To Kill a Mocking Bird Chapter summaries 1-5. Chapter 1 Scout, the narrator, remembers the summer...

To Kill a Mocking Bird Chapter summaries 1-5

Transcript of To Kill a Mocking Bird Chapter summaries 1-5. Chapter 1 Scout, the narrator, remembers the summer...

Page 1: To Kill a Mocking Bird Chapter summaries 1-5. Chapter 1 Scout, the narrator, remembers the summer that her brother Jem broke his arm, and she looks back.

To Kill a Mocking Bird Chapter summaries 1-5

Page 2: To Kill a Mocking Bird Chapter summaries 1-5. Chapter 1 Scout, the narrator, remembers the summer that her brother Jem broke his arm, and she looks back.

Chapter 1Scout, the narrator, remembers the summer that her brother Jem broke his arm, and she looks back over the years to recall the incidents that led to that climactic event.

Scout provides a brief introduction to the town of Maycomb, Alabama and its inhabitants, including her widowed father Atticus Finch, attorney and state legislator, their cook and housekeeper, and various neighbors.

From the children's point of view, their most compelling neighbor is Boo Radley

Page 3: To Kill a Mocking Bird Chapter summaries 1-5. Chapter 1 Scout, the narrator, remembers the summer that her brother Jem broke his arm, and she looks back.

Chapter 2-3Dill goes back to Mississippi for the school year, and Scout turns her

attention to starting first grade — something she's been waiting for all her life. However, Scout's first day at school is not at all what she'd been expecting. Why?

Scout's teacher, Miss Caroline Fisher, is new to teaching, new to Maycomb, and mortified that Scout already knows how to read and write

When Miss Caroline offers to lend Walter Cunningham lunch money, Scout is punished for taking it upon herself to explain Miss Caroline's that Walter refuses to take the money because his family is too poor to pay it back. Why was this worth a punishment?

Scout catches Walter on the playground, and starts to pummel him in retaliation for her embarrassment, but Jem stops her and then further surprises her by inviting Walter to have lunch with them.

Scout is then punished by Calpurnia for criticizing Walter's table manners.

Page 4: To Kill a Mocking Bird Chapter summaries 1-5. Chapter 1 Scout, the narrator, remembers the summer that her brother Jem broke his arm, and she looks back.

Chapter 4-5Scout/Jem/Dill/Boo Radley relationshipScout notices something shiny in a tree at the edge of

the Radley yard. When she goes back to investigate, she finds a stick of gum. Jem scolds her for taking the gum, but Scout continues to check the knothole daily.

On the last day of school, she and Jem find some coins in the tree, which they decide to keep until the next school year starts. (Why is this important…class roles)

Dill arrives two days later to spend the summer.Jem suggests they play a new game called "Boo

Radley,"Atticus intervenes, telling the children to leave the

Radleys alone.