Tjg| W' · juntltigri but also...

& <UrtrviIle OrftHC^ «Q, 71 the t*t»re*t and (.ffo|g|p; E W Tburaton the L <§|fi§J5 fj&» iwued not only the usual direct^; •vCy alid annual booklet of; 'the •MMrea samherahtp with th<» Stated juntltigri but also there is a * ill^Leei' •Offers pH>c*» annonnr 1 for. «v- •ry vteting of the viar '^mm^^^mdi}fg-j0i :the Farther r ^ K ^^-^lof|fief^8tfet'-oli»e-0n jj||fi^MVir^aiT»wiif; -MsnSkf - Monday Garnham in ^*^ato4:30 o'clock. _ii#?assfeted- Mrs. gs*-s >p|tSine funeral services of the late ^i^p#^J , ;'^*a'Set^r, J on"-'"'Saturday, J^g^:H^Wd-Burdick Bo&mtle ^Ipid. ,Mt. BtSbiittle was accom- '{0jSl^M> lipiwvOie by Mrs. Doolittle S^Pfl^jf: were entertained by Mr. and ^jjip^ptusseli' Burdick. fly : '•" ^~~ ' S. of Zenith.. Chapter, No. "^||cfc;i|J^., Viil be held at the Ma- * ^ifej^all".^, J^day evening. ^n*Hhdte*l#aB>irts has beeiMill *E thebfeeJ jKOtar r e c o — ^t^tirft^eiaiipty •A |Noj^#t^|ftg m nqtfta Z inda after spending ^yerW lends pzritL. jA-soblSkl; to|•'the, (benfefit of the Ep- f |«r^^r^#iue ; o^^the Si E, church |^||j%.|^| 1 on.J-?? , Way evening, March ; J^^l|hg5fibjnae of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. ;3^^;%E«et^oile is'dnyited! Teams l^feiYe the charca'at 7:30 o'clock. :5E^e~three Lowviile young men who i*|^fe ^r^^ew York to take the en- 4r^^e-examlnatt6ns for the State N^itftatfSBehool as told in the Her- 7mj^|^-*ere - ; -*% .-Successful, in passing :? *6tt: r ^ e ^physical -and "mental tests "•re^Biiri&'i^^ . PORT LEYDEN Nettie Sawyer. ,^!ib£ifuherai bl Mrs. Nttetie lawyer ^^^t*^at^he:C;cajgregatjon'al church ^tff^^iJ r Thurf7day/afternoon. A most : |ppr^iBiyp rsermgn. was "delivered by s3^^i^pp;."WHyams,;- : w!hp ohpse as 4 S f ^gtt">rtoe. ias^.' t w » '..vprsea,- of the ^"^-banter o4£§uJ?s, i seepnd,epis- "~ BB^fhe^b^jprs '^garadtee,? "Jp- l ^ e ^ ^ o S d e n ; ' -,,ianft»= " N e a r e r Of§j$^-Jw^*BPg,:by ®tts\-l. H. Wil- -jg|fi£;.fe.|/.and Sir. and-Mrs. Howard ii^llbr. The- -two first imention^d ^ ^ ^ i ? were-selected by Mrs. Sawyer. >W0fie:%& death. The -following po- .fe^rist wtaieh she was very fond, be- 'i-ii&yBte last'ijaittpdsltlon of Lord Ten- liysoTi, was rPad" by Mr. Williams. -:'>.•> r Crossing-••'tire Bar. « ^ s e t -and «vetfing star, ^^'tibfr-el&Hr PaJl'fcr ine! And may there be no moaning of the p ibar Whfen i put out to sea- But such a tide as moving seen:s ' c \ ias&Sp;. ' ' . , . ' Tbb-iirfi %^'aound -and 'foam, #hen jhat which drew from put the *m%rgjffi>;&&t ^Be-dark! Jffl&aSi&there be no sadness of fare- W^?^!^". r '' : " • • ?pfj'Hto^''fH>ni out our bourne of time ' J ^ ^ i - m a r . bear me ( far, |^|ip^B||pn^jmyvpili>t I 5face to face OT^ttefc'^fe^bjsed-the bar. ^gi^ff:;1|lrfp*ts,'of 'Wihidh 'Mrs. ^ ^ i e - ' a "'BWohfe^ menifber, "at- tdtftfd the funeral in a 'body. The 4 o n l offerinSB wer exquisite and ibe- apoke the lo\e of friends from tltica, LotrtfUe Gowsnda Turin and Port XefMn. The tatemerit *as madf in Uu family plot of ffie:feort Iteyden rj—irteijf Anions those present'^roin ««t of town Were Mrs. ALDell ^Vil- ll#hs, Brooklyn Mrs. Sidney Hines S ate Mrs Charles Myer, Oar- , « r «sd Mnr^ ic. s G. I«nfe flanaw«M Miiry Curtis, Mrs. ~,t*. AfjMM «i<rtririne; -Mrs. E. J. , JI*U*ab»rs;,Mr8. P. J i«ft Mv, 9lhL A, jii. ( iGole, Utlca: L,jJnneH*B. MMk -W. fi. Hart, Mrs. "H , ."^ftea *lss-Blft. e% 4ft "tSwiilf tffica ^lak^wkl"":. •".-i.-:;"!'" - -llfiSPplrSK3tudd is sulEeMni frota ctii^^iet;<- "•'• *-. " ! ' ' _- i,! " ' VS&s. 'yieija Roser of Cbhstableville ^eilfe^eJwMk^^'Wcit^relativ'eW^ 'town, •"' •'-; ' .,,''* y"' i iwit^-^^^i^Bady^.'Wg^rtown. ^haddefls^\Slbsner ; ot^^#eferfield was ta' \vi^r--^^oiirai : ;aast -^eeh.' Rejv. W- H. tigach of ©neida Castle wte 1 'a%uest ; wipiteid.s !! the first of the -week.., "Miss-Anna Pritehard of "Lyons Palls 8pei%, Tuesday in, town. IfllS •Ro^it^<>f-' ;l Utfca is the guest of Ms sfeter, MrsJDavid Roberts, arid 'family. I . t-•»»*•.»-- Miss Ahdell Tardy of Lowville was a guest last week of P. C. Bradt and family.' ' '••/"••>. •' - ' . - ' . - • • Mrs. M. <J. Robinson, -who has been spending . the. winter in Kansas, re- turned home last week. Mr. and .Mrs. B. A.. IRanhe visited Mends in, Watertowri last Tuesday. .Miss iFlorence tKentner- is spending a few days in Herkimer. Fred. iJotte's spent Sunday in Utica : wiih. his wife,.'who underwent, an op- •erationrat .Piston ; Hospital"last week.. [Port*.'Leyd/en-friends will be. glad to know -that. Mrs. Jones is gaining arid her speedy recovery is looked for. "Between Lave arid Duty." Mareh 17; St." (Patrick's night, the Port Leyden Dramatice Club will pre- sent the great four act drama enti- tled "Between iLK>ve and Duty," under the direction of Jack Fritz, for the bemftt of the Music Club at Vain Hoyette's' Opera House. Cast of Characters. Jack Mason Alex. Fairfax Duncan ^LsMoyne Pat Flynn Max Wayne UKtt Bixby Mrs. Boggs Ethel .Wayne Bess Fairfax ....... .. Edward Glasby Burr D. Straight W. Fred Sharkey ... Leo T. Minton . Carl .'E> J. Kitts Jack Fritz .. Hilda C. Weir ... May I. Carroll ... Annu T. Weir f.:. .-.. ' • i•':!'• Synopsis. . . . , ; Aet I—Bogg-'* Hotel dt the foot.of Sacho apC^anfeiih. ^'Sfcajse,;;.jaek." ; .. *; r. t^et^HSfe 5 home of 'A^fejt^j&airiiHt. '-%tfh. sived^yer^honoj,- '«aL.r but ...lost. -in : y -best friend." . :; .. ; rAct ill—^Netfr Fairfax mill. "Drown, damn yer, :; drown." Act J/V^-The honle of Jack tMason. "I'm - sheriff enough for these Sucks." Spebiklties 'between the Acts. Mrs. Irene May Sharkey, song, Little Bush of Shamrocks." Edward Glasby in a repertoire Irish ballads. Miss Elizabeth Smith, songs. Jack Fritz;, in a little of everything. Prices 25 and 3'5 cents. 'Reserved seats now on sale at Somes' 'drug store. 'A of WATSON Tjg| imjiu* fajfr^tgifeit^ Maeter Heget #WbMIWs who AM i <qelte 111 1s aome better - "Hark ffqUlette was in Port fc*Hed t|M*e by the from hoase «itb O W *n Monday for a few John Lampm*a A' •••igsE-fr^' 'i*^ W' ew4 £m, Frank Williains of Seventh Lake spent some tiine fh town last Wefek. Mrs. Metta- Btook-s spent the week e'fld with her slater; Mrs. Raymdrid Wilder, b'f Crystaldale and is now. spending a^lfew'fiays at l 'iiie home of SoloaBbn' R^hriie. ^ss%uth'"'M:erry 4s hbnie from Pore Leyderiv'where r lhe has been spending some 'time. ^rs. -Ro'hert 'Tuff Is ill' with neural- gia" '" Mfs. John Hart'h and daughter Effle are fbo gu^ts'"bit 'Mr*, 'and Mrs. Cha?-. Wirideckjfei!.'; ' : : Mrs. ^Olomtfn'Tiehaie' is at Ogftens- barg, wlfiye she wilLvisit her 'brottiijr, Byron "Viffflbniiiby; and farriiily arid will j'also viMt ; Ser ste>sQii, Melviri ^fiiage/itvtae^iafe bbspHkl. the'€ianle^^iEi."wM-"given anen- teminnte^tt f %tde?s^all-Thurada'y ^ent^teehl^^tiriV. -" - Mra. C^*^"Bailiey>!yery i>leasaB!tfy. .ent«5t»i^-^M^--'ldidtfes' A4d test Thursday. -«;^p^eis,;.;-wrere ; laid for ••-.--sfljlj AW^ul*^%1^%|ii'De vaefd fr ; i^de,tor«a efctireV' •*" ""^^^r ,^fe%-- ' mm- &*>" *"%'*^"?^'SS?^.f'* : - ip-f y ^'•^-'L^^^V'--r-'. 1 -- i:-i:- ^T'.J •"•^ 3 .'. fi -*ft^^:j' ,i ';" i ^- days A a |«»fU»e #»pwn^r^ 'm l o n a ^ a i f ..Jafc.'Vthe ... , :i&i»Stteiiaea the^fra- 5 iW'ift©^ ^ldVii ,W|^i^n^lafet '#i!e'd"^afc«B. o f ^ ^ t ^ t f t w ^ i s M . ,« : - a ^t»n fca™-***^*;***** ^fe-^ 1 jo&f#k ^m? J. -jsf-**jag y5nK$3& ittiprOved. ' > '•'."•. - v ",';-•' x ' '• ----»---—•- -••••*• •-'•"-••. Mr.iaiidjdrs. Floyd StpckwfeU have rented, of- Mb. aiid|'%rs;! -^1% Sheiddn. ttheirv'hbiise,-o»; rlHgh-Street "and -*jlli •oeicupy the same sufter April 1st., The ©bpeffUia^R '^fire Vrdetoartritent hold Jheir^a$inaal i -&eeting April arid. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weaver hafe retvirhed from a visit with relatives and friends near Clayton. Miss ©race"-""H. ©ryden' called on Mends in Garthstge Friday. ' Mrs. Anin-(Russell passed Friday in Watertown. Mrs. Marison Clenterit frqtn near Syracuse is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Floyd Belcher. Dr. and. Mrs.'6. R. Dahfdrth and child and Mrs. Arthur Sherwood of Watertown are in town' called here by the serious IUi$a>s of !P. H. Bage.. Wallace "Humphrey., The funeral %f "Wallace Humphrer was held last Thursday afternoon at one o'clock from his -late home, Rev C. A. Riley, pastor of. the Congreg.a- j tional church, officiating. Mr. Hum phrey was 72 years of age and -hid months, and his death was not unex- pected. His entire life was spent i'v been in. failing health for several this, y-ieinity, : where .he had nidny friends and-acquaintances, fle is sur- vived by his wife, Mrs. Cora Humph- rey.. Literary Circle. The next meeting of the Literary Circle will be held with Mrs. A. J. Nellis on the evening of March IT. Topic: The Restless Sex. The Eng- lish Suffragists—Why Such Methods?, Mrs. Charles Thompson. The Suf- fragists of the United States—Their Aims and >Griveances, Mrs. Ida -L. Mer- rill. The Anti-Suffragists, arid their reasons, Mrs. Charles Peek? Vote, Society. •Orient Lodge. „ iQrient Lodge, xVo. 2^8, F. & A. M., has accepted an invitation eirfehded py the pastor. Sev. C. 'A.' Riley; *o at- tend' 'chiirch service in a feUy at. the '!66^r^a1:ipn!f!iu)fch , . s &uhliay ino;rr--ing, "Ma'rch i5.''/Bre&'reri' i will 'iie¥f a',' the -..lit , ! ! , . % « J b , , , , A meeting of ,tney.oters^ -pi the.vil- lage was r heid Frpay eveiing l in' ^Vil- lage Hall for the -purpose of nominat- ing officers to be voted on at the an- nual election March 17th. - The fol- lowing were placed in -nomination: J. £>. Wheeler, President; C. D. Fergu- son, trustee for two years; N.. J. Peck, treasurer; D. W.'Hall, collector. The above nbriiinations were filed with the village elerk by petition. skr-sevfe. ^LErTPIELD There will be an old fashioned do- nation for the benefit of the pastor of the M. E. Church, at the Grange Hall, Old Glendale, Thursday even- prove unfavorable on that evening it ing, Mareh 19. If the weather should will be held on the Friday evenirig following. Conveyances will be furn-: iSned J ail who wish to go.f-rbin this place if they will meet at 7:30 p-. A. at the post office , 6r l Jbri'es , : ! Feed;St6rp. i A cordiar irivitatidn is extended to all aha it is hbpMd t h a t th^ pepple will respond ^iri a- ; generous yiattiiejr. Miss?*ifery ? yaiiAileft, who his'b^% spentfmg: "several 'Weeks w«ith rfeSatives; here, retiffned*%> her^hpine. inUtich Monday even|ng.\ : s . Christopher Itfartin passed aWSy dii Sund^ at the,#Qjnie of his daughter, "Mrs. lieriry'-'fe'iaske'l. "" •' " " ". , -Oliver !L}tf|^feld of ScherieBtaidyv who. recently 'sfi^iift a ;few d.iysat Tiis' home here, willV^ven^, h , pSrty in Blade's ball "Mp^f y :|un|. •'- Frank &., ©l^e"'|^V'''^spjd."'SBvita- tto^s" !> fo'%tM^|^^i$i3^y "fip ;,)b>. l7'v^s^|e'E!#"%e Wri;#^^use;- ••&• L.'lK^|8^5ot i"t&pl!%fti ' was *A.-J. ,Sl*lAiidT-ew8 of, ~~""«*.?siir"'" wiljl|^i;seryg#4t n-lno tt^^^^f, . >^rs. ^eprgelSJ ( lacnr^|fn%ee#iiftied .a : iniail ^oinpfny;^fcJm|^j.^a^ay ! Sirs. Arthiir Qsftyl^Lowvilfe-was the. guest of Mm,- C. . T. Hexriry' and ioife&r friends'--Ujlst^ wepk. , Jifrs. Eugene Ferguson of 'Raj 'inoafl-. viMefis r the guestiof p: W. Pubjles and family. . | Mrs! Alice Phillips visited relatives in Lowville and Deer River the.i'last of the week. Dr. Mae Murphy of Lowville was the guest of C. J. Moore and .family Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. F. F. Pttbies is entertaining Mrs. A. H. Waldo. Wm. Publes of Bobnville visjited his parents, Mr. and Mi's. Marcelhis Pub- les last week. Mrs. George Bradt is spending the w^ek with her daughter, fes. Earl Wakefield at Lyons Falls. ' Eugene Publes arid family of Low- ville spent Sunday with relatives here. Vernon Taylor WJ£S the gu«:st of his aunt, Mrs. Sara Taylor of Lowville over Sunday. Miss Antoinette Sylvester visited friends in Lowville Saturday and Sunday. Sew Library Books The following books have just been placed in the Martinsbu'tfg Free Li- brary. They are the ^gifts of several different peoT>io who are interested in the Library. ' ' ' ' . in the Apache Cpuritry, Ellis; Bed 'Fox, Roberts f Tha'ckeray Works; Ragged Lady, Hbwells; The. Rulers' of fhe Mediterranean, Davis;' The People of Whom : Shakespeare Wrote, Warner; On the Threshold, Munger; Stories of the City ;pf' London, Orbs-' land; James Meredith, Ford; The Lord's Pursebearer/iStrattQn; Mar- garet Maltlarid, Oiipfiant; On Both SideS 1 or ''ihe'' : Sea; -^BSh^AJacersbni's .._, anil '-her •akpr, [papfak¥t"- atf ,/^b; Hiatal imm, ejenfiejdM __.,. ^ndrfwfers.' Ch^lfes . Colegrove a^^on,,:jr3Ja^n 6f'©oBefihagen, spent ^v:S|^.Hm?a^^wefk^wtt'h' 'relativer' s he$e. ., . - jM^Ezil^"Forney..-spent Tuesday in •^mrto-Wn' ' '•''•' ' " r -'" ' ' :^|^«' ! *ieiers^th'at 5 c ^ r tne.! weH known Watches that vm bee Sfeward, Mdfiil HtoipH*ey>* wfSdl i 'w4(iB^H#irf>n, < ' ; ^b%|Ml¥i , 'Sio^^oDrilSH; ;WHifti§Fs 'B%t^-S*e^t< ;HolHfiid;. r B6stpri'Brewing' 'Soefety Pepers; Beede of American Reneraife, Jenkins; Catherine. Her and Mine; Holland; The Ladios of the White House, Hollway; Innocents Abroad. Clenipns; Literary Essavs, 'Lowell; Gems of India, Humphrey, The Lives of James G. Blaine arid-John A. Lo- gaij, Knox; Proverbial. Philosophy, Tupper; Ten Years a Cow-fBoy, Post; Not Lik.e Ot.her Girls,. Carey; Sarac- inesa, Cfaw-fprd; Dpa Ors'irio, Craw- ford"; Memoirs of.' a Mto'iste'r Pf France,. Weyriian; B^hyine and Reason, Carrpll; The Deerslayer, Copper; K T e'w Chronicles "of R^Pbfec'ca, Wiggins; Little Blue Girl Amid the Show,;Van- dprppok; Carap B^ive Pine, Cbm- stock; Janet, May; Mtildred, Holmes; A Reverend Idol; .Green MdUntain Boys, Thompson; Wfiittier's'Pppriis; t'he Lance of Lynwobd;' Nature arid Human Nature; Montgomery's Po- ems; Lord Lv.ttohV Pbetos^'Owdn Mpreditllj's, B p ^ s ; :;SlStPri's Pbenis; 'jjyijiis ; JPoeins;, .'Wbr^wort^ia'tPpems;' ^e'nliyisMV, '%e'iris;--'Lflc;iJ:e. .JLy|ton's (^gfcaahfe attlfaded the autoinor i < ^.;'Sipw at !W^xiow t ri.''the' 'pkst'| ."weeic-.^'' 0 .. -'" , ..." .„ J / : , . . "' ^ T'he ^Misses feathpi;irie . and Rofee Merz spent Isrinday/'with Mj. arid Mrs. FPstpr Wbtinior'e a-t Glenfieid. Mr. arfjji Jilr>. Jarias'fersphey of Car- thage'Save beph the" recent guests of their mother, Mrs. Ahna Hirschey. "Mr. and Mrs.' ; A. D. Edmonds of Lyons JPalls spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. : M. M. J Bdrilbiids. •Mr, ; anii -Mrs. Joseph Riffanacht spent Thursday with friends in Cro- gban. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Feistel and daughters. Hilda and Wilma, spent the wepk end with friends at Philadel- phia. - Mrs. E. J. Farney and son, Harold spent Saturday the guests of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Ebersoll at Beaver Falls. •Mr. John Ebersoll and son of Cro- ghan have been the recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stockberger. Mr. : and Mrs. Joel Briggs and son, Carl, spent Thursday in Watertown. Mrs. W. B. Vtfrkier spent Thursday in Watertown. Mrs. Hadie Glenn is visiting her daughter, Mrs. James Martin at De- ferens. Mr.-and Mrs. S. L. Hirschey and son Malcome, attended the automobile show at Wateirtown Thursday and Friday. Mrs. Mary Baker of Lowville has been a recent guest of Mr. arid Mrs. J. L. Ellis. . Miss Ruth L. Hullier of Croghan spent a few days with her grandpar- ents, Mr. -and Mrs. N. Louis. Miss Anna Schantz was called to Carthage on Saturday on account of the death of her nephew, Stanleys Schantz, who diec 1 in a, hospital at Watertown, Friday. Rev. O. W. Warren of Carthage, spent Monday with Rev. arid Mrs. J. Jf. .Gates. ... • , t . .... Urban C. Hirschey is on a business tirip to ; Npw Toils --City.,;. ,;> • • Mr*-and Mr*. Howard Squares and ffk-tek fearthage, spettt) i£un«a^ * wifh . w&®&&&msme !l &®z-' [afflil- ; ^ ^ %ave ov*r 200 Fi»e #atc*fts^ to seiefet from. Gold ^m^opk % Ypii will find <Hir prices right good stock on hand. - i -. i JEWELER & OPTOWETRIST 76 State Street Lowville, N. Y. .-.,.. jiijd;llr^.-felfT.VfRi^efiespra^e^, Revr'c.'B.' ~" "'""' "' ' ' ,ev. C. B. Harris, of Crystaldale ispejiif the week'end with friends*here. '.Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Carter and family of Carthage spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Roeder. Those from here who attehdefi the automobile show at Watertown Sat- urday were: Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Virkler, A. H. Linstrnth, F. A. Mas- tin, T. H. G'enh, L. G. Haser, Aden Linstruth, Walter Hirschey, Leon and Stephen Louis, Albert Riddlespraker arid Carl Virkler. About fourteen neighbors of Irv- ing "Riddlespraker gave him a very pleasant, surprise last Saturday ev- ening, the occfisipn being his birth- day.. Progressive* games were played and music was rendered on a phono- by Bank Do you realize the safety and convenierice of ddirig^rtiBir| Backing by Mail? The Rochester TtKist srid S|fe J Efe|^ '""""" C6"mpariy affords you a Depositary ; of Absolute Safety, t ^_ a method of Banking By Mail which will save you a^grr^atl aniount of time. You can send your deposit by "New Ybfiji Draft, Ekpress Order of P. O. Ordet. Write us today "K^ our plan of Banking By Mail. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. 1 STER, Kesoarces> $23^90,C0O. Capital && Sarplas, &,5&8$ii|| -a, .m : Castorland 'spent'?, ffay tecenlly" J wTth ! •« wi—"• 'wW'V^ her' daughter, Mrs'.' Carl - Mellihitz. j C RA1NE SILO Mr. and Mrs. John SchVeridy' en- ! TheCrainePateWTriCleWillSilar ', . . A , .*_„ o„,...-i Txr„if« ' Has thick vertical lybbden'staves, tertamed recently, Mrs. Sarah Wolfe , i ns - ld e : h6rizontal patentwbooencover-l,, of Syracuse. ' a ™* ™° r ?¥*^'v n ^te^, °ujT-i Mrs. A. L. Beck attended the funeral -of her sister, Mrs. John Munrford at Gleneld, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Schantz and daughter, Helen, &pent Tuesday with relatives in Carthage. Mr. and Mrs. John Schvendy spent a day recently at Beaver Falls the guests of Mr or. and Mrs. William Hon- graph., A 'fine tiine was reported aii;-$r r eseht. j J." C. Barker of Old Forge spent I the week end with his parents, Mr. j and Mrs: S. J. Barker! | Mr. and Mrs. Elisha Sherman are i removing their household goods into | the Jacob Connolly house where they I expect to reside. I Mrs. Frank R'flcda spent Thursday j in Lowviller DEftlWARK. ; j$jjj5; "Efsatys';in '^ftpra^;i|n^^ret»' Sipri;-M|^!.; .BobkJi%«4^^'CllluVP^Ka- bW?' : J ^ e r n •^iiMoV«i"%arfl,ei'; "'Tiie ^^h't^^rrJCe^.,^4c^;*v,; T*|aii pi;the. !L^n^iie; , ''FiaeVW3t;' -fhe'.ilis^pss- -pf' 'ShtHsfote, r Bar|la>; ,Ttie ^Trtm %rafi; B^tBea^^1«e^rl1Srigi^d Trageoies,' Loritfeilow:' '"' •••''-•'•* aOOVILLE of ,e^g%n-'.*fas'the . jBdward. Su^daytlueStj8&%&. l8 W^ recent Mrs. J. C. Diekinson was a guest of Watertown friends. Miss THeleli M. Austin of Champlain was a recent guest,pthgr aunt, Mrs. Victor Snyder and family. 'Jlr. and jirs. Burt Monroe of Lpw- viiie "were recent guests of friends in town, . ^l^. Ernest : Dpbspn ^s recpyermg ft^j^*p^eire.-^t^^^ "' .f^V^p^^j.c3>ipnhi|gpn bas.Ieas- e'd : m4MvMei : ^md>^ place and ^will takexpossesBion'soon. was the- guest jt":*islB|ireStBr a^'fiiv'-ftays ,laslt- week. Ife'^eifiirHld to *Bafiievel|[rka"st. wedk '$x^&yr r ''••'-'>• '*--.'' -''>•• ~: . > " ^ A ^ W i ^ M l J»s. .6. j. ;e''^'^^ri^;eitttiy tp? : 6g side; and watefiJrbof felt Kkc. ? W rubber, jibfinji between. Tttifi makes a perfect non-conductbr,'ii heat. SCIENTIFIC in every feitare. of its construction. IT'S FKOOT-PROOP . . . _ J AIH-TICTT PERMANENT N o silaife sribiled by eqnWct .with concrete, tile or any nUneril. Ctaiie silage is sweet, dean acdT'perfe^tl^^ne^ served—it is "drawn irom:^he.#pi»di ? * No troublesome iron 'noopii-' < f^4dSt3te£ annual overhaulinS. The; fWt cmt >• low ^nd- is ^Ije last. -The-fcC«" ** therefore the cheapest on-thesji booEte:. w. L. scontoiBaw. •"—"*" LA. Local Kepres«n1tatiTe^ Hernn Christian Lugenbuhl of Rockviile, Conn., who has been passing sonie time with friends at this place, re- turned, to hi? home Saturday. Those from here who attended the Pomona grange at Lowville Thurs- day wereT Mr. and Mrs. A. E. JZahn, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Plaff and Mr. and Mrs. Wiiliarii Bachman. Miss Pauline Grav of Lowville is passing some time with her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Waugh. Mrs. George Zahn spent Friday,In Carthage. Mrs. Jacob Rubm spent a few days recently with relatives in Beaver^ Falls. Harvey Hubbard, has been a recent ^ guest of relatives in'Carthage arid^ Deer River. Mrs. Joseph Stiles passed seyerai^ days recently at BobnyiHe the guest of Mr and Mrs. A.B. Stiles. il C, A. W*ir and daughter spent last Thursday fc'LoiifvAle!;, , '- . _Mrs. Paul' Mcj^ifiey of Utiea^was t h e Veejfc?&Mi % t t e | t " ^ ^ | i r i ' 0& Z 5$B ( % j.;Nri^^e5^tti|antiiy. i.^-Mr^and-Mr^p^^-.^hj^v-enter' l?ir«88r, -g&gt'*Z m ^^^ --«*- J. R. StarteYaot, The Baterrran 3& ... ^ w -~ and Thursday of every UtatSpStWi; Next Date* Lowvitte: v 1tfarc1i' 1% aid IS. M|;y -ii_£-u STJ^SSSKSS K^^^^® |?r a I s i- -'s. --\ \l la.. S ^ ^ So. ixx : % ! * •mm

Transcript of Tjg| W' · juntltigri but also...

Page 1: Tjg| W' · juntltigri but also there is a * ill^Leei' •Offers pH>c*» annonnr 1 for. «v-•ry vteting of the


<UrtrviIle OrftHC^ «Q, 71 the t*t»re*t and (.ffo|g|p;

E W Tburaton the L <§|fi§J5 fj&» iwued not only the usual direct^;

•vCy alid annual booklet of; 'the • M M r e a samherahtp with th<» Stated juntltigri but also there is a * ill^Leei' •Offers pH>c*» annonnr 1 for. «v-•ry v t e t i ng of the v iar

'^mm^^^mdi}fg-j0i :the Farther r^K^^-^lof|fief^8tfet'-oli»e-0n

jj||fi^MVir^aiT»wiif; -MsnSkf - Monday

Garnham in ^ * ^ a t o 4 : 3 0 o'clock. _ i i # ? a s s f e t e d - Mrs.

gs*-s >p|tSine funeral services of the late ^ i ^ p # ^ J , ; ' ^ * a ' S e t ^ r , Jon"-'"'Saturday,

J ^ g ^ : H ^ W d - B u r d i c k Bo&mtle ^ I p i d . , M t . BtSbiittle was accom-'{0jSl^M> lipiwvOie by Mrs. Doolittle S^Pfl^jf: were entertained by Mr. and ^jjip^ptusseli ' Burdick.

fly : '•" ^~~ ' S. of Zenith.. Chapter, No. " ^ | | c f c ; i | J ^ . , Viil be held a t the Ma-* ^ i f e j ^ a l l " . ^ , J ^ d a y evening.


has beeiMill *E thebfeeJ

jKOtar r e c o — ^t^tirft^eiaiipty

•A | N o j ^ # t ^ | f t g m

nqtfta Z inda after spending ^yerW

lends pzritL.

jA-soblSkl; to|•'the, (benfefit of the Ep-f | « r ^ ^ r ^ # i u e ;o^^the S i E, church |^ | | j%. |^ | 1on.J-?? ,Way evening, March ;J^^l|hg5fibjnae of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. ; 3^^ ;%E«e t^o i l e is'dnyited! Teams

l^feiYe the charca 'a t 7:30 o'clock.

:5E^e~three Lowviile young men who i*|^fe ^ r ^ ^ e w York to take the en-4r^^e-examlna t t6ns for the State N^itftatfSBehool as told in the Her-

7mj^|^-*ere -;-*% .-Successful, in passing : ? * 6 t t : r ^ e ^physical -and "mental tests "•re^Biiri&'i^^ .


Nettie Sawyer. ,^!ib£ifuherai bl Mrs. Nttetie l awye r ^^^t*^at^he:C;cajgregatjon'al church ^tff^^iJ rThurf7day/afternoon. A most : |ppr^iBiyp rsermgn. was "delivered by s3^^i^pp;."WHyams,;- :w!hp ohpse as 4 S f ^gtt">rtoe. ias^.' t w » '..vprsea,- of the

^ " ^ - b a n t e r o4£§uJ?s, iseepnd,epis-"~ B B ^ f h e ^ b ^ j p r s

' ^ g a r a d t e e , ? "Jp-l ^ e ^ ^ o S d e n ; ' -,,ianft»= "Nearer

O f § j $ ^ - J w ^ * B P g , : b y ®tts\-l. H. Wil--jg|fi£;.fe.|/.and Sir. and -Mrs. Howard ii^llbr. The- -two first imention^d ^ ^ ^ i ? were-selected by Mrs. Sawyer. >W0fie:%& death. The -following po-.fe^rist wtaieh she was very fond, be-'i-ii&yBte last'ijaittpdsltlon of Lord Ten-

liysoTi, was rPad" by Mr. Williams. -:'>.•> r Crossing-••'tire Bar. « ^ s e t -and «vetfing star, ^^'tibfr-el&Hr PaJl'fcr ine! And may there be no moaning of the

p ibar Whfen i put out to sea-But such a tide as moving seen:s 'c\ ias&Sp;. ' ' . , . ' Tbb-iirfi %^'aound -and 'foam, # h e n jha t which drew from put the

*m%rgjffi>;&&t ^Be-dark! Jffl&aSi&there be no sadness of fare-W ^ ? ^ ! ^ " . r ' ' : " • •

?pfj'Hto ''fH>ni out our bourne of time

' J ^ ^ i - m a r . bear me (far , |^|ip^B||pn^jmyvpili>tI5face to face OT^ttefc'^fe^bjsed-the bar.

^g i^ f f : ;1 | l r fp* t s , ' o f 'Wihidh 'Mrs. ^ ^ i e - ' a "'BWohfe menifber, "at-

tdtftfd the funeral in a 'body. The 4 o n l offerinSB wer exquisite and ibe-apoke the lo\e of friends from tltica, LotrtfUe Gowsnda Turin and Por t XefMn. The tatemerit * a s madf in U u family plot of ffie:feort Iteyden rj—irteijf Anions those present'^roin ««t of town Were Mrs. ALDell ^Vil-l l#hs , Brooklyn Mrs. Sidney Hines

Sa t e Mrs Charles Myer, Oar-, « r « s d Mnr^ ic.s G. I«nfe • flanaw«M Miiry Curtis, Mrs.

~,t*. AfjMM «i<rtririne; -Mrs. E. J. , J I*U*ab»rs ; ,Mr8 . P. J

i«ft M v , 9lhL A, jii.(iGole, Utlca: L,jJnneH*B. MMk -W. fi. Hart, Mrs.

"H,." ftea *lss-Blft.

e% 4ft "tSwiilf tffica

^ lak^wkl " " : . • " . - i . - : ; " ! ' " - -llfiSPplrSK3tudd is sulEeMni frota ct i i^^iet;<- "•'• *-. "! ' ' _-i,!" ' VS&s. 'yieija Roser of Cbhstableville ^eilfe^eJwMk^^'Wcit^relativ'eW^ 'town, •"' •'-; ' . , , ' '* y"' i

i w i t ^ - ^ ^ ^ i ^ B a d y ^ . ' W g ^ r t o w n . ^haddefls^\Slbsner ;ot^^#eferfield was

ta' \v i^ r - -^^oi i ra i : ; aas t -^eeh.' Rejv. W- H. tigach of ©neida Castle

wte1 'a%uest ;wipiteid.s ! !the first of the -week..,

"Miss-Anna Pritehard of "Lyons Palls 8pei%, Tuesday in, town.

IfllS •Ro^it^<>f-';lUtfca is the guest of Ms sfeter, MrsJDavid Roberts, arid 'family. I • . t-•»»*•.»-- •

Miss Ahdell Tardy of Lowville was a guest last week of P. C. Bradt and f a m i l y . ' ' '••/"••>. •' - ' . - ' . - • • •

Mrs. M. <J. Robinson, -who has been spending . the. winter in Kansas, re­turned home last week.

Mr. and .Mrs. B. A.. IRanhe visited Mends in, Watertowri last Tuesday.

.Miss iFlorence tKentner- is spending a few days in Herkimer.

Fred. iJotte's spent Sunday in Utica :wiih. his wife,.'who underwent, an op-•erationrat .Piston ;Hospital"last week.. [Port*.'Leyd/en-friends will be. glad to know -that. Mrs. Jones is gaining arid her speedy recovery is looked for.

"Between Lave arid Duty."

Mareh 17; St." (Patrick's night, the Port Leyden Dramatice Club will pre­sent the great four act drama enti­tled "Between iLK>ve and Duty," under the direction of Jack Fritz, for the bemftt of the Music Club at Vain Hoyette's' Opera House.

Cast of Characters. Jack Mason Alex. Fairfax Duncan ^LsMoyne Pat Flynn Max Wayne UKtt Bixby Mrs. Boggs Ethel .Wayne Bess Fairfax. . . . . . .

. . Edward Glasby Burr D. Straight W. Fred Sharkey ... Leo T. Minton . Carl .'E> J . Kitts

Jack Fri tz . . Hilda C. Weir . . . May I. Carroll . . . Annu T. Weir

f.:. .-.. '• i•':!'• Synopsis. . . . , ;Aet I—Bogg-'* Hotel d t the foot.of

Sacho apC^anfeiih. ^'Sfcajse,;;.jaek.";.. *; r. t ^ e t ^ H S f e 5 home of 'A^fejt^j&airiiHt. '-%tfh. sived^yer^honoj,- '«aL.r but ...lost. -in:y -best friend." . :; .. ; rAct ill—^Netfr Fairfax mill. "Drown, damn yer,:;drown."

Act J/V^-The honle of Jack tMason. "I'm - sheriff enough for these Sucks."

Spebiklties 'between the Acts. Mrs. Irene May Sharkey, song,

Little Bush of Shamrocks." Edward Glasby in a repertoire

Irish ballads. Miss Elizabeth Smith, songs. Jack Fritz;, in a little of everything. Prices 25 and 3'5 cents. 'Reserved

seats now on sale at Somes' 'drug store.




Tjg| imjiu* fajfr tgifeit Maeter Heget #WbMIWs who AM

i <qelte 111 1s aome better - "Hark ffqUlette was in Port

fc*Hed t|M*e by the


hoase «itb O W *n

Monday for a few John Lampm*a A '


' i * ^

W' ew4 £m,

Frank Williains of Seventh Lake spent some tiine fh town last Wefek.

Mrs. Metta- Btook-s spent the week e'fld with he r slater; Mrs. Raymdrid Wilder, b'f Crystaldale and is now. spending a^lfew'fiays a t l'iiie home of SoloaBbn' R^hriie.

^ss%uth'"'M:erry 4s hbnie from Pore Leyderiv'where rlhe has been spending some 'time.

^ r s . -Ro'hert 'Tuff Is ill' with neural­gia" '"

Mfs. John Hart'h and daughter Effle are fbo gu^ts'"bit 'Mr*, 'and Mrs. Cha?-. Wirideckjfei!.'; ' : :

Mrs. ^Olomtfn'Tiehaie' is at Ogftens-barg, wlfiye she wilLvisit her 'brottiijr, Byron "Viffflbniiiby; and farriiily arid will j'also v iMt ; Ser ste>sQii, Melviri ^ f i i a g e / i t v t a e ^ i a f e bbspHkl.

the'€ianle^^iEi."wM-"given a n e n -t e m i n n t e ^ t t f % t d e ? s ^ a l l - T h u r a d a ' y ^ e n t ^ t e e h l ^ ^ t i r i V . -" - Mra. C^*^"Bailiey>!yery i>leasaB!tfy.

.ent«5t»i^-^M^--'ldidtfes' A4d test Thursday. -«;^p^eis,;.;-wrere ; laid for


AW^ul*^%1^%|ii'De vaefd fr

;i^de,tor«a efctireV' • * " ""^^^r , fe%-- '


*"%'*^"?^'SS?^.f'*:- ip-f y ^'•^-'L^^^V'--r-'.1-- i:-i:- T'.J

•"•^ 3 . ' . f i - * f t ^ ^ : j ' , i ' ; " i ^ -

days A a |«»fU»e #»pwn r

'm lona^aif ..Jafc.'Vthe

... , :i&i»Stteiiaea the fra-5

iW'ift©^ ldVii ,W|^i^n^lafet

'#i!e'd" afc«B. of^^t^tftw^is M . ,« :-a ^t»n • fca™-***^*;*****

^fe-^1jo&f#k ^m? J. -jsf-**jag y5nK$3& ittiprOved. ' > '•'."•. - v ",';-•'x' ' • - - - - » - - - — • - -••••*• •-'•"-••.

Mr.iai idjdrs . Floyd StpckwfeU have rented, of- Mb. aiid|'%rs;! - ^ 1 % Sheiddn. ttheirv'hbiise,-o»; rlHgh-Street "and -*jlli •oeicupy the same sufter April 1st.,

The ©bpeffUia^R ' fire Vrdetoartritent hold Jheir^a$inaali-&eeting April arid.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weaver hafe retvirhed from a visit with relatives and friends near Clayton.

Miss ©race"-""H. ©ryden' called on Mends in Garthstge Friday. '

Mrs. Anin-(Russell passed Friday in Watertown.

Mrs. Marison Clenterit frqtn near Syracuse is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Floyd Belcher.

Dr. and. M r s . ' 6 . R. Dahfdrth and child and Mrs. Arthur Sherwood of Watertown are in town' called here by the serious IUi$a>s of !P. H. Bage..

Wallace "Humphrey., The funeral %f "Wallace Humphrer

was held last Thursday afternoon at one o'clock from his -late home, Rev C. A. Riley, pastor of. the Congreg.a- j tional church, officiating. Mr. Hum phrey was 72 years of age and -hid months, and his death was not unex­pected. His entire life was spent i'v been in. failing health for several this, y-ieinity,: where .he had nidny friends and-acquaintances, fle is sur­vived by his wife, Mrs. Cora Humph­rey..

• Literary Circle.

The next meeting of the Literary Circle will be held with Mrs. A. J. Nellis on the evening of March IT. Topic: The Restless Sex. The Eng­lish Suffragists—Why Such Methods?, Mrs. Charles Thompson. The Suf­fragists of the United States—Their Aims and >Griveances, Mrs. Ida -L. Mer­rill. The Anti-Suffragists, arid their reasons, Mrs. Charles Peek? Vote, Society.

•Orient Lodge. „ iQrient Lodge, xVo. 2^8, F. & A. M., has accepted an invitation eirfehded py the pastor. Sev. C. 'A.' Riley; *o at­tend' 'chiirch service in a feUy at. the '!66^r^a1:ipn!f!iu)fch,.s&uhliay ino;rr--ing, "Ma'rch i5.''/Bre&'reri'iwill 'iie¥f a',' the

- . . l i t , ! ! , . % « J b , , , , A meeting of ,tney.oters^ -pi the.vil­

lage was rheid F r p a y eveiing l in' Vil­lage Hall for the -purpose of nominat­ing officers to be voted on at the an­nual election March 17th. - The fol­lowing were placed in -nomination: J. £>. Wheeler, President; C. D. Fergu­son, trustee for two years; N . . J. Peck, treasurer; D. W.'Hall, collector. The above nbriiinations were filed with the village elerk by petition.



There will be an old fashioned do­nation for the benefit of the pastor of the M. E. Church, at the Grange Hall, Old Glendale, Thursday even-prove unfavorable on that evening it ing, Mareh 19. If the weather should will be held on the Friday evenirig following. Conveyances will be furn-: iSned Jail who wish t o go.f-rbin this place if they will meet at 7:30 p-. A. at the post office,6rlJbri'es,:!Feed;St6rp.i A cordiar irivitatidn is extended to all aha it is hbpMd that th^ pepple will respond ^iri a- ;generous yiattiiejr.

Miss?*ifery?yaiiAileft, who h i s ' b ^ % spentfmg: "several 'Weeks w«ith rfeSatives; here, retiffned*%> her^hpine. inUt ich Monday even|ng.\ : • s.

Christopher Itfartin passed aWSy dii S u n d ^ a t the,#Qjnie of his daughter,

"Mrs. lieriry'-'fe'iaske'l. "" •' " " ". , -Oliver !L}tf|^feld of ScherieBtaidyv

who. recently 'sfi^iift a ;few d . iysa t Tiis' home here, willV^ven^, h , pSrty in Blade's ball "Mp^f y :|un|. •'- F rank &., ©l^e"'|^V'''^spjd."'SBvita-tto^s"!>fo'%tM^|^^i$i3^y "fip ;,)b>.

l7'v^s^|e'E!#"%e Wri;#^^use;-• ••&• L.'lK^|8^5ot i"t&pl!%fti ' was

*A.-J. ,Sl*lAiidT-ew8 of,


wiljl |^i;seryg#4t n-lno t t ^ ^ ^ ^ f , . >^rs. ^eprgelSJ ( lacnr^|fn%ee#iiftied .a : iniail ^ o i n p f n y ; ^ f c J m | ^ j . ^ a ^ a y !

Sirs. Arthiir Qs f ty l^Lowvi l f e -was the. guest of Mm,-C.. T. Hexriry' a n d ioife&r friends'--Ujlst wepk. ,

Jifrs. Eugene Ferguson of 'Raj 'inoafl-. viMefisrthe guestiof p : W. Pubjles and family. . |

Mrs! Alice Phillips visited relatives in Lowville and Deer River the.i'last of the week.

Dr. Mae Murphy of Lowville was the guest of C. J. Moore and .family Saturday and Sunday.

Mrs. F. F. Pttbies is entertaining Mrs. A. H. Waldo.

Wm. Publes of Bobnville visjited his parents, Mr. and Mi's. Marcelhis Pub­les last week.

Mrs. George Bradt is spending the w^ek with her daughter, fes. Earl Wakefield at Lyons Falls. ' Eugene Publes arid family of Low­ville spent Sunday with relatives here.

Vernon Taylor WJ£S the gu«:st of his aunt, Mrs. Sara Taylor of Lowville over Sunday.

Miss Antoinette Sylvester visited friends in Lowville Saturday and Sunday.

Sew Library Books The following books have just been

placed in the Martinsbu'tfg Free Li­brary. They are the ^gifts of several different peoT>io who are interested in the Library. ' ' ' ' . i n the Apache Cpuritry, Ellis; Bed 'Fox, Roberts f Tha'ckeray Works; Ragged Lady, Hbwells; The. Rulers ' of fhe Mediterranean, Davis;' The People of Whom :Shakespeare Wrote, Warner; On the Threshold, Munger; Stories of the City ;pf' London, Orbs-' land; James Meredith, Ford; The Lord's Pursebearer/iStrattQn; Mar­garet Maltlarid, Oiipfiant; On Both SideS1 or ''ihe'': Sea; -^BSh^AJacersbni's

.._, anil '-her

•akpr, [papfak¥t"- atf

, / ^ b ; H i a t a l i m m , ejenfiejdM

__.,. ^ndrfwfers.' Ch^lfes . Colegrove a^^on, , : j r3Ja^n 6f'©oBefihagen, spent

^v :S | ^ .Hm?a^^wefk^wt t ' h ' 'relativer' she$e. ., . - jM^Ezil^"Forney..-spent Tuesday in •^mrto-Wn' ' '•''•' ' " r -'" ' '

: ^ | ^ « ' ! * i e i e r s ^ t h ' a t 5 c ^ r tne.! weH known Watches that vm bee


Mdfiil HtoipH*ey>* wfSdl i 'w4(iB^H#irf>n,< ' ;^b%|Ml¥i , 'Sio^^oDrilSH; ;WHifti§Fs 'B%t^-S*e^t< ;HolHfiid;. r B6s tp r i 'B rewing ' 'Soefety Pepers; Beede of American Reneraife, Jenkins; Catherine. Her and Mine; Holland; The Ladios of the White House, Hollway; Innocents Abroad. Clenipns; Literary Essavs, 'Lowell; Gems of India, Humphrey, The Lives of James G. Blaine arid-John A. Lo-gaij, Knox; Proverbial. Philosophy, Tupper; Ten Years a Cow-fBoy, Post; Not Lik.e Ot.her Girls,. Carey; Sarac-inesa, Cfaw-fprd; Dpa Ors'irio, Craw­ford"; Memoirs of.' a Mto'iste'r Pf France,. Weyriian; B^hyine and Reason, Carrpll; The Deerslayer, Copper; KTe'w Chronicles "of R^Pbfec'ca, Wiggins; Little Blue Girl Amid the Show,;Van-dprppok; Carap B^ive Pine, Cbm-stock; Janet, May; Mtildred, Holmes; A Reverend Idol; .Green MdUntain Boys, Thompson; Wfiittier's'Pppriis; t 'he Lance of Lynwobd;' Nature arid Human Nature; Montgomery's Po­ems; Lord Lv.ttohV Pbetos^'Owdn Mpreditllj's, B p ^ s ; :;SlStPri's Pbenis; 'jjyijiis ;JPoeins;, . 'Wbr^wort^ia'tPpems;' ^e'nliyisMV, '%e'iris;--'Lflc;iJ:e. .JLy|ton's

(^gfcaahfe attlfaded the autoinor i < ^.; 'Sipw at !W^xiow tri.' 'the' 'pks t ' |

."weeic-. ''0.. -'" , ..." .„ J / : , . . "' ^ T'he ^Misses feathpi;irie . and Rofee

Merz spent Isrinday/'with Mj. arid Mrs. FPstpr Wbtinior'e a-t Glenfieid.

Mr. arfjji Jilr>. Jarias'fersphey of Car­thage'Save beph the" recent guests of their mother, Mrs. Ahna Hirschey.

"Mr. and Mrs.' ;A. D. Edmonds of Lyons JPalls spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.:M. M.JBdrilbiids.

•Mr, ;anii -Mrs. Joseph Riffanacht spent Thursday with friends in Cro-gban.

Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Feistel and daughters. Hilda and Wilma, spent the wepk end with friends at Philadel­phia. -

Mrs. E. J. Farney and son, Harold spent Saturday the guests of her par­ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Ebersoll at Beaver Falls.

•Mr. John Ebersoll and son of Cro-ghan have been the recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stockberger.

Mr. :and Mrs. Joel Briggs and son, Carl, spent Thursday in Watertown.

Mrs. W. B. Vtfrkier spent Thursday in Watertown.

Mrs. Hadie Glenn is visiting her daughter, Mrs. James Martin at De­ferens.

Mr.-and Mrs. S. L. Hirschey and son Malcome, attended the automobile show at Wateirtown Thursday and Friday.

Mrs. Mary Baker of Lowville has been a recent guest of Mr. arid Mrs. J. L. Ellis.

. Miss Ruth L. Hullier of Croghan spent a few days with her grandpar­ents, Mr. -and Mrs. N. Louis.

Miss Anna Schantz was called to Carthage on Saturday on account of the death of her nephew, Stanleys Schantz, who diec1 in a, hospital at Watertown, Friday.

Rev. O. W. Warren of Carthage, spent Monday with Rev. arid Mrs. J. Jf. .Gates. ... • , t . . . . .

Urban C. Hirschey is on a business tirip to;Npw Toils --City.,;. ,;> • •

Mr*-and Mr*. Howard Squares and ffk-tek fearthage, spettt) i£un«a^ * wifh

. w&®&&&msme!l&®z-'

[afflil- ;

^ ^ %ave ov*r 2 0 0 Fi»e #atc*fts^ to seiefet from.

Gold ^m^opk%

Ypii will find <Hir prices right good stock on hand.

- i

• -. i

JEWELER & OPTOWETRIST 76 State Street Lowville, N. Y.

.-.,.. jiijd;llr^.-felfT.VfRi^efiespra^e^, Revr 'c . 'B. ' ~" "'""' "' ' ' ,ev. C. B. H a r r i s , of Crystaldale

ispejiif the week'end with friends*here. '.Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Carter and

family of Carthage spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Roeder.

Those from here who attehdefi the automobile show at Watertown Sat­urday were: Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Virkler, A. H. Linstrnth, F. A. Mas-tin, T. H. G'enh, L. G. Haser, Aden Linstruth, Walter Hirschey, Leon and Stephen Louis, Albert Riddlespraker arid Carl Virkler.

About fourteen neighbors of Irv­ing "Riddlespraker gave him a very pleasant, surprise last Saturday ev­ening, the occfisipn being his birth­day.. Progressive* games were played and music was rendered on a phono-


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:Castorland 'spent'?, ffay tecenlly"JwTth ! •« wi—"• 'wW'V^ her' daughter, Mrs'.' Carl - Mellihitz. j C R A 1 N E S I L O

Mr. a n d M r s . J o h n S c h V e r i d y ' e n - ! TheCrainePateWTriCleWillSilar ', . . A, .*_„ o„,...-i Txr„if« ' Has thick vertical lybbden'staves,

tertamed recently, Mrs. Sarah Wolfe , ins-lde:h6rizontal patentwbooencover-l,, of Syracuse. ' a ™* ™°r?¥* 'v n^te^, °ujT-i

Mrs. A. L. Beck attended the funeral -of her sister, Mrs. John Munrford at Gleneld, last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Philip Schantz and daughter, Helen, &pent Tuesday with relatives in Carthage.

Mr. and Mrs. John Schvendy spent a day recently at Beaver Falls the guests of Mr or.

and Mrs. William Hon-

graph., A 'fine tiine was reported aii;-$rreseht. j

J." C. Barker of Old Forge spent I the week end with his parents, Mr. j and Mrs: S. J. Barker!

| Mr. and Mrs. Elisha Sherman are i removing their household goods into | the Jacob Connolly house where they I expect to reside. I Mrs. Frank R'flcda spent Thursday j in Lowviller


;j$jjj5; "Efsatys';in ' ^ f t p r a ^ ; i | n ^ ^ r e t » ' Sipri;-M|^!.; .BobkJi%«4^^'CllluVP^Ka-bW?': J ^ e r n •^iiMoV«i"%arfl,ei'; "'Tiie ^^h' t^^rrJCe^.,^4c^;*v,; T*|aii pi;the. !L^n^iie; , ' 'FiaeVW3t;' -fhe'.ilis^pss- -pf' 'ShtHsfote, rBar|la>; ,Ttie Trtm %rafi; B^ tBea^^1«e^r l1Sr ig i^d Trageoies,' Loritfeilow:' '"' •••''-•'•*


of ,e^g%n-' .*fas ' the . jBdward. Su^daytlueSt j8&%&. l8 W^

recent Mrs. J. C. Diekinson was a guest of Watertown friends.

Miss THeleli M. Austin of Champlain was a recent gues t , p thg r aunt, Mrs. Victor Snyder and family.

'Jlr. and j i r s . Burt Monroe of Lpw-viiie "were recent guests of friends in town, .

^ l ^ . E r n e s t : Dpbspn ^ s recpyermg ft^j^*p^eire.-^t^^^ "' . f ^ V ^ p ^ ^ j . c 3 > i p n h i | g p n bas.Ieas-e 'd : m4MvMei : ^md>^ place and will takexpossesBion'soon.

was the- guest jt":*islB|ireStBr a^'fiiv'-ftays ,laslt- week. Ife'^eifiirHld t o *Bafiievel|[rka"st. wedk '$x^&yrr''••'-'>• '*--.'' -''>•• ~: . > " ^ A ^ W i ^ M l J » s . .6 . j .

;e ' ' ^ '^^r i^ ;e i t t t iy tp? :6g

side; and watefiJrbof felt Kkc.?W rubber, jibfinji between. Tttifi makes a perfect non-conductbr,'ii heat. SCIENTIFIC in every feitare. of its construction.


No silaife sribiled by eqnWct .with concrete, tile or any nUneril. Ctaiie silage is sweet, dean acdT'perfe^tl^^ne^ served—it is "drawn irom:^he.#pi»di?* No troublesome iron 'noopii-'<f 4dSt3te£ annual overhaulinS. The; fWt cmt >• low ^nd- is Ije last. -The-fcC«" ** therefore the cheapest on-thesji

booEte:. w. L. scontoiBaw. •"—"*"

LA. Local Kepres«n1tatiTe Hernn

Christian Lugenbuhl of Rockviile, Conn., who has been passing sonie time with friends at this place, re­turned, to hi? home Saturday.

Those from here who attended the Pomona grange at Lowville Thurs­day wereT Mr. and Mrs. A. E. JZahn, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Plaff and Mr. and Mrs. Wiiliarii Bachman.

Miss Pauline Grav of Lowville is passing some time with her grand­parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Waugh.

Mrs. George Zahn spent Friday,In Carthage.

Mrs. Jacob Rubm spent a few days recently with relatives in Beaver^ Falls.

Harvey Hubbard, has been a recent ^ guest of relatives in 'Car thage ar id^ Deer River.

Mrs. Joseph Stiles passed seyerai^ days recently at BobnyiHe the guest of Mr and Mrs. A . B . Stiles. il

C, A. W*ir and daughter spent last Thursday fc'LoiifvAle!;, , '- .

_Mrs. Paul' Mcj^ifiey of Utiea^was the Veejfc?&Mi %t te | t "^^ | i r i ' 0&Z5$B ( % j . ; N r i ^ ^ e 5 ^ t t i | a n t i i y . i . ^ - M r ^ a n d - M r ^ p ^ ^ - . ^ h j ^ v - e n t e r '

l?ir«88r, -g&gt'*Zm^^^ - - « * -

J. R. StarteYaot, The Baterrran 3& ... ^w-~ and Thursday of every UtatSpStWi;

Next Date* Lowvitte: v1tfarc1i' 1% a i d IS. M|;y

- i i_£-u STJ^SSSKSS K ^ ^ ^ ^ ®

|? r a I s i- -'s. --\ \ l l a . . S ^ ^ So. ixx : % ! *
