Taylor for posting these unique photos. Posted by Jew-In-Asia September 6, 10 02:00 AM 1132. A more complete collection of 517 photos (with captions and occasional text in Russian) is available on this Russian website. Out of 26 pages, the last few show mostly Central Asian people. Page 22 was especially interesting to look at: Курдская женщина с детьми A Kurdish Woman with her children Армянки в праздничном наряде Two Armenian women wearing holiday costumes Муллы в мечети Азизия [Six] Mullahs in Azizi Mosque [actually outside] Чайная фабрика в Чакве. Мастер китаец Лау-Джень-Джау A Tea Factory [= plantation] in Chakva. Chinese overseer [?], Lao Zhenzhao Food for thought: out of 517 photos, the only picture of Jews shows them living up to their reputation as "People of the Book." Группа еврейских мальчиков с учителем. Самарканд A group of Jewish boys with their teacher. As for the comments that

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those boys are not Jewish, go here ( to see a picture of a Bukhari kippa (one of those funny hats that religious Jews wear). Central Asian headgear is much more colorful. By the way, for the benefit of people who can't read Russian, the links immediately below each picture only say two things: Увеличить Blow up См. оригинал See the original Have fun! Posted by Jew-in-Asia September 6, 10 03:47 AM 1133. Not much has changed after 100 years. Outback Russia and the regions in these photos still look the same today. Posted by Molodoy Zolotoy September 6, 10 07:19 AM 1134. Whenever I see photos of villages (especially those built on the side of a mountain), I am curious about the people's lives living in those apartments (?): do they shop? what sort of interiors? how do they get to work? what kind of work do they do? are the best houses on top or near bottom of mountain? and etc. Posted by Clarence Keller September 6, 10 12:47 PM 1135. KLASS Posted by LENA September 6, 10 01:17 PM 1136. These photos are truly amazing,and the clarity is amazing, as is ther color--these are truly a "keeper" to be brought out again and again to re-enjoy Posted by Vera Hartley September 6, 10 01:38 PM 1137. PRIVET!Estou emocionada de poder ver tantas fotos maravilhosas, com grande tecnologia coloridas!!Pena que Papa e Mama se foram senão tambem ficariam felizes em ver tantas

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coisas bonitas!!Que pena que o tempo passa e a gente se vai.....Parabéns!Spasiba!Bcero Xopowero!Tseluyu! Posted by suzete krupenski September 6, 10 01:41 PM 1138. these photos were great Irina Posted by Danny Duff September 6, 10 01:56 PM 1139. Reply to fred paul:"notice one thing, no one is smiling, very unhappy people" Kid in the middle of 22, beaming like a loon! :o) At the time these were taken photography wasn't common, and these would have been seen as very formal occasions, getting your photo taken. Also, the process would have been long and they had to hold the pose for a long time. Easier just to look at the camera. Posted by Chris Fifield-Smith September 6, 10 02:45 PM 1140. Splendid saving of the past- Posted by WjWaggoner September 6, 10 03:39 PM 1141. Wow!!!! Many thanks for these----so interesting in so many ways! Photographically---historically---and much more! Posted by Linda Ross September 6, 10 06:29 PM 1142. Wonderful to see these photos preserved! Posted by Tj Delikat September 6, 10 06:44 PM 1143. of photos 16 and 28: I am very interested to see how closely they confirm the pictures in my mind's eye of the emirate of Boukhara which my grandparents, who left in 1920, described to me and which I observed through the ceremonial dress we still wear to this

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day - My recent collection of poems, "The Assay" (Smith/Doorstop Books 2010) further describes the period. Yvonne Green Posted by Yvonne Green September 6, 10 07:00 PM 1144. This looks to be the very early three color process simular to the Technicolor system. Three black and white images filtered with red blue and green and then combined thru a dye transfer process.Grant Loucks--Alan Gordon Enterprises Posted by Grant Loucks September 6, 10 07:37 PM 1145. so beautiful photo Posted by chamangul September 6, 10 08:20 PM 1146. Simply amazing, Ansel Adams (different I know) had nothing on this photog! I cannot believe how beautiful and pristene these photos capture the subjects and subject matter!!!!!!!!!!! Posted by David September 6, 10 10:14 PM 1147. More please!. simply incredible. Thanks for posting. Posted by rob t September 6, 10 10:15 PM 1148. @ #1053 G. Wilhelm and even more @ #1124 R. Perlman: What utter nonsense you are writing. First, the 84-year old gentleman, the supervisor of floodgates, is beautifully, cleanly dressed, in an old-fashioned style. Barefoot children? A bunch of village children, on a summer day, sitting on a grassy slope, are normally dressed, but some have bare feet. So?? In this "evidence" you see the forthcoming bolshevik revolution?? Real scholars you are, with mushy brain-matter. How do you think African American children in Alabama were dressed in 1910? And how the countless poor white children in Oklahoma in 1932? If I showed you photos of those children, would you confidently predict a Black and Poor White

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revolution in the U.S.? Posted by Tychon Masson September 6, 10 11:05 PM

1149. Man these photos rock! It blows me away that these are one hundred or close to a hundred years old and yet they are so clear as if it was taken last week. The clarity and warmth of the hues cannot be matched by any high pixeled digital cameras of today. I reckon even if the camera has a hundred mega pixels it still won't be as clear and warm as this one. Still some photos have some flaws that are of course very very very forgivable. Like you can see the blue green and red frames separately on the same picture (check out picture 19) - but that's ok. Nobody's perfect. My favorite the one with the sleeping dog near Lake Lindozero. Thanks very very much to the Library Of Congress for making these pictures available to the public. You guys RULE!

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Posted by Bryan M. Pabustan September 6, 10 11:08 PM 1150. Absolutely Amazing!!!! Thank you Thank you! I want to visit Russia now. Posted by jeanne dowell September 6, 10 11:15 PM 1151. Excellent photographic work. Bravo! Posted by eric September 7, 10 03:21 AM 1152. As a present day professional photographer, I am speechless, the color is astounding and taken under adverse conditions, photography was only invented around 1830. You had to schlep all the chemicals and equipment with you. I only hope the portraits I take today can be as mesmerizing and thought provoking as these. I would love to see more.Thank you. Posted by Joe Valenzuela September 7, 10 04:29 AM 1153. Smiling? In those days, camera exposure was slowwwwwwww....and nobody could hold a smile THAT long.... 100 year old photosof MY ancestors here in America made them look like "criminal mug shots"... And the Russian people are a happy people... or they were.They have ( most of them) the Orthodox Christian Faith ! Interior peace and happiness and goofy "hollywood" and "televangelist" smiles are inconsistant. My "Cherokee grandmother" always said..."never trust anybody who smiles all the time". Posted by Hermit James September 7, 10 06:07 AM 1154. 1057, it's just the cultural codes of behavior differ very much with the West, Russians will smile and laugh with good friends/ family, and with strangers most people would rather remain serious, or at least keep a serious look:)

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Posted by Dmitry September 7, 10 07:09 AM 1155. The picture N°11 looks like a true fresco.. Simply mind-blowing. Posted by Elena September 7, 10 07:32 AM 1156. these pictures were just great, nice to see in color.....thanx Posted by Anonymous September 7, 10 07:37 AM 1157. These photos are wonderful and the diverse comments are also. Use Google translate and follow along on the conversations. It really adds to the trip back in time :) Posted by kloogye September 7, 10 09:59 AM 1158. ¡Magníficas! Aparte de su indudable valor histórico la mayoría de ellas impresiona por la calidad de las composiciones y la nitidez. Posted by Sergio September 7, 10 10:53 AM 1159. so cute, nice work Posted by Polly September 7, 10 11:00 AM 1160. These are amazing pictures, which were taken about 100 years ago. I can't believe that they are so good. The photographer must have been an extra- ordinary man with great talent. Just amazing. Posted by George Berberian September 7, 10 11:46 AM 1161. Simply fantastic. I've been studying 100-year old photos for 15 years now and these are amazing. Posted by Bill Tarkulich September 7, 10 12:12 PM 1162. Stunning, particularly the colors on #28. Amazing stuff.

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Posted by Eric September 7, 10 12:17 PM

1163. that reminds us of those old good days before 1917 revolutions and the start of decline of religion in russia there was a soul that everyone felt either in chapels or in synaguogues or in moques Posted by gharbi chokri September 7, 10 12:28 PM

1164. I find it so interesting that people will comment on whether or not the people were smiling. The African-americans who were brought to the United States were also a non-smiling people; however, they were beaten, called arrogant, and suspected of causing rebellion if they did constantly smile in front of their oppressors. Even today, if African-americans are seen in a group and are non-smiling, they are perceived as plotting revolution or as

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hating white people. White people who don't smile back are perceived as racists.African-americans have become a smiling people and are suspiciousof other-cultural business owners in their communities who don'tsmile back or exhibit friendly gestures. These owners are perceivedas condescending-----holding less than favorable opinions of their customers. Why is it that a smile to a stranger is perceived asidiotic? Can it be that in many cultures strangers are not to betrusted? Can it be that African-americans are too trusting? What is the Christian Way? Why can't we trust each other? There was a time that I remember when people could be trustedeven the hoboes could be trusted to get a meal, do some work, andmove on. I venture to say that this was most people's experience.Today, the exceptions are really exceptions to people's experiences, because they are reported ad nauseam in the newsOur everyday experiences include kindness and care even fromstrangers. So....what are we as humans becoming.....hateful non-smilers who give you the hate-stare? deceitful smilers? or people who smile in greeting out of genuine love for our fellowman?A thought someone said out loud: "no one needs a smile more than the one who doesn't have one. Posted by Barbara September 7, 10 12:51 PM 1165. It's like looking back in time! Looking at their faces, I wonder what was their fate as this was right before all the tumoil of WW1 and the Revolution. Great! Posted by tonybot September 7, 10 01:34 PM 1166. Its a great collection!Unfortunately caption on one photo is incorrect. Sukhumi - is Georgia and Abkhazia is just a region of Georgia. Thought I'd share this information for those who don't know.Love the photos! Posted by Alexandre September 7, 10 03:43 PM

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1167. Maravilhosas fotos!!! Posted by Anonymous September 7, 10 04:12 PM 1168. Fotos simplesmente fantásticas. Algumas podiam ter sido tiradas agora. Posted by Isabel September 7, 10 06:34 PM 1169. Go on the Russian site and you can see over 500 pictures. Instant translation is available on Google translator. My Grandparents (on my mother's side) both escaped from Russia in 1916 and if it weren't for the Trans-Siberian Railroad, I might not even be here at all. The monarchy did one or two things right. Beautiful photographs, very diverse cultures and beautiful landscapes. Posted by Heather's Dad September 7, 10 07:31 PM 1170. Absolutely amazing. Posted by Deena Sicherman September 7, 10 07:47 PM 1171. The collection is truly extraordinary. However, to be politically correct I would paraphrase the title to "Russian Empire in color" (it is important for some readers to distinguish it from the contemporary Russia) and write in the description of the collection "photographic survey of the territories which belonged to the Russian Empire in the beginning of the 20th century". It is pointless to fight the history; but we always should take into consideration the present. You may have avoided a few heated comments that way :)Peace. Posted by KL September 7, 10 08:36 PM 1172. Thank you for making everyone aware of this treasure in the

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Library of Congress. As others have observed, we think of the past in black & white. It is good to see these people living vibrant lives in radiant color. My thought on viewing these photos if they look like a set of Doctor Zhivago or a similar period piece - only more colorful, clearer, and alive than any of our visions of the past. To throw in my two cents on the lack of smiles in the photographs: Yes, we forget that life before our modern, post-industrial era was "harder". (At least more physical - is that neccessarily bad?) I cannot speak for Russians, although my own researches show the lives of Russian peasants in particular to be hard. I do know that in the era of our own Civil War, having your portrait taken was a rare and very auspicious occassion. It was taken with the same seriousness and formality that air travel was in the 1950's, or a shipboard cruise at the turn of the (previous) century. I think it may reflect a more solemn and less priviledged generation. Their seriousness was their way of showing their gratitude. Posted by Scott Wingerter, Soda Springs, ID September 7, 10 08:50 PM 1173. Que impresionante la calidad y la sensibilidad de las fotografias. Enhorabuena para las personas que tuvieron la vision de preservar esta cronica de la vida y de sus residentes en las diferentes regiones rusas; que herencia mas hermosa. Posted by Carol Triebel Lambert September 7, 10 08:59 PM 1174. These are amazing photographs. Not only is the process of achieving color an amazing feat of skill, but the artfulness of the photos is stunning. Bravo! Posted by Melissa September 7, 10 09:47 PM 1175. How great it is to see such historical photographs, how lucky are we to experience them in 2010. Posted by Irene, Brisbane, Australia September 8, 10 12:21 AM

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1176. its so interesting that the people have looks and features that make them look dramatically different than us of today's times, yet the dog in the picture looks the same as today. That is fascinating. Posted by e September 8, 10 12:32 AM 1177. Самые поразительные фотографии, которые я когда-либо видела. Люди как живые... Posted by Vera September 8, 10 01:54 AM 1178. My grandmother came from the Eastern boundary of the Russian Empire. She was trained not to smile in a photo. She also believed a photo could capture her spirit so she was very careful about who and when she was photoed. Posted by Nadya Hinson September 8, 10 02:02 AM 1179. Amazing photographs Posted by Rana Roy September 8, 10 07:10 AM 1180. A truly incredible collection. Stumbled upon this via a link on Twitter, and have sat mesmerised, studying these fine photographs for the past hour. Posted by Philip Thompson September 8, 10 08:13 AM 1181. Thank you for posting this!To JuneCz: the small pockets used to contain cartridges. They formed the ammunition belt. Posted by LR September 8, 10 10:37 AM 1182. Someone is asking about those things in Little pockets on picture 32 - that kind of dress is a traditional dress for men in Caucases countries - Georgia, Dagestan - they all are pretty similar but vary

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from a country to country - in old times those little things were used in guns for shooting, bullets, nowadays they are made of wooden part which is hidden in the pocket and sometimes even made of silver top - to use in traditional dresses for decorative purposes. Posted by Suzanna Gridneva September 8, 10 10:54 AM 1183. An amazing trip to the past. Notice the different races given the amplitud ot this territory. Thank you! Posted by Sandra Cid September 8, 10 01:44 PM 1184. omg these are AMAZING!!! i've always been interested in these countries - Russia, Armenia, Georgia, all the former Soviet republics. I love history and art and these photos really are beautiful (i actually planned on visiting all these countries someday). Posted by Elf-Boy Dominic September 8, 10 02:08 PM 1185. Gazing at these photos of people in different places, of various cultures & ways of life, I could not help but consider, with a note of sadness, what fate may have held for some of them ( real faces, real people, not just historical numbers in the millions ) in futures years: Bloody pogroms; the First World War; Revolutions, and the monster Stalin's life-destroying reign. How the world of one's present life can suddenly, even unexpectedly be shattered--swept away with passage of terrible events, later to become history. Posted by Jean-Rene' September 8, 10 02:43 PM 1186. estas fotos tienen mas calidad que muchas de las actuales,impresionantes colores. Posted by luis carlos g. September 8, 10 05:19 PM 1187. Beautiful, amazing. I wish I couldtravelthre and see for myself.

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Posted by Patricia J. Duff September 8, 10 05:33 PM 1188. Even more wonderful when you have a pair of 3D glasses handy. Goosebumps! Posted by Vicky Duncalf September 8, 10 08:28 PM 1189. Gracias por ese legado historico MAGNIFICO !!! Posted by Humberto Arvelo Tejada September 8, 10 09:29 PM 1190. Fascinating article and wonderful pictures. I just read an article on the University of Toronto website that indicates that the exposures were taken on 3 plates over 2-6 seconds. The exposure times varied for each plate as the orthochromatic emulsions then available had less sensitivity to the red and green light. The UofT article is at: Posted by David O'Connor September 9, 10 01:07 AM 1191. Extraordinary photographs - thinking of my father's 2d father, Fred Zimmerman who [I was told] was white russian. Hardworking people of integrity, honor and trust - faces before WWI and all the wars since...Photo of nomads triggers memories of my trip to the Gobi in 2005.Textiles, costumes are all wonderful. Now imagine beautiful Uzbekistan ikat weavings used by Oscar de la Renta; also available from a visiting dealer in San Francisco - exciting cultural arts moments. THANK YOU for sharing these amazing photos! *26,28; nomads; 31,church w/factory Posted by Vivian Faye September 9, 10 04:06 AM 1192. Extraordinary photographs - thinking of my father's 2d father, Fred Zimmerman who [I was told] was white russian. Hardworking people of integrity, honor and trust - faces before WWI and all the wars since... Photo of nomads triggers memories of my trip to the

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Gobi in 2005. Textiles, costumes are all wonderful. Now imagine beautiful Uzbekistan ikat weavings used by Oscar de la Renta; also available from a visiting dealer in San Francisco - exciting cultural arts moments. THANK YOU for sharing these amazing photos! *26,28; nomads; 31,church w/factory Posted by Vivian Faye September 9, 10 04:06 AM

1193. Great pictures! But regarding Artvin place on first picture. One makes an impression that Artvin was Armenian sometimes ago but it never was! Non of the part of Turkey NEVER was former Armenia I would say vice-versa half of the Europe was under Turkish occupation. Posted by Iliko September 9, 10 05:59 AM


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So beautifully captured and very nice memories of old world. I'm having captures too: sababoy. tk Posted by Sababoy September 9, 10 06:44 AM 1195. beautiful & informative photos.thank you for sharing them Posted by h.nadjafi-asl September 9, 10 07:27 AM 1196. After spending 3 years in the NIS, (Cemntral Asia) in the 90's, these pictueres brought back many pleasant m,emories Len Klein Posted by Anonymous September 9, 10 11:15 AM 1197. I like my Dad's explanation for the lack of smiling faces in the pictures of my Paternal and Maternal Grandparents, taken around 1910. "It was the custom of the time!", and these were folks in Texas at the time. Duly noted was also the clean, pretty pictures of the churches by comparison with the other structures in the pictures. Those were consistent with the churches and cabins I saw in the Alps in 1960. Folks went to church to worship God, Farm animals lived in the poorer structures, along with the inhabitants. Again, it was the custom, that it had no other meaning. Just simple practicality. And for those who mentioned a few pictures as evidence that the pictures were of nomads. Every picture that had shots of the footwear were of boots that had upturned toes. A sure sign that these folks all rode horses. They were all nomads! How did I learn to be so observant? I read The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, M.D. when I was a boy. In those days of yore, medicine was taught, not at schools, but by Doctors that already had successful practices. The character of Sherlock Holmes was a tribute to the doctor that trained Doyle. Obviously a good job was done in the training. Doyle also learned how to tell a good story as well. That I grew up riding horses and wearing boots may have also made a

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contribution to my observations. Posted by Temple Nash V. Nash, Jr. September 9, 10 01:18 PM 1198. Really amazing, I´m dying to know some of these places someday! These pictures are truthfuly oustanding! I´m brazilian and would like to talk to Russian people about lifestyle and culture ... Feel free to write me! new friends are very [email protected] Posted by carolina morales September 9, 10 01:50 PM 1199. It is strange that the collection is called Russia, but the majority of pictures are about the life on the periphery of the empire. Very few Slavic faces, while Slavic people are the basis of the Russian country (now and then). Of course, it is interesting to see Georgians and Uzbeks, but since the collection is called Russia, I expected to see more real Russian faces. Posted by Vasily September 10, 10 02:45 AM 1200. Astoundng photographs; I learned much from comments as well as pictures. In 1942 school pictures were taken with instructions not to laugh or smile! here in Vancouver, B.C. Canada Posted by Doraine September 10, 10 05:19 AM 1201. Bravo ! Merveilleux! On ne s'en lasse pas! Comme ces temps sont revolus ! Posted by Pierre September 10, 10 05:51 AM 1202. Здорово! Отлично! Большое спасибо за возможность это всё увидеть!! Posted by Светлана Борнов& September 10, 10 09:50 AM

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1203. Thank you very much for sharing these photos. They are truly amazing!My father was from Ustechko in the Ukraine at this time. I would love to see photos of his town. Posted by Rose Ellenberger September 10, 10 01:25 PM 1204. Thank you for posting these remarkable images. Prokudin-Gorskii also produced many lovely black and white images. Some of these can be found in a book entitled, "Photographs for the Tsar" edited , with an introduction by Robert H. Allshouse. The book was published in 1980 and over the years, has been a great source of inspiration for me. Like many posters here, part of my family came from Russia. Studying my family genealogy is only one part of a larger history--seeing the world as many of my ancestors saw it, brings them to life again and fuels my imagination to want to learn more. Bravo! Posted by Ava Cohn September 10, 10 01:36 PM 1205. #1132 Thanks for that link - even more of these amazing photos. And for non-Russian readers, if you use Google Chrome it will translate the page - very impressive. Posted by Alan S September 10, 10 04:38 PM 1206. I am in awe. Absolutely breathtaking. The photographer was a genius!Thank you for sharing these Masterpieces with us. Posted by Shari Kantrow September 10, 10 06:16 PM 1207. Ongelofelijk bijna en geweldig. Wat een prachtige impressies in kleur van een tijdperk wat we eigenlijk alleen kennen van zwart/wit. Kleuren zijn van alle tijden en van alle mensen en pas met kleur is ons leven compleet. Laten we dat vooral niet vergeten! Deze foto's zijn zoveel meer dan alleen maar een paar oude kiekjes. Wat

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goed. Chapeau! Harry, Netherlands Posted by Harry September 10, 10 06:26 PM 1208. I wish to correct the person who said Sukumi was not in Abkhazia. Abkhazia was once a part of Georgia but has seceded as is now a very poor independent country because of the pressure Georgia puts on other countries so that they will not trade with Abkhazia. I have been in that country right after the war between Georgia and the now independent state of Abkhazia. The people there have suffered a lot but are bearing up well as they feel liberated. I have no dog in this fight but I believe that it is more correct to say that Sukhumi is a town or city in Abkhazia rather than to say that it is part of Georgia Harry/United States of America Posted by Harry Mayden September 10, 10 10:12 PM 1209. Thank for this nice and amozing phoes. Posted by jenik September 10, 10 11:47 PM 1210. I'm not Russian - but found these pictures to be most interesting. EXCELLENT quality. So glad these are being displayed. Thank goodness Tsar Nicholas II was as open-minded and forward thinking to back this endeavor. Posted by Anonymous September 11, 10 12:15 AM 1211. Truly amazing . I did not know that colored photography was available back in 1910. Ansco color in the 1940s is the earliest that I knew of. I have learned something The interesting part of their dress is the shoes. Even the well dressed did not have nice shoes. Probably not even available. Hard working people who did well

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under difficult times. I have great respect for what they accomplished. Posted by Andy Thompson September 11, 10 12:42 AM 1212. Beautiful! The photographer(s) must have possessed the eyes and soul of an artist, patience and skills of a superb technician, love of people with their distinct cultures and costumes, and the motivation to record them for us to see now. Many thanks. Posted by Sam Levy September 11, 10 01:01 AM 1213. Truly unbelievable. Thanks for posting! Kyn in picture 26 is near Perm, where I live. I was there 20 years ago. It still looked almost the same.The bridge in picture 30 is in the center of Perm now and it does still look the same. Posted by Alex Semakin September 11, 10 04:44 AM 1214. Thank you so much for the pictures, absolutely amazing to see 100 years ago in color! Though it would be interesting to see the black-and-white pictures from all over the world a hundred years back ;) Posted by Natalia September 11, 10 07:50 AM 1215. These are very inspiring and seem so ahead fo their time. Looking at these photos i have to keep reminding myself of their dates! This really helps as i am reading as book on Young Stalin, the photos of Tiflis (Tblisi) are good for my memory, so thanks. Posted by irina savitskaya September 11, 10 08:46 AM 1216. a trip into a mysterious world I had always heard about but never allowed to see or visit. A time machine transporting me to a world so long forbidden to Westerners. Strange and wonderful and magical and profoundly real

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Posted by Kat te Vogt September 11, 10 10:08 AM 1217. Unbelievable.... feels so now! Posted by Vava September 11, 10 01:25 PM 1218. I`m living in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I was born in Besarabia, Romania, in 1933., and my parents and I were comming in Argentine, in 1935, before the second war.My Mom, was born in Ismail, Besarbia, Russia, in December 25, 1910.She will be 100 years old , this year. She is in good health, thanks God.I would like see pics from my Mom`s town, if is possible.Or from my born`s town, in Chilia Nova, Rumania, now is Moldavia.I would like show there and would show to my Mom, there.Thanks you Posted by Ester Chitis September 11, 10 03:14 PM 1219. An extrodinary set of photographs. Thank you for making them available to the public and congratualtions on a job well done! Posted by Jim Daly September 11, 10 05:16 PM 1220. Simply....BEAUTIFUL......We must realize we are all Children of GOD and EVEN BACK THEN as today,,,we see that they struggled, had families, the earth had such (as today) amazing sites and mother nature provided. It's all the "same story" just a different place and time.....they who came before us "CAN TEACH US" things is we take time to, watch....listen...God bless. ps I LOVE geography and Mythology Posted by Wendy Field September 11, 10 06:55 PM 1221. Gail. Did you see this in the globe on Sunday. Pretty impressive. Wildly diverse. Posted by Gail September 12, 10 08:03 AM

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1222. They are very, very beautiful. Just taking account that they were made a century ago and each photo made out of three "shots" make them all the more incredible. I can add a great Thank you. Posted by Ramesh Lahoti September 12, 10 08:42 AM 1223. The color photographs make 1910 look not so distant. The grainey often blurry black and white photographs of 1910 make the time seem so much longer ago. Posted by Tim September 12, 10 09:17 AM 1224. Fantastic collection of images. I have been a professional photographer since 1973 and thought I knew photography history but this is the first time I have heard of Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorrski, thanks for letting me see these really wonderful images. Small note to John #1127 - the lack of smiles in images from these times has less to do with dental problems and more to do with very long exposure times.Its hard, if not impossible, to keep the smile going with no facial movement for the exposure times that S.M.P.-G. would have used. Posted by Ian Binnier September 12, 10 12:15 PM 1225. Amaizing! Posted by david werner September 12, 10 02:53 PM 1226. Amazingly good pictures for the time before the war.Knowing now what tragedy lay ahead of all these people in the Revolution and World War 1 one can only hope that they somehow survived. Posted by Bob Logler. September 12, 10 10:17 PM 1227. Niin , missa nykyään " uniformut " , olisi värikästä JA kertoisi paljon.Tilaisin HETI Aika - matkan näihin oloihin JOS se turhaan

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olisi mahdollista.Osin on vielä Kääntäjänä Samaa Venäjällä , jollaintavalla kiehtovaa ala - kuloa.Upeita kuvia ! ! Posted by Hannu Hämäläinen September 12, 10 10:59 PM 1228. WOOWWOWWW!!! i'm impressed and jealous that Russia had someone to take these photos. i wish there was someone like Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii in every other culture to take pictures like these a century ago! imagine, places like the middle east without war in 1910s. (i don't know my war history in that geographical area, but it would be cool to see what it was like a century ago) Posted by just a looker September 13, 10 04:15 AM 1229. What amazing photos. It would be great to see new shots, from the same angle, of the villages and towns. With the photos that appear blurred, have you tried looking at them wearing the old style, red/green 3D glasses? Gives the photos a whole new look. I wonder what Sergei would have thought. Posted by Paula / Artist September 13, 10 08:34 AM 1230. There is mention of three separate exposures through red, green and blue filters. This would be correct but they would not be sequential. There were cameras at the time that took the three photos similtaneously using semi-silvered mirrors on three glass plates. This would be the only way he could have got a self portrait as it would not be likely that there was anyone else that could have changed plates if they were taken sequentially. These plates could be printed in several ways in full colour or positive plates from them could have been projected by special projectors with three plate holders and three lenses.However exposure time were still lengthy. Posted by Ian Bock September 13, 10 09:09 AM

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1231. If you follow the links for the LOC you will find the complete collection. Actually the entire collection of photos is in the US, not Russia. Posted by Jimmy Jay September 13, 10 02:49 PM 1232. beautiful ..Is picture #23 showing communication wires (3) behind third man from right holding red flag?..I first thought electrical wires. I find beauty in simplicity and honesty. Posted by Annie Stewart September 13, 10 04:22 PM 1233. Beautiful countryside, churches: interesting looking people. Can't believe the extraordinary color! Thanks. Posted by Jack Spann September 13, 10 04:57 PM 1234. Thank you! My Grand parents (both sides) came from SW russia (saratov area) 1906 &1907,and these pics give me a look at what they and their homes looke like.. Posted by Will Spady September 13, 10 10:01 PM 1235. truly beautiful, both people and places are excellent . All the churches were visually inviting me in their doors. I wanted to reach out and touch each person and tell them that I hoped they had a good life and hopefully the ugly time of the world didn't touch them. Posted by Anita Q. Kirwan September 13, 10 10:15 PM 1236. How is it possible that this wasn't done in other places around the world at the time? With photography around since the mid-1800s why are these the only photos taken using this process? I'm having trouble believing these are authentic. I don't remember high speed photography existing around this time. And least of it do so

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with a rapid change in color filters. If this was actually the case someone would've gotten these to New York City or one of the world's fairs. I believe these were painted on directly. Possibly on the glass plates or some similar process. BTW: the photos are beautiful, not just composition but also the subjects themselves and the landscapes. But I do believe these are faux colored photos. Posted by Angel September 13, 10 11:26 PM 1237. Amazing photos! But, what's the deal with photo #4. There is a random shed and dock where a river shoreline and mountain should be. Posted by dmjones September 13, 10 11:31 PM 1238. Reply to Fred Paul about 'no-one is smiling'. Fred, you don't know much, do you. In past days no-one smiled in photos. Look at a photo of the invincible New Zealand rugby team of 1924-25 - stern features. Look at school photos from France of 1900 - stern features. Look at photos of fiord citizens in West Norway of 1910 - stern features. Look at past photos of Hollywood filmstars, Oscar Wilde, Harry Houdini, Tage Erlander, General de Gaule, Keir Hardie, and so on - stern features. I say no more ... Posted by Ross Brown September 14, 10 09:27 AM 1239. Photos capture a moment in time, in this case, these photos transport you back to that time and you can imagine life as it existed. Then you realize all the events that have occured since and it makes this experience even more significant. The colours and clarity of these photos taken at a time when photography was at its' infancy is simply astounding.Carol Walberg Posted by Carol Walberg September 14, 10 10:02 AM 1240.

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The beauty of the landascapes is amazing. Makes me wish to know the countries showed e also to see more photos Posted by ulisses September 14, 10 10:39 AM 1241. Reply to Fred Paul about 'no-one is smiling'. Fred, you don't know much, do you. In past days no-one smiled in photos. Look at a photo of the invincible New Zealand rugby team of 1924-25 - stern features. Look at school photos from France of 1900 - stern features. Look at photos of fiord citizens in West Norway of 1910 - stern features. Look at past photos of Hollywood filmstars, Oscar Wilde, Harry Houdini, Tage Erlander, General de Gaule, Keir Hardie, and so on - stern features.I say no more ... Posted by Ross Brown September 14, 10 11:03 AM 1242. it is amazing how colourful these pictures are! Well done to a photographer and the one who preserved them till now! These should be in a museum somewhere. Posted by Olga Lyskova September 14, 10 02:02 PM 1243. these are beautiful pictures! Posted by dearidiot September 14, 10 07:22 PM 1244. Очень приятно было побывать с этими людьми в те далекие времена. Спасибо! Очень интересные фотки. Posted by Elena September 15, 10 11:54 AM 1245. 1243 Son maravillosas las fotografías. Retratan fielmente su tiempo. Los colores, Los rostros, la ropa. Todo me encantó. Posted by Inga Pauwells September 15, 10 01:40 PM 1246. Хорошие фото :-))))))))))

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Posted by Anonymous September 15, 10 02:57 PM 1247. Simplesmente animal! Estou maravilhado... Posted by Ulisses September 15, 10 06:53 PM 1248. Great picsKind of depressing that some of us depressingly unoriginal and brainwashed Westerners automatically come to the assumption that people are unhappy when they aren't smiling. This is a blatant demonstration of cultural and general ignorance, both in historical and contemporary terms. It's refreshing to see that current Western customs can also be contextualised, and important that we are exposed to another historical angle, appropiately suggesting that we've all gone a bit mad in the interrim :) Oh, I mean :|Another thing, if these photos were 'faux-coloured' (which I don't believe), then surely a similar colouring process could be employed to the masses of contemporaneous photos, resulting in a similar response? Posted by Adam Cook September 15, 10 07:32 PM 1249. An incredible set of photographs. It is sad to think of what happened later in Russia when the dark side of human behaviour impacted on a beautiful people. Thank you for making such a treasure available. Posted by John B Murphy September 16, 10 07:30 AM 1250. Love the fashions. They really used great colors for their garments, even the men. The children with the teacher was my favorite. LOVE THOSE COLORS. Posted by Marian Klausner September 16, 10 10:56 AM 1251. These photographs are nothing short of absolutely stunning! The colors in #28 are so outrageously good, it could easily compare to

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film images taken today! Having been a professional photographer since 1970 and having been formally educated in photography, I am shocked that anyone could produce color images this good from that time period. Another thing that's remarkable is the SHARPNESS of these images. Look at examples of Matthew Brady taken during the Civil War. None compare in sharpness to #28. Remember when Ted Turner caused an uproar when he had many classic black and whit movies colorized? That was bottom of the pit compared to some of these images! Posted by Joseph Nowak September 16, 10 02:55 PM 1252. His subjects speak with the authority of the best black and white photographs, yet sing with his color's sensitive integrity. And the strength conveyed in their stillness and humanity remains profound and, for me, deeply moving. Posted by Jill Strohn September 16, 10 05:07 PM 1253. Wonderful pictures from this long ago time.Impressive how its possible to recover such great quality from images with that age, good work!Please bring more like it... Posted by Faun September 16, 10 09:31 PM 1254. I realy feel that I must respond to #1236 "Angel"It is easy to throw out opininions. You know what they say about them.................everyone has one. About "Angels" faux colored comments:Do some research on the works of Sergei Goerskii. A good place to start would be the book put out by The Dial Press of New York: "Photographs For The Tsar" (Comimisioned by Tsar Nicholas II.In my opinion, Sergei was a genious and a fantastic photo artist and pioneer for the age he lived in. I have researched his works. Posted by Ojars O Rutmanis September 16, 10 10:11 PM

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1255. Absolutely fantastic!! Thank you. It does show that underneath it all, we are all brothers on this wonderful earth. Posted by Josephine Brockbank September 16, 10 10:40 PM 1256. Wonderful photos of a wonderful people. This is the Russia of Tolstoy. I am proud my grandson has this heritage in half of his genes. Strength, dignity and honour are present on the faces, especially those workers who toiled. Posted by weliza September 17, 10 04:10 AM 1257. It's most amazing to see these photos given the date they were taken. No smiles, but incredible sharpness and color. Posted by Doris Peacock September 17, 10 04:29 PM 1258. Excellent pictures. Thank you very much. Posted by Fernando1958 September 17, 10 08:50 PM 1259. the world of 1909 is not in fact that dim and dull. pictures from the past now in color present a world of diversity. people of that time had same Sun, blue sky, green trees, etc. great pictures. Posted by dmitriy September 17, 10 10:00 PM 1260. They are amazing, This week I had a look at a book of his photos of the Tsar and is family. Thank you... Posted by Gabrielle Woodcock September 17, 10 10:10 PM 1261. These are like high-definition images of a century ago, hard to believe the first photo is 100 years old. Looks like it was taken yesterday. How have they survived intact so long without deteriorating? Like going back in a time machine to a world long

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gone. I wonder how many of those people or their children were killed by the Nazis when they invaded the Soviet Union 31 years later. Posted by KodakBear September 17, 10 10:38 PM 1262. RE: no smiles. If you look back on pictures taken in the US during that time period, you'll find no smiles either. I don't think it had anything to do with trust or culture. It was fashion.These are fantastic! Posted by satex September 17, 10 11:44 PM 1263. OMG!! its breath taking....awesome... It encourages me to want to do the same and have my images view a century from today... Posted by KoonYik Chin September 18, 10 12:07 AM 1264. I don't believe this Posted by Anonymous September 18, 10 03:07 AM 1265. Beautiful colour photos - but not enough of Russia. It wouldbe wonderful to see more photos from that era in Russia. Posted by Elena Todero nee Zolotarenko September 18, 10 04:04 AM 1266. very nice. Posted by karmveer kumar September 18, 10 08:33 AM 1267. I'm very grateful to the author. If not for costumes/cloths one could think that these pictures are taken yesterday.Being from the former Soviet Union made it even more fascinating for me. Posted by Yelena September 18, 10 07:13 PM

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1268. Terrific post, I will be sure to recommend to friends! Posted by MikeZFromHouston September 18, 10 08:37 PM 1269. WOW! It's amazing to see the details in those pictures. Such depth you could almost reach in and pick a flower. And to think that is 100 yr old technology, again WOW! Posted by Mae September 18, 10 11:12 PM 1270. Amazing pictures. We can see a spot of the old times over there and the way those pople used to look an so on... Posted by Mary-Su Sarlat September 19, 10 01:35 PM 1271. Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii was educated as a chemist and dedicated his life to the advancement of photography. He spent many years documenting the Russian Empire, and he was even outfitted with a railroad car-darkroom provided by Tsar Nicholas II. Along with this equipment, the Tsar also gave him access to certain restricted areas. After Prokudin-Gorskii died in 1944, his sons sold his collection of photographs, glass negatives, and sepia-tone prints to the Library of Congress in 1948. The person who developed those original negatives kept a copy for himself. I have more than 50 of those untrimmed photographs in my collection. They are a marvelous visual reminder of what the Russian Empire once was. I appreciate the identification of persons and places on this site. Posted by Patrice September 19, 10 01:51 PM 1272. The photos are a real blast from the past! Thank you Library of Congress for keeping them in such a good condition!Incredible pictures, with no Eastman Kodak technology!They depict the life of the people long gone in such brightness and lively colors! Show

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more if you can. Posted by Fikrat Gadjiev September 19, 10 04:58 PM 1273. I love the picture of those boys learning with thier teacher. Posted by Anonymous September 19, 10 09:07 PM