to literature, ^jtinilturr, Science, $rt, anb General Intelligenc ......t * TyVtlLmt^E "* • ' to...

t * TyVtlLmt^E "* • ' to literature, ^jtinilturr, Science, $ r t , anb General Intelligence i '-', t $>**• •, a HIGITTSTOWN, k X, TIICJRRDAV, JUNK 3(J, 1862. ,«"vu THE STARS AND STRIPES miULL NEVER TRAIL IN THE DUST! —AND- M°MUBB,iN In determined by faithful nlleinliin nnrt alriut lion- c«ty to dtfHrvo and iuurit the goiid opitiiuii oi ouMtoinora, by lelliiig ' OHIAPIR THAN EVER ! MONEY CAN B&SAVED In the durability of his Work, Bo has ooiiBtiiBtly un hrnid a Largo Assortment COl'aOLIBiTKlN Bf Vllings Record ana Ili|;liliilov> n ] poetry. i»t lohn O SIITII ivill bo f und li nt" BOOTS, SHOES, And will mnko ts MEASURE nnytliing in Ills lino oa tlitf-sll&rteiit pO8?tbIe lieftetfr ~-^—--— ^^- IfyoiTwnnt good, subatantiiil SHOES FOR .YOUR CiIlL»nE», That will look wail and wciir well, duit mid-ex™- Iny hia slouk whiuh eiiii't bu bout, OIVK riB AN EAB.-Y CALIj. Ymi will find [J.lJn-by: i NORTON, Editors and Proprietors, XXRHI—-SI .SO per annum, paynlilo in mlviinee ; far aluhs of six subscriber' and over, (l-liu oach. TinMB OP ADVEIlTIHtNti. Payment fur itll advcrt{pi s meuts duo un the_nrst Itirtrtlun, (it tho following rules : For overy gqUJiro (fourtooh URC^S, Tor. tbo first inforiion, FIFTY 01NTS, iinrt TWUNTY-FIVE CiiNTS for every subsequent insertion, DiBplny (qoBrSut.%-Blaui iiiiBB> jto.^taiio ehiirgml fur in tho Diiiuo proportion iouording to tbii Bpueo uoeu- plod. ' Legal advortiaemeutB at the rnti'ii nilawed liy aw. A libornl reduction will bo mnde to those wbii iidvortiso to tho estoiit of liiili u ouluinil,,«r more, slid to those who mlvertiso by tho yuitr AH fldreftiiBuseiiti not miLrkod so the Qany the uiiibor of hiserljgiia required, will ho published util ordered out, iind ehiirjjfd nccuntingly. All triiuatont aiivurtlsenieliis to aiiouru publlya. iou in till.* pupur, must Iw puid Jor in ridvatiet. NIL asiuukluiiHlruut, Hightitawn, April 16, lfWiS -ly AREYOuTisiRED 7 VIIB STATE liisiiraTiCe Coin]>aiiy of New Jersey, Brunch Ollioo, oorBcr of Stiite * Drgoim StroetN, In Rogers' Hal Htoro, Uity Hall Unililing, OiPlTAL STUOK, - - S3O0.O0O. OlIARTEK PEllPETljAL Buildings, Murehiindlae, Household Furniture & Personal Truporty Iiwurud on the muiit favoriibio terms. Lossou oquitably iidjintod mill pruiaptly puld. Polieioa issued for 11 lurm of yuurs. ^ HHIKUtUIIM 1 ^^~ DUiiLEY B dUBiiOll X, A.O. ZOHISKUS^ OUAM, (*. SiSSuN, it. M(iLAUUIli,lN, ijIOMAB ANDHEVVB, ANUKEW ULE1IK, s. wmiuoTS, NOAII u. TAYLUE, "JT3" OOEKMAM7 •—•-tf, B, .UECK-lilt-,- -— JOHN VAN VOKST, J. B.KIIOTWKLL, MJJUillSOHL W-JiAVAiiK. J, W. rtAVAUi:, President. Oa S OltANiS, iiour'y, M T1IAYER A i J, 11, Plirl,«, L. M. T1I-AYER, C. -Mr;NtJIi'fOtV AgHJhr llig^liii Hiihtstown Iron Foundry AND MACHINE SHOP. r n i l H snbseriirer coiitiniius toraiiimfaotiiieratthe X old itand, all sorts of 1UON TlNOa Hume Puwsrs and, ThriwhliiB Mftjjljiiiysi Com tshdlura, rYftUg'fu*** bLriw-UULUirK^^mudfj la ui'iiMi at ; nuties. * Flows and Plow Nearly nil tha dlfluruBt kinda nf Plows in general Baa, will filxo bis found tit hU eataUl-hBiunt, luulu- ding the -solelnutod Deiuu' Plow. Also, Sleigh und SledHhoei, Wiijjou Hox'eK, & u . , i o , . .; Having made it net of imtturns for the nglit and IMPROVED CIDER SOBEWS, he is"prepared to furninii the same to any wbojmiy_ g mut Fitting, Scroll Sawing done ut short uotiue. _ e._^ :—=- J Tir\tJH]N_BUY HBPA'IflBD-on'Miisonaulb terms. ~^~ ThT BuiiSiiribcr belk'Ting that the only tini- |ilau of eonduetiiig buaiaiss is on the Unah iiilnciiple, will hiiresfter require the uash or ita_cqnivaleiic lor " ^ " ^ SERING SHANGLl. AprUlD, 1881. tf. Classical ami Eiislisli ""School. TEXT QtJARTmt Witt qgMMEMflJL_i)a_ TSBJfi OF litmus. 'Ancient Lnn-jnBgci, or. at. of II ; French, per quarter of 11 weeks. Piano Lessens do ' 21 do -_— j gjuaiiiel for Boom Bant and fuel to bo equally^ divldod uli'iojig the pupils. A few benrdeffl ean be aceomuiudftteil in mily of the Principal, ^___-———'_ -^i'lhofBintonarnJ"to pStronilo tho-sehonl; should make early application, ^ |. WALTERS, A, M., Friiteipal. DRESS - —AND- ; """ FANCY TRIMMING STORE, T HH BDBSpRlBfill JJlQfl LKAVK TO Ilf. form the publio thnt^ho hna opened aftne11a- BortDiont of Faaey Sprirft-OoudB, suoh as VolyoM pfltinirSlbbuIis, Lu«a, Bcphyrs, HloveB, l}uslefy, Kmbreldery, ''Huadkoruhiyll, Mulliys, Extension BkiS^Pfi ^ Fatteini of the Latosi Siishioni out to erSer. Aim, an BMortmdnt bf all kindiof jaodtneoe!. »»*toprepaFg a body fat burial, "pltiiemng doira on « Sowing Mnchipa at rea. hl*=Bfj6eST^=^f=oa4i4ii=cSineai&ill^Jfilifiitfid^==i Main Btreot.n »t to Baptist Ohuruh. wb, Apr. 8, iS02,.8ul* , DEY GOODS , "•)'•: •: AND '''-•• : b STORE W rjlBl lUBSOEIBIB Jt ihli fTionds and the p hi t p l i 10 INFORM jlio gbtieraily that ho N 12 Stkt S 1 J t ihli fTionds d h pfljlio gbteraily that is Btill in town U his itflfB, No. 12 Stasktan St dtst'aboTe tho Railroad bridge, prepared to aiiii fy tho wantu of the people witli a cboios lot of Dry Qaadi, Trimmingii, B«o*rioi, OrMkery and Olnu VljuB^knT, whlul htt'uffura at thu 8iu»lluaJ llvtug profit. Alij . jBread and Cake, eonitefitly.s& baud-- ' • .. , Call »nd exiunlnc mj ttosk ami prices. tg^OoBiBteT prodnoe taken In exehangs. BighUloun, Jnno &, _862.-flm Oil! IP hringing tU ; ifi4?r irtiei* befBre the HiB 1 SJO» only. mmm^t vwttt-*™ •— b^Wttfhrfc oturn all that do not BJW* iitiifaatBry. ;H,IORDB BLACKOmTU OUOP' ni " v It m fruui tho Lrnni it and n (mtlil The Mourn or a la Mode I ntin her last mpht at a p irt} (I hi iligimt p irty at Men 1 i ) Anl looking ri m irkiiblv h nrly Dr.O, R. HOMEOPATHIC PHVSMIAK bWMION, Oim !• lu mnln Mlreet,' nliovc Wnril. omoe 1 !|:»H[ Mightstown, July 80, 1859.—t Dr. LLO1D VVlI.JBllll W OULD roapeetfully amiounco that he has pi 1 r. iminently rt'sumud the priiotiee of ills profus, ion at Hlghtstown, Hi i Blt t l ' J l K p p , Hyaideiieo in Btouliton »treul . Bowhe-, Esq. Miiroh iSl, laS .—f REMOVAL!! , 'J. li. McCIIBSWEV TTAS romoved hii repideneo 'to hi! farm on the X i roiidleinliiiarrnm lli^htatowiiti) I •)rere~h i iliiliiyntown, ) oasiim, tj^Urders for his profe»iiional anrvicca k'ft at Ibcuffluo oi' Dr. A. DAWKS'will ruuelvo pruliipl at' •ontion. llighlltown, AprirTO, 18flJ- Dr. OLIJI BAKE! DA WES, I r IMIOH •* lot 1 kuew nho i J «. dn p li r 11 i >(.un^ in A US Kl 11 T! I t „!,„, Or \\Uy had he chin n t ^ in u h I !• in lIor""-JliJiwl n i i ^nd hi r ^1 vt Ai 1 Im JJWLII 1\ tro 1 1 i k n* II r r hi bill Ih the 1 in^u . .11 H \T* 1 0 11 1 Unit. Ilu i l i ii ril bin- f tl (11 n m ely it tilti.1 Im \nl the i,rii 1 th 11 jil 1 ( \t-i in hi i iv "I" n tn \in b JI I v, ir (f J H h nt lurk i lud in I '" a i it hue fit H ii hi a\ in^ Ii bilku'j ot 11| u 1 1 " 1 S Ir i hi r shawl tin. li Dhl ) or broil t Tbo toarii of vicarious woo, That olfio lulfjlit huve Bullied hor 1" Wuro kii'dl^ purmittod to How In ripplen of tibony luco While even her f:m, in its piny Iind quitt* 1 lii^ i\ n u i ] Ami rteemed to be wimti!.? iiwav The gho.-it of the iingol of Hop •\%;t lii-h an (tin robe. 1 ! of a o,uoon, W11H the floinbre apparel aho ivori. I'lii oeituiu 1 noyiir biitl .iniui Sti( li 1 suinj tii< tn 1 r >\v I f 1 Anil Tisould'nl liul[> UiinkiiiK tin: bo. In mourning the luvt-d and the ^\'|LH doiiijr her conjugal duty Alt ifKt.htr rtflarillu a oi DH rtURCJBON DKNIIKT, A MANUFAOTUHKn 01' j INCORRUPTIBLE GUM TEETH. | g^^ "oiHOB NEXT TO ROBniNR' 4 KEIJ. ' _I^^ff lor'sStoro. Kntrimeo on_AIiiin Street, up- poaito the UiiiYeraiillsl Ohareii. . B. The new Patuirt (4um Ba^e, Ho valuable ifa ligbtneigi eomfort, and eleanlineaa, is alie lli'd "An esiiminiitinii U invifuil- "XOSltl'lll J- IJIJI AT LAW & SOLICITOR !.N 6HANCERY, | BUHViiTOK AND OpNVErANQEH, 'Master and in OhaneBry, Ifotary Pulillc. " Jp-Offluo overu ABhton'g lint nnd Shoo JlightHtown, April 19, lpni.#t aug.1l.-- One surely would aav a devotion IViTormed (it 30 vast un e.T|>*jnHii Betrayed 1111 exeena of emotion That was really tioimitliin^ immounn And yet aa T viewed, (it Ijiiy leiaure, Tlio^jo tokeim of tendor regard I tlieu(;ht :—-It is source without iueiiHu The sorrow' that jjoos hy the yard Ah ! j;riof is a curious pa-ision And yoiira---! inn sorely afraid, Tho v'eryTIPSt-pbajy of tlm ftighioti Will llud it bcEiuiiiuK to hide Though dark arc the shadows of grief, The morning will follow tho ni^ht Half-tints will betoken relief. Till joy shall be synibolr.d in whit* Ali. well !—it wore idle to quarrol With Fimliloli", or aught "he mnjf i|i And so I conclude with a moral And metuphor—warranted now When MKAKLKS come hniidmnuely out, Tho piitient is (jafost, they any And the Humtiiw is mildest, jio ilo A TTORNmy,•^ TNUMRy, w. J. XOF' Onieo next iloor to Soattorgood'a llotel HighUHtown, Juno-la, laST,—1-lf. ' -. '-, J. BAWDOLPII APPLEI1Y, ATTORNEY JLT LAW, Ilutigi i ntvtr him h i d biciil "-- Nothing din ^ ^IIOIK I than u tciir Little drop' (if I mi bitfilitco the mrj.d 'J lie lollowiug is n oo|>\ (if tlm Ki put t rtciatlj made to (IIL llou i ot Hi [IILSPH- tativc, ou the Barbarities of the Rebels at M missis Tin jmntiommilttt on tin tniulml of llio /jrtV /)/ urn hcif hull iis/ii'dfully to sub mil 'i rrjimf, m /»';/, nsjnljniii On tlio lit d iv of Ajnl tin Sinati of Hie United St ltd ndn] tid tlit> folhwm lt-^yliition , ttlucli v\ H ii fiind In tli» oifrrmffttee t n tin t,onJiii.t of tin I tt-ii Ri.snl\,ul, I hit tli ii 1 i t c inmiit un tlit. (.uuiluot ot the war In ihrr ti il tu mil hct the oiiJi ILCO null - gir I to the Im baruui tn utini ut b^ ill,ot ^1 i nas^iS of'hi 1 rfmuni ot iilh-i i' \nJ t il ditri ot tin Jlmti ii htiti b killLi in b Lttlc tlii-rc unu t i n t tliL sui 1 si ]<• t c u m m t t •(. uUo im|iilrL iuto the Im t wliLtlitr tin ln- dinn i a v i(,i •< limp bn'n i nip] >M <1 b\ tin itbils, in flu ii iinlitiiv SII\I i, l^nust the j'o\Lriiiin.nt of tin ( IILII ] Si i t n , u n J I hiiw HU( li w ^ r t i t L liAa L LU (.OIIJULII il hy -.iiid s i\ igi 3 In [in u ITII-O of 111 in iru t inn-, enn. liniiLil in linn I '.olutnin io»r ciinmttt i Invi tin. li nor to lipiit Iliut they t \ iiiini I ii numb r of v.ihi < «h n IL-I tllllOri'V H l i y i ' H l t l l Mil) Ml 1 1 Mi N ithiiml K l'ukii, «bi) « IH oiulnrid a t 1 illinsr 'vjttrs, \ ir^mi t, teitid s thiLt In m i k pt in do-.( i o i i t m ••- mint, ill m e ] i t i n i-, , im I, mtb u nuiii b rot^rtliirs, liuddli 1 tip m n r urn (hit tin u fomi- pmcrilly <<i nut, wu-s il \ i\» bud, a n i l v n n U i n H ^ n u LOII tlitt tin wotrndtd Iml iiinlln>ivj*41 licil IUIMIIKIII mi lniiiiiiii> trcutitii ul, ml ill it uiim of tlicsi 1 itti r und fi tun sin r ti 'hit thiii five of tin- piihon n n i ill t liy Ilit •.njliiis ( ul».nlu und th Lt bt_ snv on l mm, lillnttt, of tin \ « \ >r\ 27 li ri t inn US si nit us lio was j-JH in^ his win duM on tin Hill nf Novpinin r jnJ that In iind ol thd Miimiil on tin lilli Ih piipitnloi of tins foul ninl r n H null stqiuntl} ponioti'd Ij (li ulii 1 piivLin mem I)r T M Ilotnistin, IIr Kin of tlio I 1th \ w \oil , ot Ui ml 1 i n •un nt tj|1uri'I it Hull Run, t ilit > tli il W'ILII In o l n I t d pLiunssinu to riniiin on the lit Id luii-to ititnd to woiin 1 J iu ii, soin cit whom ni'rc in i IILI] lei-r ml puniul j i ( n liliini in<l siiflcrili^ Im witii,! nn b r u t i l l ) n usid Hi \ oITi i 1 h i m in 1th i ttutir n l n n j t i l i n g lu tin. <.|npi i f food lio in 1 hii ( juifiiiimiis nt i i i m tin ji 11 tj (if ^1 m n - i i i j suiiounl I Ii v i th ( J - f l f i n 7 i n I 1 I4tor n n ~ ( r o n 1 - n i 1 HI ii din i « n I limit mi > H I i I ( b u t n l nil ) II ixi In ut fcuit iind PI ou\- I s'ci p i ii ' I n IJIII II i II I t B i s win n f J nit nil i\hin t d , i n r o 'ii lljLir I'm ir t | titiiiii*., tlify- IIIM intli i n ~ I ill l o r 2 4 linui , ^ 1110 Ll I I I M J ( | V Is Til 1 MnirK mon not oul\ of hli i««, tin 1 111> ti'^i- ' mint, but ol otlur i gui) uts l l m n i t - in IM ti.-<li(i 3 tliil tin rt hi I d id win i iriiid oil nnd nit i n 1 di(rn(l) In iiisnor to i i|instion nlutlitr tin i onftd irdtis th UHLII-'^ Bin 1 not nN i ill ntituto of ni(.di( im << liu ri plied, " rin>\ oould not hive been, lor ihnv to )k nil oun, i vtti to our •)Ur r ;ioi' tuslruinonts " Hi ntimd none o( tlio iittontioi) trom tlio iur^ ns on tin 1 olh l side " wlm h," to ii i,d Im o n ii lnu r 'Ui^(. " 1 ilmulJ linn sbiwn to t i n in li id our pi J i!ion IILLII re Th tiitmiin\ of \\ ill I un 1 '--niiliii, i •> 1st int aui^ on of thi. 1 It li Ni iv > oi k ri^iinnnt, who » n t IWIMI pi tionsr at LSUIIOJ'S CIUULII, confiiuii tho stuti merit of l>r [loun ton in r Rird to tin brntnl opir it nun on Corpinl Fn'imtt lit 1 i l o "tjtti tint attii ho hunselt h i d k tn 1 ltinoiol to Richmond, when spud d ono dav with his ftet on the win low sill, tho sintr ouM di cillid to him to tikt 111 iu in, iu 1 on looking out lio 3 aw thu ieuti\ nith Ins inuikot ooi-ko 1 mil point I L ! i* him, nnd Mlthdiow in time to sive | Inn lit Hi givoi (,\idi.rioe of the oiro los , hoirlliis, itid ornol minnci m which tin i lrgoons oporntml upon our nun PltM i l ll IVIU^ 1(11 lill llllKinil, All ttn ir IWIKI di\s lHur tin bittli, In M L\T sf)un of th 1 I r inou loldn is unhuiit 1 on tin h I I in I ihtlnH nil d Wilk 1 in^ nrouii 1 iiorL a gnat u i m y Vouien l^lo itiu^ o\i r lli^ horrid si^bl I I In i ^ ol Di |i' rgm in, ot uno ollli ' N iv Y r k r LHII nts, is niontuin 1 !>\ Di S\ilm ' \V li ii Et ttinj» into Ins i m 1 j ii 1 in t i li ok iltii Im m\n mini I 1 •t-by tlfF-Tchpl In j in;-', 01 in • only I " 1 n 11 llml fTIV. ll tn I I n 111 f I 1 Illttl" 1 t o ,_ woun 1( ', the s A min li foolish to bo lenlous of a /jood uomnn, and a donnrt b lit ftol to bi- ]i ul | ous ot .1 b id ono •" _ It is forluiiitc fur Fot tuue that slit ii | -blind, ulhO slm niiplit. b]oah__tO-b.i-lH)ld t)in" prtroiTTii.s No luin ih TlTTjufi_wjniig A rfm*trTTKTt ot po at all la right twitftiri Twtn- ty-four hours Wo hhuuld iound t-vtr^ d ly of stirring fiction with an evening of thought Wi- lt irn notlung from our experience UnleaB IF muse upou it DEALERS in POUR, HEEFrEQlrLTEIf, EOaS, FRUITS, P0TATOK8, AND MAItKET PnODUOK QENBltALlA'. ••••.-- ISO * 1ST lVcit IVnuhiDgtDii Mnrln-l, N. V. C. P. JOHNMON, NKW YOHK. I 'JII0MA8 UyTgHEH. rBBBHOtn,!?. J. April 10,18(51, tf. IN Mount ..&.Jimeson, WH0LB8ALB COMMISSION D1ALEEB ' ALL KIOTS 01 OODNTnY SRODUOB, ift ai4 wen Wailiiiiittaii Mnrkii, H. V. Botweon Tgsey and Fulton Strsota* OBOROB W. FIEtDBB. ABIJAB 0, JIODHT. JQiEFJl H. JIMBBOST^ ^*AII orders r$e$ys$4 will bs punctnalty at* id [ U ® t f TUos. A. mount A Co., ^.aUTwl JVmhlltBloB ^^^A-'&i.yi-Kf "FIiAiK, HEW IN PORK, FOVLTRY, EQOS, rllUITS, POfA- TOIB.AND MAEKEj PK0D1J0E . OTnrkef, VBTlK, —S. -ft. T i J.-D. I»vi3, Now York.— - Hlh [l63» . ^vMBLi D » , rk. ThoB. A. MbuiiT, HlghtstowB, [inrl6.3io» ISRAEL PEAUCK, Justice of the StIBVBYOR 4 OOKVBTANCBB, ; AOENT FOR 7T .T ' [Attg.'T. HBl-tft W lirn, it 11st, tin y-wi it > lo Ih li ll , ol oui jst in ^ jjj_on_J&uiiULiuji J Iti. pi utinu opLUtioo^, but iritrn-. i tin iu nil I I t i hn >o mj; n sistini , 4i M iriic ot tliiin wjth no moi o kuoulid^p ol iilni tin ^ 11ti nipt il lo do tli in in ipotli tin s LII rk, 1 in I Itirtln r, 1 tli 11 tilt ^P In \p01 n lit (1 sut _?i on pi r fi 1111 1 I , I iti i i upon iiur II uio^>t l i o i i i b l t in IXU-W-T—<nmrTtnTn in wm un»*i up >-t- by tlrn- Tchr-N "Wh -n tol 1 tin m »h i lio iv iVthe./ ml th \ tti uld t i\ > R j t i l i n g i l l it it him, i\hi 'i tli \ di 1, iKiunliu^ linn in tin lif; Hi hil Ins b inn im, nud Im s^uri on In hoots, nnl uf tin y drove aluii^ Im -ipm^ woiili ( ltth in tin till hou'i il tht tun bilio ", fvii>iinE b u n t ' Hlim k with i n oii\ " ^n olTn r roll up, tin 1, plui HiK 111' pistol tohnlioid, tliw uti noil ti nlioot him il h Linliniiol ti ^ t n itn I li i Hi on Sunii}, tbi d 13 of tin, bil- tli On of llio inut mi) r! nit wilnnsis wis d noi il .) IIIK •) j{ Knit tt', will LIIIBII m \ \ i-,lnni;t( u unJ tlnoii^liout ih (,ouuti\, liltl> proinoltd fur lin diirwij.' «nd st If i ii rifinnn ooungo After huv mj; hoi n wound* 1 in tlio battle of Hull Run, In wis tnpturud, and (if he 1 iy In.lp- l()i o n I m hink, ipirl\ of n hi Ii pa i- -Jln^ him i nod mil, " K n ii It out bw hi u r i , t h o d — 1 Y ml i o " He m( t Ir mi nil—1> mri 'ird, un—t*W—ftttftnat- inco, onh ijmii Im senior nt tn Tinlid ^tiia Militiry Yen] my, when h itll ifiif cduuiiifd He liid mil tin rjbrl " mi il in ih <-HULU a innlibi i of tuiips hi Tim In i 1 ot th rtbil iron, on tin | d i\ ifti r tin li i tk , Im v. is JolJ tliil liis (fitUCi il lUokirls^") tn utmont* won'1 ilipeml upon tlm trt itmi nt citi nded to ih-> n In 1 ] in itn is Ilu lust li->uti hint Jlinpii jj_i¥ho « i i ktlkd, WJI slnppol of i-vor> irtlolo~oT~Iiii 1 '" TTiT "Tr~ tm Hrrnirank I w |" It appears, an a part of the history of thin rebellion, that Gcnnrnl Riokettn wan visited by bia wife, who, having first heard that be wan killed in battle, after- wards that he was alive but wouiidod, travelled under groat difficulties to -Jlu- nas^as tn see her husband. Ilo savs "Vie had almost t) huht h< r ttiy thiough but fiucecednd finally in ronohing me on I tho fourth day. after the battle. There i wcro eight persons in the Lewis House, at ManasSiiS) in tbe room where I lay, and my wifo,—for two-wooks, slept, in that room on the floor by my side, without a bod. When \vo..aot to Riubuiotid there werfl six of us in a room, among them Colonel Wilaox, who remained with—ns until he was taken to Charleston. There we were all in one room. There was lio Joor to it. It was much as it would be here if you should hike off the doors of this committee room, and then GU tho passage with wounded soldiers. In tin hot. summor monthi the stench from their wounds, nnd from tho utensils they used, was fearful. There was no privacy <H all, tfl0i[jn.~ _ n? lii ui(,' no door the mom I could not be We were them as I a eonitnou ahow. Colonel Wilcux and I myself woro objects of interest, ami were I glued upon as if wo wero n couple of sav I si^es. Tlic people would e,otne in (her and say all sorts of tilings to us and about us, until 1 was obliged to toll tln.Mii that I was a prisoner, am.|phad nothing to aav. On our way to Kiebmoud, when we n ntdieii (_i(ird"ti.,iille, juanv "I'Ji'ii orowdi 1 around the ( i i i , n u d i^ki d in) wife if" *\\o cooked ! if .»he washed ? how nbo fiot thern % * * * (ninril John on toi 1 niv witi ^ i Lrnin and horses ut Muna.isas, kept thiiin, and has them yet. fur ar.^bt 1 know. When. I got to KiehniQud J. spoke to seven] gentlemen about this, and so did Mrs KinketH 'liny -,iul,ot c( ursi), tin c ir ria^e nnd horses should be. returned, but they never-wei'c; ~^~ *~ " : * Tbe r.n.ic nf < Jiouix Fninets, . wbo.wna torribly wounded and maltrnatod, and lost i \cp, i^ n ti rri il ti b\ Ircn Rtikilti but tlie testimony of Francis himself is .sturllinf!- Ho wan a private iu the New York 11th regiment. He says: " I was attnokod by two rebel Holiliers, nnd woundod in tho right knee, with the bayo- uut. A I lay on the sod they kept bayo. netting mn until 1. received fourteen wounds. Ono then left me, tbo otbei reiiviiniiig over ni«, when a Union soldier coining up,"rtlint him in tho hnwst, nnil lip fill d id I li^ on th'giiuul until 10 •o'clock next day. I was then removed in a wagon to a building j my wound.. i\it e I nnd putiiiJy ihuttitf On th, ^ i tut J ijy follomni; wo wire eirnid to "Maiiassas, and from there to thn conc.raf hospital at Riehmond. My leg having putnillv moitibed, I consi uti d thj.1 il fboul 1 bo liliipul iti il, whieb op i itioti Disdain not your inferio"r,'l'Iu>ugh liueo be may potwibiy bo muoh your of the mind Mean men iidmtre woalth, gnat men, glory. You ran no moio ticrtiso ^our reti^on if ) ou live in the constant dread of ] mgb ttr, than }ou ean tnjoj your life if )on are in constant dVcud ot death , KLV E II Cbapiu aa^a iL Now York has covered the breast of the Union wuh «-BlueldT)f goldyTind hjig girt lfaround" Trith a living bulwark of and bnitlmg gtcel " Long words like long dresses, frequent- ly bide something wrong about the uuder- standiug. Tho -bighor you rise, tho widcr^i«-your horizon ; so tho moro you know, the^morc J0T1 'will see to be kno-wn. Dr. Franklin used to say. that rioh wid- goods tbflt sold at priuio co«t. Tho petty vexation* of lifo are like beg -gars; if-.'you treat them.kindly they will "call again ;" but if you kick them from your door they will bo likely to out your BC(|uain'anoq, Alaa for those women whose staff is their needle ;-for wben-lhey—leau-npori it it pieroos, not thfcir side, but their heart. Tbe-Qcedle ban slain moro than tho aword of war. Avail yourself of—ftH-yoor withoaj; v mating ft display of it. The ma- i W tlul' is obinery.jorka from b6 applauded! a,man of' hir'Hfe » n d you will'be rob him of hii-iirfng »nd you m»y •«b?trirfCETy^n i ri t 'litfiiI. T1 i Wh n n. ^4y Tiipiiril I'M i ^ _J:4" our regiment, and said that the ITMII inn-it dit il it WLt-o-mj+Ttoin"; i,r t d 1 uifi-t-hat rslniuld be allowe.d to .-do-it"." While Doctor llomis'on-was waitiii;;, be aya a si ef-si^niot tame through the room and snid " They lire operating -upon-one of the ianlue's k^s up slurs" " I went up ind found (bat they hid out off Pltscott'i Itp 1 he U5i it uitJ weio pnl llnp on the fl sh it t 11 li <nd(_, tryiiic to _i.t 11 »p_jcno«ph tt Jover the bone lmd H \w d oft the bone without Ih ty li 1 li ft n ik( d nn tlio htl 1 Ilo ttitili 1 thut thoso of our noundi d who diod it KitliinonJ weru buiicd in tho nugio biiry- uij.' /rnuii 1 nnnnc (In in ({KKI, and ]iut into tl e wr-—ThT~shit( un nt of otl t . . . , 11 lion tin pi HOIILFS ntrf I LuJI> -ponfii upon «hit lio pun'huLd. -H^H-tr"Im OVMI _inuut-v, thiT-inonoy" brotlgbt to htm by Ins nlfi " U-il-lml," ho 1\.\s, " wU-xt thi \ cull biciil HI>II[> —soup made of boiled bit on, tliL soup btnif; a little" rancid wlnoli you eould not possibly out nnd tint for n nun whoso systeui Mas bunfr ilidiiiLil bv a wound, is no diet at nil " In rtply to a question nhttlitr ho hid In ird mi} tiling ibottt our prisoners bump; "ihot bi tin nJiul Mintrits, In insBPipd 'i-Ves, a numbtr of our nitu wore shot. In mio in ft im i , tno \v"i re iiliol , uno w IH Itilkl, ind the other wounded, by t In. > eould not pet flip enough tot over the bone They wero tlii.ii nbligi il to saw off about an inoh more of the bone, and even then, when they camo to put in tbo suturnii (tho stitohes) they oould not approxiinato tho ed^es within less thnn an inch and a half of eaob other ; of eourso, as soon as there waa any swelling, the ptitchoa tore out and tho houo atuek through again. Doctor .Swalm "tried afterwards to remedy it by performing another operation, but Prestfott had bo- -come—BO ilebiWlltod— that ha did—not-sur- vive." Corporal Preaoott was a young man of high position, and had reooivod a very liberal education. The same witness desoribes the suffer- ings of the wounded, after tho battle as irieouoeivttbly horrible—with. bad_Jpod.,. no covering, no water. They were lying upon the floor aa thiokly aa thoy could bo lnirl: " Thcro was not a purtiolo of light in tho house to enable us to move among thotn." Deaf to all hia appealB, they continued to refuse water to thos,o suffering mon, and ho was only enablod to prooOTe it by setting "bii^is undor the caves to oatoh the rain that waa falling, and in this way ho spent the night oatoh.. iog thu watcr'nnd conveying it to the wounded to drink. As thcro was no light, be was obliged to orawl on his hands and • knees to avoid stepping on thoif woujiderl limbs ; and bo adds, " I t is not a wonder that ncit morning we found that several had died; daring tbe night.'" Tho young surgeons, who secniod to delight in hacking and butchering these brave defenders of our country's flag, wers not, it would ooenii permitted to perform any. operations upon tbe rebel wounded. "Some of -'our Grounded," nays this witnagB, " vrqre leftjyjpg _np>n the buttle held until Tuesday ni^bt and tBeir wounds weft oonipletely %\ue with larva^ deposited there bj theffien,Wvirig laid dnt thrpueh all ^the. i»|n Ktortn ,ot Monday, and tjoe hot, eultry 4nnsfcin« of Tntt^f-*' ~ < 7h« dead fcittnpon ^tlrt ft«ld tmboriedforflradavt ,~lud Jthis inolndod —•" rS / = _. J. _ = i y The ir I fod to oom i n » J l o i » w that my-wwmds- -rjnt^cry ,»„„„, but after tbt ombalrotirg-t beilcd; ho saw my oondition; ; ivlnlo hu capped >t " (.idler il llukotts, in referonoo to his hiving boon IILIII as onn of the hostages Sy[ the pnviitLord, states " I coiiaidei od /it bid trcitment to be *eli eted as a host agi for a privatcLr, when I was HO hiuie 111 it I oould not Wilfr, and while ni^ wounds wtru still opi n and unlieab d — At tlm time Oeniral Winder cimo to see me lie hid bctn an officerjrjjuj-njjiT niLUt, I had-kiWKwtr-h-itn for '20 odd 3 tars, lt was on tho 9th of November ttiut bo -oami^to 1 wore still unboiled , he saw my condition, but that vory d ly ho reooivod nn orltr to select hostages for tbo pnidteers, and, notwithatandini; ho knew my condition, tho ULIt day, bunday, the I Oth of Nov , I was selected as ono of tbo hostigcs " — 1 I heard," he continues, " of a great many of oar prisoners who had boen bay- onetted and shot I saw threo of them —two that had been bayonettod and one them shot Ono was named Louia Fran- OIB, of tho Now York 14th. He had re- ceived fourteen bayonet wounds—ono through his privates—and ha hid one wound very muoh like mine, on the knoo, in oonBetiuenoo of which bis log waa am- putnted after twolvo weeks had passed , and I would here state that in Tegnrd to his ense, when it was determined to am- putato his log, I heard Dr. Poaohy, the robol Burgeon, remark to 6ne pf his young assistants,' I won't be greedy , you may do it , ' and tho young man did it. I saw a number in my room, many of whom hod -been badly amputated. The flaps over the stump were drawn too tight, anil in some the bones protruded. A man by the name of Presijott {tho Mine referred to in the Ustlmony of Surgeon Honmtoa) wm amputated twice, and wag, then, 1 think, moved to Richmond before the , h -ton«. win hnalftd—PrcBoott died this treatment. I _he«rd »^«4«V4«ot»r on tbe steps below my room say, that 'he hd he oonld Uk« oat 'tha baarta of ^a f ^ ll wwhod tbe era genflemon trMted m^Very •mint ly \\ ndo iliinpton, whown posed t o ' my battery, o:iuio to. me mil bihiml Ji>c a op W is JinrflirinH.j ]±y iwymtn^—m-lTi^—i. tUiId t rf'lh it tht\ jbould illow l)r Swilm t i be present, for I wanted ouo Union man ibtri, il I died under the opeiation Ilu eS and the band slipped from _^_ ut another opomliou s another bom «J3 silted off picti -WJika alkrj.ho junj^ut mon, md bcfnro it hi ili-d, -I IUI removed to the ttbaeco fiiotory " Ino opdations wore B ibi i| lonllj por foi med on Tranoi —o ie ut Turlre-n Mnnriio, nnd one it Htnoklyn, New \urk—ufler his reltaiu fiom ciptiM wrnr] ' pjirnvr VINO mr l)t \D —A Washing- ton OOrrospoiiduiit gives tho following aeoo'int of (Im process of embilming adopted tlioro Tfec body is placod on MI inclined plit form the mouth, cars, noao, ,<Le , arc stopped with cotton , if wounded, ooltoti is put in the wound, and a pUitPT-H put on j an mei'sron is made in tho wrist, tho att-iohment is luido fiom dn air pump, nnd fluid injected throughout tho aiit«ev- Plio wouud^ji_U«rrf - "fcc"wod up ard tho hoisted up to dry To savo tho eyes from sinking in, wax 13 put under the oyehda. The hair I found to oonio could not be rcnicvod, Tbo bodies taku on an average, about 7 quarts, but Ocn. Lander's took 17 quarts. There worn -some eight bodies on hand ; some bad been there 30 days. .T-he-trpsFatora say in 4 months the body will become solidified like jnarblo, but no ohauoo has yot boen had to prove it,— Col. Baker's body was in an advanced state of decomposition. Dr. Ilolmep, late of Williamsbufgi L. I., is the" oldest in tbe business -here, and I am informed he has made $30,000. A JOLLT GOOD Fiotrr.—Captain Bai- ley, who was -eoond ID oommand under Farragut at t^ie battle of New Orleans, was oallod upon for a dinner speeob at the Agtor Honse, a few dmja smoe, "Gentlo- tnen," Mid he, as he nervously twisted his handkerchief info"» hard~rope anil hi ittted between, hu words—"I don't, olsim. any more than my nharo—Wo don't any of ns— we all want what belongs \o n^, 'and Ml Not Generally Known, Msrtin V M Uuren h tba on who has held Hid offioo of Pro President, Minmtcr to kn^laod, (faTOf- noi of bis own Sute, and member ot bptft IIoiMes of Cbngress - \ s Thomas H. Behton is U1P on l y ^^ ^{^ held a scat in the UmloJ States Suwite for SO consecutive years. - * S 'I he only instance of falher'and, BOU4I1 tbe United States Penato at the ialne (inn , is that of Hon Ffcnr> Dodge, Sena, tor from Wisconsin, and l>i a son, Augus- tus C Dodge, Senator f om Iown. Gtn Janus Shields is tho onfy man who eter reprpseuted two Statca in tile rnitfd States Senate At ono tim>,i>a Senator from Illinois, and snbsh- ontly Senator from Minnesota. ( John Qumoy Adams held* position* jinder thu Government during eiery Ad~ ministration from that of WaabuuttoqpLo tlntof Polk, during which ho diod. do bud been Minister to England, member of both housts of Congt-esi. SoaratAry of LS atL, and Priiident of the Umtea States lie died while, a member of the House of Representatives. '1 be onh instanoe where threo brothers ' tcupiid SLI(3 1,1 the lojVLf House at tho sauie time, was when Elihu B. Wasbburne n prt-un-tnl the First District in Illinois, Israel Wasbburne, Jr., tbo Third .Dis- triet of iMaivio, and Cadwallador Wash- burno tbe Third District of Wiscou- \SKIMI Qi tnii)\s —There arc few go- sttniih ot n ore diliciej thin interroga- ting Sibbitb S IKIOIH tspeinlly young vhuliri This i>. HIIOHII In fbo cipert- IMIOO related of a olcrpymnn in Maine, who was opposed to having mirth ill •iun 1 n Si bool He tbounht it injurious To nil, nml unnecessary for tlio 'entertain- ment of (be children. He offered to ad- dress the school, anil show that they (.ould be well entertained seriously The following .dialogue ensued —• "Children, I am /joing to toll you aiout I2o&!i:. Who knows who—Peter- was V No ,iii\ur wn m idi. " Oiunot any one—(hose largo girls—- tell me who I'eter was .'" Still no reply "Can m>y little boy or. girl in tha school toll 1110 who I'eter wan *'* " 1 can," said a little follow in the fart her corner. "Ab, that's a pood boy. Now you" mine up on the platform by lny side, and stuud up iu this chair, and tell theso girU who Peter was * — — _ . limitrv ylid is lije.njjiJjiiL jTnd in tha shrill \ 011.0 f»UAtt5ifL " l'et(-i;, Poter, punkin oatcr, Had :i wife and couldn't keeper—" At ibis point bo was stopped, but not before the full point was taken by tha MIIIOI, mil Mothir (loose's point appre- Mated, ~~ Changing- Step, -sfcp" riMtilt 111 mutual misery Ooca- IOIIII^, by ic idont, thfy full mtn keep- ing http for n nliile, and tor a tiuio they move- h irnnnioualy and happily with .nuorful idcnifiy of motion But, for diu niu«L_pj.i t, lheir-j)r-ogrcS3-Consiats of a lu heious jogj;li tj jerk, fonrfully trying to eotnfort nud temper Tlm 13 but a tjpo nid illuslr lliixi of tbe discomfort which omo men endure through life, for tho mi[ It w mt of not knowing whon to " thinge Btep " For eiqmplo. A man mnrrioF His wifo 11 in almost ovorything 1fithelp mute, but »he-has, and who ha«j notj IILJ ltt'lo ltifiimities As lone aa they jog nloug hfe'a load in tbe double hirncssof matrimony, "keeping atep," thay are hoppy nnd oomforlable , sudden- ly, sonic little eoeontricity, a foible in ono or tho other, laterferea «nh. fb^plffB^pt (ouocrt7 I hero 19 auuoyanos, and oonfua- lon They have " lost —step."- Now, fnend^ is jthe- ttnro"To change step Don r t StuBbornly trudgo along at your own paoo, but sLilfully, for tbe moment, humor_ joui jokefolluw chaneejitft,—¥oTT"vftll poon 6rirJ i _Ji.y-»r-tTKn^Ttion so easy as to bo -.."notie-ed, that both have returned to (he origin il and natural Order of maroh> and )ou mil have escupod one of the "brezes" whioh, trifled with, sonletimes an ell into fearful storms, in which tibo fu)rest hopes and affections i forever. The sums cleared by our naval officers by the cipture of vessels trying to ran the blockade will make some. of.them nob.— Flag Officer McKeene's sbire of jjrJsit money, for instance, already auonubTtti about fTOO,000, whilo another offioerhas dlcarpd $49,000. The sailors, come in for a proportionate ab«re.Ot.Ui9 total amount cleared by the sale of these vessels and their eargoon, y poor fellow who shipped with- property than tbe olothes on will leave the navy With a l provision for his old "age SX To the question M a million dollars, i the mint answer^ « of one million dolt rency in gold 58,TOJ makes 4,479 Ww. ^ftiVt tuns and a quarter,, reokopink

Transcript of to literature, ^jtinilturr, Science, $rt, anb General Intelligenc ......t * TyVtlLmt^E "* • ' to...

  • t * TyVtlLmt^E "* • '

    to literature, ^jtinilturr, Science, $ r t , anb General Intelligence i ' - ' , t $>**• • , a

    HIGITTSTOWN, k X, TIICJRRDAV, JUNK 3(J, 1862.,«"vu



    M°MUBB,iNIn determined by faithful nlleinliin nnrt alriut lion-c«ty to dtfHrvo and iuurit the goiid opitiiuii oi n«ouMtoinora, by lelliiig' OHIAPIR THAN EVER !

    MONEY CAN B&SAVEDIn the durability of his Work,

    Bo has ooiiBtiiBtly un hrnid a Largo Assortment

    COl'aOLIBiTKlN Bf

    Vllings Record ana Ili|;liliilov> n ]

    p o e t r y .

    i»t l o h n O S I I T I I ivi l l bo f u n d l i nt"


    And will mnko ts MEASURE nnytliing in Ills linooa tlitf-sll&rteiit pO8?tbIe lieftetfr ~-^—--— ^^-

    IfyoiTwnnt good, subatantiiil

    SHOES FOR .YOUR CiIlL»nE»,That will look wail and wciir well, duit mid-ex™-Iny hia slouk whiuh eiiii't bu bout,

    OIVK riB AN EAB.-Y CALIj. Ymi will find


    i NORTON,Editors and Proprietors,

    XXRHI—-SI .SO per annum, paynlilo in mlviinee ;far aluhs of six subscriber' and over, (l-liu oach.

    T inMB OP ADVEIlTIHtNti.Payment fur itll advcrt{pismeuts duo un the_nrst

    Itirtrtlun, (it tho following rules : •For overy gqUJiro (fourtooh URC^S, Tor. tbo first

    inforiion, FIFTY 01NTS, iinrt TWUNTY-FIVECiiNTS for every subsequent insertion, DiBplny(qoBrSut.%-Blaui iiiiBB> j to .^ ta i io ehiirgml fur in

    tho Diiiuo proportion iouording to tbii Bpueo uoeu-plod. '

    Legal advortiaemeutB at the rnti'ii nilawed liyaw.

    A libornl reduction will bo mnde to those wbiiiidvortiso to tho estoiit of liiili u ouluinil,,«r more,slid to those who mlvertiso by tho yuitr

    AH fldreftiiBuseiiti not miLrkod so the Qany theuiiibor of hiserljgiia required, will ho publishedutil ordered out, iind ehiirjjfd nccuntingly.All triiuatont aiivurtlsenieliis to aiiouru publlya.

    iou in till.* pupur, must Iw puid Jor in ridvatiet.

    NIL asiuukluiiHlruut,Hightitawn, April 16, lfWiS - l y


    liisiiraTiCe Coin]>aiiy of New Jersey,

    Brunch Ollioo, oorBcr of Stiite * Drgoim StroetN,In Rogers' Hal Htoro, Uity Hall Unililing,


    Buildings, Murehiindlae, Household Furniture &Personal Truporty Iiwurud on the muiit favoriibioterms. Lossou oquitably iidjintod mill pruiaptlypuld. Polieioa issued for 11 lurm of yuurs.


    "JT3" OOEKMAM7 •—•-tf, B, .UECK-lilt-,- -—JOHN VAN VOKST, J. B.KIIOTWKLL,

    M J J U i l l S O H L W-JiAVAiiK.J,

    W. rtAVAUi:, President.Oa S OltANiS, iiour'y,

    M T1IAYER A iJ, 11, Plirl,«, L. M. T1I-AYER,C. -Mr;NtJIi'fOtV AgHJhr llig^liii

    Hiihtstown Iron Foundry

    AND MACHINE SHOP.rnilH snbseriirer coiitiniius to raiiimfaotiiierat theX old itand, all sorts of 1UON TlNOa

    HumePuwsrs and, ThriwhliiB Mftjjljiiiysi Com tshdlura,

    rYftUg'fu*** bLriw-UULUirK^^mudfj la ui'iiMi at; nuties. *Flows and Plow

    Nearly nil tha dlfluruBt kinda nf Plows in generalBaa, will filxo bis found tit hU eataUl-hBiunt, luulu-ding the -solelnutod Deiuu' Plow. Also, Sleigh undSledHhoei, Wiijjou Hox'eK, &u.,io, . . ;

    Having made it net of imtturns for the nglit and

    IMPROVED CIDER SOBEWS,he is"prepared to furninii the same to any wbojmiy_

    g mut Fitting, Scroll Sawingdone ut short uotiue. _ e._^ :—=-J Tir\tJH]N_BUY HBPA'IflBD-on'Miisonaulb terms.

    ~^~ ThT BuiiSiiribcr belk'Ting that the only tini- |ilauof eonduetiiig buaiaiss is on the Unah iiilnciiple,will hiiresfter require the uash or ita_cqnivaleiic lor

    " ^ " ^ SERING SHANGLl .AprUlD, 1881. tf.

    Classical ami Eiislisli ""School.TEXT QtJARTmt Witt qgMMEMflJL_i)a_

    TSBJfi OF l i tmus .

    'Ancient Lnn-jnBgci, or. at. of II ;

    French, per quarter of 11 weeks.Piano Lessens do ' 21 do

    -_— j gjuaiiiel for Boom Bant and fuel to bo equally^divldod uli'iojig the pupils.

    A few benrdeffl ean be aceomuiudftteil inmily of the Principal, — ^ _ _ _ - — — — ' _

    -^i'lhofBintonarnJ"to pStronilo tho-sehonl; shouldmake early application, ^

    | . j£ WALTERS, A, M., Friiteipal.

    DRESS• - —AND- ; """


    THH BDBSpRlBfill JJlQfl LKAVK TO Ilf.form the publio thnt^ho hna opened a ftne 11a-BortDiont of Faaey Sprirft-OoudB, suoh as VolyoMpfltinirSlbbuIis, Lu«a, Bcphyrs, HloveB, l}uslefy,Kmbreldery, ''Huadkoruhiyll, Mulliys, ExtensionB k i S ^ P f i ^

    Fatteini of the Latosi Siishioni out to erSer.Aim, an BMortmdnt bf all kindiof jaodtneoe!.

    »»* to prepaFg a body fat burial,"pltiiemng doira on « Sowing Mnchipa at rea.hl*=Bfj6eST^=^f=oa4i4ii=cSineai&ill^Jfilifiitfid^==i

    Main Btreot.n »t to Baptist Ohuruh.wb, Apr. 8, iS02,.8ul* ,

    DEY GOODS, "•)'•: •: A N D '''-•• :

    b STORE W

    r j l B l lUBSOEIBIBJt ihli fTionds and the p

    hi t

    p l i 10 INFORMjlio gbtieraily that hoN 12 S t k t S 1

    Jt ihli fTionds d h pfljlio gbteraily thatis Btill in town U his itflfB, No. 12 Stasktan Stdtst'aboTe tho Railroad bridge, prepared to aiiiify tho wantu of the people witli a cboios lot of DryQaadi, Trimmingii, B«o*rioi, OrMkery and OlnuVljuB^knT, whlul htt'uffura at thu 8iu»lluaJ llvtugprofit. A l i j

    . jBread and Cake,eonitefitly.s& baud-- ' • ..

    , Call »nd exiunlnc mj ttosk ami^OoBiBteT prodnoe taken In exehangs.

    BighUloun, Jnno &, _862.-flm

    Oil!IP hringing tU ;ifi4?r irtiei* befBre theHiB 1 SJO» only.mmm^tvwttt-*™ •—

    b^Wttfhrfcoturn all that do not BJW* iitiifaatBry.


    ni"vIt m fruui tho Lrnni it and n (mtlil

    The Mourn or a la ModeI ntin her last mpht at a p irt}

    (I hi iligimt p irty at Men 1 i )Anl looking ri m irkiiblv h nrly


    PHVSMIAK b W M I O N ,

    Oim !• lu mnln Mlreet,' nliovc Wnril.

    omoe 1 ! | : » H [

    Mightstown, July 80, 1859.—t

    Dr. LLO1D VVlI.JBllll

    WOULD roapeetfully amiounco that he has pi1 r.

    iminently rt'sumud the priiotiee of ills profus,ion at Hlghtstown, H i i B l t t l

    ' J l Kp p ,

    Hyaideiieo in Btouliton »treul. Bowhe-, Esq.Miiroh iSl, laS .—f


    TTAS romoved hii repideneo 'to hi! farm on theX i roiidleinliiiarrnm lli^htatowiiti) I•)rere~h



    oasiim,t j^Urders for his profe»iiional anrvicca k'ft at

    Ibcuffluo oi' Dr. A. DAWKS'will ruuelvo pruliipl at'•ontion.

    llighlltown, AprirTO, 18flJ- — —

    D r .

    OLIJI B A K E !

    DA WES,

    I r I M I O H •*

    l o t 1 kuew nho iJ «. d n p li r 11

    i >(.un^ inA US Kl 11 T!

    I t „!,„,Or \\Uy had he chin n t

    ^ in u h I !• in

    lIor""-JliJiwl n i i

    ^nd hi r ^1 vtAi 1 Im JJWLII

    1\ tro 1 1 i k n*II r r hi bill Ih

    the 1 in^u

    . .11 H\T* 1 0 11 1

    Unit. Ilu

    i l i i i r i l

    bin- f tl(11 n m ely it tilti.1 Im

    \ n l the i,rii 1 th11 jil 1 ( \t-i in

    hi i iv" I " nt n \ inb JI I v,

    ir (f

    JH h n tlurk i

    lud in

    I ' "a i it

    h u efit H ii hi a\ in^ Iibilku'j ot 1 1 | u

    11 "1 S


    i hi r shawl

    tin. liDhl


    or broil t

    Tbo toarii of vicarious woo,

    That olfio lulfjlit huve Bullied hor 1"Wuro kii'dl^ purmittod to How

    In ripplen of tibony lucoWhile even her f:m, in its piny

    Iind quitt* 1 lii^ i\ n u i ]Ami rteemed to be wimti!.? iiwav

    The gho.-it of the iingol of Hop

    •\%;t lii-h an (tin robe.1! of a o,uoon,

    W11H the floinbre apparel aho ivori.I'lii oeituiu 1 noyiir biitl .iniui

    Sti( li 1 suinj tii< tn 1 r >\v I f 1Anil Tisould'nl liul[> UiinkiiiK tin: bo.

    In mourning the luvt-d and the\̂'|LH doiiijr her conjugal duty

    Alt ifKt.htr rtflarillu a oi DH


    INCORRUPTIBLE GUM TEETH. |g ^ ^ "oiHOB NEXT TO ROBniNR' 4 KEIJ. '_I^^ff lor'sStoro. Kntrimeo on_AIiiin Street, up-

    poaito the UiiiYeraiillsl Ohareii.. B. The new Patuirt (4um Ba^e, Ho valuableifa ligbtneigi eomfort, and eleanlineaa, is alielli'd "An esiiminiitinii U invifuil-

    "XOSltl'lll J- IJIJI



    'Master and in OhaneBry,Ifotary Pulillc. "

    Jp-Offluo overu ABhton'g l int nnd Shoo

    JlightHtown, April 19, lpn i .# t aug.1l.--

    One surely would aav a devotionIViTormed (it 30 vast un e.T|>*jnHii

    Betrayed 1111 exeena of emotion

    That was really tioimitliin^ immounnAnd yet aa T viewed, (it Ijiiy leiaure,

    Tlio ĵo tokeim of tendor regardI tlieu(;ht :—-It is source without iueiiHu

    The sorrow' that jjoos hy the yard

    Ah ! j;riof is a curious pa-ision

    And yoiira---! inn sorely afraid,Tho v'eryTIPSt-pbajy of tlm ftighioti

    Will llud it bcEiuiiiuK to hideThough dark arc the shadows of grief,

    The morning will follow tho ni^htHalf-tints will betoken relief.

    Till joy shall be synibolr.d in whit*

    Ali. well !—it wore idle to quarrolWith Fimliloli", or aught "he mnjf i|i

    And so I conclude with a moral •And metuphor—warranted now

    When MKAKLKS come hniidmnuely out,Tho piitient is (jafost, they any

    And the Humtiiw is mildest, jio ilo

    A T T O R N m y , • ^TNUMRy,

    w. J .XOF' Onieo next iloor to Soattorgood'a llotel

    HighUHtown, Juno-la, laST,—1-lf. ' - . — '-,



    I l u t i g i i n t v t r him h i d b i c i i l

    "-- N o t h i n g d i n ^ ^IIOIK I t h a n u tciir

    Little drop' (if I mi bitfilitco the mrj.d

    'J lie lollowiug is n oo|>\ (if tlm Ki put tr tc ia t l j made to (IIL llou i ot Hi [IILSPH-tativc, ou the

    Barbarities of the Rebels at M missisTin jmntiommilttt on tin tniulml of llio

    /jrtV /)/ urn hcif hull iis/ii'dfully to sub

    mil 'i rrjimf, m /»';/, nsjnljniii

    O n t l io l i t d iv of A j n l t in S i n a t i of

    H i e U n i t e d S t l t d n d n ] t i d tlit> f o l h w m

    l t -^y l i i t i on , ttlucli v\ H i i f i i n d In t l i»

    oifrrmfft tee t n t in t , o n J i i i . t of t in

    I tt-ii

    Ri.snl\,ul, I h i t tli ii 1 i t c i n m i i t un

    tlit . ( . u u i l u o t o t t h e w a r In i h r r ti il tu mil

    h c t t h e o i i J i ILCO n u l l - g i r I to t h e I m

    b a r u u i t n u t i n i u t b^ ill i r l n . l s , o t ^1 i

    n a s ^ i S o f ' h i 1 r f m u n i ot i i lh- i i ' \ n J t il

    d i t r i o t t in J l m t i ii h t i t i b k i l l L i in b Lt t l c

    t l i i - rc u n u t i n t tliL su i 1 si ]r\ 27 li

    r i t inn U S si nit us lio w a s j - J H i n ^ his win

    duM o n t i n Hill nf N o v p i n i n r j n J t h a t In

    i i n d ol t h d Miimiil on t i n l i l l i I h

    p i i p i t n l o i o f t i n s foul n i n l r n H null

    s t q i u n t l } p o n i o t i ' d I j (li u l i i 1 p i i v L i n


    I ) r T M I l o t n i s t i n , I I r Kin o f t l i o

    I 1 t h \ w \ o i l , o t U i m l 1 i n • u n n t

    t j | 1 u r i ' I i t H u l l R u n , t i l i t > t l i il W ' I L I I

    In o l n It d p L i u n s s i n u t o r i n i i i n o n t h e

    li t I d l u i i - t o i t i t n d t o w o i i n 1 J i u i i , s o i n

    cit w h o m n i ' r c i n i I I L I ] l e i - r m l p u n i u l

    j i ( n l i l i i n i in H I i I ( b u t n l

    n i l ) II ixi In u t fcuit i i n d P I o u \ -

    I s ' c i p i ii ' I n I J I I I II i I I I t B i s

    w i n n f J n i t n i l i \ h i n t d , i n r o

    ' i i l l j L i r I ' m i r t | t i t i i i i i * . , t l i f y -

    • I I I M i n t l i i n ~ I i l l l o r 2 4 l i n u i ,

    ^ 1110 Ll I I I M J ( | V I s T i l 1 M n i r K

    mon no t o u l \ of h l i i « « , tin 1 111> t i '^ i -

    ' m i n t , but ol o t l u r i gui) u t s l l m n i t -

    in IM ti.-r [ l o u n ton in r R i r d to tin b r n t n l

    o p i r it n u n on C o r p i n l F n ' i m t t l i t1 i l o " t j t t i t i n t a t t i i ho hunse l t h i d k t n1 l t i n o i o l to R i c h m o n d , when spud d ono

    dav with his ftet on the win low sill, thosintr ouM di cil l id to him to t ik t111 iu in, iu 1 on looking out lio 3aw thuieuti\ nith Ins inuikot ooi-ko 1 mil point

    I L ! i* him, nnd Mlthdiow in time to sive| Inn lit Hi givoi (,\idi.rioe of the oiro

    los , hoirll i is, itid ornol minnci m whichtin i lrgoons oporntml upon our nun —P l t M i l ll IVIU^ 1(11 l i l l llllKinil, All

    t t n i r I W I K I d i \ s l H u r t i n b i t t l i , In

    M L\T sf)un o f t h 1 I r i n o u l o l d n i s u n h u i i t 1

    o n t i n h I I i n I i h t l n H n i l d W i l k1 i n ^ n r o u i i 1 i i o r L a g n a t u i m y V o u i e n

    l^lo i t i u ^ o \ i r l l i ^ h o r r i d s i ^ b l

    I I In i ^ ol D i |i' r g m i n , o t u n o o l l l i

    ' N iv Y r k r L H I I n t s , i s n i o n t u i n 1 !>\

    D i S \ i l m ' \V li ii Et t t in j» i n t o I n s

    i m 1 j ii 1 i n t i li o k i l t i i I m m \ n m i n i I 1

    • t - b y t l f F - T c h p l


    j in;-',01 i n •

    onlyI "1 n 11


    fTIV. ll t n I In 111

    f I 1 I l l t t l " 1 t o ,_

    woun 1( ' , the s

    A min li foolish to bo lenlous of a /jooduomnn, and a donnrtblit ftol to bi- ]i ul |ous ot .1 b id ono •"

    _ It is forluiiitc fur Fot tuue that slit ii |-blind, ulhO slm niiplit. b]oah__tO-b.i-lH)ld t)in"

    p rtroiTTii. s

    No luin ih TlTTjufi_wjniig A rfm*trTTKTtot po at all la right twitftiri Twtn-

    ty-four hours

    Wo hhuuld iound t-vtr^ d ly of stirringfiction with an evening of thought Wi-lt irn notlung from our experience UnleaBI F muse upou it



    ISO * 1ST lVcit IVnuhiDgtDii Mnrln-l, N. V.

    C. P . JOHNMON, NKW YOHK. I'JII0MA8 UyTgHEH. rBBBHOtn,!?. J.April 10,18(51, tf.


    Mount ..&.Jimeson,WH0LB8ALB COMMISSION D1ALEEB

    ' ALL KIOTS 01 OODNTnY SRODUOB,ift ai4 wen Wailiiiiittaii Mnrkii, H. V.

    Botweon Tgsey and Fulton Strsota*OBOROB W. FIEtDBB. ABIJAB 0, JIODHT.


    ^*AII orders r$e$ys$4 will bs punctnalty at*id [ U ® t f

    TUos. A. mount A Co.,

    ^ . a U T w l JVmhlltBloB

    ^^^A-'&i.yi-Kf "FIiAiK, HEW



    —S. -ft.T

    i J.-D. I»vi3, Now York.— — -Hlh [ l 6 3 »

    . ^vMBLi D » , rk.ThoB. A. MbuiiT, HlghtstowB, [inrl6.3io»

    ISRAEL PEAUCK,Justice of the


    ; AOENT FOR7T .T

    ' [Attg.'T. HBl-tft

    W l i r n , i t 11s t , t in y-wi i t

    > lo Ih li ll , ol o u i

    j s t in ^ j j j_on_J&ui iULiu j i

    J Iti. pi u t i n u o p L U t i o o ^ , b u t

    iri t rn- . i t i n i u nil I I t i h n >o m j ; n

    s i s t i n i , 4 i M iriic ot t l i i i n w j t h n o m o i o

    k u o u l i d ^ p o l i i l n i t in ^ 11ti n ip t il l o d o

    tli in i n i p o t l i t i n s LII r k , 1 in I I t i r t l n r ,1 tli 11 t i l t ^P In \ p 0 1 n l i t (1 s u t _?i on pi r

    fi 1111 1 I , I i t i i i u p o n i i u r II

    uio^>t l i o i i i b l t in IXU-W-T—-t- by tlrn- Tchr-N "Wh -ntol 1 tin m »h i lio iv iVthe./ m l th \

    tti u l d t i \ > R j t i l i n g i l l i t i t h i m , i \ h i 'i

    tli \ d i 1, i K i u n l i u ^ l inn in t in lif; H i

    h i l Ins b i n n i m , n u d I m s ^ u r i on In

    h o o t s , n n l uf t in y d r o v e a l u i i ^ I m - ipm^

    w o i i l i ( l t t h in t in t i l l h o u ' i il t h t tun

    b i l i o " , fvii>iinE b u n t ' Hlim k w i t h

    i n o i i \ " ^ n olTn r r o l l u p , tin 1, p lu i

    HiK 111' p i s t o l t o h n l i o i d , tliw uti noil t i

    nlioot h im il h L i n l i n i i o l t i ^ t n itn —

    I li i H i on S u n i i } , t b i d 13 of tin, b i l -


    O n of llio i n u t mi) r! n i t w i l n n s i s

    w i s d noi il .) IIIK •) j{ K n i t t t ' , w i l l

    L I I I B I I m \ \ i-,lnni;t( u u n J t l n o i i ^ l i o u t i h

    ( , o u u t i \ , l i l t l > p r o i n o l t d fur l i n diirwij.'

    «nd st If i ii r i f i n n n o o u n g o A f t e r h u v

    m j ; hoi n wound* 1 in tlio b a t t l e of Hul l

    R u n , I n w i s t n p t u r u d , a n d (if he 1 iy In . l p -

    l ( ) i on I m h i n k , i p i r l \ of n hi I i pa i-

    -Jln^ h im i n o d m i l , " K n ii It o u t b w

    hi u r i , t h o d — 1 Y m l i o " H e m( t

    Ir mi nil—1> m r i ' i r d , un—t*W—ftttftnat-

    i n c o , o n h i j m i i I m s e n i o r nt tn T i n l i d

    ^ t i i a M i l i t i r y Y e n ] m y , w h e n h itll

    i f i i f c d u u i i i f d H e l i i d m i l t in r j b r l

    " m i il in i h nthe buttle held until Tuesday ni^bt and

    tBeir wounds weft oonipletely %\ue withlarva^ deposited there bj the ffien, Wviriglaid dnt thrpueh all ^the. i»|n Ktortn ,otMonday, and tjoe hot, eultry 4nnsfcin« ofTntt^f-*' ~c a


    W is JinrflirinH.j ]±y iwymtn^—m-lTi^—i. tUiIdt rf'lh it tht\ jbould illow l)r Swilm t ibe present, for I wanted ouo Union manibtri, il I died under the opeiation Ilu

    eS and the band slipped from_^_ utanother opomliou

    s anotherbom «J3 silted off


    -WJika alkrj.ho junj^ut mon, md bcfnro ithi ili-d, -I IUI removed to the ttbaecofiiotory "

    Ino opdations wore B ibi i| lonllj porfoi med on Tranoi —o ie ut Turlre-nMnnriio, nnd one it Htnoklyn, New\urk—ufler his reltaiu fiom ciptiM

    wrnr] 'pjirnvr VINO m r l)t \D —A Washing-

    ton OOrrospoiiduiit gives tho followingaeoo'int of (Im process of embilmingadopted tlioro

    Tfec body is placod on MI inclined pli tform the mouth, cars, noao, , Dodge, Sena,tor from Wisconsin, and l>ia son, Augus-tus C Dodge, Senator f om Iown.

    Gtn Janus Shields is tho onfy manwho eter reprpseuted two Statca in tilernitfd States Senate At ono tim>,i>a

    Senator from Illinois, and snbsh-ontly Senator from Minnesota. (

    John Qumoy Adams held* position*jinder thu Government during eiery Ad~ministration from that of WaabuuttoqpLotlntof Polk, during which ho diod. d obud been Minister to England, member ofboth housts of Congt-esi. SoaratAry ofLS atL, and Priiident of the UmteaStates lie died while, a member of theHouse of Representatives.

    '1 be onh instanoe where threo brothers' tcupiid SLI(3 1,1 the lojVLf House at thosauie time, was when Elihu B. Wasbburnen prt-un-tnl the First District in Illinois,Israel Wasbburne, Jr., tbo Third .Dis-triet of iMaivio, and Cadwallador Wash-burno tbe Third District of Wiscou-

    \ S K I M I Qi t n i i ) \ s —There arc few go-sttniih ot n ore dil iciej thin interroga-ting S ibb i tb S IKIOIH tspeinlly youngv h u l i r i This i>. HIIOHII In fbo cipert-IMIOO related of a olcrpymnn in Maine,who was opposed to having mirth ill•iun 1 n Si bool He tbounht it injuriousTo nil, nml unnecessary for tlio 'entertain-ment of (be children. He offered to ad-dress the school, anil show that they(.ould be well entertained seriously —The following .dialogue ensued —•

    "Chi ldren , I am /joing to toll youaiout I2o&!i:. Who knows who—Peter-was V

    No ,iii\ur wn m idi." Oiunot any one—(hose largo girls—-

    tell me who I'eter was .'"Still no reply" C a n m>y little boy or. girl in tha

    school toll 1110 who I'eter wan *'*" 1 can," said a little follow in the

    fart her corner." A b , that's a pood boy. Now you"

    mine up on the platform by lny side, andstuud up iu this chair, and tell theso girUwho Peter was * — — _ .

    limitrv ylid is lije.njjiJjiiL jTnd in thashrill \ 011.0 f » U A t t 5 i f L

    " l'et(-i;, Poter, punkin oatcr,Had :i wife and couldn't keeper—"

    At ibis point bo was stopped, but notbefore the full point was taken by thaMIIIOI, mil Mothir (loose's point appre-Mated,

    ~~ Changing- Step,

    -sfcp" riMtilt 111 mutual misery Ooca-I O I I I I ^ , by ic idont, thfy full mtn keep-

    ing http for n nliile, and tor a tiuio theymove- h irnnnioualy and happily with.nuorful idcnifiy of motion But, fordiu niu«L_pj.i t, lheir-j)r-ogrcS3-Consiats of alu heious jogj;li tj jerk, fonrfully trying toeotnfort nud temper Tlm 13 but a tjponid illuslr lliixi of tbe discomfort whichomo men endure through life, for thomi[ It w mt of not knowing whon to

    " thinge Btep " For eiqmplo. A manmnrrioF His wifo 11 in almost ovorything1 fit help mute, but »he-has, and who ha«jnotj IILJ ltt'lo ltifiimities As lone aathey jog nloug hfe'a load in tbe doublehirncssof matrimony, "keeping atep,"thay are hoppy nnd oomforlable , sudden-ly, sonic little eoeontricity, a foible in onoor tho other, laterferea «nh. fb^plffB^pt(ouocrt7 I hero 19 auuoyanos, and oonfua-lon They have " lost —step."- Now,fnend^ is jthe- ttnro"To change step Don r tStuBbornly trudgo along at your ownpaoo, but sLilfully, for tbe moment, humor_joui jokefolluw chaneejitft,—¥oTT"vftllpoon 6rirJi_Ji.y-»r-tTKn^Ttion so easy as to bo-.."notie-ed, that both have returned to (heorigin il and natural Order of maroh> and)ou mil have escupod one of the"brezes" whioh, trifled with, sonletimesan ell into fearful storms, in which tibofu)rest hopes and affections

    i forever. —

    The sums cleared by our naval officersby the cipture of vessels trying to ran theblockade will make some. of.them nob.—Flag Officer McKeene's sbire of jjrJsitmoney, for instance, already auonubTttiabout fTOO,000, whilo another offioerhasdlcarpd $49,000. The sailors,come in for a proportionate ab«re.Ot.Ui9total amount cleared by the sale of thesevessels and their eargoon, ypoor fellow who shipped with-property than tbe olothes onwill leave the navy With a lprovision for his old "age SX

    To the quest ion Ma million dollars, ithe mint answer^ «of one million doltrency in gold i» 58,TOJmakes 4,479 Ww. ^ fti Vttuns and a quarter,, reokopink

  • • worthy tfc be reoorJed, ii- Mr; Alex»ndor Duke, ofJeaUta* tb»t while on a

    worms With, tba'exooptionaMi,warfttbe Boat thriftyf grtoh treei he OTer law,

    of thelf •yperiojUkiffiITa

    obwryiBg that thoie parti.often timber into wbioh nilli had

    : i • • • - • < - •

    Hy louod.- When^ about a jreir old, ha drove* tonpenny nail through Mis body,,*$$: tfcff jtound M poiiible ; while theb»l»no» « f - H i orohard bad graduallyfoiUd, ink BnaHj^ieldid.intiraly to the.Ifcf»f»i:of the worm!, theia throe ttpoi,«elWit?d i t random, treated preoilt!; inibs>mme wsODtr with the «zgept!on of

    : the nailing, had always been Withy, fursiablPg bi™ at the Tory period with theOTW>le»t profusion of the molt luaeioua

    Isomctrlcai Perspective





    Thip work ,is oommended to the iitteu-lion of all who are interested in



    8i FEKT LONtJ. 1 5i FEET-WIDE,

    fruit,; It uiwppoied .that tho salt of iron*" *« |^W by thi naila ii offeiiii?o ta tho

    } , wUlla His harnilcai, pirhopi

    ;|gj| writer on the aubjoet lays :

    •• t i a oiydatlon or mating of tho iron byth« lap, eTolvos ammonia, whicli, as the«ap riiei, will of eourgo loipregiinte astryjMtiele of foliage, and prove too ievoro* dose for the delioutu palate of intrudingIiweoU." The writer reootanienda idriTing half a doiin nails into tooi l i f h kiwporiBDonts of tho kind have ro•tilted luooetafully.

    A BlOBY OF A CHIOKEN.—We osiiTonoh for the truth of the following, wlilisb

    ,,ii »bout tho most curious ehiukan storythat we bava over heard, A friend whokaep* ponltry had two heni wliiob

    tWM not Eliogqther;favorable, although,ifiir: Mrhilo, the bjpdi maonged to di-vlfa the eggs. Only ono oliieken waithatched from the whole neat full, Uoilihem nndortook tho diiliea of mother tothii otaioken, Bind were qmtu-niethBrly for• Week, when' both took -it • •rnttr'lheifbjsiija to ffl to roost tLnlgjik utterly ragirdlcss of tha loud "prjep! pijop!" of

    "th**'deMrted ohiEken, whjoh onuld notfollow thorn. Tho Hltli1 fullow mitrmgetltf> fly npon thfl tnp of n bnrr>>I, where,snriooaly enough, the old nook —(ho head

    »nd, roosting upon the bnrrul, ihultnrcdhim nndtr hii wing. This ho now dcelnightly, the hens taking ours of the obioIn the day time, who iu thriving well under thii tSMia of materniti a,nrl patornal

    Journal, ~ " - ~r—

    If «ny poison ii Hwsllawud, drink ia•isntly half a glass of oool water.with ahasping teaspoonful enL-h of uommon suit•ni ground mustard itirrad Into it; thigfonitt^aioon as it jjajjhoB the stoniaob ;

    ggnJf̂ oT I he poison still ro>

    •ntri^^1*"* '—TJieio MiusljinrH firr betinr ftdapt^dthiin nny oilier sowing-mnriiirn?Bin mrLrkat te tlse!>eqti43ht ahutigtsi} Riid iUinoat. u'ljUhM? viirhity ufiiuwin^ requiff;(i In it finniiv, Thny will a*?w frei*1 iu ̂ 0 thiaknyssos qf MjiV îUilea wlthnui utop-plnif; unfl mtike pynfylMtfiii jiHrffi^t, Th«y willeven sow fruui thn flnVht giiuiu ia tho hmivis'fiteiutbj and UVMH itoiit, h ' H iimMiyr, wltlinut aH-«fing thu ftisii, ncu'dlHi "f iisti!iioo, or making ft-

    iuMuMtiiHUH *-f ffittaijinv wlmlsVer. Inn^tsiuehfiuliinQ bi'St iidaptyd to fuiBitynau^ snd if

    l i usfn why not for everyiiiufiL'H uru f Fnr worky M *uhiuef wt* roGQm^

    vtirioty oflighl sjjwhtoo byuVy lur t»uf Fnmnd our Ia,rgtr HivM

    TACT Ny 4,—Tiiusa "antie aeam of any fjuvery ^ruatiiiiportfthLlDJ k i d ai 11 hiiiL

    inukc the moat •;]=hiny in u^y—^afiot

    iiig elft*U§ gasds, of


    hlistj is more durfililtj, y

    ' f*(U:li of she iibovs fusts.iook tho JiSghya

    FAUT No", 5,—No M,-ply in ifs iHmslruetiTllB rUtllllHli'ill Oftwill fully di,inonstr

    FACT No.'O.—'rlioHij'rumiiim lit tbe-Frsriititri Institute, Hllillida,

    F . ' " ! ' No. 7 —.Tlir..™ Mnoliiim took the lll_lioatPr*tuiuin at the New Jersey Stntij Hiilr,

    FAUT Kg. SI — These Maiihinea togk din HighestAI#?iln 1 ut thy ,4uiyl'k-iin iiisiilui*., in this Cify ofKtjW York, tngiitluT with the iiighyatsFroniiuuifor IliioSuniiilj Sliiohiiiu Work,

    PACT Mu 9 —.'I'IIUBU M/iihliicri tiinydiutu toivu,

    A goyu aadOF'.tayBt of



    JinHIfcliank.sell to glim iriter satufartiinl thin any at/ir.r | SPADES, SI10VBLS, liOKS, CHAIN'S, 11AKHS,Sitting-Machine ill, M,irkn, or muitiy refund- j n n j tt gonurul iissorlment of KitrmuH Fisvurus,

    TABLE AND POKKKT CUTLliliY, vurylng Inee iioeorJing tu quulity.Having boon lung In buNimsas, uiiil hiiil muyh

    poriyneiSj he liopeij by uuiiNiilting the wiiiiLHy! ii lalinatnmera aiid Hlrjyt litteiitigii to tlsoir yulls, 10morit uciiiiiinuiuiiM! ofpubliu pntrimii:

    | _ ^ " Partietilur atti'ntioi! pnid to 1},

    ed.Jjj^Bond for ttjOlroular, AU-ENT8 WANTED


    juifi.Cim . No. O.!H iiruitdway, ^tiw.Vork.

    Great Improvements Iu

    TvrACHINES. w;

    I'ARLOE iind

    . H. FOIilfAN.

    SHUTTLE MACHINEPatented Februsiry 14, 1850,

    SALESIiUQM, filii BROADWAY,NEW yuan. . |

    This. Mrchino in e(instriifti.d On an fn'Jrtl.v new iprinciple yif iiiyKhuiiiNni, yn±:i\i*\tig many r.ifu and ivaiiiiiUlo ioipruwni'-nlii, iuyin;; bwmi uxinningd by |111': mom profound i.-ximrU, .mil ptnii"iin™U to be iilSIl'^IOlTY nud PBIirijcTliiN "UuMlllNKD. I

    "raTnwTnR—irrtr-tiTS"prtnja)Jiti-oyt6t4-nj ui ged |t Bi wiiig Mucliincrf! -,^fatigue gct^ti

    to 4. !ne:iir.toity to sew ev.try de^giiiitiiiw yf ma.


    A IjenevelwH Institution eHebUthed hyamria• JSmlowuirjit, fur the I\ehi\fiifthe Sictinil /'('•

    in used, iiffliitid with riru/eiit and UhmniDiacuzEZ, and trutrially far the Cure of Ultra.«.• of tlie Sexual Qeg.i'ii's, ,

    M l i U l U A L ADVICE (jivuii grutU, V)' thu A Surgeon, to nil who iitiijl.r by lullur, will:i iidj^mlptitiii.ut thglr-uQuditiiiii,-(«go, oyyupiitifjii

    | Ind ill" 01 life, ito.,) mill ill esRiJi of yilrumy jiuvyr

    ] olbi-r

    Aplli-lf JOU.NSTOJJ

    IOHSI nf iiin*j iu rMjiiiirin^,


    I t lin^ n Btruiirlii n t i i l i e pir|ii:;ifliciji,'ir ]ittiiin,rnr,lfefi i 5 t

    h,' L u r k or p-HU-'l"I'MJ I s l l l t 14, n-liii/h will i ivl t i i t r il l l l 1 i inr H A V I I L , mill in liiilir nil ji'-.lli pidin i \n-p- I

    [l l.i 'utlii 'r to ill , ' fintHt ^;ih^'i!jk .Mupllii, w i i h c u i - j, liiitii or ̂ ilk t h p . m i , frjtii thu yFiflf-i;Bt:to tlie"tlu-

    lo Ihf i-barg!!

    ! i . _ j 3 _ B . S . i , , i i t t j . . . r j ] i . o H . . « nJjiNMn--i:H of tliij Si isual Urg.nris, t,.nd on til

    l f J in Ilia pla.liLigLJ rHffli'j'JS in s«tik>l lutturoiiveloiit'S.Two or thrdO .Si,'iyips for pystitge

    VOll TII1J

    in ~Ewrf^



    Fur 'Cementing Wood, Leather^ Glass,Ch '

    gIvory, China, Jihr'blt, PorCf.laiii,

    \ ' / t f h l B f Lv.1 JAMBS. W

    KBW York.MIt ought to etiind in tho very high trie kinrl over produ-

    will svitlisiund Witor.WtESSMAKFBIIUK


    W. AVEIIY, fl, a/, Arpil 5, JaOO.—

    Htriking grnphJo illuftrutioHM of

    VE^l ' .v i 'ANTiL l tON MUOSIlM MAKI-J1W.

    tbia rish anei biiautifiil unp a§ u(ili!irit.^!jluJjiyi44+iiinnir>vTn bg Mb.Aiiiuriyiin Cym

    s i I t in ao , e e the lite lyperthat is clean, Uive them to him whoso anffryhumors have planted vhnuiii:,tiur,i ln l,i, !„!„,„ ^,,ihones % move him, iind ho sereeehus

    • - - " : ' - • • -"'J i--*-t's*>,^, ,Mja3 i^ ^ t i i i n , aUU t o

    nduyy this 1m hua put up tho InvigoraUnrj Spirit inJjiut botlluB, ill u(iut!i,,quar.t8jl.

    Uuiiuriil di.[jot, U Wutor Street, N. Y QanoraAgent lor I'liiluduluhia, T. W. Dlot 4 S.m, iiittJiorth SoeoLid Hi.

    For miiu in llightatawn, by J, H. WALTERS,md Irii Hiinielf.

    ssokl in Uruiiberry by John 8 Davison,' and byfiiriiea 11. Cunoyur

    U o o , a l , l B u g . _ l |


    -n—Mit-r ft- r-'-'.'-j'.'ii'T. T t *° .1-^—P^TC-W k f l yu M ', y p g Many of thu'Tunca

    Hymns worn writton o*[iruraly for this VolLt ill soon be a p i i

    ft r .Work, of uiiiirly yuuanil Hymns worn w t o[iruraly for this Vol

    Lt will soon be a« popuiur us its prodeeesiiorI IJu 1 i No. 1} which hua" run up io tha oiiofiiinuBiiumborof D75,OD0 oopios in 3 years, outBtrippingliny Sunday. Sulluol buok of its sisu leaned iu til iscountry, Al;o,"biitlj Voluufairsrb bouiid hrtiiirto'iiiiuomniodutu silhooft wishing them in that t'urm,Priuys uf Boil No, 2, pnpur covers, laiiunts, 811!"lou Iiuund, 2aoi cnuihol of a utiuA PhyBieian—ir you emu if not, tiike ilium jtiriieiuuely Wy suuli

    they ||_uh


    1 0 pb.und unibossed-gilti 60 u r f i O

    f at the retail priocJfcATJiiUSJ»iib

    ihll 1U0 prioo,fiO per 100,—


    4S1 Broiidwiiy, New York.

    nsimsibr. - ]liiivliik'. i oi thiT i ;AM nor UQ(1 W I I K H L , anil t he \

    L.:ir-t ]i\]*hi.ibj l i i i tiMlJ, it riilis H^ ̂ lllyiilli ,l.>.MJaMi-ltBi.:

    ,?IIiH€liIt CIIAPTliK Mo, 37'miya

    A NEW FINOTNa UOOK FOE DAY SClIOOLfloailijd the WAY BUIIOOL now rHiuiy, I tOLinialns about. 200 p'nges of choice Bofigs, H'unds,Cali'hes. DuoMS, Trius, Qu:irloltfi, and Chorimps,miiny of thoin writlun espreiisly for this work, b esldu'aa pu||es of tho Elonieiits of Mualu, Tho Ele-ments Ore so easy und progressive, that ordinarytoiiubora will Hsd thrniseivus Mnliroly sunnrFfful 4IInairneliiiK even yii'm a'si-liolarii tn nii'ignmrcetiynd ggU-nUfigaliy, lvhily the tunys uiirl yiaftU iimii

    h h i f i i l i

    .i ^olsrlcss Machine, | Ip l l IS braiieh ef Ilii- Or

    It rwqiiirt--' Str Pi ;P. CITN'T. !(••»hua any uth./r Mii,:Liiim iu tna Ii; Isf iit-i: yaii i v i k !L A*' rdiiv, Wilho.v t " hii:illh. l l i -tii-iiutli nil,! H ' . I

    fM f Y ot' r m i - t n i ' t n ! ! ! iiMiiiu! it ̂ iif. t i.'.t ni uriliir, mid i-

    ru-pec'trully invitii all th'iae wh-, in iv dihi.?iHiJvi.^yiltli-u uvii.-ju, to

    ^ 1 AC'IJIKK.dij

    ])"ir-r tn fit-ivy itA tjiIJ 1" ytfti'i

    t niti^lie 01 inju*IIIMI'I.I HI.MPiiloM impf^tiil;!*' !o

    j N i i o Ui

    TLIII a n d

    ostHulishel at Jlijflita^Q y l d bngvohMir/but

    liti'fiiiy in its I'u'ii'r'iidter, utvi oll'urs f.ieiliiios foriiiuiitiil iiulluru, ratlyiiiil aintiaomunt. und sogijtlininrcmiri-p, uBonuiilli".! by iiiiy sipgietyin Hill plnoe.Initiiillon li'fl SJ SO. Yeiirlyduos'Sl OH. lluiieiitaiu aigkueas $'J 00 per week. Funeral bgneiitssau uo,

    Anieriuline liutweiULLtJlfi new of eighteen-.imil-Foi ly.llvg. d4.'yiring to beeomq members, will lie fur-uiflii'.l with ooplOB of tho bylaws by applying at

    l i " office.Fil urn liiilfl

    TTt!K riF M,irillXi:S, C!ONPLUTE.:Nil, 1, LT |;';in,ii,. ALnit'iiiif, ^-i^^ Vfl '•? SBllilLjdili

    SlauilfiiiiliirinK, I«U. No. 3 LUIKIJ mm du,f JTs:~T''..'.


    THEJffiEOES OF EEACES: • • • • • . ASD

    The llc-roci Of War!

    W^ wniit Agent* fur nil tnwiis in the United Rtnteshl're aueut iei aru nut liiready tfluibli^luil, to win,inliberal cii^ijuimt will hn given, (mi we make no con


    ; ANTHONY,_ l j . ivjLpli hXjah

    No. 601 BROADWAY NEW Y0HK-i l l ( h j i



    ~~TnrKTT5nOTT5Tns"oT>aTnnrMiide "inters

    J JUBefcTOi i t i n t l j on huhd * * » d

    _ merit of 0PFI01 ridPAftfiOO()OiaJ}GJTpTBii,mit«bl» for mtj Mingthtf"j^sr, wirieh gsnno^bo i d i H h l ilof eoynlry, either in regRfd

    ECONOMY? E T I H t f or UCRADILITIrALSO, afull masrimsBtsf ro»dr niado TIS.'JA.

    PAKKED AKB 8UEBTIR0N WARB, whioh hewill *e_U %\ i*e wry lowest a ASH ER1GES,

    T4if.Rooflng'Jl€a4eri and Cutters, ;

    the maiiuhDtoretiUliTTirroriirroet_.»»*rfc{-|r;'Vr,, Morrii may feftsaaahly.liOpB to merit thsand pdtaoDfigf. of the public.

    ISiBlfl Mtentlo illgf f the publ

    I S B p l f l Mtentloji will be the q«stra.jtiott of sol hi in the lafeit aad most apprB»edjp»B

    Lloyd Wilbur, -J, C. Sertii^L =IJApril laViisiSlfl

    a d g g U y ,j-ajtiiiBhj>_viirhjiy of f y i t r a u t i v

    tirring.iii(retBTtinl««iHimeiilsrtliatlID-i d I i l j ll b l

    .. „. , . . r t ioublu willc o.xpuriunyyd In iiiduuiu^ nil bujjium'™ to (50,011

    with z o a r i n avqulrinji t i l l ! I11 0110 of thy niii.«, biiiiiity.iiiipruvini;. hiip|ilin:sa.yiiild-ilig linil order produoiiig I'SfTiiitHf of wjhiiol fifu.—In simiiiioiiy of ito Myuiunts, in vilriyly and mluii.tulioii of liluBio, and in oxeellynyy of its aijnjjN, ori.jrii ul, Hi'lsistcd, lincl adiipteil, it ulnliua by niiiyh toesa ' l .ill conipVtitriHr-ttni^ll~binnun'il~i5*BB" thobesi hook y\fur ifsuyd for Buiniiirirliia, Aondi'liiioiS,und Public Si-hiiols. A (ii)y lulnple Tliig'Jii of the

    '"". are given iu "u niriiul-

    , Author of- '.-Sabbiith fchooi floTu.iiifNoa, i unil 1, whiuhjiuve hiul-thq uiiormous Balu of•Si.UOO .JHJiiiiHiiTyeais, Friiief, pajinr eov«ra. 20unli, iifl per lop j bound, 311 oonts. Saa jii-r KlU j

    oloth bound, emhosaed gilt. JU eunia, MO ptir IuOi23 eopiei f uruiahed at lliS lou pnuii. M i l d f-ftbif retail prieo,.

    HOEACE WATEns, Publiahw.febl3-ll'm4-n' 481 Broadway, Now ^

    linii,^ ut thi, tiuninn riii.e, -firf r-ast out like tin. "devilsof old —• they inusit IIHITIIW in tHr bruteyrintHii liiosea. I'iii:i'2-5 ri'ui« m-r b o s — j htisca for j 1. -

    Through a trial of iiumv vizirs mid throiij^h everynation of eivilized nii-n, Avinf?, Cm imv Pi^t TinuiL1ms hoen found to iillurd ninre rr-livf und in iiuryninre yasen nf piihniuiiiry IIIHOJISJ-. tiniti any ntlirrrcmHy ; Snin.n 10 munjiiiiit, linmt, 01 uppormitlys^ltled eiHi^i!ti?ptii.iii inivi; beyn t-yryd by it; andthoii.Hiinds of hiilTi.riTH who » H I . di-ernucl hi-rnnd tllfreaoh of huiniiu aid hrivr ba,-n rehlnryd to theirfrlyildi and usr.fulm-h.., to sound hyiiith and theeiijiiyineiitK.iif lifii, by this nil.piiweifill antidote toili^rniififi ^f_ilu> liin;^ nmi ihrnilt Ujir,-. p f.j-!'j lindsettii'd [in thy liiii!>«. The drj-j hiieliing eoujth, the(jliiHsy eye, und thy paly, thin fciilnrt-h of hiiil whowiiS'liitel}' hraty-ilid Bti-oiijji-ivhiMpijf to oil- liiit-him--'-ni;is.-;i:s a lioiue. =_

    Aiiili'i'ntiiMleil'BC- (if It-eii! fnrt>~, vrith dirnc-iionH for thy treiitinuut of each eompbiini, iHi>y bs

    , fiiiiiid in Ayiir'i Anivricitn AHivmni", of which' jvepublish thryy milliiins, uncl i-efiitor thi-rn lirnsdeubt ' • 'evyr til*.- enrth, in order thrit tho siek Vvery wheremuy hiive liernri! thrm the hi^rtu»iiuii-it 01*1111111111.

    _ljrni;MUts iillil 'kiiliira. in.muiUdiie- junamlH• h;.»-o •Tlhern for distrlliutinn pwti«, and nUn lor snle t h n s . ^ _ —

    rdnleiliyK, pripiiriid by Dil, ,1, C, AvJili,-Priiytiyiiland Aiialytiyal ChomistrL " — - " "

    iPAXTON * MOUNT, Hinhistown; Benjamin MClark, Oriinborr.y ; 0. Vanilorbeiik, AUentown ; CO.Morris, Wlndior; and Dealers oTerywhore.

    jtuniCAL IltBATiaB OS TttB

    P JPagei and^SfltrfreeW


    j S n g r a j j o e 0,,jitoallpartaofthotfnW.'and mattirity, illaslosing

    is as easily niadh with It, as niiiking Ronp. Jlnnufiujturiid only, by tho Uuienioes.—

    Pa, Salt Blaiiufactupiinn


    WITHrt iiHiylo ol Liquid Oluo ever made. Al

    wny».roady for-BSovirndBlwiiys useful'In ovory fit.mtly, and every plaoe of business, II mohrti svoSy p

    id saves tewtsnBnli;,norrilly, binding


    ffiproTcd Supcr-iiliosiiliaic ol Linif.

    tTroitifjot yout,. ... „,

    lheseorotfol|iosnf both •e^gsof allngea, dnusing dc-hi!it3_nervou«ncssrdejire»slqnof!iplrita, pujpitntisnof tnri*hr:arMnioiflal i(hiif(ining8,iuvoiniitary inilj 'nations, liln:'IuiiK«. defective inyraorv_ilid_g«_aDiiI lisa! tude,w//A mnhfMBMf^tbM^rftnUirist of a

    ^nfjgra~V.allegeatiiHinJjjtyiting-~"~- „ , , iitruthful adyiiurtirthoiniirrlLd antuse oojUejuplntlBgiiiarriiigo, whoentertaininoret

    aojiJjlB (if,.UioiJU!liy.«iealjpiiiil tian, and ar.Bionioio'u*ofliitviiiRhiKiiriled thohonlth, linppiuejuandpriTlUe jus iu whteli overy liiinin uein g is onf" •

    YOUNO MKS who are troubled wiorally minimi hj- ii hurl Imliil III jinitfjlili"TmriMl11"1"''" r ' i 'T ffff'Ktilrittiri nirmnHmiiii»ringing of tho ours, weak oyys, weakhouof the *»aek__._l--uuil loiv Miei[lriiriiiitie».eoiifiiiioj, of idu — - " — ~ •"

    piuesB ands entitled,lhj

    \\%&l%7tart\ieodoilrUinein Vii i f

    or tbo groiltor part of tlio piuit yoar drvot-In ViaiUlug tksKurepeaji Hospltiil»,iivailon of the knowledge and resuarehea of tho

    Surgeons InISuropi t h i T i r

    our eare wjUjiuil hn 1 u tllij nniioiiolobaitomudfos whioh m iiri enabled

    to Intriiduee intojour piiwtisei_iiid-tta-pu;Blio nnroatu(|iured4jrttiosniOB'ibiil,OBfidul[ " —attention bo . . _ _ _ _ 7~_.

    utshednshorefoforo, 1in eurPeouliiirdepurtaiunt of professional prwiUie, _„__-for thy past 25 years. __———~E——-*1", thu_iHaWJi*-whioBTa« bees tested la thoui.jrfj^fforTOsos^nd never failed to nffcot apoedy snrsi. withoiit tiny bad rasults,will use none bnt D r ^ B L i .noy's Female geribdioal Pilli, Tbo nnln' precaution

    . , "•••"-'••-ikwhiSi»-iieU»l(«-r uein'ni_>_

    Tporsale hj thJ^Wttjrliiiw-roiTHrWgtr nr

    on tho wrappor iieeoiftpBiiynsg eaqfi box,) though »!•,»yssafo A hoMthy.Bo gentle, yetsoMtlvB are they.

    PrieeSipof hoi. They i«iboniailed toonyjatt .

    ' To iiiM LA^tBJjsMWnTOaTroonidentiiirineAoalicug»HMo aTiy orthofe interesting (wisp,loh, ihoir dohoBta ofeaniiatioa reodert

    them liable, nro piirlieularly invlfedipoojuiilt n t_ Tho 'ElBotro Oalvaniu PrtttMtiye,' forjnsiiindls,,di68 Hhuilo hHlilth wilijjfliiulB%nrfre5Ti«TB no do.sireJoJuiureawtiiyiriBmlliei.iMj b» ebtilnedH».

    -Wvo. Itisporfoetiysafo, andhMbeeiB«enil»«lyuBOil during ths pastl y a m . priee ndosed to 110,

    . I t s niporior emsl otried, and is»niorirBreBtdble and more pennnnenti_-in^ffeet»thBH.-PoroTlmi Otinno.— "~- " ~ " "
