TLR3067 NPIS Handbook · 1 TheNaturalProgesterone...

1 The Natural Progesterone Information Service Founding Medical Advisor: John R Lee MD NPIS Natural Progesterone Handbook NPIS, The Oak, Coolgarrow, Enniscorthy, County Wexford, Ireland Tel: 07000 784849 or 00353 539232 463

Transcript of TLR3067 NPIS Handbook · 1 TheNaturalProgesterone...


The Natural ProgesteroneInformation Service

Founding Medical Advisor: John R Lee MD

NPIS NaturalProgesterone Handbook

NPIS, The Oak, Coolgarrow, Enniscorthy, County Wexford, IrelandTel: 07000 784849 or 00353 539232 463


NaturalprogesteroneThe use of natural progesteronecreams was pioneered by Dr JohnLee, a Californian family doctor.Over a period of 20 years Dr Leeobserved the effect of progesteronecreams on patients who used themand proposed a new syndrome,which he named “oestrogendominance”, in which women suffer avariety of symptoms as a result of thetoxic load of oestrogen-likechemicals now present in ourenvironment and other factors.Dr Lee also proposed thatprogesterone is more important thanoestrogen in preventing osteoporosisand menopausal symptoms. None ofthese theories have yet been provenas Dr Lee was unable to funddouble-blind, placebo-controlled orcomparative studies himself. Double-blind, placebo-controlled trials withprogesterone creams are now underway in the UK and America.



A celebration of the life of John Lee MD 4

HRT – where do we go from here? by John Lee MD 7

Menopause the natural way 11

Understanding osteoporosis by John Lee MD 18

Some basic information on natural progesterone 22

Can men benefit from progesterone? 28

Case studies 30

How to obtain natural progesterone 34

How to use natural progesterone 36

NPIS Handbook in French and GermanFrench and German versions of the NPIS Handbook are now availableGermany/Austria: 0800 181 9781French: 0800 900 954

Important Please Note!Please note that NPIS is an information service, not an advice service. We cannot offer medicalopinions or answer specific questions on the medical usage of natural progesterone. If you needmedical advice please consult your doctor or one of the doctors listed on the enclosed insert.


A Celebration of the life of John Lee MDThis address was given at a Service of Thanksgiving for

John Lee at St Clement Danes Church, London.31st January 2004

Back in 1994, I was on the telephone to someone in America, working on a portfolio of health

products, when I happened to ask “what is all this fuss about progesterone in America?” “You

don’t know? Let me fax you something over right now.”

The fax sprang into action and a long, long fax started to roll out all over the desk. It was the

beginning of John Lee’s very first book Natural Progesterone, which he had published himself.

I remember grabbing the reels of paper and leaping into the car as my partner Brian and I went

off to lunch. “Oh this is amazing” I remember saying as I scanned the material, and I read him

John’s story about the druids the mistletoe and progesterone, which I’m sure you all recognise.

I wasted no time in tracking down the man who’d written this amazing book. “Come over to

England” I begged. “We’ll arrange a seminar for you, and you can put these amazing ideas of

yours to the British.”

He came, and gave his first UK seminar - by no means his last. The day before, we spent at

home with him in Sussex. “What would you like to do today?” I remember asking at breakfast that

day. “Aren’t we close to the battle of Hastings?” he said. We drove him to the battlefield.

As soon as we stepped onto the site, he took over, “you see Harold came this way from the

North. And William came up that way from the coast. William was at a disadvantage, as you can

see, because his men had to fight uphill. But Harold made a big mistake. Do you know what it

was?” We shook our heads, taken aback that an American, a Californian even, would know way

more about something that took place here nearly a 1000 years ago than we did.

“Breakfast!” he said, “That was his big mistake. Harold marched his men through the night to

reach William, but he failed to rest them or breakfast them before he sent them into battle!

Imagine how different British history might have been!”

That told me a lot about John Lee. He was a man with an insatiable interest in life, and when

he got into a particular subject he got right down to the core of it. He had obviously researched

the Battle of Hastings before he arrived.

This same thoroughness was applied to everything John did. One of the seminal moments in

his career was a lecture he attended, given by biochemist Ray Peat, at the Ortho-molecular

Medical Society in San Francisco, on oestrogen and progesterone. Fascinated, John collared

Peat for over an hour after the lecture, and took from him a list of more than 80 scientific

references on the subject.

Hardly anyone, except researchers, actually follows up scientific references. John, a family

doctor (what we call a GP) did. He got hold of every single paper Peat had listed and read them.

But each of those papers had at least 50 more references. John got hold of those and read

them as well.


After months of scrutinising those papers John Lee took the step that was to change his

life (and ours) so dramatically. He began prescribing a progesterone cream to his female

patients with osteoporosis. In doing so, he stepped completely outside current medical

practice. Yet he had investigated his subject so well beforehand that the results he obtained

exceeded even his expectations.

John remained a family doctor in private practice for many years after that, and by all

accounts he was an exceptionally kind and conscientious one, driving out to see patients who

needed him, when his contemporaries would have insisted on their patients coming to them.

He never became a researcher, never conducted a formal clinical trial. Instead he observed

each of his patients in detail, tested their hormone levels, tested their bone density, and above all

he took the time to talk to them. This was the old way of doing medicine, the way that doctors had

used to discover great medical truths for generations (alas no more).

It was his greatest strength. A researcher would have taken a small slice, a single item of

what John was observing and spent years testing whether or not it was true. John stood back, as

it were, and watched the whole spectrum of his patients’ reactions – and finally he saw not one

symptom but a whole syndrome – he called it oestrogen dominance.

It is given to very few doctors to identify a syndrome in human health. John achieved that and

dedicated the rest of his life to telling the medical profession and women throughout the world

what he had discovered.

That first book that had rolled through my fax machine, and which John had published out of

his own pocket, was followed by all the books that I’m sure you now know.

He had retired from his practice by then, and teamed up with science writer Virginia Hopkins.

They were taken on by no less a publisher than Warner who published:

What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause

What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Pre-menopause

What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer

They have been read by millions of women, doctors and researchers.

The effect has been enormous. It is impossible to calculate how many lives he has probably

saved, how many women have been spared from breast cancer.

The number of women who lead more comfortable and productive lives through the years of

menopause and beyond are surely many more.

Medical researchers have taken up the cause on both sides of the Atlantic, and the clinical

trials that need to follow John’s great work are well under way. They will continue for many years

until the practices that John first tested all those years ago in San Francisco have become

standard medicine around the world.

In spite of this enormous success, John never let it go to his head. He and Virginia shared a

passion for crosswords. He used to joke with her. “You know, I’ll really know I’m famous when I

turn up as an answer in a crossword”. A few months ago he called Virginia. “You’ll never guess,

I’m doing the crossword in the San Francisco Chronicle and I’m in a clue!”


But John wasn’t only interested in hormones. He wrote a much wider book on health called

“Optimal Health Guidelines”. Some of you may have heard him tell the story about the men in his

family, all of whom died from heart attacks before the age of 60?

John knew then that his genes were against him. This was the impetus that started him

researching all the knowledge that he eventually put into his “Optimal Health Guidelines”. John

was 74 when he died. He certainly outdid those genes.

John actually wondered speaking to Virginia on the phone, just a few days before he died, if

he’d been given an extra decade or 2 so that he could bring his message about progesterone to

the world.

When John died he had accomplished his mission. In the last year his position on HRT had

finally been vindicated. Now we know that HRT increases the risk of both breast cancer and

heart disease.

The day before he died John had finished his corrections on a revised version of “What Your

Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause”.

Virginia tells me that John was actually never satisfied with his books, always wishing he’d

made changes. But as he finished proofing this book he told her “This is a damn fine book!” He

was finally pleased with what he had produced.

John lived life to the full, full of gusto, right the up to the end. The night he died John and

Pat, his wife, had people over for dinner, including David Zava, the Saliva Testing expert, and

another close friend, a breast cancer expert. John was apparently on excellent form, laughing

and joking, slapping people on the back and telling stories in the way that only he did. Anyone

who has ever sat and listened to his stories will know what I mean. He died at 3am that morning

from a heart attack.

At the time of his death John and Virginia were working on another book called “Hormone

Balance Made Simple”. Virginia is finishing that and it will be published.

Virginia is also offering a free email newsletter to update us all on the developments that

result from John’s work. You can subscribe to it on

I’d like to leave you with a picture of what John loved best when he wasn’t pursuing his

beloved hormone. John and Pat lived on a farm in Sebastopol, California. He had a beautiful

white farmhouse with a wraparound porch looking out over fields. He kept chickens – you could

always hear the rooster calling when you spoke to him on the phone.

From the house he could see his red barn, his horses, a huge old fence overgrown with

berries that his grandchildren would raid whenever they came to visit. What John loved most was

to potter on the farm, just fixing this and that. Let us leave him there, relaxing on his porch, with

our gratitude.

Thank you John.

Celia Wright


HRT – where do we go from here?John R Lee MD

This article was John Lee’s last, written especially for NPIS

The recent Lancet publication of the Million Women Study1 (MWS) removes any lingeringdoubt that there’s something wrong with conventional HRT. Why would supplemental oestrogenand a little progestagen (other than real progesterone) increase a woman’s risk of breast cancerby 30% or more? Other studies found that these same HRT hormones increase one’s risk ofheart disease and blood clots (strokes)2-4, and do nothing for preventing Alzheimer’s disease5,6.When you pass through puberty and your sex hormones surge, they don’t make you sick - theycause your body to mature into adulthood and be healthy. But, the hormones used inconventional HRT are somehow not right – they are killing women.

The question is – where do we go from here? My answer is – we go back to the basics andfind out where our mistake is. I have some ideas on that.

Over the years I have adopted a simple set of three rules covering hormone supplementation.When these rules are followed, women have a decreased risk of breast cancer, heart attacks orstrokes. They are much less likely to get fat, or have poor sleep, or short-term memory loss,fibrocystic breasts, mood disorders or libido problems. And the rules are not complicated.

Rule 1. Give hormones only to those who are truly deficient in themThe first rule is common sense. We don’t give insulin to someone unless we have good

evidence that they need it. The same is true of thyroid, cortisol, and all our hormones. Yet,conventional physicians routinely prescribe oestrogen or other sex hormones without evertesting for hormone deficiency. Conventional medicine assumes that women after menopauseare oestrogen deficient. This assumption is false. Twenty-five years ago I reviewed the literatureon hormone levels before and after menopause, and all authorities agreed that over two-thirds(66%) of women up to age 80 continue to make all the oestrogen they need. Since then, theevidence has become stronger7. Even with ovaries removed, women make oestrogen, primarilyby an aromatase enzyme in body fat and breasts that converts an adrenal hormone,androstenedione, into estrone. Women with plenty of body fat can make more oestrogen aftermenopause than skinny women make before menopause. Breast cancer specialists are soconcerned about all the oestrogen women make after menopause that they now use drugs toblock the aromatase enzyme. Consider the irony: some conventional physicians are prescribingoestrogens to treat a presumed hormone deficiency in postmenopausal women, while othercolleagues are prescribing drugs that block oestrogen production in postmenopausal women.

How does one determine if oestrogen deficiency exists? Any woman still having monthlyperiods has plenty of oestrogen. Vaginal dryness and vaginal mucosal atrophy, on the otherhand, are clear signs of oestrogen deficiency. Lacking these signs, the best test is the salivahormone assay. With new and better technology, saliva hormone testing has become accurateand reliable. As might be expected, we have learned that hormone levels differ betweenindividuals; what is normal for one person is not necessarily normal for another. Further, onemust be aware that hormones work within a complex network of other hormones and metabolicmediators, something like different musicians in an orchestra.


To interpret a hormone’s level, one must consider not only its absolute level but also itsrelative ratios with other hormones that include not only oestradiol, progesterone andtestosterone, but also cortisol and thyroid as well.

For example, in healthy women without breast cancer, we find that the saliva progesteronelevel is routinely 200-300 times greater than the saliva oestradiol level. In women with breastcancer, the saliva progesterone/oestradiol ratio is considerably less than 200 to 1. As moreinvestigators become more familiar with saliva hormone tests, I believe these various ratios willbecome more and more useful in monitoring hormone supplements.

Serum or plasma blood tests for steroid hormones should be abandoned – the results soobtained are essentially irrelevant7. Steroid hormones are extremely lipophilic (fat-loving) and arenot soluble in serum. Steroid hormones carry their message to cells by leaving the blood flow atcapillaries to enter cells where they bond with specific hormone receptors in order to conveytheir message to the cells. These are called “free” hormones. When eventually they circulatethrough the liver, they become protein-bound (enveloped by specific globulins or albumin), aprocess that not only seriously impedes their bio-availability but also makes them water soluble,thus facilitating their excretion in urine. Measuring the concentration of these non-bio-availableforms in urine or serum is irrelevant since it provides no clue as to the concentration of the moreclinically significant “free” (bio-available) hormone in the bloodstream.

When circulating through saliva glands, the “free”, non-protein-bound steroid hormonediffuses easily from blood capillaries into the saliva gland and then into saliva. Protein-bound,non-bio-available hormones do not pass into or through the saliva gland. Thus, saliva testing isfar superior to blood or urine testing in measuring bio-available hormone levels.

Serum testing is fine for glucose and proteins but not for measuring "free" steroid hormones.Fifty years of “blood” tests have led to the great confusion that now befuddles conventionalmedicine in regard to steroid hormone supplementation.

Rule 2. Use bio-identical hormones rather than synthetic hormonesThe second rule is also just common sense. The message of steroid hormones to target

tissue cells requires bonding of the hormone with specific, unique receptors in the cells. Thebonding of a hormone to its receptor is determined by its molecular configuration, like a key isfor a lock. Synthetic hormones’ molecules differ in molecular configuration from endogenous(made in the body) hormones. From studies of petrochemical xeno-hormones, we learn thatsubstitute synthetic hormones differ in their activity at the receptor level. In some cases, they willactivate the receptor in a manner similar to the natural hormone, but in other cases the synthetichormone will have no effect or will block the receptor completely. Thus, no synthetic hormoneprovides the same total physiologic activity as the natural hormone it is intended to replace, andall synthetic hormones will provoke undesirable side effects not found with the human hormone.Human insulin, for example, is preferable to pig insulin. Sex hormones identical to human (bio-identical) hormones have been available for over 50 years.

Pharmaceutical companies, however, prefer synthetic hormones. Synthetic hormones (notfound in nature) can be patented, whereas real (natural, bio-identical) hormones are not.Patented drugs are more profitable than non-patented drugs. Sex hormones prescription salesmake more money for pharmaceutical companies than any other prescription drug. Women’shealth is sacrificed for commercial profit.


Rule 3. Use only in dosages thatprovide normal physiologic tissue levels

The third rule a bit more complicated. Everyone would agree, I think, that dosages ofhormone supplements should restore normal physiologic levels. The question is – how do youdefine normal physiologic levels? Hormones do not work just by floating around in circulatingblood; they work by slipping out of blood capillaries to enter cells that have the proper receptorsin them. As explained above, protein-bound hormones are unable to leave blood vessels andbond with intracellular receptors. They are non-bio-available. But they are water-soluble and,thus, found in serum, whereas the “free”, bio-available hormone is lipophilic and not watersoluble, thus not likely to be found in serum. Serum tests do not help you measure the “free”,bio-available form of the hormone. The answer is saliva testing.

It is quite simple to measure saliva oestradiol, or progesterone, or testosterone levels ofhealthy people and compare those results with saliva levels of women with breast cancer, forexample. In this manner, saliva testing can be used easily to measure the change of salivahormone levels when hormone supplementation is given. If more physicians did that, they wouldfind that their usual oestrogen dosages are 8-10 times greater than found in normal, healthypeople, or that progesterone levels are not raised by giving supplements of syntheticprogestagen such as medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA).

Further, saliva levels (and not serum levels) of progesterone will clearly demonstrateexcellent absorption of progesterone from transdermal creams. Transdermal progesterone entersthe bloodstream fully bio-available (i.e., without being protein-bound). The progesteroneincrease is readily apparent in saliva testing, whereas serum will show little or no change8. Infact, any rise of serum progesterone after transdermal progesterone dosing is most often a signof excessive progesterone dosage. Saliva testing helps determine optimal dosages ofsupplemented steroid hormones, something that serum testing cannot do.

It is important to note that conventional HRT violates all three of these rules for rational useof supplemental steroid hormones.

A 10-year French study of HRT using low-dose oestradiol patch, plus oral progesterone, shows noincreased risk of breast cancer, strokes or heart attacks9. Hormone replacement therapy is a laudablegoal, but it must be done correctly. HRT based on correcting hormone deficiency and restoring properphysiologic balanced tissue levels, is proposed as a more sane, successful and safe technique.

Other FactorsHormone imbalance is not the only cause of breast cancer, strokes and heart attacks. Other

risk factors of importance include the following:1. Poor diet (excess sugar and refined starches, trans-fatty acids, lack of needed nutrients such

as omega-3 fats, full range of essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals, etc.)2. Environmental (toxic) xeno-oestrogens and hormones not removed by water treatment plants3. Insulin resistance4. Stress5. Lifestyle problems such as excess light at night (poor sleep, melatonin deficiency), alcohol,

cadmium (cigarette smoking) and birth control pills during early teensMen share these risks equally with women. Hormone imbalance and exposure to these risk

factors in men leads to earlier heart attacks, lower sperm counts and higher prostate cancer risk.


ConclusionConventional hormone replacement therapy (HRT) composed of either estrone or oestradiol,

with or without progestagens (excluding progesterone) carries an unacceptable risk of breastcancer, heart attacks and strokes. A more rational HRT using bio-identical hormones in dosagesbased on true needs as determined by saliva testing is proposed. In addition to proper hormonebalancing, other important risk factors are described, all of which are potentially correctable.Combining hormone balancing with correction of other environmental and lifestyle factors is ourbest hope for reducing the present risks of breast cancer, strokes and heart attacks.

A much broader discussion of all these factors can be found in my book, “What Your DoctorMay Not Tell You About Breast Cancer”10.

John R Lee, MD

References1. Million Women Study Collaborators. Breast cancer and hormone-replacement therapy in the Million Women Study.

Lancet 2003; 362: 419-27.2. Scarabin, P-Y, Oger E, Plu-Bureau G. Differential association of oral and transdermal ooestrogen-replacement therapy

with venous thrombo-embolism risk. Lancet 2003; 362: 428-32.3. Chen C-L, Weiss NS, Newcomb P, Barlow W, White E. Hormone replacement therapy in relation to breast cancer. JAMA

2002; 287: 734-41.4. Writing Group for the WHI Investigators. Risks and Benefits of oestrogen plus progestin in healthy postmenopausal

women. JAMA 2002; 288: 321-33.5. Yaffe K, Lui-Y, Grady D, Cauley J, et al. Cognitive decline in women in relation to non-protein-bound oestradiol

concentrations. Lancet 2000; 708-12.6. Mulnard RA, Cotman CW, Kawas C, van Dyck CH, et al. Oestrogen replacement therapy for treatment of mild to

moderate Alzheimer diseases. JAMA 2000; 283: 1007-15.7. Cummings SR, Browner WS, Bauer D, Stone K, et al. Endogenous hormones and the risk of hip and vertebral fracture

among women. NEJM 1998; 339: 733-38.8. Waddell BJ, O’Leary PC. Distribution and metabolism of topically applied progesterone in a rat model. J Steroid

Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 2000; 80: 449-55.9. de Lignieres B, de Vathaire F, Fournier S, Urbinelli R, et al. Combined hormone replacement therapy and risk of breast

cancer in a French cohort study of 3175 women. Climacteric 2002; 5: 332-40.10. What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer, by John R Lee, MD, David Zava, PhD, and Virginia Hopkins,

MA. Published by Warner Books 2002, New York, NY. Also published in England by Thorsons, London.


Menopause the natural wayThere are few women who would turn down the chance to look and feel younger if a magic

pill were offered. But is HRT really such an elixir, or could it actually shorten life? New evidencesuggests that researchers and doctors may have been looking at the wrong hormone for50 years, and that natural progesterone is nature’s benevolent answer to HRT.

Women, even more than men, are vulnerable to the image that society projects on them:that ‘real women’ should look young, slim and wrinkle-free. The rest of womankind, the oneswith the menopausal mood swings, greying hair and a middle aged spread, if not exactly seenas crones, are rarely given the status or the attention of their younger cousins. This is putting itcrudely, but such fears lurk not far below the surface of most women. In some it breeds adesperation that can drive them to take a drug to keep them younger, even when they know itmight be killing them.

The latest verdict on HRT is not good, but a new and natural alternative is now available,using the natural hormone progesterone. Some doctors believed that progesterone is thehormone that women should have been using all along. It has been shown to be protectiveagainst cancer and heart disease and may even halt or reverse osteoporosis. It can increaselibido, rejuvenate the skin, and help reduce middle aged spread by increasing metabolism. It isalso anti-depressant, diuretic and can reduce hot flushes.

But first, what is HRT and why are women being given it?

Progesterone – the forgotten hormoneWomen, we have been told, need oestrogen because it is this hormone that drops

dramatically at menopause. Therefore, goes the argument, putting it back will reverse thedevastating symptoms that some women endure. This reasoning ignores important facts.

Oestrogen does decline at menopause, but the body continues to produce a small amountindefinitely, in the fat cells, the adrenal glands, muscles, liver and brain. It is the other femalehormone, progesterone, that drops to almost zero in many women. Yet few researchers havestopped to ask whether progesterone might be the real hormone that women need.

True, most HRT formulas now include an amount of synthetic progestogen, but that isdangerously different from the natural hormone, progesterone, and oestrogen is still thepredominant hormone in conventional HRT. Almost unbelievably, although natural progesteronewas known to be benign and beneficial as early as the 1940’s, since then it has become avirtually forgotten hormone.

Doctors, led to believe that real progesterone was either not available or not usable,routinely prescribe synthetic progestogens believing them to be equivalent to progesterone.But synthetic progestogens are highly toxic and have very different effects on the body fromthe real hormone. Tragically, in the confusion, progesterone itself got a bad name by mistake.Now doctors in the UK and America are rediscovering that the hormone that everyoneoverlooked is not only non-toxic, it may also turn out to be the very hormone that women havebeen praying for.


The oestrogen mythThe female hormone, oestrogen, has become a modern myth. Most women and their

doctors now believe that oestrogen makes them sexy, gives them younger skin, banishes hotflushes and depression, halves their risk of heart disease and protects them from osteoporosis.Almost none of this is true.

Oestrogen is the hormone that is responsible for the changes that take place in a girl as shereaches puberty. Under the influence of oestrogen her sexual organs mature and she growsbreasts, female curves and pubic hair. From then on, for the first half of every month, oestrogenstimulates and builds up the lining of the womb in anticipation of a fertilised egg. It alsoencourages the growth and lubrication of the lining of the vagina.

This stimulating effect of oestrogen helps to explain why, in excess, it is toxic. Oestrogenstimulates breast tissue, it can encourage the development of fibrocystic breasts andsupplementing with oestrogen is known to increase a woman’s risk of breast cancer. It alsostimulates the lining of the womb, the endometrium, increasing the risk of endometrial cancerand encouraging the growth of fibroids.

Some researchers make light of these factors, claiming that we should offset the slight risk ofcancer against the protection the hormone gives from heart disease and brittle bones. But therisk that a woman takes when she supplements with oestrogen is not slight. Supplementing withoestrogen significantly increases a woman’s chances of getting breast cancer and her risk ofdeveloping endometrial cancer more than trebles.

Heart protection questionedAnd does oestrogen reduce a woman’s risk of heart disease? It has long been known that

the oestrogen in the contraceptive pill increases the risk of heart and cardiovascular disease.In fact it encourages blood clotting, and makes the body hold salt and water, which can lead tohigh blood pressure (hypertension). Both these conditions will contribute to stroke embolism,thrombosis and heart attack.

The argument that oestrogen therapy could protect women from heart disease is based onthe observation that it lowers cholesterol, but this is no longer recognised as proven protectionagainst heart disease. Furthermore the study, reported in the New England Journal of Medicine(15 April, 1993), which led to the claim that HRT almost halves the risk of heart disease, wasfound to be seriously flawed: an editorial in the same journal criticised the study and called it‘speculative’. In the 1960s there was a trial to see if oestrogen could prevent heart attacks inmen. The experiment had to be stopped because their rate of heart attacks increased sharply.

So oestrogen increases women’s cancer risk, and seems to be bad news for heart diseasetoo, but at least we know it prevents osteoporosis, don’t we? No, sadly it does not. A study alsopublished in the New England Journal of Medicine (14 October, 1993) concluded that HRT failedto protect women from osteoporosis. Only women who had taken HRT for more than 7 years –far longer than most women stay on the drug – had a slower loss of bone density, and eventhose who had taken it for 10 years or more were not protected from fractures.

This is serious news. Millions of women are taking oestrogen in the belief that it will keepthem young, when it seems there is a real danger that it might not even keep them alive.

But what about the claim that oestrogen makes women feel good? Because this hormone hasbecome associated with sexiness, this in itself may suggest to women that they feel good on it.


There may also be some truth in this. However oestrogen increases the body’s retention of saltand water which can cause bloating and weight gain, factors not usually associated with goodfeelings; and when the body swells the brain swells too, easily triggering irritability anddepression. Depression, pioneering doctors in the field now believe, is closer to oestrogen’s trueeffect on mood.

Yet there are some benefits to be had from oestrogen. Hot flushes, although not directlycaused by lack of oestrogen, can indeed be reduced by it. However, hot flushes are triggered bythe hypothalamus as a response to low oestrogen and progesterone. In most cases the far saferhormone, natural progesterone, will abolish hot flushes without having to use oestrogen at all.Oestrogen can also be helpful for vaginal dryness, although often progesterone will solve thisproblem too.

The progesterone revolutionIn 1994 the Nutrition Line brought to London an American doctor with a revolutionary point

of view. For 15 years, John Lee MD had been treating women with natural progesterone insteadof oestrogen. Natural progesterone, he believed, was the hormone that modern women weremost often missing. Far from endorsing the idea that women need extra oestrogen, Dr John Leebelieved that many were already suffering from too much, a syndrome which he named‘oestrogen dominance’.

Dr Lee began to recommend a natural progesterone cream to some of his patients afterhearing a talk by Ray Peat PhD, Professor of Blake College, Oregon. One of the problems withnatural progesterone was what to dissolve it in. It doesn’t dissolve well in alcohol, and thesolvents that do work can be highly toxic. Ray Peat, who had been studying female hormonesfor many years, had ingeniously solved the problem by patenting a method for dissolving it invitamin E. The resulting cream could be applied to the skin and absorbed into the body muchmore efficiently than taking it by mouth.

Dr Lee had been looking for some way to protect women from osteoporosis when oestrogenwas contra-indicated (for instance after breast cancer). Being open minded and having noalternative to offer these women, he began suggesting that they apply progesterone cream,hoping that it would in some way help slow down bone deterioration.

Osteoporosis reversedTo his astonishment, after a few months, bone mineral density (BMD) tests began to show

that the women who were using the progesterone cream (and not taking oestrogen at all) hadincreased their bone density. When he suggested the cream to his other menopausal patients hegot the same results.

It is important to realise at this point just how extraordinary this was. Oestrogen, although itmay slow down bone loss, can never reverse it. Taking calcium, boron or other nutrients canhelp slow down bone loss, but it will not regenerate. No other substance has been shown torestore bone growth. And the reversal with progesterone was not small. Women who had lost agreat deal of their bone density, and had already suffered fractures, eventually (over a number ofyears) regained the bone density of 35-year-olds. Thirty five is about the age when a woman’sbone density is at its peak. Typically Dr Lee’s patients showed a 10% increase in the first yearfollowed by 3-5% each following year. Even more important, their rate of non-trauma related


fractures dropped to zero. Over the years Dr Lee treated thousands of women for osteoporosisin this way. His work has been published in the International Clinical Nutrition Review, MedicalHypotheses and the Townsend Newsletter for Doctors.

Many progesterone benefitsBut that is not the end of the story. After they had been using the natural progesterone for a

while, Dr Lee’s patients brought him other information. Those who were still having periodsreported that their premenstrual tension had vanished. Others told him that their fibrocysticbreasts were clearing up. Women who had suffered from water retention for years no longerneeded diuretics.

Women who had been suffering from depression were starting to feel good. Some womenwith low thyroid function reverted to normal, and women with fibroids found that they shrank orwere sufficiently contained that surgery could be avoided.

Oestrogen dominanceAs the pattern unfolded Dr Lee began to piece together what was happening. Hormone tests

showed him that many of the women were progesterone deficient. This was true even amongyounger women who should have been producing the hormone. What could be causing this?

Progesterone is the hormone secreted by the ovary in the second half of the menstrualcycle. It is made by the empty follicle (or egg sac) after it has released an egg in the process ofovulation. Under the circumstances, this is a critical event to understand: women only makeprogesterone when they ovulate; if they fail to ovulate they make no progesterone.

But why should that be so important? The answer has to do with oestrogen. In spite of thedangers, oestrogen is of course a totally essential female hormone while it remains in balance.But progesterone has the role of keeping oestrogen in balance; it is said to oppose oestrogen.So when a woman releases no egg during her cycle she will experience unopposed oestrogenor ‘oestrogen dominance’, a condition which Dr Lee believed to be widespread.

The symptoms of oestrogen dominance include water retention, breast tenderness, PMS,mood swings, depression, loss of libido, heavy or irregular periods, fibroids, craving for sweetsand weight gain (especially around the hips and thighs). It was these symptoms that began toreverse when Dr Lee prescribed natural progesterone.

Nature’s answerBut progesterone production naturally stops in all women as they approach menopause.

Since progesterone is produced at ovulation, it stops when ovulation ceases. Oestrogenproduction, however, does not cease at menopause. It can still be made in the fat cells. Ironicallya fat woman after menopause produces more oestrogen than her thin sister did beforemenopause. Did nature intend all women to suffer from oestrogen dominance? Of course not.Evidence suggests that women living in the third world do not experience the menopausalsymptoms common in the Western world. Clearly diet plays a part. Diets that containphytoestrogens, such as soya, help block the more powerful oestrogens in the body fromattaching to the oestrogen receptors, so that oestrogen dominance does not occur. Such foodscannot replace the missing progesterone, however.


Oestrogen pollutantsA more sinister element is also involved. Not only have most Western women been exposed

to synthetic hormones via the pill and other hormone treatments, they also live in a very pollutedworld. Many of the chemicals in our food and environment, including pesticides and substancesfound in plastics, hair dyes, cosmetics, spermicides, drinking water and even breast milk are likeoestrogen, or oestrogenic, and are capable of having effects similar to oestrogen in the body.They have come to be called xenoestrogens (foreign oestrogens). Dr Lee was not alone inbelieving that men, women and children in the Western world now get a thorough overdose oftoxic and highly undesirable oestrogens.

These xenoestrogens are very potent. Dr Lee believed that one consequence may be thatwomen exposed to these chemicals used up the eggs in their ovaries too quickly, often reachinga state of ‘burn out’ by their mid 30s, far younger than nature intended. After that they wouldhave periods but would no longer ovulate or only occasionally, so that for the next 15 years or sountil menopause they would not be making progesterone and would suffer the symptoms ofoestrogen dominance: infertile, uncomfortable and with an increased risk of breast andendometrial cancer.

Interestingly it is also in the mid 30s that osteoporosis often silently begins. And, althoughnutrition and exercise are an important part of maintaining bone health, Dr Lee believed thatosteoporosis was primarily a disease of progesterone deficiency. While oestrogen can only slowdown the loss of bone in a very limited way, it is almost certainly progesterone that stimulatesthe cells, called osteoblasts, which are responsible for laying down new bone.

In view of all the evidence, it does not seem that women should expose themselves to yetmore oestrogen by taking HRT. But are they not protected by the synthetic progestogens thatare included in this treatment? No! Although a progestogen was originally added to HRTformulations to protect women from the increased risk of endometrial cancer, it has been shownto do the opposite. Synthetic progestogens can cause cancer (unlike natural progesteronewhich has been shown to be protective) and they have many other toxic side effects.

Rebalancing naturallySo what can women suffering from hot flushes, depression, fatigue, middle-aged spread,

creeping osteoporosis and other menopausal symptoms do?In the first place a good diet, high in fresh and preferably organic vegetables, and low in dairy

products and meat, will establish a sound base. Women who have eaten healthily for several years,especially vegetarians, sometimes pass through menopause without bother. Xenoestrogensconcentrate in dairy and meat fats, and synthetic oestrogens are often given to cattle as growthpromoters. So if you eat meat, try to buy from organic sources and remember that we need muchless protein than we think as we grow older. Beans and root vegetables are also good foods; some ofthese may turn out to contain progesterone precursors. Look out for yams. They will not necessarilybe high in diosgenin (Mexican yam is a particular source) but they may contain some.

NutritionNutritional supplements can also be very helpful at this time. Many women find that vitamin E

reduces hot flushes, and there is also evidence that vitamin C with the bioflavonoid hesperidincan reduce them too.


GLA, found in evening primrose oil and even more plentifully in starflower oil, provides theraw material for the body to make the protective and calming prostaglandin, PGE1. PGE1 can behelpful in modifying hormonal symptoms; for instance, starflower oil can often relievepremenstrual problems. But to give your body the best chance of making PGE1 you also needthe vitamins and minerals used in its production. Two minerals; zinc and magnesium; and threevitamins; vitamin C, vitamin B3 (niacin) and vitamin B6 (pyridoxine or its active form, pyridoxal-5-phosphate); are needed. It also helps if your diet is low in animal fats because they can blockthe synthesis of PGE1.

Herbs for womenThere are also some very useful plants and herbs. It is possible to take Mexican yam as a

supplement. No one yet knows for sure what the body does with the natural sterols it contains.It has now been proven that Mexican yam cannot be converted into progesterone in the body.However, it acts instead as a phytoestrogen helping to block the more powerful oestrogens inthe body form attaching to the oestrogen receptors.

The Chinese herbs dong quai (a form of angelica), hops and schizandra have been used forwomen’s hormonal imbalances for thousands of years and will probably be found to containphytoestrogens. In China, ginseng is not recommended for younger women, but when a womanreaches menopausal years it is considered very good, particularly for increasing vaginalmoisture and bringing back libido.

Bone foodFor taking care of your bones, you should look for a good source of calcium (800-1000mg a

day including what you get from food), magnesium (300mg) and 400iu of vitamin D. The mineralboron is useful too and since bone is fundamentally made from connective tissue vitamin C isalso essential. More recently 45µg vitamin K2 has also been shown to have a positive effect onbone. In choosing supplements always remember that a good multivitamin/mineral formulashould be your foundation to which you can add the right combination formulas, vitamins orminerals for your specific needs, in this case probably a good menopause supplement and agood bone nourishing or ‘osteo’ formula plus vitamin K2.


Symptoms of oestrogen dominance

John Lee’s theory was that many women suffer from excess oestrogen, which is notbeing ‘opposed’ by progesterone. The excess may come from chemical pollutants, the useof the pill, HRT or other hormone treatments or from a lack of progesterone. In each caseprogesterone appears to rebalance the symptoms. Oestrogen is a valuable and necessaryhormone but in excess it increases the risk of cancer of the breast and womb and triggersthe symptoms below:

• Water retention, oedema• Breast swelling, fibrocystic breasts• Premenstrual mood swings, depression• Loss of libido• Heavy or irregular periods• Uterine fibroids• Craving for sweets• Weight gain, fat deposition at hips and thighs


Understanding osteoporosisBy John R Lee MD. Edited by Dr D F Smallbone.

What bones areBones are living mineralised support tissue of the body. They are constantly being made, un-

made (resorbed) and made anew. This process is carried out by osteoblast cells which makenew bone and osteoclast cells which resorb previously made bone. Old bone can become brittleand more likely to fracture. As old bone is resorbed by the osteoclasts, new bone is made by theosteoblasts to replace it. Compact bone (i.e., cortical bone) of the arms and legs has a“turnover” time of 7 years usually and the more porous lighter bone (i.e., trabecular bone) of thevertebrae, heel bones, and ends of the long bones has a “turnover” time of 2 years usually. Inthis manner bones can grow in size and strength, can heal themselves if they are damaged orbroken, and can remain strong throughout life.

The calcium chainBone can be thought of as mineralised cartilage. It is made of collagen fibres (which require

vitamins C and A) that are mineralised for strength. The primary mineral involved is calcium.Calcium from the soil is taken up by plants. Upon ingestion, the calcium is absorbed into thebloodstream (a process which requires gastric hydrochloric acid and vitamin D). From the bloodstream, the calcium will be incorporated into bone as needed if the bone cells are healthy andare provided with the proper nutrients and hormones. In humans, proper balance of boneresorption (by osteoclasts) and new bone formation (osteoblasts) is controlled by the gonadalhormones, i.e., oestrogen and progesterone for females and testosterone for males. In addition,the stress of exercise is a stimulant for new bone formation. This chain of events in females isrepresented in the diagram below.

Steps in the trail of calcium from itssource to its incorporation in bone:


Ingestion Gastric hydrochloric acidVitamin D

Bloodstream ExerciseProgesterone(stimulates osteoblasts)Oestrogen(slightly restrains osteoclasts)Micronutrients (see opposite)Avoidance of excess protein intakeAvoidance of antibiotics, calcium-losing diuretics and fluoride



Important micronutrientsMinerals• Magnesium supplementation recommended• Zinc supplementation recommended• Manganese, boron, silica and copper are availablefrom unprocessed food diet

• Fluoride is toxic to osteoblasts and should be avoidedVitamins• D supplementation usually required• C (ascorbic acid) supplementation usually required• A (beta carotene) supplementation recommended• B6 (pyridoxine) supplementation may be recommended• Vitamin K2 supplementation is recommended

Protein problemExcess dietary protein causes negative calcium balance, i.e., more calcium is lost in

urine than is taken in by ingestion. Proper intake is approximately 1.5-2oz/day for 10 stone(63.6 kilo) person. Meat and cheese are about 25% protein by weight.

The role of oestrogen and progesteroneProgesterone production starts at the time of ovulation. If conception does not occur,

progesterone levels fall again. This fall helps triggers menstruation.If conception does occur, progesterone levels continue to rise. This is necessary for the

survival of the embryo. Progesterone levels remain high throughout pregnancy.


What causes osteoporosisA. During the many years of menstruation, bone building may be deficient due to inadequate

mineral and/or other nutrient intake. Poor teenage diet with low mineral intake predisposes toosteoporosis in later life. This is especially true of the average diet consumed by many women, inwhich the major calorie intake consists of refined starches and processed foods. The majordeficiencies are likely to be the following: vitamin C, zinc and magnesium.In addition, there may be excess protein intake which promotes a negative calcium balance in whichmore calcium is lost in the urine than is taken in by the diet. This leaches calcium from bones.

Excessive phosphorus intake from drinking fizzy drinks such as cola also leachescalcium from bones.

Furthermore, exercise is inadequate in many women. Bones not put to the physicalstress of good load bearing exercise universally lose calcium.

Finally, cigarette smoking is associated with a loss of bone mass. Thus, many womenarrive at their menopausal years with considerable (20-30%) loss of bone mass.

B. During the 5-8 years before menopause, many women have anovulatory menstrual cycles,that is, they are not ovulating each month and therefore not producing progesterone forthose months despite the appearance of normal cycles. The loss of progesterone reducesthe activity of the osteoblast cells and thus less bone building goes on. This tips the balancein favour of osteoclast dominance (bone resorption). Osteoporosis is occurring despite thepresence of adequate oestrogen.

C. With menopause the ovaries no longer produce sufficient oestrogen; this allows a modestincrease in osteoclastic bone resorption and thus accelerates the osteoporotic process.If oestrogen is supplemented, this accelerated bone resorption can be slowed; this effect ofoestrogen, however, is insufficient to reverse bone loss. Furthermore, this oestrogen effectlasts only for 3-5 years and has only a minor effect in the whole osteoporotic process. Themain cause of osteoporosis is the lack of bone building secondary to progesteronedeficiency. Osteoporosis cannot be reversed except by restoring adequate progesterone.

Prevention and treatment of osteoporosis1. Diet of whole grains (taken separately from mineral-containing foods), fresh vegetables

(especially leafy greens) and limited red meat. Avoid refined starches and fizzy drinks. Nocigarette smoking.

2. Supplement adequate vitamins C, D, K and beta carotene; and minerals magnesium and zinc.Calcium from the diet is usually sufficient, but one 300mg supplement/day is OK. If aged over 70years, consider a supplement of betaine hydrochloride (hydrochloric acid) with meals.

3. If postmenopausal and having no medical or family history of breast cancer, endrometrialcancer, clotting disorder, diabetes or obesity, a small dose of supplemental oestrogen maybe considered. It is unusual for this to be recommended unless symptoms of vaginaldryness or hot flushes are present.

4. Transdermal (topical) progesterone cream can be applied to alternating skin sites daily for 2-3weeks each month if still having periods, or continuously if not. Treatment progress should bemonitored by serial bone density of lumbar vertebra at 6-12 month intervals, using dual photon ordual energy X-ray techniques. Quantified computer tomography 9QCTO can be used also, butsuch tests are more expensive and involve higher doses of X-ray.


What about other treatments?A. Synthetic progesterone

A number of progesterone-like drugs (called progestins) have been synthesised fromprogesterone, testosterone, or de novo. They all are inferior to natural progesterone in bonebuilding and cause unwanted side effects, some potentially quite serious. These compoundsshould not be used.

B. Etidronate and other bi- (or di-) phosphonatesThese drugs impair osteoclast function and thus reduce bone resorption, leading to agradual (in 2 years or so of use) increase in old bone and an apparent modest increase inbone mass. The accumulated old bone is, however, not good bone and results in anincrease in hip fracture incidence by the third or fourth year of use. These drugs arecomplicated to use, expensive, and their long term toxicity is presently not known.

C. CalcitoninIn humans, calcitonin is a hormone made in, amongst other places, the thyroid gland. Post-thyroidectomy patients experience osteoporosis no worse than women with intact thyroids.Osteoporosis is not a disease of calcitonin deficiency. However, injections of calcitonin willstimulate bone formation and are recognised as being a treatment for Paget's disease, a raredisease of bone. The drug is extracted from salmon pituitary glands. When injected into humansthere is a brief period of new bone formation. However, one's immune system rather quicklydevelops antibodies against this salmon extract and blocks further benefit. When discontinued,one's bones quickly lose the temporary benefit that had been gained.

D. FluorideBecause fluoride binds to calcium, it was thought by some to be of some potential help inincreasing bone calcium. When used in “therapeutic” doses of 30mg or more a day, amodest increase in bone mass does occur, but the acquired bone is of such poor qualitythat after 3-4 years of fluoride “treatment”, hip fracture incidence increases by 300-600%.In addition, fluoride toxicity (gastro-intestinal inflammation, ulcers and bleeding, as well asperiarticular pain) is so great that 40% or more of the patients must discontinue the drug.Doctors Riggs and Kleerkoper and others who once touted this treatment now admit it hasno place in osteoporosis.

The bone effect of fluoride at lower doses, such as fluoridated water, has been tested inthe past few years in 5 good epidemiologic studies* and all 5 studies show that fluoridationincreases the incidence of hip fractures. One test (JAMA, 12 August, 1992) found thatfluoridation increases hip fracture by about 30% in women and 40% in men! Despitespurious claims by some public health officials to the contrary, there are no valid studies thatindicated hip fracture protection from fluoride.

Osteoporosis is not a disease of fluoride deficiency. Fluoride is toxic to bones at alllevels, including the level of water fluoridation.

*References1. Sowers FR. Am J Clin Nutr. 44:889-898, 1986.2. Sowers FR et al. AM J Epid; 133:649-660, 19913. Jacobsen SJ et al. JAMA; 264:500-502, 19904. Cooper C et al. JAMA; 266-513, 19915. Danielson C et al. JAMA; 268:746-748, 1992


Some basic informationon natural progesterone

Please note that the information given below is for information and educational purposes only.Consult a doctor for advice on your individual health requirements.

What is progesterone?Progesterone is the hormone produced by the female ovary after ovulation. It supports

and maintains pregnancy but has other important functions too. It is the precursor to othervital hormones. It is needed to ‘oppose’ oestrogen and to keep it in balance. Progesteronereceptors are found in brain cells, in nerve sheaths and in bone cells, indicating thatprogesterone is involved in their function. It also appears to be involved in a range of otherbiological functions.

It is important to understand that a woman's ovaries only make progesterone when sheovulates. There is growing evidence that many of today's women are failing to ovulate regularly,particularly after the age of 35. A woman may bleed regularly every month but not be ovulatingor producing progesterone.

After menopause, the female body makes little or no free progesterone, in fact the malebody makes more. On the other hand, women continue to make oestrogen throughout theirlives, even if they have had their ovaries removed. Oestrogen is made by the adrenal glands andin the body fat and the muscle cells. The fall in oestrogen production at menopause is onlyabout 40%. Some obese women produce more oestrogen after menopause than thin women doin their pre-menopausal years!

The theoretical basis for HRT is the idea that if women suffer problems during themenopausal years then it must be because they have an oestrogen deficiency. The fact that theyhave a complete loss of progesterone at menopause has been forgotten. It was Dr John Lee’sbelief, based on more than 20 years of clinical practice with progesterone, that it is progesteronethat most women need, not oestrogen (although some women, he believed, also benefit from avery low dose of oestrogen in addition).

There are three main kinds of oestrogen naturally made by the body (oestradiol, oestroneand oestriol), but only one form of progesterone. In the last 40 or more years, progesterone haslargely been forgotten and synthetic versions called progestagens, have been prescribedinstead. Many researchers and doctors have erroneously used the name progesterone to meanboth progesterone itself or one of the synthetic progestagens. This has led to a great deal ofconfusion. In all literature provided by the Natural Progesterone Information Service the nameprogesterone refers only to the natural female hormone.

What are progestagens?Progestagens (called progestins in America) are synthetic hormones that are similar but not

identical to progesterone. Because a natural substance such as progesterone cannot bepatented, it is generally not profitable for a pharmaceutical company to obtain a licence toproduce it as a medicine (to license a medicine can cost millions of pounds). But if that naturalsubstance is slightly changed it can then be patented and licensed as a medicine.


However, such a substance is no longer ‘natural’ to the body. Even a tiny change from thenatural hormone can result in considerable side effects.

All known progestagens cause particularly undesirable consequences in the body - as canbe seen by the long list of side effects listed in medical textbooks. This is because progesteronehas a very central role to play in making other hormones. It is like trying to build a jigsaw aroundthe wrong piece. Unfortunately, for many years progesterone has been ‘lumped in’ with theprogestagens and many doctors have assumed that progesterone also causes these seriousside effects. Evidence is now clearly emerging that this is not the case.

What is natural progesterone?Natural progesterone is the hormone produced by the ovaries (and also by the male body).

This hormone can also be made in the laboratory from plant sources such as Mexican yam.The result is identical in every way to the hormone produced by the body and is called naturalprogesterone because it is bio-identical to the hormone the ovaries make.

The process for manufacturing natural progesterone from plant sources has been knownsince the 1930s. It is true that the natural progesterone now available on prescription has beensynthesised – the body also synthesises the progesterone it makes – but it is not synthetic, thatis, it is not unnatural. It is the body-identical hormone, progesterone.

Because natural progesterone cannot be patented, for financial reasons it is almostimpossible for a natural progesterone cream to be licensed as a medicine. Any progesteronecreams sold in the UK must therefore be sold as ‘unlicensed medicines’ and they are onlyavailable on prescription.

Why are women prescribed natural progesterone?Natural progesterone is prescribed for the many symptoms of progesterone deficiency, in

particular for menopausal problems and osteoporosis. It can also be used in the treatment ofPMS, low libido, fibrocystic breast disease, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, cervical hyperplasiaand ovarian cysts and can be helpful in some cases of infertility. For further information see“Natural Progesterone, the Multiple Roles of a Remarkable Hormone” by John R Lee MD andother books available through the Natural Progesterone Information Service.

How safe is natural progesterone?Since this is the hormone that nature itself produces, when it is only given in the dose that

nature herself supplies, it is considered to be extremely safe. During the second half of her cyclea woman's ovaries produce approximately 20mg of progesterone a day. But during pregnancythe level of the progesterone produced by the placenta rises to more than 300mg. Since natureconsiders it safe to expose women and their babies to such very high levels of progesterone,this is an indication of the high safety level of natural progesterone. The mistaken belief thatprogesterone can cause difficulties is based on confusion between the normal function ofprogesterone and the toxic side effects of synthetic progestagens. In fact, many progestagensare closer in function to testosterone or oestrogen. The reports of scientific research usingsynthetic progestagens confirm that these synthetic hormones have a devastating effect on thebody. But there is no clinical evidence to show that natural progesterone, when given at thenormal physiological level, is unsafe to use.


Why is natural progesterone often used as a cream?Independent laboratory tests show that progesterone absorbs very well through the skin (as

do other hormones, which is why hormone patches are common). It is absorbed into and storedby fat cells, which then supply a regular small dose into the bloodstream. When it is given bymouth a very much larger dose has to be given because it is mostly destroyed by the liver assoon as it is absorbed. Dr Lee believed a good progesterone cream should supply about20-30mg of progesterone a day. This is the amount that healthy ovaries produce during theluteal phase (the second half of the menstrual cycle).

Progesterone is also available in the UK as suppositories, which can be used either anally orvaginaIly. However, the dose of progesterone supplied by suppositories currently available is10-20 times higher than the ovaries would normaIly supply. Dr John Lee’s research and clinicalresults are based on prescribing progesterone at the normal physiological level and no higher.

What do you do if you’re already on HRT and want to switch?Consult a doctor who can advise and assist you with the switch to natural progesterone.

HRT normally comes in two parts, one supplying oestrogen, the other progestagen.1. Oestrogen

Do not stop taking the oestrogen component of HRT right away! Withdrawing fromoestrogen overnight could trigger severe menopausal symptoms. It is important that, guidedby a doctor, a woman withdraws from the oestrogen component of HRT over a period ofmonths.

2. ProgestagenIf you and your doctor have decided to opt for the natural hormone then, in Dr Lee’sexperience, you can stop taking the progestagen immediately and start using naturalprogesterone, in the normal physiological dose (20-30mg), right away.

Do women need to take oestrogen as well?In Dr John Lee’s clinical experience (unless they are in the process of changing from HRT),

most women do not need to supplement with oestrogen in addition to progesterone. Herecommended that menopausal women try using progesterone alone for at least 3 monthsbefore deciding whether oestrogen should also be used. Dr Lee maintained that there are only2 reasons why oestrogen might be prescribed in addition to progesterone – if a woman is eithersuffering from vaginal dryness or hot flushes that are not completely controlled by progesterone– and he believed women should try progesterone alone for 3-4 months first.In most cases oestrogen will not be needed. Since oestrogen can be toxic, only the smallestpossible amount should be used, much less than is normally prescribed for HRT.

If I need oestrogen which kind is best?Dr Lee believed that the oestrogen patch offers the safest method because the dose can be

controlled precisely. He suggested reducing the dose even further by sticking the patch over ahole cut in a sticking plaster so that only part of the patch is in touch with the skin. This is amethod developed by his patients to find the smallest dose of oestrogen that would balancetheir symptoms. He did not recommend combined natural progesterone and oestrogencreams because it is not possible to vary the dose of the oestrogen.


If you do use oestrogen cream you should be aware that the less well known form, oestriol(or estriol), although safer as far as cancer is concerned, is not advisable while trying to reverseosteoporosis.

Are there any side effects with natural progesterone?If a woman is not making her own progesterone then supplying it at the level that the ovaries

would normally produce does not cause side effects. However, in the first few weeks of startingto use the natural hormone, a few women may temporarily experience an exaggeration of theirprevious ‘oestrogen dominance’ symptoms such as breast tenderness, headaches ordepression. This is rare and generally passes after the first month, taking longer in a very fewcases. It probably happens because progesterone sensitises the body's oestrogen receptors(and vice versa), making the oestrogen in the body more effective. This is why a woman on HRTmust reduce her oestrogen intake by half as soon as she begins to use progesterone, as theoestrogen will have a far greater effect. It is more likely to occur if a woman has a build up ofoestrogen, whether from chemical pollutants (many of which are oestrogenic), from the pill orHRT, or because she has not been producing her own progesterone (which normally keepsoestrogen in check) for a considerable time.

Women who run into this problem sometimes find it helpful to increase their progesterone for awhile to bring their oestrogen into balance more quickly. Other women have found it more comfortableto cut back and build up slowly. A very small number of women find progesterone is not for them.

How do women feel on natural progesterone?Most women feel very comfortable on natural progesterone. Most shed their menopausal

symptoms – hot flushes, mood swings, etc. They tend to feel energised. They may lose someweight, especially around hips and thighs. Water retention is also generally reduced. Headaches,especially if they are related to your cycle, are often much helped. A lot of women report feelingmore 'up' in mood (remember that progesterone is very high in late pregnancy, a time when manywomen feel good). Cravings may also be reduced. Many women experience reduced breasttenderness and, given time, can get rid of breast cysts. We also know from Dr Lee’s publishedresults that bone density increases. We have heard of women being freed from the pain thatosteoporosis can inflict. However, although most women's experience is very positive, there arewomen who find it difficult, especially at first, and there are a few women that it doesn’t suit at all.

Can progesterone help prevent or reverse osteoporosis?Over the course of many years, Dr Lee collected the bone mineral density scans of

thousands of his patients, showing quite objectively that their bone density increasedsignificantly. In a published study in Medical Hypotheses (35, 314, 318, 1991) he reported thata group of 66 patients increased their bone density over 3 years by an average of 15%. Wehear similar stories from women in the UK with very encouraging increases in their bonedensity. But remember that there are other factors needed to build bone, including calcium,magnesium, vitamin D, vitamin K and vitamin C. Weight bearing exercise is also important.Progesterone does seem to help with the pain of osteoporosis and may help relieve pain insome cases of arthritis. See “Natural Progesterone, The Multiple Roles of a RemarkableHormone” by John Lee MD.


Can progesterone help PMS?Yes, in many cases it can be very helpful, especially if you know you're not ovulating. (One

way to test this is to take your temperature each morning when you wake. If you notice a distincttemperature rise around the middle of the month you have probably ovulated.) You can alsohave your progesterone levels tested around day 21 of your cycle (counting the first day youbleed as day 1), to see if you are making enough. If it is low then additional progesterone willprobably be very helpful. If you are a young woman you may only need to use progesterone fora few months and then stop; in Dr Lee’s experience this can sometimes bring a woman’shormone function back into balance.

Women with PMS may also need a nutritional supplement that contains magnesium, zinc,vitamin B6, vitamin B3, vitamin C and biotin, because these nutrients are needed to make theprostaglandin PGE1 which helps relieve conditions like PMS. The herbs agnus castus, dongquai, white peony and black cohosh, as well as the omega 6 fatty acid gamma linolenic acid(GLA), found in starflower or evening primrose oil, are also helpful.

Can it help endometriosis?Natural progesterone can be used to prevent menstrual bleeding, which triggers the pain of

endometriosis although it is not the cause. In his book “Natural Progesterone, The Multiple Rolesof a Remarkable Hormone” Dr Lee explains how, by applying sufficient progesterone from day10 to day 26 of the menstrual cycle, bleeding and pelvic pain will be considerably reduced and,over a period of time, the body has a chance to recover. None of his patients following thisregime have had to resort to surgery. This must be done under the supervision of a doctor.

Can natural progesterone be used after breast cancer?There is evidence that if surgery for breast cancer is performed in the second half of a

woman's cycle (when her progesterone is highest) she has less chance of metastases (thedevelopment of further cancer). This is part of the evidence that shows that progesterone isprotective against cancer. A 30-year retrospective study at the prestigious Johns HopkinsUniversity in America found that women who were progesterone deficient had 5.4 times moreincidence of breast cancer and 10 times more deaths from cancer of all kinds (Am J Epidem.114, 2, 1981). This again indicates the protection that progesterone gives against cancer. Finally,French studies (Fertility and Sterility 63: 785-91) show that progesterone actually slows the rate ofmitosis (cell division) in breast duct cells. Based on this evidence and on his many years ofexperience with his own patients, Dr Lee believed that it is protective for a woman to useprogesterone after cancer (applied in rotation around the body as indicated before, not appliedto the breasts). If a woman is taking tamoxifen, which is a weak oestrogen itself, progesteronecan help protect her from any risk involved in this treatment. The above information is for interestonly and in any post-cancer treatment, a woman should be advised by her doctor.

Can I take use natural progesterone after a hysterectomy?The standard medical view is that progesterone is only needed for pregnancy and to protect

the endometrium or womb. However, it is now known that progesterone has many otherfunctions in the body. Progesterone receptors are found in the brain, in nerve sheaths, and in thecells which make new bone, to name a few. In addition there is growing evidence that


progesterone can protect against breast cancer. So a woman who has had a hysterectomy maywell want to talk to her doctor about taking progesterone to help protect her bones and herbreasts, as well as to smooth her way through the menopause.

What about facial hair?Progesterone is a precursor to other vital steroid hormones in the body. When women’s

bodies don’t make progesterone their adrenal glands make the hormones they need from adifferent precursor called DHEA. This pathway leads to the formation of more androgenic ormale hormones (which women make anyway to a small extent) and a woman may develop ahairy chin or legs and lose some hair on her head in typical male pattern baldness as a result.Supplementing with natural progesterone may help this problem over time.

What about fertility?Progesterone can help some forms of infertility, particularly those due to low progesterone in

the second half of the cycle. See Dr Lee’s books.

What about men?Progesterone is not a feminising hormone and will not harm men. In fact their bodies make it too.

Although men do not seem to suffer deficiency of this hormone as women do, it has been reported tohelp restore male libido. It may also help certain cases of men suffering from osteoporosis andprostate problems.


Can men benefit from progesterone?By Dr. David Smallbone M.B., Ch. B., L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., M.F.Hom., F.C.O.H.

IntroductionIt is important to understand that progesterone is not solely a female hormone. Although in

women it is responsible for protecting the unborn child from rejection during pregnancy,progesterone performs many other functions in both men and women. Men’s bodies produceprogesterone in the adrenal glands and in the testes, although the amount produced is less thanthat made by women of menstruating age when they ovulate.

Secondly, it is important for men to know that progesterone has no feminising effects on themale body. In fact, progesterone normally increases libido in men (and in women). However,high doses may inhibit sperm production and progesterone may, therefore, have a relativecontraceptive effect.

Prostate problemsBenign prostate hypertrophy (BPH), the enlargement of the prostate gland, is a common

problem in men over 50. It appears to be due to the failure of cells to die off when their useful lifeis over. Although benign in itself (apart from the inconvenience), prostate enlargement candevelop into cancer of the prostate over time.

The male hormone, testosterone, is not itself in a particularly active form. For full action,testosterone needs to be converted into di-hydrotestosterone (DHT), which is some 100-foldmore active. However, any excess DHT needs to be neutralised or damage may follow,including cancer cell production. Progesterone appears to play 2 distinctly positive rolls inpreventing prostate disease. The first is that progesterone inhibits an enzyme called 5-alphareductase, which governs the conversion of testosterone to DHT, and thus prevents excessDHT from being produced.

Secondly, progesterone plays a role in reducing the risk of cancer in both men and women.All cells have a definite lifespan and upon reaching that degree of maturity, they commit suicide.This event is known as apoptosis (the second “p” is silent). If cells persist beyond their “sell-by”date, they are more prone to become cancerous and when they divide the new cells theyproduce are more likely to be abnormal and potentially cancerous. Both oestrogen andtestosterone are cell growth promoters. This is their role. We now know that oestrogen (whenunopposed by progesterone) influences the genetic coding in oestrogen-responsive cells andturns apoptosis off - thus the cells live too long, produce too many ‘daughter’ cells andpotentially too many mutant cells. It is probable that testosterone has a similar effect on cells.It has also been shown that progesterone influences the genetic coding in cells in the oppositeway, switching apoptosis back on again. When oestrogen and progesterone (and probablytestosterone and progesterone) are in balance, cells should die on time and before they produceabnormal progeny.

Although progesterone almost certainly protects men from excessively active testosterone(i.e., DHT), it will also protect men from the toxic xeno-estrogens, now plentiful in theenvironment and chemicals commonly used in households. In fact, Dr John Lee believed thattoday’s near epidemic levels of BPH and prostate cancer were due to excessive exposure to


these xeno-oestrogens. Sources of xeno-estrogens can include commercially raised beef,chicken and pork, spermicide, detergents, soft plastics, pesticides, herbicides, personal careproducts and even tap water.

Male pattern baldnessThe onset of the male pattern of baldness is often governed by hereditary factors. In these

cases, there does not appear to be any response to natural progesterone. However, in caseswhere there appears to be no hereditary tendency, the baldness may be due to over-conversionof testosterone into DHT. In these cases, progesterone seems to help diminish the rate of lossand, sometimes, may help reverse the process.

Osteoporosis in menOsteoporosis is a disease of both genders. The process is very gradual and shows few

symptoms in the early years of its progress. Often the first sign is a loss of height, verycommonly quite dramatically and of a significant degree – up to 3 or 4 inches. The best policy isto pre-empt this occurrence by preventing the onset of osteoporosis.

In women, oestrogens suppress a group of bone cells called osteoclasts, preventing themfrom re-absorbing bone. A certain amount of re-absorption is necessary, however, because ‘old’bone becomes brittle and needs replacing, or it is likely to shatter with even a minor impact.Where re-absorption has taken place another group of cells, called osteoblasts, are stimulated toform new bone where the old has been removed. We now also know that osteoblasts haveprogesterone receptors in their cell walls and that these bone-formers also seem to be stimulatedby progesterone. This is why progesterone is thought to be helpful in preventing osteoporosis.

In men, as in women, oestrogen (which men’s bodies also produce) suppresses theosteoclasts and, therefore, ultimately also the bone-forming osteoblasts. But testosterone alsoplays a role in promoting bone formation, and the laying down of denser bone. It now appears thatthere are progesterone receptors in men’s osteoblasts too. Thus, in men, when testosterone levelsfall later in life, it is possible that bone density can be maintained by the use of progesterone.

As in women, the use of natural progesterone should be started well in advance of potentialosteoporosis, for example in late 50s or earlier, to prevent onset developing in late 60s and early 70s.

How much progesterone for men?Men’s bodies produce less progesterone than menstruating women and the dose should

therefore, be lower. Dr John Lee, who prescribed progesterone for men with BPH and prostatecancer with reported success, recommended that men use 8-12mg of natural progesterone daily.


Case studiesA.P., 44, lives in a picturesque Wiltshire town with her husband and their 3 children. Within herbusy schedule she finds time to teach Latin part-time at an independent local school.

“I started the menopause early, experiencing hot flushes at around 37, a year before I hadmy youngest child. My doctor said I was perimenopausal, and although it wasn’t exactly greatnews – I had always associated menopause with ‘middle age’ and beyond – I was grateful I had3 lovely children, and didn’t plan to have any more. The weird thing was that there was noparticular reason for the premature symptoms – I was very healthy and fit. Consequently, I hadno sympathy from friends and contemporaries.

“My GP said I should go on HRT, which I did, and it immediately zapped the hot flushes. Thebad news was that I started to suffer from painful, debilitating headaches that came with afeeling of nausea, like migraine. I also felt permanently premenstrual. Under the guidance of mydoctor, I tried other forms of conventional HRT but shunned the idea of implants, as I would havebeen stuck with whatever reaction they caused for the 3-month duration. Then I saw a magazineeditorial praising the benefits of natural progesterone. It mentioned a DIY hormone testperformed with saliva, instead of the blood test, which you can only have through GPs. I boughtthe special kit and sent the sample off to America to be analysed.

“When the results came back I contacted a private doctor, who told me the dose I needed toaddress my symptoms. Unfortunately, when I went back to my GP, he wouldn’t give me aprescription, but instead prescribed a pessary-style product that was messy – and disastrousfrom a self-esteem point of view. The only answer was to go back to my private doctor, who gaveme a private prescription for a natural progesterone cream.

“The results were brilliant; my headaches stopped immediately. I get the occasional hotflush, but it’s timed in with my monthly cycle and, to be honest, negligible. This is my onlysymptom now and it’s a small price to pay. I feel more energised and I sleep better thanks to thedisappearance of the headaches.

“I have to be vigilant about maintaining the cream correctly – not to run out of supplies andinterrupt the flow. I have been using it for 4 years now and, 3 years ago, I went for a bone scan,which showed very good results. So, I really trust my natural regime; I feel it is safer thanconventional HRT and I’m confident that I’m not exposing myself to increased risk of breastcancer. Not only that, along with a healthy diet and regular exercise, it is a reliably preventativemeasure for my bones.”



Jane C., 45, is an ordained interfaith minister and spiritual counsellor. She lives in the countrysidewith her husband and 2 dogs.

“I had an early menopause at the age of 30 and when I eventually took natural progesteroneit was as protective maintenance for my bones. What I wasn’t aware of was the added bonusthat it would enhance my health holistically. The premature menopause had made it difficult forme to conceive and I underwent a programme of fertility treatment. But the treatment provedunsuccessful and with that disappointment came symptoms of stress and depression. Theaction of the progesterone helped balance my hormones and emotions but the benefits werephysiological too: My negative state of mind was suppressing my immune system – I used tofeel tired all the time and was always coming down with something. My general wellbeingimproved favourably once the progesterone got to work.

“I used the natural progesterone as an ongoing form of treatment and within a few months Ididn’t feel tired and drained in the same way. My energy levels increased and I ceased to be amagnet for all the viruses doing the rounds. I am convinced that the natural therapy boosted myimmune system and that the treatment may have kicked in sooner had my periods not ceasedaround 5 years before.

“Mindful of the threat of osteoporosis, I had a bone scan just before I started takingprogesterone. I’m really glad I had the examination as my bone density was below theacknowledged average ‘line’. A few years into the treatment, I had the scan again. Amazingly,this time my bone quality was above the accepted line. My specialist said “whatever you’redoing, keep doing it”! As far as I’m concerned, HRT doesn’t prevent bone loss, it just helps tomaintain the status quo. This is why natural treatment is so valuable – I’ve actually increased mybone density.

“To maintain all-round health, I eat a balanced diet and do a lot of walking – my husbandand I love walking our 2 dogs. In fact, last year I noticed some vaginal discomfort that increasedas I walked. On my doctor’s advice I tried the progesterone cream internally – and it sorted itout. My GP is somewhat more cynical. He wouldn’t prescribe natural progesterone until, hesays, the clinical trials are peer-reviewed and published. In the meantime, I recommend thetreatment to anybody and everybody.

“I believe that the pressure from modern day society can upset our hormonal balance,making it harder to conceive. If I’d known about natural progesterone when I embarked on thatcourse of fertility treatment, it may have regularised my periods and enhanced my chance ofconceiving.”


Diana G., 64, lives in the country with her husband Tim, 2 horses, 2 dogs, 2 cats and1 gander.

“When I was breast-feeding my first child I noticed a hard lump in my right breast near thesternum. Naturally, I was concerned, but when I went to my GP, he told me to go home andforget about it. I did just that and since then I have breast-fed two more children. But the lumpnever really went away and when I started to physically experience strange sensations I wentback to my doctor. At the time I had reached 50 and was embarking on the menopause.

“This time round, my doctor was more attentive. He conducted exploratory tests – whichshowed serious results: I underwent a mastectomy and removal of the lymph glands – several ofwhich were affected with cancer. My surgery was followed by a course of chemotherapy andyears of taking prescribed tamoxifen. During this time I experienced hot flushes, along withtiredness and lack of energy, which undermined my quality of life.

“Eventually I gave up on the tamoxifen. At the same time, I heard favourable reports abouttreatment with natural progesterone, which struck me as a much more sensible way ofaddressing my symptoms. I read as much as I could find about natural progesterone andattended a UK lecture given by Dr John Lee, the American expert who has written several bookson the subject.

“I was also recommended to contact a private UK doctor who worked with naturalprogesterone. After a comprehensive consultation he prescribed a natural progesterone cream.I have been using the preparation for more than 6 years, and am pleased to say that my qualityof life now is excellent. All along, incidentally, my GP has refused to prescribe progesteronecream, although I understand that some doctors will.”



Dynamic therapist Rachel M., 49, lives with her husband in the north of England. She is aqualified reflexologist and Bach Flower practitioner and works in private practice at home and inhealth clinics. She has also worked in psychiatric care. She reports:

“I heard about natural progesterone through a meeting at the Association of Reflexolgists,where Dr David Smallbone was giving a talk. This rang a bell, as I had attended a lecture severalyears ago given by Dr John Lee. I remember being really taken by what he was saying andthinking ‘when the need arises, I’m going down this road’.

“When I was 47, I experienced some niggling signs – nothing major – like localised itchingand heavier, more painful and erratic periods. I got in touch with Dr Smallbone to see if therewas a case to begin treatment. I did a natural saliva test, available from a healthcaremanufacturer, and sent it to the USA to be analysed (I think blood tests from the doctor are time-consuming and I didn’t want HRT anyway).

“On the basis of the results, and having fully read up on the subject, I arranged aconsultation with a private doctor. He prescribed natural progesterone cream, which I applymorning and evening. The doctor warned that it might take several months to kick in but in factmy symptoms started to ease off within 6 months.

“Some years down the road I’m extremely happy with my natural HRT regime. I feel sogood being free of side effects and menopausal symptoms. The only thing that affects mywellbeing is air travel and when I recently suffered a bereavement the emotional stress upsetmy cycle. In the main, though, my periods are now normal and manageable, and I’vescuppered that day-before headache. Not only that but my mood swings have abated too.All very good news for my husband, of course.”


How to obtain natural progesteroneDo I need a prescription?

Natural progesterone can only be legally supplied in the UK with a prescription from adoctor. No progesterone cream has yet been licensed as a medicine in the UK (or elsewhere) soat present these creams are only available as ‘unlicensed medicines’, which nevertheless requirea prescription. Two natural progesterone creams are legally available for prescription at present:Projuven and ProGest cream.

Because these creams are unlicensed medicines, they do not appear in your doctor’s drugreference guides. The doctor or pharmacist supplying you with a cream will need to contact thecream’s distributors for information on availability and product details. The NPIS Doctor’s Packwhich we supply (see enclosed literature list) will give your doctor the information he or sheneeds for prescribing, as well as supplying background scientific information on the use ofnatural progesterone.

Can I get it on the NHS?Some GPs will prescribe a progesterone cream, depending on whether they are fund-

holding practices who will bear the cost themselves, or whether their Area Health Authority willpay. Alternatively your GP may be willing to give you a private prescription for which he or shewill make a charge (£10-£12 is normal) and then you will need to pay for the cream yourself.However, your GP may be unwilling to give you a private prescription and, in this case, you canchoose to consult a doctor privately.

Consulting a private doctorEnclosed with this Handbook you should have received a list of private doctors who regularly use

progesterone in their practice (when appropriate), including some that will give consultations byphone or post. When you are given a private prescription always ask for one that covers severaltubes of cream so that you save on the cost of going back to the doctor too frequently. The cost of aprivate consultation varies and it is best to check this when making an appointment.

Personal imports into the UKIf you choose not to consult a doctor at all you can legally import progesterone creams from

outside the UK, provided they are solely for your own use. However, it is illegal to supply anyproduct containing progesterone to anyone in the UK without a prescription. You will find anumber of websites offering progesterone from America and other countries. The quality of theseis not controlled by MHRA and should be considered with caution.

What if I live outside the UK?In this case, you are subject to the laws of the country you live in. Call NPIS for further information.

What if the doctor suggests HRT?Your doctor may suggest HRT or other forms of hormone treatment. Should you not wish to

use HRT, remember that it is your responsibility to make this clear to the doctor concerned.



Yam is not progesteroneTo clear up a common misapprehension, although natural progesterone can be made from

yam in a laboratory, the body is not itself able to convert yam into progesterone. Yam can bevaluable in hormone balance as it does provide a natural form of plant oestrogen, but it is not anatural progesterone substitute.

How much do I need?When buying any progesterone product, do check the exact amount of progesterone it

contains. Most doctors recommend a dose of 20-40mg per day but this will vary depending onyour particular medical needs.

If you are using any other product which also contains herbs or phyto-oestrogens, or tabletsor pessaries, you must discuss the dose with your doctor or distributor. All products shouldprovide instructions for use and the amount will vary according to the strength of the product.Your doctor will advise a dose appropriate for you.

What about suppositories?In addition to progesterone creams, you may also be offered progesterone in the form ofsuppositories. These deliver a very high dose and are usually prescribed as 200mg or 400mg tobe given several times a day. Dr Lee believed that such doses were likely to cause considerableside effects and did not recommend them. Also there are some home-made creams beingoffered for sale. These are not recommended, as such creams have not been designed for skinabsorption. Also the level of progesterone they contain is variable.


How to use natural progesteroneHow do you know if you need it?

Progesterone is a safe and beneficial hormone, but you don’t need extra if your body ishappily producing its own. This book should have given you an idea of whether you have aprogesterone deficiency (and therefore oestrogen dominance), but to be really sure check to seeif you are ovulating. If you have passed the menopause, of course, you are definitely not makingyour own progesterone. Using a natural progesterone cream would then be an excellent way torestore your hormone balance and ensure that you have the full protection that a healthyprogesterone level brings.

Are you ovulating regularly?One of the most reliable ways of checking for this is to buy a basal thermometer (like an

ordinary thermometer but with a bigger scale and just the few degrees either side of normalbody temperature: 98.4 Fahrenheit or 36.9 Centigrade).

Beginning on the second day of your cycle (the day after you start to bleed) take yourtemperature the moment you wake in the morning. Do this before you talk to anyone, or brushyour teeth, or even before you go to the bathroom. Just put the thermometer under your tonguethe moment you wake and leave it for 1 minute. Keep a book by your bed to record yourtemperature. It will fluctuate a little day-by-day, but if you ovulate there will be an unmistakablerise of between half and 1 degree, on or around day 14. If there is no noticeable change in yourmorning temperature by day 21 you haven't ovulated.

You can also check if you're ovulating by taking a saliva hormone test for progesterone. Takeyour saliva sample on day 21 of your cycle, when progesterone should be at its peak. See theenclosed NPIS Products & Services leaflet for details of the NPIS Saliva Testing Service.

How to use natural progesteroneWe suggest you consult your doctor or health care practitioner before deciding to use a

progesterone cream, and for advice on how much to use. These notes provide an informationguideline only.

Natural progesterone can be applied almost anywhere on the body but it absorbs best fromsoft tissue area such as insides of your arms or thighs. It can also be applied to the face andneck. Progesterone is beneficial for the face, but once it has been absorbed from any area of thebody it will reach the whole body.

Your monthly cycle tableDay 1 is the first day of bleeding

Day: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

22 23 24 25 26 27 28


How much cream should I use?Ideally, your doctor will tell you what dosage you need. Progesterone creams come in

different strengths so it is important to know what the correct dosage is.Many creams provide a measure and tell you how much progesterone each measure

provides. If there is no measure you will probably be asked to use a teaspoon as a measure.A reputable cream should tell you how many milligrams (mg) of progesterone it contains, andthe total weight of the cream, usually in grams*. You can use these 2 figures to work out howmuch progesterone there is in a half or a quarter teaspoon.

For example, if a cream contains 1800mg of progesterone and the total cream weighs 60 grams,you will get 20mg from 0.6 grams of total cream. This is approximately a quarter teaspoon of cream.*Note: 1 gram = 1000mg

How soon will I feel the benefit of natural progesterone?Each woman is unique. Expect to use a cream for at least 3 months before experiencing

full effect.

Will natural progesterone make me bleed if I have passedthe menopause?

No, natural progesterone does not cause bleeding. Occasionally, you may experience anunexpected period when first using it. Do not be concerned. This is probably a healthy sheddingof your womb lining.

When should I not use natural progesterone?Do not use natural progesterone if you are pregnant or while you are breastfeeding, except

on your doctor’s advice.

How long can I use natural progesterone?For as long as you wish. Natural progesterone will help protect you for many years to come.






The Natural Progesterone Information ServiceNPIS, The Oak, Coolgarrow, Enniscorthy, County Wexford. IrelandTel: 07000 784849 or 00353 539 232 463. Email: [email protected]